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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1906, p. 1

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V^l "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE. PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL XXIv, KO 1274 Fleslierton, Oat. Xliursciay June 1 lOOG W. H. iilUKul lin, FBOPBIETOB The Aftermath. After the Christrnag sales, which werr extraordiinully large this jtar, we find left in Htcck a tint' liiienf giH>ds which tvu chink every oue w ill ooucede is (Just the Thing for Wedding Presents. Tliest arc tJie chuichest of g^xxiaâ€" no cheap trash. Couiu :iud «f e them any way. Hlarm eiocUs To wiiku vouupthe-e dark mornings, and all kinds of Clqcks at ail kiuds of prices. }ra/e/*/naa fountain X^eas, Fancy luk Stands, etc., for sale. W. A. Armstrong industrial Home Notes {Bij^au Inmate) 4 J Siill ihey come. John Miller of Euphruiiv who spent one prubationaiy jear at this Hoiud ai'd wa^ iit his own request di.'-thar;<cJ about thd 20th of Apiil last, was uUo at his own nquust re-ailiiiittiid on the 20th of Miiy for another yt-ar. Jjhn has diacovenJ lhi»t ai<e and weak auklrs are sud haudiuaps tli'jso hustlioX limes, yat, he has uxpec- taliiiiij ill view. Wo sincerely tiust thoy may materialise, John, but Philip Walker of DLintyro was ad- Biitteod for three mouths as a pny iniuate OU the Ist. I'hiltp i.s a yoang man in the priiiii) of l.fe, being only 47 years of aije, but, .sad to bay, lion compos uieiiti.iierer- theless so fur, he has shon'ti no tiaits of vlciuut>iies« so often found iu his unfor- tunate class of huuiau beings, lie is very quiet and traclaUi.', requiring no further eupcrvisiou than a watch on bis niovo- uieiiu as regards attempting to leavo the institution. In thi.s direclioa however, he has not yet shown any inclination. WB;?udurstund that lus people are fairly wefl' circumotanced ou a good faiiu nenr B)»iityie and will pay for his keep here. It is CO be hoped that the poor fellow's menial fa:u':tiea will soon be suiiicienlly restored ixa to enable him to return to his home. Miss Robinson of the staff was a few- days a^io *uk'en suddenly ill and reeeoni- mended by Dr. Ego to return homo f^ir a, luoiith. Mr. Harness drove her iiome oue evening list week. Wo trust Jliss 11. will bo f pt-edily restored to perfect lieultb; she is popular here and ia gicatly uiwaed. Her place on the stalf is vacant ut this time of wiitiiig. Mr. James llumpbiU of Toronto was a welcome calior on your scribe on Thursday Ia»t. Cuuiniissiouer MuArthur and Dr. Alchiion of Priceville, accoinp'inied by Messrs. John and George Wailing of the Valley were also welcome calleis. Your cor. is always gla:l to meet with old trieiuN. The ever noni'il smde lind friendly confab are still prominent uhar- acicriftics of out wurtliy Cciuinissioncr and Ex-warden. The bright warm suuny days of June arc now upon us; should your scribe live to »eo Friday the 15th he will have attained the COth anniversary of his birthday. Although the Last 30 years of his hfu has been far from unenviable, beinK 3U ytars of trouble and i.lUioiion yet they aie fraught with a multitude of blessings for whxh he has ample reasons to bo ovei'whelu<iug]y thankful and -though he iti unfortunately obliged to spend the rest of his days iu a House of Kefuge, yet though repugnant as ii may be to his nature there is a cheering con- solation iu (l.e thought that the luly cause he can lay to his own Ahaiue for his present unfortunate condition, was bis p^ersisteucy Iu continuing in an tinpli>y- uient fraught with that over bard wotk aud exposure to which his constitution was utteily iuidequato and his ardent desin* to provide for old ago boing greater hau hi* ability to do so, hence the cause of his shattered health and hia utter fail- use, but ho submuisivaly bows to the inevitable. Your correspondent has been advised by an old military comrade that I shall have no difficulty in prccurring a pension which the British government is granting to former ten year men who served iu tho army but are now incapacitated from labor by old age or intirmity, by making application to the proper authorities aud furuisliing sufficient proof to establish their claims. I was very doubtful iu my case, having purchased my discbarge before my ten yeats had fully expired. I'his, however he assures me will bo no bar to the ':iaim, the money, £7 (thirty dve dollars) being equivelant to my unserved tini«; he further infuims me that men with years of less service than I are receiving a small pension under s!iuiar cireuuistauces. Why should not 1? Though doubtful, nevertheless J adhered to the old saw, never vuntute never win, and accordingly, lust week I uiadu a|>plication to the pension board, lluyul lijspitul, Chelsea, Em;., and await turtber developments of the application. Should 1 be succcasful.the pension though small will pay foe my keep here and make mo feel at least, somowbat less dt pendent, if unsuccessful, no barm will be done and I can never what 1 never owned and I cau continue to live to the end as usual. Our Divine Service tuom was crowded ou Sunday last, several were seated iu iho corriilor. The Ebe.iezer choir under tlrujleadcrsnip of Mr. and Mrs. Erskiiic suijplied the ir.usic, Mr. Harness cou. ducted the service. Owing to the excess- ive pain of a very sore footyour scribe was abaout. Kioiberley Monster Excursion An escursou will bo run under the auspices of the Caiiiidian Foresters to Turoiilo and Hamilton on June '.22nd via C. P. U. to Toronto thence by steamer Turbiiia, the fastest boat on fresh water, to Uaiuiltun. Faro 82.05; train leaves Flesberton at 10.15 a. lu. Excursionists will have the privilege of seeing throuab all the big factories of Hamilton including Deer: ug Harvesting Works. Everybody's goirg. â-  u rn* I * • Vaiidvleur The Womans' Institute meeting held at Mrs. Warling's was well attonde.l. The old officers Were re-elected for the coming year. After all the business had been atiended to Mrs. Warliug served a sump- tuous repa.<t, to which all did justice. The ladies are foiid of the social cup of tea. The annual ilistrict meeting and picui.- of the E.tst Grey Instiute will be held ai Kinibeiley on Friday this week. Mr. Geo, Wright was unfortunate iu loosing a fine colt a few days ago. Quito a nuinbei: from hero iulcnd taking in the 0. O. CH Â¥. excurbioii to Niagara on El iday. d^ Those who attended «io S. O. T. Dis- trict meeting which was held at Mill Creek on Friday last were jprell repaid for going. The afternoon m»etiiig was a business one. The Uev. A. P. Urace L. \V. A., of WillowduK", was present as a representative from the Grand Division, and made things interi>sting. A very toothsome lunch was served by tho Mill Creek people in their usual sty!e, which needs no comment, Tho concert in the evening w.asextra good. Kev.A.P.Brace is a very interesting and enterlaiiiing speaker. Everybody was simply delight- ed with him. Uo has promised to come to Kocklyn somutiiuo in the near future to give a lecture. We bespeak for him a full house. Beside tho rev. gentleniaL, all the Division iu the districts contrib- uted toward the programme. is tho Myles McFARLAND& COMPANY MAJ^K:D--LLE, ONXAlilO Unkaown Friends There .wc manv people who have used Chain- berlaiu's C.'lic, Cholera aiulDiarrhoua Keuiedy with splendid results, but who arc unknown because they have hositateJ slHiut ijiviiig a testiint nial of their exv>criencc for publication. These i>eopl«i,howev<"r,are none tlio less friends of this remedy. It is a good me<liciue to Uave in th« home and is widely known for it cures diarrhoea »n.i all forms of bowel trouble. For sale by W. K. Ricbardsou aud U. U Duuglaas. Mis. T!ios. Kells. of iVIarkdale, guest ot her daughter, Mrs. A. E. "SpriugbrooK." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCuUoagh and family, of Markdaie, spent Sunday at the Grey Couiity's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE formers parer.Cil home here. | Mr. and Mrs. David McCallum atd family, of Redwing, wore the .'guesta of Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Fawcett. Messrs. Georoe Stewart and Wm. Liv- ; ingstone, teller of the Flesherton branch of (he Standard Bank, spent Saturday lost iu town; Tue Duncan football team jimrneyed over to our village on Saturday evening last and played a game with the team of this place, which resulted in a victory for the homo team, the score being 10. Mrs. A. S. Wallace left .Monday to attetd tho Hall reunion at Churchville. She will spend a couple of weeks- with friends at Milten aud Woodstock. Mr. aud Mrs. Donald Wallaco visited friends at Owen Sound and Chippewa Hill during the uast week. | Mr. Herbert Heighes accompanied by' THE vital point which raises these offerings tar above the usual BARGAIN is the fact that they are not BARG.UN GOODS bnt are of the very highest "class chosen from the best stocks we e v^er (.lisplayed. We want to hammer this point home with all our power for your own welfare, so you will be convinced that THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS should not be overlooked if you can get here by any possible mean.s. Special Values in Every Department 5 Pieces All Wool Delaines, lovely designs, regular 50c for 31 his sister, Edna, spent Sunday, thej* pieces Fancy Check Voille. aa- uuests of their cousins, Musses Leila and sorted colors, regular 65o for 49 Hatttio Latter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wickens, ^{ .^ Vi^<^ea Dteaa Goods, regular 3oc Flesherton, spent Sunday at Mr. Gcorgo â- '^'^ 23 ",,,".,_. .„. 8 Ladies Fancy Tweed Skirts, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, of Flosher- 1 . ,- tod, spent Sunday at Mr. C. Wickens. j MissNelliu Wickens spent Sunday with -- Tapestry Cushion Tops, good Flesherton fiienJs. Rev. Dr. Caldwell, if Flesherton occu- pied the pulptt iu the Methodist church here ou Suud.iy morniiig last and deliver- ed an excellent serm<.'b. Mrs. Caldwell accouipauied him. value at 22 100 yards Fancy Siik Ribbon at per yard 13 100 pairs of a very heavy Black Cot- ton Hoso for per pair 10 It you know the value of Chamberlain's ;25 pairs "D. & A.," "Crompton's' Sid ve vou would never \vish to be without it. i , „„ ~„, ^ , , ,• Here are some of the di:<e:uws f..r which it is : ""'•' E. T Corsets, odd lines, rog especially valuable; «orcnipples,chaiH)ed hands buriii", frost bitc.t, chilblains,ehrouic sore eye.s, iteliiiiK pile.s tetter, salt rheiiiu aii<l cez<!ina. Vi iee IS cents per bo.x. For sale by ^V. K. liich- ar'lsou and U. L. DoiigI:iss. MAXWELL and "E. T" ular 3100 per pair for G9 50 Bed Spreads, white and colored, regular Jl.OO ft>r 68 50 pairs Men's Sample Braces, 2 pairs for 25 Victoria Day p.^ssfd off quietly here. .\ good many of I he young people enjoyed tho day along the Lleaver banks bsbiug. A party wa.s giveu in tho evening at the homo of Mr. Goo. Wliitoiik's whore all enji>ytd thenisolves stepping the light , fantastic to tho wee sma' hours of tho i 12 Meat Platters, good size, regu- moriiing. lar 35c for 21 70 pairs Ladies Imt. Cashmere Hose, good value at 2 pair for. . .25 12 Ladies Purses, regular 15c for. 8 Miss Etta Whiteoiik of Toronto is visit- \ ing at her hoine. ( 31i33 Alico \Vinters of Toronto is also visiting with her mother. Rev. Mrs. Currie and daughter of Moiikton is visiting her p.iients, .Mr. aud Mrs. D. K. Preston. Miss Lousiu Sterling returned home this week from an extended visit with friends iu Toronto. Mrs.C. M. Field is attending the branch meliting of the W. M, S. in Toronto this *eek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spofl'ird spent Sunday wiih friends lu Sngbauipton. Miss Snsio Hawton of Rob Roy spent a low days last week with Mrs. A.Brown- ridiio. Mr.George Buckingham spent tho 24th at his home. We are very sorry to hear of Mrii. Sam Roberts' ilinoss. Her two sisters •ind j brother of tho West arrived this week to pay a\isittobor. We hope to hear of i her recovery soou. Mr. St'heuimau has returned to his own homo aitain after speiidiiig the winter wi'h bis daughters in BuHitlo. The Women's Insiitiile held tl'.cir tnnual hnsiness meeting last month. Miss Liizie Guy was ro-rlected Pros , Miss E Madden V. Pres. and Miss E. Alistcr Sec B A G A I N S 30 Glass Fruit Dishes,regular price 35j for ...21 : 1:.' large size Smyrna Mats, regular 2.00 each for 1.19 50 pairs Man's Overalls, with and without bib, regular 58c aud 65c for 3i) 50 paua Men's Worsted and Tweed Pants, regular 2.50 and 3.50 per pair for 2.29 4 djzen Men's Derry Working Shirt's, all sizes, regular 60c for 42 dozen Men's Four-in-hand and Knot Ties, regular 25c for. 2 for 25 2 dozon Men's Flowiug Eud Ties, all silk, regular 5i)o for I'J 2 dozen Men's and Boys' Caps, reg- ular 2'Jc for .9 VJ boxes Envelopes, good heavy ([uality two pkgs. for 5 2 dozen Children's Bibs, regular 8c for 5 2 dozen Men's Pipea,all shapes, reg. 25o for ,..-..'. 10 15 pairs Men's Canvas Lace Shoes, regular 1.25 for 89 15 pairs Boys' Canvas Shoos, reg- ular l.Ott for 89 2 dozen Faaoy Colory Trays, regu- 35c for I'J McFARLAND & COMPANY noon meeting was held in the Prosbyler- iaii church, where a number of Sunday school woikers assembled and the orgaiii zatioii was completed with the following elected as oIKceis for tho current year : President, H. Down ; Vice Pro.'ident, Miss Cameron ; Sec -Treas., Rov, Balaii- tyno ; Visitiii« Committee, A. jS' Brown ridge. Miss Susan Hawton. Mr. Fiulay and another. A larne number assembled for the evening nieoling iu tho Methcdist church. Ttio convention was f.»vored by the presouc'j of Mr. McLean, County President, Mr. Huff, Vice C. P., Mr. Dicfcens'.n, Secretary. Excellent and appropiiato addrosjes weio given by Mr, E.A.Hardy, Leader Training Secretary, Toronto and Rev. Mr. Straoiian, Bsp- Spring Suitings .lust placed in stock. Some of the nob- biest things out aud prices riiiht. from $12.00 upward. Look 'em up at •^% list minister from Tliornbury. Thu first Isabel Rife of Hespolerand ' n'>n<".'' convention of the newly organized j Miss Pease of Toronto will give addresses and demonsliaiions on cooking at Fever- sham on Juno 18th. There will also be a social and tea served by the W I, admission 10 and loo. Every iiihii wants to bring hia wife out and all the young, moil their sweet hearts as a good lime is expected. A pic-nio iu aid of the Sabbath School will bo held in Mr. 0. Louu's grove on Monday July 2nd. Everything to make tho day enjoyable and ple».sjng to all is being made. Dr. Bond is improving hia residence by putting a coat of piaint on. jissoeiition will bo held at Feveisbam during tho Last week of .Vlay 1907. Mr. W. H. Guy is spending this week iu Gutilph. [t ia regretted that a movement similar to tho one at Owen Sound, was not com- mepccd before »otiin^ on No doubt the enthusiastic advocates ,vho otfer'jd to put up money a*> that lime to pre vide a house of ttccoiiimodation|would have been as good as their woid, but now some Jcok when ahked about il and say it "won't pay". Tlio result is thnt Three young mt'n of our village stiayed ' alter making a v.t-oious and honest effort away on Sunday afternoon but wurefouud i to interest teui;«jrancc men in ihe inove- at Heron's hollow. menl the committee arc discoura'.4ed and A Sabbath School conventiim was held although willing m contiibu'H and s.-wiat, at ftla.xwell on .May 28 with the object of wdl not do anything further until soiuo orgaiiiung a Sabbath School A«sociatiou tangible evidence ot inte:w>t is showu. for the township of Ospiey. The after- ^ Claiksburg Reflector. THE TAILOR Ficsberton » Ontario Merchant Tailoring o o o o o What about that new suit? Why not leave your order the first time you are in towu.and get a U'diby up->odate i»«riiient. Trousers|a specialty. \Ve lune «uii« fioin . : $12.00 up. Pantinifs fioui $3.50 up. local opiioB. I ^.^jj ^,„„ guaranteed. A deposit with all Orders. J.£. Hutchinsoa THE TAILOR Opposite Photo Gallery, Flesherton. Bun for Service* Tboroiighbrud Diirliain bull f'Mforyico on lot 11, ouii. 2, N.D.K.. Artomusia. Tei-ns •!, las Feb.insxt. Cows nut rvtiiraed oUari;atl ig any i eveut I'ldtcru* on a^plleatioa. >D apiil U.Ml mCU^frop.'iotct.

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