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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1906, p. 1

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J. w \ * V shrrtun "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRIKCIPLEb NOT MEN," VOL XXIv, NO 1275 Flestiertoii, Ont. Thursday June 28 lOOQ W. H. THURSTON, ""•'"''" PItOPBIETOK The Aftermath. Aft.r thu Cliri»t;ii:is saius, which were cxtraiirdiaarily larj-'u this jfiir, we find Irft .n stock a fine Une Iff gi>oiU whL-li hc think ' veryouB will concetic is e (Just the Thing for V/edding F^resents. These lire the choic.hfst of goods â€" no cheap trrich. Come and see theui anyway. Jllartii C^l^cks T't w;il;c yan up the 'C dai'k limrniiifjs, and ali kinds »( Clocks at all kinds <>{ prices, JYittepmun 3'ountaia zirens. Fancy Ink Stands, etc, for sale. W. A. Armstrong home on Thursday last. Your scribe cintem plates retuniini; iho cill in th« ni'iir fulure fur th« purpose if viewing Iho iirnly installed printing plant. He W'luld very niucli like to viait The Ad- V ince uftifo, hut thuro is no knowina what, opportunities thu piesunt buniuier miy yet afford. We are ylad to refute the unfounded rtiprrt ninv prevalent alnoHK the inmates that .Miss Rolji'iSiio will, duriu'^ t!ie present week, sever her eonnecliou wilh the hi.nie stall'. The fact ic, Misa K. is eni;H<(ed for the c<)ui!4tg winter at least. Her ii!-«euce will bo for a few days only. It it! slrango hn^' o many iinfoundeil rumors t^et their hirih, hut then gossip •il.Viiys was a Imsyhody I hat (gained cre- dence and niiynitu Irf the further it trivelleJ. h:s \ Mrs L Industrial Home Notes (fiy an Inuiutr) i. How to Break up a Cold, It may be a surpi itu to many to learn tluit a severe cold can be completely broken up in one or two day's lime. 'Ihe tirst tivmptonis of a iMihl are a dry, loud conph. a i r"fnse watery <li»churi;efruui the mm^ and a thin white coat- ing on the tongno. When Chanibeilaiu's cough leaiedyiH taken every hour on the first appear- ance of thci^e «ynipton s, .t counterr.cts the effect of the cold and restores the system to a healthy condition within a day or two. For sale by W. E. liichtrdsou and H. L. Douglass. venintr, in the Piesbyterian church, i bo'in having taken liia work for the il. also attended the g;.rJen parly i '^v afternoon and evening. Duriiii; ' â- i. he was thu guest of Mr. and I Mr. lieu Bciweiman u{ Dundulk spent a few days lust week wilh hissiaier, Mrs. â-  D. McMullen. Ho was accompanied by their nephew, Mr. Frank Bowuimim of Manitoulin island. Mr.". Ben Madill of the Sauk is visiting her iniither and old scquainlances ayain. .Miss Swayza and Miss .Maggie Fawrcelt of Fleslierton spent Sunday with the Miosis A. and N. McMullen. Mifl. Will Benthani of Buffalo visited her undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Smith. .Mr.i. .4dani Smith left Tuesday morn- ing for a month's visit with friends iu Toronto mid Buffalo. lillcFARLAND& COMPANY Grey County'.s MAt^KDALE, ONTAl<rO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE MAXWELL VV.n. .\I; Jormack, of Given Sound, aged 81 years, was admitted to the homo a^i a ehurgeable inmate on Itjih June, He is II respojtab'e ol I ge.itlonin, a cooper by trade, but age and paralysis have d'.no thair work and forced the old uenilenian to spoad tho rest of his days in a House of Ueiuge, which, wo trust, will bo quiet contentment. One would imagine by the nu nber that hiive been adiuiitod to the home since its ii caption, that the several munioiptlitias bad well nigh dis- pose! of ils pour, old, homeless and frieMdle:3 residents; but our Divme M i:-- tnr said, tho po^jr ye always have with you. After a lapse of ovor two months death h:v» again visited the Home and removed from our midst another worthy eld com- rade in tho person of Martin Dunn, who pessed peaot fully awiiy about 9 a, ni, on Toes lay, tho I'Jlh. The dooeasod was ad nitted to the home iu May of last year bu''. it was apparent from thu Hr!<t that he had coiae hero to eud his days, being afliitteil wilh a lung racking cough, witii ultimata doith in its sound. U.)wever,he entertaiiied tho h..)pa ot 60 far recovering as to bo able ti)leave, until about a month before the cipiralion of his tiine.wheu he expressed his convinction that he would never leave tho houso nlivo. Ha was a biij, well built man and had possessed a remarkably strong conslitutioii and in- domitable spirit, as evinced by tho detor- ininod in inner ho bittled with tho disoasu by going around all winter without a inurinu" or comiilaint, and always an- swered when asked how ho felt, " Oh, not so bad at all, it mioht bo a gioaf deal worse,"' sto. Ho kept up his cheerful diHpoRJtiou until about six weeks ago, when the fatal disease triumphed over tlie vanquiahed frame, and he was forced to his bed, from which he never rose again. fJo was a (luleti, iuoffe.isive mnn, with never an ill word for any one, and always closed his ears to ill words being spoken of others, llo wa.s unablo In tako much nourishment duiing the list three or f nr weeks of his life, and it was n sad .spectiiclo to watch that once strong, niiinly form, now lying on his couoh, a dying, wasted skol-^ton. Your s.iribo was aloiiu with him in his last moments. He could not speak, but opened his eyes, which plainly said '* good bye," and ho looked me allecionarely in the face as his spirit took its fliubt to the great un- known beyond. I close^l his eyes with sorrow, remaining a few reverent mo- iiivntH with the Silent dead before making known his demise to ihe slently listening comrades, t>y whom lie was highly es- teoiued in life and deeply legreiicd in death. His remains were taken cliaruo of by [lev. D-'. W.ilters and conveyed by Undertaker Chapman to St. Johns oem- etery on Wednusday m.jrning M ly his soul rest in peace. Dcoousod wss an old resident of Glenelg, but had travelled e.ttonsiv.iiy through tlu North- weft. Wo di> not know if any existing rrl.itivcs in this conn'ry. He was CO years of a<e and came to (.lanada when a buy. We think he was never married. It was refreshing ti> sec some items from the Stone Settlemeut, and hope tlioy will be revived and continued. We were iilad to mot with Miss Har- row of Stone's line, and her cousin, , , on vi.siling day, and would be very much pleased to meet with Mr. and Mrs, II., highly estouuied friends whom wo lj.ive not met for njoro thin two yesrs. Mr. Uarnesa drove to Meaford on Thursday last to meet the County coun- cil in sessiou there, on business in con- nect ion with his oltioo as home superin- K'ndent. He returned Friday evening. Mr. 0. W. Rutledtjo, editor uf the Mfti^dale Standard, was a caller at the Unknown Friends There ar« many people wl o have used Cham- , heilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy with splendid results, but who are unknown i becunse they have hesit-ated about giving a ' testiincuiahjf their experience for publication. I These people.however.areuone the less friends ' of this remedy. It is a good medicine to nave , in the home and is widely kn<jw n for it cures diarrhoea ondall forms of bowel trouble. For I dale by W. K. Kiehardsou and U. KDouglasB, Just Business No nonsence about this bu.sine!5;i â€" No tricks, no twists, o"-' turn.s from the straight path of BUSINESS. We're here to serve you and do it the best way. Our business is to supply you with the goods you want at the low- est possible cost to you, and we're doing it. No pi'ice exaggeration, either, no quality, no(]aantity ex- aggeration. When we print a piece â€" believe it. The goods are well worth it. If we say it's an inducement, a big saving to you, you can lean ou the statement it's true. Don't miss one of this week's offers; there are several' exceptionally good ones. -*-»«•*< *- The social and m-jotings on June 18 of the Fo\er!)ham Women a Insiitute was well attended and everybody enjoyed tho addiessus given by Miss and Miss Kife. A splendid program was provided, the mtiiruuiental music being the very best that could be had, Mr=, Wellar of Nobleton is vibiting her son, Mr. 11. Wellar at present. Mr. Whitcoak and son of Markdaic visited the former's brother, Geo, Whito- oak ini Sunday last. Mr. McLean and Miss Small of Balger- owo spent Sunday at W. H. Guy's. Miss Eiiza Slocks of Toronto is visiting at her home. Miss liogor', teacher in No, 5, was a guest at K. Heiun's Saturday and Sunday ilov, Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney (jI Saskatchewan aro vi.siling the lattcr's parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. FeiKU&on. Mr. ivlcWhiiiney will occupy the pulpit in iho Moihudist church iie.\t Sunday ev'r. Albert Brownridg t's house was struck by lightning during the storm a week ago Friday. Tho chiniiiey knccUed flown and a large patch of shiiiLjles torn from the roof. Mr. Bruwniidge and his dauithter, Laura, were silting in the house but escaped safely with just a Slight shock. ftlisa Gertio Browniidgo of the 8lh line visited with her aunt, Mrs. Liuley, last week. Mr. Georgia Buckiugliain is holidaying at homo this week. Mr. Angus Morrison left a week ago Tuesday for British Columbia to visit with h s brother John, it he likes the country hu intends to luovu his family iheio later on, Mr. J. Kernahan left last wook also to visit with friends out wear. Mis. Baker is visiting v.'ith her aunt, Miss Lizzie Kinnear at present. Mr. Simnions of Foversh im called on our school teacher. Air. Audross, cno evening this week. loth Line Osprcy Statute Labor ia tlio order of the day. Fred Brown had the misfortune to cut his foot very badly with an axe last week. Dr Park dieased tho wound and put in six stitches. Mrs, W'm. Brown fell from a table while house cleaning a few weeks ago and broke her wris*;. A.« it was not stt at tho time she may bo laid up for a while. Mr. and Mrs Ah. Lung took in the excursion to Nisgara from Cidlingwood last week and report a good time. MiSS Bertie Milne of Toronto is visiting her aunt Mrs. 11. Colepietto. Mr. Gamey, Mrs. Baxter and Miss Bella Gamey returned home last wook. The Bethel Sun. lay School will hold their picnic on Thursday July 5th iu Mr. Goorgo Tliouipsun's busli. We notice a number of our young men who went west this spring have retui nod. Wore the liilis greeu far away, boys f millttierv Bargains la Ladies Tiimined and Ready-to-wear Hats, regular 1.75 to 2.50 for 1.'29 5U Children's Fancy Straw Hats. Regu- lar 25c for in 40 Children's Felt Tame, silk trimmed. Regular ^Sc, for I'J Our millinery is up to-date and at very reasonable prices. Tf your stomach tronblesyou do not conclude th u there is no cure, for a great many have he II porniiUiently cured by Chnnibei'lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Gec .'i free Kaiiiplc at W, K. Richardson's or H. L. Douh Boot & Shoe Bargains 20 pairs 'Women's Split Bala. Regular price 1 25, for 59 20 pairs Men's Bufl Solid Bals. Regular price 1.50, for 1.25 Wo handle none but the best makoa. Women's Ready-to- viear bargains. 5 Women's Cheiuise, Reg. 35o for .... 19 50 Black Sataon C uderskirta. Regular 1.00 and 1.25 fur 89 15 Print Wrappers, all sizes. Regular price 1.23 for 69 4 colored Shot Silk underskirts. Regular • price 3.50 for 1.4'J 5 colored mercerised Sateen underskirt*. Reg. 3.00 for 5'J "You can always depend on getting tho best here." lasM' drug store an. I give them a trial, alsu cure consti ation and l>iliousness. They Qourley.-ilagee Gents' Furnishing Bargains 2 dozen Men's Soft Front Cotton Shirts. Regular 75e for 49 60 odd Fait Hats, all styles, makes, etc. Regular 1.50 to 2.50 for 7'J See our display of fashionable tics, etc. Crockery bargains. A table of German China, in Salad plates, biscuit jars, sugar and creams, etc , lars-o sizes, Vdiy special. Regular 50^, and 75a goods for -3 10 fancy China Spitoon' for ".See our displa- t basement." Regular 30a 21 tha A.iuiet weddi.ig, at which the (!,^'^>'^» f^ncy Coods bargains were all immediate rclativos or fiiends ! t,i t •!â-  T u . 1 I „' 12 lariro size Ebony Hair Brush eg. Iveg- of the families, was celebrated ^n June , :;, ? -o ,,,, ^ , . , , . , , ., ular aOc for i"J 20 at the robideiice of Mr. James Magee, , ., 1- ii,.! i» w „7 fancy Velvet Colored Stools. Regular n his eldest daughter, Emma, was , ' . i_ y .,o price 7i)c, for >9 3 doz. Ladies Fancy Belts. Regular prite 60c, for 21 Grocery bargains. 00 tins canned sugir beets, for Regular 10c 4c. The Very Best Remedy for Bowei 1 roubie. Mr. M.F. Burroughs, an old and well-known resident of Bliitftoii, Ind., xays: "1 regaid Ciianibeilain'., Colic, Clullera and Diarrlioi a Remedy is almost sure to be needed lieforo toe summer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an cuiergcucy? Kor sale by NV. E. Kiehardsou and 11. Li. Douglass, when his eldest daughter, Emma, was \ united iu marriage to Mr. Robert Gour- i ley by the liov. J. B. Wass, M A. Tho bride looked clianniug in a suit of pale blue cloth Willi blouse of silk of tho .sumo | shade triininod with oriental and all-over lace. Tho bridesmaid. Miss Mury Magee, sister uf the bride, was gowned iu a euit of grey cloth with cream, with blouse trimmed wi; L all-over laco. The groom's J j^g if anyone doubts) and was directed to present to the bride waa a gold bracelet, ^ ^ |njy who needed a servant. During McFARLAND 30 goms Green Gage plums. Regular 25c for IJ- We always keep fres'i groceries, 8L COMPANY IVIAimDill-E. Euscuia Fino growing weather. Crops look well. The plentiful lains have been good for the gruwiug croiis and prospects are good for a bountiful harvest. As a cou- ttequuiice uur farmers are wearing happy, smiling faces. Five of our buys wont to camp this year â€" Henry Tudor, .-itt. Walker, John Campbell, Fred Graham and VVosk-y Arm^trjug. At last prospects are good for our tele phone. 'Ihe poles are now on the ground ready to be put up. Now l,:t a railway come and we'll be happy. Born â€" At Eugenia, Juno 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Fied Vedlar, a son. Work ou the tunnel is now progressing briskly. Tho job ia lighted by electricity and a night and day gang are operatint{, Mr. K, Purvis of Toronto paid a short visit to his old friends at Eugenia recently and all were pleised to see him. Anuiher of our young bachelors gone. Cungiatulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gouiley. VVe wish them many happy days. Miss Lily Graham, who has been ill uf typhoid, is improving, we are glad to say. Rev. J. Buchanan of Dundalk oon- duuied the ftMuivecsary scrvioei«, inoruiog to the bridesmaid a pearl brooch and to the groomsman, Mr. Will Russell, a tioi pin. After a dainty wedding breakfast the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip, visiting friends iu Tjroiilo :md other towns. In the town of Goderich the assessment roll is printed in full and distributed to tha ratepayers in time to permit an appeal to be entered if so desired. The object is to ac(|Uaint the toxpayers with the true situation in respect to the value of their own as will as their neighbors' property. The liitUi aOii 'A Mr. Henry Norton, ag'jd live years, h:is for somj days suiter- ed intoii.sely as tho result uf an accidonb which occurred while ho was auiusing himself at play. The lad bad cliinb.d the verandah post at his home, and tra tho conversation as to tonus the girl in- formed the lady of the house that it she engaged with her she would require two afternoous and three week evenings to herself, one evening for Endeavor, one for prayer molting and the third for com- pany. She was t.ikii.g music lessons and must have the use of the piano. She also would insist on enterini< at the front door and receiving her company at tho same poital. 'lo this last tha ventured a mild protest as there is ii very convenient side entrance to the house, but she was sharply reminded that theie is no b.iok door nor side door to heaven, that all must enter by one door there and oiistros.'os ni'ght aa well begin to learn ou corth, ThoHaveb'ck Standard says:â€" Through 'an uufortuiiato accident, a young lifo was \ I fcuddonly snuti'ed ou*; at Oak Lake, on . j Monday, llih inst., when Eva, the little 1 I hrec-ycar-old daughter of Mr. N. Whit- 1 ,.,. 11 1 ..1 I .- I nev, uissed away 20 n.inutes after eating sliJiug rapidly down the round portion „( ' "^•'' r ' "^" ' , . .. ,,,, . II ° I , , -.1 r ,, i a I, uautity of strychnine. Mrs. Whitney the post and struck with force tho sijuara I i"-"" j j •> and larger part at the base of thu post. . Tho injury was such aa to reijuiro an op- i eiilion, and although very serious and I painful, we are pleased to learn that onr { bright and active little friend will nut suffer permanent injury. â€" B inner, Tho CoUingwood News tells the follow- j incident. One day a girl blow into tuwu had beo.i using tlie poison while engaged in papering, mixing the deadly powder with the paste in order that paper-eating mice would suffer thereby, but the pack- age WB8 ttpset by a still younger sister,and little Eva ate some before she was dis- covered, Twenty minutes aftprwanl she was dead. Th« funorHl touk plaoe thu \ from the country (the ijame is forihoouj- following day A HOW post office to bo erected at Owen Sound will ba a buildiug of two storeyd and basement. The work of constructiou will ba commenced this fall soma time. %pt\m Suitings .lust placed in stock. Some of tlio nob- biest things out and prices riuht, froui' $12.00 upwaid. Look 'em up at Boivler , THE TAU-OR FUsh ^rton ° Ontario Removed. Hutchison, the Taib'isnovv prepared to meet Us casLoni- ers ill the Douglass block op- posite Advance olHce. He still has bargains in suits, cvsrcoats and odd trousers ; evexything guaranteed and prices righ t J.E. Hutchinson. i THE TAILOK

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