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Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1906, p. 5

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A T tlE FLEES If ERTON ADVANCE November 29 1908 i I Vicinity Chips F(ir money at lowest ratus, land secur- ty, (;i) to A. S. VKiiDuaen, Fleslierton. Sirs. ChaiK'S Piiliner of Dnndulk died sudiioiily nil y^iturdiiy Siiluiou Truut and froish wator lieinnjjs at JJenlham liroa. Oran(;eB and Lenvins, new fltook just arrived at Bcnlhnm Bros. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Duuglass, OuIHng- wood, Hpeut Sunday in Iowd. Mr. H. L. Douglass iuft this woek for Eui(liilmrt. Muster Oahirell Wbittsii (Lccompanied him. Remenibur C. Irwin's auction sale of farm stock and imploniKitts on Tuesday^ Dec 4. D. Of cPhoil, auctioneer. Mr. Egau of Hamilton spent a foir daya this week with tiia sister, Mrs. J. Run- Btadtkr. Noticeâ€" I will not be respnnstblo for any dsbti contracted In mj nameâ€" Herb- ert Badgcroir. Orapiiophone and thirteen records, all i;ood as new, for sale cheap. Apply t.'t A. Sbacklefurd, Flesherton. 29 no Mrs. P, tlulman expects to leave next w«ek to spend the winter with her cbildrea ii< Michigan. Mr. W. A. Armstrong left Saturday to pay a abort viait to Cobalt. He returned Tuesday. A qiuimity of 1-i inch cull rock olm for sale at our Roukvale mill. â€" Armstrong lilOB. Markdale. Cow gi»ing milk, also younu sow for seld. Apply to U.A, Cummiug, Flesher- ton. Work is uuder way on a telephone line frona Meafurd to Rucklyn, which will hav6 eighteen subscribers to start with. Mr. Jubn Duncan and Mr*. Leater Hurd, uf Toroiitu, are visitors at Mr. Hubert Beat's T. S. R. Good strong boy wantad, steady job the year round. Apply at Ford's Chop- ping mill, Miurkdale, For Sale â€" A milch cow, five years old, dae to calve middle of May. Can be seen at the Electric Plant, Eugenia. To Rantâ€" Store and dwelling it the Tillage of Pricaville. Apply to Mrs. E, J. Grier, Dundalk. Mrs, Johnston Little of Owen Soand visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Best. R«v. Lawis F. Kipp, B.A., will preach itk the Baptist ohurch nest Sunday niom- ing on "The Parpoee of Life." Now is the time to asenre jour winter's •apply of Bran. OIts iw a call before placing junr order. Bentbam Bros. 8. 8. Wearer, Superiiitendeiit of the Eqity Life Insurance Compao/, of Toron- to, was in the Tillage on busineaon Wed- nesday last. Heifer Canaa Astray â€" Two-year-old, about Sept. 1. Owner please pvove prop- erty, ))ay expenses and lake same away. Mrs. U. Kennedy, Eugenia P. O. White Leghorns for sale â€" A number of thoroughbred cockerels for sale, extraor- dinary stock. Your choice for 91 00. U, Harrow, Priceville, DeolS Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Blacklock, former of Dundalk and now of Weyburne, have both been in the hospital with typhoid fever. Stock for sale â€" Throe spring calves, tbree year-olds and one cow four years old, supposed to be io calf. Apply to W. a. Armstrong. John Clark, of Durham, received the appointment of county constable at the recent ieaaioii of county council, lo suc- ceed Qeorge No bio, deceased. The Toronto News will be sent to any address until the end of the present ses- sion of the Dominion Parliament for 50 cents. Subscribe at this office. The framers are busy on the new shed bfing ercct?d at the Baptist church at Rockvsle. It will be 60 feet square, closed iu on all sides. It will be in use titt the first time next Sunday evening. Mr. Harness, manager of the house of refuge, was in town Monday. He took the township's road grader home with him to do somo work in oonneotion with the farm. Miss Maynard has resigned from the public school staff, her oertifioate having expired. We anderttaod Mr- Mansell, the principal, is considering the offer of ' a situatiou elsewhere, but iha quavlioa uf •oaaptaiMt ba« a**t jst been daelied. End boiird of wagon lost. Please leave I with II. Wilson, blactcBmith, Flesherton. \i you want good brt^ad use Royal Household Flour. For sain at Bentham Bros. Cdic fur Saleâ€" One gGonrnl purpose liorso Colt, 6 months old bred by Grown- alow Sr. Apply to Ben McKensie, IJ miles west of Ceylon. Sheep StTayedâ€" Two lambs with long tails and one ewe on or about the middle of September from Lot 79, West conces- sion. Jamea G. Little, Waroham P.O. The Meaford Mirror has installod new machinery t.) the value of 91100 and shows other signs of prosperity. Long may the Mirror reffect social life in the pretty little town at the mouth of the Bighead, The Ceylon L. O. L. will hold a box social in their lodge room on Tuesday, Dec. 4. A good inteiesting evening of jollity and good fellowship is assured. You cannot miss it by buying a ticket for the same, which will only oost you 26 cents. It will soon be up to you to do your holiday baking. We have everything you need in the line of snicea, candied peels, dried fruits, etc. We guarantee cveiythiug strictly fresh and of the beat quality. Give us a call. Bentbam Bros. If it is breakfast foods you want we have them. Here is a few of onr lines : Orange Meat, Gusto, Grape nuts, Cer- eta wheat, Wheatine, Apitezo Biscuit, Quaker Pufied Rice, Quaker Rolled Oats, Tilson Premium Oats and Pustum Cereal at Bentham Bros. TO LETâ€" Several good contracts of cutting and hauling sawlogs to our Rock- vale mill. Also wanted, family to run boarding house. If the man had a good '^eam we could give him employment. Armstrong Bros., Markdale. A line of leather goodN.includlng music rolls, pocket books, purses, satchels, school bags and razor strops, just placed in stock, also men's fur lined working coata and the usual stock of winter goods. W. Moore, Flesherton. Mr. R. J. Sproule received the pleasing inforiuation on Tuesday that his son, Mr. Fred Sproule, who has been studying law in Winnipeg for a few years past, had succeeded in passing his final examination as barrister and is now competent to prac- tice his profession as a full fledged barris- ter. The Advance tenders warmest eon* gratulations. Rev. B. W. Merril, B. A., & D., ot Toronto, the General Superintendent of Sunday School work of the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Conventioo, is to give an address and conduct a oonfareaoe on Sun- day School work in the Baptist ohurch on Friday night next at 7.30. All Sunday School workers an cordially invited to be present. Mis.Mark Wilson received a telsphone message from Durham on Saturday stat- ing that her sister, Mrs. Alex. MoDou- ald, who had been ill for a long time, was dead. Deceased was 48 years of age rtnd loaves a family of four boys and one girl, besides her husband. The family is pretty well grown up. The funeral took i;lace to Durham cemetery on Monday. A social held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening of last week was not largely attended owing to the terribly inclement weather, but a pleasant evening was enjoyed by those who braved ':he elements. Among those who took part in the program was the choir of the chuich, Dr. Murray, E. Ben- tham, W. Livingston, B . Staples, Miss Gladys Curnfield, Mrs. R, Moore and Miss Maynard. Dr. Murray occupied the chair. A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening, Slst inst. at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, Rockvale, when their eldest daughter, Miss Mamie, became the wife of Jas. S. Pedlar. The bride was attended by Miss Pearl Pedlar while Robt. Fisher assited the groom. Mrs. W. Beooroft, of Max- well, played the wedding march. Rov. Lewis F. Kipp, B. A , performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar will re side on a farm near Port Law. The third report ol the Hydro-Electrio power commission, just to hand, deals with the waterpowers of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron district. In this re- port Eugenia falls is credited with a minimum horsepower of only about HOC, while according to the engineer who made a most complete report on this power, Mr. Von Schon, an average of a Utdu over 4000 horsepower oan be developed. The commission combines this power for its purpose with that of tlie Severn nver north of Otiilia, to serve the towiia in tits Georgian Bay district. A peculiarity of the report is that while it gives tigures und data covering cost of Eugenia power delivered at Duiidaik and Shelburno, it doHs not refer in any manner to Flesher- ton or Markdale, which are both close to the source of developeiiient, and more directly interested in the success of this developemeiit. The Burks Falls Arrow says : During the two weeks of the hunting season, four hundred hunters went, down the Magiiet- awan River by the Armour and Wanita, also 125 hounds and 430 pieces of bag- gage. And these 400 hunters brought back with them over 616 deer â€" the largest number ever secured in one season and brought up the river on the boats. Qeorge Brown, an old man who was returning from Manitoba to reside with his daughter at Ouelph, fell ofl a train between North Bay and Powassan. He was brought to the latter place and taken chartre of by the Company's doctor, who dressed a scalp wound . The physician took him to a boarding house and left him there to have dinner. From the boarding house he wandered away, and the last seen of him was as he was wandering into a bush ebout a mile and a quarter from the village. The only trace that has been found of him was Mr. Nairn finding his cap a short distance from where he entered thousands of acres of bush. The train stopped at (a siding a little on this side of Powassan to lake water, and it is supposed that the old gentleman, who is 77 years of age, had stepped off there and received his iiijuiies. 'fhe family have given up hope of finding him alive. Address One evening recently a number of members uf the Presbyterian church, Flesherton, drove to the residence of Mr. John Chard, near Markdale, where a pleasant evening was spent During the course of the evening the appended ad- dress was read and a dainty luncheon partaken of. Before parting I ho gather- heartily sang "God be with you till we meet again." The address was as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John Chard: â€" Dear Fiends, â€" Your removal from our midst lia» been sincerely felt by Chivlmers Church, and especially in the Sabbath School where, as teachers, you rendered very faithful and efficient service. Dur- ing your long connection with the school you have given a willing service and we believe not with the hope of earthly reward, but fur the joy of service and the higher reward to be given in the hereafter to those who have labored in the Master's vineyard. We, however, feel that as a Sabbath School we cannot part with you without expressing our regret at your removal and giving some slight token of our affeotioD and appreciation of you as as co-worker with us. We, therefore ask you to accfpt of this chair as a remembrance from frjin your sincere friends in Chsliaers Church Sabbath School, who earnestly wish you and your family happiness and prosperity in your new home. Signed ia behalf of the School - Cbas. Stewart Mrs. Bella Thorn. EavMdroppinf To ik« Sdilor of Th« Adtanee. Dear Sir â€" Maxwell now enioys the benefits of a telephone service which wr deeply appreciate aa it has proved itself highly satisfactory in most reL'ards. Un- fortunately somo do not realise that it is exceedingly pour lante as well as against the rules to be eavesdropping. We trust it is due to ignorance that such persist in this exccdiigly couleroptible habit. If the same in not disci'ntinund steps will be taken to prevent its recur- rence. It is a pity that such a long need- ed ct^nveniencs shuulJ be thus aliused by those, who should, but do not apparently know belter. â€" AJAX Maxwell, Nov. 22, 1906 Strayed From tbn premises of the undorsiKoed, a chunky bay horse, nUr in foiohead, while lott hind loot, roan tall, small thoropiu on rloht hind las. blind in letteye, weight about inoo or 1100 lbs., agod 10 or 18 yearn. Conituuuioale with TteboT JOSEPH WATBUN, Ouelph Tarm for Sale* Irf)ts 171-170, 8 8. W.-T. A S, B., Artemesia coutaining 110 anres. 90 acres clearHd, ^ood p%a* ture faro), frame houao, log barn; will feuoad and waterad. Apply to W. n. HALB8. no2aoa Friceville, P. O, r» ti V •rt't Boar for Servl ce I For lUititer Olear I ^ Slippers, Overshoes and A tboroDghbred Tsmworth boar for service on lot S, ooD. 13, Osprey, Te rmsâ€" SI for Rradoa DAVID ROBERTS Our Clubbing List ^Advance, *Herald and ♦Tonmto World, daily $3 26 Toronto. Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Bnipire 1 75 Family Herald A Star 1 80 Toronto Star 9 30 Farmers Sun 1 M Varmers Advoeata ...» 8 30 Rubbers FOR SALE AT CLAYTONS We have already received a very large stock of new goods, and invite you to give us a call, expecting a good bargain. We will not disappoint you. eustom Olork and Repairing Htteifded to CLAYTON'S l^fega^.^fegaga?rr^.^i^?=gl:CSi^^g!iC^^ Winter G Sale at Ceylon %!%!• The latest in men and boys' overcoats, men and boy's ready-to-wear clothing, and all up to date. A good stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Leg^gings ^ Men's and Boys' caps at reduced prices; Fur collars for I " men; Caperines for women, also a fine stock of - - And everything kept in a general store - - We want Your Trade ^Jas, Pattison, Ceylon, ^^ i F. G. Karstedt ^ . . C- Now is the time for your fall and winter overcoits. Our stock is complete in all lines Heavy, all frieze ulsters, made long, double breasted with deep storm collar. Sizes 22 to 34 from 4.25 to $6 00 Sizes 35 to 44 $6.00 Men's striped overcoats, Chesterfield style, lined with good Italian lining velvet collar sizes 35 to 44 $10.00 We also have fur lined coats from 27.50 to $70,00 Good Coon skins, extra vaIues,for 45.00 and $50.00 Calfskins from 26.00 to $30.00 All ready to wears to be sold at less than cost for two weeks only F. G. Karstedt -^ Flesherton - Ontario. , %%^^«^%% «/%/%«/»% «^t^%^^%%'^%«^%ik%%%«.«^%%%% , Boars for Service One thorouRhbred Borkshiro and one York- ahire, apleudid aniinalb, tor sstvico on lot lliO,T. A a. B., Artemesia. Terms *I; nlSov T. B. LKVER. Prop. Catnbs for SaU For Breeding purpoma, Leiceater ram lanilia and ewe lamba, also Oxford Down ewe lamb* foraale at reasonable prio^*. W. J. MEADS, Lot 29, O. D.R., Arteni " Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires I have for «ale some nuiebred Tamwcith aowa. alnotwnnioe pure bred I)erk«hirr boars nearly ready tu wean. Satisfaction guaran- teed M.17 07 â€" G. W. Rom. Maxwell. Tenders for Farm Tondora will be receivod up to Jan. I, IfOT.for (ho purnhaae ol lot l.'W-l&3, R. T. A B. R.. ArtotiiAftia, all noedod dt>ni] but 4 aoma. and in RoodKhtpo. Havosuldout, my stock aud dMlre to quit farmins. Not laM tbau SieOO owh and balanoeatat oeroaot. with term* "to auit par> ebaaar. Tbaolgbaat nr any tender not uaca*. â- arllr aeeapted. A. BQYO. HMlMrtM. Farm for Sale «« JSJet a'Lt:;- l^^VeS^-STa'ur^r.^ Rood p«»ture aud seeded down. A good Btook farni, Baugoeu rivbr runs tbrnnsh it. Would aell hall If all is not wanted. Oood frame bara MHW with atone Oaieuiout; log house, amall orchard. Apply to -".».. J, W. LYONS. Proton SUtlou P.O. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCB Mum 'M Tradk Mark«' Dcaio.Ns COf>VRiaHTS Jto. Anron* nodlnc a aketeli and itMOipUon ma; iluUiklT aaeertaln onr oplnloa fraa whoihtT urn Inrnntlnn I* probably palantaMa Cummiinlea. UnnotrloUyoonBdentlaL Handbook on Piii«»(4 •ont free. UWaat aamer tor iiafMrtnanUrnio. Faunu takMi tfaroask Mima *. (Xi. ruoklf* â- TKloi iwt<c*, without obwM, bk the Scienttfic HMerkan* A bandtomelT ntntmifd waakir* I-araeM cMk ealaUon ol any aatanuso iMirnail, Tanu. 13 « SSSiallS'.^"**'* •<*«»'F^I»w«i2..«t«.

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