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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1906, p. 1

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jrkjsl}trt0n ^iirana. dr 'TBUTH BEFORE FAVO^." ..- " PEINCIPLEh NOT MEN. VOL XXIv, NO 1271 FlestLerton, Ont. Thursday May 24 IQOe W. H. • f A â-  a. I'. t THUBSTON, ^°^â„¢= PBOPBIETOB The Aftermath. After the Christinas sales, which were extraordiniirily large this year, we find left in stock a Mue line of giwds which we think everyone will concede is dust the Thing for Wedding Presents. These are the choichust of goodR â€" no cheap faraah. Come and see them anyway. Hlarm Clocks Til w:Uve you ui> thee dark morning?, and all kinds of Clocks at all kinds of prices. JVate/'/naa tTountain jPena, Fancy Ink Stands, etc, for sale. W. A. Armstrong A Fish Yam (WBITTBJJ FOB THI XDVANCZ) A yoauR lad and lassie went fishing oaedav, But the lagiie was shy, and , tha laddie wan, too. So the one to the other Uad^ little to sav, |8till, with fjlancea downcast tile bludeyes spcketo blue, Butanothor youDg lad oamo along. And the first angler frown, As be watched, Ic / maid by bis side, Tbat, twixt Klanoesc eyes spoke \.o\ And he ainsod "Uirls ' soon lot yon slide. For they're just about Industrial Home Notes \ {By an Inmate) n Owing to aa attack of siukness your oor.waa unable to furtiish his unual budget of newa hit week. Now the days are long and warm, the f&rnace now may rest; and Billy S., the fireman, may snooze his very best. Billy IS an old Jack Tar; to niany lands he's been; across the seas both near and far; and ruoimy sights he's seen. True sailor- like, a yarn he'l spin; and draw thx long bow hufk to ear, for all who seem to tska 'em ill, and they are very few, I fear. But now he's grown both gray and old, and stitftiHud are hi» lei^s; yet he manages to go aloft, and gathc- up the eugs. Piitrick Delaney, of Uwkd Sound, was admitted tu the home on the 15th inst. He gires his age 75 but looks at least 15 years younger but says he is used up badly wid the rheumatiz. Says Patsy, Oi'm an Oirisbman, in Wexford Oi was bor-rn, my daddy died soon after that aid I was left forlor-rn. Oi kem out here when but a kid, and then me mammy died, thin Miss Furchune kicked me up and down, and thin from saide to soide. How ou!d am Ui ] Be-goba, Oi'm sivinty foive, next Candle- mas, an' that's as thrue as Oi'm aloive, Oi lived ill Owen Sound a spell and the Docther says, now Pat, if ye'll jest go down till Vlarkdale ye'll soon get sthront; and fat; that may be so, but Oi'm very much iu doubt, that Wexford Pat will ne'er get fat, till King Death knocks him out. Miss Robinson, of the stafi^ has been at home for several days piist, attending to her mother, Mrs. Henry Stone, who ha* been very ill. During Miss R's. ab- sence the matron has only had one girl, and all the inmates who are able hate been obliged to give his or her little a.s8istaiice to get through the daily amount of work which must necessarily be performed. Those of the old fellows who have good eyesight and nimble fingers have been employed as the spirit moved thorn iu cutlinf; seed potatoes in the barn, but none h^ve collapsed from over fatigue. It wav the intention to have the seed in the ground last week but other unfinished work and the sud<ien change in the weather on Saturday changed the program which, however will be earned out this week, weather permitting. Messrs. Harry Harness, B. and H. Christie, of Owen Sound, were down on Wednesday of last week, trout fishing. They carried back with them a very nice catch of the speckled beauties. Mr. Christie, head of the firm came, 'down the following day and after finishing a job of plumbing in the house also tried his luck at the same sport and with good success. It was ideal Kshing weather. Weareglad to announcethat the matron has fully recovered from her recent severe illuess. Althoutfh at the time of leaving her apartments a few days ago she looked far from ultimate recovery. yet a few days has made a wonderful change and she now looks and feels in splendid health. A large crowd are expected In Mark- dale on Viotorin Day, and as it falls on the regular visiting day at the Bouse of Refuge, doubtlessly a large number will avail themselves of boins shown tbroagh the Orphanage. We hope the weather will beilpropitious fur » day of solid enjoy- ment f-jr all. Old dame Kriezer ia 'gtoninx discon- tented again; she tri«4 to slip away on Saturday last, but she was observed and brought back shaking her fist viciously. The poor old woman is hardly able to waddle an4 «a»r«ely rwpoasiblo fur h«r tottona. noted, with many a amare, (be small . downcast, the blue f brown, are nice but tbey 'sslipperyaseals." But the lad oldor grew Vn >°d iu maobood's eetate tj^ Was con:iidered ttia "Catcb'' of the season ; so Dots Were outspread, with the meshes of smiles, and then, Fate, When eucangled as man; a poor sucker gets On the shorts of the benediots landed taim, Then the world was ross tiuted, the skios a£Ure bued, And ifood CupiJ was smiling as he hoyersd n«ar, While they basked in the sunlight of love, till imbued With such joy, that e'sn Paradise seemed to te herej For they Voch were as happy as claniB. But the house-kaeping proved notsuoh heaven- ly bUss Ab it oncehad boen hoped br this jubilaut l>oy, . For the lassie found often tbat things went amiss, And tbuu both of them learned, with more t sorrow than joy, j There were sharku iu this life's troubled sea. ! When the years jped, the man no more time in sport spent, ' Tet tho lady ne'er gave up her ^a^time of yore; J If she extra cash wanttitl.a-flflhiog she went Into pockets, as eoou as she lieard her lord snore; For the lobster ne'er thought to wake up. â€" L G. Bkattzb. Eugenia Born â€" At Eugenia, May 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, a sun. Mr. W. H. Feiiwick and son. Master Stanley, of Toronto, were visitors at Mr Henry Fenwick's for a few days the past week. Mr. Fenwick came up foraoitch of the speckled beauties, as tho Beaver is yieldiUK a plentiful supply. Miss Down of Fuphrasia was a vifitor at Mr. Fred Pedlar's of Summer Uill, recently. Miss Maggie Armstrong of Healhcote spent a short time visiting her parents at Eugenia recently. ivir. and Mrs. Frank Cairns of Ceylon were visitors at Mr. Hogg's of Fern Villa, the past week, Mr. Roger of Orillia assisted Mr. Thom at Sunday morning service at Euveuia. His discourse was listened to with gieac interest, as Mr. Roger is still a general favourite with the Eugenia people. A very cordial welcome was extended to him by all his old friends. Mr. Smith of Caledon East is the guest of his brother, Mr. A. Smith of Eugenia. Mrs. Robertson of Carluke is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Desgle. Mr. Wesley Latimer and brother, W,J. and wife, are visiting at the paront-tl home. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer, sr., visited their daughter, Mrs. Dunlop of Uriersville, fur a few days. Miss Lily Graham, who has been a resident of San Francisco fur some time and passed through all the hjrrora of that dreadful tiru and earthquake, has got safely home to her parents in the valley and seems not.hii^ the worse for all she has t(<>r.e through. Sbelnst a great many of her belongings. A friend dragged her trunk fourteen blocks to escape from the fire. No one seemed to mind as long as their lives were saved. Fanners are through seeding now ; the root crop is in force. After that they can go picniciiig for a week and enjoy a well earned rest until baying time comes. The man behind the plow ia better off than the woman with duster and broom. Uer work is never dime. Mrs. D.Mo.Mutlen has had a barn built. Mr.John Whittea hod the contract. She has also had a wire fence put up all around her pretty home, adding greatly to its appearance, Mr. Munshaw is having a great deal of interior improvements done to his already commooious hotel, by putting in lavatory and bath.and a rreat many other useful things for tbe convenience of his guests. Work on the mnuntain is expected to â- tart again this week. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J.B.Maassy, of 4322 Clinton 8t., Minneapolis, wa.s toctursd by sciaticK The pain and suffering which he I endured dnring this time is beyond compre- hension. Notbing Kave him any permanent j relief until be used ChamberUuns Paiu Balm, : One application relieved the |)ain and made ! sleep an i rest possible, and less than one battle I effected a perniaucnti cure. If troubled with i sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 26-oent bottle nf Pain Balm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. ForMtln by W.K. Kiohardson and H. !•. Douglass, MAXWELL IVIcFARLAND& COMPANY MAIJKDALE, ONXAl<rO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Special Values in Every Department. This Week ! A table of Ladies Black Satteen and Fancy Waists, ranging in price from 75c to $3.00, for each 39c T i> innual meeting of the auxiliary of the W . ,Vi. S. of this place was held at the puis .nage recently with a good atten- , dance present. The officers elected for | the ensuing year are as follows: Pres.. GrSV Countv's Mrs. (Rev.) U. E. Kemp ; 1st V. Pres., ^ V^OUncy S Mrs. R. Heron ; 2nd V. Pres., Mrs. R. Morrison ; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Ed Pallister ; Cor .Sec, Mrs. A. N. Brownridge; Treas., Mrs. J. Ross ; Supt. Systematic Giving, Miss E. Morrison; Canvasser for Mission- ary Ouilook, Mrs. Ed. Pallister ; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. (Rev.) H. E Kemp. Elected delegate, on behalf of W. M. S., to branch meeting, to be held in Dunn Ave. church, Parkdale, on May 29th,30th, and 3l8t, commencing on Tuesday at 2 30 Lm., Mrs. C. M. Field ; alternate, Miss lura Brownridge. deralds for the Watch Tower: Miss L,Brownridge,China; Mrs. C. M. Field, Japan; Miss Mary Her- on, The Indian Mission, B.C. ; Mrs. Ed. Pallister, French Canada; Mrs. Ross, Africa. Extracts from annual report of W.M.S. for year ending May 15th, 1906: Membership aggreiiate 20 ; amount raised during year ^5.40 ; amount sent to Branch "Treasurer |D6.90 ; average atten- dants of members, 8. A box of clothing and bedding valued at $28.00 from the Auxilliary aud also 83.25 from our Asso- ciate Helpers at Providence appointment was remitted to the Deaconess home in -in i n/r > o-ii r • t i i /. . Toronto last season. A number from the/ -'â- " "ozcn Men s feuK tour-m-hand and flowing end ties, regular Auxilliary attended the Collingwond dis- '^^^ *""" <r.i.°^- trict convention ot W. M. S. held on May 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Maple Street Church, i Collingwood. A full and most interesting report of the convention was rendered by our President to tha Auxilliary at the last meeting. The complete annual report of the W. M. S. was given at the con- vention by lliss Mary Heron in the absence of Cor. Sec, Mrs. Ed. Pallister. A convention on Sunday school work will be held in the Presbyterian and Methodis churches. Maxwell, on May 28th. Afternoon session in Presbyterian church commencing at 2.30 p.m. Even- ing session in Methodist church at 7.30. Addressiis will be dutivured by Mr. Hardy. Ruv. Mr. Straohan and the County Pres- ident. All interested in Sunday School work are earnestly invited to attend. It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. How often do we hear it remarked : "It's only a cold," and a few days later loam that the man ia on his back with pneumonia. This is of sucn common occurrence that a cold, however slight, should not bo disregarded. Chamberlain » Cough Remedy counteractsjany tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and has gained its (freat popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most conmion ailment, tt always cures aud is pleasant to take. Forsaleby W.K.Richardson and H. L. Douglass. fc-^ig x m Ceylon Mr. Arch. McMuUen and family have | removed to Markdale. We wish him success. Win. Taylor and John T. Melia have also left town. Jas. Sargent, who has been laid with measles is around again. Mr. H.Holman has secured an assistant in the person of Mr. Jas. Milne of Toronto. Miss Anna Chislett has returned from visiting friends at Elmwood. up 50c for 2 for 25c 60 Whisks, regular 20c for 8 c Special in Stationery in fancy Box Envelopes and paper to match, regular 20c for ^ lOc 1 dozen Ladies Satchels, regular price 50 cents each for 19c 30 pairs Ladies tan Kid Gloves, all sizes regular price $1.00 for :: 49c 50 pairs Men's Black All-wool Cashmere Hose, regular 25c for per pair - 17g 8 large handsome framed Mirrors, regular price $2.75 for.. .1.69 10 pieces Ladies Veiling, all colors, regular 35c a yard for. . 9c A table of Fancy French and German China, regular price for each piece 15c to 30 cents, for each „^ . ^ ^Qiq Inspect our Uery Carge Stock. Ulc are Showing a big Range in all Departments* HONOR ROLLS Stomach Troubles Mrs. Sue. Martin, an old and highly respec- t<Hi resident of Faisonia, Miss., was sick with stomach trouble for raoie than six months. Chamberlain's .Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She save: "I can now eat anything I want and am tlie proudest woman in the world to find such a Kood medicine. " For sale by W. K Richardson and H. L. Douglass. Samples Free. Tandeleur WANTED 50,000 pounds Wool; 50,000 dozen Eggs; 50,000 lbs. Butter. Highest prices paid in Cash or Trade. McFarland & Co., Markdale. The farmers arouud here have 6ni8hed set^ding. Potatoes and other roots are being attended to now. Mis. W. Anderson, of Glenelg, and daugher, Mrs. McKechnie, are spending a while at Mr. Geo. Hutchinson's. Miss Etrie Douglas visited in Owen Sound recently. Miss Rose Gilbert has ijqne to Mark- dale to finish learning the"- dressmaking, Mr. Ed. Hutchinson wheeled out from Flesheiton one evening to see'his parents. Miss Mae Douglass has returned after spending a couple of weeks with friends at Riverview. Mrs. Geo. Warling had a very severe attack of aoute indigestion r> cently. A doctor was phoned for and found it nec- essary to inject morphine to allay the in- tense pain. We are glad to hoar she is able to be out again. Mr. John Boland is remodelling one of his barns. Mr. Aloox is having a lime kiln built and intends burning time soon. The S. O. T. Division meets on Friday night. There is to be a debateâ€" Resolved that a young man should marry before he is twenty- live. It way ba the deciding matters for some of our young bachelors. The Women's Institute wiM hold thei r nsxt meeting »t Mrs. George Warling'a. It will be annual election of officers. A. good attendance is expected. Kimberley The Kimberley Branch ot the Womens Institute will hold their antiual business meeting In Kimberley public hall on Thursday afternoon May 3lst. Meeting will commence at 2.30 p m. Mr. F. D. Goflf of the Holiness Work- ers Society took charge of the services in the Union ohuroh here on Sunday evening last. We are sorry to report Mrs. Joseph Ferris on the sick list but hops to hear of her speedy recovery. The football team of this place journeyed to il'lobii<ui.'tua oii Saturday evening last and played a friendly game ol football with the team of that place which resulted in neither side scoring any goals. Mr. J. R. Fawnett left last week for New Ontario to accept a position under the Crown Laiids department. Miss Annie Scott paid a visit to ronto this week. Spring Suitings .Tost placed in stock. Some of the nob- biest things out aud prices right, from $12.U0 upward. Look 'era up at >wlcr , •T% To- Sore Nipple». A core may be effected by applying Cham- berlain's Salve as soon as the child ia done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowinfc the child to niiree. Many trained nurses-iise this salve with the best results. Price25oent« per box. Sold by W. E. Rioh- raeaos of 1 ardaon and U. L. Douglass. THE TAILOR Fles^erton « Ontario Merchant Tailoring O o o What about that new suit? Why n«t leave your order the first time you are in town,and get a nobby up-to-date garment. Trousers a specialty. We have suits from $12.00 up. Pantings from 93.50 up. All work guaranteed, A deposit with all Orders. J.E. Hutchinson THE TAILOR Opposite Phor - Uallery, Flesherton. Bun for^rvice* Thoroughbred Diurbam bull for •srvloe on lot U, oon. 2, N.O.R., Artemesia. Terms •!, Is* Feb. next, Cows not returned cbarged in any event Fedisreeon annlloation. O. BINCKS, Proprietor, *- *"*

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