HE F L E S Ii E R T O N ADVANCE March 8 lOOd TBB . (of Canada) H;i8 oponoil » lirtiiith i.fti.:e in Fli'shor- lon, nliure a ^cuoiul bHiikii-c i>ii.siii>>HR i y>V.\ be triins.'40te(i.. Mniicy avnilablo Ivi- , le^fitimato business entfrpiiHos. DRAFTS liOUGHT AND SOLD on dJI poii'tP it- Cmiulaiimlllio IJniiet! States. Interest allowed on d(;p"sits of SI. 00 •I'.d upwardti conijjouiiiUrt, Imlf j-eiirly. O, Rditcliell Agent. ^\zmm - CHIPS Choractcrlstics of The Past Week Cartfully Culled for the Cuii us . . [|i % Overco.1t fouiid â€"Apply at thi« office. For Siiloâ€" Gold drivins pony. Apply to Ell. '1 hompsoii, Flfshunun. The council on Saturdny last (.'B^e tliH local ipiion by law its tliiril roadiiii^. Miss Gertit) Perdu left for Toiouro in Saluiduy. Mr. Wculey Buskin and family spent Sunday with friends in MarkdriU. Mr. F. Hickling was in thf i-ity dnrins the past week attendiD^ the millinery opening;. Wantedâ€" M.iid to do general hooRe- woik. Apply to Mrs. U. Mitchell, I'TeKherton. Mr. Manning of Bmi.ssi-Is viaiti'd his duui^hf.ir.", Mrs. Jacob Lever and Mrs. A;atlicwiioii, of the suburbs, this iveeli. Bailey tor saleâ€" First cIhps for seed, Canada C n>wed. Apply to Wm.Canierou Eugetiia P. O. Mrs. Joseph LcGard returned to To- rot.to Satnrdiiy after a month's vinit with itietids here. Mr?. G. H. Walter and children of Kimberiey are gueafca this week of ye editor's family. Miss Evelina Smith of EuKenia spent a few days of the past week with Mrs. J. H. Ue.ud. W. C. Divis, FlMsherton, painter, dec- oiator and paper haDxer,keeps on hand a utoi-k iif wa;l paper for sale. Samples Master Arnold Thurston li ft on Sa'ur- day to take a position in the oflicos of the Mui'.ufa'cturers Association, Toronto, All accountf owing me must be settled on or bi'fore Match 20, lOOC, otlierwise thev will be placed in other hand.s fur Collection. 11. D. Purvis. Miss Swayzo, of Welland, ha.1 been en- gaged for the cominji te.vson, to take the head of F. G. Karstedt's millinery dep- 8rtn:eur. She arrived yesterday, Wedne- sday. Mr. John Waller and son Elmer, of MonoCeiitrp.viwited the former's brother, Mr. R. VValler,of the west back line over Sunday, We have a limited quantity of .shingles. Will sell cheap for cash or will excharge for cedar or lath timber. Also about 1(X) eedar post for sale. For particulars ap- ply to S. M. Oaborne, Eugenia. We have a very iiiterestinK communi oatiuu from our old time friendMr.Frank Carr,in this i.ssue. Owin-j to it's length it is continued to next week. Everybody should have a picture of Grey county House of Refuee on a pistal card. We have the best picture ever taken. 5c each, 6 for 25c. S. Thurston, Flesherton. Mr. J. T. Slod, accrmipanied hy Miss Isftlcl Sled, left on Friday for Nottawa to attend the raarriaKe of tneir sister Marifsret to Mr. Donald Vancise of Cree- oiore on March 0. Miss Isabel acts aa bridesmaid. The undersigned ha.s a number of good working horses and lol's of different ages fiT sain; some six rowed barley and silver hull buckwheat, also sonic extra good youflg bronze gobblers. A. Beaitie. A necktie social will be hold at the residence of Mr. R. Bentltam of the sub- urbs, under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid, on Friday evening, March 9. Luncheon, auiusements, prograin. Come and enjoy the evening. Admission 10 and 15 cents, W. C. Davis, Flesherton, painter, dec- orator and paper hanger, keeps on hand a stock of wall paper for sain. Samples shown on request. All kinds of decora tine, painting and paperhanjing done on shortest notice. yluis The Epworth League visited by invi- tation at the hat dsonie and commodious residence at Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Davis, Tor- onto Line, on Wednesday evenini; of lust week. About 35 members took advantage <if the invitation. A most enjoyable evening with games, luncheon, etc. was the retmlt. The R.T. of T. at their reeular wenkly meetiDg on Friday evening last indulged themselves in an oyster suupcr, "The del«<,'Hte to grand lodge presented his r«port. There were also two initiations and altogether a jolly evening was spect. The meeting Frittay evening of this week MrR. A. Kowo of Diindnlk is visiting .Mrs. V. Hickling this week. Miss May Gillespie lift on Monday to take a posiin.n ill 'i'oronlo. Dr. Murray leaves on Saturday to attend the Ontario Uentiil Convention held in Toronto next week. Call and see our new spring snmplesi just in, Hoinctli ng extra linH. Wc runovB 10 Feveihliam on Slarch 15. II. AUxanUer, merchant tail.ir. Al! |!.iitie9 indebted to mo will confer a fkvor by le,ning the Hinount with Mr. Albeit J..ck.son, Markdile, or letting nio h.:ve it in i-omo way b<-fore the 10th of M,i:ch to Hitve nic calling at your liomes. Andrew Boattie. Ill Ip Wanted â€" Two men fur the com- ing SI as.m to work on a farm in the west, (j.aid wages to righr men. Al.<o one Wc uiao. Would take niiiriud duple. Ap|;ly at once to C. M. Browu-idije, Wil- locks, Saak. The Chaisworth News, one of our val- ued exi:haiigi'S, passed its twcnry-lirst ii'ile l>eg list Week, and seems ipiite H. jtlio and gay at teaching the eslaro of manliood. May it. continue to prospi-r uiidtT the sainn inanaiiemoi.t until it aripiires ihi- fat, fair and f'rty condition. Mi'ie poivnr to your good riii;ht band â€" the pen hai.d, you Ijnow- L!ro. Blyth. Mi:.'* Wanted -Good reliible men in this district to represent us and sell win,' fence to farmers, spl. ndid aelier. Work dniing spare time or permanently. Sjilenilid opeiiina for a hustler. Wri'o for particula'S t) the Canadian Fence .VI tg. Co., L-.d. Mr. W. McClui'g and Milton Neil of Eii];hnf>ia were callers on Satuid.iy niylit. Tlie geiitleineii had been in Duihaui deliv- eriiit' a hoiae. Mr. McClung has purch- lised a farm at what is knuwn as the "t'lliinv,"on the 4th line, Euplirasia, and has laken possessi'in. Ho still retains Lis well known stalilon Honor Bouml. Mrs. Frank Smith of FleKlisrton desires to inform the ladies of Flesherton and Mai kdale that she has decided to com- mence dresK-tuaking at the residence of .VIr. Geo. Hacking, next door west of tho Presbyterian church, Mrs. Willei having given up business. Special arrangenitints will be made to meet the ladies of Markdale. A ba.sket is sent from A. Wilson'!", F!o!<hcrton, every Tuesday and from .^.T. Uutcliiiifcoii's, Fevershaiii; 11. Klunear's Ma.\wcll and F Chisletts, Ceylon, every other Tuisday connnencing 27th Feby, lo Markdale Steam Lajndry and returned on Saturday. For Sale or Rentâ€" II not .sold by March 15 prox. Lots 4 and 5, con. 9 Csprey, 200 acres. Known as the late Alexander R'lbin.sOii's farm. This fine farm has a large clearina and soil is of a gond clay loam, in lycat class state of cultivation. Well fenced, coiiif"ttable lioufio and a \"\t. barn and outbuildings. Will be sold cheap with reasonable payment down. Ea.sy terms for balance. Will be offered for rent if not s ild before loth March. Apply to H. J. Sproule, Flesherton. A largely attended meeting of citizens of this townsliip was held in the Baptist church on Wednesday afternoon last to discuss tho erection of a hotel in F'lesh- erton. It was the general concensus of opinion that in order to retain business the erection of a second hotel was an absolute necessity, and it was decided to form a joint stock company forthwith. Ah a preliminary move four thousand dollars in subscriptions is asked for by April 1. Of this sum about $3000 has been secured in town and the balance it is expected will be put up by tho farming community. When the g4000 is sub- scribed articles of incorporation will be secured and tho buildina proceeded with. Auction Saled A very extensive credit auction sale of farm stock, implements, himsehold fur- niture, etc., will be held on lot 30, con. 10, Artemesia, on Tuesday, March 20, the property of ex-Councillor R. D. Purvis, who is removing to Toronto. See larite bills for full particulars. J. J. Kaittiiig, auctioneer. February Weddings Bad Boys When will those dozen boys and young men, who display so much ianorance and rudeneas in I he back pews of the Methodist church on Sunday evenings be taught some gentlemaiiliness and also respect for the place of Worship? They are well known as uncultured and more or loss au annoy- ance and nuisance at their homes. The public are asked to note those characters who clatter their boots, talk and Inuu'h during worship.â€" CHURCH MEMBER. it colled off OB Mooant of tho neektie Hockey Markdale seniors trimmed our boys here on Friday evening last to tho tune of 14-7. The game was a trifle rough and a little exci'eojent was caused during the first half by a few hoys stnrlinif a scrap, which, however, was soon quieted. Joe Kelly, of Markdalde, refereed the game and cave Bood satisfaction. Our juniors travelled to Markdale through tbe rain and slush of Saturday and fliigaged with the juniors of that town and were beaten. Score 10-4. It will not cost yon a cent to try Chamlwr- lain's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets, and they are excellent for stomsch troubles and constipa- tion. Ciet a frne satnple at Richardson's or Douglas's drugstore. Loatâ€" At the hook<>y match on Friday night last, pair gent's kid Kln*M, siM 9. I^udw kindly 1mt« at thit oflSoe. BELLAMYâ€" FAIUBAIRN At the residence of the bride's father, Verulani, on Wednesday, Feb. 28, Mr. Carlton Bellamy, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Bellamy, H'sherton, to .Mary Flor- ence, second daU'^hter of Mr. Charles Fairbairn. ex-M.P. Tlie ceremoney was perl..rined by ilev. Mr. Smith, Presby- terian minister, in tho presence of about 100 guests. Tile youne couple' will reside in Lind.say. Mr. and Mrs. llellainy are at present visiting tho former's parents in B'lesherton. The Advance tenders hearty congratulations. WALKER-KING On Fab. 28 at 9 o'clock the home of Mr. and Mis. Jacob King, Collingwood, was the seen^i of a vorj pretty home wed- diiij.', when their only daughter, niiia, was aia'iied to Mr. Norton .'V. Walker, son of .Mr, and Mrs. A. Walker, Collingwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 11. Irwine, pastor of the Maple street Methodi.sl church, in the presence of a number ol relatives of the bride and groom. As the ceremony was performed Miss Delo8»a Walker, sifter of the grjom, |ilayed the Weddioii Ma'oli. The bride, who was given away Uy her father, was prettily attired in cream ailk and carried a bouquet of cream ro.ses After the ceremony tlie company enjoyed a dainty wedding breakfast, at the conclunion of whiidi tho bride donntd a traveilina suit of dark red ladies' cloth with hat to match. .Vcc impanied by gotid wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Walker left on the miil-dav train for a short trip to Toronto, St. Catluirines and Buffalo, Upon their return they will take up their residence in Coilingw.iod. The bride is one of Collinijwood's fairest young ladies who has a host of friends; and whotcstih.d their good will by mak- ing her the recipient of many valuable and useful gifts. Her husband is one of the town's young business men. May lung life and happiness at^tend them. WALKER-CORLEY 'Ihe homo of Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Corley, Meaford, was tho scene jf a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, Jan. 31, when their only daui;htet, Lillie, was united in the bonds of mairimony to Mr. Peatsa Walker of Clliniiwood. The ceremony was performed in the parlor under a bell of cream roses and ever- greens by the Rev. T. H. Brown, rector i.f Christ church. Tho bridal chorus was played by Mirs Ida Walker. Tho bride wore a very pretiy gown of white silk and caaricd a shower btinquet of white roses and maidenhair fern. She was at- tended by Mi.'is Delo'sa Walker, sitter of the groom, who was attired in white and carried pink rosos. The groom was sup- ported by .Mr E. Dale. Afior congrat- ul.itions weie ex»Mided tho ijuesla enjoyed the wedding dinner, during which t)he health of the bride was proposed bv Rev. T. H. Blown in a happy speech and wan refpouded to'by the niooiu The health of the bridesmaid was piopi sed by Mr. F. Clark and n spondi d to by Mr. E. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Walker were the recipients of many costly presents, which bore tes- timony to their popularity. Theyrooin's present to the bride .vas a black Persian lamb coat. The bride's goin;.'-a«ay gown was a stylish suit of fawn with hab to match. They left on the afternoon train and were accompanied to the statiim bv a host of friends who were well supplied with rice and conf'-tti. Among the guests (luni^iering seventy were friends from Owen Sound, Toronto, Collingwood and Stiatford. Tho groom is one of Colling- wood's young business men. May long life and happiness attend them. Farm forSale. Or Rent For flalo clioap ftiid on easy tonns of payment and if reqiiirnd, posseBE^ioti at ones, lota nuui bers 147. 118 A HU, conreBBion 2nd , S. W.. T.&H road. ArteiiJ«)Hin. UH aores about half a mile from tbo vil!a<,'e of Fleehertoti. On said farm is about 70 auren clrai td, f»uced and under cult- ivation. 19 aurae of which Ir in nioadow Iaik), aud about 'A) acron plouKlicd for n«xt pprinya crop. A coni'ortablo log dwolliug with framo addition, and log barn and ntablot'. Frame Im'iIeiuoitt-l'.onHt', aud a eever failiug spiiug close to tho ()wt)l]iu^'. The farm ia a nplendid grain and ^raziu^ faun, and onu that invariably gives good crops when properly put in. Apply to H.J. tiproulo, Klesheitou, ur MrB. liobt. Kut ledge, Floshertou WINTER TKRM AT THIi Owon Sound, nt. Begins Tneriday Jau 2, 1900. Four complete courBos of etudv, suited to tho needa of all claneioe of \ouDg poepla. The BufiinesH Course for young men and women who wish a ({ood buBiness training to Rualify them to do business for themsolvou and others. This course is useful to tho bus- iness mm, the farmer or tho piofoaaional man also ttrst class preparation for young people who wish to f^o intoottiuo worU. Tho Shorthand CoiirHO for young people who wish to Ix'conie steni.'gra|)herH, reporters, oto. Tho J'olcgraphv Course for young people wlio wish to become telegraph operators or to enter railway work. The preparatory Conrso for those who are very far back in thrir studfeB. Wo toacb reading, spelling. writing, arithmetic to grown up young men and woiiion. Separate rooms for this department and separate desk for each pupil withplonty of personal help, pEiuU particulars sent fr;jo to any address. C. A. FLEnniNO. fUlNClPAL. Our Clubbing List ^Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 1 86 Weekly Globe L80 Mail-Bnipire 1.74 Family Herald ft Stw 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 FarmerH Sun l.M Famen AJvooat* S.30 Boots and Shoes. For the Spring and Summer Everybody will be getting a neiv piir of Boots or Shoes or ought to be getlinv a pair. Iii order to meet our increased trade, we have bought largely in this lino of goodsâ€" .some of the choicest and best that can be had â€" also heavier and cheaper linos. They are bought from .some of the best Man- ufacturers ill Ontario and equal to anything shown in this line and quite new. Also a large lot of Trunks, Tele.scope8 and Suit Cases on hand. Cus- tom work promptly done. Call and wo will try • â- to give you entire satisfaction at • ' mm* jZlayton SHOEMAKER, I tatidnery! An elegant line of fine stationery in boxes â€" good assortment and ^ ' . extra nice goods. ... 3^tns, Snks, tPanoils, Cni/etopeo, £to, 2)ruffS, and iPatants, iPar/umery, do, medical liall ilSI >>T<:;^AT^'^jz;i'^-^i^;ia?agg^^ Barg ains t7/i JOoois and oAoos at CEYLON. Having pnrcliased the mercaiitile business from J. B. EGAN at CEYLON, I am prnpared to give tho public, by way of intro<iuc!.iou, some big bargains, believing this lo best way to get acquainted. This week we have to oflfer Boots aud Shoes as follows: Boots that were 75o now 55c. Boots that were I.-IO now 1.10 Boots that were 1.00 now 85 o. Boots tltat were 1.65 now 1.25 Boots that were 1.75 now 1.00 Boots that were 1.25 now 90. Dress Goods that wore 25, now 18. A full stock of fresh groceries on band at lowest possible prices. Salt, flour bran, shorts, etc., always for sale. Your butter and eggs wanted at highest market rates. 3a$« Pattison General Merchant Ceylon. % % I |fe^gg^' g^ ' ^i't^-i ^-^ '« ^j^ '- ^ '^ ^ ^ Bull For Service TliorouBhbrorl Duinaiu Bull "Kinfi Kriward" 64I0S, will Oa (or Barviuu on lot IJ'J, 3id T. S. It. ArlomoBin. Pedinroo DarliroJ, orIvoiI Man;!) ^Hl lOO), tirod tyJohn RiUK, Mfilntvro, Ont; •iiiil Jowner .luliiiHton Cul- lon, Kl<)shnitoo, Out.; ijiit l)y I'riiicts Kdwarii SOIfJSAam UoHo of Uimv :tT02l), by Villngo Uiirfjo- luastor 2nil 24BSO, .lenniu Lavender '.M-SOB.bv Vol-- untaortUlXiO, Daisy LavBiidnr I14(tl, liy IJuko of Lavender (imp) I2ia (.Jtiasi, Lady I'awsliiy (MSi), l)V Louia Arunilulliinip) ia!4(."i(551) MissKawsley 1(1110, by Fawsloy Oliiuf (imp) 107 liMiM-'l), Uainy .Ird ,'i749, by Oiloid MazurlmyiO. DaiBV 5007, by Pvincuof Wa!oB(iuip) '201 (lS630),Be8Bio Bdllo (i77. by ToiniR KiiRland L'tnpl 374. Uoaa (iiiipl 403, l>y Baron of Kirtailftlu [UlMj, Spuowifo by Ueinua |ll9H7J,Suowrtrop by Strathmore !rh5471. Catlier iue 3nl by Playfellow IG'297J, YouiiK Uatboiiuu by Sir Willlftiu [111102] Catbeiino by Emperor 1974. TBRMSâ€" 91 for grades, 90 for thorouRhbredp, pajrablo Jan. 1, 1907. ISapl JOHNSTON CULLEN, Prop, Flesherton Skating Rink Skatiug to the public Tuosday, Thimi- day and i^atuiday. General aduiis- riou C and lU c«nta. Notice to Creditors J- 0. PATTON, PROP, Oct soma of 8. Thurston's fino Souvenir P««t»l C»rdl^ So. Mob, 6 (of 2ee. Writ* fora«t«lo(M In the matter of the estate of THOMAS JOSEPH HUDSON, late of tho Township of Osprey in tho County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICR In hereby Riven pnrauant to tlio He- visoiiSiatiitosofOntaiio, 1HD7. Chap. I'J.i tlmt all crcilitors nnd otbvra ImviuR claims AKiiiimli tho nstaluof tlla said THO.M \S .lOSHI'It llUi)- HON .i«CBa-ie<l, who died nil or about tlio Tw.iuliy •dKlilli day of March A.li.l'.wturo required on or before tho asrd day of March A.U.lflUfttoseiid by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Lucas, Wri|>ht and MoArdlo. Owou Hound, Onturio, Solloilors forlho adininiatratrix.of the OBtiUn of thoaaid deooaaod, their chriatian andsurnmnna. addroB«e»auddeacriptioiia,thofi]llpaitioular«of their olaime„aho«tn tcraentol their and aooounlg the nature of tho socuritio* (If any) hold by them. AND PURTHEIl TAKE NOTIOI? that aftrr such laatmeutioued date t.lio said admlnistratrlz will proceed todUtribute thBftB Ruts of thedeceas edanionft the parties entit lad thereto having ro- Kard only to th« olaims or which they «h«U then have notioe.and that the aaid wlintuiatraW rix will not bo liable for tho said aaanta or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoM •eluisinotioo sbkll uot have been reoeiTed by tbem at the time of such dlatributlou. Dated tlM Utb day of February, A.D.,100i. XiBMO, WrlRht A UoAnlle, Owen Ronnd, Out, BolMton toi Mm AdmiuUtntols. *.-