yksl^rrtmi ^bliana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXIy, no 1275 Flesh-erton, Ont. Thursday June 14 lOOG W. fl. TiHIKaTOn , pkopkietok hlias Cora Taylor of Maikdale i.-i visit* intt her sister, Mm. A T.Huichinann. | Mil? Eiuina Whiteoiik is vuiting at | Mr. Eli R<il)in-«>n's. I Mr. Pliili|> Oliewell lost threa milch' c^iws by lii'Iitniii'' on Tur«day uf list; week. The aniaii»ln were found dead after the slurm under an elm tree in the I |jH.sture lieid. It m a heavy luas to Mr. | Oltewell. We are viy sorry to report the death i ^A/QddinS P'rSSSntS. ' "f ourhi^h'y estefmed fiiend and neigh- ^ bi>r, Mr. J inies Thomson, »r., of the 12ihj These are the choichwt of P'kh!sâ€"uo cheap ' tiafli. Cuiae aud mx theui uay way. The Aftermath. Alter the Chriittnian .tides, wl«ich wer» extraordinarily large thin year. w« find Irft in stuck a Sne liueof piMMlr which we tliiiik sveryuuc will concede is Just the Thing for PriceTille Warm (Kiocks T.I I \'.*ak" vnn up the e Ills of CluckH at all lark iniimhigs, :inds uf priceii. llat^/'/nan fountain zLens, Fancy Ink Stands, etc, fur sale. W; A. Armstrong line, who died very suddenly on Monday niorciiig, the Ilih inst. Peceased wab one of the first settlers in tlii-S part of Os- and all ^^*'S^ having settled here about 48 years I ago, and vaa hifjhly esteeine<l by all whi knew hiui. The suicuic syinpalhy uf the entire community iioesout to tbo bereav- ed wifp andfa niily. Deceased was about "8 years old. \\ o i^x'ived the long looked fomin in copious xhowers last week and baa g;reatly improved the crops, paslures.etc. There Ls also a good show for fruit of variaua kinds. Reeve Muir and Councillor Whyte have l>een repairing the roads on the Artemes- ia side, and the road sjrader when prop- erly handled prov«a to be a great labor saving machine. I Death bus again visited our vicinity and \ removed one of the eitrly pioneers in the ' pr.r«oa of Mr. Daugald I South Lintf, Art«me8ia. McFARLAND& COMPANY Grey County'3 MJVfJKDvVLE, ONXAiflO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE T Tandelenr Mr. acj Mra. Jus. Buchanan spcM a few days last week visiting Mr. R. Buchanan's near Meaford. Qui'e a DUiuber from here attended the Inatjlute picnic at Kinibeiley on Friday. Mis^ Ettio Douelasfl, Mr. Binnie, Miss Lillio Buchanan and Mr. L. Johnston went to Niag>tn on Frid.-»y and remained over till Monday viiiiting friends. Mr. .1. I. Grahara went lo Toronto last week on a bu^iuuss trip. Miss Jeannie Wri<{ht. accompanied him and it staying with friends in 'Jje cify for a few weeks. The past aeek baa been fine growing weather with Home heavy thunder storms but no damage dono that ws bare beard uf. The flight frost Sunday night did no great injury. Mrs. F. G.MacDonaId,and Miss Duria, Masters Otto and Harry B»ker spent ,^r„ visiting her parents, at Chatham, for Sunday with their grandmother. Mis \ 3 f^^ weeks. Stnffurd near ICimberley. j Miss Cora Williams, who has been visit- Miss Stella Summers of Markdalc spent | i„g Xumnlo friends for some time past. L'nkaowa Friends There :ve many pe^nile who have u««U Cham- be. laius Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Komedy with splendid resultat, but who are unknuwn because they have hesitated about f^iviii); a tesciuicnialuf their exi>crience (or pubUcatiua. Those i>eople,however,are none the !«»» friends of this reiuedy. It is a good me<{iciue to nave iu the home and is widely known for it cures d iarrbuea snJ all forms of liuwel trouble. For sale by W. £. Richardson and U. L. Uouglass. ; born in .\rgly«hire, Scotland, in I82C and in 1852 he .and other members of the family erected their primitive residence on lot 60 Durham road, Glenelg, And 9 years later moved to the South Lime, Artemeaia. For some months he has been quite frail iu body and on the 24ih 1 May paralysis ended his life. The funer- al to the cemutery in town was lan;ely at- I tended. Rev. J. A.Matheson.his pastor, officiated at the house and giave. Anniversary services were held in the Presbyt'Crtau <;hurch un 3rd of .lune and an entertainment was held on Monday eveumg. A choir f^irnied of vocalists selected from the several congrexatioiis iu town and led by Mr. Wm. Bamago, of north Egremout, rendered choice music, while Re*'. Dr. Mclvenzie, of Shelburne ; Rev. Phalen. of Homing's Mills; Rev.W. F. Roach, Price villa and Rev. J. Me- Nicholl, of the Bible Trainina School, of Torouto,and son of John McSicholl.of the Finance Dept., Ottawa, instructed and amused both old and young. Pastor Mathewson ably tilled' the chair. Pro- ceeds amounted to'oveY 550. HE vital point wliich raises these offerings fiir above th(^ usual BARGAIN is the fact that they are not BARGAIX _ GOODS but are of the very highest class chosen from the Currie, of the . best stocks we ever displayed. 'We want to hammer this point Deeeasfld waa' home with all OUT power for your own welfare, so you will be convinced that THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS should not be overlooked if you can get here by any possible means. Special Values in Every Department a few days last week at Mr. Jo;i. Buchan- â- 1,^^, ,eturued 10 her home at Engenia. *"''• Miss Annie Uislop, uf the valley, has Mrs. Buohsnan, or. is vi.Mtii.g her , „„„e ^o reside in ToronUi. The cicy dnuijliter, Mrs. Will Richardson, 'Jth Hue | gee,„s to hold out xreat attractions for Eupliraaiii. Mr. Ed. Hutoliinson and P. Norris of riesiierton visited at Mr. Wm. Hutchin- son's recently. MUss MiUix «nd Kathleen Milligan of ! Flesherton have been visitiug friunds here for a few days. The Foresters are making Wz prepar- ations for their annual picnic which will be held on July 2. The Division decided at their last meeting to have an outing on June 22 to Ikkke Duncan; conm|aently the next meeting will bo the VVednesiUy previous which will bo election of officers, and also tiual arrangements will be made for a picnic. A g'HHl full meeting is deairtid. our yountf people. Mr .Vrdlerand family have moved back to their old home at Shelburne. Thoy will be missed, as during their residence at Eugenia they made a great many warm If you knew the value of Charaberlnin's Salve you would nevt-r \vi*th t<» Ije without it. Here are some of the diseaoes for which it is esiieciiUly valuable; sore iiipples,clia|>|ied b.'uids l>uni8, frost bites, cliiJl)lains,chroDic sore eyes, I j itching pile*, tetter, salt rheiiin and eczem.t. ' Price i'> cviits i>er box. Forsaleby W.i-;.Rich- anlsou and U. L. Douglass. loth Liuo Oeipr«y friends who are sorry at their departure. Mr. Ducket wishoa to let his patrons know he has 1000 bushels of freah lime on hand. Bornâ€" Racently at Powarten, to Mr, ; and .Mrs. 'luh't Stewart, a daughter. Work on the tun lel is progressing favorably at present. Quite a few fruni this neighborhood want un the excursion to Niagara on Friday last. A number of the friends of Miss Edith Carr met at her home here on Monday evening last to give her a good send uff before her department for the I1. W, A delightful evening spent with music games. Ice cream and ulhjr refreshments were served. All enjoyed a good time. An exceedinjjiy narrow escape from drowning occurred at the huop and veneer dam on Saturday evening, while some boys were bathing. Two sons of Mrs. Wallace Armstrong, neither of whom could swtm,got beyond their depth and went to the Ixittom in fourteen feet uf water. Henry Tudor jumped in . 5 Pieces All Wool Delaines, lovely designs, regula> 50c for 31 j K piiicos Fancy Check Voille. as- sorted colors, regular 65c for. . . .49 5 p; ^lii. Drrw Goods, regular 3oc , for 23 j ' 3 Ladies Fancy Tweed Skirts, at 1.25 22 Tapestry Coahiou Tops, good value at 22 100 yards Fancy Silk Ribbon at per yard 15 1<X) pairs of a very heavy Black Cot- A number from this vicinity took in j wn Hose for per pair 10 the Oddfellows excursion to Niagara "" ' 05 paj^ ..£) ^ ^ •• .^r..mptonV the Sth and many families are preparing | .^^^ ..g ^„ Corsets, odd Unes, reg- for the S. S. excursion on July 6th. j ^,|^j. ^^^ ^^ pair for 69 Two ladies, under the au.spices of the Women's Institute, lectured in Watson's | 50 Bed Spreads, white and colored. Hall bst Saturday. Quite a number it I reuular Sl.OO for 68 people were present, but for lack of prop- er advertising many persons who would be interested knew nothing uf it until tuu late. Mr, Herb. Wats«D, brick layer, started Monday morning for Cheboygan, Mich., his services beiutr requested by a builder in that city who is erecting some costly public building!*. The Methodists of the several appoint- ments on the PriTeville circuit have ar= 50 pairs Men's Sample Braces, 2 pairs for 26 70 pairs Liidies Imt. Cashmere Hose, good value at 2 pair for. . .25 12 Ladiea Purses, regular 15o for. 3 12 Meat Platters, goo<l siie, regu- lar 35c for 21 30 Glass Fruit Dishes,regular price l35c for 21 Rev. Mr Currie of Moncton preaohed at Bethel last Suuday morning. Mrs. Hugh Spotfard is visiting with Mi.-i. John Weldrick at present. Miss Maggie Marphy uf Toronto s|U!nt a few days at Mr. Rubt. Colquette's last * 7L Lily Wingfield is visiting h^r ^ and tried to rescue the boys,wbo grabbed gMDdmother Mrs. R. Brackenbury. | bim and pulled him under. The three Mr. Will Uamey, Mrs. Baxter aud Miss were rescued by Johnny Campbell IVllaOarocy of Newdale, Man., are visit- j One of our citiaens had an exciting inglheir sister, Mrs. Sam Huberts *t time with an old tooeter the o. her day We are glad to report Mrs. Sam Rob- \ The bird How at him and punched six erts very much iiuproved. We hope ' holes iu his shins with its spurs. siPii to see her out ugain. | Messpi. Oltewell and Perigo of Fever- Mrs. McCort aud Mrs. Johii.-<ton of .v. „ ...„» « . _-»u «. i\ w...„. ,, , , J .. u o o I. . sham silent Sunday with Mr. Ubborne Cidiingwood visiied at Mr. S. Roberts . ^ ' lastwck. ana family. We aitt sorry to report the death of j Mr. Well Graham and Miss Kvalena Mrs. Herbert tlawurn of the 12th line at Smith took iu the football match at the early age of tw.i.ty five yearn after a Kimbetley last Saturday evening. short illneMS from brain fever. Ihe. ' jt-j u i:> symiiathy of the entire community goes ' Mrs. Leonard Latimer, daughter Etta out t > the bereaved husband, mother and and Miss Millie frieiidc \ Mr. Robt. Culquette, Miss Gertie Col- uu«'tt« and Mis* Gertie Paul attended ?he annual meeting of the Farmer's ^a" ^^*- »8*«n Institute at KiiiilHirley on Friday of last feck and report a very iiit«r<r«ting time. ranged to hold their annual Garden Party on the 28th uf June on the parsoiiOiief lawn and entertainment in the church in I the evening. , D. T. Hiiick.s of the north line is seriously ill with measles and bronchili*. Mrs.Juhn McKlechnie and her brother, Richard Waltew, went to Toronto a few days ago to visit their sister, Mrs. Gilles.^i ^^^ „f merchandisin g pio, who has been seriously ill. Richard 1 layins in the stock. It returned Monday. We notice one or two men with '"one foot in the grave," as the saying goes,wbo seem to be preparing .0 spend eternity somewhere by boyoHing and abusing their [laslur for preaching and advocating local option. If your stoniiwh troublesyou do not conclude that there is uo eur«, for a great many have iK-en |)eriiiftneiitlv cured by CbanilHirlaiu's Stomach aud Liver Tabluts, tjet a free sample at W, K Kichardson's or H. L. Doug- lass' drug store an 1 give them a trial. They also cure ooosti latioii aud biliousness. B A R G A I N S 12 large size Smyrna Mats, regular- 2.00 each for LI* 50 pairs Men's Overalls, with and wi'.hout bib, regular 680 and Uoo for 39 5<3 pairs Men's Worsted and Tweed Pants, regt^r 2.50 and 3.50 per pair for 2.29 4 d')zen Men's Derry Working Shirt's, all sizes, regular 60c for 4?. 5 doaen Men's Four-in-hand and Knot Ties, regular 25c for. 2 for 25- 2 dozen Men^ Flowing End Ties, all silk, regular 50c fur. ........ It) 2 dozen Men's and Boys' Caps, reg- ular 29c for 3 10 boxes Envelopes, good heavy quality two pkgs. for 5 2 dozen Children's Bibs, regular 80 for 5 2 dozen Men's Pipe3,all shapes,reg. 25c for IQ 15 pairs Men's Canvas Lace Shoes, legular 1.25 fur 89 15 pairs Boys' Canvas Shoes, reg- ular 1.00 for 69 2 dozen Fancy Cjlery Trays, rega- lar35c for la McFARLAND 8L COMPANY TS^sm McMullen are .spending a few days at Meaford. ^^'e are pleased lo have Mi.sa Flora She bus spent some time in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ruthren of Alliston are aa buying and is an incidental part of the process of aelling, and a very important part too. If the morchaut will give one-tenth part of the careful thouj-ht to the conduct of his advertising that he does to the careful selection of the goods ho wants to sell he will lind that oUver- tiaing does pay. 3ir. A. HutchiiifMrn, general merchant ,Uuti„g the latter'a sister, .Mrs. J. R.H0M. Frreraham, lurendn rooviiig to the store » , ,» , ^ vacated |,y Mr. H. Heiiinan apd making ««"»« * •»»"»«>«' »* »« W^ l«ft for the jl (M* PP ?<< f*»t" cpuiilry mVi^ Niajjara camp on Tueadaf , Tho day has ling gone by when the newspaper asks for advertising patnmage on the plea that tho business men ou\(ht lo support a local newspaper. No self reapectiug newapafier tu-day wants any advertising business as a mere gift uf charity or from any generous but mis taken sense uf local pride. Newspapers of the present generation solicit adver- tising on a business basis only and with the distinct undorsiauding that they can and they will give value for every dullar paid to them by advortiaers if â€" and here' IS the bub of the masterâ€" if the adver- tiaev pays as much attention to the preparation of bia advertisement as the newspaper does ko the display and cir- oulatioii of it afterward. Advertising is no lunger an experimeut.a device ezterual to one's businesii, a mere something to bo trifled with ia chance opportunity as a possible means of helping trade a little at times. In this day and generation adver- ' tisipg i* juot ^ niiKb a part of th« bqai* Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, % beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstfon^, JCWCLC" "^NS OPTiClAN rUESHERTON. Spring Suititids Just plooed in stock. Some of ttio nob- biest things out and prices rialit, from $12.00 upward. Luok 'em up at iwlcr , THE TAILOR Flesberton > Ontario Merchant Tailoring 00000 What about that new suii? Why not. leave your order the first time you are iiv l<>wn,and get a nobby up-to-date i»arinont. Trousersja specialty. SVo have suits frtjin SI2.00 up. Psntinipi frimi SSJ.oO up. All work guaranteed, A deposit with all (.•rdora, J.E. Hutchinson THE TAILOR Opposite Photo Gallery, Flesherton. Bull for Service* ThoroaRhbrp<\ Durtium t>ull for isrvieA oq lot It, ouu. 1, N.U.K.. ArU!Oie>iit. Te<-n:s $1, 1st) Feb.lue^t. Cows not returDwl cbar(«d ia asy •v«a( l*ediflr**oa ami^icatlOD. O.HU4V'&arrQ(>ri«tor.