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Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1906, p. 3

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Pen -Angle j^. lb a vari:ty of stylet, fabric* and prices, for women, men and 'children. Fonn-&tted. .'Dealers are authorized ' to replace instantly and ;at our cost any Pen- , Angle garment faulty I in material or making. Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit so it can't help fitting your figure, â€"it's made o£ long - fibred wool BO it won't shrinlc â€"and it's guaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it so good you can't afford not to buy by the trademark (ia red). 206 UNDERWEAR YOUR OVERCOAfs •a4 laiird SuIU would luok batMr <litad. If do %%nt >f oun In yotir to^u, write direct Uontrekl, Box ISl BHITtSH AMERIOAN DVEINO OO. Be our Agent in your localily, earn money in your spnic linio ^I'lling our Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet l^equlsites unil |f'"luvoi-in(j lixli-ucl.s, arliclc-s thai are used every day in every liuine ; 50 per ,cenl. profit in this for you. Write us. i The J. B. Eager Compuiiy, Toronto. Fruit Growers, Attention Having no commission to pay, and aollinc for ic-ibh, 'I'bo KaNtorn I'uwiishipH Nursories aro tbus able t<> ofTar vuii Staiiilanl Applu Trees 1 t<i laat ^Igh, Krowa iittrtt, Itanly and tlinftv Htuck (ur JToll anil ^>pring delivery, far Sl.'i.OO per hundred, LOUIS GKRVAIS, Prop., LauroncevillaiQu* A m IN A WHEAT FAUM NEAR WINNIPEG. 1,0C6 acres of clean unbroken prairie, the fmcst wheat land on earth, on the banlis of tlio Hed Hiver, 45 miles from Winnipeg, four miles from two railway stations. $15 an aero takes it, .S5,U00 cash, hnlance easy. No belter furiii, no belter investnionl. W'ALGII & BIC.\TTIE, I 12 Merchants Bank liuilding, Wiiiiiipct), Man. ealiing earas 1 4 Your name engraved in grace- hi\ Ryrie Script on a Copper Plats will be fWnished by our Stationery Department fx>r $1.00. The supply ing and platC'printlngof one twndred Calling Cards will be done for an additional J 1. 00. 9 The card stock used is made specially to our order and is of the thin "snappy " sort, that denotes quality'clegince. QOur Catalogue contains spcci' mens of engraved Wedding Invita^ tions. Society Stationery, Etc Drop Ml a fotlal card and we mitt tend you free qf charge our large iUu9^ iratrd caiaJogue ^Jeuielry, Silverware, Leather Goodt, etc. NCISE A.ND IIUALTH. imminent Physician Allarks One of ^^^ Iain's Cherishoil InstilulVuns. '"Big Ben' is nothing but a relic of barhuiism." .Siieli was tho atlael; made, upon one of liritain'.s most cherished inslitutiiins hy Dr. Theo. B. Hyslop, senior physi- cian lo the Hoyal llo.spitul of Briilevvell and Bethlehem at Ihe Congress of .Sani- tary In.speclors at Blackpool recently. Dr. Hyslop, however, only touched on Big Boil in i)a.ssiiig. lie classed it mere- ly as one of the many noises which lorldre the lu'.vn-dweller, and the sub- ject of his speech was Ihe effect of noises on heulili. The effect, il seems, is n very bad one indeed. "I'lie f.ncl that town lite under exisl- inj; cirfiimstanecs makes it impossible tj obtain adequate brain rest goes far to Ihe prevalence of insanity nhotit wliii:h municipalities are so solicitous, and which, in' my opinion, lliey could do so much to prevent,' .said Dr. Hy- slop. The influence of noise upon infant mortality, he continued was much more .serious limn was at present drenm- eil of. He had ^(;n\ the growth of in- fants who lived in or near noisy streets greatly arrested, and their removal to quiclcr localilies had enabled them lo recover. "The noises of clocks, hells, and chimes, such as Big Bon, are nothing hut- relies of barbarismâ€" the baneful ac- companimenls of Ihe night." After Dr. llyslop's speech the con- ference passed a re.solulion asking Ihe Central Council of the association to Iring the subject of noise before Ihe Ccuiily Councils. .'=ir .Tames Criclilon Browne then said Diat he had lately been the vic- tim of a bantam cock of amazingly in- defaligablo and exasneraling hat)il.s. "But," asked Dr. Hyslop, "have you ever heard a really good, healthy tom'- catâ€" not n nifiloneholic cat, Imt one really and properly in lovi?? 'II ejin give poinls to any cock that ever crew." ARE YOUn FEET GEBMA.\. National cliDraclerislics are many and varied, and scientists are always discovering new things. The latest of these is feet. The I'rcnch fool is nar- row and long. The Spanish fool is small and elegantly curvedâ€" thanks lo it' blood. The Arab's fool is proverbial for its high arch. The ICoraii say-; Ihat a stream of water can run under the true Arab's foot without touching il. The foot of the .Seoleh is high and thick; that of tlie Irish Hat and square; the English short and lli'shy. When Athens was in her zeii- ilh, the Grecian foot was the most per- fectly formed and exactly proportioned of that of any of the human race. .Swedes, Norwegians, and Germans have Ihe largest feet, Americans the snial- lesl. Bussian toes are "webbed" to the lirsl joint. 'I'artariaii toes are all the same length. Mrs. Naggelâ€" "You donT love me as much as you used to." Mr. Naggct â€" "Ihink so?" Niir.s. Naggetâ€" "No; you u^ ed to say I was worth my weight in j.-old. and " Mr. Naggelâ€" "WcM, you're not so sloul as you used lo be, \ou know." HOB.SE AND DOG ME.VT IN GER- .MANY. German Government statistics show that ii\.M\ horses and 2,151 <logs were slaughtered for food under government (inspection during the lirst ihree moiilhs 'Of lOOC. This was an increase of l.'Sii horses and 300 dogs over Ihe number isluughlered during the same lime in jJiXij. .\nd thi.s only accounts for Ihe dogs and horses killed under govern- nionto supervision. It is estiiiiated that among tlie poorer classes, forced lo re- sort to dog and horse meat by thi; ex- clusion of American and other foreign meats from the country, the consiiinp- lion of this sort of meal was nnicii larger than the olUcial records show. DODD'S '/, KlDNEYi HOW OLD IS THE WORLD? Professor Hay Laiikesiei's New Theory Contrary lo Urolodleul Time. Professor Bay I.aiike.sler, in the course of an mtorcsliiig oullino of Ihe advancement of science in the past Iweiily-nve years, which he gave al llio opening of the Brilish A.ssociution at York, raised the question of Ihe age of llie oarlh. lie said the.oi.scovery of radium far exceeded ull other discoveries in im- portance. If iho sun consisted of a fraction of one per cent, of radium, it woud account for and make good the heat that is annually lost by il. "This is a tremendous fact," the pro- essiir conliimed. "upselting all calcu- lations of physicists as lo Ihe duration In past, aiui future of tho sun'.s brat and the temperature of the earth's surface. "The geologisls and the biologists have long contended thai some llioli- snnd million years must have passed during whiiii Iho earth's surface has pr(-,eiilcd apf)ro.\imalely the same con- ditions of lemperiiluro us at present, in order to allow time tor the evolution of living things and the fiirmalion of Ihe acpieous deposits of Iho earth's crust. "The pliysiiisis, nolalily Professor I'ait and Lord Kelvin, refused lo allow more than ten million years- basing 111' («linKile on the rate of cooling of a ;phcre of tlie .si/.o and composition of ili(> eiirlh. They have a.ssumcd Ihat its malerial is self-cooling. "Bui, as Huxley pointed out. matho- iiialics will not give a true resnll wlien ajiplied to erroneous data. II has now, williin Ihesc last live years, become evi- dent Ihat llie earth's material is not self-cooling, but, on Ihe coiilrary, .st'lf- hoaling. And away go Ihe reslriclions imposed by physicists on geological lime. They now are willing to give us not merely a thoiisaiiil ijiillion years, but as many more as we want." Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant to lake; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried :t with best results. .Minister mildl.v) â€" "I've been wanting to see you, .Mr. Kurd, in regard to (lie aiialily of the milk which you are .serv- ing me.'' Milkman (uneasily) â€" "Yes, sir." .Mini.ster (very mildly) â€" "I only wanted lo say, Mr. Kurd, that 1 use Ihe milk for dietary purpo.scs exclusively, and not for christening.' ICIICVLBME Xbe highest medical ICBOWledae >n the world has produced COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT ntonsands of sufferers have t>een permanently cared by this wondena nil remedy and thankfully write to tell us so. Keep it in the house and use it for Colds. Coqgtas, Croup, Wtaooplno Coagb. Astkma and aU Tbroat and Long troubles. 'Your druggist not only keeps it but recommends It* Price, 28 cents. EXPECTQRAIiCr •'FIi^nnOVTM' IS K OFNTLB .STIMULANT lo tlio stomach, thereby aidint; digestion. An a tonic for pntieiits re<:ovfring from fevers and all diseases lowering tlie vitality, it is without a rival. At all drug and gen- eral btorefi- Wilie : "Mrs. Neighbors threw a flat- iron at her husband last night because bo accidentally sat down on her new bunncl. .Now. I couldn't do a Ihing like that.' lluhby : "You couUhrt'.'" Wine : "Of course not. 1 haven't any new bonnet." "By Medicine Life May be Prolonged." â€".So wrote .Shakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. It is so lo-day. .Medicine will prolong life, but be sure ol Ihe qualities of the me<licine. Life is prolonged by keeping the body free from disease. Dr. Thomas' Kleclric Oil used internally will euro coughs and colds, eradicate asthma, overcome croup and give strcnglh to Ihe rcspiralory or- gans. Give it a trial. j lie â€" ".So your husband bos given jp j smoking'? 11 requires a pretty .strong will to accomplish that." .Sheâ€" "Well, I'd have you understand that f bavo a strong will." Why go limping hui\ whining about your corns when a i'l eenl bottle of ilolluway's Corn '^ure will remove lliem'/ Give it a trial and you will iiul regn'l il. PI-KA.SB HKAU IN MINH that what i» called a skin disenso ma.v bo hut a R.vinplom of harl binad. In that rase, Weaver's Cftnto. e.Ttrrnally applied, Hliuuld he sii|ipli'tncutcd with Weaver's tSyrup, taken daily. Howell: "Rowell is always borrowing trouble." Powell : "He's tho kind of fellow who, if ho thonghl ho was going to get fat, would go out and walk off the weight before he got it 1" 'they Drive Pimples Away.â€" A face covered with pimples is unsightly. II tells of internal irregularili&s which should long since have been corrected. Tlie liver and the kidneys ore not per- forming their functions in the healthy way thiy should, and tlie-o pimples are to lot you know that the blood protests. I'armeleo's \'egetable Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin Clear and clean. Try them, and Ihere will 1)0 another witness lo their excel- lence. "OSHAWA" Steel Shingles. wind, Proof Made from Painted or Galvanized .Sleel, at pri<»s varying from S2.85 lo $5.tO per hundred square feel covering measure. This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Bains, .Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only (ools required. We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the Brilish flag, and have (»vered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE, WATER AND UQHTNING-PRODF. We also manufnclure Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor IMpe and, Etc. METAL SIDINC, In imitnUon of brick or stone. METAL CEIUNGS. in '2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. UB and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Wrile to-day. mn\ Que. 3X1-8 W Craig St. OIIQWQ, oni. 4£3 Sussex St. loronio.oni. 11 Caltrameat es Dunduat. wionipeg, M. 70 ifombard st. voriCfluver.B.G, Sli render St. Write your Nearcat onic«.-UKAD OFFICIC AND WOUKSâ€" OSHAWA. Oat 640 ACRES PRAIRIE WHEAT Near Neudorf, Saskatchewan. A great bargain. $12 per acre. Close to two railioad.s. Branch line of Grand Trunk Pacific surveyed almost through the property, BOX 21, 73 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TOKONTO. IN POBTIUN'.S TBL'B. Wife : "I'm inclined to Ihink, dear, that our milkman puis water in the milk." Husband: "On llie contrary, 1 think ho puts milk in the water." A WOL'.ND rilA'P MAPI-: III.STOBY. There is n certain peppery old cfilonel who claims lo liavi- l)een wounded long years ago in the leg while serving his country in some petty lillle froiilii>r fight. He is very proud of Ihal wounded leg. One afternoon, when he sat al his club nursing the injured leg. a fellow ,'lubiiian of rei^ent uc(piaiiilance, sym- palhelically tiski'd : "Lame. Coloiii'l '.'" "Yes. sir." was the reply, after an in- expressibly soleiiin pause, "I oni lome." "Been riding, sir?" "No," this liiiK^ with rebuking stern- ness. "1 have not been riding." ".•\h, 1 trust it was not due lo a fall, Colonel?" "No 1" come in tones of ferocity. "Perhaps, then, you have sprained ,-our ankle?' With painful slowness the old fellow lifli'd his pel leg in both hands, set it carefully on the floor, rose deliberately from his eliuir. and, looking down upon ihe iintorlunalc nucslioner with mingled pity and wrath, burst forth in almost sublliiie rage : "Go, sir, and read the hislory of your country, sir I" Mrs. M'Duffâ€" "This paper says thai mice are altracled by music; but 1 don'l Dclieve it." M'Duffâ€" "Why not?" Mrs. .MDuffâ€" "Because I never see any mice around when 1 play the piano." .M'Duff â€" "Well, that's no reason for doubling llie paper's slatcmeul." WK AHK ALL FAMILIAR with the deep, hoarse bark, Rrinil.v colled "a fravo-yard cuugh." Take Allen's I.uii({ lulsain, a remedy for jiulmonary trou- ble, highly ir'Oinniended even in the earlier atugeii ol Consumption. BICTALIATION. "I'll g-get evi'n w-with you. m-mam- ma," .sobbed small lilsic, who hud just been severely chastised. "IIow?" queried her mother. "When I g-grow up and h-havo n 1-littlo girl 111 beat Iho life out of h-hor," answered Elsie, There was once a proh'ssor who ne\er lost an opportunity to rebuke any bumptiousness on tho pari of his slii- tlenls. On one occasion, when ho was taking leave of a certain graduale, ho is reported to said :- "Sir, your fel- low-students think highly of you; I think highly of you; but sir, no one thinks more highly of you than you do yuui'jcU i" FREE Made in Canada and Sold by all Druggists This coupon ia Rooil for ono Ion cent aOc.) "Trial Bottle of the oelo- braled ^ Dr. Leonbardt's Anti-Pill a sure euro for Indigestion, Uilions- nostf, Dyspepsia, Conatipntion mid all ailmanta arising therefrom. Mailed froo, in a plain packnite. on roueipt. of namo and address. Kill in .vour nanio and post office address on dotted liuoH and send to THE WIUON-FYLE CO., Llmileil, Niagara Falls, Ont 6C0C One Fact I* Better than Ten Hearaays â€" Ask Dr. Borxesi. .Supt. Ileapitnl for Itiuiis, Mon- treal, for his opinion of " The DA I," Menthol I'lasler. Yard rolls tL also '2oa. tins. He (who has known her three days oniy>_"May 1 call you ICdith?" She â€" "I don't see why; my parents thought Emily was iiuilo good enough." Tor Inllamnialinn of the Eyes. â€" Among Ihe many good f|ualities wliicli Parnielee's Vegetable Pills iio.ssess, be- sides regulating the digestive organs, is their etlicai-y in reducing inllaiiimation (if the eyes. It has called furlh many Il Iters of recommendalion from those who were nlllieled willi this eompluinl ami found a cure in Iho pills. They aftect the nerve ceiilres and Ihe lilood ill a surprisingly active way, and the result is almost iimnedialely .seen. BABY LIFE AMONG THE INDIAN.S. Civen a reasonable cliance for life, tho Indian child is as happy, hopeful, aiii- bitiniis, and playful as is the while child boin under much liappier circuiii- sinnces. lie is. lob, niiile as imitative, and. like his white cousin, he apes Ihe ways and manners of his elders and mimics their ncciiiinlions in his jilay. The infant Indian po.ssesscs ra'hermnre dignily than Ihe nndinary white child. This is chieny owing to llie eai-e he re- ceives rather than to inherited scdale- liess. In his infancy he is islrapped I ) a board or securely packed in an elongated basket woven for that purpose where he enn neither kick nor sqiiiriii. 11,' erics less than his while coih,iiis, bocause he early learns tlial il is an iin- piolilablc occupalion. The Indian iiio- Iber is very aceomiiindaling. If her in- fant wishes lo cry she lets him do so. 8lie does not, like Ihe while mother, uish lo tho child when il begins lo howl and try to pacify him. .Slie lets him hiiwl till he tires of il and of his own accord. It is hecniise crying brings 11)0111 attention Ihal most children cry. The >oiiiig Indian does not get the nl- lention, so he soon cuts out crying en- lirely. With crying, kicking, and scuirming climinaled, there is really nothing left for him but to remain eoliii and look dignified. This is what ho does as a rule. Even the young man who is able to hold his own may prefer lo hold the hand of a pretty girl. UNIQUE. "1 ninrried you, my dear, because you were different from other women." "I'latterer ! In what way was 1 dll- ferent?" "You sold 'yes' when I proposed." Cholera aiul all summer complaints are so iiuick in their action Ihal lh« cold hand ol dcalh is upon Ihe victims before they are aware Unit danger is near. If allneked do not delay in gel- ling tlie iM'nper niedleiiii'. Try a dos« of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordi- al, and ynn will gel immeiliato relief. II acts with wi/iiderfiil rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. SPECIALISTS' SM.M.L HIV.DS. Brains of great men \ary ,-ery much. It is found that inon of encyclopaodio mind have large jin»l neiivy brains â€" Gladstone had to wear a very big hat â€" with an enormous bed of grey inatlcp and numerous Cdiixolulidns; (jn the other hand, men whose giiiius is conconlrHlod. upon one lino of Iboughl are of sninll brain, and, consccpiently have sirall heads. Newton, Byioii, and Cromwell were in this class. Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or CoM, no question about that, but â€" why go to all the trouble and uconvcniGnce of looking him up, andthen of havinghisprescription lilled, when ^ou can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURiS for a quarter. Why pay two to five donar#' when a twenty-five cent- bottle of SHILOH will cure voa. â-  as quickly? ' ,., Why not do as hundreds of thouaands of Canadians hayo ' . done for the past thirty-four • years : let SHILOH be yoii doc- tor whenever a Cough or CoM appears. SHILOH will cure yon, and all druggists back up this statement ' "'^i ^ positive guarantee. The next time you have a ' l.<ough or Cold cure It with SHILOH â- 'yy IJS.SLE NO. «- Ofc

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