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Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1906, p. 7

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-> â€" OCTOBtR 4 t006 THE FLESHERTON ADV A^C iL The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week i)at« 31 t'J 31 i>eH» 68 to 68 lUrley *5 to 45 ^Vl|u»t 65 to 70 H,y 6 00 to 6 00 Potatoes per bag 60 to 55 liutter 90 to SO Bugs fresh 18 to 18 In Furniture The Inrgest nnd best stock of funiiiuie ever shown in Fleshor- f>u. This wjthont fear of coiitra- (liution. Come and sa« some of ibe liice things in Sideboards Dining Roorn Cliairs Parlor Setts Bed RoorT\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the slock. W. H. BUNT ^urnltune ^Dealer V. Tt •*CS/>»-«, SELLING AT COST f Wall Paper An Examination 0( our w»ll pftpoT will convince you that we .are aullin); tlio moat |>»|>ular and artiHtio de- â- iKiMuf the neaaun. We will lend tainpU'ii of our i>at>er tu aoymr by rrqueut. V« aliio carry the hi);hv>t Ktadc of vartUHhes for all piupuaea, €all and See Us* C. E. TRYON PRICEVIIXE H superior $cS)oo1 * ZOBOHTOl OUT. Diirhitf Ju.y wm IihcI fifty tiuiMH ah niKiiy CKtln fur ortU-o holp anwo had K^^^uKteii gohiKoui, ami durtiiR AtiBiiflt nixty buvuii lliliHii «<â-  inmiv. TIiIdI* thn ^cli"'') th»t In coimtantly "koIiik ahnad and not ' itandlnii â-  illl" or ''bechliiii ui>." Write tor beautiful catalogue. huw Is the tiuia tu outer. W. J. ElXWTT, I'rinoijml. Cor Yoiige and Aluiandf r 8u. Do you pin your hat to your ovn hair? Can't do ir? Haven't enousb hair? It must be you do not linow Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair I Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. Th* b««t kind of » tastimonlalâ€" "Bold lor over alzty yaar»." M Kate LXXl kr '. O. Arer Oo., La««n, xjers menaffcotejrege of '_ SASSAPASILU. PILLS. coEUTranauL. Industrial Hoim Notes (£y an InmaU) .<L. ^A.-.t^;a>-^^ -^ -'^ -^ â€" ^ 1 J.A.St.JOHN GENERAL MERCHANT - - PORT LAW Barg^ains! ... IN - • - DRY GOODS Qi?OCERIES Boots and Shoes HARDWARE And TI NWAR E BUSINE.SS Cards M'CULlX)UOH & YOUNO Uenkor Markilala Ooe general baBklngboelnee*. Hone; loaned ft reaaouablo rate Call on ub. TCHIBL.ETT, < I'oetoiaeter, Teylon. Couiniliiiiionor in H.f. J .ConTovsncer, deedn, mortKaRne. )ea«ee, Willi etc. caretuUy ^rawn up Oolleotloue uiads. oliarsui roaaooahle. Alfo groceries, floui, feed etc, kept lu itook, Trlcee rlKht. a PoetDiaeter, risibartoa oommlMloner In H.O. J.. Anclioneer Con Teyanoer, Appraiser and Money l*'"';' Real Bstata and lusuranee ARynt. Deeds morlceKes. leases aud wills carefully drawu up and valurtlons made on shortest notice. money to loan at lowest rale* ol Interost. lol eotions attended to with prompt npss charge! low. Agent for Ocean Domiuiou ataamebip Company. A call •ollolled. Societies AO U ^ meets ou the last Monday ID eacn month. In their loORe room, Christoo's block. Fle«lierton.at8p.n). W.W., Krsnk Uhurd ; Hoc., T. Hlakoly, Unancler, W.J. Dei. amy. Visltiug brethzan iLVltud. PRINCB ARTHUU liOOOB. No. .IM.A.F* A M, meets In the Masonlchall. fltraln's block, PlRsharton, every Friday on or twfnrs the full mocii. W A.Aimstrong, W M.; Herb, dmltb, BeLi-atary. COURT KLPIHHKIITOK, OOS. I. (>. F. rr «els In t;hrlBtoe'» Itlooli thnlnst Weilnesilsy rToning of each luontli. ViBitloK Foresters heartily Wflcome. C. H., T'r. Murray; B. B., T. Hei.ry; Fin. B«o., C. N. lliohsrdson. ,,. « , IMcaso par "lues to Fin. Bto. before the Qrst day of the iuonlb. CflOBEN FhlRNTS-Flesherton ('ouncll of Chosen Friioula uienl" In Clayton's hall first sud third W««lne«dav of each mout 8 p. m I'ay assBssuioiitH to the Ucrorilur on or liefore too llrst ''av of racli uipnth. Chief Cuuuolllor, T. lllakeleysUeuorder, W. H. Bunt. Tlioso de«iroiu of seeing the results of good uardeniog should call at the Indus trial Home. Mr. Harness brought in a citron the other day and set the old fel- lows gueasini; its weight; soniu went near while others were very wide of the mark. The actual weight was 23 Iba , and lie informed us that there wt-re aeveral sim- ilar onee, which he though one or two may possibly be heavier. He sUu brought in two well dovelopd ears of corn which were somuthing of a curi:'8ity, every grain on one cob being ebony black, while on the other about two thirds woie of a golden color.and the remainder black, the black giains being interspersed at almost regular intervals among the yellow ones, which added materially U) it as a curiosity. The com is of a California variety as are also the citrons. Tomatoes, too, were also extra tine, prolific, larce and of extremely tine flavor, to which the writer can testify. By the time all the ^â- arden truck is gathered in we expect to have other thingi worth mentioning, al- though we do not expect to boast much about potatoes, they were beyond the roach vl the hose, but the garden was welt and fretjuently drenched from the water tank. Miss Purdy has been ou the sick Hat for some days. We understand she is very sick aud that symptoms of dropsy are very much in evidence. It was iutiinated two or three weeks ago that Artemesia and Proton could could boast of two of the Crimean vet- erans. The following thrilling incident in fiont of Sebaatopol, is an extract of one of the many interetlingletterb k-eceiv- ed by your cor. from Mr, Henry Bird, postmaster, Birdell, with whom I be- came acquainted more than 30 years siro. He says: "From the first time that I ever went to target piaoticel was a mark- ed man as a shart) shooter, and in that capacity was selected for duty in tl:e Crimea, India and China. One nigtit when on trench duty tiefore Sebastopol.I, with a number of others, were selected to go out reoonnoitering but warned to avoid setting too close to the enemy'a batteries. The peop of dawn found us right unditr their ituns. In the darkuesa we had rambled beyond our reckonings. The Russians spotted us and oixined on us a raking fire. The officer ordered us to re- tire to the trenches; some of us refused p4iint blank 'o do so, seeing it was iinpos- bible to ever rrsch I be treiiuhes under no withering a fire. Mysulf and nine olhera soutfht ahelter in a cava nearby, the rest of the parly made double quick lime fur the trenches, but i)ot one uf them {tot there, every mother'^ s<m of them were killui. We had iipt beeu very lung in the cave when the enemy became aware of our presence, trained their heavy guns on us and siMin deiuoiished the entrance to the cave, killing eight of our numhur. Proluibly thinking wje were all annihilat- ed the firing ceased on ihe cave and continued in another direction. Under the roar of iheir guns, my ooronido and I, as bust we could, dug a hole in the cave with our bayonets aiid buried our fallen comrades, reinainiuu there until a chance offered itself to us to regain the trenches. I hare Inen," says he, "in many a geueral engagement, sortie and niuht attack, bm I think I may c<Mint that event in the cave about hn tight a fix as I ever exper- ienced." Mr. Bird served with hl^• rexiuient, the old 44th, through the Indian Mutiny of 1857-8 and the war in Cliiiia, which lollnwed colsely on thu heclK of the mutiny. He married a soldier's dnughter when stationed in Hong Koni.', who still almri'B the joya and sorrows of the (dd veteran. He was diHCliarued xt his own ri'nueHi after ten years of faiihful service t.i hia cnuiiiry, nnd in considera- tion of whudi, Hiul his declining yearn, ho was aoint) yours aci> granted a punsion of one shilling aleiling a day and which we hope hiniHulf nod his vetuian lady iiinv live many years to onjoy. Among the few visitors to the home on Thur- day last were M rs. Robert Wrisiht and child, of Oiange Valley, sccoropuii- lod by her cousin. Miss Twainbley. On Kriday lasr, your cor. rec-eivod « letter from thu Royal Hospital, Olirl.Hna, Eng., inroi'uiint; him that he bad been granted a pension of 9 d, (nine pence) ner takeolft'ot from theCih Sept, 1006. Torments of •Ml Ecztffla Local Salesman WANTED At onoe for Flesherton and surrounding diHtriois. HIGH CLA88 SPKCUI.TIES. in Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sab) by OAN.\DA'S (IRKATKST NURSERIES A iHinnanont situation (or the rtKht party. I .Itwral Inilucements. I'ay weekly. Hand- ..n.. fr<<e outHt. Write for tonus and oato- .. "iJfJ"'' *'"' 2f'<' in seniniia for our roCKKT MAONlKVlktl (JLASS or aOo fur cur IIANOV MKTAL UAOK HAW. Stone & Wellington Foitthill Nurseries. (OTIK 800 AORU) flTMit* Ontario Medical DB OATITRR M O P <» 8 Out. rhyslelan, Gnrgeon, eto OUee ftnd roeideooeâ€" I'eter at., riesherton DR.A.T. »r>ND (Iraduats Tomiito University. Mem- ber of Ontario Collene oj I'hysioliaus and Ruv- geona. Uaxwell. Oui. riuccesaor to Dr. 8oott. JP OTTHWHlitj Ve«orlnnry Hnrgeon Qradnate of Ontario Veterinary Collnce. raalileuce â€" asooiid door aontb weal' on Mary atreat. Thia atraat rans aouth Preabytarlan Ohuroh. HWU.HON, RIaekMnlth • 'Graduate of the Veterinary Relenco Aaaoolatlnu. BesMvuoo, Durbaiu Itiect, op- posite Uoyd, IIteklli.g's hardware. Legal Nothing to Fear Mothers need have no hesitation in coutiiiu- Ing to give Chamberlain's Cough Keiiicly to their little ones, aa it oontaius alwoluti-ly no- thing injurious. This reinwly is not only per- (cotly safe to f(\\v small children, but is a uh'U- icine of Kreat worth and merit. It bus a world wide reputation for its curoa of coughs, colds and cnuiu andean always l>e irllud on. For sale by II. K. Uuuglaaa aul W. £. Kivh- ardaon. L00A8 wRianr * moardtr Harrlsturs Holloltora Coiiveyaneera, etc Offlcesâ€" Owen Round. tint andUarkdaleOnt W H WnioiiT, MrAantJi I H I,vi'as N ll--Flnnli«rton ottlaa, Mltcbell'a Rank *T«ry Hakurdav, TeHer Allayed. The intrnae itching diaracteristic o{ eczema, t«tt«r aud like skin diseases is inataotly allayed by ap|ilying ClumberlaiD'a Salve and many severe eaaea have been iiermaDently cured by its uae. For aale by W. £. Richardson and H.L Do.iglasa. Dentistry Dr. B. C. milltRAV I,, n. B, . denial •nrr»«'' lonorrrediiaie nf Toronto Un.vrr>ltv sud ItoTal ('oll«i{«i>( Dii'iia) Rnresuos ot Pniaiio. tias adnilnis' ^«t|..n for taetb eitrMllon aitasi ttstil, Iltiltile. HONOR ROLLS Report of U.S.S. ^o. 1, Euphrasia and Artomesis, fur August and September. IV. â€" Floreuoo Alien. III. srâ€" Uaiel Allen. III. Jr.â€" Isia Crozier, Hnward Biuilh, Willie BiantfT, Elsio Mirtiii, Luoila (iurlcy, Conifuid Nbom,ituii. II â€" Alice Allen, Del a Siuiili.Olmii. TLi)nip.soii, Sadie Suimii, Ruby I'ltw oeit. Partsâ€" Iiobbie Allen, Annie Allen (3lii88 1 (ajâ€"MiUhed MoMullen, (b)â€" Mintiie Snait, Wi'Le Allen. Muriel C'aiiutlteit, >amei FawoeU. (c)â€" -Maggie Allan, May Uarrutbtrs, Ernest Tliumpcon, PrcBcul every ««ajrâ€" "' I'i • Braniff, I Clinrlie Thompaon, E TU inpsun, , l£ailtc t'lma (â-  C A.haA»t>. Xoaolier. MOTHER. SISTER ANDBROTHER IHcdof Coiisiiinptloii,lNittli!s Undcii lady used Psychine and is strong and well " My mother, brother mad dstar died of ooosumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Un- d«n, N,S., "*nd I myaclf suffered for two years from a distressing cough and weak tungs. I suppose I inherited a tendency in this direction? " But thank God I used Psychine and it built me right ap. My lungs are now strong. I enjoy spleodio health, and I owe it all to Psychine." ^ Couiufflption, whether hereditary or con- tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it atUcks the lungs. Fiychine buUds up the body and nutkes it strong and able to resist disease. Psychine is an aid to digestion and a maker of pure, rich blood. The greatest ipiver of general health is PSYCHINE (Pnaooaosd Si k aaa) 50c. Per Bottle Summer Goods. ^^^^^^^^t^^^^^^m latrser «!>•• m and •*-«« drusstetia BK. T. A. 8L06UM. LinHkd. Tormtek All anmmcr goods in stock including Dusters, wool and pluah Robes, Rabber Dash Aprons and Ruga, Whips, Lashes, Curry Combe and Brushes, Hoof Oiatment Axle Grease and Axle Oil for Carriagoa. A large assortment of single Harness also team Harness made up to order if desired. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. HIGH CLASS PICTURES, e The place to get the best Photott is at BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. lecture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise aatisfaction. Mx*s. BXJIjMBR Bulls for Sale. 1 Pare Bred Hereford Ball 8 months old; alto one i years old. These arngaod stock aud will be sold ri^ht. W. BUSKIN, Flesherton. m ^ ESTABLISHED 2B YEARS. UNLESS CURED L THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA We know the diseases and weaknesses ot men like an open boolL We have been curing them for 30 years. We have given onr lives to It, and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality are today living monuments to the skill, knowledge and success of Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. We never bold out false hopes, we never undertake a. case we cannot cure. We have made so thorough a study of all the diseases of menâ€" of Varicocele, Stricture, Btood Poisons, Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Bladder, Urinary and Kidney t Olteases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, and have cured so many \ thousands of cases that If there !s a cure fbr YCOR disease yoal win find it here. When we undertake a case there Is no such thins as failure. 5tWe charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge^^ skill and experience are at your service. We will expIal]r<*to yoa' How and Why We Can Cure You; why the diseases of men require the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists. We do not require to experiment with your case as we know from experience in treatins thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Doat be discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks, FUdra^ Electric Belts, Free Trials, etc. Tou must get cured â€" and Doctors alone can cure you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood the test for 25 yearsâ€" why should it fall in your case. Should your case prove incurable you need not pay us a dollar. We refer you to any Bank in this city as to our financial standing. If you cannot esdl write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. Consultation Fre«k Booklets sent Free. Dr&KENNEDY&KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. .W Buggies AND Wagons A splendid selection of first class vehicles to choose from <f~^ >-^ '^•^ ^>«4- « « Prices and Ccrms Kidbt « « J. H. HEARD - - Flesherton D. McTAVISH III mmm mm\ euiin For First Class Duj{j;it.«, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber ^^agons, cutters. Sleighs. \Ve kuep a stivck on hand to choose fruui. ALSO nOkSB SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ aiH) tfUwrHiilee first olaaa work. We koep on hand PIohkIk and Plough ropnirs, and Hartis and Noxnn reu»ir^4 for liinHera, Mowert uitt'ihinery, alao Binder Twine on hand. » OIlKn in town aiV( i% a s::t^vi^

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