401' kjsfertmi >ir*^ \ â- ^> R."â€".. PBlNCIPLEis NOT MEN. VOL XXiT, SO 1294 ^ .0^ Fleshi%rton, Ont, Thursday Octot>er II lOOe W. H THUSSTON, KDITOB PEOPIUETOK Rings Rings! We have jo«r<sceiv<Hl a number of pearl rinKS> which range in price from $3 to $2S. We also hare diamond rin^ at higiier prices Omie aad sea th«jm. There is a stock of over tJiree L undred to choose fro m. You are aure '->f being pleased. Watch Guards! We have a sipecial line of ladies lung <old watuh ^jards v«hich we would like you to see. These racge in price fri>m S3 to SIO, ^ad ate well wcrth iookiuB at. Our^tock of Silver- vi(^^|fe for wedding p'resehts cannot surpassed. IV. >yf. ^rmstiHing, THE FLESHEKTOy JEWELLER. ! old W Patton. J MciJillan\BulI calf. ! Fergnsou. C C James; Parsnips, T A ! J Fairbairn.W FaUon.R AiUu. M,^h ! Fergnson, H WatonjRadishS black, ! ford. Bull aged, W Buskin; 2Dd. Grades, W Buskin; Bcilcalf, MAEJKDALE. ONTARIO "• .^ ','1,.';:^ i'""' °""' : F"e."«. O .VcCo,mi.krr,U«d torn i t â- â- i,^._ or well gone m calf, for dau? pnrposes. | DiUcb setts.T R Alien G3IcTa.'«3rt, J Niolioil; 2 ' ,,«, from t STORE L Ifci-siaEOQ, H Watfcon; i I raised from tops, H Watson; raised â- ^ Priceville Fail Fair PriccTillftfaU fair, held oa Friday last, was v.ery »ao3iw«ful iu almost every re- spocc Tlio crowd was s<>mewhal larger tbau tasb ,f«ar, and as a consequence the laeeipts irere also iu adv&uce. They " would need to be, beoHuse the directors '{tiis>ye<ir went to Iars(e eipeiiM iu secur- iii«; euteriaiiiinoot and instruction for thMT guests, and admittedly succeeded iu thia rei<pect. The Stalker ^ittai of Ac- tqa, 9 aud 11 yeai«- -'^ ^BJe, Scottish d:iacery, act^aotud >auuh attention. They we^g^Wf^paiiisd by^Mr. P. McActhur ^^ifl^tne bagiiipes. Fiesbert>a band also ^/^(f^ rendered a choice variety of music ' ' throu|;UuUt the artenuiou and evcaiaK- % ' The concert hall in tl-.e evening w«a crowded to the doors to hear a splendid concert put on by the directors with •I' chuiou imported taleat. 'fbe eiliibitiua was opened by H. H. Mdler, M. P., of Hanover, >rho dulivered > a short address al-int; patriotic tines, after ""which hw pronounced the show open. At tfat^ juncture a p<<rtioa of the grand staad egllapsed, precipitatiui; some of the band t^)jf(^ the ground. None were seriou&ly huFO.at some of the horns wero dain- agrC' ka lumUers the boys are graceful io their e^iolutions aud as a tirsc act after y^^the raising of the curtain this event cre- mated considerable applause. '.'^s for tbeshow proper it was fully up toUny former event. The live stcck was especially i;o<id aud the inside exhibit was Ytqqf fiue indeed. The crowd throu<;hout t4ii%iiftt.nioon was very orderly and ap- pfMnliy enjoyed themselves, with the air ata proper temperature for enj'>yinent. The lain beld uff very accomuodatingly until evening when a steady diizxle set iu which lasted fv>r many hoora, but the Ar- lemesia show was an event ul the pas! and was, fortunately, uot affected HORSESâ€" Draughtâ€" Spau horses Jb8 Pattou ; 2 year gelding or tilly H Shaw. R J Ueudry ; 1 year gelding or filly, VVm Pattou. N Fletcher, ±{ J Hendry, Spring colt, Jas Oliver, J PattOQ. Agrioullursl â€" span horses, KJ Hendry. D McMillan. Brood ware â€" R J Hendry, Wm Fttirbairn ; 2 year gelding or tilly, R J Heudry, Jobu Buruett. 1 year gelding or lilly, Nonnau Fletohef, Geo MoAr- tbnr, D Campbell. Spnugvcolt, Jas Olivt r. R J Ileudry, W Patiiotu Gen luit, H Watson, J Citrous, H Waijoii, D M.e j Water Eelous, D McCormick; ! Everybody sliO|ild smile this X. I W T Men^o VIC iv^off n \f \fu'^^- ^ E ArrowRtnitb. U Watson; ^^ Rni/tif' w Y v^ '^ M«=M>na.,r Calery, anv other ki-..? Heifer calf. W O Wyatt 1st and 2nd. ' McPUaii ' W. Meads; Best herd (regd.) Durham ; y cattle, three females aud a ball. J 'r,,.-«»«o» ^\ \.t ,â- \ ,.^ Eckhardt,D McM.Uau; Best grade j ^S'ailxtfbt'T.^^^^^^^^ Offer them a pageful of imlucementa and theYll Save careful shoppers money and they'll be happy. Show them honest floods at extraordinarilv low prices aud pur- laujjh and bur. row, H Walsot); CiitjuuiberH, ripe, ^ , E Arrowsmith. W Watson; Table i HEEE YOU ARE ' Son"eJS;,'ot^1Tacb.'t i ^^"^^' ^^"^^ ^"i^*" manner of joyful expressions, becati^ its Watson, T A Ferguson; Collection cf ' Here's the material for the making of the material for money saving. cow for breeding aim ouLciier s post^. J Oliver 1st and 2ud. SHEEPâ€" Cctswoid- Aged ram. A Mnir; shearling ram A Miiir; Mr. Mair also took first aad second for \ a"nd iw^tif Z'Lte'-S^'i X ' ^^^'^l^^^^ J Jhis week here y.-\\\ be one of tha happiest'^weeks on record AMtxir, J A Swauston; sbearh^^ i M.^iL"rD''&i:n "* 8^1^^^ Everything with its price ram. A Muir ; raui Lamb, J A Swans- 1 Harrow.' C C Jamee ; other vxt. winter. ' ""^^'^ ^^ f^rmg a big CTOwd of shoppers. Come and get TOUT ton. A Mair; aijed ewe, A Mair Ist! U Watson. C E Trynu ; snow, J .MoBethj shai^e of the iTOOd thin'' H Piper ; Colbert, J Eckh-irdt ; Aleian- "" ° der, G B Arrowsiuith. H Piper; St.' '"^^^"'^ ^^^^8 ^â€" ^ ^"^g ^^^â€" ^"W â„¢^ â€" ^^ ^ â€" "^^a^^i^ Lawrtnce, A D »IcLeod, D Harrow ; 1 DRESS GOODS. othei variety fall apples, C C Jame-s, \ 43 i^ch BUe, BLick aud Brown Venetian and 2nd ; shearling ewe. J A Swans- ton, A Muir ; ewe lamb, A iluir Ist and 2ud, Shropshire â€" Ram aged. R McEacbern; ewe, aged, J Oliver 1 4 2 n vi /-. • 1. â- .1 r\ r i D 1 .i A â- , . \^ McCortBlck r oest cdlectiou ot Oxfords-Ram apd, Wm Fairbairn ; } ^^^i^ j Ecklwrdt. A Mmr ; crib apple. ram^stiearttop, John Fairbairn , ram large, J OU*«r, D McCormick ; medium, lamb, W J Meads. J Fairbairn ; ewe! T A Ferguson, J Oliver ; jJums, W J aged, John Fairbairn, J Oliver; ewel Coukey ; peats, J Eckhardc ; grapes, U shearling, J Oliver, J Fairbairn: ewe! ^^'»t*^"- lamb, W Fairbairn. J Fairbairn. „ *"'"'^-^*'^,'^""l"*''„\/ ^'^H' SWINE-Berkshiro-Boar over 1 ?vf !."'" ' ^f^^''""/!"'"' " ^^»''">"- ^^^ „-..> 1 \i n .u I M r> :, \ J Meads ; colIectKin house planes. Herb year, J McCetb ; sow, J McBeth, Ji w.vson. Je. uie McAithur. WOMKN S UNDERWEAR Eckhardt ; spring pigy J Bckhardt 1st and 2Dd. Yorkshire â€" Boar aged, J McMillan ; «ow. J McMillan ; sprin" pig. T A Ferguson, Wm Watson. Cloth at 50c. All Wool Tartan Dress Goods at aoc Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, 42 inch, good value at 25c. 25 dozea Drawers, Women's Ribbed Vests and best value, at 2i> HOSIERY" 50 dosen Ladies tine knit Cashmere bone TWO pairs for.. 2dc DAIRT and other Produceâ€" Honey ia [ ^o down Men's all wool socks, TWO pairs ^Ou>b, U VV.itson ; h )ney extracted, H I f"' 2uc Watsi>n ; butter is :Ji\, A U McLeod, D ; 10 dozens Mens all wool black worsted Harrow, J Oliver ; butter, crock, D Uar- j hose at lite POULTRYâ€" Game.male, J W Ford ' r^I!' « ^ ^"^^v-i^-" ^^ ^u"''* ' ''""*f- i do.femaie.J ^ Ford i3t and 2nd -^i,^^S;^\?-J\^t.%^r/^^^^^^^ MKNS' and BOYS' WEAR WyaiJdotte, m»le, J W tord 1st and Uaple suga., Jaiw McPha.l, Mrs. Wm. 1 «*>«» ^ih wool ribbe-J underwear, aa- 2nd, do. female. J .V Ford 1st aud | White. shrinkable StanSeld's, at HO 2ud; BuffCochm, male, T A Ferga-[ MANITACTUKESâ€" Sett horseshoes, ! Men's Floeoe Lined Underwear ac. OOc, sou, do. female, T A Ferguson; Brah- J H McLean ; rag carpet. Jane McPhaii, ji^„., ^ Cashmere Vests at . . . . l.4d ma, male. \ Mair, do. female, A Mnir'^ ** Arrowsmuh ; Uanuel. handmade, 1st and 2nd; White Ltphom mala i Jane .McPhaU ; woolen llaakete, Jennie White Ltghoru, male, i'., ... v v>i » 1 SsSr T ['' Tt Yk'%''"^''%'' i LADIES wtK-l>um.kiu Harrow, 1st aud 2nd; Houdan. male, ! Oliver, Joe Oliver ; A Mair, do. female, A Muir, 1st andlu.i. Men's Four-ii.-handTies, nice pattenM. Two for 25c pie, Jas ; lemon ^)it>, D McMil- , N Fletcher; apple pie. B McKiunoa 2ud; Browu Leghorn, male, J W Ford j Jiuies Oiiver ; fruit cike, G McArthur, W Baskiu, do. female, W Buskin, J j 'f --^ Ferguson ; breail, h^'uiomaUe, D Mc- j W ford; Barred Plymouth Rock, ; Milloa, Jos Oliver ; h.xuomade but.s, : male, J W Ford 1st aud 2ud; do fe- i ???; ^Y'^^- ^^''1;^:. ?. McMUle« ; tarts, male, J W Ford Ist »nd 2nd: White ? ^i"-'^")"""- D McMdlen ; w.oUen yarn huuieiiiaoe. UHible and twisted. Mrs. \y BOOT'S and SBOES. 40 pairs Women's Bo.t Calf, solid bal, at 1.59 20 pairs men's Buff Bals, solid, at. . .119 20 pairs Men's Split Buiopkias at 95 M»l purposeâ€" Span, Jas Gara Swauston ; brood mate R. Kio! :i ytar gelding or filly, D Hai Fairbairn, James Kivj.^. 1 r^. gelding or filly, J Burnett, W bairn, U. R McLean. Spring colt JJioholswn. Roadstersâ€" Si)an horset*, D MoMi0ftn, Wm Patton ; brood mare C C Jaaw. \V Watson, Jos Black 2 litr gcidiug or filly, C N Riobard tea, Wm Pattou ; spring ooU, Joseph BlMk,W Wat$oa C C James- Road st8i-_ Fartotr* trotâ€" H MoDongall, James Caldcr, M Mclnuis. Single driver, J Fairbairn, C N Richardson, V UcLaohlan. 8pe«ial»â€" By James PkttoB, fa, 1 jear draught gelding or fill J. Wm Pattou ; by James, bridle value t3, best single driver, J Faiibairu ; diploma for best horse ou groood. U Hliaw. C'Arriifiâ€" Pttrbaxa. Bull 1 jtu W Ford Ist and 2nd: White Plymouth Rock, male, J W Ford Isk and 2ad, do. female. J \V Ford. T A Ferguson ; Black Minorcas. male, J W Ford. A Mtur, do female J W Ford 1st aud 2nd; Duck, male, T A Fergu- son.do. female.T A Fergason; Turkey, male, D McMillan. T A Fergason. do. female, U MoMillan, T A Ferga- son. Goose, male, W Pattou, T A Ferguson, do. female, W Pattou, D McMillan. GRAIN and SEEDSâ€" One bush. hil wheat, uamed, H Piper ; spring, 1 White, U McEachetu ; wouiicu yaru, sinxte, J McUae, K MoEachem ; men's S'icks liouietttade, U. Nicholson, Jane white Russian, A Mair,"T Nicbol; i '""^' **.^»^'* CROCKERY and WOOnENWARE 2 duzeu wa,sli bourd.n. gxvtit, value at. .8c to dozens .lapanese fancy Cojis and , Saucers, at 19o stockings. Jane, .w, / . ^. v ~, â- , ^ „ . McPhad ; pair men', mitu knitted. Jane ^ <"" °'" imporUtion) Toilet Sets. 10 McPhail. 11 K McLean : pair la Jy s mitts 1 P"^* **^ knitted, J McPhail, N Fletcher; quUt, j __ ^^ ^ »^w m i^yw patuhwurk, homemade, G E Arrowsiuith, ^ A^O^VW^I A^l 11 Jennie McArthur ; .,.11% Ug cabin. W ^^TtK.E' T^tt.h^.t\l^MJ Kuekin, Mrs. Wm White ; <iu;lc, knitted, Mrs Wm White, J McFbait ; qusU,crizy, W J Meads. W L Weight ; quilt, tufted, W L Writfht ; quilt, fancy. W Buskin,, Jeuuie M>.Arihur ; barliu wool work, not' Harrow, $1.50 N Fletcher, *1 D McMd- 10 dozen Woman's Vests, all- wool, at.50 " 3 dozen Wouten's Heavy Vests at . . . 3So' Woraen'a Stan field UoahrinkabU, all wool, aitra value at ,^. . .1.00 FASCT GOODS and NOTIONS 5 (loxen fiR« Clothes Brushes, extra valud »t 13c 5 groes Boxes Soap. 3 bcxes for 3o 2 dosefl iiM hand aud stand mirrors at 215 10 gross Kuvelojjes, il«pMr« or -long, 2 packages for ;,.' .\ . . . :"". . . .5o 5 dosen Whisks at S^ Mn.LINERY 10 pieces Tartan Ribbon, at 15 20 nicely trimmed and ready-to-wear Hats at 1.96 5 pieces Spot Chiffou Veiling, at 23 HANDKERCHIEFS and BIBS. 10 dojen Children's Bibs, «J for S5 5 dvzei) large si^e fa:icy colored Bibs at 10 10 dosea Irish Ijtwn Handkerchiefs, 4 for 85 35 dozen good size Hindkerchiefs at. .3c 8i COMPANY fife, A Mair; G McArthur ; betliu .... Wool work, taisL-d. Jane McPhail, H X, m V- u ,*°^r> "J"^"^ variety, A 1 p , . ,,^,h, ^ny other kind. T A Fer- Muu-, 1 Niehol. Barleyâ€" Six rowed, | ^us.,n ; gent's shut, unwaahed, haud- A Muir, G £ Arrowsmith ; 2 rowed. 1 made. W Buski.i, H Watson ; hooked A Muir. Oalsâ€" White. A Muir. G E [ mar, W J Meads, N r.etcher ; crochet Arrotvsmitli ; black. A Muir. Peas â€" ' w"rk in cotton, Mrs. Wai. Whit«», Jennie Large, G E Airowsmith, A Muir •^'''*"'"*'" ^ *-''^'*^'**' *"''' '" *""'• "''"* small, D McMillan, T Nichol Corn' 1 McPhail. N Fletcher ; taucy kn.it.ug in ,,• 1 , 1 . o 1 â- ^1 â- wool. G lii Arr.>wsi(iitu, J«ne Mcrhail ; -iield, J Anssum. 2t.d u.correctly f^„„y t^.^^i,,^ ,„ ^.„tt„„^ j WcPtuil. J laii. Wtu Kilcy- -T A Fergus.>ii. â- Best Lauudried Shirt marked j timothy seed, .\ Muir, D Xk'Millen ; white beaus, D MoCor- mick, U VPatson ; colored beans, D McCormick, T A Ferguson ; flax seed, J Oliver, T A Fergnsou ; best collection Jlraiu aud seeds, A Muir. ROOTS «iid VEGETABLESâ€" Potatoesâ€" Elephant, T A Feiguosi», D JlcMtllen ; Beauty of Hebron, G K y knittiii;; in cotton, J McPtuil, McArthur ; bi-»id"i<j( in cotu>n, Jennie McArthur, Mrs Wiu White ; tatting in Cv'ttou. Jane MoPhad; eiu broidery in cotton, Jeunie MoArtbur ; iu silk, G E Ariowsmith, Jennie M.-Arthur ; outline Work, Jeuuio McAttliur, U Watson ; Woollen work on canvas, W Buskin, X A Feri;u»on ; ti>i!et set*, W L Wri^lil, M Mclutyre ; lamp ruatiiio. T A Ferttusoii, Mrs Wm White ; bunoushion. W Buskin Arrowamitl), D McMillen ; any other D McCotiuick ; sp d«r web cushion, Jen variety, D McMillen. J Gliver ; col- . t"** McArthur, D McCormick ; homemade lection. U Watson. J OUver ; turnips. «»'H'1^"^ ^ Mclutyre, Mrs Wm White; swede A Mnir, W Watson ; other kiud, A D UcLeod, 2nd incon-ectly marked ; green top Aberdeen, J Ohver T A Ferguson ; otlier variety, Robert Nicholson, Jane McPhail ; mangolds. drawu thre'id work, Jeiiuiu McArthur, T A KergUHon ; b«ttent>uit( work, W L Wi 14)11, Jenui«) McAithur ; table centre- piec<*, eotb., M Mclntyre. J McArthur ; Osprey Fall Fair Osprey fall fair, hold on Thurs-lay "I last neck, was another record- breaker, the gate receipts runniii^ up to |2TS.4iX The d.'ty ws.t not of the best, either. Ic rained iu the aftetno>>u, bjt not enoauh to make things very disa;;reeiible. Tbiashjw. as we have before roinackeJ. Ls one of the ssrowiiii; kind. It does H'it stand still.aud is of a purely agricultural nature, too, without any frit'.s to draw the crowd. It is a plain, eveiy-Jay nsji {cultural exhiii- tuui, tfive^ jjood prizt's (iniprovi:»j{ iu this rei:ard year by ye»r als>') and the {.>e»>|'lo show ihiiis;*. We doubt if the stock exhibit this year could bo beaten north of 1 receipts for the fair amounted to $*0»>.00. Foliowitiii is the prize list: HORSESâ€" Heavy drau^jbt. Pair hor- ses B F Kerr; Brood in-tre, J .\ Kertin- han: 2 year cult, J A Keraah<<n, J .Mo Douald; 1 year colt, J MelX>uald. Geo. Uawf.n; Spring colt, J .\ Kemah.so. J McDonald, Aaricultural, Pair horses. J Wn,r^.Ts, W Neff, U Adaais; Broid iu.ire, J McDonald. W Netf; 2 y«ar oU Colt, T Hiunon, K Ad.iin.s ; one yciir colt. Geo Hawtou, J Irwin. Goncpil purpose. Pair horses, J Me'her- a!. W Cvnu. A McLsau. Brv>.>d lu-iro, S G.»llow«y, K Ottewell; 8 yov coh, T Uetts, C Moore; 1 year c<;!t, K Otewell. H McKeniiie; Spring; colt, R 0;tewell, F Browulee; Roadsters, Pair horses, W Hutchinson; Brood m.ire, F Bri>wnie«, D Smith; 2 year colt, J Jamiest'ii, A Mc 0<iarric; 1 year colt. D Smith, J McDon- aldj Spring colt, D Smith, Moore; Sitv^le diiver, J Gl.»ds:v.>ne. E Gosnell; T A Ferguson ; long letl.A Mnir, C C sockuigH, W Bu»kin, Mm W \\ hiio; Guelph. It waaone ot the bist we cv«r| B<«t lady driver. Miss Campbell, Mi*t saw f.ir a country show. The inside ex- j Whiteoak, C^rri»ge llortse<, P»ir ho»»i». hibi». of nK>t» und venetaoles was also up i A Stephenson, B F Kerr, J Gauiey; to the mark, iiotwiihstandinu a poor f Brood inare, J CUik;2 je^r colt, F Spwf- stMison, and the fruit exhibit w.is supvrf>. , fard: I year olt, F Browulee, J Clark; Everythiuit went off in an ortlerlv j Spiiiig colt. J Cinrk; Siu^'e driwr, J S«>f» cushion, uiountcl, J tlcArthurJ iu<kn>ier with the eice(>tion ot" onei Mcl)<,u.Vd: T IXividson. J McPhail; laming, best and neutest oo ) small unpleasantness created by stmiel C.XTTLEâ€" Short U..rn- Utltton holes shown ou 3 ditforent mater- ials, Mrs. W White, 11 Watstm; Painting | on kL>^, T -^ Ferguson, U Piper; Puu i and Ink sketch. T A Ifergason, H Piiier. ! SPECIALSâ€" By H U Miller, M P, i •Mo but James ; Danish sugar beet, D McCor- mick, A Mnir ; carrots, field, white, A Muir. A D McLeod; red, U Watson, W NYatsou ; sLorilioru T Ferguson, W Watson; any other vaiioty, W Watsou. H Watson; Table turuipe, T D McMillan, $1 50 B McKinnon.fl.UOJ ,' muai'c. Pergasou,U Wt80B,Beets,lougblood,A Oliver. By U H MilUr, M P, S.>uth The conceit at ninh* drew a crowde<! Muir, D Harrow; taroip rooted, T A Grey, b«« S6 lbs crock buit«»-?a.50 D, bouao, the iec«ii>»» b-iug ?127.G0. Total of Ci>llingwiH>d's scum which fl>.>a»ed up to the f«ir with bottle in its p>.>cket aud a desire to >ip" somwhoily. He was not tun in, he Hhould have been. Flesherlon was we'l reprc»ente<l, as it Aged boll, W had I U Guy: hull, 2 yeats. R Y Butk: bull, I SouthGrwyâ€" Best 2l.<»vos br««ad-$2.50 at«a)i»is. Duudalk band suppliol the year.G B Biiatow; bull calf,G B Bristow; a;{ed cow G B Bristow, 1st and Sod, R Y Burk; 2 year beder, •? B B-istow lit and 2nd; i year heifer, (i Bristow, R T Butk; hoifer cjvlf, G Bris'ow, Ut aii-1 2nd; beie herd shorthorns. G Bristow; beot bull any age, G l)ri«low. Jersej-sâ€" Bull, 8 years, tllyemp: bull calf, H Kemp; aged cow Coutiuued uu back pa^e. \ McFARLAND & COMPANY .>'ii«.i^:.^ mm