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Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1906, p. 8

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X f April K 1906 U. ^u_. ^ V The Markets. carefully Corrected Each Week. (>»l« 31 t.. 31 JVhs^, 72 to 72 iJifley 46 to 45 .... 70 to 70 H*y * 6 00 lo 5 00 P«uit>uH per bug «0 to CO Mutter 16 to 10 i:«!{iifr»sh 14 to 14 THE FLESIIERTON ADVAKCB In Furniture The largest and best stock of funiiluib uver Bhown in Fleihor- t<>n. This withiiiit fear of contra- diction Cotiiu and 8HU some < the uico things in t ;'. • Sideboards Dining Roorn CI\alrs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special roduciion jiist now on everything It order to reduce the stock. W. \t BUNT cfufnttupe Sjea/er FlesberloD - Out. CLiâ€" ~ "Canada's Greatest Nurseilos" WANT 41 Local Salesman for Flesherton To 8rll Hinh CIhrs Nursery Stock in FruitH and Urnanioiitiil. Largest List iif NEW SPECIALTIES ever offered. bl'AKT NOW AT THE BEST SEL- ijlN(i SEAS )N. Hiii inducements, Lib- -«>r»l Pay. HandHDino Free Outfit, Terril- oj-y R.<»erved. WHITE FOR TERMS an<l Cata1'>^ue and send 25c for our ALUMINUM POCKET MICROSCOPE (uiagiiilius 4| liincH) and 5()o for onr mANDY SAW, just the thiiiR for trim- ^ning trues (outs iron as well as wuud.) Stone & Wellington (OVERSOO ACttEs) Toronto - - Ontario HURRAH ! For Pretty Homes. D dn*t Cet Jin Umaeteur. lATcbll Pa.pex*a In. Abun.da.nce Woliave just ri'ivivfd (lur ui:w wall |i.i|hii'f, Kiir Iwil n.'iinn iii'l living r<Hitiiit some rufrcNh- iiUJIy liii(fbt and linlit< arc priiviileil, wliile fur Ii1i.ariv<.iir'l'iiiiiiiir ro.miH the tupHiitiy unH fihric; tr>aliniut«i»r« particulai ly ntylinh. We nl.iiivn lafwfiiiii(?f c.( inex|n-iiiive |ii|iprH (»r hittli'cIasMilituiiutiiiii, ill |i. iiitml v>'l'>iiis, iwo tone tif.ktiur-ir.M, art nifitviviti dt rt'^iiti, â- ilk |>*)wrii, III lin «, |i»iii!l dtf'viratioiiM, ( nnvn <'tf»c'i) and K"M "iiilnwisBd l>a|K'rx, in ailditinii to inAiiy ntlur slyU'n. i' ill i.iirly and wrcnrc yii'ir cli(iic« nf pnpcr for lOKIrci'ini". l*iinf«i-an7»friiin8o. piirmll ii|>. Haiirilci fcn!. frtc Ui any i«.t« m for tt:e i skiiiK. O.dnn fiM' pauarhanjin^ At >uld Ijuin cany t.> Bvoi'l till' mull. C. E. TRYON • - â-  PRICEVILLE Practical Uacorator. A Practical Bciu- cation At Tlic Owen 5ounJ, Ont. r*tll rtf>iiltl»» \n\\x ftftriii*<L' p'jwii*. U ont^j^c- â-  I ilrma f»» iii'iiitlH'kt tlii' Iiiftltiitlori t.vjflin- |p|<'tn a till)""! !li I'raclii il liiiiili'«j» Coftpii" or ablurthV'i'l »" I T»p •w.iil'ir; \'<ft\t»>, HBd lit yon for a n!iiiuni-ralivinio»itl"n. ' u'cnU adiiillto .' kut liinn. Kull paTtlcu- ; iiy tiiiii) froo. la C.A. F ^prlsc Ttra Beg MMINQ, Principal To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How Is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. ThichlMr^n cannot poi»lblyb»T«rorMlhaaUh uiileit th» bowwla %r9^ in proper rondlllou. Cof- ract any cnnitiiiiitlon by Klvinc imall Ulatlve doMl of Ayar't rllli. All TaKetable.iugal'Coatad. t>T 3. 0. Ay« Oe., iMwjII, ;ao manuiaotttrara of 9_ BAIR VIGOR. AQUe CURE. CUEBRY PECTORAL. xfers lKr« !!•â-¼â€¢ BO â- â€¢er«U 1 W* pnbllah the formnUa of *ll onr madloln**. BARGAINS * .. .. AT.. .. PORTLAW TINWARE- Now is the time to buy your tiiiwBre and Port Law is the jilace to buy It as everything is manufactured at at hiinie. FOOTWARE -Wo have a large stock of ladies bootsâ€" just the thing for spring also Men's heavy Euulihh and French kip which we are selling below cost. PRINTS â€" Also a nice lino of prints, Kinifhtt'ns, duck shirtini;, c^itttonadu and ready to wear nkirta. Fresh groceries arriving almost daily. Shepherds tloiir for sale. St. John and Roulston, Ueuural Merchaots Port Law Bl' Cards MCULLOUGH & YOUNQ Itaukur Markdale Oo a KO'ieral banbiui^ bualness . Mouey loaueu a r«aaoual>le rate Uall ou us. TOFHSbETT, • I'ohtinauter, Ooylon. Coinmitniionur lu II, C. J , Convovanoer, deedH. uiortKiwu', loaaen, wIIIh utc. carv.'ully drawn u| CulluctluuB inad#, cliarf;eii reaHoualdo. Ali-u grocerioH, Hour, {cud etc. kept lu itock, Pricui- rixlit. RJ hpkOule Poiitmaitrr, FlashertoD wOuiiulSBlouor In H.C. J., Auctionaer Con reyanoor, Appraiger and Money Lioudei Ueal Kstate and Insuranoo Agent. Ueedt mortKAgea, loases and wIIIh oarefnily drawl up and valuatiouB made ou rhortest uotioe. money to loan at lowest ratea of interoei. Coi dotious attended to with proiuptnest charges low. Agent (or Ocean Doiuloloi Staamabip Company. A call solicited. Societies AG U M* meets ou the laat Moodax tn eaou month, lu their loORe rooui Chriatoe'9 block. 8 p.ui. M.W., Krank Cbard ; Hec, T. Ulakely, Financier, W.J. ael.amy. Vliiting bretlirsD iDTlted, PUINOK AKTHUll I.ODUE, No. :H.1,AF,' A M, ineotB In the Mafionichall. Strain** block, Klusberton, every Friday on or before the (nil iiiocn. John Wrisht, W M.; C. N. Kichar sou, tieirotary. noi'llT KLKBHI'.KTOS, 905, I. 0, F. n eetn ii ^ ChrlstOK'H lUork the laet Krldavovunini; of Hftrti nioiitb. VittitinR ForpRterw lieartil welcome. <;. It., Dr. Murrey, 11. C. W. Loucks; Kill. Hec, H. A. WiUctt. I'lRanu pay duuB to II, A. WiPett on or befor. the last day of the proceodiiie month. pnoBKN PhinNDH-Fleahcrton fonnoll oi ^ OhoHi-n Frirndi luuotii In Olayton'a ball flrr^ and third, Wednesday of each inont 6 p. ii t'HV auHHRHniciUtt to tile Iteconlcr on or bt*Jar> '.re flrHt. fla> of uacli month, ('hief Couuclflor. r. DIaKttlujiHeoordor, W. H, iJuut. '^ MiDlCAL On C.MITKII lACtf Sc H Ont, Physician, Rnreeon.str OlHua and raaidonceâ€" I'eter at., Flealjuiiou nU.A.T. IIOKD " Oradiiatc Toronto rnivomitv. Mom bor of Onta' io (lolli'fie o; PliyHicfialiK and Kni- ijuonn. Maxwell. On', auuoaaiior lo Dr. bcnti I P 0TTP.W1!1,T, ' Veterinary flurgeon Oraduato of Ontario Veterinary Colletie. reaideuoe â€" SBooud door Bouth went' or. Marv street. This street ruus loutli Presbytoriau Churob, a WIUSON, lllairkanilih ^' Irailiiatojol the Ve>eriiiarT _»_, Bclom- V««ooUHoii. UMTli^i.. litirhani Ureut, oi pOBItu liovd, illcl<:li,G'a hardware. "l^AL r f'uoAs wnia u llariintrrn OffluiiHâ€" Owon V H Whi' ut N nâ€" "liphc •Sal idfc' OUT i. HONOR ROLLS Report of Kimliuiley public school for March. Stnior Form. Vsrâ€" Arthur Walter, Wilfrid Walter, Victor Ellis, Olive Gilbert. V jrâ€" Elvie Uiahop, Eva McGee, Francis Hurd, Eula Uurd. IVâ€" Enna Rurritt, Willie llammond, Errol Uaudin, LenoraGaudin. HI sr â€" Bernice Scott.Eunest Proctor, Aonie Curry, Dalton Fervuson. Ill jr â€" Stanley Walter,Lizzie Isoau and Etta U'lckens, vqual. Walter Uurritt and Allen Ferguson, equa'. Average attendauce fur March 29. C. E. Stuakt, Teacher. Junior Form II sr â€" Nellie Burritt, Maggie Ruid, Wilfred Scott. II jr â€" Bennie Walter, Barbara Curry, Violet Ferguson, Maude Fawuett, Annie Cornfield. Sr pt IIâ€" Addio Gaudin, Elsie Ferris, Josephine Ferris, Albert Smith, Verna McConnel. Jr pt II â€" Rustel Harris, Perle Fawcett, Sr 1â€" Ellen Best, lUchacl Hutchinson, Vernon Bishop, Elmer Ellis. A forage attendance for March, 24. Miss Gertrdue Cssar, Teitcber. Report of S. S. No. 17 Artemesia for March. 4 sr â€" Maggie ♦Fisher, Vera Phillips, Fred Russell, Dma Pedlar. 4 jrâ€" Walter Akitt. 3 sr â€" Ernest Russel, Edgar Belts,Reita Fisher, Carl Atkinson 2 srâ€" Eddie White and Edwin Smith, equal, Annie Betts, Reiia Betts, Allie McDonnell. 2 jr â€" Bertha M>>rrow, Lila Fisher, Minnie Armstrong, Adoie Wikon. Pt 2â€" Wesley Smith, Frank White, .'\nnie Pedlar, Elwood Partridge. Pt 1 sr â€" Uarley McLean, James Leech, Edgar White. Hi'rbie Betta Pt 1 jrâ€" D.-lla WiUon. Average attendance 40 E A. Mar.«uall, Teacher. '% .r---^ ». ,T <t- MrAKM K IcitorB roiivnyanofifl, pti nd. rtnt and MarkdaloOnt MtiAimut 1 11 I.iTAf II uUUe, Milcheirs llui:!. DKNTfSTUY D^ , p., C. h IIRRAV I/. D. H, dental â- iprc-o' llO lo fi ndiintc of Toronto Uiiivcrpitv enc< ovale 'l»Ki of i>«ntal SiirK>.ih« of iiiHrii'. Casai^in ii>' ati' n for teith r-itrai'irn ID satKi'lio OJ, 'PoroutJ roe, KIceh rSo i ^. ^i. Report nf Port Law school for March. 4 sr- Alice Holman, Fred Taylor,Cecil Moldrum. 4 jr â€" Fliissie Simmons, Delia Pedlar, Ray Pedlar. 3 sr â€" Hany Kleldrum, Elbert CornGeld, Frank Holman, Maggie Simmons. 3 jrâ€" Frank Tayh.r, May Corneeld, Edear Jackson, Pearl Watson. 2 sr â€" Viola CoriiBeld, John Badgarow, Ilia Lyot'S.L. Lynns. 2 jr â€" Lizzie Osborne, Marshall Sher- wood, Vina Watson. Pt 2â€" Iva McNally, Lizzie Croft,Snrah Croft. 1 sr â€" Annie Fisher, Fred Osborne. 1 jr â€" Wilfred Roulston, George Udell. jVleta Lyons, Leslie Jackson, Harry Thonpson. Average altendaiicn 3<). H. W. Stafcobd, T8acher. Report of S S. No. 7 Arlemesia for the month of March. 5 â€" R. Paton, Joseph Oliver. 4 sr. â€" Jennie Muir 4 jr.~Fr«d Vause, Harry Jones, Ger- tha McPhail. 3 sr â€" Emma Meads, Annie MacMillan Willie Oliver, Pearl Henderson. 2 sr, -Johnny Whyte, B. Vause, May Muir, H. Wiitson. 2 jr â€"0. Muir, K. MacMillan, OarBeld Whyto, EHa Gilchrist. 2 ;it sr.â€" Archie Whyte. 2 pt ir.-Lii|'H McPhail, Eddie Ding- Will, Walter Willi.«nison. 1 sr. â€" Clark MacMillan, Lottie Muir, Ralph W illiainsi'ii. 1 jr.â€" D. MacMillan, Ethel Gilchrist, A'ilfred Parslow. Present every dayâ€" Clarance Muir, Harry Jones, Emma Mends, Johnny â-  eads, Johnny Whvte, OarfiulJ Whyte, ilalph Williamson, Wilfrtd Pi ^ Average attendance, 30, An.nik IIakiiow, Teacher, 8. Thurston h«s a selectinn of 25 ditfer- ent varieties of p.istal cards for you to choose from. 6o each or G for 25c. Sbortbornsjor Sale. Shorthorn Cattle, of extra quality and breed- inu, Li'viulas aud Wimples, both beef and niilkiui; atraiOB. AUo Ikiuwold and Luicester Bheup. m>l CHAa BTAFFOKO Flesherton. %^ ,^m^ BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade (i/Iarks CopvriiOHTS &c. Anrono Bcnilln» a sketch sn.J il»f rpiiria ni»j qiiU!ktr asrermra onr opinion free wiiPthcr si lilTpntIrm 1. prohsblf'lc. t'<itiinli:nlr«. tlmi«« Il.-.nilr.onkon I'.-iI' nU iciil free. <ihltfrtt acuncy fur so<niriiJt: pntfli'l*. Fnleiits taken tUrouiirb ^lur.n & Co. rc'jclvc IfneitU ruitUe, without di'irg g, la the Sclewlific Hierlcai!. A handsomely lllustrati'd wMkly- I i'r:,-prt pir Clllatleit <.f any scieiilUIo Joii'iiiU. I't-lms. t3 t riar; tonr muULs, {L Sold ly all no»»«'l'<ik'rs. •i^l INN &C0.36' Broadway, fJoyvYn^! â-  â€" .„ -« y :. .-'..shi. School GMldren's Eyes Snpply Their iDtellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstponisy ~ itvi^tt:' NO QPTiCSAN. K^LESHERTON, fMiim'Miw^im'jsmm. Nervous Debility , OUn NEW METHOD TltKATMBNT will cure you. and make • man [of you. Under Its Influeaeo tbt biain beconiei active, the blood puriflcd so that all plroplca, blutchps and uitMs lienl up; uie nerves becoma n'.roi.g as sitel. so that ntrrousccM, t>ashluin<:»5 and despondency disappear; the cyr.i become bright. J the face full and cU-ar, t-nergy returns lo the body, and the ni<3ral. physical an'l sexual systems are Invleoiaird; all drains ceaseâ€" no more vital ivasce from tta I syjtrm. The various ortans become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know marriage cunn.yi be a failure. We InvUe all the aftlicted to consult ui corlldcnilally and frte of ihatite. Don't let qujicks and fakirs roi) yiu of yoor hard-earned dollars. WE WILL CI'KB YOU OR NO l.Alf. ' It-no names l-bkd without writte.n co.nse.nt. THREATENED WITH PARALYSISa r«[cr C Summers, of Kalamazoo, ttli.h., rotates hii cxiierlcDCc : "1 w.ij troubled with .Ncrvoua De- bility ijr ni-.r.y years. I lay It to In- ^^^ â- Â»Â«^â€" «»i- ulscretlu,-! ani excesses In eaily M*^sr ~\i'i youth. 1 became Very despondent aud f ^ i I didn't care whether I worked or not. 1^ j^t f In.aglned everybody who looked at me. li#,.i"^ ^-.. **% \g\i<:sfri my rccret. Imaclnallve^-^jp t^nt- If'^ ./(liianis at niBht weakened meâ€" my back" "» >. . --% /ached, bad tains In the back of my head, lia:.ds end feet »ere cold, tired In the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, tyej biurri-d. hilr loo.'ie. m. roory poor, etc. Numbness In the frnKcra sot in and the doctor told me be fesrcd paralysis. I tcolt all V'.nds of medicines and tried many Urrt-clais â- 'physicians, wore an electric belt fori three mcnths, went to Mt. Clemens for' ,_,_ __....^,^, , BiroRi TncaraCNT baths, but received little benent. WTille a»Te« tristhint at Mt. Clemens I was Induced lo consult Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, though I had lost all faith In doctors. I.Ike a drotvnlng man I cnminencsd the New Mn.iOJ Treatment and It ravtd my life. The Improvement v,a, "«.";«slc---l could r^i the vigor going through mv nerves. I was cured mentally, physically and aaiually. I I have sent them roanv pa:lents and will continue to dj so. BLIWD diseases' URINAUT COMPLAI-NT^. KIDNET A.N'D BLADDER UlS- ^â- ^CONSri-TATIO^J FREE. BOOKS FRKB. It nnablo to call write for * I Question Blank for Home Treatment DRs-KINISEiYI^ I 148 SHELBY OTREET, DETROIT, MSCH^y ==PROST LOCliS Moke d Fence of Strength The heaviest, strongest wires made can't make a strong fence unless the locks are as strong as the wires. A fence, j like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest spot. The New Frost Lock and Frost Wedge Lock are the most nuyidding parts of a Frost Fence. They make the whole fence as strong as the strongest wire. And rememberâ€" should FxosT FnxcKS go wrong, from mediauical defects or vrorkmanship in building, tliey are repaired, free of charge. G. W. ROSS. - McuKwell » H. RIDLEY. Ceylon MOTHER. SISTER ANDBROTHER Died of Consuinptlon,biit this Linden lady used Psychine and is strong and well " My mother, brother and lister died ol consumption," says Ella M. Cove, of Lin- den, N.S. , "and I myself siifTered for two Years from a distressing cough and weak lunffs. I suppose I inherited a tendency in this direction? " But thank God I used Psychine and It built me right up. My lun^s are now strong. I enjoy splendid health, and I owe it all to Psychine." Cousumption, whet herhercdltary or con- tracted, cannot stand before Psychine. Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the body and makes it idrong and abiii to resist disease. Psychine is an aid. to digestion and a maker of pure, rich blood. The greatest giver of general health ir PSYCHINE (Ploacunced St-kaea) 50c. Per Bottle •R. T. As SLOMIM. UmlM. Tonmtab Easier for >fe Women How nwiny Womoi f.,irly prnan under TOO MUCH WORK, How nmr.y despair of eier (.'e'tiiii! washina nii^k things. How many say "Oh, if I just h»d f.-Hi'r itiu>. croi ks ;ind cans, I could read, write or sow more, or evt'o iiik^ II 111 lie io.sf earli day." A»k your husband to make the dairy work f(0% .'ssier. rif)% ii. «tor, 50% in<.re pleasant, and 50% iiiorf profitable liy nail g u Shii I'liK Tiit'ular crfam separator Uulil you try the Tubular, you eunt iiiiH;:iio' thi- ill l.-u-noe it makes. It skims the milk iuiinediatcly iiffe- niilkiou'â€" Til! re's no ini k sand nt; aroundâ€" no cans anil (laiis to wash. The is si siirp!,. nnd coii\onieut. Come with your husband aud le< in ' take a Tubu'ur afiHlt lor you. J. HEARD. Flesherton. x^xxii^x^x;^ii:^i^9:^i^s^x^ D. McTAVISH lit fimifli ciRfiii6[ wim For Fust Class Ruggios, Carts, Plca.siire and Lumber NNagons, cutlers, Sli-iiflia. W« koep a slock on band to choose from. ALSOHOkSESHOEINQ ANDGENERAL BLACKSMITHING snd tfuaranteo fir.-tt cIssk work. Wo keep on li.'itid Plongtis and Plough Vf [mirs, n Hams and Nnxou ii'i-xirs for lin.l.-r.i, Moweit all lipi 'hiiioiy, Hindi r Twine en hand. » lUbcn in tdwn give u$ a call « SiKO Massey- kimU -if ""f

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