ARTISTIC Toilet Ware â- T-OILET WARE in wtistic ' abundance is pictured in the pages of our Caulogue. Whether your taste turns lo Silver. Ebony or Ivory, it will find ample variety from which to choose From our own factory comes (he richly chased PompaxloiT Pattern in heavy Sterling Silver. A six-piece tei â€" ccnsiaing of ClotK Velvet and Hair Brushes, with Mirror and Comb â€"is unprecedented value at $30. PiecW are sold singly if desired so that a set may be added to^ year by year. Drv^ U9 m postal cmrJ and we will undyoufret of charzt our large iUu^ traUd catalogue o/Jewelryt Sitn Luil\*rGocdt,ete. 48 nOL'RS AT PIA.NO. Napoleon Bird Eslablislics a New Bc- cord TIniinping "Doininoes." Nnpoleon Bird, of Stockport, Eng- land, has estiiblistied a record for a non-stop run on the piano. For 48 hours he hammered away at the keys without a .stop. Bui this forly-eiglil hours' flow of melody was not acliieved without phy- sical discomfort, Mr, .Napoleon Binl is nriy-one years old, and his muscles ar« not so limber as tlicy used to be, but -Mrs. .Napoleon Bird sat by his side foi' all the forty-eife'hl hours, and her prcsiince revived hini in moments when h's task appeared monotonous. In the latter stages of this struKjjlc between melody and lime Mr. Napoleon Bird showed si{,'ns of excusable exhaus- tion and |)iirdonable drowsiness. He was rescued from both by gentle show- ers of eau de cologne, which wore spray- ed on him. In »he course of the last day also a barber shaved him to slow music. As the hands of the clock approached iUie hour of ten Ihc enthusiasm of the I audience knew nn bounds, and when the clock stniok and Mr. Nnpolr^n Bird lifted hs hands from the Ueybonrd he was seizi'd and carried in triumph •through the streets to his home. I During the forty-eight hours he per- formed l.SiX) separate compositions, 8C- irompaniod thre conccrLs, and played twice for dancing. A slight swelling 'f Itlie fin;;er-; and cramp in the Ic^s were ;i!ii: only ill-effects of his strenuous ex- ertions. I \ change of pinno become necessary owing to the stiffness of the kors, but n .skillful mantruvre enabled Mr. Bird lo change uistru.ments without losing a note of the song he was playing. Catarrh for twenty years and cured In 'â- a few days.â€" Hun. George James, uf ' Scraiiton, Pa., says: "I have been a < martyr to Catarrh for twenty years, con- stant hawking, dropping in the throat and pain in the bead, very offcnsifc i breath. I tried Dr. Agnew'g Catarrhal Powder. The Tirst application gave in- ' stant relief. After uuing a few bottles ' I was cored. 50 cents.â€" 1 The Mic-IVlac Hockey Stick 18 MADK T.'ROM SELKCTKD SECOND GBOWTU YELIX)W BIKCU, CiBAUi OF' WOOD RUNNING WITU CUBVB OFl BI.AI)K. KOMK or ITS KXCELLKNTj FKATUUBS AltE; , I I8t Stiffness and Ushtness. I Snd. Does not fray at bottom. | 3r<JU Koops Its correct shaps. | 4th. IVelsht and design correct, { Bill. Eve-y stiok oarefuMy ln>i spsctod before leawins factory. ' THE STARR Mrs CO., LIMITED, DARTMOUTH, • N. S. Branch. 126 Wellington Bt. W., Toronto. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratcbes ana every form of contagious Itch on hunwn or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford'B Sanitary Lotioo. It ncTer fails. :[ THE REX HOCKEY STICK, ^Our Latest pattern rttE EXHERTS FAVORITE. KOTE â€" The lonf^iftudinal serrations on handle, onsuriiif firm grip and ptsTentinn stitik slipping frum playsr'B annd. ALSO The dou)>le-)(roor»d blads, ths lowor one aLio beins !i««<l. Thin enablo^ tta« puck to ba ac- «ur.itetv shi>t for goal and stron|[tn»n!i tbs stick. me matorlsl used la •tralgtit grain selected • loond growtk ysHaw Mrota. Young Mother: "t>o ,vou think baby looks most like me or his papa?" .\urse: "Like you, mum. Mr. Jenkins is a mighty hand.some man." Advertise- ment : "Wantedâ€" A competent and well-mannered nurse." "Why on earth arc they encoring this woman?" "I'erhaps they see that she waiils practice." A Time for Everything.â€" The lime for Dr. Ttiomas' Eclcctrie Oil is when crou- py symptoms ai)pear in the children; when rheumatic pnias beset the old; when lumbago, asthma, coughs, colds, catarrh or earache attack either youny • old; when burns, scaldb, abrasions, contusions or sprains come lo aii.v mem- ber of the family. In any of these ail- ments it will give relief and work a cure. A small boy's idea of a good time in- rl\ulcs all the things his parcjiLs forbid liim lo do. "Thought It meant death sure."â€" Mrs. James McKiiu, of Dunuvillo, Out., says of her almost miraculous euro from heart disease by Dr. Aguew's Cure for the Heart: "Until I began taking this reme- dy I despaired of ni.v life. I had heart failure and extreme prostration. One dofo gave me quick relief and onc> bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled liUo magic."â€" 3 "Hridgel, did you mnk<? thai chicken broth?" "Oi did, mum." ."f can t find it an.vwhere about; what did vou do with it?" "Sure an phwat iKse' would I do wid it but fade the chickens wid it, nmm?" You can doubtless name a number of people who talk too much â€" includinj; yourself. The Most Popular Pill.â€" The pill is the most popular of all forms of medi- cine, and of pills the most popular arc I'uriiielee's Vegetable Pills, because they c!r. what it is asserted ltv;y can do, anil arc not put forward on any lidlitious claims to excellence. They are compact ami portable, they are easily taken, tlicy .do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stubborn cases. It's a forlunale thing for some ofTlcc- holders that killing time isn't punish- able by hanging. SCALD BRAD Is » dlngnsMng »nA obstinate (Ussaao. fre<(iieiit in cliildron. Ti-eatnieiit : l*sr- feet cleunline<A anil .-i geuuroufl application uf Woikter' Cerate. Aluthera wiU be glad to learn this. DODDS ' ^ KIDNEY THE ZULU WAR CRY. The Zulu war cry, used whenever they lako the fleld by the .South African fool- I bailers now in Loiulori, has puzzled our I newspapers, not one of which seems I able to spell it correctly. The Daily |E\prcss gives it as "IgamiUlio," and the Daily Mail as "Gaminilio." The cry real- ly consisis of two words, and sliould be written "Igama layo." "Igama" is Zulu [or "name," and "layo" is a pos- scssivi> pronoun, meaning,' cither "his" nr "thoir." Ttius the Daily Mail, al- thuugh quite wrung in its nrt'ogi-npliy of the cry, is rit;ht in saying that it meiely means "Tlial is his name." The explanation is that Zulu etiquette docs not allow warriors, when thpy rush in- t;' balt'o, to mention the names of their enemies, but the leaders shout out, "That i.s \\\^ name," pointiug to the victims with their spears. NO TROUBLE, riannery: "Wba! Tint do they charge for a house like yours?' Kinncgan: "Twelve dollars." Klanncry: "My. that's high. Don't ye have throublo gotlin" it together?' Kiimegan: "I'aith, Oi don't, but the agent docs." AN ENGLISH MISEH. John Camden Ncild, whose magnifl- cf;nt bcfiUiist lo Queen Victoria supplied the funds out of which the Prince Con- sort built the present Balmoral Castle, deserves a place among llie great mis- ers and was as remarkable a man as any of I hem. He was educated at Eton and Trinity «;ollege, Cumbridgo, and was a banister at Lincoln's Inn. At the age of 3i his falhrr'.s. death placed him in possession of a fortune of £250,- fOO, and from that moment he became a confirmed mi.sor. Neild lived at 5 Cheyne walk, Chelsea. His big house was so meanly furnished that it did not even boiisl of a bed. Two old women, who did his stoves, and a black cat wcTe his sole companions. When he visited his large estates in the .Mid- lands, which he did frequently, he gen- erally walked, unless he could get a lift for nothing, and he was not even above lakeing a gratuitous scut on a dung cart. .Sonietinics he was compelled by the weather to take a scat on the stage cmicli. And there he would sit oulside, shivering and drippingâ€" for he never wore a greatcoat â€" nn object of commis- eration to his fellow passengers. Dear Mother Your little ones ere a constant can ta Fell end Winter weather. They wijl catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh'i G)nsump«ion Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for to many > It is said to be the only reliable lemedy for all £>easa of the air pauages in children. bis abiokaely haraleia and pUsuant to like, it is guaranteed to cure at your money IS relumed. The price is 25c. per botde^ and all dealers ia medicine sell 314 5HILOH This remedy should be in every household. EXPECTORANT m The sign that drives away Colds. Con^hs, Wh'ioplaj Coai^h, Asthma. Throat troubles. Croap, etc, etc Produced by the highest medical knowladite and scieace. A pare veitetable coa^h syrup. 'Vour druggist not only keeps it, but recommends tt. Price, 25 centiS. eeuTSPeers EXPECTORANT Rich Hciress( scornfully): "So you're still on earth? I understood you to say, when I rejected you last season, Ihal you could not possibly live without me." Jack Ardupp (cheerfully): "I'm not living. Merely managing to e.xisl by means of the most rigid economy, that's all." Signals of Danger.- Have -you lost your appetite? Have you a coated trnguc? Have you an unpleasant taste in the moulh? Does your head ache, and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medicine. He that prefers sickness to medicine must suffer, but under the circumstances the wise iiinn would procure a box of Parmelee's Vegctatile Pills and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep so. Often on the green leaves of trees there are little black spots which do not seem to arise from any disease, as tlie plant looks otherwise healthy enough, .\s a matter of fact, these are caused by burning, through the rays of ttie sun getting focussed by the drops of morn- ing dew. Two Years Abed.â€" "For eight years "^ suffered as no one ever did with rheuma- tism: for two years 1 lay in bed; could not so much as feed myself. A friend reoomtnendcd South American ttlu-uma- tic Cure. After throe doses I could sit up. To-day I am as stmni; as ever I was."â€" Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street, Toronto.â€" 2 Perambulating barbers, shaving cu.s- "OSHAWA" Steel Shingles. Wnd, Water, looked Stcrm Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying froin $2.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideiil covering for Houses, Bams, Stores. Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings Uiroughoul Canada. Disking them FIRE. WATER AND UGHTNINQ-PROOF. We also manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pips and EAVlCSrROl'fill, Elc. METAL SIDING. In imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,(hJ0 desicns. Write for Cataluguo No. 141! and free samoles of "OSHAWA" Shingles. â- V^rite to-day. Tr^Z3 X>XIX3Xa^A..X& itiiireQi, Que. SCl-S W Craig St. oiiQWQ, om iSZ Sussex St. ioroiiio,0[ii, II Calbonie st loitfion.orii, 08 Dun< Winnipeg. Mon. 70 LombarU si. voncopcr.B.c. SI6 Pender >t. WriU yaur ^carc•t OtfU«.-UKAl> OKl'ICK AND WOKKS-O^HAWA. Ont THE PIUCE OK SLCCESS. Eternal vigilance is the price of suc- cess, and it is in this way that the succescs of the Starr Mfg. Co.:i hockey skates and sticks has been bought. The makers are cvi-r on the alert to know what the hockey- isi.s' requirements are and in this w;iy incorporale these features whicti !:.::';c their lino the most popular in the i;;i!r- ket. 'I'hcy are also alert to sro that their goods cannot be excelled in qua- lity of materials and workMuinshi;). This policy, which will always I.e mainlaiiiod, has made the linn and ils goods fam- ous lliousands of miles aw.iy from fie little Nova Scotiun town where the fac- tuiv is situated. Dyeing 1 Cleaning I For th«**rf bMti«»4y«a/ work to ik* " laiTUH AMCniOAN DYEINO 09."* Lecti for to ruur u>wn. or ««a4 Urtfe. Ucotraal, Toronto, Ottawa, QuskoA The license of the Castle Hotel, Pres- ton, which has been In existence since 10-.'3, has now elapsed. The properly has been purchased l)y a local news- si xty !<e SIXTY FOR SlXTV 8AS0LINE EKGINES I'lr I'uinplng. CrpfcinSpiMmtor. \-^x\\ Kit. ijiT, eta. GILSON MFG. CO. Watliington,Mnk tomcrs in the street, are no unusual P^Per "'''" '«'' business purposes, sight in the side slrt^f'ls of Manila. BY BHIBINO TUB NKRVKS with opium ybu may stop a cough but tlio iutlamm;itii>a g;»e5 fn>m li.vl to worse. Allan ^ Lung Balwiui, containing no opium, goes to the root of the trouble and oureti doep'Suated aiTectituiJ uf tliro<fct aad luugs, Nowlywed: "Why, I never thought of saving until I gut married." Bachelor: "And do you now?" Newly wed: "Oh, yes, indecdl 1 am continually thuiking how much I might save if I wasn't married." BicWe's Anti-Consumptive Syrup is ngroeablo lo the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation uf the throat that causes hacking coiiglis. If used accord- ing to directions it will break the mast persistent cold, anj restore tlie air pas- sages lo their normal condition. Thorc is no need to recommend it lo fa- miliar with it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and arc in doubt what lo use, the advice isâ€" ti-y Uickle's Syrup. NEEDED NO HELP. Waiter: "H'm! So you object to the bulkier? Why didn't you ask me to re- move it?" Diner: "I .supposed it was strong enough to gel away without assistance.' A modern weapon In the battle for health,â€" If disease has tniieii your cita- del of licalih, tho stomach, and is tortur- ing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostrntioii. South .\merican Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy from hi.s .stionghuld "at the point of the bayonet," trench by trench, but swift and sure, it always wins,â€" 4 "Isabel says she will never marry a man who isn't a hero.' "flul she can oni-ily convert any man into a hero." "How?" "By getting liim to marry her." Arc your corns harder lo roniovotban those thill oliiers h.-'ve had? Have they ni;t had the same kind? Have Ihuy not been cured by using Holloway's Corn Cure- Try a bottle. Diiwkins: "I got a good square meal Inst night, tho first in several weeks, and I have vou to thank for it." Friend: "Me lo thiu'ik? Well, that's news to me." Dnwkins: "^es, 1 know. I wired to m.v wife yeslorduy morning that you were coming home to dinner with me." WKAK WATERY BLOOD oeusos much troable. That tirid fttling and many niire symptoine follow in its wake. Try " Vai-roviiu." It u the FOR SALE. Three hundred Slock, Grain. Fruit, Garden and Canning Factory Produce Farms in the Niagnru District. Write fo!' free list. OnUirio Real Estate Com- pany, Sniitliville, Out. 3. HO BUYS*A ME bent tonic to luuku you ^trotts jutd w«U. drujEfists ^%l\ It. AU FREE IMada in Canada and S«id by all Drusgiste Thia ooupon is good for on« t«n osot (lOc.) Trial Uuttlo of the oela- braloa ^ Or. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill a nurv otirc for iDdigostioa. Biiioufl' I1C98. UyRpcptia, CoiialtpatioD and all AilmunU arUing (horofroiu. Mailed froo. in a plain i^aokagc. un I'oooipt of nftino &ii<l :iddre«fl. Fill in your naiuti :iud po6t office ftddr«6S on dotted linoi and »omi to THE WILMN-FVIE CO., LMMd. Niagara Falls, OnL .Sue: "You said you were going lo marry an artist, and now you're en- gaged lo a dentist." Flo: "Well, isn't \\i an artist? He draws from i-eal life." Tlie healthy glow di.sapp.aring from the cheok and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symptoms of worms i.> children. Do not fait to get a bolfle ;f Mother Graves' Worm E.xterminalor; it is aj) effectual medicine. WHY SEA-SHELLS MURMUR. The reason why one can heor sounds like the roaring of the sea when certain shells picked up on the beach aro placed !c Ihe cur Ls quite simple. The hollow form of the shell and Its polished surface enable it to receive and return tho boat- ings of all sounds that chance to bi^ trembling in the air around the shell. "Xour nioney or yoijr life?" ."saitf.lhc robber. "Take me life,"- responded the victim. "I'm saving me money for me old ageP' Ffirry ycir* afe you rould Iiav4 bouckt led in D<ft*«.- ior $100 hick •o«r »:»a(l atamwkulk bring Sl>.000 « ynr nnt. ifRvcr 111* • p«piUt)oa of 700.000. Ik fiv< y^art tlu p«puUli«a will nu'k ik< K*lf*faiIIio* nark. Ordinary rc«ii«»M let* in diitrtct* alna^ Hf *** Ut>«l Vring inwa $750 t* S2.000 cack. WE ARE LAYING OUT A NEW ADDITION \Vaslnn^ton Heights TKa kifkaat and MMrt ttfktly adJilMB ia D«aT«n fwmukiit^ a p«tftct view of PiWc'c Ptak ud tW Rocky Mo«iit*)M far â- JmIsm* </ 75 mAn. 0*<rto«kintf.Wa*kia(to* Park. Am UtaX if9t. Lots 25 X 125 Feet for $100 tS CASH U Fta MONTH •.kU. .. .» » b>..u. «d l»li <.>l. «..»«. •^ mUU tmJ M.w^ mIm Uwu«^ Lm. mif l.rt. THE CENTURY LOAN AND TRUST CO. TkCMtvrrB.OiiM u , DlMM..C«l4«* She: "I wonder why a woman always marries tlie man who rescues her from drowniiig?'|;^lle; "Thais what the man wonders laTCT on." WR CLAIM that " Tlio D * I, " Menthol Plaster rill lUre I,iimba+!o. lu â- kinilie. Sciatica or Neural- gia I'ania qniuker than .-uiy other plaster. U»- oammenilea by every butljF. 'Do you think thai music is of eny practical benefit?" "Well," ivplied the cynic, "judging from the photographs of eminent violinists, il must keep the hair from falling out!" CAHGBOS'S Astbma Cure has nev<*r falle^l t-, cure those sufferin.-, from Chronic Brunei .cl.i r Aetbma. It affllctel WRITB FOR FRB8 8AWPI.I, ami let u» oonTlnro von Itiit we hare a cureâ€" one that cur«< fi stay nure.l, KttJllC SA.MI'I.K lout to any. aUrtrsit. D. A. CAMERON .o CC Ovvau.>»')unii, Ont tSSlE NO. tt-H,