'2^. ^^ il E F L E S II E il t O ^^ ADVANCE Maech 29 1900 THB I - > »'â- \ â-º \ .» ^ I â- » i :v .* \.t • »' •^ i « :« < « • i V > â- y â- * '.- » I V â- •1 '. I < « \ r i â- Ofancarc/r Jjank (of Canada) n»s opened a liraiivh <ffico in Fleslipr- tiri. whcro a )4':'"'erul hnnkii.g biiRiitean »iil he tninsHcteJ.. .Motn-y nvnilabk* for ( i'j,-itini»ie husiiiL'SS ent.-rprise-4. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on •II poiiitK il. CUiiatlaandtlia Unired Stntes. ID^e^^3t allovsed on depoHiU of -31 00 •lid u(i«-arJ!« conipouude*!, half yearly. . Agent. JVrClNITY . CHIPS I J I Cnari-i-- cf The Past We«k Carefully Culled for the C4I1 1 us , mm ViliS Dale ;ii]d Miss Grier of Dundalk epent Sunday »f Mr. J. A. Boyd'i. Have you tiioJ Ford's Patent ll';ur? It gives satirtfiictiou. Sold at B«?titlihra Bnm. \ Mi3. Cddwell is visitii.ft with her sis- ter, Mra. Brnwii, of Toronto. FtV S.le â€" g(K)d Wdi-k horse, cheap if sold at once. Honry Feu»ick, Eugr-iiia. Mrs. A. S. VanDuseu h;i8 so far recov- eietl from her rec>?ut illness a.«i to return to her hotne here on Monday. Hrire in f->al f.T sale. Apply to \V. J. Biackburn, Proton Station. Miss Jennie Wilson left on Saturday f'lr Ea.st Toronto, where she has aecureil « school under the principalship of Mr. J.E Fawcett, late of Fle.shjrtuti A freah stock of cranges and l<?mi na »lway.s on hand at Bentham Bros. Mr. J..\.Gaudin, of Winnipeg, who ha» been in the west for the past eighteen years, called on hia cou.sin, Mr.i. W. H. Thurston, thia week. A. & D. McMiUvn will be at Markdalo on Saturday next to purjha.stf a car <jf Kood sound heavy horses. Those having iio.'to for sale sbunld bear this d<te in luiiid Car of feed corn for sale. Boyd's ele- vator, Flosherton station. J. & W. B-iyd Fi')r Raloâ€" 1 cultiriaiuc 4 years, Chmax, 1 colt rising 1 year. A. Smith, Eugenia. A special meeting of tho A.O.U. W. fur the transaction of important business «i 1 I* held on Monday evening next, .\pril 2. All members axe especially rf<iuested to a'ti-nd. Vitws near Fovorshain, of Eugenia, Flesherton, etc. ,ou postal cards. 6c each 6 for 2oc. A. S. Thurston. Cement door silK window sills and ai'ch key stones made to order. Samples VII view. Call liefore placing your order and ftet prices. John Nulin, Flesherton. Two if our citizens had a little iiisa- greement one day la.^! week, as a rusuk of which J. A. B'yd had Ed. Thonipson up before A S. Vanduseu, J. P., charted with asiuiult. A fine of S2 and costs was imposed. The assault wai not a serious one. No Hows were struck, A £vcrythin|{ in the line of fish, smoked, ounnod or salted at Beniham Bros. We will place a Sharpies Tubular sep- arator beside tho best separator of the best other make in exioteuee and guaran- tee to cut in half any record fcr dean skiniming such other machine is able to make, on hot milk or cold uiilk, fresh uiilk or stale milk, cow's milk or i^oat's milk, rtch milk or poor milk, thick or thin skimming. J. A. Beard, agent. Mr. T. Qui^g h.^8 recently purchased a IC-months Shotthoin bull from Mr. Cal- der, M. P., of Brooklyn, Ont,, also a Yorkshire hoK from R. F. Duck tt, Son, of Port Credit. These animals are the best of tho kind. Mr. Quig^ has placed his advt rtisenient in The Advance. Mr. W. B. Huntsman, agent of the Tppor Canada Tract Society, occupied the three pulpits here on Sunday lastâ€" morn- iiit; in tho Baptist, afternoon in the Pros- bytciian and tho Methodist in jho evoii- iojj. The speaker gave quite an interest- ing account uf his work among sailors lumbermen and miners around the lukts and in New Ontario. Messrs. Blakelv and Boyd of the s^sh and door factory are doing n givat lush order business on stock for the Northwest iticludiac; complete oulitsfor four hou.ses. Sooie has already been shipped and some i« n'>w under w^y. This touethor with the usual jnhbing work, has kept tho lirm niovini; f»st, and with homo orders now i'o ibey will be busi.'y engaged for some |lm« to oume, and will duubtlesa have to (ttjarge tb«tf sttff. f A ful stock of flour and feed always on h.inJ at Beiitliain Bros. On Fiiday evening last the senior hockey team played h match with a scrub team (the Argoiiaats.) Th3 score wjis 17-13 in favor nf the seniors who reeeived the trophy, a »i!ver cup. The game was not a fiuit I me by any means. Mr. J. Bowler, tho refeee, emlcavnred to sjive enlTe s'atisfactiiin.liaviiigatl-aat one man on the fence niarly all the time. Ho Wore rubl'.ers in older to move around fi'ith greater esse and speuii The pon- alzed ones were moatly seniors. A parly of sevv-n or eight jolly travellers l<»fr. here on Monilay for Eihnonton. The crowd c>iii.siH ed of \V. C.isweil, wh" acted as chupenme.T. Hulmer.Charley Otteweli, the Kinnear tx'ys aiid jouna Glussford, and iin..lher youni; man from Maxwell; and or.irnet MuGrte,£<l and Geo Jamie' son (f Euiieeia. M<>»t of these will remain in the west for tho sum- mer. Mr. Caswell intends to see the Peace river dis'iict befi.re returning and will pruiwbly be away about two moullis. The greatest hockey match of the sea- :lon was played Jlonday evening on the M.iikdale rink, between the Owen Sound and Markdalo clubs,reaulrin<,; in a victory for tho I itCer by onj goal, ihescort; being 3 2. A t;aiu hiad of 0.fen Souiiders Ctuie down to wi<ncss the defeat of their club. The game w;i.s pi lyed in about two inches of water, in which the players were spiawliui; around like fro^s. By this gan^e Meaford wins the cup. Two huiidrtd dcllar." were taken at the door A number of Flesherton sports went up to sec the !>am3. Tho Flesherlon I. O. F. held an enter- tainmeni and banquet in the town hall <jn VVcdutf«d;iy evening of last week when some 95 people, includiiig luembers, wives aud. friends enjoyeJ. the evening with oysters us the piece do renistance. The Cliief Ran;4er, Dr. Murray, was unavoid ably at8;.nt and tho ch.iit was occupied by District Representative Wesley Buskiu A choicu program, la.-!! iug about two hours w:is rendered before the banouet, and consisted of son^f, recitations ai.d musical selections on pi.iLO, violin and eraino- phone. Ihe proEiain was coextensive th It it is iniposi,ible to individualize, tut wo might o-eution a recitation by Miss GLidys Ci.nilicd, "When Father Joined the Lodge," and a duet by Lilian and Liura Armstrong. Mr. John Bollaaiy wa^ a most satisfactory caterer. This lodge ai-peara to be ic a most Souribhing condition. â- I H I I « A Favorite Remedy For Babies. Itii ;ili'as.tnt t;uite and prompt ci'.res have rn^ide Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a favorite with tho mothers of small childreD. Uqurclcly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneuuioiiia or other serious conse- quences. It not oiUy curee croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough apiiears wil' preveut the atcack. For sale by VV. K. Rich- ardsoQ and W. J. Douglan. Durham Now Wants to Bet. The following from the Durham Chron- icle of last week is too funny to let slip thr.mgh without publication in this iudueiitial and widely read journal. As a specimen of sugarly sour grapes it discounts anythini; we have road. Here is the item in its entirety : For one thinu ive may say Durham gives employnieiit to every one of her population that wants it, and it's steady, loo. We have no time iu this haudet to go to the station at 9.30 a. m. and wait for the 3.15 p. m. train. Neithei hive we time to tear oH to Markdala or any other phico to 2x4 hockey exhibitions. For another thing, when tho Ladytown club gets a challonije from this place to come over and play, we'll pay for all the music and endeavor to show thcin as good a time as tlie place affoids. Wo haven't any prizes or trophies to play for, and when an outside team comes in here we simply pay all expen.ses and let it go at thiit. All ordinary ulass or tin cup is i?ood enough fur our uiudes' citizens to drii.k out of, and we're to.> busy to ap- preciate tho va'no of a silver water tank- ard for ornaineatal purposes only. To be decent, however, »hei: soiuo of our hockeyists heard that Flesherton had gone to Ihe enormous expense of getting b Us printed, scraped up a team and went over. Up till half time *.hey received a little consideration, and tho score waa 4-1 iu favor nf Duthnm. .\t full time Fiesherio'i waxjnhead â€" 5. We certainly won't kick on ihe referee, and will all<iW tho "LadiW all the glory of a grand vic- tory, but if tbejr nave any good cash to put upâ€" enough to mske * game worth whileâ€" we're hero with the long gr«>«ti â€" «nd Pttrh»m doesn't \vj apy vr»at cbim til having the best puck chasers in the country, either. The Chronicle is refreshingly Fnnk in deliriing the greatness of Diirhaiu and its ab'lity to look after its own youngsters as they grow up, but we don't believe what It says. It cau't keep its own (hils at home any more than some other towns. They have to move out as soon as they get big Huough. The young men over there are no good. They spend all their money bettinn on hockey and horse races and never think of getting married. ' Kn, you won't get any bets on wiih Flesher- ton, Mr. Chronicle. Our young men are saving their mouey for matrimonial pur- poses, and can't be crdlod oflf with any wild-goose "honking." They say nothing, but piay hockey and win silver coffee pitchers, cups and other nice tbin^fs, wherewith to begin housekeeping. An- other thouuht has just hit us too. It is so late in the season now that The Chronicle knew there was no danger of the challenge being taken up when it was made. "Nuifsed." A distressing accident occurred on the Grand Trunk at South river recently, which resulted in the death of Ernest Thurston of Uoueywood. The Staynor Sun says : He left hero with a car Liad uf lorse«, etc., beloiiying to J. H John- ston for Yellow Grass, and while thetriin Was waitinu at South River a rear-end coUiaiiin occurred, smashing several cars, kil'ing .V!r. Thurston ami si-riously injur- ing Mr. C. Sled "f Batteuu. A number cf horses and cattle were also killed and injured. The funeral took place on Sun- day to the Honeywo<id comttery. The deceased was in hi.i 2olh year. Mr. Chas. Sled of Batteuu had a narrow escape from ucuth. He was thrown several feet hut escaped with a wrenched back and a se- vere shaking up. Ha also lost three good horsefl. Mr. Johnston L>.st foui horses. L. L Currie of Noitawrisaga and Charles Leach "f Duniroon had several head of horses and cattle killed and injured. Chria Stong of Woodbridge, who was recently killed by falling from a tree,had, it is estimated, during his 2() years of life kilicd someihiuij like 2500 racoons. W. C. Davis, Flesherton, painter, dec- orator and paper hanger, keeps on hand a stock of wall papor for sale. Snmples shown on re(|uest. AH kinds of decora- tnu, painting and paperhan^in^ dono on shortest notice. ylma For Sale or Rent â€" II not sold by March 15 prox. Lots 4 and 5, con. 'J Csprey, 200 .icres. Known as the late Alexander R liiinsoa's farm. This duo farm has a large clearint! and soil is of a goi>d clay loam, in tiist class state of cultivation. Well fenced, coinfortable house and a l"g barn and outbuildings. Will be sold .'heap with reasonable payment down. Ea»y terms for balance. Will be offered for rent if not s ild before 15th March. Apply ta K. J. Sproulo, Flesherton. TAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE. I liavo purchased a tirio lliorou};bbred Taui- worih boar, which will be for stiririce on ii;v iiromifOR, lot 16<, '3 E. T. &, S. K. Artcmssia, Turtus %\. JOHX PEDLAB. Bull Tor Service Pure bre>1 Durliam Bull for oerviea on niv preinieuo, lot W, oou. 4, Artumoeia. For totiuii Slid ncdigrco cpply to Sapl B. UOJLMAN Port Law. Sbortborns for Sale* Shortboro Cattl", of extra qiiolitv and brooii- itif*, l.eviiiias aud Wimples, both beef and luilklng strains. .Also Cotswoid and Laiceatsr shoop. mjl tJHAfl. STAFFORD Flasherton. Farm forSale. Or Rent For sale cheap and on tasy toriuB of paymont ftiiti If re<|itinid. poset'ssion at oncw. lots iiuin ber« 147. Il8 A UO, cof» esuioh 1vn\ , S. W., T-AS roti'l, AiLouiv^iJi. ll-S acren about half a tniUt from tho villiiyo of t'leKhurton. On sa'ti faiiu is about 70 AcrfH clt'ai t'l, fpiicfd and uti'lor ciilb' Ivatiou. X9 Jkcrea of wliiuh is iu uioa«.low lojul, an«J about 20 aorod plou^hod for iiuxt ppiitiKs crop. A coiii'ortabla io« dwelUutf with franit) ftdilitlon, and toR barn and tttaliiBH. Frame luinlemtfiit-hoiiRi', ttiitl a i^ovur failing spiiii}! cloRO to ths dwvlHuif. Tho fariu i» a splendid grain and {{raziuf; farm, and one tliat invariably KivoH KtKMi crops when proi>t>rly put in. Aopiv to l^J. Spioule, Fle»bt)ttOD, or Mrs, Uobt. ttut ledgt', Floahurtoii Bull For Service ThorouRhbrol DuiUani Bull "Kiiiu Edw.irl" M10O, will t>a torserviuo uo loC19t), drd T, S. K. Ai'toiuosio. PoOiRroo Dark red, calved March 4th 1004, bred bv John Riii|{, Nfclutyre, Ont; iSiid Jowuer Johnston C'lil* lon,|Kljeborton, Ont.; Rot by Priiico Ktlward :WW-2 dam Koso of Orev :r7(Kn, by Villmjo liurK"- lussU'r Sod <40KI, .luuuio Ijaveiidur '.Msuti.b.v VoN UDtoer KlWO, Daisy LavBiidov lltSt, by Diiku o" Lsvandor (imp) lti4:M51I i51. Lady Kawaley 94SI, bT i.ouis Annidulliinip) lSei(.MJvl) Mibb Kawsloy idllU, by FawKlov t.'liief (imp) 1()7 («I<ai. Dalnv 3rd .M49, by Oxford Mh7.\oli»tii(), UaiBv .iQii?, bV Piilic.jof Waiemiun'l Ml (ItHWdl.KeiMlio Bollo 677, by Youu« KnKlaud [iuipt 274, Kosft (impl 403, by Harou uf Kids<ialu iltlM). Hpsowila by U ^mus lllKSTl.S'nowdrvji by Strathiiioro [6.">47!. Cathor ino 3rd by Vlayfolldw i,0J)71. Tomio Catherine by Sir William [laiOii] Catboiine by ICmporor 1871 TERMSâ€" •! tor trade*, Mtor thoroiiRbbredn, payable Jan. 1, IM7. isapl JOHNSTON CVLCEN, FroJ^ Boots and Sboe For the Spring and Summi Everybody will be getting a neir pair of Boots (jr' Shoes or ought to be gettine a pair. In order to meet our increased trade, wo have bought largely in this line of goods â€" some of the choicest and best that can be had â€" also heavier and cheaper lines. Thoyare bought from some of the best Man- ufacturers ill Ontario and equal to anything shown in this line and quite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Telescopes and Suit Caaas on hand. Cus- tom work promptly done. Call and wo will try . . ° ' to give you entiro satisfaction at iUm« IZIavton SHOEMAKER, ^' I H. L. DOGULASo W The New Druggist Solicits a Call. In commencing business in Flesherton we wish to state that we intend to carry a full line of Pure Drugs and first cass DruG Sundries. Our prices will be moderate and we feel confident that when you' give us a call we can guarantee satisfaction. High Grade Seeds, up-to-date Stationery Pure Drugs. A ipantity of wall paper, per roll 3c H. L. Douglass '4 BARGAINS at CEYLON f Men's Guernseys, Unshrinkable, all wool, regular price g>* $1.00 for 7.n„ K<r Mens all wool Guernseys, regular price 70c for Men's fleeced Guernseys, regular 70c for Men's fleeced Guernseys, regular 55c for All wool Top Shirts, regular 1.00 for Men's Heavy Winter Caps less than actual cost. GROCERIES of all kinds at lowest prices. A good supply of Clover and Grass Seed just 75c Ki; in. 3a$« Pattison General Merchant - Ceylon. PAGE FE^NCTfNG THE BEST IS THE WTien you buy a knife for instance, you consider'the quality of the steel in the blade. The biggest ami heaviest knife isnot necos-sarily llie best. Now there is just as much dilTercnce in the quality and strength of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use a high carbon steel wire, whi»:h though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cenL (50%) stronger than wire in o\hcr fences. The lightest P.-VoE fenCiS i.4 as strong as the he.iviest of other makes. Notice the lock in I'.VGE '•E.\IP1RE"1-ENCE. You may have noticed also that Others are imitating it. That is a good recommend for It. Where we lead others folknv. Ail PAGE wir« is "COILED." not CHEAPEST THE LOCK ItM PAGE "EMPIrte" FENCES. Besides the extra strength and superior workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip- ped in Sl special white paint, wliich on top ofthebestofg:alvaiilzing, will lengthen the life of wire for years. And, also, this white coating- makes wiiO much more sightly. Owinif to tho great .•:tre:iK:lh and cloilicily of P.AGE fcncinkf, One- third less posts Are ro quired, thus icducing tba cost of the fencing. As you get ill P.\GE FENCES ono-hal{ moro fence strength, gre.'.ler proteclion ag.iir.st rust, Ijclfcr workmanship, belter appearance, u.st> less posts, can you alToixl to use other fences, even though you could buy them fcr onc-h.Tlf the price of ihj P.\C.E? But, rc.-iV.y ours cost you little, if any more. i|u3 crimped. Get prices before phicinyf your oFd..'r for PcncQ Gates or Lawn Fence, SOLD AND ERECTED ^v ~ 3. H. I$«ard» Fl«9h<rton 3as* Cong, maxwell CI)o$* eiliott, markdaU £« mtdaugl), Proton $ta« ^