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Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1906, p. 8

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May 31 1900 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Vi'A . The Markets. Carefully Corroded Each Week. 0«t«i 35 t-. 36 Peai. 72 to 72 lUiley 45 to 45 \Vhe»t 70 to 70 H^y „. 6 00 to 5 00 Potatoes per bag 60 to 60 Katter 18 »" 16 â- EKgtfreeh IB to 16 Wool 27 to 27 r -vn In Furniture Tlielnigeit and best itock of furnituie evor Rhowii in Flesher- ton. Tins without four of contra- diction Como and see some of the iiico things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Ctiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorr\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the «tock. W. H. BUNT 'S) Qj^ J •'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" ' /' WANT f) A Local Salesman for Flesherton To Bfll Hijih Class Nursery Stock in Kruilfl and Oriiftiiiciital. Largest List of NEW SPECIALTIES over START NOW AT THE BEST SEL- LIN'i SEASJN. lii^ inducuincntii, Lib- eral I'rty, Ilniidsumc FrHC Oulfit, Torril- ..ry {Iccrv^d. WlllTE FOR TKRMS and Cii'iil'iuuo and «eiid 25c for our ALUMINUM POCKET MICROSCOPE (mij^nitioK 4» tiincH) and 60c for our HANDY SAW, jusi the thinj! for tnm- 'iiiiiiK trees (cuts iron as well as wood.) Stone & Wellington (oVEHSOO ACIUB8) Toronto - .,». Ontario HURRAH ! for Pretty Homes. Don*! Cct Jin Hmateur. In Abundanoe Wohave jii.n rccoivod < iir new wall papcrH. Flit t>cd roiiiii Jind llviiiff ro4inis tome rufreith- iiiKlyhriKhtRiKl li^ht CMl.Miii(.» are |>r«vide<l, while for lilinniBBand iliniii? rooniH tlif tape«cry Mid fjthric trralniHutsarH imrtiuularly Htyliiili. W « nl.uw a larKa raiiKc of iiiaxiwniiive \>ti\,en fur hiuhcliiosdouoratiiin, ill printed vuluura, two Ujiie tn'titiuijiit*, art nouvcuu dc8i);iiii, aillc |ia|ieni, nuiirca, {laael decorations, crown offcctn and K»ld uiiilxjiweil |ia|h.tii, in addition to many ntniT xtyleH. CM oarly and «ecnr« yo-ir choice of pninir for lUOUrooins. I'l icc» ranifu from 3c. pnrroll up. >(amplei< iwiit five tn any iicriion fur the ankinir. Ordrr* for p»t>er-hanging .<huuld be in early to avoid the rush. C. E. TRYON - - . PRICEVILLE Practical OMorator. A. Practical Edu- cation At Thie Owen Sound, Ont. will itoublo your narnluK power. It onW re. (juireii a f«w iiioiithi at Mill Iiiititutlon to oom- pletea tlioiuiioli nrauionl Courie or • Hhortliand ami T<|Miwriilni{ I^outm auci nt yon (or a rnuiucmretlvo poaltlon. •daDUadmittml Ktitii; tloin. Full parllon- â- are at any time free. C.A PLGMMINQ, Principal p9^»i r«m Bn<M Aptll 3a4. Then it's time to icti No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tooi So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It's nature's way. The best kind ol a testimonialâ€" " Bold lor over aixty yaara." Jk Kade Aiso iiuuiaflMtvrvrs of y ijers SABSAPAtlLU. pais. CneUY PfiCTOBAL. Bairgains at Portlaw We arc making a special run on PRINTS (JINGQAMS, DUCK.SHIRTINCCOT- TONADES, ready-to-wear Shirts, also Boots 81 Shoes Of which we have a largo stock, JUST ARRIVED. Ladies and Childrens fine and every day boots, also Men's and Boy's to be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. Gri ceriesâ€" A full stock of fresh groceries always kept on hand. Sheppard's flour fur sale. EavotrouKhiiig and Lamb fence building a specialty. St. John and Roulston, General Merchants Port Law BUSINE.SS Cards MCULljOUail & YOUNG . V- lU Hanker Markdale Do a general bankint{ buBinese. Money loaned a roaoouable rate Call on UB. TOHIKliETT, • I'lmliuaBttir, Ceylon. Commlsnlonor In H.O. J ,Cou»ovancer, deeds, uiorlRftXus, leascH, wills etc.carofully drawn up <.:olluctious uiadj. obargus roauouahle. Also grooerluB, liour. feed etc, kept in stock, Fiicus rWit. RJ BPBOULB Postmaator, Plesberton vyommlsslonur In H. O. J., Auolionoer Con yayauCBr, Appraiser and Money LBUdor l<va< Kstato and Insurance Agunt. Deeds mortKauas. laasos and wills carololly drawn up an'l valuations made on phorteai uctloo. uionuy to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col ootious attondod to with promptness oliarRea low. Agoul tor Ocean DouilnloD Htaamsbip Company. A call soliettad. Societies Ac U \V meets on the last Monday in eaon month, in their loflge room, CUiriHtoe's block. 6 p.m. kl.W., Frank Ohard ; Hec., T. lllakely, Financier, W..I. Ueliamy. Vialting bretbren iDvited. PKINOB ARTHUR LODQE, Ho. SJS.A.F.ft A U, meets in the Uasonloball. Strain's block. Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Uiohar ion, Setratary. COURT FLKBHERTON, 905, I. 0. F. nreets In ChilHtoo'B Blook the laBt Friday eveiilug of eanh month. VlBiting Foreatem heartily welooino. 0. H., nr. Murray; R.C. W. Loncks; Kin. Sec, H. A. Wlllett. Please pay dues to H. A. Wlllett on or before the last day of the preceeding month. CnoHEN FUIBNDB-Floshflrton Uouncil of Onosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wedneadav of each inont 8 p. m Pay axBuBBniontB to the Ilccorder on or before tne tlrst day of each month. Chief Oounoillor, T. Ulakeley: Recorder, W. B. Bout. A Truth Plainly Put. I Recently s church congrrgation in a 'â-  little town built a church. To piy for it they were obliged to call upon the mer> , chants of the community for donation', The merchants responded sliberally, and t300 was raised from this source. The last roan to subscribe was John Smith, merchant. "I will give you (5 If yoa will let me add something to your sub- scription list," he .said. Permission was accorded him and he wrote an the list: John Smith, merchant $3.00 Simpson 4 Co T. Eaton &Co The church people saw the point when the minister read from the pulpit the list of donors to the building fund. Since the dedication of that church there have been no mail orders sent out from that little town. Medical DR OARTKR M O P A B Ont, Physloian, Rnnteon, etc OfUoe and residence â€" Peter st. , Fleaberten DR. A. T. BOND Qraduata Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario College oj Physlolians and Bur- geons. Maxwell. Out. duooesaor to Dr. Scott. JP OTTKWBLL Veterinary flurgeen Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary Colletie. rosidenee â€" seooud door south west on Mary street. This itreet runs loutb Presbyterian Charoh, n WII^SON, HIacksmith "' 'iradnate of the Veterinary Bcienoe Assooiatlnn, Resideuve, Durham itreet, op- posite Uoyd, HIckllbg'i hardware. Sore Nipples. A cure may be effected by applyins; Cham- berlain's Salve as soon as the coilil ia done nnrsing. Wii>e it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurHes use this ealrs with the liest results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by W. E. lUch- rdsoD and H. L. Dougtau. Legal About BOO cords of wood were bamed in Melancthon station yard one day hat week. There are only four prisoners at preaer t in the county goal at Owen Sound. This is the smallest number since the goal was built. Albert Stewart, the alleged attempted murderer of James Marrison.of Leith,was committed for trial in Owen Sound last week. Moriwon positively identitied his assailant. A very sitd ad accident happer.ed at tl e C. P. R. Station, Orangeville. FranV, the seven year old son of John Ridley, while playing with some companions was pushed in front of a moving engine and bad his foot completely severud. The Local Option By- law, which was passed in January last at Uakville, was quashed by Chief Justice Meredith owing to some technical irregularities. On the Thursday f')llowing the license commissioners for tlalton granted licenses to the two hotels in the town. Wm. Davidson, the Walkerton brewer, was to pay $1,200 damage to Miss Ellen Barton, of Owen Sound, as a result of u breuoh of proroiau suit heard at Br.iniptuii early this month, has left Walkerton and nobody appears to know whore ho is, althouiih rumur has it that he ia in the StatoB, Of course, the $1200 remains unpaid, but Davidson is said to be well off and has plenty of property in Walkerton, and it is said, will cventnally return. Miss Barton is in town at presentâ€" O. S. Sun. Ah workmen were raising a barn in Beeton the other day they discovered five bugs in which were a lot of cigars, a largo quantity of pins, spools of cotton and linen and a valise. The stuff is eupposed to have been s'olen from a peddler's wag- gon five or six years ago.but what became of I he theif or who he is was a mystery. Tobias Adams, a young man 21 years of age, foimerly of Orangeville, was itaaisting another man named McGregor to blast aouitf atones at Inglewood recently. A charge of ezpluaive wont off prema- turely and one hand was conipleiely blown off and his face was also injured. Hts death was tnatantaoeous. The other man was standing a few feet away and was badly Injured about the face, but will recover. Adams wa* frequently warned hy his brothers to be careful about IJaat- ine, but he had done a lot of it and got \*i be a trifle careless. Tuesday afternoon of Ibis week furn- ished an exciting runaway in Tbornbury when a team belonging to White & Jnhn- aton of Kolapore, and driven by Eddie Willett ran away. They atarted on their mad career just behind the Revere House stables md hauled a lumber waygon over large rocks until they struck the stone fence bAck uf Mr, Rubei c Clarke's resi- dence. Here one of the horses stumbled and the result was a broken leg, which put a stop to any further canter. Ycsier- day afternoon Muasrs, Bert iNaactt and Chaa. Loughecd dug • grave, shot the animal and laid him peacefully away on the shore of the Georgian Bay. The hoise was worth $160, which means a hehvyi->8sat this season of the year, â€" Reflector. LUCAS WRIGHT A UeABDLC Harristors Bolioitors Oonyeyanoers, eto Offlcesâ€" Owen Bound. Ont andMarkdaleOnt W H WHIOBT, MoAbolb I B Ldcas N liâ€" Flesherton oflloe, Ultebeli'l Bank •very Hatardav. Dentistry D'-. B. C. MURKAV L. D. R., AanUI suniMm honorgraduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental HurKeoas ol Ontario. Uas aduiloisiratiun for teeth extraction I Office at realdanoe, Toroalo itreet, Vloaheitea Our Clubbing List ^Advance, *Rerald and ♦Toronto World, dally |3 85 Toronto Daily News 8 .30 Weekly Globe 1.80 Mail-Boipiie 1.74 Fkmily Herald A Star 1 .80 Toronto 8Ur 8 .30 raraert Son „... 1.60 Cow Strayed One BTcy noooley cow, alx>nt May l«t. Any person knowing her wberealnuts will confer a favor by cnmiiiuuicatiDi; with ARCHIE CUKKIE. Ceylon P. 0. STEER STRAYED Yearling steer, came to my premises alxnit April 15 The owner is reqiieeted to provo property, pay expenses and take the same away Lot 35, con. 5, Art^'meiia WM. FISHER, Portlaw. P iSbingndtice Notice Is hereby Rivnn thut fl=»hinR on I^t 2^*, con. 10, Arteintfufa, in strictly prohibited, and troBpiissers wUl beprosecut^ed. jntU ANDKKW GRAHAM. Choice Farm for Sale One hundrecl acrf^s, lot 13 and 14. 3n(l S.D.F., 0flpre>, 00 acre*! cleared, 10 acres hardwood hti^h Buiall orcliard, coinfort&blu log Boune 18x24. fraaic kitcheu 12x20, nerer failtuK wull; frame barn 50x00. Rtotie fonndfttion. 20-fnot wall i)03t,ii frame attachment :iCx4:^,iitone watl undcrlwhole. horse and cattle stables, ceincnt tioora, ^vater inside. A snap for quick purcbasor. Have & family of boys and want to uo went. JOHN GKUMUOTT. Wareh%m FO. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will ffS||j|P'With a frame best adaptedrto your features. W. A. ArgTsstPon^, ~ ^LESHERTOISS- M ^K ESTABLISHED 25Y£Ai|S. UNLESS CURED THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OP AMERICA We know the diseases and treaknesses of xneii like aa open book. We have been curing them for 30 years. W» tave given our lives to It, and thousands upon thousands of nien restored to Vigorous Vitality are today living monuments to the skill, knowledge and success of Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. We never hold out false hopes, we never undertake a. case we cannot cure. We have made so thorough a study of all the diseases of menâ€" «f Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisons, Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Bladder, Urinary and Kidney Diseases, General Weakness, Loss of Vitality, aciid have cured so many thousands of cases that if there is a cure for YOUR disease you win find It here. When we undertake a case there is no such tiling as failure. ^ We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge, skill and experience are at your service. We will explair \o you How and Why We Can Cure You; why the diseases of men require the knowledge and skill of Master Specialists. We do not require to experiment with your case as we know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms. Don't be discouraged It you have treated without success with Quacks, Fakirs, Blectric Belts, Free Trials, etc. You must get cured â€" and Doctors alone can cure you. Our New Method System of treatment has stood' the test for 25 years â€" why should it fall In your case. Should your case prove incurable you need not pay us a dollar. We refer you to any Bank In this city as to our flnancial standing. If you cannot call write for a Question Blank \f \iS^« Treatment. Consultation Free. Booklets sent Fr«e. Dr&KENNEDY&KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. = I90e TO l9l4-rOR»40r ^ raosT rescc is the cheapest you can buv 1906 TO l«9HaA*90 The first coat msy l>e moreâ€" but the first coku is the only cost Suppoae one fence coat* $40, and lasts, say, i>i t years. That fence costs you $5 a year, ' Suppose the same length of Frost Fence costs (6$. Bnt the Frost Penceâ€" made of Rich Cart>on Steel Wire and locked with the Prost I.ockâ€" hut* lor sj jrear*â€" at a cost of only %a a year. Isn't the Frost the cheapest you can Xmjt Frost Fences are for sale fty G. W. ROSS. - Maxwell 'A H. RIDLEY, Cession ^: CLEARING SALE Of Buddies, Olafldns* Democrats* €art$, PlowSt ffarrow$» etc* â- "" '"'Cj^;^"' Having sold my wareroom to the new hotel company I find it neces.sary to clear out my whole stock of the abDve article-s. Reduced prices rule now. Don't Miss The Chance. J. HA RD. - - - riesherton. O. McXAVISH Il[ f[[Sli[lllON ClRilllGl m[i[i For First Class Buggias, Carts, Pleasure and Lnmter Wagons, cutters, SUtii^hs. We ktiep a stuck un hand to chou.iu from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and KUaranlee Hrsr olaas work. We koop on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, am' Masscy- Harris and N<>xon repairs for binders, Mowert *ll kinds of machinery, alao Binder Twino on hand. » Olbeii in town give US a call « vl

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