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Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1906, p. 5

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tjtIE FLEESHEKTON ADVANCE NoVEMBBR 15 1906^ . 1 . »'â-  •I V; ' •â- â-  Vicinity Chips Fur monaj at bureat rates, land aeear- ty, go to A. 8. VanDuaen, IleslMrton. Tbte* horses for sale. Apply to John Heard, Fle»hertuD. iuit artlred a ear of Royal Household Flour and Bran at Dootbam Bros. Salmon Tr»ut and Oyater«. Th« first of the season at Bentbaoi Bros. Strayedâ€" Five laiuba. Pleaae com- municate irith 0«o. StiMTt, Fleabarton. Mrs. (Rev ) Caldwrll spent a vfk in Toronto totuming last Friday. Tvo pain hsKf y b<>bsleigiis for sale. Apply J<J8. Cumtiold, Fleshdrton. Mr. C B. Tryoa visited in Toronto and Brampton '.wo weeks ago. Ilr. W. J. Fairpy, who had spent some mouths iu Pilot; Huund, Man , returned home two weeks ago. Mrs. Speaee of Toronto rvtumed home last week after cioitinK friends in this luoxlity. Mr. ind Mrs. W. D«Dtham and Mr.W. Smith of Bnffnlo, xpetit a wiiuk with friends in and about E^esherton. Mr. Emerson Adams h;is purchased W. W. Trimble's bus buKiut'fu, and took possession Mouday of last we«k. Miss Ikfary Tbumpson 8t>ent the past week visiting her hrotlii>rs at Stouffville and Powaesan. Dro!) in and get some Sanventr Postal Cardf. 3 pricw. A. S. Thinmton, Advaoce Ofiic«, Flesherton. A quantity of I^ inch cull rock elm for â- ale at oar Rockrale mill. â€" Armatrong Bros. Markdala. For sale cheap and on easT termSjO good building lota on Collingwood street, Flosbsrton. Apply to R. J. Spronle. Notice â€" I will not be responaibte for any debts contracted in uy naaeâ€" Herb- ert Badgcrow. To Rentâ€" Store and dwellinK ic the Tillage of Pricevillo. Apply to Mrs. E, J. Griar, Dundalk. Th« Trout Creek hunting party re- turned Tuesday, havinf; aacured their fall BUiaber, atid report deerpleotiful. A lki((h class fHx^gram of moving pic- tnees and illustrated suogs in th« town hall, Monday, Nov. 19. 8«e the great bank robbery reprodnoed in life motiuD pictures in thirty dramatic acta. Town hall, Monday, Nov. 19. Choppini; dune every Wednesday and Saturday aftomnuns until further notiee at Collinson's mill, Cuylon. Nov. 6. 21 Mr. Will Peria*., of Wyandottn, Mich., and son Ira spent a few da.y« of ^h i^â€".. WMk -vith his niecv, Mrs. Ab.^tmiaut,, Mr. Harry Stevley of Toronto spent a few dsjrs last week with his grsr.dinoCiier, Mrs, Mosier, who was aeriouvly ill, but u now improvini( Miss Eleanor Kipp, who has been the Kuest uf her brother here for soms weeks, retnmad Wednesday to her home in Woodstock . Mr. E. VanZant, marble man.Toronto, was in town this week. Van. is erecting « handsome monument at Fevertbam tu IB -mnry of James Thompson. Cow for Kaleâ€" A large red Durham cow ia calf to be sold at once. Don't miss har aa she is a good one. â€" J. A. StJohn Port Law. White Loghorns for salo â€" A number of thoroui;hbrod cockerels for rale, ezlraor- dinary Kt'tck. Your choice for 91 00. H, Harrow, Priceville, DeclS Whatever you miss, don't miss seeing the moving pictures of the S^n Francisco •arthi|uake and fire. Town hall, Fleah- •rton, Monday, Nov. 19. Sheep Strayedâ€" Two Iambs with long taiia and one ewe on or about the middle of September from Lot 79, West conees- â- ion. James Q. Little, Wareham P.O.' Oolt fur Saleâ€" One general purpose horse colt, 6 months old bred by Grown alow Sr. Apply to B«o McKcnzie, 1^ mitas west of Ceylon. Mr. Geo. Mitchell, manager of the Stsndard Bank and snd Mr. Jas. Bowler, tailor, hsve moved into their new prem- ies in the Standard Bar.k building. Oshvell Whitten and Fred Sullivan captured four racoons in the bu«b one day recently. They havo'one of them *t>v« in captivity. Married â€" At the Baptist iiarsonnge, Flesherton, on Wedneadny, Nov. 7, ny .Hev. H. L Kipp, John Coolson of Eu- genia to Miss Anna Radley of Rock vale. The young couple will live at Eugenia. Edison's famous moving picture of Buster Brown and his dog Tigo has been a winner wherever shown. It will make yoa Iaui;h if yuu are at the town halt Monday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m. A lina of leather gooda, including muaio roll*, pocket books, pursM, satchels, •cbnoi tags, and raxor strops, just placed in stuck, also men's fur lined working •uots and the usual stock of winter goods. W. Moore, Flesherton- Mr. Geo. Watson, Proton SUtion, who waa hunting ibis year at the big marab in Osprey, succeeded in killing what may be wmI tarmed the monarch of tb« forestâ€" a bu«k waighing 330 ponnda. We believe thia to have been a reoord weight for a The animal bad a magnificent A nnmber of daer kave been aa* kia fall in tliat vieiaitjr.'' Mn. T. R. McKenzie of Portlaw, President of tho Woosen's Imtitnte, ai.d Mrs. W. H. Thurston, have bean ap- pointed to attend a convention of the W. L to ba held at Goelpb Dee. 1M4. TO LETâ€" 8«»aral good contracU of cutting and hauling aawluga to our Roek- vale laill. Also w«nt«d, family to tun boarding hi>uae. If th« uiho bad a good team we could givu liim sm[d<>yment. Aruiatrung Broa., MarkdHle. Mra. Andrew Wilson fell downatairs on Sunday, roceivin:{ a severe ebakiug np, troui wliich she b^s not yet reouv- erid. Mrs. Wiiaua cbiuka she must bava £auit«d. The drama presented in the town ball three week* agu wUl be repeated on Fri- di>y evening of thia week in the town hail under iba auapices of the hockey dnh. Those who d:d nut see it the last time should avail ifauuiaelvca uf thia op- portunity. Rant Iambs for aaieâ€" Tboioughbred i:ihrup»bire aad Leiceaters, bred by J. A. Keriutiuiu suit Jamea Buvkiugham, Os- prey, Prices right. Apply to Ueo^e aiewart, Ji'lcabertun. Strayed from my premises about the lut of LH:C., one red two-year-old steer with stunted boms turned down along KKle of head. Any one giving iuforma- tuMi oi hia whcreabuuia wUl be suitably - rewarUed. Alex. Carrutheid, Eugenia, Lost â€" In FI>-sherton,ou Saturday even- im, OvtuAtur 87, a carved gold chain braceiot «itli key attached. Finder kindly return to Mrs. W.Ii. Wright, Fteab- artuB. Iddeo Cattle Strayedâ€" About 1st of Septem- ber, one Cat blue colored '^uw and one red tbree-year-old heifer with tcisaur mark on her right binch bone. Finder pleaaa communicate with Mark Wilson, Flesh- erton. Tha most marvellous piece of iBoviug piclure photography yet produced ia the " Dream of a rarebit dead." This mov- ing picture waa the most taking of auy shown in Toroutu tbu paat summer. Yon will have a 15-miiiute laugh whaayua aea it at tho town ball Moa., Nov. 19, 8 p.m. Mr. H.L. Douglaaa, wiula driving along the thud line ot Euphxaaia une day last week, got his horse faat in a caoaaway and the auinui is now under Dr, Utta- well's care. We understand that Mr. Douglaaa will demand redreaa from the Euphrasia township fatbeis. At a maettug of aharahuldem of the Flesherton Uutel Co. on Mouday the directors were empowered to Itorrow sufficient fuudd to complete the ecJiiioe. A c«iuple of altoratiooa were also made ii ifte byUwa. IVe uiay eipect now to 'tee VtM building baitdatMl up without^ fur- , ther delay. There will be an odd anoial he'd in the basement of the Presbyterian chuicb on Wednesday evening, November 21. Ad- mission 14 cent*; 7 to ko in and 7 to come out and every 7th one gets in and ont free. There will ba a program and re- freshments served. Social will commence at 7 o'clock. Dr. Ottewell, V. 8., performed an op- eration on a fox terrier pup tha other day which ia certainly worth recording. The little animal, which Itelonged to C. Mun- shaw, got something in its throat and the Dr. waa called in. He made an inoia- iiiu and draw nut a hat pin 8J inches li>ng with the tt«nal glass bead on one end. The animal meaaured but fourteen inches fiom the centre of its forehead to ro<it of tail, so moat of ita interior must have been taken up by tho pin, which had t-eeu swallowed head Brat. The terrier was aa frisky aa ever next day after the operation. A pretty wedding took place in Flesh- erton at the Methodiat parsonage on October Slst whan Mr.Cbarles B. Boland was united by the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss May M. Douglans. The bride looked dninty in a white «Ik waist and grey ikirt and waa supported by Miss K. O. Boland, sister of the groom, who wore a white silk waitt and navy tlue skirt. The sroom waa ably supported by Mc Cardwell Graham, of Eugenia. The bride's going away draaa was a grey suit with hat to match. Rer. Dr. Cildwell perfonnetl the wedding ceremony. The y<riing couple left for Duodslk fur a short vikit with friends ther*. We tender our ^b^t wishea ta the highly sateemod young Sample.' OnJ heir r^urn 'home they will KttH! on tM fanr bolongiug to adjoining the groom's fathers. " The hunting party to which the editor of this paper was attached returned from the north ou Fiiday last, having shot their full cooiplement of deer iu 6^ d>iys actual hunting The hunt was made in Burpee townahip. Parry Sound district, at the end of steal on the James Bay rail- way' and a construction train was utiliaed to bring ont bangage and game from with- in leas than half a mile of the camp. Thia made matters eaty and pleasant. The hnnt waa remarkably successful, the weather bein^ all that could be desiieU and game plentiful ; in fact we believe it to na»e beett almost a reeord breaker from every point of view. Squire Stewart of Kimberley, who is homeateadiug up there chaperoned the party and much of the auccaaa waa owing to his intimste know- ledge . of the country and of wild life. The Sqnire will ba down for the winter in a Wenk or ao. The ftrat week of hunt- ing tbia year waa ideal from a banter's standpoint, bat Iboaa whadid not get their number tha ftrat week wodkl have Bsoca dilBcnlty. The Best Ctartotfluu Preacnt for* Little flonejr. When your Chriatmas present is a yearn suliscription to Tho "luuth's Con., panion you give aa oHich in K<>od rendiug as would fill twenty 400-pat(e novels <.r books of hiftury or travel or biography ordinarily costing 91 .So a volume. Nor di yuu give quantity at the!co<tt of qual- ity. For mure than half a century the wisest, moat renowned, most entertain- ing uf writers have been contributors to Tne Companion. You need never fear tiiat The Companion will be inappriipri- ate or unwelcome. The boy, tfie girl,â€" every other member of the family,â€" will iiu>st upon a share in it. There ia no othur present costing so little that goe^ so far. On rece'pt of 91-75, the yearly sub- scription price, the pi»bli«hers send tu the new subscriber The Companion's four- leaf banging mleudar for 1907, litho- graph>^ in twelve colors and gold, and suhtcriptiun certificate fur the fifty-two issues of the year's volume. Full illiumted announcement of The Cnmpanimi fur 1907 will be nent with sampla copies of tho^per to any address frep. Subscribers who set new subecribors will receive |16,29O.0O in cash and many other spr.cial awards. Send for inform- ation. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. ItlouKt Pleasant l^erd. Of porebrsd scotch Sbortoms witn if (amnai toung ttock ball, Scottish Cliief, kt tho head. Young stock tar sale, prioea rwasonabU, lemu aaay. aar 907 B. ALLBX, Prop. Boars for SenHce One tborouehbi-ad Berknliire and one York- shire, splandidaalinaib. tor sstvlca ou lot UO,T. AS. B,, Artcttiesla. Terms SU nUov T. B. LK'VEB, Prop. $l)ortbom Bull The tkomii^lired rfhorthnm Bull, "Favor- ita," 62230, ia for service on lot 27-2l<,2nd raiige X. D. R.,ALrtemeaia. Pedigreeunapplicatiou. TeniwS1.2S MJCX. .McRAE. C«yk>n Eambstof Sale For Breeding purposes, Leicester ram lambs and ewe lambs, alio Oxford Duwn ewe lambs for sale at reasonable prieea. W. J. MEADS, Lot 29, O. D. K., Artemasia. Farm for Sale Lot aa, 30. 40, R. D. R., Artemasis, containing MO o^res, fttiout ISO cleared, tmlsnce slaiihiiiiz, itocd paAture aotl asiMled down. A ({ood 4t<.ck farm. Santtc.-n riVhr run* throUKh it. Would aell halt If all ia no* war >il. Good frame li&ru MxAl vitb atona uaoiiiueut; la( taonaa, small Orebord. Apply to J. W. LYONS. Proton .Station r.O. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1907 TBE UNDERSIGNED will rrceive ten- ders up to noon ou Thursday, 29th November, 190C, fur supplies uf l>u;chera' meat, creamery t r dtiry tiutter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwuud, etc., etc., fur the following in.Htitut'uiis duilng the year 1907, via.: â€" At the AsyluoiDs for the Insane in Tu rnnto, London, Kii'g*ton, Hniniltnii Mimico, Brockville, Cobourg. Orllia ai d Penetanguishene ; theCenirtl Prnwin and Mercer Ref"r,natory,, and the hospital for epileptics at WiHKlatock. Eiceptionsâ€" Tenders are n'>t roipiired for the supply of meat to tli« nnyluins in Tomnti, London, Kinus'on, Uiannlton and Brockville, n:irf>>r the Central Prison or Mercer Ruforra.itory. Toronto. A marked cheque for five per cen'. of the eatimated amount of the eontract, payable to the urder of the Provincial Secretary, must be fumiahed by each tenderer as a guarantee of his bona fiJea. Two sufficient aecuritiea will be required fur the due fulfilment of each contract, and should any tender be withdrawn be- fore the contract is awarded, or sh,>uld the tenderer fail to furoiah security, the amount of the deposit will be forfvited. Specifications and forms of tpoder may be bad on applicatinn to the Department of the Provincial Secretary, To'oiitii,or to the Bursars of lbs respaciivu institutiuns. The lowest or sny tender U'>t iircetu-ar- lly accepted . Newspapers inserting this ndvertittt-- ment without written authority fruni the Department will not be paid fui it. W.J. HANNA, Provincial Secmtary. Parliament Buildings, Torooto.Outober 89ih, 1906. I For mint er mear ^ Slippers, Overshoes and H Rubbers I FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S X ^_ 5»? EXPERIENCn Traoc Marks OcaiGKS CorvmuMTs Jte. AnTooe sendtnc a sketeh and deaerintlon ma. qalcitiv aaoercain oar opiolon free «hf<lior «a lavaotlon la pfnbablf jMtantabta, Ct^nniunlc-n- Uonaatrlctl^eanOdanlUl. Handbook on I'aienu cfUrt MtmrliMi piil«t,i \. , ?a tCs t acaocf for MCttrliMi p Patcnu Ukae Uroaib Mknn a Co. racotvr laccM ao t «««^ wltboat wiawm la tea Scientific Jlmericaiit A handsonMlr M a a tt ali S weakly. Ijiraaat dr _. .. "la IniimaL Tsniia. fSt Ma bydl mwadmlefa We have already received a very large stock of new goods, and invite you to give u.s a call, expecting a gooc) bargain. We will not disappoint you. Clustoiti Oiorlc and Repairing Hmnd^d to CLAYTONS FX-ESHERTON, ONT. . - AT THE - - I MEDICAL HALL DRUG STORE "g el tnnr rjat ; nmr aiaiitaak IL aaia t/fm aâ€" aa t ali a a Some Prices for Parehners to go by in Buying : EpaomSalta 8 Iha. for 26c Sulphur 10lb8.for26o Cream Tartar per lb 3oc Baking Soda per lb. 6o SaltPetre per lb. lOo Glycerine 2 oz. for 5c. Sweet Nitre |)or o«. !So Scott's Emulsion P«' bottle, 40 and 86c. Shoops Rheumatic Cure .'. , -TSc. Sooth American Rheumatic Cuie 80c. Beef, Iron and Wine 36c. Oaone, 100 bottles per bottle 70c. Hudsoits Far Famed Condition Powden per pkge. 10c Hair Brushaa, Tooth Brushes, Cluthes Brushes, Shaving Bruibea,Strops, Bte., cut away down. 1/\ a a a H. La DOUGLASS « • - | v^r^^ IF all good s Ready to Wear Clothing A new stock of Ready-made Clothing just arrived. Come and get an up-to-date suit at a reasonably low price. We have our Fall Dress Goods and Blou.sing in. Boots and Shoes We have a large assortment of summer Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 75c. to $2 00, your choice per pair for 60c ^das. Pattison, Ceylon. %^^^^%% ^%%%»% w%^%^«^ Pa G. Karstedt General Merchant. l)ou$e Turtii$bind$ It would be worth your while to inspect our stock of Carpets, Linoleums, Stoves, Kanges, Heaters (coal or wood,)Cnrtains and Blankets Wheh in town visit our MiHioery Parlors before buying # your hats. 1 1 F. G. Karstedt: Flesherton • » i Ontario. \ 'A 'u

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