THE tLKEShERTOK ADVANCE October 4 1 THl . ^tanoard^ Xjank (of Canada) Has opened a branch office in Flesher- ton, »heru a <{eiier»l banking husiness will \w trnnsacted.. Money available fur efritimnte buuiness enterprises. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on •U points it Canada and the United States. Intereat allowed on dcpoaita of tl.OO and upwards compounded, half yearly. G, I^itcbell Agent. Vicinity Chips For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Flesherton. Artemesia township council will meet on Saturday next. A good second hand organ for aalo cheap. Apply at Clayton's.- ocll Miss Willa Wright left Monday to attend the Collegiate at Owen Sound. Two-year-old heifer for sale, due to calve in two weeks. Alex McRao, Ceylon, Miu Edna Lindsay of Owen Sound is visiting Mrs. W.A. Armatroni;. Draught 611y colt for sale, risini; three. Apply to W. H. Buddy, PriceviUe P. O. Mr. E. Vanzant and wife of Toronto were ic town over the fair{days. Miss Flossie Clinton of Maxwell is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Clinton. Miss Rutled((e of Stanton, Ont., is visiting her aar.t, Mrs. Jano Thompson. Sheep to let on shares â€" Twenty-five good young ewes. Apply to D. \V. Clinton, MaxwelL The hare shooting season opened on Monday last and will continue until Dec. 31. Cow for Sale â€" One well bred Durham cow, 6 years old, also one heifer one year old. Adam Smith, Eugenia. Mrs. J. W. Henderson, who has been here most of the aummer, returned to Toronto on Monday. Lostâ€" Between Markdale and Flesher' ton on Monday night a light rain coat. Finder please leave at this office. Osprey fall fair on Thursday at Fever- sham; Artemesia at PriceviUe on Friday, this week. Rev. Berry of Holland Centre ex- ebanged pulpit's with Dr. Caldwell on Sunday. Dr. Caldwell attended district meeting of Methodist church at UoUatid Contre OD Friday last. Miss Mabel Joyce of Owen Sound was the guest of Mrs. W. J. Bellamy for a tew days during the past week. Mra. H. White (nee Lyda Smith) and two children are spending a couple weeks with friends. The deer banting season will open an Nov. 1. Get your licenses from Geo. Mitchell, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hemphill of Toron- to were the guests of Mr. W. P. Croasley during the past week. W. Barnhouse and Elsie of Toronto •pent a few days in town visiting old friends and were the guests of F. 0. Kar- •tedt. A tea-meeting will bo held in the Methodist Ball, Maxwell, on the evening of Oct. 18, Thanksgiving Day. Parti<}U- lars later. Mrs. Anne Irvin, 80 years old, was burned to death in her cottage on the 4th line, Sullivan township, 12 miles from Owen Sound. She lived alone. Ram Strayedâ€" Leicester ram strayed about Sept. Ist. Finder will be suitably rewarded. Apply to G. H. Butk, Max- w«U. Mrs, Sarah RuiUdge and daughter Lillian returned home Friday after a three month's visit at Dunkirk, N. Y., Misses Lily Boyd and Lulu Mitchill of Otven Sound Collegiate spent Fair Day at their parental homes. Thoy were accom- panied by Misa Butchirt. Sheep Lost â€" On Sept. 4, two thin aheep, narked with blue paint on back of neck, lufurmation of their whereabouts will be thankfully reoieved by Mark Wilson. Flesherton. The Advanoe had a pleasant call from C.W.Ramage and Mrs. Rainage of Dur- ham OD Friday Uit; also from W. Lrwiu of ths Chronicle, Thanksgiving services wiil b« held in Ibtt Blsthodiat churoh, with seriuon* on Sunday, Got. "iX, by Itov. B. R. StrMtg- w«ys, B. A., a D., of Sbclbumo. Sm bill* for fH<rth«r parikiilw*. Any of our readera who know the whereal»>uts of an English boy named Winu, or Summers, will confer a favor by couiuiunioatiiiK with this office. The cancher 8 convention will be hold in Fledhcrlon on Thursday and Friday, October 25 and 26. Principul Manaell w enaaged getting up a pruuram for the concert. Mr. Coinpbellof Duntroon, accompan- ied by the Qrliases Morrison, were guests a few days this week at the home of Mr. MeKenzie, "Cedarview Farir.," Ceylon. Sermons next Sunday in the Metho- dist church : A. M., " O, Lord. I love thee ; " p.m., " A woman, a type for matrimony." Vandeleur- "Courage and riches of God's flock." An Auction sale of farm stock and imp- plements will be held on lot 152-153, N. E.T. and S.R., Artfmeaia, on Wednesday Oct. 17, the property of Mr. Archy Boyd . At the same time the f*rm wiil be offered for sale. See bills for particulara. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mr. A. Madill, Crylon. has ac<5epted an â- igency from tho Manaon Campbell Co., of Chatham, for the sale of their incubat- tora, farm scales and fanning mills. Mr. Madill's territory includes half of Arlmesia and Osprey, also Glenelg, Pro- ton and Egromoiit. oc25 H . Kirkpatrick of Meaford, a married man of 40, committed suicide by abooting himself through the heart with a shotgun. He leaves a widow and five young child- ren. He came from Dublin, Ireland, some years ago. The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. is the strongest Farmers' Mutual doing business in Ontario. They pay their cbiina very satisfactorily, allowing market value for stock, implements, farm produce and household effects, their rates by writing to their agenl .r. Bowe^ Markdsle. We can club the weekly Mail-Eoi and Advance this year for $1.65, ani both are paid in advance this small bui also includes the Montreal Heraldâ€" a ridiculously small price for such aj amount of reading matter. We will send both Mail and Empire and Advance to the end of the present year for 30o. The twelfth annual convention of East Grey Sunday School .Vssociation will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Blark dale, on Thursday, Oct. llih. A very interesting programme has been arranged for the various sessions. Inspector Buff of Meaford, will address the Conyenlion on the "Methods in Child Training,' while Rev. Dr. McLaren of Rocklyn, will take up the question of "Drafts from the Schoolâ€" Cause and Cure." The fair directors provided a lecture and entertainment in the town ball on the evening of fair day which was well attended by those anxious to see and hoar R. R. Gamey, M. P. P., "tho man from Manitoulin." The speaker was introduced by Dr. Sproule M. P. Mr. Gamey has stroag faith in our great northern inher- itance and gave his hoarera reason for the faith that is in him. We have in this province tho greatu<it mineral belt in the worldâ€" 700 uiikd long by 200 to 300 wide â€" great forests of timber and immense areas of tillable lands. The mines are our groutust asset and these have only been scratched as yet. Tlio speaker gave some very interesting facts regarding our ore products, showing the difficulties we are laboring uader by nut having our own swelters and refineries for the preci- ous metals, and described the process of nickel production. He also described tho cobalt ores, now to metallurgy, and said the smelter would not give value for any- thing in these ores but the ailver, and as a consequonoa owners of mines were not shipping the most valuable of the cobalt ore. A vote of thanks was passed. During the day Mr. Gamey was kept busy shaking hands with eld and new friends. The ladies were particularly insistent upon shaking the hand of the man whoso pereouality is so well known through the exciting events of a couple of years ago. Mr. Gamey spent Sunday with his couiin, Josiah, who Uvea near Maxwell. Or. Qeo. Armstrong Dead ailbcrt-Warlins:. A very pretty weddine took place at the residence u? Mr.und Mrs.J.McI<«ugh- liii, Flt-fhftton, jn Wednefday Sept. 26, when .MissE'hi^l Florence Warlingand Mr. Sydney Gilbert were uniteil in the holy bonds of matrimony in the presence of a number of quests. The bride was daintily attired in a white dotted muslin dreas, trimmed with all-over lace, white Hatin baby riblmn and Yitlenciennes lace. Shu was attended by her cousin, Miss Eva Gilbert, who looked pretty in a navy blue skirt and white silk waiat, trimmed with lace and blue ribbons. The groom was supported by Mr. Potter Beard. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful diamond crescent and to the bridesmaid a gold wish-bone brooch set with diamonds, and to the groomsman a gold stick pin. After the ceremony the com- pany sat down to an elegant wedding dinner. The young ci uple will take a trip and then reside at Vandeleur. The wedding ceromnny was performed by Rev.Dr. Caldwell. Tho Advance extends congi^tulaiions and best wishes to the highly respected couple. â- • IISI I â- An Awful Cough Cured "Two yi-ars aRo nur little ^irl had a touch of pneumunuv which left her with an awful oo\n,'h. She had spells of coughing just like one with the wboupiug cuugh, and some thought she would not get wdl at aU. We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy, which acted like a charm. She stopped cough- iug and got stout and tat, " writes Mrs. Ora Bnssard, Brtibr.ker,'Ill. This remedy is for sale by U, E. Douglass and W.E. Richardson. Fail Fair Dates. EAST GREY, Flesherton . .Sept. 27â€"28 Osprey, Fevershain Oct. 3 â€" 4 Artemesia, PriceviUe Oct. 4 â€" 5 Proton, Dundalk Oct. 11â€"12 Normnnby, Ayton. Sept. 28â€" 27 Bentinck, Hanover. ...... .Sept. 27 â€" 28 Eijremont, Holsteiu Oct. 2 Glenelg, Markdale Oct. 2â€"3 GENERAL STORE STOCK FOR~SALE The uudorsigned will receive tenders for bis Btook, ooDBistiag of drr floods, clothing, wool- lens, cottoua, bats aiui caps, groceries, boots andsbooB, store fixtures and safe. Id all about twentyflve hundred dollars stock, au d stock sheets cau be seen on nremi^es. B. tlilMDLB, Flesherton. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house 33 x 35, oellar fall siise house, coDtaiDstan rooms; woodshed attached: lirat class well In woodshed. Stables lSx24 and lOxiK) with shed 13 X 18 : also four largo lots. One of tho best streets in the viilage. House stands on best site io town for private bouse. Apply to W. W. TBIilBLB. Far m for S ale 100 acres lot IS and 16, Ist N. D.B. Osprey; 7 miles from Dundalk, 9 miles from Flesherton, bsir mile from church, school sud p. o. Good clay loam, free from stone, mustard and daisy. 80 acres under Rood cnltivfttion, lOacres hard- wood bush, 10 flares new land ready to break. Well watered by running Ktream and two never^ failing wolls. good feuoos, wiroandrail. Barn SO X 8U feet, good stoue stabling under, stone root house, water in shed, good shoephouso, hog pen and implement house. Oood large brick dwelling, kitchen and wood house, ciso turn. Will sell cheap as I intaad going west. Kor further particulars apply to B. J. Sproule, FlesbsrtoD, ur on premises to oct^ CaaS. DOWriNO, Warehan:. Tart w for S ale Lot 171. part 173-173, Artemesia, liS acres, 110 olnared, 10 acres swamp. 5 acres hardwood, Cj miles east of Flesherton, short mile from school; DOW barn Z-H x 60, stoue stables; good house 13 X !», kitchoo 10 x 90; pood well at door; young aoilold orchard. This IS one of the cleouest and best faims in the towu&hip and can be bought rit;ht. Apply to W. J. CASWELL, Flesherton P. O. WHO'SYOUR TAILOR? Jnst placed in stock uew fall suitings. Try my work, it will give the best of satisfac^ tioD. All work guaranteed. S. J. BOWLER Sproule's Plock FIe»berton K telegram arrived here Tuesday mor- ning aunouncing the death of Dr. Oeorso Armatronft of Spokane, after an iUneaa of about six weeks. The deceased geP" tleuan was the eldest son of Mrs. J. W. Armstrong of this place. He wa* twic« married, the last time to a Spokane lady about foar months ago. He leayea no ehilJren, The cause of death is aaid to be Brixht'e disease and haart trouble. Dr. Arnutaong was only 48 years of age Tl|* rwaaipe «iU be iMernd at SpokaiM> CfCALED TKNDEKB addressed to the uudor- ^ signed and oud.>rf!ed, â- Tender for Qwen Sonud Kovotinent Wall," will bo received at thisoillco up to and Including Saturday, Octo- bor 87, 1006, inoluaivoly, for tho construction of a File and Concrete KoTetment Wall at Owen Bound, Grey County, Out., according to a plan and specmoation to bo seen at the offloeofj. O. Sing, Ksq., Kesidoot Kngineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, on application to the Postmaster of Owen Sound, Out., and at tho Department of I'ablio Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be oonstdered noleu made on tho priutad form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. An accepted oboque ou a chartered bank, Sayable to the onlsr of the Honourable the liiiJBtor of I'ublio Works, for fourtoon hundred dollar) <«l,W0.O0),niust accompany each tender. The ohi-que will be forfeited if tho party ten dering decline tliooontraot or fail to ooniplut* the work contracted for. and will be returned iu case of uon-aoceptauee of teodor. The Deuartniant due* not bind itself to ao- oept the lowest or any teudor. By order, FUKD. QKLDf AS, beoratary. D«p«rtm«n4 of Pabllo Works, (Maw*. ScptomiMr Sr. tSOi, NawHspwt tiMwMiie thto adMrUamMat â- li>if i * .»»?'»»'*T •»•« M»e dapatiMM* wUI •et b« paM tor II i BOOTS and SHOEk Clayton's are offering all Summer boots and shoes At Greatly Reduced Prices In order to make room for their Fall and Winter <^' goods. IT WILL PAY YOU ^ When in need of anything in our line i^ TO LOOK AT OUR STOCK i SJf And get a Bargain. fS Wm. Clayton, SHOEH.AKER FT^£:sH:E::RTovr. onx. <:s^a^'0^s:i^S3^0^^:i^:i^^ f f The MEDICAL HALL dues not intead to let its reputation for the BEST SEEDS suffer. We have in stock everything in the seed line required by ths fvmer or gardener, all from the most reliable (n^wersâ€" no old, dead seed â€" everythinit fresh and full of vitality. Scores of people are taking advantage of theso facts and securing bargains every day. Get your seed for spring planting from H. L. Douglass F ALL GOOD S Ready to Wear Clothing A new stock of Ready-made Clothing just arrived. Come and get an up-to-date suit at a reasonably low price. We have our Fall Dress Goods and Blousing in. Boots and Shoes We have a large a.ssortment of summer Boots and Shoes ranging in price from 7oc. to $2 00, your choice per pair for 50c das. Pattison, Ceylon. i F. G. Karstedt ^ Generad Merchant. >jYew y^oats for tJrall Wear Have a look at our new Fall coats and you will be con- vinced. We have them in all styles 7-8 length coata for tl5.00 3-4 lengths from &.00 to 10.00 We have a nice hue of airl's cuate from 3.50 to 0.50 FUR COATS We have a nice line of Fur lined Coats with expecsivo Marine Fur Collar and Front, just looks as ;>ood aa a 60.00 or 75.00, C(«l for 28,00 We also have a Muskrat lined ooat with Persian Lamb Culiar for 65 00 Ladiea Seal Skin oviat for 40.0U LaditM Astrachan ooits trom 80.00 to 35 00 F. G. Karstedt \ Flesherton - Ontario. p%%%%%%%%%%%%