I! : THE USE OF THE LEECH ^HEIR MEDICINAL VIRTIE WAS ONCE niCULY ESTEEMED. Some Dnigoisls State That Application ol Leeches Is Not to lie Re- coniincndciL Leeches arc mostly bought by people who have had a blow or fall, causing a blue spot to appear where tlie blood has confoslcd. They apply leeches to take out the blood from these spots. The best leeches are known as the Mediterranean leech and come from San Guiguela, Spain. They are about three inches long, with a soft smooth body tapering to each extremity, and are marked with from ninety to one hundred One annulations; their backs are olive green with six rusty red long- itudinal stripes. The ends are lermin- aled by suckers. D.\NGER IN THEIR USE. A peculiar medical law provides that a druggist must not apply a leech. He may sell them to persons, but only a doctor is allowed to apply it. One well- known druggist told The Star that he once applied a leech to an abrasion on a man's lorehead, because a doctor could not be got as the hour wa.s late, ".\fler the leech had gorged itself ^nd rolled off the mark left by the leech bled so profusely that it took me over four hours to slop it; and then the man's face was ten times worse with tlie marks left by the acids I had to use." The favorite method employed to in- duce a leech to fasten itself to the part whence the blood is to be drawn is to drop its tail first into a narrow bottle, and then invert the bottle over the spot where tlie leech is supposed to go to work. If it does not attach Itself readily a little sweet oil rubbed on the spot will sometimes be effective. The leech near- ly alwavs falls off after it has gorged itself. Some druggists put salt on a leech aft<M' it has been apolied to a person, and this makes them sick, and they emit all the blood. This practice is very dangerous, as the leech may have been applied to a person who was suffering from some infectious disease, and no mailer how long after it is applied the second lime there is always a danger of blood poisoning. They are very excitable, and may be seen stretching their bodies along the glass side of the bottle or bowl in which thoy are kept. At limes you may see them writhing excitedly through the water, after the tiny animalculae that consliUito their diet. They are only fairly good swimmers, but have extra- ordinary vigor. Leeches possess wonderful power in extending and contracting their bodies. One moment they are stretched out to three inches, the" next they are curled up in a tiny ball. THEY LEAVE .\ SCAR. Some druggists state that the applica- lion of leeches is not to be reconiniond- ed; the cure is almost as bad as the dis- ease. The let?ch ha.<. three small, sharp, semi-circular teeth that radiate from a centre. They cut deep, and always leave a scar of the same shape as them- selves. On the connnon leech the mouth where the cutting teeth are found is at the anterior sucking disc. Just back of this, and on the upper side, are ten small black spots that sei-ve tor eyes. The usual quantity of blood drawn by an avernge leech averages from one drachm to half an ounce. 11 is digested very slowly, and after being gorged in Ih'S manner, the leech lies for several days before it regains its normal size and ap- ;pearance. Lceche.s are mostly imported from Hamburg, and are also collected liu-gely in Spain, France, Italy and Hungary. ^ r NICKEL COINS FOR N.^TIVES. Tourists and others slaying in Bel- gium have probably noticeil certain nickel coins with a hole drilled neatly through the centre. At first the stran- ger naturally thinks that the hole has been pierced by some Industrious indi- vidual to pass the time or "to bring luck," and he is dubious about accep- ting such a coin; but he soon finds that his notion is incorrect. In the lirst place, the hole is made in a workman- like manner; it appears to have been cast with the coin, and not to have been drilled afterwards. The hole has rather spoilt the appearance of the efllgy of King Leopold, but no one is indignant, and the coins pa.ss freelyâ€" for the tour- ist linds that there are many about. Further, these nickel coins appear to be somewhat larger than the majority of coins of the same value. These coins are for the Congo natives, to be worn as ornaments, if so required. But they ore actual coins, and intended to be used as such; they are made with a holj; in order lo accommodate the natives, who have no clothes worth troubling about, and consequently no pockets. They thi'ead the coins on a siring and wear them round their necks like a row of beads. "There are many things in this world to which we must shut our eyes," snid the palemal Gih.'son. "Yes, pa, and soap i."i one of them," chimed in the pride of the family. How to Cleanse Ihe System.â€" Parnie- leos Vegct.ihlc Pills are Ihe result of scientidc study of the effects of extracts or cerliiin rools and herlxs upon the Uige.slive organs. Their n.se has de- inonslraled in many instntices that â- they roRulale the nelion of Ihe liver and Kidneys, purify tlie blood, and carry nff hli morbid accumulations from Ihe system. They are easy fo take, and fhciJ' action is mild and beneficial. Sunlight Soap is better than other Soips but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. SUNUeHT VKI OF wAsaim * iKST.â€" Dip the article to be washed m a tub of lukewarm water, diaw it out on a washboard and rub the soap lightfy over it. Be paruculiir not to miss •capias all over. THEM roll It in a light roll, lay in the tub under the water, and go on the same way until all the pieces have th« soap rubbed on, aad are rolle-i up. _^ Ttien fa •way" far thirty mu>u<es to one hour and let the "Sun- lisM" Soap 4o its wertu NEXT.â€" After soaJiiiig the full time rub the clothes lightly out ooa wash board, â- nd die dirt will drop out; tur.i the garment in- side out to get at the scams, but don't use a<iy more â- oap; don't scald ur boil a single piece, ami don't wa^ through two sods.^ If the water gets too dirty, pour a little out aod add &esh. n a strtafc is harl to wash, rvb some nare soap on it. and tkrow Ika piece back into the â- â- dafora few miosiCes. lASTlY COMES TMC RINSING, which is to be done in lakewarm water, taUng special carw lo get all the dirty sada away, then wring oat aod bang up todrv. For Woolens pad Plan- pela procce\i as lullow^ ;â€" ShaJtt tfae articles free iron dust. Cut a tablet of SUKLKsHT SOAP into shavings, pour into a gallon of bolfac water and whisk into a lather. When just Ittltewann, work articles in the lather without rtlb- btec. Squecxe out dirty water withoat twisting aad rinse thoroughly in two ralaya o^ luKewarm water. Squeete out water withoat twistias and hang in tha open air. e*-Tfie moat deOcata colors may be safely washed ia tke "Sun- Htht" way. NEW CURE FOR HAY FEVER. The latest treatment for the preven- tion of Huy Fever prescribes systema- tic and continued e.\ercise taken in timely advance of the season for the appearance of the complaint. .Special- L-^ts in the disease do not understand iis nature. It is not now thought to be a form of catarrh and local appli- cations have been largely abandoned. The theory that it is rheumatism of the mucus membrane is not accepted. 4 more favored idea attributes the in- ception of Hay Fever to sluggishness rf the liver and bicycle riding is recom- mended fo keep this organ in an active and healthy condition. After Hay Fever has arrived, the sufferer will fmd nei- t/ier comfort or relief in bicycling, but systematic and easy wheeling during Ihe preceding months Is warranted to greatly modify the .severity of an ap- proaching attack, or to enUrely prevent THEN HE GOT A GOOD ONE. "My wife is very fond of trout, so the ether day I took off and went fishing." "Did you catch anything?" "Not until I got home." We have no hesitation in saving that Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best maiicine ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and - all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives reUef and never fails to effect a positive cure. .Mothere should never be without a bottle when their children are teeth- ing. Master : "You'll Qnd whi^n vou get your cheque. Mr. Pennink. that" I have added .$5 a month to your salary. I be- lieve you didn't make a single mistake in your figures during the entire year." Bookkeeper : "Yes, I did. just one." .Master : "What was that V Bookkeep- er : "I figured on a bigger advance." C^ AAA RfWABO will b« paid •^-^j^^^ Lo any person who proras that Sunlight Soap con- taiaii any Injurious cheniicikls or ajiy (arm ot adulwratioa. Yoar Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Bonlight Soap if yoa fiail any caose (or cowpiaint. LCVtR BROntCRS LIMITED. TORONTO >5» A Ortat Comblaitlon, " nrroTim " tha best tonic iv It should b« taken by all inralids, hy ail who are run down or out of sorid. It builds up, girei new life. "Do you buy your music by the sheet?" inquired a young lady of the deacon's daughter. "Oh, no,' she re- phed, "I always wait until Sunday, and then get it by the choir," VTongftt Boap u Mttar tM« e«Mr M«p% bat ia best when sMd is ttio Boniight waju Bbj gimlight Saap asi bUsv dla>Miaoi. "To what do you attribute the Sultan's long life despite his illness V asked the prominent Turk. "Bad marksmanship principally," answered the Court [Physi- cian, brusquely. JA IA OF OPOBO. .\ British .Monument (or an .African Monarch. A handsome monument, consisting of a granite pedestal and a bronze statue of the lute King Ja Ja of Opobo, Niger- ia, will be shipped from Glasgow lo Africa next month. riie co.st of Ihe monument is being defrayed by the King's European friends, and also by many of his rela- tives. His son, now King Frederick .S. Ja la of Opobo, was educated at Glasgow, while his grandson, lYince Eugene S. Ja Ja, the twelve-year-old son of the pre- sent king, is now being eduealed in an academy in the west of Scotland. rhe pede.'.tal is being prepared by a Glasgow firm of sculptors, and tho coin- mi.ssion for the bronze statue was placed in the hands of a London firm. Many Thanks are due from tbe proprietnrs ol Weaver's Cer&ta to friends who hare written to tell of tbe Ce.mte's go,'>d word in cufiu;; scrofulou* humors, scald hoad and other skin diseases. KNIGHTS OF WINDSOR. The Mililflry Knights of Windsor are an exceedingly ancient institution. They date fi-om 13W. The pen.-^ions vary from St25 to $650 a year, and are supplemented by free quarlci-s, in which nine iitonlh.s' residence out of the twelve is compulsory. Their duties are nomi- nalâ€"attendance in St. George's Chapel on saints' days, and at royal weddings and funeral.s, and supplying a guartt cf honor when foreign royalties visit Windsor Casl'.J. It is Ihe Farmer's Friend. â€"The far- mer will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for wounds or pains 111 the body or for affections of the respiratory organs and for householti i.se generally. He will also find it a convenient friend in treating injured horses, cattle, etc., or relieving them V hen attacked by colds, coughs or any kindi-ed ailments to wtiich they arc sub- ject. Ethel: "How did you like the new curate. Maud ?" Maud : "He made an indelible impression on me.'' Ethel : "How so ? " .Maud : "He emptied a cup of tea on to my new white silk dress." PEDL-^R-S CORfltfiATED IKON i^ made on a 3C0C0 n. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a time, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a 606 Ion stock in Osbatra. .Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary retiuirements the same day order is received. Made in 1 inch, 2 inch or 'i% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26. 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. TJiis cIbss of material is most suitable for flreproofing Bams, Factory, .Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvaniaed Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications lo your nearest ofTice for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, lontrcQi. (Hie. 787 Craig St. onoKo, Ofii iSS Sussex St. loroiiio. §rii. loncoo.oni. I mmi nn. '/ancoQM.B.C. U Colbamsst. I S9 Dundaa at. | 7t Lomfaaid st | <SH Peitderst. Write your Nearest Ofrics.-HBAD OFFICE .0<D WOOKiiâ€"O.-^IIAWA. Ont Largest makers of Sheet MetaJ Build mg .Materials under the British Flag. RAPID TRANSIT Is a question (kat appeals lo all in these busy limes. To the Business Man, Ihe Prolessionul Man. or (he Woriiiuuiuan â€" it ia a question ol vital impurtantx. As an ever ready and economical means ol qaick tecomotion, THE BICYCLE HAS NO GOMPETITOR whether lor business, exercise or recreation. A Cusl-.ioii Frame Bicycle fitted with llyijiciuc Handle Bars â€"Morrow Coaster Brulie, liud Bainy Day Mud Uuards. is an Ideal Mount. It induces those to ride who never rode before, and those who ride to ride the n;ore. CLEVELAND, SILVER RIBBON MASSEY. PERFECT, BRANTFORD. Made in Cushion or nigid frame Models. CANADA CYCiE AND MOTOR COMPANY, Limited, ".Maters ol the Worlds Best Birycles."' CENER.\L OFnCJi .\NU \VOKi;S - - TOHO.NTO Jl^SCTION. ;i' kJkOW IT ThosBands of people throughout the country know that the ordinary remedial for piles â€" ointments, mifpoaitories and impliADces â€" will not care. •The beet of thom only bring pa.tsing relief. Dr. Leonhardt's Uem-Roid is a tablet taken internally that removes the cause ol Piles, hence the core is permanent, Erery packa^ aoki oarries a guarantee with iU It ia perfectly harmless to the moat deli- cate eonstitutiun. A month's treatment in each package. Sokl at $1.00. At any drug store, orlho Wilwai-Fyle Co., Liinited, Niagara Falls, Ont. & Worms cause feverishness, moaning and restlessness during sleei). Mother Graves' Worm li.xterniinator is pleas- ant, sure and effectual. If your drug- gist has none in stock, get him to pro- cure it for you. Not a Nauseating Pill.â€" The e.xcipient of a pill is the substance which ejifolds the ingredients and makes up the pill muss. That of Pannolcc's Vegelahle I'iUs is so compouiKled as to preserve Iheir moisture, and llicy can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in pow- ders, which prove nau.scaling to the taste. Parnielee's Vegetable Pills are so prepai-ed that they are agreeable to the most delicate. _ LANDS In Western Canada Tve eoreerfai seciioaa. selee^ ad lAadi ia SikikatcliowAU, only 8 miles from two railwaf*. C.P.R. .» G.T.P. Stroi;^ soil, OU per ceut. pioitjh lawi, ipiisi; creak, au iloefka About «u milM N.S. u( InJiaa Uaad. Pnoe tlO.30 per aera Write for in*p an<l tall pai-ticulare. R. PaR30N:>. 91 WcllMley Street, Toreato, Canada. OHENILLE COKTAiiM3 UOI CURTAINS ""'Sk*. ^Jk^"" Writ* to !!• ftbout ywXTA. iMTtM AMMttMtt •Vtioa Ml. tM 1M. MmCtmI 200 Njen Wanted at Once In various parts of the Dominion, ai whole or spare tune agents, to sell t high grade stock ol hardy luid welt grown trees and plants. Go-ahead an< ; energetic men can naake a very proliti 'able business of selling this stock, wliicli is well known. Liberal terras and 8 c<>mpleie ouUit. Coin aaissioni paid weeli- ]y. Apply at once lo K. D. SMITH. Heiderleigh Nurseries. Winona, Ontario. Established over a quarter ol a cejitury. K womaji's idea of a model husband is one who takes house cleaaiiij^ philo- sopliically. FOR SALk£. 5 month? oM Riifus Rati Kol^ian Uar«c ti H E»ir for 15 Jays only. They h»»e h«*>o br«d fo» tt^vy weight .\n(i txliibitivHi for maay T«An ani} canni'C b« >luplicAtO(l for near twice the ni<>n«f eIsowher«. Caii ship »«f9ly to ^X\ parts in Ui« t'Dit«d St&t«3orCanA<Ta. 3ati^actioKguar»nt«««I H. C. SW.\RTWOUT. iitmuonob, Unui^o Cuunty, New York BDig'S. TO HAnNESS THE STARS. A men who is fond of working out slalistics and astronomical calculations, figures that the cotton factories of I.an- ea'shire, England, at present spin about 15.5,000,000 miles of thread a day. .<io that in .sex .seconds Ihey n;nke enough to go around the earth. In one month they spin enough lo reach frein here to Ihe moon. The product of eighteen days would reach from the sun to Neptune. C.ounting 310 worki.ig days in the year, it would lake them, at this rate, 500 years lo reach the nearest star. Wilier ; "These are hard lime*. Why, 1 heard ol a man Ihe other day who couldn't nii.se money even on rJovern- nwnt lionds." Slimwit : "Indeed I What wa.i the reason ? ' Witfer : "Well, vou see, he didn't have the bonds." Mrs. Clubwoman : ".Ml the lecturing in the world doesn't seem lo improve my husband a bit." Mrs. Homebody : "Per- haps you'd get along better, "dear, if you spent your lime mending his clothes instead of his ways." Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon? Is Ihere anything more delightful than gelling rid of it'.' Holloway's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. rKltBNE BILLIARD BALLS. Real ivory billiard balls that are crack- ed or useless are bought up and cut into dice or other small articles, for there is a constantly ^?rowing demand and di- minishing supply of the best ivory Ivory is sensitive to weather. Expoouie Ic cold soon cracks it and renders bil- I'ard balls untrue. They are easilj knocki'd out of shape, too, if not well seasoned or not well made. The cenliv if the tusk .should go through the centre of the ball ta preserve tiest a true spher- ical form. The best ivory comes from Zanzibm-, the African elephant be^ng more highly prized than the .\sialic on tltnt aectiunt; Little ivory now come? from India, where tho animal is sn highly prized as a beast of burden thai cnly the tusks of elephants 'hat have died a natural death are obtainable. The tusks of Ihe walni.<« and sea-hoi-so form but n .small rarl of Ihe world'- pinduct. so thai Ihe Africnn jungles ore scouretl to keep \ip tho drtnand. London Is itic world's ivory auction mart. STAMiSERERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method for the cure of Stammering. It treats tha CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particuh'.r.s and reference! sent on requ«it. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BERUN, OM'AltlO. Wilson's FLY PADS Three honilred timea t>«& tcr than sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYINQ ABOUT Sold l>7 all Druggists and General S^ont and by m:iiL TEN CENTS PER PACKET FRO* ARCH DALE WILSON. HAMILTON. ONT. ISSIE NO. 22.-88. *