1 fHE PILLING CATTLE INSTRUMENT CASE. These cases, which are made of polish- hl oak, contain a number ol instru- ments thai no farmer, dairyman or rtock owner can afford to be without. Every one of these instruments when needed are needed at the moment. Just »ne case of Milk Fever saved will many Bmespnythe cost of the entire outllt. It leenis strange that this very important rutlit has not before now been made np. To us it seems one of the most portant improvements lo the dairy fann Bver devised. QUITE GENEnOUS. One Sunday recently a lady went into a church in a town to whicli she was a stranger and n&ked to be shown to a seat. The sidesman conducted her to^a back seat in the gallery, the only other occupant at the time being an old gentleman, who rose to let her pass. It was somewliat dark, and the lady, as she shook her skirts and settled down, had a horrible suspicion that she was sitting on something besides the cushion. She put out her hand and drew forth the sad remains of a silk hat. "Oh," she said lo the old gentleman, "I beg your pardon, i m so sorry." The old gentleman looked at the meV uncholy ruin, and replied that it could not be helped. "Oh, it's truly generous of you to say so," said the lady, "but I'm afraid you're angry." "Not in Ihe least," said the old gentle- man, straightening out the hat and placing it under the seal; "you see, it's not my hat. It belongs to Mr. , who showed you in I" Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator is a pleasant and sure cure, 'f you love your child why do you let i'. ."uffer when a remedy is so near at haiid'/ Not only does it contain the Milk Fever outfit for Air Treatment recoiu- niended by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, but it also has •» complete assortment of cattle syringes, trecars for bloat, lead probes, milking tubes, test dilators, teat bistouries, teat opener, thermometer and bandages. It Js made by George P. Pilling & Son, Philadelphia, who will gladly send any of their readers a description of the ease. SHORTEST WILL ON RECORD. fistate >Vor(h Over S'lO.nooo Disposed ol in Three Words. Probate of the shortest will on record â- was granted in London, England, last Saturday. It is that of Fred Charles â- William Thorn, of Streatham, whose will disposing of property of the value of £8,285 was written in pencil on a crea.sed envelope, and read "AH for mother. C. T." I This grant supersedes a grant of ad- ministration to the widow in June last, as the president of the Probate Court ''n the action Thorn v. Dickens, on Feb. 22 last, pronounced for the force and validity of this will, and probate there- of has accordingly been granted lo the widow. Mrs. Mary Ann Thorn, of ."i? Park Road, Stratford, Es.sex, as resi- duary lepalee, the testator having named no executor. PILLS A.VD rUBS A proUBc cause of Piles is the nae of D»tharticB aud pilU of a draatio, Tiolent nature, which is always followed by a reactiuo ou account of tne resinous, drying properties they contain. tWo are otiier causes, but no matter what the cause or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Leoohardt's Hom-Roid can be relied U|>on to cure â€" to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that removes the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee goes with each package oon- teiaing a moath^s treatment. It can be obtained for fl.UO at drumists', or The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Oat. > LION TAiUEIt SAVED BY SISTER. She Enters Cage and Beats the Animals Off. A girl's courage and presence of mind Aaved a lion lamer from u terrible death |lhe other day at Pnris, France. ' During u performance at a nienngerie ;at Versailles a tamer named Robert jentered a cage conluiiiing a lion and lioness. The lioness sprang upon him, and while he was seeking lo beat her iOff, the lion also atlacked him, seizing Ihim by llie arm. Seeing the trainer's danger, his sister, aged Iwenly-lwo, arming herself with a heavy slick, rushed into the cage and belabored Ihe lion over the head. Then she caught hold of the animal by the mane and dragged him off her brother, enabling Uie latter, who was badly wounded, to Ibo taken out of the cage. The attendants, with pitchforks, kept the animals at hay until Ihe plucky girl effected her escape. THE NEXT THING TODO. Simpsonâ€" Do you go lo church regu- larly every Sunday? Hopkinsâ€" Prvlty nearly. Simpsonâ€" What do you mean by •pretty nearly?" Hopkins â€" Regularly every .Sunday liny wife tries lo make rac gol" "They call me the human songbird." "As a precaution, I supo.sc. There's a law against shooting songbirds." â- migat nap m aaniv taaa mam wmf, tat is best whaa cssd ia tlis â- aalifikt m^ Mnj Bsaliglit loap and faUaiVdlantisna, Agentâ€" "Here, madam, is a book that will tell you how to manage a hus- band." Womanâ€" 'But, my dear lady, what I want is a book that will tell me bow to get one, and I'll manage him 1 11 right." In Nature's Storehouse There are Cures.â€" Medical experiments have shown conclusively that there are medicinal virtues in even ordinary plants grow ing up around us which give them a value that cannot be estimated. 11 is held by some that Nature provides a cure for every di.sease which neglect and ignorance have visited upon man. However, this may be, it is well known that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, distilled from roots and herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. ISIU-'E NO. 2i-4Ml ARTFUL MRS. VVITHERBY. Wilhei'by- "I've invited a fellow here to dinner to-morrow night." Mrs. Witherbyâ€" "Oh, my dear, what did you do lliul for? Why, tlie new cook is coming to-morrow, and you know it will be just awful." Wilhorbyâ€" "I don't see anything aw- ful about it. Give him what we've got. I guess it's good enougli." Mrs. Witherby- "Thai's just like a k;.wi. You don't seem lo care foi' ap- I curunccs at all. Can't you put him off?" Witherby- "No, I can't. The idea! I invite a friend lo dinner, and my wife piotesLs. But, madam, he comes just the same. As long as 1 am running this house I propose to do as I please." Mrs. Witherbyâ€" "Who is it?" Witherby- "Wigson. You know him, don't you'?" .Mrs. Vv'ilherby (seized with an inspira- tion) â€" "Know him! I should say I did. Why, he's an old sweetheart of mine." Wiiherbyâ€" "I guess not." Mrs. Witherbyâ€" "But ho is. Have him to dinner by all means. Oh, I should just love lo see him! How he used to make love to me!' Wiiherbyâ€" "He did, eh?" Mrs. Wiiherbyâ€" "Yes, indeed. It was rnly by the merest chance that I didn't become his wife. This is indeed a plea- sure. Dear boy! I^l's see; I haven't seen Charlie Wigson for four years.'' Witherby (dryly)â€" "You haven't, iJi"' Well, I wouldn't be surprised if yuu didn't see him for four more." Mrs. Witherby (feigning great di.sap- poinlmenl)â€" "Oh, you haven't chang-d your mind, have you? Aren't you go- ing to bring him lo dinner?" Witherbyâ€" "No. miulam, I'm nol." And Mrs. Wiiherby, having gained her point, glided blandly from the Saecess In Life is dependent upon good healtli. yoa are out of sort.i, ill or Asbls, take "Ferrovlin." It's the btat tonic II bottlea All meUioiiie dealers. She : "And did you ever propose lo a girl in a cnnoe?" He: "Yes; and I'll nover do it again. The girl jumped at my proposal, and upset the boat !" Dr. J. D. Kcllogg's Dy.scntery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the profession as thoroughly reliable for the cure of cholei'ii, dysentery, diar- rhoea, griping pains and sunimcr com- plaints. It lia.s been u.sed successfully by medical practitioners fur a number of years with grnlifving results. If suffering from any sumnior complaint it is just the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. CRUSHED FINGERS. A crushed finger should be plunged into waler as hot as can po.ssibly he borne. This application of hot wnler causes the nail to expand and soften, and Ihe blood pouring out benoath it has more room to (low; thus Ihe pain is lessened. The fin;.ter should then be wrapped in a br •.id-and-walor poultice. A jauuiied flngii' should never be ne- glected, as it may lead to morliflcalion of the bone if it has been badly crushed. IT .SOUNDS ALL RIGHT. Goaker : "You look over-worked,-doc- tor." Doctor : "Yes, 1 am a bit run down. I'm thinking of going for a cruise." Goakor: "I shouldn't if 1 were you." I'ioclor: "Why not?" Goaker : "Reoause men in your pro- lessiou are so liAlftlii to <^o !ucknA<ift." Sunlight Soap is better than other suaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of wadiing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight XA^ay you should follow directions. After rubbing on the soap, roll up each •piece, immerse in the water, and go away. SurilSght Soap will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Equally good with hard or soft water. ' L«ver Brothara LimitacI, Toronto >u Parentâ€" "How did you gel along with your geograptiy lesson to-day, Johnnie?" Pupil â€" "Beautifully. The tuicher was so plea.sed that she made me stay after school, and repeat it all over again, only just lo her." A Cure for Disliveness. â€" CosUveness comes from the refusal of the e.\cretoi-y organs to perform their duties regular- ly from contributing cau.ses usually disordered digestion. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, prepared on .scientific prin- ciples, are so compounded that certain ingredients in them pass through Ihe stomach and act upon the bowels so as lo remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thousands arc prepared to bear testimony lo their powers in this respect. 003*3*-ULg;a,l^ed Xb?033l. " Kcsplnc Bvcrlastlagly at it Brines Success.' Mother â€" "How's this. Tommy? You've heen lighting Billy Jones again, when I forbade it." Tommyâ€" "Didin'l ycr fell me to retuiTi good for evil, ma? Well ho gave me a bad Uckin' yesterday, and I gave liim a good one to-day." I There Is no more otnti;iata skin trouble than Bait Rheum. It Bometimes lingers for year«, but Weaver's Cerate make!! short work ol it. Also, take Weavar'a tiTTvp to insure penaaimat oare. I .She â€" "There is a woman in Fulham who has not looked in a mirror fur thir- ty years." He â€" "And how did you say fhe lost her eyesight?" PEDLAR'S CORnLGAHSD IRON is made on a. 3C,(M0 l». preM (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a t4me, and is guaranteed true and straight lo size. We carry a 680 ton stock in Osbavra, Mootrcal. Ollitwa. Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the siune day order ie iticeived. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feel in 28, 26, H, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanised. This class of material is most suitable for fireprooling Bams, Faclory, Min and Warebonse Bnildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated fhdges. Lead Washws and Ga)vani2/xl Nails carried in stock. Send SpeciOcalions to your nearest olflce for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, iwitreoi, Que. oiini, oni 707 Cialg St. { i23 .SlUMX St. 11 ColboriM St. as Diwdu it. loromo. m. n&m. m. mm. m. l^wmmu. 7e l.<>KbaKl St. I 915 HMiOsriit. Write yoar Nearest Olflca.- HEAD OniCK AND WoaKiJâ€" O.SWAWA, Oat Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Rag. Food Products LANDS In Western Canada en^>le you to enjoy your meals without having lo tpcad half your time between them ova a hot cook-stove. All the cooking i< done in Libby's lotchen â€" a kitchen as clean and neat aa your owit, sod thesc's nothiog lot you to do bat enjoy the renik. Libby's Piodacis are tdected meab, cooked by cooks wbo know bow, and onhr the good parts packed. Foi a quick and deliciotu hmch any ^OM, ia doon oc out, try Libby'a Mel- rose Pate-- with Libby'a Caiaf> Sauce. B<Mklcl Inc. "l-iow to Make Good TIuo lo EaL" Wiits Ubky. McNmU a LUiby, Chicago TwA eora«r1s| Beutiooa. aelee^ ed lauija is SaiskatchewaQ, only 8 railea from two riulwara, C.P.B. A a.T.P, Stroiw boil, 90 per oent. plough land, ivitiuf antek, no sluncha About to miloii N.8. of Indian Ilaad. frtee t\».M par acra Write fur map :vnd fnU particulars, R. PARSONS. 91 Weilcaley Street, Toroats, Canada. Krvii WAYS ro cube a coi.u. (I) Bathe the feet in hot water and drink a pint of hoi hmionade, then sp(jnge wilh salt wiilcr and reiniiin in a warm room. (2) Uatlie the face in very i hot water every live minutes for an hour. (3) .'Sniff up the noslrils hot salt water e>ery three hours. H) Inhale ammonia or menlliol. (5) Take tour hours' active exercise in the open air. A ten-grain dose ot quinine will usually break up a cold in Ihe beginning. Any- liung that will set the Wood actively in circulation will do it. Dyeing! Cleaning! Vkb*^- .â€" _â€" k.._a â- ... tor Ua aary ksstaaaSfow wark to tka " UITI8II AMEmOAN OYIiNO •0/' iMsk tea assat la SMT loira, sa aasd Mtaa*. Moatr«al,Torooto, OtUwa, Qnafega FARMS FOR SALE. Over two thousand farms for sale in Ontario. Send for our list. .Mso a large number of splendid business properties for sale. Western »cal Estate Exchange Limited, London, OnU A butcher was invited the other night to attend u concert, but posilively de- clined, even when a free ticket was offered liim. When presiscd for a rea- son, lie replied : "If I should go I should see so mimy people who owe me for moat thai it would spoil all my fun." It will Prolong Life.â€" De Sola, the .Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of Florida, whither he went for the pui'- pose of discovering the legendary "l-'oun- laiii of perpetual youth," said to e.xist in that then unknown country. While Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil will not per- petuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make Ihe young old be- fore their time and harass the aged in- to untimely graves. msci Lm ,>lWtBOIIOVaf.C*MM. 7hc Brat and ChMprat Oimn.Si'iHiliMihal' ATAuniE WD axowPiKKKfait BiWM 5=^^- "I have three children, who are the very image of myself,' said Jones, en- thiisiiuslically. "I pity the youngest,'' lolurned Rrown. quietly. "VVIiy?" ask- ( d Jones. "Because he is tlie one who will have to resemble you the longest," 5.aid Brown. There are a number of varieties if corns. Ilolloway's (^orn Cure will le- move any of them. Call on your drug-, £isl and gel a bottle at onoe. Wilson's FLY PADS ONE PACKET HA3 ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Sold br all Druggists and General Stont aud by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HASIILTON. ONT. 200 iqdn Wanted at Ones In various parts of the Dominion, at whole or spare lime agcnits, to si:ll 1 high grade stock of hardy and weH pmwn trees and plants. Go-ahead an4 euergeUc men can niako a very prollt; able business of selling this .slock, wliicU Is well known. liberal terms and s c<<mplctc outfll. Commis^on paid weeb ly. Apply at once lo E. D. .SMITU, Heldcrlpinh Niirs(>rM>s, Whioita, Ontario. F^tablishod over a quarter of a century. Young Wife (worn out by attending cr-jing biiby): "Dear, de^rl" I do wish people liad Iheir second childhood tinst. Then they'd ho old enough to know bel- ter than to cry so." The •V»l»^TA8" QALVANIO RINQ haa cured ttloaaaada of people sufleriiig from t^heumatl.^m. Neuralgia WorTt'UMiesa, Irapuritloa )f tlio blood, aiiu l)a.4 a lieneacial ulfect '>n tile wl>olo body. Wo are makJiiR a npecial trial offer lo readers of this paper. Sead atamp for taaUmooiala and our U\x\ olfer to The 'Veritas' Import Co., I>ept. 2», '.'.lO Hlourjr street, Montreal