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Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1906, p. 5

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rmt ai |[ ii<i »i II TitlE FLEESHERTO^' ADVANCE Ov-TOBER 11 1909 Tn£ ^tanoardx JOank (of CA^'ADA) Rag opened a branch nSice in Flesher- ton. V lu-re a gcncrni bankios huHirjeiw will he transacted.. Money available for efntinmte husmess eaterpriseH. DEAFTS r.OUGHT AND SOLD on all poiiitR it. Canada and the United States. Interest allowed on dcp''>«ita of 21.00 and upwards compounded, half yearly. G. Iklitcbell Agent Vicinity Chips For money at loire^t rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Flesherton. Bomâ€" On Fri'1ay,5lh insl., to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, a son, A gjod second hand organ for lule cheap. Apply at Clayton's. ocll Mrs. J. W. Armstrong ia visiting friends in Turouto. Two-year- jld heifer fur sale, ilue to cal\e in two weeks. Alex McRac, Ceylon Draught hlly colt for sale, rising tliree. Apply tn W. H. Huddy, Priceville P. O. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.Johnston. "f Thnrn- bury, visi od tlieir dausjhter, Mis. Geo. iStewart, Uat week. Sheep to let on shares â€" Twenty-five (rood youug ewes. Apply to D. W. Clinton, Maxwell. Cow for Sale â€" One well bred Durham cow, 6 years old, also one heifer one year old. Adam Smith, Eugenia. Rev. L. W. Tliom supplied for Rev. Buchanan, i f Dundalk, on Sunday. M. K. Richardson took Ikir. Thorn's work. Lost â€" Between Markdalu and Fleaher ton on Monday ni<iht a linht rain coat. Finder pleaae leave at thib oifice. Dr Frank Martin of Dundalk has been appointed associate c>>roner for the coun- ty of Grey. Sucb an appointment was needed. Ram Strayed â€" Leicester ram strayed about Sept. Isr. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Apply to G. U. Burk, Max- well. A. S. Thurston has a good ranQo of Souvenir Pustal Cards in two prices, 5c each and two for cc. They are both \imA value fur the money. Sheep Lost â€" On Sept.4,two thin sheep, marked with blue paint on back of neck. Information of shoir whereabouts will be thankfully reci-ived by Mark Wilson, Flesh etton. Don't miss the Mission Band Social in the Methodist church on Friday evening next. Coue and encourage the children by your presence. Any of our readers who know the whereabouts of an English boy named WiuBT, or Summers, will confer a favor by comuiuriicatine with this office. A. heavy electrical storm Monday even- ing brought on a cold wave which pro- nouncedly reminded one of the near tp- proich of winter. Misses Minnie and Lexie and Master Roas Brown of Toronto, are visitiud their uncle and aunt, -Rev. Dr. Caldwell and Mr*. CaUwell. Mr. A. Madill, Ceylon, has accepted an Hf(ency from the Manso*} Campbell Co., of Chatham, for the sale of their incubat- lora, farm scales and fanning uiUls. Mr. Madill's territory includes half of Artmeaia and Osprcy, also Glenelg, Pro- tun and £){rnmout. oc2o On Friday last Messrs. T: Lockhart, J. D. Brown, J, Richards and C. Maxwell of Dundulk, called on friends here, hav- ing come up in an aato owned by Mr. Lockhart. While here the gentlemaidy owner treated a number of citizeDs,young and old, to a ride around town. The Sydenham Mutual Fire Tusurance Co. is the stroll uest Farmers' Mutual doing business in Ontario. They pay their claims very satisiacturily, allowing market value for stock, implements, all furm produce and household etfocts. Get their rates by writing 10 their ajjent, W. •I. Bowea, Markdale. INov We can club the weekly Mail-Euipiie and Advance this year for 81. Co, and if both are paid in advance this small tarn also includes the Mon'real Heraldâ€" a ridiculously small price for such a.i amount of reading matter. We wiU send both M.iil and Kmpire and Advance U> the end of the present year for 30c. An Auction sale of farm stock and imp- gements will be held on lot 152-153, N. T. and S.R., Artt*media, nn Wednesday tVsr. 17, the property of Mr. Archy Boyd. At the same time the farm wiil be ofiered for sale. See bill* for particulars. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Cards have been issued anuoui>cin8 the forthcoOiiDg marriage of Miss Ethel Cros&ley to Mi. fTm. Bentlmm. Both voung people are well and favorably Icoirn ill Flesberton society. Mia Cross- ley Ih the eldest dauglitor of our oateeineJ citiaeu, Mr. W. P. Crossley. The young lady in question ia moat highly thought of by a large circle of frieuda, and the fortanate prospective groom is certainly to b* oniigratulaied. The eveut will take plao* on ffedttvaday afternoon, Otet. 17, M til* rvudenca of the bride's i>*r«ttU. Mr. Harvry B^ilkerson, Regina, is in town. Artemesia council met nn Saturday last. The niinutfa will appear next week. A ohoiitiiu; match will be held at the residence of Mr. Lafayetiu BHdger«w,4.h line, Arteineaia, on Tui-mlay afternoon, <Jct. 16. There are 6fiy fowl- turkeys, ducks and geeseâ€" to be shot for. Euccnia Presbyterians will hold their annual fowl supper and entertainment on the evening of Thanksuivini; Day, Oct. 18, when an extra gm>d tuna is antici- pated. See bills fur full particulars. Tow and calf CHuie astray â€" Came to the preinisex of tlei.ry Weber, lot 25, con. 13, Arteine8ia,<>ue cow and calf about the Ist of October. Owner please proTo proper- ty, pay expenses and take away. o25c Rev. G. F. Hurlburt waa in town this weak shipping his furniture. Mr. Uurl- burt, instead of going to Cuba, has ac- cepted a call to Salford. near Inyersoll, a beautiful and wealthy section of country. Thank.'i'.'iving Bervices will he held in the Methodist church, Fleshertou, on Sunday, <)ct. 21, when sermons will be preachi'd by Rov". B. R. Scransjways, B. -A., B.D., 1. 1 Shelhurne. Select mjsic will he ri'tulored by the choir and a large free-wiil oflering is abked for. Dr. Murray and a syndicate of five other youne men buvc purchased a ma- rine ua^iiline eni'iiieand apecitications for an 18-fui^t Ixuoch, which they purpose building during the coming winter for use on surrounding waters. A "Brown Si'cial" will be held in the basuii ent of the Mtfthi>d:st church on Friday evening next, Oct. 12, under the anapices of the Missi.^n Baud. A pro- gram 18 being prepared snd an enjoyable time is anticipated. Silver collection at â-  he door. Any young men desirous of entering the Fleshertim Citizens' Band should com- municate immediately with J. Bowler, Biindmagter, Flesberton. None but th< s < willing and able to cume to practice twice a week wanted. No knowledge of music necessary. A bright light in the sky to the south on Monday evening after the thundor storm created con.siderable interest aa to what might be burning. TFe understand it was a born on the 16ih of Proton, be- longing to a widow wnnian named .lohn- aton, which had been fired by the electric fluid. Particulars arc not to baud. Burks Falls Arrow : Rev. Mr. Sin- clair of Eiiisdale occupied the pulpit of the Mehi'di t church Sunday evening and preiched a Rernmn of rare excellence alniit; the line of christian charity. Tbo -Arrow wa.i ploHsed to meet in the gifted young prencher a friend of the " days of auld lang syne." Th« Flesherlim choral uniin conducted by Mr. Newton Large, of Owen Sound, inoeta in Mr. Clayton's hall on Mtinday evenings at S o'clock. For »»y iuforma tion wiiie or »oe the secieitry, Miss OouLson, Fle^herion. Membership fee 50c. Every one who is interested in singing Khoutd join. Choral Uiii->n will net meet until Moiid»y 20th O.r, as Mr. Large canno': be pri;scnt until that date. Inspector l"f . W. Campbell is at present engaged meeting the St:hoi>l b'>ards of his inspectorate with a view to explaiuiug the advantages of the uew school law. He met the Flesberton hoard Monday after- noon. Mr. Campbell, as one ot the framers of the Act. is in a position te give the why and wherefore of each clause iu the measure. He has been over the belter part of three townships and says he has yet to meet the board that was dissatiilied after hearing thi measure ex- plained. Onu of the principal causes of complaint is what is known as the mini- mum clause. On this head he says that Alberta and the Northwest provinces are draiuing Ontario of its normal-trained teacbeis. These teachers are trained at large expense to thi* province for main- tenao^e of schiMils and the west reaps (he advantage, while our youths are trained by a lower grade of teachers, and twenty> fnim now the result would be de- ploiaMe and our educational standard lowered. With big salaries in the west it is absolutely neces-iary that the teach- ing profession should be put on a higher plane in Outario witli more remunerative salaries so ihat our home- normal-trained teachers will remain with us. Mr, Camp- boll will meet every board in bis inspec- torate by request of the goveriiment. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. Bv applying au an tiijplic dressing to wounds bruises, oiirns and like injuries l>i*fi)r« in6atn- mation sets in, ihvy ni.iy be hu-iled without maturation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the ^eiittait discovery and triumph of modern surKery. Chamborlaiua Pain nulin acts on this sauie principle. It is hn antiseptic and when applied to such injuries causes them to heul i^uiddy. It aUio allnys the pain and Bore- n«8s. aadjjrevents say danger of bluud pois- oniuK- Keep a buttle of Pain Balm in your huiiie and it will nave y.iu time and icooey, not to mention the inconvenienro .-uid soffnrinK such injuries entail. Fur a&le by H. K Doug- la.«a and W. K. Ricbardmn. Fr: m the Armstrong Colony Strongfield, Sask., Sept. 24, 1906. Editor Alvance, â€" The «rtic!e which appeared in your paper of August 30th referring to the Armstrong colony has been brought to our notice, and we, the uiidcr«it;ned rea- id<-at« of this colony, consider the same IB 8.'ead Dg and would beg space in your paper to place the truth bofoie your read- era. Ia the film place none of ua ever "anatbamstiiad" iba day we caaia to iha WMU Kfgarding Mr. Lawicr't itat*- m-itit about the land being covered with boulders, it is untrue. There are in places some atonss, which can l)e cleared offtttacostof from 10 cents to 40 cents per acre iicoording to location. This con- dition thst we state is not an unusual thinjijbut is quite common iagood wheat- growing districts ihrouuhouc the west, with reysi-d to your statement "There are sis'! other causes of complaint" we are indettnite we cannot reply to jt, but wo would say, as a people we aro a-.tislicd with tlie '.{oueral condition of thinsss, with briaht prospects for the future, and we venture to state that no- where in the wast can be found a colony 17 mouths oU that has made better pro- gress. Signed â€" T. J. Colquette, S Carson, w. J. Carson, J. H. Auders.m, R. S. Rae.w. J. Drummond, George Francis, John B. Grose, w. J. Grose, w. E. Wiggins, A.R. Inkster, w, H. Norriah, w. A. Norrish, H. E. Norrish.S. Norrish.B.S.Colquotte. John Taylor, D. B. Carson, R. H. Car- son, H. K. Robertson, D. A. IFiguins, A. M. Ak^ip, L. S. Davey, Wm. Davey, F.C.Norrish. S.J. Norrish, w. S. Carsor, J.J. Madden, E. H. Jay, J. Tredom, J. B. Jay, B. Fligg, S.J. Greer, E.E.Lnug, Wilfred Piidell, G. Hudson, D. E. Ship- man, P. P. Perry, J. P. Perry, J. A Kennedy. E. Kennedy, D. wdcox, Ckr- ence wdcox, John Anderson, Ernest Anderson, .A. Dayman, E.D.Legard. There are a number from home whose signature we could not secure for t his article. -COM. WELLKNOVfN IN JARVIS, ONT. Haldiinand Coaaty Councillor teib bow Psyciune cored his \mi Trool)les ** I contrtcted a series of colds from the changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen, a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and a member of Haldimand County Council for his district, "and gradually my lungs became affected. I tried medicine and doctors prescribed for me, but got I no reUef. With lungs and stomach diseased, nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use Psychine. With two months' treatment I reg^ained my health. To-day I am as sound as a bell, and give all the credit tc Psychine." There is a proof of what Psychine does. It not only cures Colds and kills the germs of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Consumption, but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich blood and spreads general health all over the body. You will never have Consump- tion if you use S BOOTS and SHOES i ^ Clayton's are offeriner all Summer boots and shoes S S^ At Greatly Reduced Prices || ^ In order to make room for their Fall and Winter dg ^ goods. ^ I IT WILL PAY YOU 2^ "When in need of anything in our line i TO LOOK AT OUR STOCK | ^ And get a Bargain. S Wm. Clayton, SHOEHAKER FX-ESHERTON, ONX. f f The MEDICAL HALL does not intend to let its reputation for the BEST SEEDS suffer. We have in stock everything in the seed lino required by ths firmer or gardeuei, all from the most reliable growers â€" no old, dead seed â€" everything fresh and full of vitality. Scores of people are taking advantage of these facts and securing bargains every day. Get your seed for spring planting from H. L. Douglass PSYCHINE IFALL GOODS (Ftaaounced Si-keca) 50c. Per Bottle Uuvar •!>•• 0t and •2-all dnisstatai ML T. A. SLOeUM. L'mHed. TortMrtih GENERAL STORE STOCK FOR SALE The undcrsiiinert wiil recaive tcaders for bis ntook.conalftting of drr KootJs. clothiug. wool- lens. cottoiiH. batA aua CAps, crocm-ten, boots and sboefl. store fixtures acd Bafo, in all about tweotyfive huuilrud dollars stock, ao d stock Bbeets cau be ssoa ou preiui^ee. B. TBIMBLS, Fleaherton. ^^^Siif^.^'^^iZ^^ VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE B.ick bouse ^x35, cellar full sico bou^e. coutainsten rooma; wood&bod attached: Qrst class well iu woodshed. Stabl .s 18x2-1 and 16x20 with ffhed VZ x 18 : also four large lots. One of the bust streuts In the viUaK«* House stands ou best site iu town for private Uouso. Apply to W. W. TBXUBLB. Farm for Sale 100 acres lot 15aml lO.lst N. D.R. Onprey; 7 miles from Ouudalk. Qmilfsfrom Flesberton, balMuile from cburcb, schooi and n. o. Good clay loam, free frnai scone, mustard and r^aisy. 80acrPSurdiT Rood caltivation. lOarroa hard> W(.od busb, 10 acrtis new land r^tady to break. Well watered by runniugstrc-Aiii aud two Devor- failing wells, good fenous, wtrraod rail, bnrn 50 x HO feet, good Htoue f»t*bling under. Ptono rijos house, water in shod, good sheep house, hog i>en aud implcmeut bouHO. Good large brlckdwo liiifi, faitchen and wood bouse, cis- tern. Will soli cheap as [ inland going west. Kor further particulars apply to H. J. Sproule, Flaabertoo, ur nu preiutaes to oclOS CUAS. UaWOING, Warehaii:. SKALED TRNDERSaddroMiod to the undur> signed and eiuUrsed, * Teodor for Qwon Sound BevettroDt Wall," will be received at tbidoAce up to and including Saturday, Octo* ber 3T* IOCS, inclusively, for the contitruction of a Pile aud Cuucret« Revetuieut Wall at Owen Sound, Git-y Couuty, Out,, according to a plan aud Buuciflcatiou to be seeu at the office of J. G. Birig, Eta., hsbident EngiDot-r, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, ou applicatiou to tho Postmaster of Owen Sound. Out., aud at the Uupftrtuiunt of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not b« considered unless made on tbo pi'iuted forui Kupplied, aud slgoeU with the actual signatures of teudertim. Ad aocoptt>d ubuquo cu a chartered bank, ff.yable to tlio order of the Honourabla the iuisterof Tublio Works, for fourteen huudred dollarr(Â¥l.4U0.0DLQ)u<;t accouipauy each tuudfr. Thrt cheqiio will be furfeited if the pai ty teu* during df clino Ihuooutracb or fail to ooruplot* lbs work coutraotud fur. and will beretaruod Iu case of nou-acccutaocft of to:>der. The Depa>-tment does not biud itaeUtoao-* oeyfe the lowest or aoy tender. By ordMT. FHKD. QBLINAS, BeeraUry. Dtparimenfe of Publio Work*, OkUwa, 8eptMtib«r 97, \«A N««»p»p«n lDMrUii« IbU adT*rtiMin«oft ^1!"^ ."f?***!!'' »»wiii»*« *»P»rt«Mi» wUI imH tH pmkiX tot It Ready to Wear Clothing >•)> A now stock of Keady-raade Clothing just arrived. Come and get an up-to-date suit at a reasonably low price. We have our Fall Dress Goods and Blousing in. Boots and Shoes We have a large assortment of summer Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 75c. to $2 00, your choice per pair for 50c das. Pattison, Ceylon, ^ F. G. Rarstcdt Genersd Merchant. >JYeiu stoats for uall Wear Have a look at our new Fall coats and you will be con- vinced. We have them in all styles 7-8 lenKth coatn (or tl&.OO 3-4 lengths fn>ra 5.00 to 10.00 We have s Dice line ot uirl's c-kts fiom 3.50 t<i 8.50 FUR COATS We hsve • oico line of Fur lined Ciuttrt Kiib exper.nive Marine Far ColUr and Front, juat looks ha good a* « GO. 00 or 75.00, c<>iit fur. . 28.00 We also have a Muskiat lined coat with Tiirsiaa LHiub Collar for 65 00 Ladies Seal Skin ooiit for 40.CU Ladies Astrachan coit.s trum 20 00 to 36 00 F. G. Karstedt \ Flesberton - - Ontario. ^1

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