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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1906, p. 1

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JFksferrtJcrn Jlbiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. j : 9 ?0L XXlv, NO 1270 FlestLerton, Ont. Tliursday May 3 lOOC W. H THDESTON, ^"""^ PBOPKIETOK Ths Aftermath. Attffr the Christmas sales, which were extriiordiuikrily large this year, we find left in Ktoek a Kne liiieuf gixHla wbidi we thiulc treiyone will concude is dust the Thing '\. tor '' Wedding Presents. Those are the cboiehest of pi)ods â€" no cheap tra«h. Cume aud st-e them anyway. Jilarm $!:iock$ w.ilc,.-}-ouupthe~ed.trk ninniing*, and all I'li uf Cloc'.i:' at ail kinds uf priced. 5?. ens. }Vater/nan fountain Fancy Ink Stands, etc., fiu-sale. W. A. Armstrong W Industrial Home Notes | (T (Bu ail Li\nate) "'J > .,..-.,. 1 '-^ .^ -' â- ^ -^^ " ^ .^- -.^ .^ ... -2.-1 Portlaw Seedinc is progrestsin^ at a fair pace. Grip, Kliich is nu respeclor uf persuns has been (jripping nearly fveryl>i)dy of iate, and qui>e a numlier have been eti'irely prostratud, so severe bus been the attack. Mrs. \V. A. Morton has been critically ill with pneumonia but now appeim t<> be p^st the cribia and ou a fair way to reciivery. Mr. .Tamea Love is recnvering from a severe i'lneMS induced by grip. Mrs. F H. Thompson has bi-en suffer- ing a severe attAck of illness Mr. Charles Ctoft lest a good horse List week. Mr. Da vid J. Jumieson and little ton, of Toruut-), visited the former's brothers here Utely. Mrs. McLennan is now very low and hor di'uiise is expected hourly. Our hearts 20 out in sympathy to the ppople of the illfatrd ciiiei of California. Some of us have relatives there, and are anxiously bopinti for newsi'f iheir s^tfety. Mr. Geo. Thompson, of Cliatsworth, visited nuineruns friend sbere. Mi-is lluby Walker, who has been in Toronto the past year or tno,arrived Liuie List weed. A Rock In the Baltic. I'r-jsent indications are that ihii in.iti- tuMon i^ g'>;na to uon:iuiiu funii.hiui; ihe ccmiltiy >»''h its quota of silent ocgu- paiita. Fiv9 deatlis have occurred here niiico the l-.t of January Christopher Vinteoii pas^cil peacefully a^ay at 2 a.m. on Fii'iay last. lie was aduiittcd to the iiistitulii'ii a little uore tban two ni"ntli« lij^o in a 'lad s .ite ot th-it diead disJ'ise, coa-;iiui4.lioii, but the diiiease hid pas,sed the sk U of tbe physici.m and 11.) hopes of Itis rt-coveiy couli be cntertaiiied from the tirst. He took to his bed permauem ly about live weeks a^o, during which linw he was a (iivat JKit patient sufferer, but he teciived nil the oare uud allention the house and his olJ niSrm room tn*tes were capable of i;iviu!< htiu. We believe his eu.l was peace. He >«a» a native of Ger- roauy, and was for nearly thirty years iu tho employ of Mr Breez.- of Cliatsworth. He h;iU no nlalivos io tl'is country save Mr. Bat-erman of SuMivan, a distant relation by marrisiie, and who attended his funeral to the Markdale cemetery alMiut 6 p.m. on Fridsy. In theunavoid- alle »1 snnce of the Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Mr. HarneBS read the burial sei vice over the corpse in the men's day room where the male inuiaies were asaeui Med. Under- taker Chapman intened tho remains. Decoastd was 63 years of a<;e, a devout Mitl'.odist and an intimate comrade of your scribe. Heury Tamblyn who h.-w co;iipIeted a uix months term at the home was dis- cba'ijed on Monday morning and took his derail ure for Wi.arton. Henry was the ngest iiinmte in the home biiins; ouly" forty years of age, smart but none too robi 8' ; h ) was of material a-ssiotKncu to th.' 8 atJ in the dinin.» room and k tch- L>n. We trust ho will be able to see his way clear in the future even thoui(h he has hut one eye. Wo have yet another mm here who would be better pleased were he in the'ka free hospital. His time empires today (Monday) but the condition of Lis health compels him to remain here. The usu.1l sp:ini{ house cleaning M the order of tho day and the g'rls have both Lands full. Seedins; on this p'aoe is well under way. John IVnelton, the hired man.isa hust- ler and handles himself liUe one wlio is desirous of faithfully earnit.g his wages. Mr. Harness, too, is a busy insn for â- â€¢ne In his position, but thai, is his nature anyway. Time either plays queer freaks with some people or some people play queer freaks with man, to witâ€" There is an wld chap here who had only entered h s 85th year when ho otne here 18 u.onlhs ago. Now ho ia in his 90th year and says he wants to die Int can't. Un the other hand an old fellow wai admitted aVxml the i^arae time at(ed82 yesis. winter however, he receded to 76, but the strain was too great for him and he collipsed two or llir s months ago and occupies a plico in the Markdale cemetery. The interest in our Sabbath meeings gtill re:nain« unabtited. and much good is being done M evidenced by the number of iniuatea who exiiross their determin- ktion to load butter lives in the future. A Remarkable Series of Adventures Resultiag; aa a Naval MUtaka. The careless tinng of a new piece of or- dnance by Lieut. A Dtumin<ind,of H.M. S Consternation, while c u siiii; throuuh the Baltic.haa led toa^erics uf uoaccoui.t- abie and surpristn.; iuceriia'ional compli- cations. Drummond sii^hted a new puti itn an apparootl/ deserteJ bit of rock tliat jutted up out of the sea. To his am<izement his cruiser was at imce Kred on from the rock and the Kus.siaii Government demanded an explanation from Great Britain Tho mystery of the whole nffa r â€" the presence of cannon on such a site, the .n.;erof Uusaia and tho i 1 po tance yiven to so inslonilicant a materâ€" worked on Drumuioiid's imagination, anil in a moment of headstrong folly he went to Uu.s.sia to iuvtsti^atu. A series of surprising adventures fol- lowed, cu'miaatiug in a scene that dd&es desciip'i .n. The whole story is splendidly recounted in Uo'jert Barr's great novel, ''A Rock in the Baliic," which htis just been pur- chased by the Mail and Empire and is to be the tirst uovel of tbe much talked of jfloO,000 Series, which this enterprising paper is to issue duriug the forthcoming twelve month.s. This series consist* of twelve great novels by the most famous living Anglo- -Saxon auihota. The Mail and Empire.wiih its customary alefiness has secured the sole riyt iu this district to publish these novels in serial form before they appear lu book form, which will alToid its leaders a literary trtat never bef're ollcrcd by any newa- ptper in Amurictt. No other paper in tho city or vicinity can pulli h these great 8t"iies. Ordei iu advance to avoid disapp.'iunuent, as rlie tdi' ion will be exhausted before all are able to buy. Commences on Saturday May £Ui. and pach succeed^ni; Saturday These stones will also be published in the Weekly .Mail and Eiup^re, commencing May 10th. to. 1 ii. y .1.-4W a good crowd nightly. Eageiiii .H.'iiea are waiting patiently for that T Mi Bine lodge to start so they can show their colors on this comiDg July 12. Mr. James Williams is very low at present. Wesley Latimer of Toronto was the guest of his parents for a few days during Easter week. Tom Roberts spent Easter week at his home at Credit Forks. Eugenia people extend their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Thompson Wilson and family iu their recent bereave- ment, as Mr. Wilson was one of our most respected business men at Eu- genia for a number of years. All feel that another friend has been removed and another family left to mourn the loss of a loved one. Miss Ella Pedlar spent Easter week visiting friends in the city. W. F. Ncale, evangelist, will preach in the Grunge hall Sunday, May 6, at 7 p. ra. Subject â€" Obedience iu Faiih. McFARLAND& COMPANY Grey County's MAEiKDALE, ONXAl<IO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Wash Goods. Boots and Shoes Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. Never has this store imported so large- ly in high class Wash Goods and wo can safely say never before have such charming fabrics been displayed at such reasonable prices. : ,^^ See thos Fancy Muslins. Eega-> lar price 12Jc for See those White Muslins. Regu- lar price 8c, for 7\ See those Prints. Regular 7c for 5 5 Carpets and Rugs. In this department, as in ail others, we never juggle with quality. None bat tho best makes can occupy % place en our shelves. We are put- ting out three Unes this week that ought to interest you. 30 pairs Men's dougola tarn elastic side gaiter. Regular 1.50 for 1. SO- SO pairs Men's and Boys' Laced Doots. Regular 1 .50 for 1,19 30 pairs Men's Chrome Tan, Blucher style, best make. ReguUr 2. SO for 1.90 Every one visiting our carpet depart- ment express astonishment at the lar<;e assortment we are showiig this For more than twenty years Mr. J.B.M.->e»ey. of 432"^ Clinton St., Minueaiwlis, was tortured by sciatica. The pain and sufferini; which he ' SCaSOn. endured during tliis time is beyond comprc- „ iirr n .1.1 â- â€¢ n , 1 beiision. Notning gave him any permanent iiingUsJi Memp Carpets lOc, 12ic, and relief until he uueu Chamberlains Fain Balm. One application relieved the luun and ma<le uleep ani rest iHissible, and leus llian one bottle effected a permanent cure. If troubled witli sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent buttle of Fain Balm and see for youiself how quickly itrvlievcH the pain. Forb,ale by W.K. Eichai'dson ar.d U.L.DoukIbsk. MAXWELL 15 Special value of Union, great values at 45 10 pieces English Tapestry, lovely designs, 35c and 50 10 Tapestr} Rugs (all sizes) from 7.50 to 15.00 Crockery and Glassv/are In our basement you can alwaye find' a Lrge display of China, Glassware, Croclierj .Tinware, Grani'-ewaie, etc. ' New Goods arriving weekly." 25 Glass Table Setts. Regular 50c fjr 25 It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold. Euuenia Times are rather dull at Eugenia. Now local option is iu force we will expect a change. Tho work on the tunnel has been delayed for a couple of weeks bat is to start again this week. Mr. Charlie Johnston, one of our Eugenia boys, who has resided for a number of years iu British Columbia, has been visiting his mother, Mrs Johustou of this place. His niimerous fiieuds were dehghtod to see him. He looks as if the west agreed with him. Our school has commenced, wiib iljss Stanley, recently of Uopeville, in charge. Already she has gained the contidence and good will of the chil- dren and will likely prove very popu- lar with the young people. Seeding is now the order of the day. The weather is dry. Housecleaning is a weary time for the women folks. The lords of crea- lion have the- best of it at any time, but just now you can see them hidden How often do wo hear it remarked : "It's , • ,. • , • j » -j . only a(>)ld,"»iid afewdaynlater learn that ' behind feuccs smoking and aftaid to the man ia on his back with pneumonia. Thia , „ j,j^q j^,g house where their poor iiofsicli common occurrence a ci'ld, ** . 1^ , . ,n,L,„-„,l :„ white - however alight, nhnald not be di«regarded. WIVOS are abOUt SUlOlherea IU WUlie Chainberlaiirn Cough Bemetly counteracts a,-iy ^ash and SOap SUds. Undency of a cold to result in pneumonia, and » medicine Company is holding has naiiiod its (freat {wpuhiritv and extensive . ti.^ r».<v..„a ball Inr the uaat tale by its prompt cures of thin mo«t com mon forth at t'le Uiailge Hall lor me pasi ailmaat. \i alwam cures and i« pleasa nt to ^g^lt ^ith free Concerts and promising t^ke. For*JobyW.K.KiQUara*)j»Hnd H. L. â-  , -11 ^^^ aihiieuta flesh IS heir It is our painful duty to pay a last trib- ute of respect to the memory of Mrs. Hamlin, who p-u>8id to her reward in Easter Sunday, April 15th. .Mary Blake Hamlin, widow of tbe Ute Wm. Lalhan Uamlin, [laased away April 15th at the advanced ago of 81 yoars. Mrs. Hamhn was born in Jedborough, Scotland, 1825 and came to thisO"untry with her parents the Kiddlfcsin 1848 ; married 10 Wm. L. Hamlin in 1860, residing in Owen Sound up to 1880,wbeii they moved to Maawell, her husband dying bare in 1885. She leaves behind h;r to niouvn her loss Geor«e and Eliza who live at home; Mrs. Hall of New Brunswick, Mrs. Heron of Buffalo, Lathaii of St. Louis, Wm. of Toronto, Tom of thn Northwest. The deceused was a faithful member of the church of KiiKhmd. Tho Rev. Mr. Hill of Dundalk conducted the burial. The family have the s.ncero sympathy of the com nullity. Mis Hail "f New Brunswick, Mis Heron of Buffidi and Mr. Win. Hamlm of Toronto, attended the funeral of their mother. Miss Eliza Hamlin left last week to spend the summer with her sister, Mrsf Heron of Buffalo. Miss ArviUa Whiteoak was sucfi-'Ssful iu winning the prize given by the medi- cine co:np;iuy hoie lint week. Another old pioneer of this place in tbe person of Mr. Wm. Stocks died .April 23rd. He had reached the advanced aae 87 yeats. He died on tho farm ho had hew:: out of the forest many years ago. His son. Robert, is now ocjupying the hoiuest-rad. His wife predeceased him a couple of years ago. Ho was a member of the Engl'sh cliurrh and also one of the (iist members of L O. L. No. 660. The l.idge suitably rcmeinbored him with a beautiful wreath of (lowers. The funeral took place to Maxwell cemetery, many friends and neighbors paying a last tribute of respect. Miss Maggie Moore of Mclntyre visited last week with fiieuds here. Mr. and .Mr-f. Charl.e Heron of Buffalo are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. Roht. Heron. Mr. Eduar Brownridce «ud family left for Areola, N.W., also Mr.Alt)ert Horon, Mr. and Mrs. Wellar attended the funeral hist week of the former's uncle, Mr. J. Wellar of Nohlet..n. Miss Minnie R..b.'rtson of Toronto spent a te* days with her brother, Mr. J. Koberison. recently. Miss Lucy Gamey of Singhampton vis- ited last week wi'h her sbler, Mrs. Fred Spofford. Miss Mary Balantyne of Orncigeville and Hazel of Erin spent their Easter hol- idays at their home. The Woman's Institute will meet Wed- nesday evening .May 9th at Miss .AUis- ler's Subject â€" Cultivating of flowers and gardening. Mr. and IVlrs. Albert Long spent Sun- day with friends here, also the latter's sister, Miss Smiih. Curtains from 25 to 7.60 Clothing 6 Tea Setts, 44 pieces, for 5 Toilet Setts. Begular for Regular 3 75 2 9J price 4.50 2.89 We are aiming to cany none bat the best makes and best goods. You can always rely on getting something to suit you iu this department. The following are three special lines for this week: An outing suit in grey mixture, square cut, (Newest shape). Regular 12.00 for 9.50 60 odd Vests. Regular §1.25, for 89 Groceries. We replenish our Grocery stock every week and if yoa trade with us you will be sure to get fresh, clean groceries. " % - See that Japan Tea. Regalar 25c. for 19 1000 cakes Toilet Soap, now Regular 5c, 3 for 5 10 suits, fancy tweed, for We Regular 8.90 6.60 Fresh, Choico Bisooits, assorted kind , 3 lbs. for 2& Want Your Trade. McFarland & Co., Mau-kdale. A GREAT SCHOOL TOEONTO. OHT. Students iroiM British Columbia, Sa.ik- atohewaii and Manitoba on the west to Now Brunswick on tho east tire in atten- dance this year. Distance is no hindrance to thifio who wish to jiet the best. Our graduates are aLvays succes-sful. Our facilities are unsurpasstd COMMENCE NOW. No vacations. Colleue open entire year Maijnificont catahgue free. W. J. Elliott, Prim i pal. (;or. Yonge and Alexander St». FINE TAILORING I have now been in business in Flesherton f >r three months and my work speaks for itself â€" you hear no gruiiibling â€" <mr work- manship, the best. Then why not order your Sprinjj Suit from • 1% iivler, THE TAILOR Fle$!Kerton - Ontario HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at Bl'LMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Some line views on postal cards, 5c each, 6 for 860. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fram. ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. Merchant Tailoring 00000 What about that new suit? Why not leave your order tho first tiino you are in town,and get a nobby up-to-date j»iivinent. Trousers a specialty. We have ouits fioin- $12.00 up. Pantings fn)m S3.50 up. All work guaranteed. A deposit with all- Orders. J.E. HutcKinsoa THE TAILOR Opposite Photo Gallery, Flesherton. mount Pleasant l^erd. off purebred' scotch Shorthorns with tbe fam- ous youDK stock bull, ^cottiah Ubiof, at tb» hoaii. Young stock tor >»lo iiritMis, ro»HOoal)l». E, aLlKN. Prop. terms •<»*. Of war 9 FloshartoD, Ock. I '!!â- Â« .' W M I II t^r<. «â- Â»>â-  â- 

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