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Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1906, p. 1

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I > n zxtXiU BXlX^K* "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINCirLEb KOT MEN." VOLXXlY, RO FesLaerton, Ont. Tliursday IVIarch. 8 lOOG W. H THURSTON, ^'''"°" ritOl'KIETOU « « « « « « « « « IV Th3 Aft«rmath. After till! Chiistmos eiiles, wliicli wi-ie ex traordiiiHiiiy huge this year, wo fliirl Irft ill stock a fine" line of g'X)ilii which wc tUak everyone! will ooiiccile ia Just the Thing for V/edding Presents. Thnsoaie the choiehei't of piuwisâ€" no cHcap tra«!i. Come iiuu see them anyway. T.I w^ikfl ym u]) the-e lUrk mo;-n!ng^, and IcimU of Clocks at ail kinds of prieeii. IVciife/'yna/t fountain X.ens, Viuoy Ink ijtandn, etc., tor sale. W. A. Armstrong 'S5 Written for Tlie Advance. From the Wheat Fields Advance,â€" Once a;;«in, at the pcrsmtenb rcciueal (if my d->wii i-n^t trua frien.U, I pou you another sketch. The old fiiHiid, Adv.inee, has Tmiid t'.ie trail and ciuiii'S on it.*! weekly tr;;), uiifolJ- i:\M to our unrap urcd t;»ra, liko ;ri eii- tianoing kaleiiiiscop.', the i-VL-i--chai)j^inj; seines, the sayings and d<aiii(s of the cjuls and sago^, of thinija, ccd- noinicnl, mural and rulii;i<niH, and one foi-la the pulBO, the throes hijiI pan;;* ai.d ureal uphtacals ••( old-iime customs and prachees and laws. Wo hear tho sound <if, and watch the trend of battle from ,ata'-, and tho exolHiualioti leans t-i our lips : Yes, let the people uovui-n ! Then t!'Ore mil be i;o (ear of Kubbian-hke atncitiea. it would, perhaps, bo sup iiiluous for ine to speak of the immense wheat ti^lUti, <it the past summer here. Enou;{h lo say they are c^u-iirtin'^ larct'T a-.ia larger. :^or need 1 say much of tho biu-biuhtian yields of golden giain,a» 1 have ileKcrilied «ll that beloro to you. No douljt you will be aware, from friends iu tho we-b and th« v.irious press reports thiit tho harvuht yield of 1!K)5 passed into hint, ry lis HUipas.sin!{ all previous records in the territories, of tlio wheat supply shipped out from tho great Canadian west to (iil the W'lrld's bread tr.iy, and yet aOounds witli l.luHhinu prospects of an enlarged otferin« into the lap of conimorce tho couiinK soiisi'U. 1 read here with s;reit inteivHt tho rotes of fiiond liurlburt of his Culmn expiorations, otc. He, like myself, being aecjourner. a strangop anioii;< strangers in a ntranne land, I follow him with keen- est interest as he " folds hib tent like tho Arab and silently steals away." 1 have a ffood Siinaritan thought as 1 wri'o. Cuuld 1 but reaeh out to him tho point of one of theso north-western iceheigs (tho water in ihos^ou^hs and small likes hoie is frozen solid to the bottom, feet thick-â€" 11)10 the contrast) that, wo niiiiht cool his parched tot-guo whiUt he is being tor- lueoteJ wiih skitties iu that flame where Old Sol (or is it Nick) stirs up tho tires. ]iut 1 h\d visions of the uini oil of a man of peace and good wdl. Yet O, delusive thought ! Uoie ho is iu Uis last epistle, goinn down somcwhe'o, breathing cut Ihreatenings and sl«ngliter ! Ho sitys he has killed his hundreds. Well, wo will t).iu«o to hoar of DAvid. the cli«in|)ion of the Cubans who has slain his tbiuainds. Ah I don't stop to slay, Bro. I have ex- poi ii-neo. Those tormentors aie bcio also in thi.s airy northwest in suimiiHr in billions. Put on a mos(|uito net armor over neck an.l face and yon arochi'iipion. They miide a lire of a few dry hiielis to cluer tho hou'S as they w.itchid tor the day. Now, tho writer has read ot taran- tulHS, scorpions and other v, noiiions hcap.ts to lie found ei-on in ilio beiUitiful land of Cuba, so have a care, Uro. Saul, lest a viper come out of ilio lioai ami fasten on the baud. Perch.aiico it might noi be shook otf so easily a.s one of old. Ititt I have yet to see the tirst reptdo" in this i;r«Ht, cool liiid of iha north. Well, Mr. E'litor, it seoiu^ the most priiniivo conditions exist in widest con- trast in these two extreme poin's cf fron- tier saitleinent, viz., Cuba and the Can- adian N.)ilhwest. This is why I note these thinos more pariieuliirly. Hero «o have the sultleri^ nh.'ick built of n fen lo;is «)r a bit of lumber liko a railroad car, iinil that toiiilly enclos.'d saio the door and window, by walls of prairio sol two or throe feet ihiok, also swU as a thatch on tho lumber or poles of the roof, and I his to shield the inmates from the rl)!or of the stormy wintry bla<!tJ<. Bur these are tho most primitive. Some have houses of ordinarily good structure and material, •omo even of quite advanced architec- ture and niodetn equipmont. Bui the people who poaios* the more princely outtit had nnipU means when they Qrst bfoko sod ou th.i praitiu. The c'othing contrast is most marked and interos''.ing. Ho snys that in Cuba I'l.ey cioihe for appeiratice, not for neces- sity. we. clothe from most pro- nounced necessity, not only in cotton, silk Kiid woollen texture-!, but we appreoi-ite the hide anJ fur coverii.s^s of the v..irious species of hide and fur-bearing animals, all conU'ibutiii;; to cap and clothes and coa's and buot«, ,ind in very many aises having hut a sec.indary ros;ard us to ap- pearanies ; yet these can be made most pl.asiiis, if not actually elegant. And i while Mr. tlurlburt revels in variegated I areas cif iioweis, wo can approoiaio tho I del glilful Ht< nM, for wo have not seen a I Hover Kinco Sop-ember last. But this is ' a l.nd of go and push. You never Know j tt hilt now experience is ill storo for yoU I the 111 XI d.iy. One nay a man may be- n.oaii his lot that ho lives some 15 lir 20 I miles (loin a railway; and tho next moru- ini; a p.irty of surve.yois ni>iy ba localinu ,y line l'iioui;h his fiu:n. That is ppy ejipeiieiico of many an i,solatod farmer reconily, for tho C. P. 'A. have iiBii a survey party hicaling a line theao lilu.stering d.iys ou tho open prairie be- tv.-eon St«n>ili ton here and Weyburn on tho Soo lino, some forty ni Itis wjst in a straioht lino. This miist cuilainly looks liko business, wi'h the Ihoimome'.er some 20 below zero. P.utthabis nothing, for fur and grit deli.s king frost betimes. The scene is most enchanting when one noes .lut in the m irnin.! just at daylight to Ijhd that tho burt.liun !.torm of wind of the night b:i8 lulled, and has cut and moved thj bars and l.aiiks of snow of yesterday and distributed it over tho plain and into the ho'l-iwa and si jughs and ravines, hero and there ; then as tlie >sun rises, t>riKbt and clear, what wondrous beauty greets the eye, for tno whole sur- faea of snowy expanse is <Mie glistening sheen, sei rated, dimpled and criiuplotl like a ma;d.:n's tresses, or like the foum- created, auii-ki-ised ripples and waves ot a choppy soa. â€" F. T. C^BJi.- To Do coiTtiiiuctL nil of i' Imm are now so far recovered as to 1 ..; Hi Ir to work as usual. The strictest quai.'ii ii;o is maintained and every pre- caution taken by families HiiVctod and other? to prevent further development, Mr, S. Udell, sanitary policeman, is look- ing sharply after his dutj'. Mr. and Mrs.Fied Field have removed to the Purvis farm near Euaeiiia. The mill yard is fast tilling up with logs and Rhingle timber. Mr. Watson expects to start sawing early next month. T. R. McKonzie attended ilie Grand Council of Royal Templars held in Toron- to lately, as^a delegate, and also vi&ited friends in the city a fow days. IMcparland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store MJLE?KDALK, ONTAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A Favorite Remedy For Babies. It» pleasant taste oiul (irompt cures have mnJe Cough Remedy a favorite with tho mothers of small children. ItqmeKly cuieB their covi^'hs and colds luid prevents any ('unaer of pneumonia or other serious coiise- nueliccs. It not only cmee croup, Imt wlieu given aSMionas tliucionpy cough .ippearsii-Ul prevent the attadc. I'oi sale by W. h. ItlcU- iu-dsou .aud W. .1. Doujjlas. Kitaiierley Mr. Lome and Miss Lilly Curry of the Trnvelleis Home visited with Beaverdale friends on .Suiidny last. Mr. J. M. Fancett had a woodboe on Thuisdny of last week, Mr Fred Martin of the suburbs.nne of our eiitoi prising young m(;n,has pinvliased tho butchering busiiiea<< at Eugenia from Mr. Robt Purvis, and is now in posses- | fossinn of tho same. Bitter join the bon- I edicts Fred. I Mr. and Mrs. Bwierson Brown spent i Sunday with the laiiors parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Knott, of Th.irobury. j In the absence ot tho jias'or Rev. J.B. 1 Wass, Mr. George Untchison ably i sufiplied tlie pulpit in ilio Methodist,' church here on Sun<hiy nioniin<j last. Wo lire sorry to re[iorr Mr.P. Harris on the (.ick liit but hofu; to hear of his speedy recovery. Miss Cubiin, of Kansas, is the guest of Misi Ina Magoe, of the snlmrbs. We are sorry "^j rc|)ort Mrs. M. Fer- guson on the sick list at piesent.but hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Ilow about the loiig Walk, John \V? We Guarantee you Big Bargains in: Ladies, Mi,ssos and ChiUlrens Mantles, Hoefeis and Ulsten>. Mens, Youths and Boys Overcoats mid Pea Jackets. Mens and woniens Fur Coats. Furs of all dosciiptious. Dresi Goods. Millinery. VI oils and Boys Underwear. \Voinen8Mis.se3 and Childrons Underwear. Aluns and Womens Felt Boot8,Overahoes and Rubbers. Ladies Dress Skirls. Ladies Fancy Dre<w Waists. Horse Blankets and Robes. Mens and Boys Top Shirts, Sweaters anil Cardigans Mens and Boys Cloth Caps. lleinnante! Remnants! Remnants! Grocery bargains â€" see them. Enzenia Reautiful Mai-ch weather, roads m cood comiitiou, winter gttthig on its last stage, spring at hand, Mr. Romain and his gang ot men are making good headway in the tunnel. No serious accident has so far marred their Mr. Will Cair had a woodbee the past week. A large number of men was on hand. At night the ladits put in an i'.ppearaneu and a good tinio was enjoyed by all present. Martin Bros, have started a meat maikotat Eugenia. People will find it very convenient. As thoy are very upright young men wo predict for them a g.iod pat roiiege from rho people around. Don't ncg'cct lo aiiend the ncck-tie 8i*ial at the orange ball on the 13tli, You will get a pr<ftty nei.k tie and .A far prettier partner. All aro welcome. Mrs, J.R Uoggaiid Master Willie have lieen viBiiiiig at ClHcksburg and AlHston foracotipld of weeks . Mr, .H. Purvi.s is having asslo and m moving to Toronto. Every oiiu is sorry at their leaving these part«. They will bo Rreally miss, d at soeial and church uather- i.igs at which they were always .viUing aasistant.s. . , , Mrs. James Jamieson of the niiith h.-r* reii'ed her farm and intends "oing to T'oroiilo. It seems U<o bad for our old res- idents lo bo L'oiiig fiom our midst. VVi- .shall uiiss their friendly greetin;;*. Ihia is a world of changes and partings. Mrs. Win Larue of Markale was tho gnettof her parents at the Eugenia House for a few days the past weelt. Mrs. MaoBean of Los Anceles, Cal has returne.l to after visiling her many friends in Ontario. Mr J. n. Duokett has been under the weather with rbouiiiatiBm but is on the mend. Ho is soon going to hum a kiln o, lime to he ready for his customora. â€" . «»»â-  * PortJiiw That unwelcome visitor,sinallpox,whicb we have all been trying to dodjje for jomo months i>ast succeeded, in some way or other, in stealing a march on our neigh- borhoiKl, As soon as its presence was discovered the health officials set to work ill a vigorous way to arrest its progress and stamp out the disease. They ..ppoar t.. be Buccooding well in rhuir eirmUs as no new caBe.i have devolopod lately. Those who have been afTocted are Mr, Samuel Warlina and son Gordon; Mr. SSumuel Shiora and Mr. Wesley Jamieson. Cejioa postmaster tlie^'^^'^i^. « «nak visiting fior rrtcntl MTsa Anna Chislett. 5Sho lefr Tuesday iin, ruing tJ) visit some friends at Grand Valb'y. Mr. Jas. Sproat and his smi Andrew returned last week from tho vicinity of Torra Cotta and Cookstown where they spent the winter so farge'ting out square timber. They are otf again to reaiime tneir work in tho woods near Meaford. Thoy are spletniid iixenieii. Mr. Jolin English has secured the servicsot Mr. S. McCoinb, of Owen Sound. - •-v<#^*-«- A Big Chance for Men. $8. $9 and 810 SUITS FOR $5.90, We put on the Bargain Table this week ,10 ME?^8 TWEED SUITS, Tliey aro all honest good soiling' iialterns and stylos, made by the best Clotbing manufacturer in Canada. Single and Double Breast Co»ts in the lot. It is a clearing up of the »«aaon's business, that ia, many of thera are lonely suits; their mates have all been sold ami they are the only size left of ihe pattern and .piality. Then suiting the lot is KltiTEEN Double Breast Suits made from ihe Heavy Twill untearable tweed iiid^ik grey sliad.w. Everybody knows what this Untoarahle Tweed is likeâ€" Wo have .sold hundreds of l)U'''we'fr;,'t'n Jfe' U^?' f<-'*^ seasons, and a suit made of this cloth is a at $8,00, ux.aU. " «n.oJ2U*"""» ^'"'"t'ty and there are 15 Suits left that must bo sold this James Msrris.n.a f:\rnier of Sydenbam, while returnini.' home from Owen Sound, was shot at three times and sev. rely wounded in the His asaaila ii o.scaped. L iter Alfred Stewart, nn old country waif, w.^is arrestod on the charge of attempted murder Circumsianoes show slr.ntily the probability of his guilt. He is an oQVnder of note, having hetn in jail a couple of times for minor o'fences Mr, Win. Bifwster, of Brewster's^ Lake, delivered a valuable bunch of coll.s' hero ou Tuesday. They were tnrno<I i over to the puicbasei lioio.a I'hilndelphm | man, lor a cash coiihideraiion of SIKH). \ .and wore -shipped to ibnt poitit. Mr. Brewster is an importer and breeder of heavy horse.s and is making a success of the businoaa.â€" Dundalk Herald. An incident occurred last week which we cannot refrain froi.. meiKioniiig, though we are suro the hero of it won d ho th" last man to S'lnetion publici-y. Mr. Mal.-oliii Mclones lif tho gravel road bought a for a «ood round sum at Commissioner Niil McCannell's sale, and by some ini.scbaiu c it died next day. Mr, McCannel! cnlled on Mr. Mclnties, and was assuiod that no blaino was attached to him in the nmiter. Mr. McCa..i oU did not think so eitlior, but inssred on b.'ariiig tho loss, and hai.ded back to Mr. Mclnnes the note he had given at the sale. A transacti.m suoh as this quickens our fai'h in human nature.â€" Durham Review. Thoriibury furnished an elopement seii- sat.i..u recently when Mrs. A. Bums skipped out with a bai tender naiin d They did not go far l>ai lande.i up in Owen Sound where they took up .ipaitments in iho Cbfford House bhick. The woman loft a good home, an honest, Indus, rious husband and four children Burns is a labcner, respoclod on all si.le^, and is well connected. Last week the runaway pair were interviewed by Chief McAuley and they have since left town. Currie is fully 4,5 years of ago but the woman is a groat deal younger. A few days a«o tho case was br.>ni;ht to the attention of Rov. James Lednud, agent tor tho Children's Aid Society, who wont to Thori.liiiry and saw the husband and children. As a result the goaidianship of the four obildren has been Ir.iiisferred o biiii, riio husband retains the eh Idren in the nioaniimo, and they will bkely he pUoed iu homos of friends in the vicinity ot Tbornbury.â€" O.S.Suu New Spring Prints. NEW SHIPMENT OF CRUMS ENG- LISH PRINTS JUST ARRIVED. The liist shipment of Couii.os English Prints have arrived and are opened out in our Millinery Dipartunnt. Mothers wishing to got sewiiiu done eaily can inako their Selection before iho rtock gets picked through. Ciums Prints aro .-ick- nowledged to be the best made in the world â€" soft, free from dressing, poifecily fast colors, light and dark shades, :J2 inch wide. Tho old prioa 12^0 A Chance forths Bjys. 50 BOYS SLEDS TO BE GIVEN AWAY THIS MOMTH, Wo got a bargain in a quantity ot Boys Hand Sleighs, handsome little sleds, brightly painted, with iron bound runners. Wo are going to give a sled away with every tioys suit sold lliis m intli. Makes no difference what price you buy, any size from 22 to 32, short p*nt .suits, .somo marked at Stock Takiiit; Sale priooa,somo regular discount. A slud goes free wiilv each saib. See our clothing window. Lace Curtains T'lo New Lace Curtains are hero, hundreds of jwiis of them, imiiortnd direct from- m'anJfacturors, handsimie new patterns in Nottingham Swiss and Hrii.<-»el9 Lit5o.s.extr* b g values this season, prices run from 50o. to Jo.OO per pr. McFAKL^AND, BTAFFOI^D 6c CO SG2ALiST3 OF A^'SSKiCA THE EblASTS^ G V/e Icnow tho disoasca and v.-ealiacsscs cf n.icn lito an open boclf. We have been cu'ri?ii; thcra for SO years. ^Vo h.tve eivoa our lives to it and thousands ttvon thouaanJs of mca restored to Vicorous Vitality are todt<y livia- Kcnnmonts to the skiil, knowlcdEO and e-cccss ct Kennedy & ICcrs'',n. V.'o never hcl.l out false hopes, we r.evcr Drs. -.tudy undortaite a. caco t.o cannot cure. V/e have r.-.aO,e :o thorough tx of all the diseases cf menâ€" et Vnricoccle, Stricture, Blood Po icon.-!, Hydrocele, Nervous Debility, Paralysis, Biacidcr, Urinary and Kitancy Diacasei, GenersI \Yeai:ness, Uss cf Vitality, and have ctircd so umny thousancis of c?.ec-s tb.r^t If thcro Is a cure for YOUR disease you will flud it here. When we u:idcrtal:o a cas-3 U.ierc la no sitch thins aa failure. V/e ch.-.rsa nothing for concultation and our Itf.owled.^o, sUilland exrcrirnco aro r.t your sorvico. V.^o v.IH esplair to you How and Why V.'o Can Cure You; why tho disetst-. of men rcqitiro the knowledce and sUlil cf I.iSctcr Specinl'sts. W3 do not r.^.Talro to experiment with your cnno as v.-o from cxperlonc? la treat!!;,'; thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your syr.-.ptoins. Don't bo discouraKod it you have treated without sv.ccogs v.'lth QuacUs, Fa!:lr3, Enoctrio Belts, l'>co Tri?.!<;, etc. Ton muct got curedâ€" aad Doctors alone can cure you. Our t!cw Method System ot ti-eatiuent has stood the test for 25 y^R^s â€" why ehottld it fall in yonr case. Sho.i'.d ycur case prove incurable ycu n=ed not p»y us a dollar. Wo refer ycu to any Bank in this city as to oar financial stanr'.lng. If ycu cannot call write for a Question Blank fop Homa Treatmerit. CcRSUllation Free. Booklets sent Free. t43 SH'^LSY STREET, DETR05T, EVJICH. agyaRT^aiiir.'iiywafiVWiViftwaatas

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