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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1906, p. 4

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M V* i May 3 1C06 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE SB" ^mmwm •, F. T. HILL & CO. 'di^mi^i^itii uy Your ^'Hse Ftir- ^' m '«» tncnts here The furnisliing of the Lomo is always more or less puzzling as to juat what you would like, to give just the effect you art looking for. This season we are exceptional ly well prepared to assist yon along these lines and wo would ask you particularly to see our showing in Carpets, Squares, Liuolearus, Wall Papers, Curtains and Blinds. Our assortment is large in esch of these departments and our values never were better. No trouble to show goods whether you wish to buy or not. Linoleums and Oilcloths for the Floor This week wo have placed in stock the larf^est shipment of Linoleums and Oil Cloths that has been brought into iMarkdale by any firm Our showing includes nearly 100 different pieces iu the best Canadian, Euglish and Scotcli makes, selling from 25c to 50c per square yard All the narrow and wide widths included EXTRA GOOD VALUE IN COUNTER TWEEDS FOR THE SCHOOLBOYS' CLOTHING. Thi» week we put on sale a special purchase of Tweedi strong ill wearing fjuality, good patterns to select from, apeciHl selling price pet yard 25c LADIES' AND GIULS' FINE KID GLOVES SELLING AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE 100 pairs Ladies' and Girls' Kid Gloves in Tan8,BUcks and Greys. These are odd lines in 75o, $1.00, $1.25 Gloves which are broken in sizes. If your size is in the lot it will pay you to see these, sizes 6^, 6, 6{, 6*, clearing per |)air for 4§o Our New Hosiery Department We have opened up a specinl Hosiery department and added to our «tock a, full and complete line of Ladies', Girls' and Chililren's Hosiery, in the different qualities and prices. Intending from this on to make a specialty of this department you m.'»y cxi)«ct to have your hosiery satisfactorily furnished here. Special from our Hosiery Department ; 2 pairs fine quality Seamless Hose forSSo This week we put on sale 60 dozen Ladies Fine Ooltou riose, fast black in color, perfectly seamless f«et, 2 pairs fjr 25c. L VWN DRESSES FOR THE BABY, SELLING LINEN CRASH FOR 68c. 24 only Babies' lawn drewos, embroidered yoke and trimmed cuffa, nice fine quality lawn special for 68o. TOWELLING 4^c, REGULAR VALUE 7c. 200 yards Linen crash towollings, foil width towellings that are good value at 7 cents per yard special for 4jc, Hardware I Hardware I Hardware I We are agenta for the celebrated IDEAL FENCE. If you are Contemplating any fencing it will pay you to use Ideal iKwm MARKPALE WftW? Is publiHhwi every Thursiltty at $1.00 i>Of "annum if |>ni<l in lulvaiice, «l.f>(i if ""t xo imul. All Kulwcriliur pHying $1.00 Btrictly in advance Kut the Montreal Herald one year (tm aa A premium. Dowie's Downfall. Some friend sends us two copiis of ^'Leaves of Healing," the official i.miin of Zion City, near Chicago, wheio fur some yean John Alexander Dowiu has reigned lupruiiio as iho reiiicarnatiun of Elijah and hw proved his eligibility to the title pf kinij of American frauds and mounte- banks. There are few districts in this country that have not felt his nefarious influence by the withdrawal of finances and their Irunsmission to the capacious maw of tbis heartless octopus. Flesber- ton counts itself here. From these papers Ve luaru that Dowie has reached thtt length (if his tethrr. He has attained the heiijht and now his bouse of cards \a tum- bling aliuut his ears. It is incredible to think that people can be befooled into |^artin){ with their all as thousands have l^eeii liy this man in the past few years. Thuru was no accounting tor the funds to thu«o who contributed ; tlioy wore given outright and stiuandered by the "general ^vorHuor" in showy but utterly uuproUl- i^ble business enturprisus, coolly trips to ICiiropo, Mexico and other plates. When cxpo.slulatod with by his "disciples" he Would ily into a rage and refused to cuiruiieh or to ntlompt to iiuprovo cor., ^itions, These papers of date April 7 and 14 give (lie whole Had story and make inturuHtiiig reading for the outside world, which _hta been awaiting this very thing for some time. It was the bust class of uoople that Dowie got into his clutches, and this fact makes it doul ly sad A writer in the Chicago Iniuriir, ui telUng the stoty Ha}s; Aii<|jtll the vvliilA a few of the inner circle knew tliiit a dee|wr Hhadow had fallen uii the moral life of the old ni>oiitle; in lii» liiart he wiix |Q«*.iiig to Itruuk the ueventh coiiiinautliiiriit. Ho WMx tryiiiK to frame a camiintlc excuse for enttrliiK ixdygaiiiy. Or at linieii lie considered the alteruativu of dlvureing hlx wife. It is mwt iiliiiisilily riniiiired that at one time he even went to the leiiKtIi of having a "revelation" commaiidiuK hii.> tu divorce li»r, but of thia ventured to talk of polygamy openly, and the revelation he discreetly omitted to follow. Tbea came the beKlunlug of the end. Dowie bad two strakos of apoplexy. Any wbere else on eiLitba uiau'K illuuBS would be & truce to eu«>m- iot) wlio uioaut to play fair, Dut not &o in Ziou Dowie's owu teacbiugB returned on bla boary bead to be bis plague and bis uudoing. He had always told bis peeple that every sickuoss is uuoessarily tbe result and open sigu of sla Two Htrokcs of apoplexy wore tben tbe most luanlfust judgoiueut of Uod. Tbe bonds of lo)alty were loosed, Eveu the scbool cbildreu weutarouud tbu scbool sayiuij: "If Dr. Dowie would be good bowouldu't be sick." Tbe die.* tatur bad slipped bis last bold ; ho was already falling. The business of Zlcm City is now in the hands of a triumvirate and Dowie is attempting to recover his lubt through legal process. prostijje The new liquor license bill passed its third reading last week with the 00 por cent, olaufe intact. The vote on this clause was straight party and Mr. Lucas, our member, voted with the government to sustain the clause. Wo confess surprise at this, knowing as wo do the pressure which was brought to boar on him to make him vote otherwise. The present govern- ment appears to be wedded to high license, although no one asked for or wanted it. In order to make this high license bring in a big revenue it was necessary to make local option as diflicult to pass as possiblo, and the govcrnmont has doggedly stuck to the piinciplo regardless of oonscqucnoos 10 follow. severely from a bealod ear during the last few days, ia now bettor. R. J. Brodie, while framing, gave his leg a bad Msh with the broad axe. We hope he will soon be able to resume his work. John McLe(Ml, though still far from being well is making fair progress. We hope ho will scon bo able to come home to his mother's No doubt his friends wjuld be pleased to see him. Mr. Jas. Fletcher and wife have rcturntd from British Columbia and are now staying with friends in the Stone neighborhood. BOYD, HICKLING & CO, \ FLESHERTON, ONT. ME W^ Ceylon the relwU will lu* say nothiuK, claiming that ""'d. Farmers are very busy taking every adTantago of the except ionably line wcathor for their spring work. Wo aro sorry Mr.s. 11, I*. Legato still remains poorly, yet wo bolievo she if steadily improving, but very slowly. K. D. Is also slowly improving though not so fast ns wti would like to see. Our now toaohor, Miss Agnow, spcnis to bu giving good general satisfaction to her patrons ne well as hot pupils. She seoms to liii compo.sed of llio right nialor- lal to make n uoiul teaehor. .Mario Chislott apent Saiiday with her paroiits and oiliur friei.ds. The t^iughs and bums of the village and vicinity, having imbibed rather freely seem to have had a l>i|> time (>u Monday night judging from thn detestable noise >hey made aud olwcone liuiguago they Wo bear Ihst Mr. R. P. Legito has taken the contract to supply a large por- tion (if the Imubor for the new h|>tel at it U notllino yet to advance personal oharg) yet they do admit that Dowie luul for a long time b«n a student of the HI. and --â- '«â- â€¢Â«â€¢ «' ' KZrtZ •^"7^ '"t'l'll â- â- "?'''"""" I <-^'"' •'<'f»^ Mepern »r* exchanging aMthoda. Murnmnisin is the sort of suooeas ) houiea to-day, Tuesday.' 4|^ Dowia I «v«d for. But ha bad not yet , Nurman MoLeod, who haa suffered Not if as Rich as Rockfelier. If you had all the wealth of Rockefeller.tho Standard Oil Magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for Ixiwel complaints than Chiiiubef Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoia Keiiiedy. The moHt eminent pliA sician can not preBcrilw a better preparation for chollc and diarhooa, both for chililren and adults. It never fails and wrien reduced with water aud sweetened, is i>lea«nnt to take. Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by W. K, Kichardson, andU.L.Dongla8s. -' â-  t l#, I M In the list of dead at Santa Rosa, one of the towns th*t suffered severely from the earthquake in California, are Mrs. Geo. E. Manning and child. Mrs. Man- ning was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawson of Sholburno, and lived here with hor husband a few years ago. They wunt to Vancouver, B.C., where they remained for some time and then moved to Santa Rosa, a town of about 10,000 inhabitants, 57 miles n.irth of San Fran- cisco," where they wore livini{ when the earthiiuako came. Deep sympathy is fult by all in this community for the bereaved husband and parents iu their sad affliction. The bodies arrived here last night acconip.inied hy Mr. Mannii.g. The funeral takes place this (Thursday) afternoon from the residence of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Lawson to Shelburne oome- . tory. â€" Free Press. The Walkorton Tilescopo a.iys : The C. P. R made another move wbich gives us a fresh cause for believing that the com- pany means business so fur as the con- struction of their line to VValkerton is ooncornotl and that it wilt not be long before the work of construction is ooinmeticed. What we refer to ia the tiling of the plan and protiU of the roud in the rogistry flfice here. Tbis was done one d.-xy last week, and would not likely have been dune did they not fully intend to go on with the work. Cul. Sontt met the solicitor of the company in Ouelph one day lust wook and was aiwured tha^ ]uat as i'xm aa the line to Sudbury was (Mmpletod, work on this line would b« begun. Th» suckers and mullut ar* very plen- tiful in the Bemver river thU apring. The fishermoif caughy eleven hundred in i^bout throe iji'^un un "Tueeday .â€" Keflt-'otor House Furnishings. At thus time of year above all others one'.s thoughts turn to New Furui.shings. Mouth.s ago we anticipatcfJ thi? and you will see the rsuk in the elegant range of good*} ready for you now. Carpets Tapestries from 35c to 85c per yard Brussels from 85c to $1.25 per yard Wools and Unions 95c to 75c per yard Hemps from 18c to 35o per yard Oilcloths, new designs from '25c to 85c square yard. Linoleums from 85c to 50c square yard, Nottingham Lace Curtains from 50c to 2.25 a pair. Sssh nets. Window drapes, Chenille curtains. Art muslins, Madras mnslins and Frilled muslins, ( L Big assortment of new rugs from 1 ,25 to 2.75 And mats from 45c to 75c Very striking new designs New Wall Papers Prices from 5c to 50c a roll Sbcrwin Olifliams paints for all Purposes Color cards free for the asking. Varnishes, Kalsomines, Brushes, Window shades. Curtain poles. It will pay you to get our quotations for Building hardware. «'^^^«'«^%^'%-^%%^%%^^ 1 F. Q. KARSTEDTJ Senej'al â- ^M.erehant Flesherton Ontario. OVERLOADED? Kot a bit. It's true we have laid In an immense stock of Wall Paper.but it's the newest and most attractive in the country and therefore sure ta sell rapidly. ._ PAINTS and OILS. Just arrived a fresh lot of "Hollywood's Ready Mixed Paints," Ttiese are, no doubt, the beat on the market and also everything in oils for this pur- pose. We have ji'st got in a new stock of Varnish made by the best Vi-ruish Makers in Canada. CARPETS Let ns furnish your house with the best carpets that ever came into this part of the country. Call and see them and you will gay the same. MILLINERY Let us have your millinery this season. Our Miilinery, no doubt the btist in,wiJlsdit you. ^%«^%'%^%%%^«^%^«^%%'^^^^^^^^k^^^'^^^^^ik^^ Farm For Sale 80 acre grain or stoek far ai, well fenced, 60 acres clear, 10 acres hardwoint and in .twaiup. Spring ereek 10 rods from bare. (!o)d briek lioiise with furnace. tJood frame barn with (.tone foundation and part cement stablinK, alsogoiul young orchard^ Stmth half o(U^21, con. 8, Arteiuesia. Apply to Fred R. Bolaud, Vandeleur p. o. FARM FOR SALE. liOt 39, con, 7. ArtemMia; 1IX> aorei more or less. 76 aores el»are<l, a bush. New baru, 4^ 50, stolid htable. Oooil traoie house, 4J lodn troui school, I mile troui I'ost Olllee.) uiile troui church. BprluK en (arui, well at house. For further particulars aiuilv to it. W. UtiAUK. (Uoukvale Mills) Flesherton Summer Goods. AH summer goods iu stock Includin? Dusters, wind and plush Robes, Rubber Dash Apn-nj aud Rurs, Whipv Lashes, Curry Coinlis and Rrushea, Hoof Ointment Aile Urease and Axle Oil for Carriages. A largo assortment of single Harness also team Harness uiade up to order if desired. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. BACK TO Bicycles Thousands of old-timo riticrs are comiug back to their old love of the Bi- cycle. The lull in wheeling is boiug followed by a keen appreciation of the bicycle as an economical vehicle of practical utiii^y and health. To be np- to date, and get all the comfort and "pleasure there is in wheeling, your bicycle must be equipped with tbe Cushion Frame, Sill's Hygien'o Handle bars and 0. CM Morrow Coast- er Uiake. Can be had in Cleveland, Silver Kibbon Massey, Perfect and Brautfor.i Bicycles Four disUnc" line8,eacii em od,- ing its own iniivihial fea arei. Made and guaran'.ee ! by Canada Cyett cC 9^oior Cr. Liuirea "Makers of the World's Best Bicycles." General Offloea and Works Toronto Junction, - Ont. "TOT «- : i

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