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Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1906, p. 5

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; : 1 i! K F L E s rr E ft r n A D V A xV C E. iiPRIL 3 19J5 ^/- anoard ^ Jjank (of C^?*ad.a) Flas openej h branch office in Fleshpr- tnn. where a jjener»l IwmkinG; iMisinesK will be tninsactetl.. Mofiey aviiilabli; fur iejri'imait! business eiiti-rpriaes. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on all points it, CiiiiRrfa andth« Unked States. Tntorc'st Hrllowed on deposits of 81.00 a«J upwards compounded, half yearly. .. G. l^Iitcliiell Agent. w â€" pi I VICINITY . CHIPS I 1 % Characteristics of The Past Week It Carefully Culled for the Cuii. us . . ![l 3^^ f= ?i Oilciike at Richardson's. Dru •< â€" Vniithir ahipm snt of Ucii^.s ^t'. Mare in f'jal f»r sale. Apply to \V. J. Blackburn, Proton St^rion. Get pome fine souvenir |>os'al carJ.s, 5c each, 6 for S5c. S. Thurstun. Mare for saleâ€" 9 years olJ. F. W. Nicholson, Pott Law. No. 1 cl iver and timothy in this week at Riibarrison's drug store. Mrs. John Chard of Miirl>d.-*1« ia tSo guest of lior mother, Mrs. P Ilolman. Field Sevds â€" Turnip, currot.s,niani;olds etc. at Richardgoc's drug store. A fre»h stock of Garden Seeds on hand at Benthiini Bros. Mrs. .7. A. Boyd is visiting her fiieod &Irs. Grier, of Dundalk. Car of toed corn for »nl«. Boyd's ele- vator, Flesherton station. J. & W.Boyd Flit sale â€" I colt,risii>g 4 years, Olitnax, 1 colt rising 1 year. K. Smith, Eugenia. For S lie â€" good work horse, cheap if •old at once. Bonry Pen wick, Eugenia. II you wamt to buy a pair of Prince Arthur colts, one anj two years old, go to Wm.G. Shannon, Vandeleur. Lo(t â€" A hand satchel contains; abont six dollars, on Monday evening of last week. Finder please leave at this office. Practice economy by using Royal Household Flour. Bunthara Bro?., sole agents, Found Saturday last on 4thlino,.Osprey, near Artemesia town line,l Bimliog chain â€"apply R. J. Sproule, Flesbcrton. Anotlier shipment of diu<;s and sta- tionery this week at Richardson's dru',' store, Flesherton. Covered Phaeton for sutlo, tn good condition, a snap if taken at once. R.J Sproule, Flesherton. Colt for Sale â€" One ifood sound four- year-old coll for sale; fit for working. â€" James Genop, Flosherlon. The Dundalk woollen mill, a fanner's company concern, has not been a paying investment and is now offered for sale. Top Buggy for sale cheap and on I'asy ♦erms, aluioBt now. R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Seeds â€" Just received another shipment "f No. 1 Government Inspected Clover Seed at Richardson's Drug store. Douglas is rushing out the seeds these diays. Get your seeds from H. L. Doug- lass. Road his advertisement in another column. b'rost & Wood, combined Seed Drill, f' r sale cheap and on t«'rm(»â€" almost nv-w and in good condttiun, R. J. S^proule, Flesherton. J. E. Hutchinson is this week opening up a Merchant; Tailoring Establishment in the premises Utely occupied byDr. E. Aumsirong. See ad. next week. Cement door siB", window sills and arch key stoaes marie to order. Samples «• view. Call before placing your order mn.l got prices. John Nuhn, Fle<herton Misc Mamie, who has been in Montreal for some lime, returned homo on Saturday and will learn millinery with Boyd, Hickliug Si Co., Mr. Herbori Dyson of tho fourth line, Artemesia, received news Iks' Week of the death of his brother, Arthur William, at Sydney, New South WaloH. The cause t>f death was heuiorrhagu of the brain. The charter of the new hotel company has been secured and a meeting of stock holders for allotting s'ook, organinttioii »ml choosing sitiiwill be held in Clayton's )ta^ll, on Tai-8<I«y next tX 2 o'clock p n>. Cabd of Thamut-I take tbia opportu- »i(x of oonTo^ing my haArtfelt Ibanka to iiiy n.-!ii4hl)orH and friends for their ninny tokens of .sympathy for me when I was in need on aco'iuot of my wife's death â€" BrusEY 'J.tLBHAlTn, Markdale. W. C. Dai'ia, Flesherton, painter, dec- orator and paper h in'^er, keeps on haiij a stock of will papor for sale. Siimples aho*n on rei|ue8t. All kinds of decora- tin;;, paintinu and papurhHn).in){ done on shortest notice. ylma The R. T. ofT. wtfl hold an open meeting in their ha'l, Claytcm's b'ock, on Friday evenin){ of ihis week, commencing at 8 o'clock, A eood program is iHiini; prepared and the public is cordially invited to attend. Tile curtJiins in Mr. D MoTavish's diniog room caught fire fr»m the stuvo cue day last week and creaied quite an excitement fur a time but was extii'- ;jHi3lK-d before any serious da.Tiai;e was dime. k. bad form of lirippo has been epidemic in this coiuuy for the past few W"eks and fciv bive escaped. Dr. iVIcWilfiams of Dundalk says it is the worst form of the (iisuase that has ever ravaged the country. It ap]>eai » to lie abotat nTcr iHiw however. The Wi .men's .Missionery Society of the Mel hodist church are priparing to cele- brate their silver anniversary in the near future. A good program will be {{iven consisting DJ aiiloa, duets, choruses, reci- taiions, readings, etc. The ladies will be served during the evening. We will place a Sharpies Tubular sep arator beside the best, separator of the best other make in csiatence and guaran- tee to cut in half any record fcr clean skimming such other machine is able to make, on hor milk or cold milk, fresh milk or stale milk, cow's milk or goal's milk, nchi milk or poor milk, thick or thin skiuimins. J..\. Heard, agent. Mr. Mark Wilson's little boy, whose head was bo torribly crushed, has m-.tdu a quick recovery and is nttw able to walk around the house although stilt wea)«. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson desire us to thank their many friends for assistance and sympathy during the trying time they have had. Fred, son of Postmaster Chislett at the Station, received a painful wound one day last week. While bandlin<4 an cdd ru.sty revolver the wei»p<'n was acciden- tally discharged and the bullet passed through the fleshy part of his leg above the knee, Induing ju<it under the skin on the opposite 6id«. The bullet was easily extracted. The last hockey match of the seasim was played on the rink hero on Wednes- day evening UiKt between the Ar<;onaiit8 and the seniors. Score 13-0 in favi.r of the latter team. Mr. J. Bowler r>fereed the match. We believ» the Arg.niuits put up for an oyster supper at the Mui- shaw bouse. A convention hn.'hheon callod to meet ill the ivlethodisl church, Fleahertoii, of Centre Grey temperanoB workers, to be held oa Monday next, April 9, to discuss wnys and means of eiif<.ircini> locil o[ition in the municipalities in which it has been passed. A mass meeting wdl also be held in the church at 7.3@>in the evening. See bills for further particulais. Mrs. D. MoTsvish, who was danger ously ill from pneumonia, is now recover- ing unefer the gentle care of a trained nurse. Mr. Coriifield'.s little boy is also recovering slowly, and Mrs. Dr. Murray, who underwent a serious operation on the stomach recently nt the general hne- pital in T<.>ronto is so f:ir recovered that it is expected she will be able to return home shortly. Mr. Speers, of Brampton, cave a mov- ing picture entertainment in the town hall Moiid.iy evening to a fairly good house, who all sppaurad to enjoy them- selves. M>s Sjpeers gaA-e a number of very nice sohw HCcompaiiyiiiK herself on the g.uitar. There was aUo acood gram- ophone in connection wit IV the ahow. Altogether the show ia as good as any- thing we ha?e seen hero and is worthy of palronage. We have received No. 1, Vid. 1 of the Vegreville, Sa»k., Observer, published by Wesley Smith, son of Mr. Wm. Smith of thi.H town. Wes is a gtaJuato of The .\dvance •.dRco. Bis p.iper is a creditable production and well suppliol adver- tising. To show how i|uickly t<iwn» grew up in the great we quote from the Observer: "No stronger illustration of the progress of the Canadian VVesi; could he found than the growth of Vegreville in five short months. Where last October the railway grade was the only break on the virgin praire, now stands a town of 1 nearly 400 population, rppreseutingalmost I every line of buiiness uaually found in a western city." For Sale or R«nt â€" It not sold by March 15 pnsa. \«M 4 Mid 5* oon. 9 Osprey, 800 acres. Known as the late Alexander R 'liinson's farm. This tine farm has a lari-e clearinij and hoil is of a goi.d clay loam, in first class state of cultivation. Well fenced, coaifiirtahio house and a h'g barn and outbuildings. Will be .sold cheap with rea.sonnbie payment down. Eaay t,erms for balance. Will be oIFered for rent if not s ild before loth March. Apply to K.J. Sproule, Fleshert..n. The cidlectors appointed to s<.licit con. tribut'ona to assist Mr. Irwin to pay the Costa arising out of his recent lawsuit have been around and met with good success Mr. H.U. Miller, MP., sent to Mr. Gilbert AlcKechnie a nice letter .accompanied with a donation of #10 for this purpose. â€" Review. Ab. Eichuldt, 12 concession, Sullivan, is the owner of a white Yorkshire sow which gave birth last Thursday to a litter of 21 pigs. This is said to bu a record breaker Nineteen of the little porkers are still alive and thriving well though six of them have to stand t>ack for the second meal, while thirteen go up and root for the first milk diet.- Oheslt-y Enterprise. Ten or twelve years ago Maurice Dowd was one of the most prosperoua and respected farmers of Arthur towuslup but ill au evi. day for himself and bis family he disposed of his line farm and entered upon the career of hotel keeper at Arthur ullage. Soon be fell into drinking him- self and in a few years had become a hopeless drunkard. From Arthur he drifted to Fergus aud thence to Teeswater where his coarse as hotel keeper was wound up last year. There are six or seven small children <rhu have been living wi'b relatives since the moth, r became insane through the wild career of her husband. Dowd's experience in hotel keeping is a touching ubject lesson in temperance. Ho wa» worth fifteen or twenty thousiind dollais on the farm, but to-day ho is fiuaiicinlly worthless, his children are dependent upon friends, his wife is in un asylum aiitj he himself is a wanderer in the west. â€" Grand Valley Star. Boots and $boe$ For the Spring and Summer Everybody will be getting a ne* p»ir of Bix>t» or Shoes or ought to be getlins » pair. In order to meet our increased trade, we have bought largely in this line of goodsâ€" some of the choicest and best that can be had â€" also heavier and cheaper lines. They are bought from some of the best Man- ufacturers in Ontario and equal to anything shown in this line and quite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Cases on hand. Cus- tom work promptly done. Call and wo will try . . • • to give you entile satisfaction at " â-  (Um* Clayton SHOKMAKKR, Death ot ilrs. Boland Jane Balfour Bolund was a native of Ireland. She was born in the county of Fermanagh, emigrating to Canada in the year 1849, and in^irried tlia late James in li?51, bein;^ his secmd wife, lo whom were born Ihiee children â€" John, ex-reeve of Artemesia, .Mrs. Dr. Bain of Denver, Colorada and Teiessa Emily deceased. In religiion she was a Mothod- isl, being a consistent member to the end. In the jii'iiieer days in the uaunty of Grey many a weary itunei'ant found her home a haven of rest through 1 er genora!' « hide souled hospitality The respeit and esteem in which s'.io was bell was plainly manifested by the larue coneourso of friends and neighbors who followed her remains to their last resting place in the Markdiile ceiweteiy. Service was conducted by her p,'»»tor, the Kev. D; , Caldwell of b'lesherton.thu funeral taking place on. Friday last to Markdale cemet- ery. Mrs.Frank Smith of Flesherton desires to inform the ladies of Flesherton and Mai kdale that she has decided to com- mence dress-mnkiiig- at the residence of -Mr, GeOi Hacking, next door west of the Presbyterian church, Mrs. Will, t having given up business. Special arrangements will be made to meet the ladies of .Markdale. The MEDICAL HALL does not Intend t» let its repiitatioa foi the BEST SEEDS .suffer. We have in stock everything in the seed lino required by th<T farmer or gardonei, all from the most reliable growersâ€" no old, dead seed â€" everything fresh and full of vitality. Scores of people are taking advantage of these facts and securing bargains every day. Get your seed for spring plantiag from H.L.Douglass '^.,u^v.-»'...rr....?r; .â- .?': â- :r?^^i-.:^..v>i^^2s^>:^^^sjs^f^^^^^.i-^ ^^/twinI^^^^ : Hereford Bull for Service. The wliite toood beauties are the proper stock for this Heotion. I hive a tine two yenr old bull, "Spartftii" No. 'JTOW, for ICfi 3ra 8. \V. r. 4 8. M , Ai teiu- sia. Teriu8-»1 and 85. lapl OT â€" WKSLEY HUSKIN. TAMWORIM BOAR FOR SERVICE. I liftvo piirchiisod a flno tlioro^Khbied Tsin. worth boar, wliich will bo lorner/looon i.:y TiremiROK, lot 1G4, 3 li. T. lii B. U. Artemesia, Toruis «l. JOHN PUDCAR. Bull Tor Service Pure bred Durham Bull for porvico on »ny premiHus, lot 40, con. *, Artemesia. For toiina and pudlgrou epply to 5apl H. HOIjMAN Port Law. Sbortborns for $ak* Shorthorn Cftttl'>, of extra qnnlitv andbrooi- hiM. L-oviiiiftB aufl Wiuipiofl, both boef Aud milking strains. Also CotRWold anJ Loioestor myl CHAB. STAT-FOBD Flosliorton.. Farm forSale. Or Rent For snlo chonn aud on easy torms of paymriib and if rcqniiutii poBBvsBioii at niic«. lots nuni bora U7. 148 A 140, coimospIou 2(id . S. W., T.A8 road, Artome>4ia, IIB- acroH about half a niilu tht; villaite of Flesh <rton. Ou nnid farm is about 70aoreR clear«(l, foito-id And under oult< Ivation. 10 aoros of which ir in nioadow land, aud about 20 aorea plouRhod for noxt RpiinRfl orop. A comfortable log dwdltng with frninu addition, and log barn and fitiiblon. Kramu luiplemuitt houne. aod a nevor faiULuK nprinu clone to the dwuliIuR. Tho farm ia a splnndld graiu and grazing farm, and oiia btiat htvarlaldy SivuB good croiH) when properly ptit in> AnpW 3 R.J. Hproule, Flesbvitun, or Mrs. B >bi. But ledg«,.Fl«»beru>u BARGAINS at CEYL If you want Milk Cans Cream Cans or Pails you will get thcnv here- We have a nice lot of New Wall Paper in Border and Ceiling to Match. New Gar- den Seeds and Potato Onions 3[a$. Paftison 4^ General Merchant - Ceylon. Bull For Service Tlioronghhrod Durham llnll "KlnB Edward" 54109, willbo for Borvica ou lot ISO, Srd T. S. K. ArtoLueBiti, PediRioo Darli 10.1, calvod Man-b 4Hi lOOt, bred fcy,7obn KhiR, Mclulyio, Ont; 2iid (iiwiim- Johniitoii Cul- loii.m-'l.iBlKii-toii.Ont.; Rot by I'linco Kdwoid .'i'J022 dftiu Uopo of Gniv :17IK>0, by VillaRii litirRO. umslar 2nd 241189, .leiiniu l.iiviMidor 22.'«Kl,liy VoN uut.uor tiiOCO, Daii-y Lnvoiidur IHW, by IJuk« of Lavender (imp) l'34:i (r.llii.'il, Lady Kawaluy 'J48il. bv I<oiiiR..\nind«ll(iiiip) iaM(,'il.'..'il) MisH l.'HWsliiy idllO, by FawHiuy Chief (Inui) lo7 0261*')). Daisy 3r.J 574!), by Oxford RInr.iiiliii '.lie. Divisy .1007. bv I'riiicoof Walus(imi>) •Ji)l(lHiao),I<OBKio Hello r.77, bv VoiliiK KliRlaml liliipj 27J, Itosa !iin)i| i(<l, by I«»roii of KidHdftiu (tll.fll. Simowifo by Uoiniia |Il!)H71,Suo\vdri,p by Stiathmoro tl>547J , Cutber iuo :hd l)v I'layfellow 102971, YooiiR Catberino by Sir William 11^102] Catdorino by limiieror 1U74. TI3:iMR-»l for nvMlOB, »6for tlioroiiKhbrcd", payable Jan. 1, 1907. l"*! ' JOJmaTO.N CULL»N. Srop, Yorkshire Boar and Shorthorn BuU for Service. The undfiralgnod ha» a Thoroucihbred York- abir« Boar "Lakovlew Victor," l()4dD, for servlco OD lot til, .Hnd ranjic W. T, 4 S. K.. Art«iii(>»i8. Also Thorouuh bred Shorthorn Dull," Admiral" S«rTlc« tU tor Uboh. Tbornughbradii entr., .praa. xiiutK (luitio. Notice to Creditors In tbe matter of tho estate of ANNIB' B. SYKES, Uto of tbo Towiish.p ofArtcinosis in (ha County of Grey, Mariied VVoninn, deceased. NOTIOB ia horoby olvoii pursuant to tho Ilo- visodSlfttutos of Outaiio, IH97, i;lmp, 12!) that ad croditors and otburK haviiift olaitiis auiiiiHt tbo cstiito of tho said A.S.ME 1), SIKKS.. dreea-icid, who diet on i>r about tbo 'Twiuity fouitli day ot Jaumry, A. I). 1006, mo imiuiiod.ou or hofoielho 7ili day of May, A.D.IOVGtoBoiid by post prepaid or duliver to H. J. Sproiilo, Baq; 1 I'iortliortioii, Outaiio, or \V. J. Hoilaniy, Kaq.. Klesliertou, Oiif, e.\ocutor« of thu last will and teatament of the aaid docoasud, tbuir otirintiiin uud luriiamoB, addreanes niuK dOBciiptionB, the full particulara of thidr I claiiuH.'tlie atstoinout of tbidr aud accoiiuta I the nature of the Bacurii,io.i (if an<) held by I thoui. I AND FUnTHER TAKK NOTICR that after HUoblaBtmuntiouod date tho Bald adniiiiiBtratris will itrouoe<l to diHtributo t bo aHsets of tho ilsoea». odanionRthe partieneutitlud thmeto.baviui: r»- [ Kardoiily to the claimii ot which thoy Hhall than bavo iiotics,and that the »aid adiniuistra^ rix will not be liahls for the said aasuts or tiay part tbornof to any peraoi) or iierBona of whoMi olaimfl.uotice nball not havo lieen reoelvoJ trji them at the tliuo of auob diHtribution.. Ufttedthtt 3w] day of April, 4.|i.,igX. Lboi, WriKht A Mc irdi*. 0w*a 'ioauA, OiHhr W I U lMit ta> Cm iMoato. « i

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