Sib£rt0tt ^iiiatta. r "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIKCIPLEb NOT MEN." V \1 I' < >: V VOL xxiv, SO mi Flesh-ertoiTi, Ont. Thursday IVEarch. 29 lOOe W. H THURSTON, pbopmetok The Aftermath. n,, ,>, « ,. l â- 10 (ir 12 days. He m nor able to make After the Christmas saled, which wer* ' mnch niiise now, takes but very bttle extraordinarily larpe this ytar. W8 fiml I--ft iKiunshinent, is getting very feeble and in stock a fine line of giKida which we think ^ ,„,,y j^op ,,ff ar.y day. Since writii.g the foregoina i'ems I leani that telephonic communication was had with H'dstein conceriiint! tlie dtceaK- ed George Dal", Word was received that no one knew anything about him further than that he hud been seven years a resi- i dfUt there, whs a member of ihe Metho- j further atti-mpts. Ho has been confined r-v'T business will ksep a temperance t'» h a bed in tlie hospital room the lasti 1 '.i,:", as the gilt edsje of their profits of >" If 00 to $5000 per annum is out everyone will concede is tJu^t the Thing for Wedding Presen ts. Taeseare thechoichest of ffood»â€" uo cheap tnwli. Come and see th;;in anyway. niartn C;icck$ To wake von up the-edaik mornings, and all klnd»o£ Clocks at all kinds of prices. TKiferman fountain yPens, Fancy Ink Standa, etc, forsa]& W. A. Armstrong (!â- •.â- >"lfOO to $5000 per annum is out off. Til' v-f re accommodation must bo pro- vid< d f'T in towns and Tillages if local option 3 to be a success. What has brouiiht Owen Sound so magnilicentiy to the front in moral reform ? Simply she had the wisdom to provide the accommo- dation necessary prior to the vote on local option. Local option being only granted to us for three years from the first May, when McFarland, Stafford & Cos- Big Store MARKDALE, ONTAlilO dist church, and that the only thin[{ fj that time expires we want our majority he done was to bury him the best way ; increased for its renewal. You .say this the manager could. Wo have no dount I ia premature? No sir ! There will be no but that the municipal authorities were] diffifculty in gettin<! that if we attend to Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE^J^ New Spring Impp/lations. Big dray loads of new Spring importations are being dumped perfectly jostitiid in their action of send- i t.»o thingsâ€" firstly providing aecomnioda- j at OUr doOrS dailv and OUr lai'ge Staff are Working OVCrtiniC iua him here at the same time it seemsj tion; secondly, by seems tii-it -he law is 1 ^^^^l^^ j-^p ^nods." TTin.rkinjT fhf^m «f, liftl« T.,MrP« for vrM, W. very sud that there were not christian enforced. Now, sir, the hrst for us hero i friends ennughSWBfe found lu the church of which he was in raembetsriTp to inter- i cedi! for the postponement of so h'ng a r-T--^- â- ^-T'-T- Industrial Home Notes ^^^ -^ (Btj an Inntate) . drive in an open cut'er on a cold March day, for a ni.-\n in his condition and taken out of hi.s boil. I feci contident Out the members of Flesherton Methodist church would never sanction so unchristian-like an act Co any meoibci of their church in the vicinity. i Once more was our divine service room crowded from rending desk to aoor and a few aeutcU in the corridor yesterday. i [We have been obliged to slightly cur- tail the budget this week. â€" Ed] ^-<g^~ A dyixiii man driven in a cuttir from UoV#-i^ (in- Saturday last to the House of KefBlge died the inoment ho was brought N > blame attachable to Local Option Enforcement Tu the EdiUir of The Advance lU'o ihe house. N « blame attachable to I Dear Mr. Editor, â€" The township tl e authori^ii-s ^>i the niuuicipftlity iu »jii goon be face to face with the prollom which he ^8J^;^- { if the cuforceiuent of local option. It is The most s^J and solemn incident j gratifyuig to bo assured by one of the ex- ^(thich has been witnessed at this instilu- j hcenso coinmi.i8ioner» that directly the tion bii'ce its inception oeturrcd on Sat- | licet. ses held by the several hotels urday last. Y'our cor. observed a double { throughout the township expire on the cutter, contaiuin-.{ t*<» men, diive up to j grst of May, and will not be renewed the front door, the diiver tjot out.iied the | during ;ho regime of local vptiuu, that horses, and oiiteKed the house, the other j there need bo no anxiety or fenlf ol liquor luan rouiaiidng pouted in the cutter. On , being sold without licenses by any of the li.)okinm>u| 4 few minutes later I saw the j aforesaid bouses. This statement was cutter |i9pty> »nd came to the coDcIusnm I uuiphasized by the ooinmissiouer and he (bat ., hr.oiher initiate li»<l arrived i gave reiisoiis fur his eonclusions, namely, On i«iviHg'niy loom to nscertnin, I was j dvit being an oiiicar for a number of iiif(>ru)/ed by ttie niuiro* th&t such was the (•lie and she was afiaid tlie |>our man was dying. I then went to the centre of the ecrridor hnd f'Und the poor man had just breathed his last. It appears that years, and during that time several lic- ences thioughout his district had been withdrawn, and he was not aware of one case of the closed bar rooms infringing the law. But, .sir, if it be correct what some »fter gsttinij out of the CMtt^ir he walked of the well infi^rmed men opposed to ttp the steps, with assistance, but on reach'DKi tlie top step he fell forward on his face*) the floor, was instantly carrieil ibsido but only drew two or three breaths Mnd then eipirod. The su(>eriiitendant bad. a short time previously, «"ne to the villiage im bu-tiuess and the nad and noleuiu event must have been & severe shock to the worthy matron iu her husband's absence. The deceased was apuari-iitly about 78 years of age. George D'lley by name, a carpenter and vaggon uiaker by trade, having a workshop in ilolstein. but I have not, yet Oeoii abU to aaoortuin whethertr i o he was ever mar- ried or bad any friends or relatives living. In the abser.ce of L)r. E.;o, the house physicisn, Or. Sproule came to the bouye to view the body and pronounced de-ith caused by tho List »t»g« of Dropsy, being, as he Raid, practically deud before he came, and the sudden fall causing the water to euvelop>a the heart aud result in immediate dvaib. The body and limbs were swi lion to an eui.rm<>u» sizfj,"" and the Dr. leccooiended that the body be local option â- fitrni, that there will be dives and dens without number through- out our township where litiuor will be sold, it will be our du'y to prevent thi.s, or else the last stale will be worse than the brst. VVo were fully aware when we carried local option the 6ght was only beginning. lo almost all prohibition measures of the liquor traffic what has bt<mght the act into disfavor has been the iiecroi and open violation of law. We declareil again aud again during the oani- paiga that we had better machinery be- hind local option to secure its enforce- ment than that of any other pr-hibition measuieson the statute books. And Isee that on the liill introduced iu^o the legis- Uiurv by Uou. W. J Huniia to amei'd li(luor licuuses, etc., in referring to local option he makes tins statement .• " Mu- uiciiialities are also given tbtf power of eiifircing locsl option bylaws by the ap- pointment of paid otScers » h't^all have the power of inspociors." XMT; Sir, 1 would assume that these special otiictrs to be appointed in additim to the regu- inieried just p it was with as little delay | j^rly appointed iiispoctor, sh-uld griatly KA pos.sitilu*-' ' Underiakor Chapman took j l,,.lp in seeing the law enfoicud, allhi'Ugh away the remains for mtetmept between'" ... hix and seven o'clock the same evening. I>ii tirat coiiaideratioii the event had lljo app.-aiauco of gio*» neglect on the pa^t cif nbine on» in not attending to the case 80"n»r, lut it is jiraifying to stnto that ft6 pei»iip but liini.solf was blameable for 'thu.'<»d qofurreuoe. Kvidenco s»oes to )w rhirfor 1 must admit that I aiii not sanguine that even with this aadil ion wo hive all that IS retpiired in seeing that the law is not viol ited. You were kind enough to give a short article in your last itsuo fef the executive committee of Centre Oiey .\lliance. The convention to bo held on the 'Jth pros, is to consider aiiinngst is on the way of being accomplished and we have only to consider the second. -In our coming convention one of the great questions that will be raised is "Ciin we as oit:z.'us do .anything to help the officers of the law to enforce Local Option." Some of us 'tis true have done niuuh to see the law enforced under license, sim- ply because we do not brlieve in licensing men to do evil to injure a brother. But it is a very different thing when there is no license, if men get drink and give evidence that they arc under the influence of liquor. It will be tho duty of local option men tu help the officeis of the law to find out by every la vful means where the drink was obtained. If we do not we are worse than foils to give tho thought time and attention to get a law passed, see it violated before our eyes and be dumb. No, air, that's not to be. But what is everybody's business is nobody's business, and therefore I would suggest that we appoint a comirittee :>f three at different places throughout tho town.ship; that the members of each of the different committees be made known to the vicin- ity where they are appointed, so that any peison or persons having suspicion of liquor being sold in a dive or den, etc., or run acrtjss any one under tho influence of liquor they at once report the same to a member of the commiitoe. The commit- tee itself will not go about with its eyes closed. At tho same time we do n it commend prying into other people's busi- nebs. Yet the law must be honored and tho penalties for its violation enforced. Nothing would grieve one more than to see any uoforlunate fellow placed behind the bars, but every man who puts law at deliance exposes himself to its penalties, and not only that, but in his inmost soul he knows he ought to be punished for the violation of law ; not only that, but he knows that inspectors, and even citiiiens, are not doing their duty if he in alloweil t" go scott free. Wa wish ill to no man. We simply give tlio note of warning. We have secured local opliim and we wish to retain it. Wo will >f our citizens will hf steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. â€" L.W. TllO.Vl' opening the goods, marking them at little prices for you. We lead â€" none can beat us For Quantity, Quality, Styleor Values. Dress Goods, BEAUTIFUL COLORINGS AND PATTERNS. Our Dress Goods shelves and counters aro a revelation of beauty in color aud our payment of Spot Cash baa kept the price within easy reach of n book. TWEED SUITINGS, 43 to 33 inches wide, 25c. to 8100. Silk Effect, newest creations, only to be seen on our counters. i *i^ Cadies' Skirts. A LARGE AND UP TO D.\TE STOCK. All the r.ewest cats and colorings from tho largest sk'it manufacturers in ll Prices ?2. 75 to Every stroke counts. We are making things dy in our Boot department ; 25 pairs childs solid leather boots, regular (j5c. While they last 15c. 30 pairs Men's pointed toe boots, worth from 2.00 t.i 3.50. Going at 1 29 Our millinery Watch for it. announcement later. 290 boxes newest things in Men's and Boys' felt hats and caps. Newest styles. 40 Ladies Rain Coats at extra values, 40 Suit Lengths, new tweet^^ take your measure for your suit. None can bent us in^ and lit. We Lead. *0»Ci*C If you want a reaily m.ide suit K*^'*^ the best to select from . Crockery and Glassware price and assortment, visit our basement. IS attrat Bti sure m 1000 lbs. mixed green and Ceylon tcj 30c. values for 1 A- 18 pairs Women's laced 1.00 to 1.50, now Come in and get booted. shoes. regula^ .". 9Bc-v ?liow ijh*rfor moio than a yi-ar be had | ^tber thmgs what strps should be take b«i« iiodor medical trea'nient, and liav--i ^,y t.ho citizens to help to the enfurcemenl mg^ giwjU repugniince for h'iKpitals or ; „( tie law. No more sorioiis matter could houst's of retuje, p'rs hielitly refused to I engage the »tteiiti«>ii of our people th-tn l«)!i«iit lo either, and latterly even re- I this." When Ihe Dunkm Aoi was carried fined to lake the medicine pr»fCiibei.i by | i,i this county somo of the niovt ardent hi.i pliysicmtn Tho oimicuwl authorities j advocites of the Act wero the first to ask fiivicve^tori^ no fiiithor n^tce of Ids for its lep.'al, «tnd why 9 ' of the prote?** »tt*sent him here nok-iis v<;lcn.s, \â- ^^\^ of accommodation for tho trave'.ling iMiiF^eiy justly, too. j pullic, the contusion rising therefrom >M. Hack, who, ut Lis own request, ' nnd llie o| en violation if the law w*s dijcha'rjjed ll^1<<a*li bins Lis own request, fioiii the iiiplitution on WIS readinitrod on List. Not m^ nJwco nftiilal pipor.H on Ftiday *.**'â- •^ii&-^*" *''•â- '''* !'"» • Perhipa some of * Bifai olh\r old chapa <*hoHi:«^^iioiptttiiig * «llj(ir deparliure i*i thr%(ie«r QRure, will ^ (lioQOver, Joo,'that their day I f us-.'fuiness form on m ji'piSt, that the H.irviccs of old m'-ti are be set " no longer required 'rim s are, pfople must keep abeasi these pio- gre.«sivc times, and it is absolutely noces- sirv that to do this young, strong and iiitellig -nt men and women »ro the only titmiierial, Uelloci, comrades, reflect, and make yourselves content in any situ- »tion you cannot better. Remember that C'inteiitinent is a ge.n worth more than (liadcin. .tames Dunlop, who reo»nlly tried lo throughout the c<)unty. The citizens of this villago were su deeply impressed witii that fact that to leave matters as they w»>ro then would lie detiimentnl even to l-'ciil optinn, and to a limitid extent pro- duce si iiilir results, and that moral re- liquor Nuppresaioii would back. To conserve our enthusiasm and to prevent it from evap- oration it was decided to build a temper- Terrible Tragedy. Allan Parks Burned tu Death Just as «p go to press we' learn of a terrible tragedy at Tyrone, four milts from town, Souio lime Tuesday nit:ht tho residence of AH in Parks wa.s burned to tho ground and the unfortunate owner consutiK'd in the fire. The victim was a bachilor and lived alone. The re'miiios were recovered but burned almost beyond recognition. Mr. Parka was well known as a musio ap and was a member of Prince Arthur; Lodge, A. F. *. A. M., FKshci ton. A little dsiighler of Mr, and Mrs. Fred McCoy, near Hazz.rd's Corners, in Uaw- doii Towi.ship met with a painful acoidein one day last week. ller h<ir cauaht in the machinery of the windm'l! ai d to save her from being drawn in, her fiitli«r b:id to hold her while her scalp was Irer- ally torn oil' Tho injuries a;e serious, but the doc'orsavs tho child will rSCoTer. â€" Niirwood ReKisler; (^n »Vedne»day after.ioon, Arthur Wild- ding, the yrung msn who was sent up fioiii Dnndulk, a:>peHred hcf^ru .lud^e Hatton, ch:iri^ed with criminally .'issiuilt- in<; a young gill under nine years of H<.'e. Wilding eotored a plea of guilty and was sentenced to one year in the central prison. A largely signed petition from rcaident.-! of Dunilnlk asking for cloiiiency influenced the judge in passing sentence -O.S Suu Wall Papers, Carpets, Linoleums, etci W.ill paper sales are booming here. Why ? 1st. Because you have your pick of upwards of 5000 rolls. 2nd. They are artistic in design and coloring. 3rd. Price inducements. We have parlor, dining room, kitchen, hall and bedroom, wall, ceiling and borderj ho match from 3ic. a roll up. The Curtain section offers big variety, newest combinations. Prices from 25c. t" iJT.nO a pair. .Art Cretonnes. Sateens, Muslins and Drapes. Carpet.s, Linoleums and Rugs, splendid assortment. Visit our well lighted oarpit room. Now Table Linens, Shirtings, Flannelettes and Cottonades arriving daily. Mc PARI. AND, SXAFFO]^D 6c CO DRS. IC. a K. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS. Consultation FS£E. Quc:{i3fl E^nil for tloire Trcctmcrt wnt FREE. Prices X/y^n No Cure No Pay. A NERVOUS WRECK ance hotel. This baa materialized in a most gra'ifyiiig way (I mean that we have obtaioid the ainews of war)and doubtlesa by this time the charter for the joint st'Ksk company may be in tho hands of the committtie. The question of nrci'm- modation i« the crux of tho situaliun wh»re locd u;<tion is mluptrd. Why so ? Becnuse, for his reason, that few hotel ci:0.tit >* Api>'ronily be}ond makiitK any kei |)ert t«rho hftV? otAcl* niuney in th« I Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, RinjcWorm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. AM of these diseases arc attenilud by intense itching, which is almost instantly relieved by applying t'hambcrlsin's Salve, and by it.s con- tinned use r, permanent cure may l>o cffectiMt It haa, in fact cured many cases that hail resist- ed other treatment Price 25 cents p<<r box. For sale by W. E I\icJ>ard(ion and W. J. Doug, j UoT MANHOOD esssas, astdl ASS Dssfsascs Pso^tHsu* to &^sii s.r»6l Weesteiia Pon't wa.«tc your t;mn a-d en c'ii?.t,>, ita-'ircroos, expcrimcnt.Tl fratmrnt. Poll t iucrtsaso at your (Tvn cost rour KqtfoiiMirH by bviiiff e.xo.^riuietUi-d uu with rsm- r<lics wlilcli tUey ctuim to li.iTif just dincovfred. 'i litty ir,*.. but teiDV^'rarv relief. But conietuus III co|iii>l«n..e. V.'i \riii yon cun'eieiitu.nsl'-, botiCkl'.T and s>.illN;iv, aud r«Htu''>iiu« toh»allU In tho sborlest possible time with ilie le.i»t nied.ciu*, >.)»- comfiirr and exp«i.M i)iat.t calite, Kath vase Is trBiiird aa tlie svoijitM- a ludtcait. Our New Method is oiiiri-ial and hj3 s'.ood tUi test ft>r lw.iut>-i1vB >c.irs. '!fcffl 148 Shelby Street, DETROIT, l«ICK, ESesasESso 1 â- * â- â- W t l W ^U â- â- Liiwnff- '^ 's.w«ssr«»«KJ.^-^-ji*- ^