ykskrtott Jlftiiana, ••TRUTH BEFORE FA VOB." â€" " PRINCIPLE b NOT MEN. ?OLXXlT, NO 1271 FlestLcrtoii, Ont. Xliursday May 31 lOOG W. n. TuDSmOll, PBOPKIETOB The Aftermath. AiUr the Chrutmaa aales, which were extr:ujtdinari'y large this year, we find left in ntcck a tine line of guods which we think ereryone will cv>nce<le is Just the Thing for Wedding Presents. 'n)ese are the choichest of goods â€" no cheap traah. Come and see theio anyway. niarm blocks Tu w^ktf you up the-« dark mornings, kindj of Clucks at ail kinds of prices. and aU IVafer/na/i fountain Hrens, Fancy Ink Stands, etc., for sale. W. A. Armstrong r Industrial Home Notes P (jSy on InrmiU) As previously aunounced, "Thu Build, itig of the Temple" was the auhject of an abiu, iDstractive and illustrative discourse dulivi'iod by Mr. Uaroess to a large and attentive congrogation iu our service room on Suuday aftecuooD^the 20th inst. The ypeuLer tuuk fur his text 1 Cbrt.>ii. 22 : 6, 7, 8. After a viirid aud instruclive «ccuuiit of the circunistauces uader which Soluwan was cominandud to build the Teuiplctogethor with sorae of the simple OS Well as the costly material used in the erecciou an 1 adurnmeut of that insKQiGc^ift and sjicred editice, he proceeded to show that, just as tiouie uf the seemingly less iniportaut and less costly material used in its cunxlructioa had formed some of the most substantial components of the struc- ture, eveu so bad ihe buildinx up of the church cu itsHuUd foundation been largely dud to the strenuous aud untiling eSTurts of its early workers, very few of whom had the advautage of a theological or even M fairly g<K<l, cowman eductttiuu,but very Many of whoot were poor laboring men, kluiust void of educiktion; or of the then de8[>ised and persecuted local preachers, who tPtvelkd on foot mauy miles, and in :lieir plaiu aud homely fashion preached to the best of their atnlity aud with a fer- vency of spirit, the dikiae gospel of Christ. To tbc«a early, indefatigable workers, •aid the speaker, is in a great meitsure due the present substantial condition of the church and their memory should be rever- enced to the end of time. The di6o«>urse was forceful and attentively listened to, throughout. A number of ladii'i and gentlemen formed an impromptu choir Mkd M'ms Sparling in the absence of Mr. Erhkine very ably presided at the organ. Mr. Cook led the singing which was fer- vent, harmonious and auimated. Mr. Eanis took charge of the after meeting, which was of % rooct gratifying nature. Mr E. announced the csncellatiou of the previous Sundays announcement of taking up collection* to meet any little expense* incurred in connection with these meet- iiiga. He said, however, that any person wishing tu support the cause uiay baud their contributions either to Mr.Hames«, Mr. John Ilaiues or himself; the smallect contributions will be thankfully received, an account kept and a statement made of disbursemeiita of the same from time to t'ae. There were abont 65 out- side friends present at the meeting wbioh an evidence that there is no falling off of interest in the itood work emanating from the Sabbath setvioes at the Hoose of Kefuiie Andrew Lennox, aged 84, of Keppel, and John Teosdale, a.;ed 66,of Buremout, were admitted to the home, the former on the 22i<d and the latter on the 29rd ins'. The admissions appear to keep pace with the drparturt-a hy discharge or death*. •The present number of inmate* is, man 86, women 13, total 38, going to give up her situ.«ti<>u in the near future owine to her mother's continued ill health. We trust, however, that such a step may be avoided by her mother's res- toration to good health. Miss Robinson bos been ou the staff since the opening of the home. Her pleasant countenance, atrentiou to duty and amiable qualities have gained the respect aud esteem of the iumates, who will greatly miss her in the â- event jf her leaving. According lo autioipaiion there was a large influx of visitors to the home on Victoria Day. 135 names were register- ed; to this number may safely be added, including young people not registered, fully lOO. Vinong the visitors your cor. was plesaed to meet a very estimable friend iu the person of Mr.Tho8.ClAylon, of Flesherton, Hismotbercalled on your scribe some months ago and we hope to get a call from bis father in the near fut- ure. Mr. Uenry Holman and sou, Frank of Port Law. and Miss Janie Warling, of Toronto, wore also welcome callers. Your -. I cor. also got on. introduction to Miss " I Huml-erstone, the new teacher of Stone's >1 1 Settlement public scho-)!. The pleasant *~^^ couuteuHnce aud cheerful disposition of this young lady impresses yuur cor, with the conviction that she will become a p<ip- ularand successful teacherin No 6 section. She expresdes a very high opinion of the good people in the section. Your cor. was very much pleased to be remembered by his old friends, and their bright smiles haunt him still. Quito a number of the inmates enjoyed an outing on Thursday afternoon last, all who were able and who desire to do so, were permitted to go up t«wu to see the fun, and we are glad lo state that only in one iiistunce was the privilege abused. The deliuqueiit paid the penalty. VaodeleUr Grey County's Not if as Rich as Rockfellvr If ynu bad aJI the wealth of Rocfcefeller.tbe Standard OU Magnate, you i-ould not buy a better medicine for bowel complaint:) than ChunberUiu's Colic, Cholera and IH&rrhoea Kemvdv- The most eminent physician can not prescribe a Iwtter preparation for cholic and diarhoea, both for children and adults. It never faUs aud wnen reduced with water and sweetened, is pleasant to take. Every family should be supplied with it. SuU by W. ^u, Kicbardsoo, aiidH.L.Douglas«. Victjjiia day passed ofif quietly here. A good uiauy went to Markdale; some went fishing (mosquitoes were plenti- ful and there were any amoant of bites). Others stayed at home and worked all day. Don't know who enjoyed themselves the most. Miss Jane Warling of Toronto spent a few days at her parents last week. Mj:. and Mrs. Baker, Master Harry and Otto spent the 24tb in Colling- wood visiting Mr. B's parents. Dr.Caldwell gave a lecture one evening last week in the church. Subject, Courtship and Marriage, i The Dr. can be humorous and created quite a bit of mirth, bat he gave some good advice as well. The attendance was fairly good. Tlie DiviB OQ met on Friday night. The brothers provided a treat of ice cream which was tlioionghly appreci- ated as it was a very warm evening. After the treat there was a debate. The affirmative won with W. Culha as captain and it was decided that a young man should marry before twenty-five. The next meeting will be June 6 in place of the itgular night owing to other attractions. i • _ \^^e- , Sheep washing was in order Ust^Dg ^i.^ever before week during the hot days, but some had a cold dip on Saturday as it turned very cold after the rain. McFARLAND& COMPANY MA^KDAL-E, 0:>fXAl<IO BIGGEST and CHEAPE.ST STORE ONWARD toward Betlertnetit THE worlcVs watchword is still ADVANCE ; it goes on toward improvement. THE DAY of the howling advertisement, the big black screeching price mark, the frothy exaggeration, is gone. THE PEOPLE more and more are joining the vast show me '' army. They want to know ; they are iuvestigat- Stomacb Troubles Mrs. Sue. Martin, an old and highly respec- t«l resident of Faisouia, Ml-«., wii.-< sick with stomach trouble for mote than six uionthn. Ch&mlerlain'9 .Stuniaob and Liver Tablets cured lier. She sav'H: **I can now eat anything 1 want and am toe proudest woman in the world to find such a Kuod medicine.' F-jrsale by W. E. Kichardiua and IL L. Douglas. .'Samples Free. Purtlaw loth Liue Osprey The farmers in this vicinity have finishe'l their seetling and the rain on Saturday would do a wonderful amount of good. &) rs. 8. Roberts has been very ill bat is improving under the care of Dr. Bond. Mr. Joe Madden has bad a bad attack of erysipelas aud we hope to see him around soon again. Mrs. W.H.Colquette is visiting with Mr. Itobert Culquette's at present- She intends leaving for tht West some time in July. Mr. W. Piidell leaves for the West on Tuesday of this week . We wish Lim success iu Lis new home. Mr. S. Colquetto visited friends in this vicinity the past week. Miss J. Rogers, our teacher, is away iu Hamilton trying her examinations. We wish her success. Mr. Haggart and Mr. Shields are spending a few days with Mr. A. Heron and having a trijtl at the Itout tishiug iu the Beaver. A number from here attended the Suuday School Conveutiou iu Max- well on Monday 28;b Miss Gertie Paul and Mrs. A. Rut- l^d|{e spent Suuday with Miss Ethel aud Gertie Culquette. The Suuday School has been re- organized at Bethel churoh with Mr. John Coultbard, supt , Mr. R. Col quette, asst. supt., Mr. F. Bracken- ' bury, see. treas, â€" â€" â- â€" â- > ♦ >â- Sciatica Cured Aftar Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty ye.'irs Mr. J.B.Maoaey, of W2"J Clinton St., Miimoai«ili8, was tortutwl by sciatica, Th« ^n aiul suffering which he endured dnrinx this tinw is t>eyond »impre- heusion. Notbing gave him any peruiauent relief until he used tJh'Unberlaiu.'* Fain Balm. One application r«Uovud tb» t«>iu and made sleep ani rest (losaible, aud lees than one bottle effected a penuanrut cure. If trouUed wiUt MtM RobinJum returned to her dot* on icUtica or rheuinatiam why not try a 3(V<ent â- , â- . .u . « V. J 1 ^ T.. • bottle of Fain Balm and see for yourself how dutHNi on the «Un on Tuesday loot II la quickly itrJiaves the ukin. For sate by W.K. Ttti&oTwl among the inmate* that she U luvbarctoeB and U.L.Dougl«M* Mr. James Johnston is slowly iinprov- " 'Tfia after his s^jvere illness. Mr. Thoiuas Taylor is remodelling his baru and intends putting a cement wall under it. JUr. Win. Wyatt has commenced opera- tions on a new house. Mrs. R. McMaster and family, of Euu- euis, spent the past week amoug friends in this part. Mr. and Mrs. Teeter and Mr. R. Mc- Mullen entertaiued a large number of their frieods from Fleahertuu vicinty on Victoria day. Mr. Geo. McMosttir uiado a sale of fat cattle recently which netted him soine- thintt o»er tSOO. M". O. L. Watson has about completed / sawia){ the stuck of logs in the mill yard and will attack the shingle timber after which he expects to remove his luUl to Berkeley. Uur uew store keepers appear to be doing a good business. Mr. St. John is having quite a rush iu earetrougfaiug. Eiupire day nas observed a: our school in a bevouiiug way. A cuusidurabie num- tM;r of vrown people of the section were iu attendance aud lisieued appreciatively to a spicy program f arniahed by teacher aud pupils. The lloyiU Templars at their uezt reg- ular meeting will elect their ofbcers for the eQ>uii<g term. The location if ladies pocketa has long been a perplexing problem to the stern se.x and the ousu of much f ruii less search, aud, like woman's waya seemed past tiod- lug out, but au observant benedict claims to have solved the n.ystery and discovered thai, the preseat fad, at least, is to have it in stockiiu[â€" the rixht one we think. Monster Excursion An excursou will be run under the auspices of the Canadian Foresters to Torouto aud Hamilton on June 82ud via C. P. R. to Toronto thence by steamer Turbiua, the fastest boat on fresh water, to Hamilton. Fare 13.06; traiu leaves Flesherton at 10-15 a. m. Excursionists will have the privdege of seeing throuich all the big facturi'M of Hamilton includin;^ Deeno^Horvestiog Works. Everybody's goiog. What counts now is VALUE that doesn't disappoint, the GREATEST ASSORTMENT of wanted goodsâ€" QUALITY, Square Dealing, Honest Methods, Appreciation. THIS BUSINESS is still keeping pace with the ti'mes. Our object is to lay everything at your door at the LOWEST POSSIBLE cost 'to you. This Business has been building all these years building on principle, buildiug on reputation. It started in your father's time, perhaps, and it strives to serve YOU the best^ way and hopes to serve your children's children. AND you may be sui-e of another thing, that everything - you buy here will carry with it the store's guarantee of (Quality that everything must be as valuable to you as the money you pay for it' or we'll take it back, and that every price quoted is McFARLaND VALUE. All we want from you is the confidence that we earn, then we'll retain your business. KEEP ON COMING, for we're going to keep on im- proving, and if we have our way you'll never find a better place to shop. - Be Sure and Bring Us Your Produce. Look out for our list of Bargains Next Week. Our waiting room and wash room are at your disposal while in town. McFARLAND 8L COMPANY A oouple of fellows stole a horse and rig at tjlravenhurat a few daysai{»,tiaveled , •• fat •• Hornings Mills, traded th« ani- mal there for another and a good sum to boot and then separated. Monday night the oue fellow stole a valuable mare from the stable of Walter Marsboll, at Redick- ville, and mide back east with it. He made the mistake of turning the mare loose in the fielO at Mr. Aberdeen's, near Violet Hill, and retiring to the "oarn for a sleep. He slept too lona, for before he emerged to resume his journey the des- cription of the stolen animal had been received, the strange auimal in the field rect'i/nizod as answering the description, and a telephone racssa-je sent to Shelburne It didn't take Mr. Man long to realize that there was danger in the air, and he lit out for the tall timbers, minus the stolen aniiual, some time before Constable Bruiidage and Mr. Marshnll arrived on the scene. Cuu»t*ble Brundaae bad located the Graveuhurst home previously. â€" ^helburue Ecoiiomivb, Insurance losses by the recent ooiid.Hgra' tions iu Sau Fianci^a^ and othwr cities and townsin Californiawill.it is believed, reach a total of about $120,000,000. The domestic and foreijjn companies which report to the New York Insurnn'w Depart- ment estiiDSte their losses at $113,000,000 aud the kutses of companies not included in ihU estimate will not amount to more than 17,000,000. Nearly one half of the total loM IS borue by foreign companies. Spring Suitings Just placed in stock. Some of the nob- biest things out aud prices riitht, from 112.00 upward. Look 'em up at iwlcr, •1% THE TAILOR Flesberton « Ontario Merchant Tailoring o o o o o What about that uew suit? Why not leave your order the first time you are in town,and get a nobby up-to-date /arment. Trousers a specialty. We have suits from 912.00 up. Fantiniis from $3.50 up. All work guaranteed. A deposit with olti Orders. J.E. Hutchinson THE TAILOR Opposite Photo Oallery, Flesherton. Bun for^ervice* Tlh^ronghbrvd Oarhsni bull tor wrvlos oa lot 11, cou. i, N.O.K. .Vrtemesia. Te'n i tl, iss Feb. oest. Cowsuol retnrued oborgol ia as* •Tsat Psdigrte on application. U. UliiCKS .'ropiistor. ^r