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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1906, p. 6

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BANKS ARE DOING BOSINESS The Conditions Are Much hnproved y In San Francisco. A dcspiitcli from OtiUliind, fjililornia, B'iy« : (U)ii(litiiiiis uii! still IdokintJ "P- Tlif rcsli-iclum anuirihl riiloriiij; llic cily Js now iiraolicully off. 'ilie <lt;c.Uic cuis niv riiiiriiri^i on MiiikiH Slrcil iiBinii. Ttio li/inks hnvj" lioCi a 11:11111' iimi a l>>cal lml,il.,l.«M. They have foun.l a row of ^^^.^^ ,^^j „^^ ^,,.^^^^.,,^ ^^ „^^^ ^1111,1, il ,,,. ... 1... .„,.„,.. .i„|;,.„ ... luivati! resiili-iict's on l.atiiiim l(i(in)iit;tifaro licnjiofoic a sIranKer lo ciiiiiiii.'ric, ami from Itu; wimlows c( lliisf hiiiiscs llajjs |iio<laiiii llial llu' OoikcrWdolworlh. Ilic Nfvadu mid (ill tliL' otlicrs arj doiiif; biisiiuss willilii. Till' (:|iuiiiij4 lloiisi', ri'iiicsciilimj the way, whili! Ilio Chinpsc Blood by nnJ look il all ill. Ur\n^ Clilnesc ami in California, Ihcy liad lo. i;.\onu.s IS .slowi.n'g up. 'Ilio t'.Nodus is slowiiiy up. Tin; foelilH and llic liniiU liave al/uul liocn clrarcd railroad ollicci lor tran.sporlalion mid passi's are .stMisibly siimllcr. The ptople urc look- iii(i! fonvurd now lo tlic lime, a few wfolis alifod. wlK.'H'ii^'or tradlc .shall liave turnf'd llie ollit'r way, when firli.-ans, inrhilrcls and Inisims.s men , , will 1)C corning lo help in building llic lo.:al ooroniw'ial haiiUs. has b. . n nicel- | ,„.^^. p|,y .,,,,, „|,. j^ ,y„ ^^f projocl.s. iuu ..â- vii-y day. They havi; arrant'.d " i,,.,.|,p,.i , aw, capilalisl. who lind pre- lili/ii for r'"yin« ol( depositor.s for l.-m- | ,,,„.p,, ,„ ,p„j.p „,^. i.-j,j,.„|oi,nl Hotel and pornry n<;«-<is on n proporlioiialo sral.!. | ,.„j,,, „^ „„ncx lo il jnsl before the cncli wilhilrinval lo he linnled lo $j<H( Oirnspondenl.s of the scv.'ral hanks 'n London, I'uri.s and New York will Inins- fer eerlain .suni.s lo Iticir tredil. The Mini will Iv the ca.sliiers window lor lire, went in hurry two days ago. Il in .sind he went after fi conference of rT:en of mone.v lo lay a proposal before Tf nj,'res.s. Thi.'; is nolhinn llinn a rrqiiesl of n flovernnienl loan of .iSKX), all the haiik.s. The cheipies will he made j (^kkxi,) „l o pp,- cenl., to nc Old ill llie usual form, endorsed by llie cndiier, and taken lo the Mini, where they will be cashed. .Superintendent of till' Mini Leech .say.s Ihal he will co- oicrale in lliLs as .soon as he can (^cl enoiij;li chrUs. The savings banks re- port a .satisfactory condition. They will open on the .same day as the coiiiiiieriiul banks. A CniM WARM.Nfi. Rnsiness men who allenipled on Sat- urday lo ..jeciiri- assels from safes diiR il~e(i In rebiiildint! iind lo suppleinent the in.siiranco payments. According <o the plan. It^p loiin is lo run for S.l year.s, and lo be secured by cily real estale. The police esliinate that there are 2,nO(Vnioslly men, women and chil- drenâ€"in Onklaml. srpnrnled frrim their fr.milies and awaiting dcvelopmenl.s. {•'very hour fif Hie day lost members of famiiies are restored lo each olher. The opening of .stores olon{; Xfnrket and I'illniore .SIreels lia<! yreally re- oiit of the earllupiake and lire debiis '''"'•'' he number of people in the met wild .lisasler. .Several of Ihe safe.s , '"'<'"'' "'"^•"'- .f«ni'li<'s f' modern e foiil,iinin« books, rennls, slocks, bonds I ^'T-" .'"''' PnV'"!-' '"'" .'t''"''" J"""^- ''^ «nd nc>,..,tiable .secuiilies were forcd I '" •h'" '""''• ••\''" ^^]'' ''"\^- whn.^t'. ho'i-^e •pen. Tlh> inslani Ihe lalenl heat in | (he inlfiior of llie IhicU slron(.'-t)o.\es ^ supplies were low, had to staiiil in line and wail their turn vvilli the "bums" f came in contact with the llrsi riish of I "'<' n.-irbarv and the senrlet wo. ftir there was a blaze, and in an inslunt the conlcnls were consiniied. Till.; fart s<'rvcd as a (,'rim warning lo bankeis who have millions of dollars IdCked up in safeji and vaults. Many of Ihe viiulls aif? still biiriwi in the de- liis. hut scores of safes have been llra{.'j.'cd out and lefl to cool in llie streets. LAUDH SIPPI.Y INCBK.VSING. The market price for laborer.s is $2.50 n day. willi Ihe supply limiletl, bill in- rreasiiit,'. Ilesulcs the aullunllies. the War Dcnarlmenl and slifot railways, private concerns want men to clear up ilieir premises and creel temporary sirucluris. Happily, we are iilmosl Clean a(,'ain. The rcslrictions on Ihe use of water for anything but external use have l)een removed. n.v.NGLn or F.Pinr.Mic ovF.n. Ivvery day the danf;er of epidemic Reeins smaller. There is ubsolutely no increase in \\\c niiinber of smallpox, no lypliold has unoenred, and Ihe ciLses of measles and scarlet fever uie few. SAFI'-S AHR STILL rOOLINfi. Donkey and conslnielion engines wei'c hauled into Ihe ruined business district lo t;et Ihe safes of business men out of Ihe ruins. 'I'hey are in the .siuiie fix as Ihe U-iiiks; they dare not open Ihe safes until Ihey are thoioii(.')ily cooled. In cases where Moors fell, live or six safes ore often jumbled loi,'elher in Ihe li< inenls. The uwners f<v\ lliein all out and identify their properly. They will be lefl ill the streets lo cool for Uie pi-c- sent. The work of ra'inf! Ihe dangerous walls goes on smoothly. The next iin- porlant singe of this work will be the laying of railroad tracks down Ihe main business sireels. lo gel out Ihe great musses of wreckage. TIIK FIRKSWF.PT APE/V. After a careful survey the engineers of Ihe ISoard of I'liblic Works eslimaic Ihal the area swept by Ihe lire is about I.S square miles. 'I'here are few cities in Ihe world where so inudi voluaMc property was conlained in an equal lerritorial ai-ea. Within Ihe district were nearly 100 banks alone, some of Ibi.' finest olTlcc buildings outside of New Yoi-k, thousands of incrcanliie And nianiifacliiring estalilishmenls, and about 2.'>(i,IX)0 inhabitants, together will) •bout 25,(X)0 transients. These facts may give some idea of the size of the ruin and of the loss involved, but Ihcy also emphasize the small loss of lite from earthquake, fire and shoot- ing. For the death list may not go over TiJO, and will alniosl certainly not reiich 1,000. This is a striking proof of Itie masterly manner in which the aulliori- lies, civil and military, rnn things. MANY nESinKNCKS LNINJLItKD. The homes of more than l.'i<),000 are standing praclicolly uninjured. Tliere Rlill remain the great shipyards at Ihe I'olnTO, Ihe I'HCdie Moil docks, rnd the busy district immedialely surrounding Ihein, the slock yards at South san Francisco. Ihe wharves along the wulcr- fronl from Mission Creek lo Ihinfer's Point, th« Mini, Ihe l^osl-oflice. and the large retail district on Fillinore nnd Dcvisodero SIreols. After all, a big cily reinolns in Sin Frnncl.sco. Tits Consul-Ccneral registers a kick. He says thai Ihc soldiers have been collcrllng graft from his country- men. Wh<'n Ihe first crowd of refugees was taken from tlw ruined dislrlct the soldiers made the Chinamen pay loll, usually th a bond, to be guided to the ferry. Me ninUes a further charge thai the military gu.ird was withdrawn from rhinatown ycsterdhy, allowing crowds rf while toughs to poke thrrivigh the ruin>, and help Iheinselve* to the slocks «' iloro*. lie .said that a lorge kua«unt..of t)Mp«rl> was stolen in Mtl'^ci>rvaiue men from Belden Place. All rtnnperoiis walls on .Market sired are now dynu- miled. There arc slill liltle .shocks at the rate <:! one or two a day. nnd will be, the wealher people say, for nt lensl a fort- night. Few people pnv any nltenlion I"" them. Everyone iinderslaiids that nfler a big tremor like this the lillle Iremblcs must continue. TO STAHT niXIKK WOUK. Aulhorilies Copiiifl With the Situation In St. I'etersburfl. A ."si. F^ctersbiirg despatch says : Thanks to the concilintory altitude of the city represenlalives, the threat of 11 repelillon of Ihe great labor demonslra- lion and Ihe bloody iveiiLs of "lied .Sunday,'' January ti. lOO."), on account of the destitution of tliou.sands of idle workmen, lias been obvialed for the moMienl. The City Council on Wednes- day night decided to begin public works amniiniiiig lo .$I..')00,(1()0. nnd, pending their iniliabon, lo as-sign .S;!50.(X)0 among out of work, the number of actually dcsliliito at present, according lo Inhor ivpresenlalivc-s, being not over 20.0(10. A coniniission, of which one- half are workingmen, was held lo plan the works and the dislribu- lion of money. The situation is Ihre.ilcning. as Ihe measures of relief are purely nrlilicinl. The army of Ihe iinotiiploycd. because the factories are running on half force on account of Ihe lack of orders, is constantly increasing. At Wednesday's conference one work- man said :â€" "We .speak in Ihc nomc of the great Itussian proletarini, which h.eiided the revolution. Heed our de- mands nnd warning. If you refuse we will rank you with the enemies of the fatlicrlaiid, and we will transmit your refusal lo the proletariat, with which you must reckon. Your blood and theirs he upon your bands." ll\nY BI'IINKU TO DKATII. Il Was Sleeplno Alone in Ihe House WhiPh Was I>eslio)ed. A Winnipeg despatch says: Particu- lars of Uie fnlalily which necuned nt Williams' quarry, norlli of this cily, on Tuesday, when the infant chiUI of James Aphni was burned to death in a fire which destroyed Ihe parenis' home, linvo liecn receivwl. The baby was asleep alone in the Imuse, which was n small frnme slructure, when Ihe fire broke out in some inyslcrious way, and the building was envelopwl in flames licfore il was noticrti, innking the rescuu of the baby impossible. OIJTBRKAK OF l»LAr.i;K. Many Deaths Orrur in Kashmir, North- ern India. A Lahore, India, despatch soys : .\ serious oulhreak of Ihe plague has oc- currwl at Inniiiii, in Kashmir, northern India. There have been many victims among llic members of Ihe [inlnce house- hold and the imperial service troops. Two liiindred and eigtilyllve deaths occurred during the past week. YEAST nACILLl'S lOII CANCEn. Dr. Doyen Tells MedirnI C<ingres.s at Lisbon of New Cure. A despaleh from Lisbon says; Dr. Doyen, the French scientist, aiiiiounoiHi Id the Medical tJjngre.-ss here Ihnf he had curc<l cancer liy inonilaling the IHlicnIs Willi yeast Imcilliis. He Ix'- licved llml investigation In this direolion would leod lo discoveries of Iho ONTARIO LEGISLATURE WUAT THE LEr.I3I.ATl HE AT TO- ItOMO IS DUINC. TA.\ ON RAILWAYS. Hon. Cfd. Matlieson's Huilwcy Taxa- tion ihll, was brought in under llie of- P.Ciul Idle of An Aniciidmenl lo Inc Sup- plementary Heveniii' Act. Before touch- ing on the railway question it provides Ihal a lax of nib shall be imposed on each agency of a bunk in any munici- pality instead of Si.'i on one agency, which is lliu .system ul piesenl obluuiiii^ nc iiialtor how many branches u banS I may have. ' The system of laxalion by mileage is j continued, the present charges Iwing doubled. In the application and distri- j bulion of the revenue from this source, however, the measure strikes out oix lines. After the deduction of 830,- UiCH) for e,\ of collection, etc., and i foi mainleiiance of Ihe llailway Coni- i nii.ssion, half of the icmainder will te j handed over lo miinicipalilie.-s in pro- forlion lo population, and from this fund llioy will be askc<d to contrihutc 'o Ihe support of the provincial asylums. The lo Ihe revenue. Col. Mntlic- son staled, would be about SlSO.fiOO, ..f I which the inunicipalilie.s will get $7.''),- WjO, or perhaps a lillle more, while their c( nlrihiilion lo Ihe asylums will be con- sidernlily than this. RAILWAY RILL AMF.NDF.D. .Several amendments lo the Temii- knmiiig and Norlhcru Ontario Railway Acl were proposed by Hon. Dr. Reauine. 'the first of lhe.=e is to empower the railway Comnii.ssioners to lease a brnncli or spur line not exceeding ten miles in lenplh. Another proposes lo allow Ihe commissioners lo sell, lea.=n or otherwise deal with mining righls niong the right-of-way and on town sites. PAS.SFD PROSPFCTI'S RILL. After a few nmeiidinenls had been mnde, Mr. Hnyle's tall pro.s- pecliises issue<i by companies was givi.-n its thinl reading. The main alteration I was to the effect Ihot where subscrip- I lions for stock have been made cm Ihc jslrenglh of verbal repre.sentntion.^, tti-'-y j shall not be deemed binding unless he purchaser has seen the company's prospectus. AITF.n AUTOMOnil.I.ST.S. The Municipal Comrnillee di.s<'ii.s.setl the various proposed amendments lo ihe aiilomobile Icgislalion. lion. Mr. Hanna, the chairman. Ihouglil Ihal if a clause could l)e added lo the present law pro- viding for Ihe arrest on sight and sum- mary dealing with offenders il would go a long wny toward putting a slop lo reasons for Ihe present numerous com- plaints. The fioveriiment could then give the Ko-called frontier police some- thing to do to earn their salai7 by di.s- Iribuling them along the roads run- ning to Ihe fronlier. but not close to the line, say. ten to lifteen miles l)ack. with ordeis lo arrest all aiiloniobilisls break- ing Ihe regulolions. If Ihc offenders were then properly punished the effect would be salutary. A few o'ljcct les- sons of that nature would be sullicient, he thought, lo impress the aulomobilisls wilh the necessity of obeying the law. rUF MU.NICIPAL ACT. .\ number of bills making various nmendmenls lo Ihe immicipal icl were approved of. One of these gives nnini- cipolilies the right lo lake stock in or guarantee the bonds of utilities situated outside the boundaries of Ihe munici- palities supplying llieiii. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. The Lieu ten; nt-f;ovemo.''s as.sent was given lo the Licpuor Acl on Friday. As the annual reissue of I lakes place on May Isl, all hotels n ' liquor stores will thus begin from Ih'ii date to nay the higher license [irovidrtl for in the measure. The l)ill received il.s Ihird reading in the Legis- lature on Thursday. | i:duc.\tion department. | Hon. Dr. Pyne' bill respecting the Education Department, was passed through the committee stage. THE M1NE.S ACr. Tht! now Mines .-Vet was reviewed in coniiiiiltc<', and a number of suggestions offered by private members on both sides of the House will lie Cfinsidercd be- fore it coiiicji up for its Ihird rending. THHEE IMPORTANT MEASUHri-S wci-o introduced liy the Ministaji- of Agriculture. One of these provides for the creation of an Advisory Board in connection with Ihe Ontario .Agricul- lurnl Cfilletje. The second is intended to prevent fnuid in the manufacture of cheese nnd bulb-r by appointing sani- tary inspectors, and Ihe third provides lor the suppi-ession of loul bruod among bees. THE NEW DMAIXAGE ACT by which the province is diviih?d into two districts, nnd a .second appoinlcd for Ihe Eastern division, was read a si-cond lime. TEMISKAMING RAILWAY. The Ainenduionl lo the Temiskcmin„' Railway Rill also received iUs second reading. Ry this Acl the commission it empowered lo lease or sell sjiur lines of 10 miles or less. WILL M\KE NO CO.NCE.SSION. Ofieralurs Send Heply to Latest Pro- posals of Ihe Miners. LEADINC MARKETS A despatch from New York says : The anthracite mine operaloi-s, Ihrougti their sub-commillce of .seven, on Friday replied lo the latest propositions of the mine workers for an adjournment of ttie existing differences in Ihe anlhracile fields, refusing lo modify their position f(,'^\^'^ heretofore announced. The operators | \\j,(>ai call upon the miners lo renew for a ' period of three years the award of the Anthracite Strike Cominis.sion or else to accept the operators' proponiiion that j the Strike Cotnmi.ssion arbitrate the I question as to what changes, if nny, I shall be made in the scale of wages fixed by the commission in Us oriyinal , award. The miners have heretofore de- ; cline'i this offer. The letter points out I that all deman is but that of increase in wages, based on the iniprcosion Ihal 1 wages in the anihracite industry are un- duly low, have been abandoned. The , operators, after giving figures in detail, say Ihal to accept Ihe sliding .scale of wages propo.sivl by the miners would mean nn increase in Ihe price of coal to the public of 3) cents a ton. The pre- .senl profit to Ihe operators, they say. is but 2a cents a ton. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May I. â€" Flour â€" Oiilari« EGYPTIAN IMtEST. The Fronlier Troubles Cjill lor Rrinlnrreinents. Larfje A London despatch says: In the House of Commons on Thiirs<Jay George I'ca- liody Gooch. Liberal, nsked what in- crease was contemplated in the sir. nglh 'f the g.irrison in Egypt, and wliellior il w;is lo be permanent or only tempor- ary. Sir EdwanI Grey, Secretary of Slate for the Cotoiiiei. repltol thai Loiil Ciir- /on con.sid''reil that liie existing unrest tt'Cre, due to frontier troubles, necessi- tated iiMnforcemenls. II was impossible lo .say for how lone it would be neces- sary for ihem to remain in Egypt. THOOPS FROM CRETE. A Cairo dcspaloti says: .\ battery of .\rlilley and Itiree companies of I:aiiskilling F'usiliers, now in Crete, have been oi-dercd lo Egypt SENTENCED FOH LIFE. Cnnner John Barry Was Found Guilty ol .Mnnslaughler. A despatch from Queliec .ssys: The ICal of Gunner John Barry, a former nii'.niber of the Royal Canadian Garri- son Artillery, charged wilh the murder of a comrade named Gunner RiChard Kidd Hul'. at Ihe Citadel in .N'ovember Inst, concluded on Thursday night at 7 o'clock, when Ih'- jury relumed a ver- dict of guilty of manslaughter, and the presiding judge sentenced him to pcni- lenliary for the rest of his natural life Th.' jury took il into consi'.leml !.a Ihal Pit prisoner was insane when he com- i'iitle<i the acl and is still suffering from dtmeiitia, which inlliieiiced their ver- The Minister of Justice may have Ihe condemned man examined, and, if fnund insane, incarcerated in the King- ston IVnilenlinry lunatic a.sylum. The ptisooer was oblivious of ail that was inssing during Ihe tnal. and even when till verdict was renilered nnd the sen- tence pronounced he did not realize his pcsition. and when the guards sought to remove him from Ihe dock he re- sisted. Ihoiich he uttered no words, hut ga7.ed about him with a vacant stare. â€"'JO per cenl. patents ore selling at M.IO, buyers' bugs, oul.side for export. Manitoba â€" ii.Mt to $4.j0 for first paU cuts nnd S.1.!(u lo .$'» for seconds. Rran â€" $zi) asked, buyers' bags. To- Ontario â€" No. 2 white, 80)ic a-ke<J outside; red tti^c asked; No. t mixed, Ty^c n.,ke<l outside. Wheat â€" Manitoba â€" No. 1 northern, W^.^c nsked, fJweii .Sound nnd Point ivJ- ward, .sJJ^c bid, truck. Midland. No. i; northern, «2c asked, track, f'ort Hu- ron, Owen Sound or ColliigwocMl. Peas â€" 'Cc bid f.o.b., 78 per cent freghl points. Oats â€" No. 2 while, ;!6>^c nsked, ;8 pel cent, points, 'M',ic asked, Toronto, 1.1 arrive; mixed, SSikc bid, main line, M C. R. nu.;kv.;ical â€" 49c bid, 5lc asked, out- side. COUNTRY PRODPCE. Ftiitler â€" With heavier receipts the mnr- kei all round is assuming an c.isy tone, t reamery 2ic Uj â- .:3c do .solids 21clo22<J Cairy lb. rolls, good lo choice lti<; lo -Oc do larj.-e rolls 17c:tol«c do medium Pic lo !7c Cheese â€" Old is quoted at He for large and li,'^c for twins, and new at 13c. Ergs â€" The demand is rather more nctive and the tendency of prices i» fimicr. New laid are quole<l at i5c to ISc. nrd storage are quiet at 13c. Poultry â€" Choice dry pluoke.d tur- keys. Ific to 1,V-; fat chickens 12c lo I3i'. thin 7c lo He: fat hens 8c to ?V;, thin Cc to 7c: duck.s. He lo I3c. Potatoes â€" Ontario, 65c lo 75c per I'ag out of s'oiv: eastern, 70c to 80c on linck and lOc more out of store. Paled llav â€" .SO.nO to $10 per ton for No. 1 lirn'ithv in car lots on track here. No. 2 I eing $7 to .$7.50 per ton. !••.•-â-  -;•,â- â€¢â€ž.. ./I,,:,,. „. .i!!5 ryi jq ^ pj,^ Ion for car lots on li-ack here. *_ SIXTY-FIVE MIUJON DOLLARS (iigantir Losses of Rriilsh Companies in San Francisco Fire. A despatch from London says: I'tie I'rilish fire compan'-'s are beginning lO get from their Stm Francisco agents priliminiiry es'imates of the liabilities on account of the earthquake and lire. The Royal's agents cable that the com- pany's loss limy reach XL3jU,00(). This is about sixty-three limes Ihe premium incom.^ r«^eived by the company and its sulisidary company from San Franci.sco during 1905. Taking this ratio for Ihe basis on which to calculate the liabili- ties of all the British companies nnd their sulisidaries, it works out Ihnl these companies in Ihe nggregale may be call- ed upon to pay £l3,«iO.(X)0. It would appear, however, that Ihe Rrilish com- panies ultimately will pay considerably l-is than the amount of ihir normal lia- bili'ies, for Ihe present indications are that llicy will not indulge in generos- ily lowanls their .s«n Francisco dien's, bill will pny sli-iclly according to Ihe THE N\TAL I PHISIXC. Disorder Aiiionn Ihe 7,nliis Inrre.ising ' nnd Reserves Chilled Out. A London despatch sa.vs: The Govern- 1 iiienl hns called oul Ihe llrst reserves' m .seven dislricis of Nalal lo cope wilh the native insurrection. The disorder IS spreading ainong Ihe Dini Zulus. Chief Induna's mi.ssion on behalf ol ;ho Colonial Ciovernnient lo fUiief -Sitranim- dii has failed, nnd he reporls that Sig. nnanda's 'rilH" is in n slate of rcbeb iuii. The natives in .Switzerlnnd ire showing signs of unea.siness, and Euro- peans ilipio are appeahng for protec- tion. C.RISIIED BY IllGE ROCli. A Dynstmile Explosion Causes the Death (•I Two Men. A Kenorn despatch says : A double fnlalily occurred at Videon A Parsons' construction camp at l\irrywood. about II o'clock on Wednesday morning. A driller n.^med Ben CnrLson and his o.s- si.stanl, Johnson, were charging a hole when the dynamite suddenly explotloil, causing u huge rock lo fall on Iwii muckers, working in the cut below, killing ihem both instantly. Carlsoii and Johnson escaped wilh some severe injuries lo the head, the eye* of the im- fortunule men suffering worel. The names of the Iwo men killed could not he learned. It is not likely on inquest will lie held. Carl.son, Ihe man who was charging the hole, stnie.s ll;nt he has hnd a long experience in Ihe of dyniiinile and ui'ver knew 11 lo explode In this manner before. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal. May 1. â€" Grain â€" Busi- ntis is quiet in local grain circles. Oats No 2. tic to It^c; .No. 3, tOe to WJ^r; No. I, :iOc lo ao^^c; peos, 7'4c lo 7.5c, f. o b.. per bush.: barlev. .No. 3 extra, 52c alloal. May; .No. 4, 50c; corn. No. » mixed. 5«c; .No. 3 yellow, 36)^c, ex track. Flour â€" Manitiba spring wheat pat- ents, $i.m to $i.W: sirone bakers', .M.- 0-) to iM.tO: winter wheat patents, U to .?1.2.': siright rollers, .S3.S0 lo «3.'.10; do., in hiMis, $1.75 lo $1.85; extras, $1.- fl to .?l G). Millfeed â€" .Manibdw bran, in bacs, .*!!• lo .'iil'i..'iO: shorts .S.'fl lo $:.'l per ton; Ontario in bulk. $18.50 to $19.50; shorts, $2i): milled mouille. Sii lo $24; straight grain mouille, 25 to S27 per Ion. Rolled Oats â€" Per bag. .$1.05 in car lots, .$2.05 to $2.10 in small lots. C'lrnmeal - .$1 .'?0 to $1.t(i per bag. Vn-v â€" No. t. SO lo .$0.5f); .No. 2, ^S ti $8.50; clover mixed, $6.50, and pure clover, $6. Beans â€" Prime Ix-nns. $1.65 lo $1.';0 pel bushel; hand-picked, SL80 per bush- el. Honey â€" White clover, in comb, 13c 't 1 IV ner pound section; extract. 7c to 7>4c; buckwheat, 5%c to 6c. Provisions â€" Barrels heavy Cnn.idi- ''" '. '^LTl ''"' ''"''^- ^''•â- ^^- I'Kht shoil CMI, i>}.r>it: hrirrels clear fat back $22. 50, compound lard, 7>ic to 7?;c; Cana-'i- an pure Kird. U%c to 12Xc; kellle im- d'veiJ. ny,c h, i:)i^c; hams. 13>^ to 1|;c. aceordiii'r to size: breakfast bacon, Iric lo l.c- Windsor bacon. 15c to ISVc" fresh killed abattoir dr.s.sej hogs j'tO- ?â-  co'-itrv dres.seil nt .SO.% to'$5M alive. $7.65 to .$7.75 for se'.ects Eggs - New laid. Lie 10 15c per dot- en. "^ Rulter â€" Choicest ereamerv, iOHr. t« ?0c; undcr-gra.lcs, KS,v,'c; dairy, iCc lo Cheeseâ€" Colored. ll»^c to 12>^c. DL'FFALO MARKET. Buffalo. Mav 1. _ Flour - Firm. L'''^''" ~ .'^"""« ''^'''•'â- - No- 1 Northern, ^-.yu'-: Winter, no offerings. Com â€" Lull: No. 2 yeltow. .53j;c: No. 2 corn ^â- 'i- * o^ r •â- ''''"'• ^'"- 8 white. 3fi lo .3;;Vc. Barlev - Ouid: snot offered at ;.v". f- , \^ ~ •^l' «"«'?'•; No. 2 held, GiiXjC. curloftds. ' NEW YORK WHEAT .MARKET. New York. Mav l.-.Snol firm; No 2 nvi nominal elevator; No. 2 red 9tn i f^. b.; \,,. 1 Northern Duluth, N^/'.c f.o.b. affoal. The Canadian Piicille Railway Com- pany aiv offering live free scholarships covering four years' Inition in applied science at McGill University lo nppi-en- lices and others of their own emnloyees under twenty-one yenrs of age, us well as lo minor sons of employ :cs. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, May 1.â€" .Moderole deliveries of entile were recorded at the Wi»tcrn Cattle Market to-tlay, and prices were sleaily Ul strong in the iM'tter grades AtHjul the usual nuinl)er of export cailh; were brought fonvaiil, a-id prices rangel from Sil.75 lo $l.9i) for fair loids. A few exti-u choice loads bri>uchl $5.15 to SO.-W. ** j Choice butchers'. $1.75 to $5; medium, i Sl.W to $1.60; cows, S3 es to .$:!.75; hulls .$3 to )ii3..'.0; caiiners, SI. 50 lo .$2 per ewt. Short keeps, l.l.V) to 1,2.t<) fts $4 tt) lo *4.'.>3; fmlers, 050 to 1,130 fts, $3.85 lo .$4.40; stockers. 7(Xt to 8.'iO fts, $3.75 to .$4; slock calves, 400 to G5() fts, $3 to $3,641 per ewt. Export ewes, $4.75 lo $5.25; culls nn\ bocks. .$3.50 to $i; grain-fe«l lambs, .$5.75 lo $fi..''>0: calves. $3 to Sf, per cwl; Spring Iamb.s. S3 lo S6 each. Ouotalions for mileh cows and spring- ers was $30 lo .$55 each. Hoiis were offered in larger numbers. Ouotalions weiv as follows :~Selecl8", $7.15: lights and fais, $6.'.t0 per -ewt 4 It is reimrted that the Gov«-nment will intrixluce a bill lo provid* for Uu li-ans:nission ol cheap powar. JUmm

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