T il E F L E E S II E R T N ADVANCE June 21 19o6 t : F 5 •I" If s. /y . Tiir. . iancarcl CJOan/l (of Canada) Ftiisoponod a liMiicli I'flico in Fli'slier- fi'ii, wl'.ero a ^ciierHl !ii>nkir;tr ImsiiiesR will h;i transicled.. M y ax'aiiablu for efritimnte buciucss enterprises. DRAFTS FOUGHT AND SOLD on all points it. CHiiavta andtho Urdred .St.ate.«. Inttrtat a'lov^td on dop'^sita of 51.00 and upwivrda compDUiided, half yearly. Agent. Vicinity Chips Fop mouey at. lowest rates, land Rfcur- ity, go tu A. S. VmiDuson, Flosliorton. Mirs .Jennie Wilson, of Toronto, spent Suiid.iy at her homo horo. For c'rjiip lire and liftf insurance, first clttos conijiunlea, R..r.Sproido. County Council is msoiing in MonforJ this week. Top biii.'S3'i»l'nosl now, cheap and enpy terms. U. .J. Spruulo, Flcshertou. Ml-. Herbert Wiiijlil-, of Winnipeg, viiiilint' with frieiida hero. 1 good seed drill, nluio.st now, very cheap, enjy terms. R. J, Sproule,Fle8h srlon. Mr. Loslie Norria of ilopworth vi.sited bis mutlier this vircuk. Cabb^ig'j plants, 23 for 10c, at Doug- IiLSb'.s drufj Btoro. Note book l'>8t, between Flesherlon and Manwell. Finder please leave at this otljce, as it is imporlant to owner. Mr. Hob Wilcox of Toronto is hoHdiiy- ing at his paretital home. Sro A. S. Thurstons fino souvenir post- al cardf . A largo Felection . oc each, 6 for Soc. A. S. Thurston, Fleshcrton. Mr. W. k. Armstrong hns leased his fishing preserve in the varey to a couple 'f Toronto ^{enileinen, 4 good lots and dwolIinK, garden and orchard, in FleKheiton, for sale cheap. small payment down, balance easy Icrina. R.J.Sprnule, Fleshcrton. - Mi.ss Juno Shean of Owen Sound is visiting at ftLs.J.M. Duncan's, west back line. Go to Centham Bros, for strawlcrries, pineiipplcs, craiiges, lemons and bananas. A fresh stock always on hand. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of Southiimpton attended the fnnernl of the hitter's sister, Mrs. William Smith. Go.id 100 rcre farm for sale cheap and on easy lorni,», i/ood buildings and wel] fenced; also good ^00 acre farm cheap and easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshcrton. The watch guard advertised last week as lost has been recovered. Ic pays to advcitisc. â- Just arrived, a consignment of chopiJtsd corn and oats. Try a ba^ for the hoy.s. For Side at Bentham Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Down and daughter, Miss Florence, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. a. Karstedt. A reward will be given for in forma' ion that will lead to the conviction of the pariiea who threw a dead animal into my well this spring. L. Badgerow, 4ili lino. Mrs. (Rev.) Kdmunds of Whitechurch is visilinij her sister, iSlrs. W.W.Tiiu.ble. It always pays to buy the best. There foie it's money in your pocket when you buy Royal Rou.sehold flour instead of cheap graded. Sold at Bonthatn lUv .s. Mr. J. r. Nicholson of Oakville has rciitod Win. Smith's residence and is Dlo^iIlg in this week, A ineetin;.! of the Women's Iiiatitute will be held in the town hall ou Tuesday, June 2<j;h at; 2 p.m. All the ladies a:e welcome. Mr. John Clinton, of Eduionton, is visiting his mother, lU'ineinbor ibo rrnsliyterian anniver- sary at iJus'ouia on Juno 24-20, Foot- hall, tea, corcert. Sea bdls f. r full par- ticulars. Strayedâ€" From my proniiscs, nbuut, May 1, a ewe and two lambs. Small pie3e out of ewe's ear S.Turiier,Eiigeiiia. Mr, J. E. Uutchi.isou has removed his tailor .shop to the premi.se* iatcly occuoied Viy Mr. Alexander, directly opposite The Advance office. Maxwell Mi;thodist Sunday school will bold their annual picnic in Long's giovo, on Monday, July %. Sse bills for further JWVtiCU.litJSU Mr. Harry Steeley letnrneJ to Toronto S.iturday after a short visit hero. Ho was accompanied by his grandmother who will vi.iil; a sister in Toronto for a fortnight. Work on tho new hotel has boon at a standsiill during tho pist week wliilu waiting for tho masons to return and com- plete theaiono work. One day Kst week Mr. P, Loucks had the misfortune to cut his leg. While chopping the limbs of a f.illen tree the axe ."ilipped, entering his leg bidow the knee, making a paioful cut. Mrs. Win. Bentham of BulTdo, who is here this week, will return homo next VI 'Uday, accompanied by her father, Mr. Win. Sniith, who will reside with her. Married â€" At tho residence of tho brido'.s parents, near Eu;;enia on Wednes- day, Juno 20 by Rev. J. B. Wass, Mr. Robt.Gorley to Miss Emma Magce,eldest daughter of Mr. Jas. Mageo. There will be an entertainment held on Frid.iy evening, Juno 22, in Wat:son's hall, riieoTille, consisting of selections on Mandolin, guitar and bai.'pipes, also vocal mu.-ic, speeches, etc. Silver collec- tion in ad of public library di bt. Tickets Hold at all stations from Chats- worth to Melincthon inclusive, for !;he Forester excursion to Hamd'on are positively good to return on any regular train up to and including special leaving Toronto on Monday evening, June 25th. The inoining service in tho Methodist church on Sunday was conducted by Mrs, Nicholsnn, »h« gave a short but interest- ing addrvss. Mrs. W. U. Bunt also gavo an iiilerfsting report of the recent W. M. S, Convention in Toronto, at which she was a delegate from this uu.xiliary. Among all tho various oxcursi-n.s run during tho suinmcr probably the best patronized and most enjoyable, certainly the most profitable, is that run to tho Agricultural college at Guelph. This event takes place on June 27 liiis year. An advcrliaomrnt givimr full particulars appears in another column, Mr. C. Tryon and his men have been doing a large amount of brightening up with paint in town this sprint. Among the work done are tho residences of AS. VanDusen, Andrew Bi'ntham,D. M;'lav- ish, John Wrii-hl and T. Siidl. Ho also iiiado a neat job on Clayton's hall and iho interior of .Mr. G. Machell's re.sidince. Mr. Tryon has a name for good work hero and as a consequonco gets plenty to d i. On Saturday evening our senior football team met deft at at the hands of Iho Fev- oisham team on iho git uiids of the latter. Scoie i 0. Fcvershani had a much bi-ttor team than when they played here and ours was weakened by three of the boys not being alio to g". We hnd to plsy one junior and another man who was out of practice. The only gual scored was made in the last half minute. Anniversary services will bo held in Chaliuers church on Sabbath, July 1st, when Rev. Finlay Matheson, M.A., of Chatsworih, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Monday evening, July 2, the usual strawberry festival will bo held fiotn to 8 o'clock, followed by an inter- esting program of addre.sses and music. Adniission 25 cents. The Presbyterian garden pai-ly hcbl at C, Stewart's residence on Friday evening last was not a huge success, slill a veiy respectable sum was raised, some $17. Tlie night threatened rain and produced it, too, which no doubt kept many away, Fldshciton band was pres' nt. There wi..s music, singing and lefreshmonts, includ- ing ice cream. The annual Methodist Garden Party will be held at Priciville, Friday, June 21), t'loslierton Citizens Baud, compojcd of Bixioeii instruments, will be in atten- daiice.A.CocilCoulsoMU R.C 0., late from London, Eng,, wdl bo present to assist with the musical part of tho nrogr.im> Tea from six to eight. Program to com- mence at 8 sharp, Admi.ssion 10 and 25c. See largo bill for particulars. Mr. \V, 0. Duncan, of Washington Stale, who is visiting here, handed lis this week a copy of iho Lincoln County Times, his home paiicr, in whiih wo note an iti-m dealing with the •.nvwth of grain in tliat state, which is ahi ad of anyihinjj I'.oie, although grown three degrei-s north of us, 'The item sayswiutrr wlnal btalkn cut on the last day of May mca.sur- ed three feet in length and nearly headed out. \'r. Duncan appears to be living in a highly favored port.i^ n of Uncle Sam's dominions. Tho regular monthly ini'sioimry meofc- ing of the League next, Monday pioniises to be an interesting one. A debate is to lake place betwe'in Dr Murray and Edgar Bellamy on the ailiitnative and Misses Wii.<uiand FawcettoD the negative, "Resolved, that Domestic Missions are woie iupportavt than F<>r»ji^«>" Vanz.%iit â€" Holmes â€" In Toronto, on Wodiio^day, Juno 20, Rita, daughter of E. VanZant, to Mr, E. Holmes, both of Toronto. Mrs. Wni. S>mith passed aw.iy at her home ill Flesherton, after a lingering illness, on Saturday Juno 16 attheauo of 51 years and H months. Uar maiden name was Eliza Margaret Hanley. Sho was united in marriago to her sorrowing hutbanel ihiily one years ago,Hiiiee ivhieh time she was a member of tho Methodist cliurch. She always was a regular atten- dant at all the church services, and was a member of the W..M.S. since its organ- irition thirteen years ago, and was never ab.sent from the monthly ineetiiiL' until be-r health began to fail. She leaves one son, WesJey, in Baltlcford and onu daughter, Mrs. Will lienlliam, Bnllalo. Her remains were interre I in Flesliertoii conietery on Monday, Rev. Mr. Tlimn otiicialing in tile absence of her pastor, Rev. Dr. Caldwell. Tlio funeral seiiinm wilLhe preached next Sabbath morning by her piustor. Much syurpathy is felt for the sorrowing husband and for the daughter who arrived too late to attend tho funeral. Cana LOW RATES TO nianifoba, Hlb^rta and Saskatchewan Points* Foil HOME SEEKERS Tickets good to return within Sixty days. Liberal stop-overs. E.XCURSIONS LEAVE TORONTO 1 -V TUESDAYS, JULY 3 AND I7 KRKE BERTHS IN COLONIST C.\KS. Berths in comfortable Tourist Sleepers at inudcrate rates. Auk neaiost C.r.R. Agent for booklet, rates aiiU full jiifiii Illation, I'r writt C. B. FuHter, D.P.A., Toniijlo. Annual Excursion G U "E 'l P H An Gxcursioii uiulur the atif^i'icoH of tho Centre Grey Farmer's Institute Wilibo niii to Hio AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. GUELPH â€" ON - ^sdnesday June 27, *06 \ia till) e'. !â- . U. PATRONIZE THIS BECAUSE : |IJ Tho CoUtti^o Farm rvowh nil vari*'tioa of [^rsiiiH, t;raBHua, ruotH iititl fora^o oi'0(ik and tho fflihierBuf thiH country by oxftiuiuinti thcHo urowin}" crops, should b« ubiu to solcot Rohio- lUiiMj lov their own fiiriiis hotter tluin tiny lii-o>luct) lit the prosoiit tiino. 121 At tho colU'»;o thn principal broods of livr 3 ouk: cuttk', shooi*, swino liutl puuitry nniy all ho sot^M under thu must favoruLlo cotiiMtiotii^. [;sj llio faim ;hiiry, tho creamery, tlmchimse factory, tJioa'.;iicnitura; lutiacuin. lUo plots Jiini flowuis may itU bo luspoctud and will show to f;oo(i advaiilai^'o at thJ.H fl<>anori of (.lie your. [1J Tho now Kural UonHollilated iwliool bnild- iiiK on tlio colloti'j f^t'O.indband opot afcod hy llvo ! chfjol h'tolioiis v.\ in runiiin^i ur'ler. Th« otiild- ron aro bruii;^ht in vans from rtvu inilon around and tho trnstets of tho Hvo i-octiuna t'orui a j'-iut bjard to opfratt) thuHchool. I'uro wuhuvoa guodMr'itlovt B'jhc*.! in a country dir;trict. [Oj MucPonulil luBlituo, tint school fur f;).rin- orH (Junj^iitorrt v.ill bo open to insiiection. tinok- injj', suwiny antl laundry work a-o thu throu pnncipal HuhjuctH tnu^'ht nnd thin yoar tho Ln^tltutu hab buou flliod to it!« utniuHt (iipiioity [0] Tho new niiJking u>(iuh;no will hn in opuratiou In tliodairj str.blfs uvery uftornoon at four o'cluc!;. Alaku \n;ir arrau^buiunts uarly audtftkuiii tl.ifi oxeuisiun. luLihoad tiiuo tublu aud price of lickotn as 'ollows ; Adult's faro ChlMrou Tirro *i.(W m ... 7a>o 1.03 HO 7.1."> l.iW ... BU 7.-2i ].(*.0 HO 7.J0 l.fM). ........ MU 7.:i8 i/iO 8.) 7.1M l/i'J HO 7.'")H 1.45 â- 7» H.ir> l.;U 70 ... 8.-.» ]..15 70 H.ns Ii;x(tnf.i«n train will luuvo iclph at OHO p.m. Ir.if. tii*l{-'t- aro !'uod to luluin ou any rt-yiilar tr-iin lo.l lIlCl^l. UD.O. liAbOKU.PiTP. J.I Git; UAM.Reet Ow.^n Sound .. ItuckUM'l Cliat^nvorth Arnott Ht^l^and Coutre.. lii.ikuluv ..... Miiikdalo.... ... i'Utshortuti J'loton IJtiiKhiik Niagara Falls The Uniriu Sabbath Sclnxds of Shel- burne will run their annual iiionHter excnr?)ion via C. 1'. \\ Im Toronto ami the Niagara Steanihoat Line to Tjerti.^ton. Thence via (Jorge I'lleelrio ILulway to Niagara on Friday, July 6 .â- V doligli'ful 2 Iioui'h sad on Lake Onlaiio fioiu Toroo'o to Lewi.stori. Thence by llioCloige Route al'oig Iho Niagara river on llie American nido yeiting a beautiful vii'W of the great whirliiool raijids and (it her scenery. Kxcur.siim train leaves Markdale 6.55a.m. fare to faro to Tlnio MniUialo.... O..J.0... I.'IuphiM ton 7.1»7... l'n.tf,n . 7.11')... Umiiialk ... 7.2G. Coi notion 7.a7 . Molrincttion 7.JS • Sliollnuno 7.ri4.. ('r(inil)io «.0:i... 1>anrol Mli... OranBOvillo Jot... 8.d0 . Arrivo »t Toronto lft.;tO p. ui. Cliililron lialf faro. Return train will Icuvo Toronto wliarf at JO.M u. 11)., .)uly 0, for Markila'.o. K\\ tlnkolH fio,n Melauothon audnorili Ho»>l to rotiirn on any regular train up to Monday^ .lulv9tt> Couie knd Toronto Niagara li.W ... .... a.io . 2.05 ao.i . ao5 2.08 . 'i05... 2.0S . 2.00... ii.00 1.85.... .... 1.S5 . 1.80 1..H0 . l.fiT) .... 1.0.', . l.OO.... . ... l.w I.l,-).... .... l.OO ^0 r 4 ^^''C€TX^Xl€^i'^^' ^^ts^ Boots and For the Summer Everybody will be getting a naw piir of Boots or Shoos or ought to bo getlini) a pair. In oidcr to meet our increased traile, wo have 1 ought largely in lliia lino of goods â€" some of tho choicest and best that c.in bo had â€" also heavier and cheaper linos. They aro boughc from somo of tho host Man- ufacturers in Ontario and oiiual to anything .shown in tins line and i[uile now. .\1bo a large lot of Trunk.s, Telescopes and Suit Cases on hand. Cus- tom work proiniilly done. Call and W'li wdl try . . • • to give you entire satisfaction at • • mm* Clayton SHOEMAKER, ONT. 0- eeds! The MEDICAL HALL dors not intend to let itij reputation for the BEST SEEDS suffer. Wo have in stock everything in the seed lino required by ths firmer or gardonei, all friiVn the most reliable growers â€" no old, dojul seed â€" everything freah and full of vitality. Scores of pi^^de are taking udvantago of these fact.s and securing bargains every day. Uet your seed for spring planting from a 01t^i3LSS U mi^<itat>)Ks:k^o^^o^cs:mm^^ ^tJ^^.^^fSS^^vZk^^^j^'. .r.ji I ( ,< ,y fi.'^^^^A^r'-^a .r^w-s:'-'v:^j^^ ^:g^,^^:y^^.>^^^. ' < I en s e r \Â¥ e a We have a gool supply of Men\s Siiinmer Underwear, Cashmere finish, also 2 threat.! Egyptian Yarn at very low prices. Flannelette Top Shirts, each 20c. No. I Granulated Sugar, per 100 lbs $1.50 3 lbs. mi.xed Cakes .* 2s5c General Merchant Ceylon. PAGE FENCING t THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST "" When you buy a knife for instance, you consider tho quality of tho steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife is not necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in .-i knife blade or razor. The I'age Co. use a high carbon steel wire, which though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cent. (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest FAoE fence is as strong as the heaviest of other makes. Notice the lock in PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCE. You may h.ave noticed also that Others are imitating Besides the extra strength and supenop workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in Sl special white paint, which on top of tho best of galvanizing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating makes wire much more sightly. Owing to the great strength and elasticity of I'.'VGE fencing, one- third less posts .ire re- quired, thus redncinjj the cost of the fencing. As you get in P.\GE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection .-igainst nist, better workmanshi),, better appearance, uso less posts, can you afford THE LOCK IN PAGE â- "EMPIRE" FENCES. Cowwitte*-^ Bptiuti a ]il«anaMt (lav. •K, be\wick,U,J.Wttt Watson, A^Smltlv It. That is a good recommend for it, | to use other fences, even though you coulU Where we lead others follow. buy them for one-half the price of tho All PAGE wire is "COILED." not PAGE? But, really oure cost you «rimped. | little, if any more. % 4°^ Get prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or La,wn Fence, SOLD AND KUKtvrK!) I'V - Cbo$« €inott» l1!arkadU C« m«daual>» Proten $ta»