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Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1906, p. 1

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'%. 1. * wR ' . / f « TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLE fcl KOT MEN. i « r i « h VOL XXiT, NO 1256 Fleshicrton, Ont. Xliursciay April i;^. ^4,000 W. H THURSTON. ^ES'v^l PBOPBIETOK The Aftermath. After tho Christmag sftle^ which were extraordinarily large this yeur, wo find l<.-ft in Dtock afine lineof gi«id» wUioh wc tUiuk cveryuuc will concede ia Just the Thing for Wedding Presents. Tliese are the choichest of gmxia â€" no cheup tri».-ii. Cuiau and sew them anyway. Jllarm flocks Til wake you up the'e dark mnrnings, and all kiudii uf Cluvks at all kiudii uf prices. Jt^/efma/t fountain. SPens, Fiknuy Ink Stauda, etc, {oraale. W. A. Armstrong Kimberley Veylon L industrial Home Notes {By an Innuxtt) A. Brokbn Stawâ€" The nmst iiiterBut- in!< aud pltfaaaiit event whidt has over takeu place at this instil ucion since its iuoeptiuD, was the marriage of Hiss Mary Emma, ualy daughiur uf the esUienied iimiiu^er and iiintiun, Mr. and Mrs. Uar- iiess, with Mr. Joliu of Oweu Sound on Tuesday the 3rd. Tho coreinoi.y was performed liy thn Rev. J. S. I. WiUon, puKlur of Markdate Methodist church, at Oordon Wiley uf Wodeliouse BpeafStUt^lg d«y with his cousin, VVdlard Gilbert-. ' Dnhon Lougheed and sitter Belle of the 10th line, Collin({wood, spent Sunday ut J. M Fawcett's. Wo are sorty to report Mrs. James Stuart and Mrs. John Martin on the sick libt at present Sut hope to hoar of liieir nptedy recovery Mrs. George McCartney and dauuhter Maoola uf St. Vincent were the guests of the foinior'a parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCulluUi;h, during the past week. The fuUotkiiig conipiihes the Kimburley . public school (Maple Leaf) football team : | Capuin, Frank Hutohiusoii ; Sec -Treaa., Wilfrid Walters ; ({oal, Stanley Walter ; full l)acks, Wilfrid Walter, Arthur Wal- ter; half backs, Ernest Proctor, Andrew Fawcett; toi wards, Frank Hutchinson centre. Viator Ellis, Stanley Wallace, Eirol Gaudin, Eddie Smith. We are sorry to report a rather serious accident which befel Mr. Williuni Sloan one day laut week while engaged in fram- ing some timber for his new barn. The adz which he wms using accidentally slipped, inflicting a nasty wound below the knee. Dr. Shultis of Heathcote dressed the wound and the patient is now, we are glad to report, making satis- factory proffress towards recovery. Mr F. a, Goff of the holiness workers society took obarue of the service in the Union church here on Sunday evening last and preached an excellent sermon from l8t Cor. 8-1. Geo. Stewart of Flusherton spent Sun- day at his parontal home here. ^iitt:^ l^ibt. D. Legate has returned ume from the Sanitarium apparently much impruTed in health. We trust he is now in a fair way to regain his former good health. Clara Cook too ia beginning to look like her former self. Mr. K. Cook and Miss Millie attended the funeral of his cousin Mrs. Jack of Traverston who had been married only about a year aud a half. She died of consumption. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morgan of Dun- dslk visited his sister, Mrs. J.B.Egau on Sunday. Mr. Bgan having purchased the old Purdy property heie, he purposes putting a stone fouudntiun -Jiidei the old building and will practioaly make it a new building, thus removing au old eyesore from our main street. McFarland, Stafford & Co s. Big Store MARKDALE, ONTAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE" Caught Cold while bunting a Burglar Mr. Wm. Lanorgan, provincial constable at Cbapleaii, Outnrtu Kays: 1 cau(;ht a severe cold while huatiiig a burKiar in the forest swamp last fall, Ueariiig of Cliamberlaiu's Cough Heiuedy, 1 tried it and after usin); two hiuuII bottles was completely uured". This remedy is intended espeuiaily for coughs aud colds. It will loosen and relieve a, severe cold in less time than by any other treatment aud is a favorite wherever its Kuperior excfUeuue has become known. For sale by W.K.Hichardiiou uud U.L. Douglass. Spring Suffered for Five years with Kid- ney and Liver Trouble. "I suffered for five years with kidney and liver tniuble which caused severe \w.m» across the bock and a blinding headache. I had dys- iiigh noon ill the inaiuiger's cosy parlor i iwpsia and was ho coustipated that 1 could not and in the presence of a limited number ; •»'"'* w'')»R"^ » cathartic. I was cured by â- ^ - .... Chamberlain 8 Stomach and Laver Tablets and .<'f relatives and most intimate friends of the coiiiriiciiiig piirtics. The tall neat biture of the bride looked expressively uhariiiine, neatly and appropriately cos- tumed in rich, pure white ailk devoid of all superduuuR ostentation, attended by her cousin, Mixs Duiuiiugton of Kilsyth, who aku looked very attractive, plainly but neatly attired in spoilesa white, while the manly but stjuiewkat timorous looking groom was attended by bis brother, Mr. Arthur Frost a young and handstima speuiiuen of Canada's rising generation. AftKir the conclusion of the ceremony aud ttie usual oou^ratulatious, the party adjourned to the dining ronio and partook of a sumptuuuf wedding dejnuner, renew- «d congratulations, made pretty little a4>eecheK aud indul^^ed in pluaaant repartee Mrs. Frost accompanied by Miss Dunn- iiiutoii then went throil|(h the house, the tornier nhsking hands and bidding adieu to the inmates, presenting each with a pieve of her rich Wedding cake, the latter young lady gave to each iuaiate a stiuare chunk of luscious taffy. The happy Couple left by the 7.33 a. ui. train on Wednesday for Toronto from whence •ifter a brief stay thev proceeded on their way to Muoso Jaw, their future home. The bride wore a very becoming travelling dresa uf Isdies blui* with hat and veil to match. Tbey carry wiih them the best wishes of a lan;eciicl» of friends. Among the well wishers of tlie bride are number- ed the inmates of this institution whose higheol esteem and profound respect has been commanded by her assiduous and unnHNuming attur.tioii to duty, her pleas- ant oountenanco and ever oblitfiiigdisposi- tun, as first (under the matron) or prin- cipal member of the Home staff, from the beginning, and we 8iiic«>reiy trust that bet future may bo a hmg life of continu- ous prosperity, made doubly so by un- bit'ken felicity. Miaa Robinson now occupies first position, under tho uiatroii, un the staff, Miss Merriain takes Miss H's. place while MiiM M's. position remains vacant, (or the present at any rate. The new house committee met in the iiiaiiugur's otiice on WodueHdny last for their lil-Ht ijuurtfrly ti-aiisautioii iu ooii- iieotioii wiih the homo. Junius Dunlop, th<) poor unfortunate iiiiniit« rtfeiTud to in fornier iteniR, paused 4|<iietly away about uooii. oil Ftidny last. 11 m deatli was u happy releaKe for hiiii- «elf us wrll UK for ilioso who Attended him for not only were his feet, but (mrt of his body bsdly frozen befoie he cnme here and he presented a sorry spectacle and a liioHt rlisagroeatile la.-k f>ir the o!d soldier who attended him day iii-d night and who ia worthily deberviiig of some extra recoiupeiiou fur s > aiduous a tusk. By urran!{vineiit of frieiidR, undertaker Chapman provided the buriid re({uirement and on Satuiday niirning conveyed the remains to rocklyn and handed them uver to f I lends for interment. have been well now for nix months," says Mr. Arthtu: Strickland of Chattanooga, Tenn. For sale by W. E. Kichsrdsoii and H. L. Douglass. MAXWELL Millinery Opening The Greatest Spring and Easter Opening Ever Held Here. Cbursday, Triday and Saturday, Jlpril 5 6 JInd 7 Most cordially shall we welcome everyone to the largest and finest Millinery display we have ever had. Our large, bright show room has been redecorated and a wonderful array of creations produced from patterns trom Paris, New York and Toronto awaiting your inspection. We have spared no trouble to suit and there is not a taste but we can please and scarcely a purse but we can conform to it. This department is pres ided over by our new milliner. Miss E. Armstrong, of Toronto who will make it her business to please every customer and fill orders promptly. Spring Bargain Days in Dress Goods now before Vandeleu r Some one in our burg is very fond of taffy, as several of the sugar bushes have been visited. We would advise the par- ties to bring back kettles, aud not be so mean. It is rumored that a man not far fntra our village caught two young men in the act of taflying off in his bush. They were lei off by payii:g a dollar each. A number uf the many friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. Wnj. Hanley on the 8th line and hold a surprise party for M.r. Keith Robertson prior to bis departure for the west. The following address was read : Mk. Kuth Robkktsom,â€" With great regret ws learn of your departure from smonxst us. We take great pleasure in presenting you with this shaving set, not tor its intrinsic value but as a token of jolly good fellowship you have evinced at all our social gatherings, hoping whan, as you u^e it while you are out on those Mr. Walter DougHss visited his brother Richuid a few days lust week. Miss McArtbur, of Markdale spent Sunday with her sifter, Mrs. E. Cullis. Miss Hawkins, of Murkdule,Hpeiit Sun- daj with Miss E. Douglas. Mr. M. Baird held a very successul sale one day last week. Mr. 13uird talks of going west. Mrs. Devon has moved into Mrs. S. Douglass' house. A number of the church members made a bee recently and gave the church its spring cleaning. On Sunday last Dr. Caldwell preached a clear, concise sermon on dancing. Division meeta on Friday night, elec tion of ofiicers and installation of officers. A full attendance isdesired. Temperance Convention The temperance convention held in the Methodist church Monday last wa handicapped by bad weather, still the executive meeting ip the iifturiioon was fairly well represented, when ways and means of enforcing the local option measure, which is about to come in force iu Thornbury, ColliiigwooH, Uaprey and Arleiuesia, iu this riding, weredivcussed. Among tho resolutions adopt>.>d was one western plains, your thoughts may ho re- > coiidemuingihe flO per cent, clause of the verted back to dear old Osprey. Signed on behalf of friends and neighborsâ€" Will Lawlor, Dan McDonald, Feritie Summers. James luksler, Will Molfat, Nonnaii Hulroyd and Keiih Robertson left on Tuexday morning for the west. We understand some more of oar young men aie goiiiK wes. a little later. We think there will also be a car load of our young Isdies jtoiiig srest next spring. Miss Flo Morstsn has returned to her home in Oweu Sound. Mr, Will Long is visiting at his home at prevent. There will be an eutertainment giren in the Methodist church April Ut iu aid of the MisbiOM Band. Geo. Moruan is tho guest of his sister, Mrs. Flesher. Doo Fniroy and James Long spent Sun- day in Flesherton. Mis Siiiall of Uurkeley and D. Murphy spent Sunday at Mr. Guy's. Mrs. Shortt of Maiquelte is visiiing her sister, Mrs. Fred Spofford, this week. Ciiptuin UeuiroHO and Mr. Flu»her spent a couple of days iu CoUiugwood tliia week. We uiideistand our photographer is doing very successful work. Miss Emma Wliiteoak spent last week with fiicnds at Mclutyro and Maple Valley. new Liquor B 11, and this condemnation was forwarded by telegraph to I. B. Lucas. Tho following resulutiuus were als'i adopted : " That the president of this executive be empowered, in the event of there not beino sntisfnctory enforcement nf local option in any municipality in this riding after the tiist of May next, to notify lep' rosentttives of the executive in such mU' nicipality to ask their councils to appoint a special officer or oHicers to act in oon juuction with the inspector." " That the local vice piesidents of each municipality be urged lo iliorougbly or ganize and appoint committees in the various districts in their niunicipalities whose dulie.s shall be to obtain infoimu- lion <if violation of the Liquor Act and assist the Inspeutor or other officer in every lugitiaiute way in enforcing the law." Tlie evening meeting was nddressed by W. G. Pickell, Rev. J.S.L Wilson. Rev. H. K. Kemp uud Ruv. Dr. Caldtvell. Get ready for Easter, your dressmaker is rushed Spring is here. Choose your dress matorials Here are a few of our great bargains below ; 10 piece!) 42 inch Grey and Fawn mixture Tweeds, regular 7oc at 52i 6 pieces 42 inch Lustre, black, brown and blue, all wool, regular 4(lc at 29 8 pieces grey mixture, good weight tweed regular 40c for 25 7 pieces Plaids, all wool, worth from 60o tu 75o at 40 Some ]EiXtx*ci.ox*din.a.ry Valvies In "^ATasli Goods 50 pieces of English Cambric Shirtings, very fine [iHttcrns, regular 17o at 14':, 20 pieces nice patterns, linen apron material, regular 18c at 10|c. 10 pieces of Linen Towellings, regular 8 and 10c at 5f. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW STOCK OF LADIES' SKIRTS? Come in and see the value of them 12 Ladies Black Cloth Skirts nicely trimmed, NEW GOODS. Regular 2.75 at. . .1.98 12 Grey Tweed Skirts, very new. Regular J3.00 for 3.25 12 Ladies Black Cloth Skirt.8, tba very luteal styles, all sisus. Regular 5.50 for. . . .3.25 12 of those very latest Pleated Lustre Skirts, in blue, green and black. Rogulaf $7.50 for .6.J6 Spring Coats The new stock ia here. If we haven't what you are looking fur we will be pleased to order a jacket for you. S Fawn Covert Cloth Ladies Jacket, new design, regular $12.00 at $9.00 5 Ladies Fine Covert Cluth Coats, nicely made and trimuied, box pleated back, icgular $16.00 at $10.00 McFAKlvAND, STAFFOI^D &c CO PAGE FENCING Chambcrnlnin's Salve in good for any di'scsse iif the sliin. It ullays the itcuine and Iiim ning sensation iiiHtjuitly. For sale by W. K. Uioh- itrldon aud U.L.Doiiglas8. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and myself contracted severo colds which spoedilydavehiped into the woiHt kind of 1;» grippe with all its miserable syinpton"," Kay>tJ.S.Ki{lo«ton of Maple l.Atid- iig, liiwu. "Kneeii and joints aching, muscles sore, luail Hlopiied up, eyes and nose inuning with alternato i-polls of thills and fuior. W« j grown in „......_.:.:â- â- ' ' ;?;•- eiiains Suunucii and Livor Tablets, aud by its >lvtelv knocked out the began Chamberlain's Cou^h Roniedy, | see, and upon which a very aiding the siune with ft double doHa of Cham A Paper of Influence. An BmliMnt King's Coun •â-  Bxprcsses hU Opinloa •! Canada's National Newspaper. Iu addressiiiii iho jury at Cobourg I'lsi week in the libol action of Coyle v. The Globe, Mr. W. R. Ridell, K.C, couiisil for the plaintiff, gave utterance to the f illowing sentences : There is a paper known as The Toronto (ilobe, a paper known to everybody in this country. It has an uiiornious ciruuhuion throughout tho length and breadth of the civilized world. It has an e.norniojs iiillnenc« ; it is a paper wh ch at least one-half of the •lividuah in this country desire Ut iaig'! propur turn pin their faith. So intluoiKi*! it that noma of the Refonnei.i said, instead ""•""' Sb^wiKis^^r^rK."' ''«'--"» '^^ <^"y."-j-'y ">--<' mv- I "Give u»*thi» day our daily Ulobu,' THE BEST When you buy a knife for instance, you consider the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot necessarily the best. Now there is just as much difference in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wir«i which though it costs you but little more, is fifly per cent, (50%) stronger than wire in other fences. The lightest PAG E fence is as strong as the heaviest of other tnnkes. Notice the lock in PAGE "EMPIRE "FENCE. You may have noticed also that Others are imitating it. That is a good recommend for Where we lead others follow. All PAGE wire is "COILED." crimped IS THE CHEAPEST THE LOCK "ElvlPIRe" it. not Besides the extra strength and superior workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip> ped in Ok. special white paint, which on top ofthc of galvanizing;, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, tliis white coating makes wire much more sightly. Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one- third les* poste are re- quired, thus reducing tho cost of the fencing. As you get in PAGE FENCES one-half more fence strength. greater protection again&t rust, better workmanship, better appearance, us« less posts, can you afford to use other fences, even though you could buy them for one-half the price of tho PAGE? But, really our« cost you little, if any more. 408 IN PAOE FENCES. Get prices before placing your order for Fence G.-ites or Lawn Fence. SOLD AND ERECTKD »v _ 3, H. Beard, FkSD^rton 3a$. Cong, IHaxweia Cbos* Elliott, marUdaU C. ttledaudl). Proton S:a. mount Pleasant l^erd* OlT purobrtij scotch Shoitliornfl with 'ho ta>r»- o IK youiiu (,t.ovli Ixill, S('«ui»ll r.tiliTf, at tliu lioati. \utiii(i btoek l.-r hiiie |irlcei^, reahoauble, lu.uiubasy. iv. .VL.LI11.S, I'rop. 07 luar 9 i^iesiiartuu. Out, FARM FOR SALj hot'Vi^ con, 7. .\rtrni«tir.; UK) aci.-.' I0B8, 7>'> ncrosolomud, ^^> bU'^li. Now .*0, Hvouit btHtilo. (iuotl frAUlubuU'* iroiii sohuoi,^ tuilf) lium I'ut t Otiiot t^ â-  cUvirch. S]t>itiK oi) fHiiu, wtjll lit ii lurtlinr paiLioulaifi npply to ia. \V. Ci-Ai.ii. iltockv*.o MilU.) M ^1 K> I OIK for \

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