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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1906, p. 8

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M FBrRUARY 15 1006 m\ II I - The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Otti 34t.. 34 Pmr 76 to 76 Bailey <5 to 45 VfhfM 72 to 72 H,y 6 00 to 00 Pou toes per b»g 60 to 70 JJutt.r 10 t" 19 EnKH fre.sli 18 tn 1^ Turkeys 14 to 14 Duok« 10 to ]0 (3ee».- .'. 10 to 10 Chk-keuK 7 t> 8 01(1 Fowl 6 to 7 THE ELESIIERTON ADVANCE «nna9 Big reduction on Suits Overcoats Pants Before Leaving For FEVERSHAM H. Alexander FLESHE.^TON, ONT. Hammer blows, steadily ap- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. Th» boit kind of a testimonialâ€" "Sold lor over «trty year»." Kad« by J. O. Ay«r Co., towoU. M»»». ^lao maaulkotunra of '_ SARSAPARIUA. PILLS. HAia VtOOB. Wo have no iooroti I Wo pnblith tbe formulrul o f oil oar modlcinoj. Biliousness, constipation retard re- covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills. yers FISH iSalsnon Trout Finnan Iladdics. Cannsd Goods We have a large airoimt of canned gi>od»on liail I 11 â-  1 r wJi'ch are tbe follow! Ofr,â€" C'mini d SaIii im C'nnnvil Tuinatoca Canned l'c:m Cauiifil Corn CaniieJ- Lobster, etc., etc. JDran, Hlmrtt, I,i)wGiH'lel''lonr,F<ir(l'H Patent M>>rninK'il»ry, Koyal Houneholil. St. John & Ro vision PORTLAW ^arjra/ns this monih in 'Drj/ Soods, Srocorios, Snoots and Shoos and ati Jfinds of JKand *ff^ade "Uinwaro, Salt !Pork and S'reah WatorJKerrin^f. We Thank Thee O Thou, by whom tbU MrtbW «yb«r« WM marie, Wbo doth tbe sua from &%i to day eommand; Wbose crace tbe beaveoa witb starry dema iufald: All Dowor bnloDita to thine almiiihty band, And we, thy clilldreu, tbauk TUou. Perhaps we do not alwaya truat enough, And life fion>etliuo8 aeuinB 'neath a darkling cloud Yet whoij the light of Thine all- eracioua love Shiiieii forth; with bearfc-joy.and aloud bhould all thy jiooplo thank Thee. Tbe curse of Baccua Thou baat often seen, Audall i.s dreadful blighting cruelty Un bonics where ouce both joy aod peace bad btii-ij; Itut uorv tbia direful reign must end, and wo, Uur lioavonly Father, thank Theo. The wife, who (eela another love tbtn here Ib wooing, subtle, sly, the husband dear; Who Fou» the wiao-glass beckon bim; where there's A road Uiat loadotb down to reijioDe drear, Witb (luruat Joy will tbauk thee. And aistors, too. with brothora kind and true. Of whosd youn^j strouyth aud mauboodtboyare in-ouil; VS'ho, itembliug. fuar what open bars might do To rob them, andldavohii.iflH iu sorrow bowed, With happy hearts do tbauk Thee. .And tho^e wbo for the good of follow men Have, faitliful, worked tt.b (iod of Wue to slay; W bo bavo loijy prayel and hoped for when Our briine luud «>>uld no loii<^or owu bis away. U father, how tbuy thank Tliue. Yet there arc 5ome who would not that this Wily Was beat; and wbo for reasong which we leave To Tiiee, to jud^K, would still put off the day Wh«<u liuccus would hlKHual dootu receive; Aud wbo seem not to thank rhee. But y»t„ buforu the Kroat white tUrouo there will He leas to judge of sin and broken lawa; Tb"ii ;;rantoat no. the wills of all, but still Doat loVB e'en tbt>i.« wlio would oppoaj thy cause. And peihaps aomolime they'll tbaak T.ico, -I. O. B. be Boldâ€" proprietor gcing west." Farms here eontioue to change ownersbip. Ho for the west ! Miss Jessie Cameron is visitiag will) her sister, Mrs. VV. H. Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Edw&nla and daugh ter of Toiouto "\re visiting with their many friends in thin vicinity. Mr. liajjer from the Wett visiieJ witb his nncle,Mr. Priestly, last week. Neil Oamey of Singhauipion is vis iting witli Ijis sister, Mrs- F. S;)oiTo!d Mr. Bennid Bcott, of Collin;,' wood, called OD fiicn^a here last week. I he Orip. "Before we can Byinpr.thize with ot'-iers we muBt have anffered oumelveg.'' No one eun realize the sutferinK utteudiint upon an att;^k of the gripiK', unleni he h:wi had tbe uetu;il e<- IK^rieuee. There is j>rohal»ly uo di>;e.i.««e lliat cau.se3 aoniuch ithyaical and mental agony, "i which w) succesHfully ieBex medical ai !. All danger from the gtip, however, may Ih.> avi:ide<l by the prompt uae (if Cliambcrlalii'a Coupb Kemedy. .Ainoni; the tens of thou.'<umU w:ii> have u«e<l this !eiiied\', not one case has c/ei been rei>orte(l that lia>< reaulted in pneunioria ,»r that iiai* not recovered. For Hal J by W. K. Uiehardson and W. J.Douglas KimZierlcy TlIK IfELI.AHLE ILtSIIEKTON Ci ROGER - ONT. School Children's Eyes Supply 'Mr Intellect wasiu "Weak Lungs'* â€" â€" •• PsYCHlNE " has restored thousands of people to buoyant health and strength whose condi- tion had been regarded as hopeless. It is at once a tonic and flesh builder, ccntaininjf remarkable properties as a blood puriHer and germicide. It will strengthen and heal the weak lungs, forre out the phl.'jTni, and dinve away the cough, no matter of how long- standing^. " PsvciUNE " tones up the whole system and drives out disease, heals the decayed tissue and restores lost ener^. Its use daily win prevent and ward off that most subtle di.sease cor.sunoUoii. Sheppards S>lour 3'or Sale, and Cavetrou^ hiny , jf-iii nace ^ork a Speeialtj/, BUSINE.SS Cards M'OULLOUOH A YOUNO llanknr Marlidale Do a general banking businosa. Money loaneo a reasonable rate Call on ua. T. i-HIRLKTT. I'oHtmaater, Toylon. t'ominlE«li>nor iu H. f. J . Convovancer, deeds, niorlKuui's, leases, wills etc. carefullv drawn up ('ullfctions niad.-^. chargns reaaonable, Al^-u KioeeriuA, Uuur, feed etc, kept iu stock, Tiiees rinht. RJ BPBGUIjB rostmaster, Floshorton i/Oninilnsioner iu H. C. .J., Auctioneer Con voyancor, Appraiser end Money Louder Ui'al Kstatfl and Insurancu Agnnt. Pceth wurt(;ago», lonsiia aud wills carefully drawn up aud valuations made on siiortea notice, incnoy to loan at lowest rates of lutcrcB^. Col «'!ti">us atteudod to with promptness cltaiKoH low: Agent for Ocean Dominion titeatuubip Company. A call solicited. \ bus Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department • l-WtlLE" "^Nr> OPTiCJAW VI ESHKRTON. « i- - - --â-  J yCtiiii.da's Greatest Nursetles" WANT A Local Salesman for Flesherton To B '11 llixh Cl\HH Nursery Stock in V'ruiLri iind Oriiaiiiontal. (..arrest List ..f NEW 81'K01.\1/1'1E.S over oirered. srvur NOW AT Tnii best kkl ],I.Ni'i .SKAS )N'. Hiji iiiiiucoiiiuiita.Lib- iH-ul l*;iy, llaiidsonio Fii'o Outfit, Torrii ,.ry U-.M-rved. S\ itirE FOR TERMS liild (Jaujl'^uo unit mud 25c for onr ALUMINUM I'OOlvCT MlCHOSCOl'E (ill i^'iitii-s 4} linn'R) and Wlc for our llANUV SAW, juHi the thm« for tiiiii- inii.K treuH (cuts iii>i> as Woll iw Wnud.) Stone & Wellington (OVKIIS'JO ackkn) Toroilo • - Ontario Societies AO U W moots oi. tho laat Mondaj lu oaon month. In their loiigu room. Christoo's block. 8 p.m. M.W., A. Ilitrrison ; Uecorder. Jas. Ku^tfad ; Klnan clir, W.J. Itel.amy. Viaitlug brntbrcD li.vited plilNOB AllTHim LOmiK, No. MM, A FA r A U, meete lu the Masouleball. Strain's block. Klesherton, every Friday on or before tbe full mocu. John Wright, W U.; O. N. lllclmr son, KoLrutary. Clt'llT Fl/RHIIKBTOS, 003, I. 0. F. neetsln Christoo's Ulook thn last Fridavevoidng of caeli mouth. Visiting Fo'pslora hoarlllv Wdlonino. (Ml., Dr. Ml ray; EC. W. Loncls Fin. Hic, JI. A. Willitt. I'leaho pay dues toH. A. Willott oo or before the last day of the precooding month. Mr. Jiiiton of Owen Souud wu ou busint sa laat wet k. Boinâ€" On Feb. 1), to Mr and Mrs. George Hutchison, a eon. The concert licld here under the uiippiccs of the Kimbcilry Football Club on Wednesday cvciiing, Feb. 7, was a dtcid^d success. Slv. 0. II. Walter, who has been workiDf; in Lions Head for soiuo time, returned homo last week. He pur- poses returning to Lions Head with his family, in the near future. Mr. Robert Lawrence attended a meeting of the county Orange Associa- tion iu Meaford last week. Mis.s Maggie Knott visited friends in Markdalo last week. Mrs. A, E. Myles visited Maikdale frienddlitst week. Mr. Carman and Miss Marcssa Korr of Ucathcote visited at Mr. J. R, Fawcctt's on Sunday last. The Kiuibrrloy Improvenaent Soc- iety lieltl a box social here on Friday evening last. A very enjoyable evening w i» rpent by all present. Miss Ilai«y Davis of Vandolour visited friends here last week, and was theRuest of the Misses Ethel and Salie Faweett. A number from here attended div- ine servii^p at Riverview on Snudaj evening Is st, Mins V, Stephens of Markdalo wnn the guest of Miss Lilly Curry of tho Travellers Home last week. Mrs, W. II. Thurston of Flcahcrton is sprndingafew days with Mrs. G. H. Walter. Mrs. Ihilcrt Fawcclt sr., of Port- law, is visiting fricnd.4 in this neigh - horhooil and is tho guest of her fon, Mr. J. It, Fawcctt. .'^tc.iliiisi fr<,in citnreh slied.s in Mount Forest reachel a c'iiii.ix recently wiien Mr. A. Hutchiii'Hon siutained a sovere liws. He had left his cutter iu the Meth odist church shed and wheu.lnj icturiied to it til le4Ve fur hcmn lio f u id tin.' fur robe, fur overeat and all U;s hurtiess but the bridla gone. Mr. George B. Biintow, nf Oprey, recently sold five head of calllj to .Mr. .Jnmos Davidson, a pro:niuont i.ii[>orter of Pirkerin;{. The sale netted Mr. ISi-is- tow 8840. The higliest priced iiniiiM! biouyht S300. Three of tho a-.iinaU wore calvos, antl a'l were from Mdd^ed Itny^il, which won tirtit prize at Winnipeg, third priZH iu Cli;c;ii!o aud Hrst at K muis City, besides sweei)slakps at si-.eral aalw iu New York S'a'e. This auimd i.< now owned by W. \i. Watt & Sou vS Sitltm, near Ouelph. QREATEST OF ALU TOTi'.OS (PRONOUNCES SI-KiiN) Aa OBUCCiSTS- OME DCLLAa--ra££ T31AL UR. T. A. 3LCCt'M, LlmlttKl t78 KInc Si. W. Toronto.. Geneva. Notice to Farmers r â- ^ CtlOSKN FUIENrSâ€" Flesherton Counell of ('hnscu Prliuuls meets in (Mayton'e ball flist and third Wednesday ofouobmout H p pay asBesBiiioiitH to the Jleiorder on or betoii' tre first day of oach month. Chief Councillor, T. lllakelu) ; Uecorder, W. H. Buut, MaxM'cU Mis. Albrrt liiowniidge, 4(h line, Sili â-  In Furniture The largest and best stock of furniture ever shown in Flcshur- ti>n. This withont fear of contra- diction. Conic and see some of the tiicu things iu Sideboards Dining RooiT\ Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed RooiT\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. furniture Stealer FlesbertoD - Dot. We have recently placed in our Mill at The Ek'ctiio Plant, luigenia, one of the late.^t iin- f)roved choppers, consequcnt- ly v.e are now hetter than ever prop;u'C(l to grind all kinds of grain on the .shortest notice and in the very best manner. In order to re tho'^liuxst. possible delay we ^vould sug- gest that, whenever posaibh?, customer.s bring their grists in the forcuoou. ffeorffian ^ay SPower Co, limited. Fred Decmle Bo r>t- »» Ctrâ€" , Farm forSale. For Bale cbrap aud oa easy termn of payment an'l i( reqniriMj, poSROBBiot: nt ouce, lots tiuiu* l>ert*U7. 118& 149, co.MesHion 'JiiiJ . 8. W.. T.t^S roal, .\rtvinu'*ia. US uurus about half a mil© f ioiu tlie \iMii'-^o of Floslierton. On saul fariu in aijout ?OftcreK cK-aitd. fniicud and undercult- 1 ivation. IU acres of wbicU in hi iiiea'low laud^ aini about '20 acren plnii:^h<Hl for next epriu^a crop, A comfortable lo^; riwollinn witb frame otKtitlon. anil log baru atid sttibl-^f*. FrHii>e liii:»b'mytit-boiiar, atiJ a iH'vcr fallinf;; spring close to tbu dwcUint;, Tbe farm it a Bpletidiil ^1 aiu utKl Krazin^ farm. nu«l one that invariai)>v dives pootl orop8 whon properly imtin. Apply to liJ. Sproulo. FlMbfitoii, or Uvs. Uobt. Hat luit((0, Flusber^on Medical DU CAHTRK M U 1> A H Ont. Phyalelatv Surgeon, etc OlUco and rualdeneu -I'eter St., Plocherton A.T. UOND (irnduat« Toronto Unlvoraltv. Mem- licir of Ontario CulleRU oj rhyalctlanB and Sni- (io?ns. Maxwell, Ouf. .^iiiccoaaor to Itr. Hcott ji! T P OTTKWUMi * Votorlnnry Surgeon (Iradiiate of Ontario Veterinary rolleoo. residence â€" second door south wuat oc Miiry street. Tliia street raua aouth ri'OHbytaiian Chnroh. n WILSON, niaeksmith "• Iradnate of the Voierinary Rcionco A.isonititiou. Kijsiduneu, nniiiam street, up. poHtie Jloyd, Hieklliju'a haidwaiti. V, aNTKP! Olio U nil Jrud more Vownfi M. II III! 1 women, wli'> niu Hiid>itiuu.s auii cut r,.i I ing, to ipjal'ty in iho / ../ Legal LUCA9 WniQHT * McAltDI R llarrtatiTs Holieitors (>oiive>eiioerfl, etc Oihces-Owan Hound, Ont and Markdalo Out VV II WumUT, Ml Auni,B I H I.ucab N n-Klt'sherton »t11ee, MitcbeU'a Itank every Saturday. for thi unr.y posi i'n^ pen to all t.linso who aro t'loriMii/lilv jn i.ared to ni'coul theui. A lilt inoDMn' I'unau iu thin o '1- •go m-ann fiir a youh'' nan of tho'ii'l't kind, an oduo<lioni.| <ii|ui)jinent li«ttep ihan many irailcn or p ofeasiona In money eariiiii',1 power. Bied'nti admitted at Itnr time. Circularn fr<>o. W. .1. K-liott, Principal, (ior Yongcsnl .\losandw Sk<. D D lied at her homo on Thursday, Feb. 1 at (he age of CO years, after years of snfTering, Deceased was a member of tho Methodist church for many years. Bho leaves a grown np family of two Bona and twodaughtera and a husiband to uionrn her loss. The children are : Arthur, Edgar, Laura at home, and Mrs. Edward Ilawton. n.t Fevcrshain. The funeral took place to tho Methodist cemetery on SHluidiiy, Feb. 3, and was conducted hy the llcv. Mr Kemp. The bereaved fiiinily have tho sympathy of the community. Mia, Noble of Jlulmur attended the funeral of her eister, MrB.J3rown- ridge. 'iho C. O, F. of Maxwell held ihcir annual supper at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. VVm. Wvight, when a very pleasant evening was Bpont in a iiountifiil (inppor of oysterit and otluM things, also an excellent pro;;ia:o c. I fTsiuig of speeches, music, songs, etc. Ii WHS quite evident that every- body enjoyed the hospilalit) of thiir host and lioiiteB*in the hearty maonti in which they joined in singing "Tli.iy a jolly good fellows." The qiiieludo of our little hamlet was Boniowhat disturbed about 9 p.m. Wednislay last hy the 8>und of wid ding bells, when Mr, Matthew Ellis of PcVersliam and Misg Green of Ilealli- Rev. Mr en- A. M Tl u-Kton l.aa now a fine otock I »f'l''"^ '" ^^^ ^oly bonds of malrimony. do each 6 ' Tnere are numerons anotiou sale ' I bills up just pow. "Everything must If you are thinking of buyiuR a fine lrn!{r»y. wac^n or democrat, It will surely pay you l.> call luul invo.stiuMte our Rtock, terujn, etc., before makiujt your punhnae. We liaVH a dtntl'of expert workmen and ca.n i(i-arantoo that you will ho ssitialied ... E>L01LJrGH: â€" - â€" ALWAYS ON HAND â€" _ _ Bicycle - SunciK*iIes â€" â€" ANU IlKrAIUlNtJ OF.\l,LKlMiS _ _ &»aiAie>:j)c:>~>-.M::anaa« A. HEARD. â-  FLESHERTON. \'%:^s^^/^s^ 5S^5aiX6^}^3&^6^:/^i^ 13, McTAVISM Dk.nti.sthv R. C. MURRAY I.. D. H , dental «iir«oo.i h iiMii Ki.idiiiite of I'oronlo I'nivridtv aim o \a,\ OolU-'joof llMiital"! -oiia n! OnTaiio. (lis idinlHlf ration for teeth extraelioii (illio a' residence, Toronto alroat, Flesherton I'. AnilRTUONn, 1,. D.H.jTloi'or Oiadn of Tmoiito llnivi'rtity and Itoyal I'ol li.|!B of lieiital HinKnina of I'ntajlo. niipiBltc Mi». Hiil'iier's Pbotoiiraiih OaUe.y. Will visit i -,„ /{..nva to llio hiimfl nf Maxwell first and third Of each fO'f "'"Ve l() the HI TOO 01 nioiiiii I Itallantvue, where they became i: li[ flllRIOi miWi Bi![l![fi For First Cla»» Bugcies, Carts, Plca.snrc and Lumher \\ agoiw, cuttera, Sleiuha. We k^ep a smok on baud to choose from. ALSO HOKSB SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and irunranteo first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough rcjwipa, and »l80 Ma-isoy- Harris and Nnxou repairs for binders, Mowers, <»ll kinds of ma â- liiiiory, aluo Binder Twine on hand. t» Olben in town flive US a call « « I * â-  â-  « f .â-  • r^ « . ' t f . « t '< \: of souvenir postal cards, (or £rio.

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