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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1906, p. 8

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April 26 1906 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. 0»ii 31 to 31 I'wui 72 to 72 lUr ley 45 to 45 Wh.-»t 70 to 70 H,y 6 00 to 5 00 I'outouH per bRi{ 50 to 00 HJuttor 17 «o 17 i;ni{8frMh 13 to 13 r -V2 In Furniture Tlie largest and best Block of funiiliim ever Bhown in Flesher- t'>n. Thi« widioiit fe«r iif coiitrs- dictiim Coiiiu and hub some of the iiicejl^itigii in \, Sideboards Dv-ning Roon\ Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special • reduction ju8t now on everything in order to redu'jo the stock. W. H. BUNT Flestorloa - Ont. «^j 's Ol/<^« •Canada's Greatest Nurseiles" WANT A L.ocal Salesman for Flesherton To 8^11 UiKh Cl>i83 Nur»i!r/ Stock in Fruits imd Ornanrciitnl. Liirgest Lint of NEW Sl'tXMALTlES .jvor RPAKT NOW AT TUK BEST SEL LlNti SKAS )\. Hiu' iiiduciMiioiits.Lib ornl Pay, llaiidsnnie Fi"« Outfit, Terrii orv il.-cTv,Mi. WHITE FOR TERMS and CaiHl".{iio iml send 25o for our ALUMINUM POCKET MICROSCOPE (iiiiit;ciiliiiK 4} tiiiiLM) and oOo for our HANDY SAW, jusi tho tliiiiK for trim- iiiiiij; tri:e» (cars iron us wi'll (is wood.) Stone & Wellington ((I van 800 AunEs) Toronto - - Ontario HURRAH ! For Pretty Homes. Paie, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be In a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take It â€" Aycr'a Sarsa- parllla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Thl< ii th« llrit qiutloB yonr doctor wenld uk: "Art your bowoli rtgulsi?" Ho koowo tliKt dollj action of tho botrolo li tbtolnMly eitoctltl to rororery. Sotp jronr Uvor aetlTO and your boweli rcgaUr D/ taUnf UzaUt* doftot ot Ayor't PUli. a A Kad* by 7. 0. Ayor Co., IiowoU. Ku» Aloo mannffcetaroTo of « . ^ mJL. "*"» V""""- I if^rC AQUB CURB. W Wf O CBEBBY PECTORAL. Wo havo no leoroti I vr» publUh tho formula* of all our modiaino*. BARGAINS AT P R T LA W TINWARE- Now is the time to bay your tinware ami Port Law is the place to buy It an everything is inanafacturod at at home. FOOTWARE-We have a large stock of ladies boots â€" just the thing for spring alHo Men's heavy Eiii>liHh and French kip which Wf are selling beK>w co9t. PRINTS â€" Also a nice line of prints. eirii;ha>ns, duck shirtini;, cotttonade and ready to wear ekirto. Fresh groceries arriving alniust daily. Sheplierds flour for sale. St. John and Roulston, General Merchants Port Law Business Cards M'CULLOUOII & YOUNQ llaukur Markilale Ju a fjonertbl batikitif; buBluetis. Monoy loaned a reaaouablo rate Call ou ua. T. iJIlISLKTT, ruKtuiaater, neylou. Coiiimibsiouer in Ii, ('. J , Convovaiicer, <toeda, luortKiiKvii, leauuH, willa oto. carnfully drunn up Culkxiiuuu iiiacl.>, cliaryns roaaonahlu. Also Ijrocuiius, fluui, fe«a oto, k«nt lu atock, Pricea ri«ti(. D J srnouLB "• I'odtmastor, Pleabarton i.yOiuu!liialoner in H.O. J., Auctioneer Con Toyaaoor, Appraiser and Money Leudei Ueal Batate and Inturanoo Agent. Deeds mortgaitei, luaaea and wille carefully drawn up and valuationa made ou vUorteet untioe. uiooey to loan at lowoat ratea u( intorest. Col ootiom attended to with proniiilucse charitea low, Agant (or Ooean Domiuion Btaaiuahip OompaDy. A call solicited. Societies A O U W moota ou the lait Honday in eaon mouth, in their lodRC ruou. Chi-istuo'B block, t'leenerton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Krank I'hard ; Hec. T. Ulakely, Kinancior, W.J. Uel.amy. VlBltiuR bretbroa luvited. Don't Cet Hn Jimaeteur. 111 iLl3i.:tn.d£i.nce We have jum received our new wall pniicra. Kor bed re<im* and living rnnniH xonie refrenh- liii(ly lirit,'lit»nd li(jht cjlorhin" are prnvided, whili- fi)rlil>rarie««nddinini.'riHiiiM the ta|ieiiiry lyiii fabric trriilimuit^aiT p.irticnliirly Btyliiih. Wo hKhw » lari[B range of incxpennivo jiaprrs f'lr hiKhehtHsdccoruMim, In printed velourH, t<v â-  liiiio tii'atnieutH, art mmvean deaig-na, iidk pulKiiB, ui lire.*, panel dec'initiima, crown ejecla a I lK"^ld en>i>'iii.-ied papers, in additiun t.i uianyiitlicr slyleM. ( ^lill early and secure yunr choice of pa|i«r for l.WWriHiin.i. l'iii:cHrun;,'ufr(Mn.'!c. purrollup. Sioiiilns „eut (riB til any person fnr the askinK. Orilers fur piip.irlmnKiu:! .<lieuld bo in early to avuid till! rush. C. E.TRYON - - • PRICEVILLE I'raelleal Dacorator. A- Practical Hd.u- cation At Tlie Owen 5oun(], Ont. will floiililB voiir i^nriilnu powf^r. It only r*>< i| ilroH a U\n inoiith-i rtlih'ii loittltiitin ' to Ua>mo )>lMto a tlioroiiifh prKfttiiftl hUHlnnsH <;i)tirto nr A Hhorehirid ait.l Tt p <wi iil-ig Cournit and fit von for H irrnniii^rAtlvo poiiHl'tn. rUttUti ttdntittf'l at Kitv tttno. KuU P'^rtlou^ lat'H at Riiv liitiiifiito, C. A FLEMMINQ, Principal ^prlog Tcfin Orvlna April 2ad. PllINCK AUTHlIlt I.ODUE, No. S.H.<), A F.4 A rj, lueeta in the Masonic liall. Htrain'B block, Kleaborton, every Friday on or before tbo full iDocn. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Iticbar BOO, KoLrotary. noCUT FLISSHKUTON, 085, I. 0. F. ireelain " ChriBtoo'a lJlocl4 the lost FridavevenlnK of each month. VUltiuK Foroators heartily welcome. C It., Dr. Murray: K. C. W. Loucka; Fin. Hec, H. A. Wlllitt. Cloaae |>ay dnoa to H. A. Willett on or before the last dav of Ibe proceeding mouth. HHOSBN FhlB.NDS-Fleahorlon (iouncil of ^ Cbnaen Frixuda meets in Claytou'a ball ftrut and third Wudnehday of each lubnt 8 p. ui Pay atai^aanients to the Hceorder on or before tee first da> o( each month. Chief CouuclUor, T. Ulakeloy;Ueoorder, W. II. Uuut. Medical The Late Mrs. Henderson. D« OAIlTBn M U l> & H Out, Fbyalclan, Surgeon, eto Oittoe and reaidenceâ€" Peter at., Vleshorton D« A.T. HOND (iraduate Toronto Uulveraity. Mom- luir of Ontario Collofie o; IMiyaloiians and Kur- geous. Maxwell. Ont. oueoeseor to Or. Scott. JP OTTBWKLL Veterinary Burgeon Qraduats of Ontario Veterinary Colleiie, residouoo â€" atcoiid door aoutb weat op Mary street. This street runs aoutu Preebyteriau Church. H. WILBON, Illackanilth Iraduate of the Veterinary Bclenoe Aaaooiatirni. KeHUlunce, Durham street, op- posite lloyd, HickUi.g'B hardware. Legal LUCAS WRKIHT * MeAHDI.B Harristers Hnllvltors Coiiveyanoera, eto tXncnsâ€" (Iwon liound.Ont and Uarkdale()i:t W II Waif.m, M0ARDI.K 1 II Lu«-As N II -I'll Bhcrton offloe, MUobeira Back STery Haliirda«<" D-^ E. C. Dentistry' MURRAY I. U. R, . _ , dental surgeon hono. Krsduato of Toronto Uuivrrsitf and oval (* olleijnof Uxutal HiirffeoHsiif rnturlo, «as iiliulnnii ration for teeth extraotinn lllcea. 1041 1'jii j>i, Tg.').i|J Irool, F eiharton Tlie funer d of the late Mra. Robert Ueiidursoa, whose decr-ase was mentioned last week. took to Mt.Zion cemetery on Tl ursday and was largely attended. The Herald in speaking uf the deceased lady's life, says: Deceas d had been ailing irom time tn time for a year or niuie,but pneumonia, which attacked her t>vv weeks ag'< was the immediate causo of her death, which occurred at the home of her da'ightor, Mrs. John Johnston, i.»laiD street east. Deceased was born in the County of Arniah, Ireland, and with her parents came to Canada when quiet young,scttlini{ ill the townsiiip of V'aughan. About sixty-one years a((u she met the man who was destined to become her huslmnd aud they were married in Toronto,then Little York. Ten years later they moved up into the wilds of AitemeKia, taking up their abode ot> lots 17!) and 180, 2iid con. K. T. &S. Road. Tho following years were spent in a niauner similar to that of their few neighbors who ware scattered throughout those endless,yet niagniiici;nt f ire.sts. Hardship was their daily portion, but like others they slrut{uled on until !/reat patches of daylight were let into the darkness of the undergrowth and cleared tie'ds commenced to make their appear- ance. Thus they continued until the year 18CI when the family suffered the first great bereavement. Barn raisings were a com- mon thing then, nid such as we have today, but structures made of great logs that required skill and strength such as the men of days prtssessed. Some uf our readers will remciiiber the accident at t)io raising on Mr. Ab. McMaster's farm in that year, In an accidental way » great log struck him and he only lived two hours. With her family of ever, she continued on the farm until 2.T years ago, since which time »he resided with her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, at Wareham and Duiidalk. The children born to them w<-re: J. W., Mrs Carson, Proton; W. J., Wareham; .Joseph, R.ib Roy; Dr. Thos., Saiuu'd and Dr Robt. H., Toronto; Mr». John Paul, Fever^ham; Mrs. John John- ston, Dundalk, All are living except, the first uamed, who died in Toronto some years auo. He was inspector for the N.irth of Scotland Insurance Co. Seven yeais ago there appeared a picture of six .siKters in the Toronto Globe whose ages averaged over s-iven'y years. Tho de- ceased was one of the sisters. ~â€" â€" . â€" â€" ^â- Â«#.. ^ Caught Cold while hunting a Burglar Mr. Wm. I>anorgan, provincial constable at Chaplean. Ontario says: I caught a severe cold while liuntiiiK a btinrlar in the forest swamp last fall. Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I trie<l it and after iisiiiK two small iKttlos was conijiletely cured". This remedy is intended esincially for coughs and colds. It will likisen and relieve a severe cold in less tiiiie than by any other treatment and iaa favorite wherever its superior excellence has become known. Kor sale by W.E.Rich8rd»on and H.L.Uuuglass. ^..»>. m â-  A lamentable affair took place at lot 21 , con. 1, Chineuacousy. on Sunday after- noon last, when Mrs.Frank Huston ended her life with a shot gun. Mrs. Ruston had been in poor health for some time and her illness had unsettled her mind. Se- curing the Kun while her husband was at the barn getting a team ready to take her to consult a doctor.she placed tho weapon to her head and pulled the Irivger. Death was instantaneous. Deceased was thirty-two years of age and leaves one child. â€" Bolton Enterpise. On Fridav last tho fourteen-year-old son of Mr. Wm. Nurse, of Amaranth, tiuiched off ap"Unil of i;un powder, caua- inK painful injuries to himself.and almost burning the house. The young lad secur- ed the can, holding a p"Und, and piured out some on a paper holdii.g it in hia hand. This ho touched off to see the effect, but some of the sparks fell to the floor, cxploading the can Tho flame from the burning powder shot up around tho head and face of the lad, conipletely liurning the hair .iff part of his head,', and liflint,' the akin off pjtrl of his face. Hi a escape is marvellous. The roinn caught firo, but it was extinguished speedily. The doitor in attendance hopes for a speedy recovery .and no permanent injury other than a alight diafieurement.â€" Grand Valley Star. The danger of spreading contaaions dispaipa by neslit'cnt people is ereat, and Dr Camertm, medical heal- h officer, wish ine to make an example of some of these, .fnhn an-' Mary Oords and Mr. and Mr*. Hetirv Lumlev in the police court on T.tosdny. Th'> first case which came up was that of the Cords'. Dr Cameron had visited Ihem when the sinnllpox broke ont on the hill and hnd told them if they heard of anv one heinc sick to notif? him. Ni t lone after a rash broke out on all tho familv but t>oy kept on working and never notified the doctor. Sometime afterward a complaint was sent to Dr. Cameron. He vi.i<lted the (Jorda and found tb'tn W'tli a lifiiht atf«ck of small pox. For nut noiifving the health officer Cords was fiotjd as and coats. The next ease was that of Henry Lumley and wife whowtchildhtd diptheria. They were oharirod with havini; exposed carpota, rugs, etc., so a« to endanger the public health and also for allowing a dog to run at large after bavins heen with the sick child. They were fined 95 without coats. -Sun. S, Thurston has a sclectiuiv of 25 differ- ent varieties of postal cwda for you 10 choose from. 5c each or G for 25c. Shortborns for Sale. Rhorthorn Cattle, of extra quality and brern- h)|tti I^evlulas aud Wimplei*. both bo«f ana â- uilkiDe«%ralns. Also Cotswold and Loiocato sheep. \a\\ CBA8, BTAFFOUO Pluhertoa. Marks Copyrights Ac. Anrono »er.(tt%j a eketoti and io«-ripil-^n niaj O'lU"*'? aie'ert.-wn our Ol'Uili^n fr«c rboci.c-r ax kuTo.aion 18 pt-ibiblr paler.LAhlO. Ct.nimomrv 1toiiHmricflT0..»iuJer.-.ial. UaoJtww.kt'li t'H:c';t» sunt free. Otdvst ni^ont-y for .â- *i.H:ijrir;t: pnleTii.". Palouta taken ll'.n.'JEtl Munii A Co. receive tftciiiX noiict, wntiout Uiante. Ui llie Scientific Htflerkan, A hantfsomolr illustrated wefklr. 1 srccst clr- rolatlon '>f nny 8rientlU>T journal. Tirni.i. Sa a ro»r: I'Mir nunllia, tL bt/.d by all Ticws.l<«'er«. p-.ini-ii nrf...:. rn)i F Pt.. WartVij-ion T. â- â-  Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facia! ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. f.WsLLE' 'Nr> ^PTJCJAM ''J iiSHnRTorj &>»i.!.K:^ti>fe^C^5^^ L'lijLat' CTUKE C YOy GAF3 PAY WHSf^ GUriED, «3- HO MAa^.SS USCD WiTKCUT VJHiTTLM COKCEHT. &TF.3CTUtig AKD iJCrSEY C:2EA£E CU^EO. "J bed rtriclora for ftlernn ycatza. Il f-n.-i'ij brc-ocbt on Prlglit'i C)i^f*3e ^f ii:« Kiducjs. I h:;J :i:i i:ncoUiI*jtiaD!e«h<-c.; ng jain ia :hc CraiD f»c-auK &3 though SoUti.t..:ii2 T7^ii Li il'o uteibra. il/ br-ck f» iS weak 1 couid scarcely Eiocp cvt-r, V_*riDa *• -o f lU of sedt- tnect. Had % dcsira to«iicatijfrt;^:iertly h :*ii.ilTilrcicrs, eo-callcd Spcciatiats, pat-nt iprdicinfS. e-cctric ocl's, alltnilsd. Iv.-a«dis- cnanf*:^, 1 hi 1 «i'p?'t hiir.drsJs of doliais invj'n. Fin.irylcon- cii'-ci Or*. K'"nnedy £: Korean a*. tha!a£lrc-sor». Jbadhcaid & creat d-sl n'to'it tJu-m and c*^nci*jd^d (rem tho fact tlwi e«t.-»b''f hfd ever «5 ysn t'-at th^v understood t!n-:r bi de' * wit*: tho rwsulto. In cr.a rr^tk 1 fc't bff;t*r and £n a f wec^kft wtf cctU^lv Ciired. Uuvd gained sixteer. poon'-ls in t/cicUt. G. if. WliGHT, Laoaiag. d ncaia & Kreai \*\ t»!.fy hid been |> iitineKS. I r..:i 5;^ E. V.'aiauT. E5TA3L1SHSO £3 YIAR3. CURES CU.'iS;! ;STEED OH fiO PAY. SKAS YOUTii BLOOD iSEEM BSSkJAOED ? \ BLOOO PO!SO;:j3 I sap tho very lifo biood of t ara the mort prevalent o^d ino*t acriotia dncasea. They r tho^icltin i.nd Q'lless entirtly erndic-tc.t frcra iho syr.tcm will ;i3flt(f.r: GUI co.iipli.:a'. ions. Diwarocf Mercury. It ciily cuppreasei th3 syiuptocis â€" our {NEW HL rilOD I'Osiuvely euros :.:t bl.)od uitM;;:sea i»revLC* JYCUMC! on KJODUS-ACiO MEW.-Ioiprndenl aeia er later excesisi jhavo broken down your system. Von fatl synintttnis stealins ever ycu. Meulxli/, J physicallj and ccxuaily you iza not t^« ir^c yon used to ba or should be. , P^ (S CJS Ara yen • viciiai 7 fTsvc you lost hope? Aroyon latctdiag ^g^i^g^ to marry ? Has ^oor blood been diseased? Il&vo yju ccy I wcakcca ? Our Nc-:t Method Trei*tmant wiil ctire ycu. Vv'hat it haadone fi^r cth«riiii jwilldofor yoj. COMSULTATIOM FREE. Ko matter who has treated you. wr:io for lanlioncit opiaion I'r.-e of Cliargo. Charges reasonafc;-. CODKS FRERâ€" "Tbo Goldea I Monitor" (lUustratcd). on Liiieaucs cf .Vlea. Scaled Uook ca â- 'Disosscscf Womsa" Free NO NAMES USaa WfTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Svsry jthlns ConfId«ntial. Question List for Kome Treatment Tree Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. K ov K K dt K -K <«s » :K AiK- 190* TO I9I4-F0R*40 ToiMi-raifSO / raOST PENCE is file cheapest you can buy The 6rat cost may be moreâ€" but the Brst cost is the only coal. Suppose cue fence costs $40, and lasU, aay, for 8 years. That fence coats you (5 a year. ' Suppose the same length of Frost l-ence coats jss. But the Frost Fenceâ€" made of Frost I/>ckâ€" Uuts for ij yearsâ€" «t a mat -UJ High Carbon Steel Wire and locked with the of only $] a year. Isn't the Froat the cheapest you can b«iy ? G. W. ROSS. H. RIDLCY. Frost Fence, are for sale by • Meunvell • Ceylon ^CLEARING SALE Buddies, Ulddons, Democrats, Carts, Plows, li^arrow:, etc* Of Having sold my wareroom to the new hotel company I find it necessary to clear out my whole stock of the abjve articles. Reduced prices rule now. Don't Miss The Chance. J. HEARD. - - - Flesherton. m mmm HiiiiiGf wm For First Clasa Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cii^jMn«^ieiK'>s. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALi^bmkSE SMOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and Kuarantee first class work. Wo keep ou hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and Harria and Noxon repairs for binders, Muwert maohtliory, also Pinder Twine on hand. Siso Massey- all kinds of Olben in town dive US a call '^

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