Terrorists' Hand Raised Against Russia's Officialdom. PMAnow OF TRrtuon. A (Icspulrh from .SI. Poler-sbury f^ay.s . The huiiU of llif IciTori.sts is now raispil Ofiiiiist ull clussos of (illicinkloni. iiiili- lury iind civil, wtiicli nrc culled upon lo curb llie revolutionary inovpnient. The fcliadow of (cri-oi- liuiigs over Uiom' wlio me on the li.si of " rnpinics of libflrty" high on which luo Iho iiame.s of Inlorlor Minisler Duniovo, \ ico-Adiiiiral Douba- sotf, Oovcnior-C'cnornl ol Moskow. and Ocneral .â- ^ollogiih. (;ovcrnor-ritiicrnl of the Bailie province-s. i:very prccuulion has been l.iken lo ju-oleol Ihein. Iml tii^- Joiy has .shown Ihal Ibe inpeniiiiy of the U-rrorists is .sua- lo be s\uce.ssfiil sooner or lalor. MniP. Doubasoff. who i.s a sis- ter of M. Sipiuguine. the foi'mer Min's- ler of the Interior, who wn.s assa.'^sinate.l in l'.K>i, is so ulai'ined lor the Admiral's safely tlial slu is iniplorinf! him not t'. return to Moscow. It is noliceable Ihal a larjjo proportion of llie recent terror- ist.s' .seiUwicps ha\p been extrub^I tjy women, who nre among llie most d'- votod members of the lighting ort>un- izulion. The mnnl)> r of ollioers of the police who have be<'n .slain on aeooiint if their "pernicious activity " is mounting up so rapidly that the reports of such crimes hardly receive comment. Several cases occur daily. CifOlKM.N W ILL ni-.COVEn. The Admiially has leceived a if^uirl from Hie surgeon in chaige of \ li^e- Afknfral Chouknin. wlio was shot t"}' a woman in his onic<> at .St^t\a,stopol on Friday, to Ihe effect Uiat lu^ wounds are not dangerous Uraj-Adnurul Cnfjunv vilch has a.vsunK*d ctimiiiaiid uf ll>c Black .Sea (\t*{ m succfission to CUmutv- iiin. The attending sui'gooiis are confi- dent Ibat Uiouknin will rwox'or. The most .severe wound is iti tiis tireiiKl. fi-om wliieh Ifie iMjUel lias nol itetm evlJ'Ut!lfii.l Tlie other woimds ajie iu^Jie nigW fibou}- der and 1<j11i Itgs. The woman who ti*s sJjot and Kiit««l fcy an orderly who ruishid lo ttie Adrair- als osiislanc* is beli«\--' < ''^^-• ' â- â- an emissary of ilie i?l. . _ of lerrohrfls, like tr • Lieut. -I'len. .Sakharoff. llie former War Minisler. who was shot and killej December .') at Saratoff. and Ihe assussiii of Oneral .Shuvuloff. Prefect of Polic* €)f Moscow, who wa.s shot and killed at Mo.srow July II last. A JLVIi.NII.K l!OMB-Timo\VKM. A despalih from Warsaw siiys ; ,\ bomb thrown by a boy in Sgoda .streei on I'riday exploded and fulally woiuxled four geiulHriiies. All tlie windows In Ihe neigliborli.iud wei-e liioki n. Tlie boy t.scu|ird. Assaults on llie police lliroiiglioiil lln^ province coulinuc. TnOOP.S o.\ Till- MONK. The SI. IVIersbiirg (â- (jire.spoiulorii .if Ttie London Ijiiies cables;â€" The iiisnr- rection in llie Dalllo provinces seeming lo Ix! under control, if, indeed, n^it crushed, an order was given for tlie withdrawal of snino of the lro(jps. It now appears Hint the withdrawal of Tlir' troops luis been followed by a lecrii- de.scence of the insurrection, (leiu-ial Orloff's column is hurriedly leaving Itiga (o resume punilive operalions. Anxiv stT>i'onTs ry.Aii. A ilevpiilch from SI. Petersburg .says: ^ eoliinel of arlillory, wlio has jusi iir- li\eil from .Manchuria, has given details I ( II meeting held al Mar uii Dec. li lust le l()0 liiii> and slfifl ollieers of the Maii- < liuriun army, nl wliieli llie C/.in-s nian- Ifi-l'i was iiiKinimuiisly endorsed. Al Ihe meeting, which was held by perniission of (ien. I.inevllih. a iv.s.jIii- tion was mlopl('d dei'lariiig timt ihe Mniiehminn army was deterniined lo sup|)orl with all its energy the realiza- tion of the reforms outlined by the Km- peror. The oincers represented every regi- ineiil ntid corps in Maiuhiiiin, mid llieir reiiiiii was arierward.s ralilied liy the v.'^^oii.-, coiiminuilu. I Mil. \adar«rf. oommnndcr-in-chief of Harbin, was re(|iieslefi lo .send a copy I ' Ihe re.siiliiljoii III the O.ar. The ollieers of Ihe iirmy decided lo es. lablish a periMiuieiil miioii for Ihe pro- posed reform-. Iiiiismuch as Ihe mu- jorily of Ihe so-ciilleil "law ami order" pally in llussia hu\e brcoine upenlv le'- •tctionnry, the ollieers Idenlify lliom- Kelves Willi Ihe "progressiv^c iiiiiMir- lly. 7."i.<K"io poi.riiCAL Piii.soNi;ns A ilespaleh from Paris says; The SI. F'elei -burg correspondent of Hie Petit I'auKien says it is esliiiialed T.'i.iXio po- litical prisoners are being ilelniiieil in Hie various prisons of Hussia al llie pre- btiil liirie. winch have gradually closed in in Itiga, are driving Ihe l.ivonian rcvolulioni.sls before them. The trap will soon 1 c .sprung, and the revolutionary chiefs, who aie being gathered by the hundreds mlo lliga, will be captured. The di.s- orders aic now cliielly conlincd lo the norlliern part of ilonrland ami Higu. (ien. Linevilch, coiiimander of the Mancliiirian iirmies. telepraiihed to Ihe Lmperor on Tuesday a.s follows: "(ien. neniieiikaiiipff rnlered Thita, Trauslinikalia. I'eli. ."i, without blood- shed. The inhnliilants i>( Hie town liave been disarmed and work has Ijcen re- sumed. Two hundred of Hie revolu- tionists have been arrested, tint a nuin- Ijer of Hie leaders lied. Gen. Molshecni- koff. Hie niihtury Governor of ("hita. bus liecn relieveil of his jxist lor inaction. Gen. Rennenkampff i-oporl.s"" that Iho 1 measures taken assure a sp<vdy pacillca- j lion of Transbaikalia. .\11 is nuiel among ; the troops al \ladivo.';tock and Harbin." nAIDP.n .MAGAZINES. The first act of Gen. Vlislclienko on his aiTival at Vladivoslock was to send ; the mutinous infantry repinienl to the | railway tiarrack.s outside of \Tadivo- ; slock. â- j Adviees receiveil fiy the Minisl«^r ci the Interior supplement ('.en. Linevitcii's despatch referring lo the tiesloralion •! trder at ('hita. Tlje^> stiow that the ; rity «ns in the hands ol the revolution- 1 ists fill- three days. The fu'ovu-iw .-sf 'iraiis.haiUiiliH. whore the jwasant*;. an- . dor ttif- Inuderslup rif the rrvolutioinjsUs, ' rose and raided the Go\ â- (•.•• nition rni^uzmes and soi: and niucli nmmunitioii. i.^ i..i ii..;.: t'^^-- (ied. Many iil ttie riftej, hincjwwn le- I rovorfld kI ('hitn in u .Ici-iiu'eJ r,,->.1:-' turn. The (ii»pi:- ej's were courl-T; â- i â- telfipram in i\w Uiui^i(^ iJ Wj« Jnierior j add«d ihjit II iiiTTuDe is thrMlening T' """ - of fiOUT ty â- .res must LEADINfi MARKETS BREAD.STL'FF.S. Toronto, Feb. 13.â€" Wheal â€" Ontario â€"No. :.• wliite 79o lo 79%e, red 78>ic lo 79c. iiii.xed 78c lo 78>ic, goose and spring Tic lo 75c,' all al outside points. \\ beat â€" Manitoba â€" No. 1 northern Wi>ic, No. 2 norlliern ^Sc, No. 3 north-. eni 82%c at lake ports; all rail cpjota- tions 4c more than tiiese prices. - Flourâ€" Ontario â€" $3.15 is bid for cx- jiorl, in buyers' bags, outside; high patents al Toronto are fjuoled at $i, liags included, and iX) per cent, patents at $-iM); Manitolia first patents .$^4.40, .second patents .HI. 10, bakers' 8-1. .Millfcedâ€" Firmev; bran, in bags, out- side, $I6.,50; shorts, .S17 to .$17.50. Oatsâ€" 3.5^C to 3G>ic, outsido. IJarleyâ€" Finiier, No. i W/i<-, No. 3, Hn lo ib^c; No. 3 extra, «jc lo ili)4o Pca.sâ€" 7»c, out.side. Hyeâ€" -Wc, outside. Cornâ€" Canadian Wc. C.tinlhain freights; .American firmer, .No. 3 yellow, 4y%c to fiOc: mixed, iOc lo lf)>aC, al Toronto. liuckwhealâ€" Dull, 52)^0 lo 53e, outside. BfllER EISM_1S FEARED Warning Issued That a Massacre Is Planned for Feb. 25. A despatch from London says: Pri- vate informalion from diplomatic .sourc- es from Pekin indicules that the gravest view is taken of Hie situation in China. 'Ihe present agitation is declared ta be a fcrniidablc Bo.xer rising under another lame and of far more sei'ious propor- tions than the one of five years ago. LLUn^IO.V DATE. .A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The eleclions have been fixed for April 7lh and the opening of the National A.ssembly on April 28lh. ft will meet in the Tanndo Palace. The Cabinet nn Tuesday decided Ihal it would be pre- maliire lo abolish martial law at pre- .senl. The eslrle nf Ihe Minister of .lus- lice, M. Akynoff, was plundered on Monday. The Novoe Vrcinya states that the radical organizalions itf riiilaml are inparing fur open war wilh HiLssia in support of Ihe next outbreak of the nus- siati revolulioiiists. W Alt Mi;i)AL.S. "A despatch from .SI. Petersburg says: Medals for all those who parlicipuled ill Ihe war wilh .lapaii have been ord- ered according lo an imperial rescript published in Hie Itusski Invalid ,in Wednesday. Those wlio defended Port Artliur are singled out for .special dis- liiiflion. They will be given a silvi;r medal, and light bron/.G medals will le leslov.vd on those who were engaged ill battles on land and sea. The soldiers who were nut under Are will receive dark bronze medals. (illDKIl l\ ril\,\>ll UKAI.IA. \ tli'Npaleh from .Si. Pelerslairg says: lUjioils from the P.nltic iirovlncM «My ;liat riiivernor-Cieiu'rul /.ellngubs plan ij' sweeping Hie revoliitionisis nnd Hieir [cade."^ from .the provinces is rapiilly FATVI. SOOTIIINt; SMIIPS. Slarllind .Slaleiiipnl by I nitrd Stales Profps.sor ol i'.heniislry. A despatch fidin W ashingloii say.s ; Thai more Ihnii a million infants tiiive been .saeriliced to Hie various coneoo- lioiis known as .sooHiiiig .s.vnip* and pain-killers and over Iwiiv Ihal nuiiili.'r killed by impure milk, wa.> Ihe declara- tion made on Wednesday iiiglil by Pro- fessor II. W. Wiley," chief of the f;heinislry Bureau of Ihe Uniled Slates Deparlmiiil of Agriculture. "We do imt know anylhing uboiit Hie milk we tiave left al uur homes, or the coiidilion under which il was piodiiced,' he added. "There an- ii llmusiind and one po;;sibilillLS which mighl have com- bined In make wlial natm-e iiileiided for a food Hie most virile poison ihat ehom- islry can pioduie. "I have found iluil Hie foods we dailv consume are so fiuuglil wilh germ li["i of a harmful ualiire Hull I am alniosl afraid hi go h, llie lalile. The buller '>s piiinled; Hier.> is lillle iilher lo be found anywhere. CiiniiLd goods are ki'pl tor years uiui sold for llin genuine arliele. 1 speak parlicularly of condensed milk. H we know nnlliiiig uf Hie fresh milk w<! gel, surely oiii' kniivvli.dge is more limi- lod Us lo Hie product llial is pul in cans. The Lonl iiileiuled us to resort lo cans only III tide us over one .sea.son. unlil green fluffs cmiui he had iigain, but Hie canneries doiVt Kimw Ihis. There is no law reipiiring them lo .siamp Hie dale upon llicir goods; if Ihev diii it woui.l kill Hie sale." • (XiU.NTllY PIIODLCE. Butterâ€" Creamery i-ic tti 25c do s<ilids 2:!c to 2'ic Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice 2tclo22c do large rolls ISc to I'Jc do inedtuni 18clol9c do tubs 20c lo 21c do inferior 17Clo 18c Cheeseâ€" Unchangeil, with a firm tone a* 13c for large and Vi^jC for twins. Eggs â€" Quotations ai-o uijchanged I'l Sic for new laid, ITc for sTorugo, and Ijo for limed. I\iultryâ€" Choice dry picked arc quoted: Fat chickens. lOc to lie, thin 7c to 8c; fat hens 7>.ic to 8)ic, thin 6c to 7c; ducks 13c lo 13c, thin 6c to 8c; geese, 10c to He; turiievs, Ik lo t5c for choice small lots. r)rfs,sed Hogsâ€" The market is quoted nominally al $8.50 per cwt. tor select car lots on track here. Ptitaloesâ€" Prices uiichanged. Ontario 6V" !« 73c per bag i.n track here, 75c to s;v out of store; eastern, 7nc to 80c: on track and 80c lo 90c out of store. Baled Hayâ€" No. I iJS [ler ton, in car lots on ti-a.r-k hero: .No. 2, Sd. ' .U\l Slniwâ€" Car lots on Irack here : ngtxl at .SC per ton. M0.NTnF^4l. \IARKF.T.S. Montreal. Feb. 13.â€" Inquiry by cable for Mujiiloba wheat was very light. Oatsâ€" No. 2, tic; No. 3, iOc:; No. 1, 39c. Peas-^79c f.o.b. per bushel. Barleyâ€" Manilobn No. 3, 47»<Jc; No. J, 45^c lo Wic. Com-.American mixed, 53c; No. 3 yellow, .53)^c ex-track. Flour-Mnniloba sjiring wheal pat- ents, .«!1.(30 to .'Si. 7(1; strong bakers'. !34.- 20, winti-r wheal palonis, .$.4.25 to ,$4.- JU, straiglit rollers, .S4 to Si.lO; do., in bugs, ,SI.8S- to Sl.tij; exlras, $1.05 to SI. 75. .\lillfeedâ€" Maniloba bran in bags, .?.;,â- .- ,".0 to ."Sl'.i; shorts, $-2(i per Ion; Ontaiio bran in bulk. $li..')0 lo ,$15; shorts, $20; milled inouille, $21 lo S24; straight grain mouille, S25 to S27 per Ion. Ilolled Oatsâ€" Per bag, .$2.10 to .92.20. Corninealâ€" .$1.30 to $1,40 per bag. May -No. I, $8.50 to J59; No. 2, $7.25 t'l $7..'iO; clover mixed, .SO to .'5l).,50, and pure clover, *(! per ton in car lots. Cheeseâ€" .Asking prices were unchang- ed at I3<; lo t;i,Vc. Itiill.-r -Prices generally are about steady at 22c lo •23c for choice and 2l><;c tr 22o for .second ipialily. I'.ggsâ€" SIricHy fresh ui-e selling ot 24c, selecled fall stock at 20c lo 2lo, and limed at 16c lo 17c. Provisionsâ€" Heavy Canadian short cut pork, .S2I; liglil short cut, S20; Anieri- eaii short eul. .S20; .\meriaiti out clear fal back, $1!) to .S20; compound lard, (!%c lo 7>ie; Canaillnji pure lard, li;<;c lo 12c; kettle rendered. l2Xe to Lie;" hams 12c to I3>jc. according lo size; bacon, My.jc: fresh killed aliatloir dressed bogs, Slo lo .SI0.25; coiinlrv dressed. .S8.7.'i In WM\ alive, S7.25 lo $7.40; selcvis and mixed lots. GREAT MA.S.SACRE IMPENDING. A despatch from Cincinnati says: Wong Fong, former secretary of the six Companies in .San Fransi.sco, who is vis- ilmg ill this city on Sunday .said tliat lib thought the Boxer trouble is about lo jculniinale in the greatest massacre i.f j model II limes. : He issiwd the following warning lo several American friends on .Sunday j night, telegraphing it to .Seattle, Los An- I teles anil .Sna Franci.sco:â€" "The blow is about lo fall. Cable I warnings to friends toi leave China at ;once. Tell Uicm to seek protection of Germany temporarily and to gel out jf the country before Feb. 24." Fong is visiting Ah Loo Wai, the weal- thiest of the local Chinese colony, and after Ihe messages were sent explained their purport as follows:â€" ' "1 received word on .Sunday morning that the order had been .sent out to Hie siiborilinate circles of the Chinese Re- form .\.ssociation to throw off all Ihe for- eign elciiicnis in our country, starling I-eb. 25. "The association is oslensibly palri- clic." HUFFALO MARKF-T. liuffiilo, Feb. 13. â€" â- Flour - .«iteady. Wheat-Spring dull; No. I Northern, OI>.jC, carloads in store; Winter, No. 3 hard, K3%r in store. Cornâ€" null bill lirm; No. 2 yellow, V/i<"< No. 2 corn, lO^^i'c. Oats- Strong; No. 2 while, M)4 le -Wic; No. 2 mixed, 33>.:;c. Railedâ€" 48^c lo ,5G^. Ryeâ€" Dull; No, 8 in store, 71c to 72c. Nf:W' YORK MARKI'T. New York. Feb. 13.â€" Wheal â€" .Spot easy; No. 2 red !>0>^c in elevator and 00><;c f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Du- luih. 9r^yjC f.o.b. afloat. RUITAIN'S IIIADK. lamiai) Heliirns neal VII llenirds in iCsporls and Inipnrls-. \ ilespiilch from l.oinlon s,i,\s: |'||,. lioanl of Trade ivliirii.'i fui .laiiiiary easily bi'iil all records, Willi imports roundly ."<-2li7..">00,0(i(i. and exports JBI,-);!, IpproiK-ldilg doinpleliiHi. The ':oliniiliH 1 i'lOO.dOO. I'be iiispeclive ipcreascs mv. If ii- li "I iiidil liy Gen. (irluri. I s.'ft.MXl.WX) and *;i2s,'ioo,(MO CAITLI-; MARKF.r. The run of eiillle offering al Hie Wes- tern Market was again light, and wilh a risk demand for all lines prices weii; again linn, everylbing being sold oiii early. I'.xporl Cattleâ€" Choice are cpioled al S4.(iO lo .$5; good lo medium al $i to 94.,=iO. others al !ii;!.75 lo $4, bulls at .^3..V) III .$4. iiiul cows al !i!2.75 to .'ii3..")0. P.ulelier Catllc - Pick(<d lols, $4.40 'in .Si.CiO; good lo cliuice, $4.10 to $4.40; fair to good. .S:l.:)0 lo $4; common, .$2..M> lo $3; cows. $2.,"i0 lo $3.7.'i, tiulls, $1.75 to $2.25. and camiers $1.75 to .$2..')0. Stockers and I'eeder.sâ€" Al S:i.('>0 to $4, good feeders at .$:!.40 lo .S:t.fi5; luedium al $2.50 111 .S3..')(». Imlls at $2 lo .$2.7"i: good stocki rs run al »i.)<u to $3. .50, rough III eomiiioii 111, $2 lo .$2.70, and bulls al Sit. 75 lo $2.,'iO. ' .Milch Cows The niarkel is ipioled nn- cliangcil al a range of iSliO lo .$00 each. Calves (Juolillions are 3^.;;e to 7e per 111. •Sheep and l.amlis -.Sheep were atioiil sleml.v al $4..')0 lo Ha for export ewes nnd $:l.::i.' Ill 11(4.25 for bucks find culls. liiiiil'S are lirm, at $(1.50 lo $7.10 pe" vi<;eroy ri.a.med. A despatch from Canton to HcrgKeng stales Ihat tlie anti-foreign feeluig there is considered lo be due lo the passive altitude of the \iceroy in coimeclioii Willi tlie ri presenlalions mad*; by Iho Consular body regarding the recoil al- tackb on missions. It is stated that Ihe Viceroy is delcririined to create friuiion villi Hie United States. A leaflet has been \vi(|fty ciroulnted ill Hie cily of Canton urging the people to co-operale with a view to lln opul- sion of Ihe \icerov. "ASIA FOR ASIA. TICS." A despatch from Snn Francisco .'nys: ".-^siu for .^sialics." Tliis, .sars Wiiluim W. Carmichuei, a Shanghai mcrchnnt, just arrive.,! licrc, is llie cry Ih.d. has been taken uy in China and spread like wiid-rire from province lo province, hind- ling everywliere the slunilieriiig liulred <â- ' the .Mong.ilian against all foreigners. The spir-il of revolt is rife in tlir land, young China is rising, and in l:is opin- ion trouble is hound lo come, lie says thai the only way lo gain the respect of tlie Chinese is to inspire Ihein witii a wtiolesome fear of foreigners. He adds Ihat Ihe tew roginienls stationed nl Ma- nila will be entirely inadeqiiatp tc i ope wilh the li'ouble in case il coines. 'It i.i impossible." lie .says, "to deal with liie Chinese with diploiiiaey. The only thing t.i do is lo seize tiieir territory, .is Ger- many did in I.S'K), and thus bring llien> t.i their senses. " cwt. for grain-fed and .$5,50 lo $6.50 for mixed. Ilog.sâ€" Unchanged al $0.50 per cwt. for .selects and $6.25 for lights and fats. Do., comiuon 2 00 2 25 Do., bulls 2 25 2 40 Feeders 3 50 3 '.5 Short-keep 3 75 4 15 .Milclr cows, choice 40 00 .55 00 Do., common 28 00 30 mi .Sheep, export ewes 4 50 5 (,0 Do., bucks 3 75 4 00 Do., culls 3 .'jO 3 75 Lambs, groin-fed ewes ,. 6 50 7 10 Do., bucks 5 50 fi cO Hogs, .selecis 6 50 Do., lighls and fats C 25 .... ♦ DISASI'ROL'S FIRE. Smith's Falls Factory's Main Building '' Burned. A despatch from .Smiths Falls .says: About 2.30 o'clock on Friday morning lire was discovered in Hie Frost and Wood .Agricultural Impleiuent Works by Ihe nigUl watchman on tiis vi.sit to Ihe carpenlcr-shop. The alarm was al once sent in, but owing lo the inllam- ftble nialerial of the shop the fire spread rapidly, and before it was gol under con- trol tiie main buihling, in wliich were situated the maeliine, carpenter and paint shops, was completely destroyed. The fire company did heroic work, and the new vvaliM\vorks system was able lo furnish five streams, and il was owing 1,1 this that the large vvaiehouses, the moulding shop, Ihe pattern shop and other buildings were saved. .Senator F. T. l-"rost, maiiager, and .Mr. 11. .1. While, a.ssislant manager, slate thai while il i.>j impo.ssible to properly estimate the loss, Ihe insurance carried liy the com- pany will fully cover it. The company had most of the output for Ihe coming season's trade sloivd or shipped lo their agencies, and will not be seriously nt- fecleil by the fire. In the meanlime, they will lit up teiupornry sho[>s, and rush out Ihe tialanco of llii,s year's goiids. I'ho company will rebuild just as soon as the weather pcrmiLs on a more modern nnd more extensive scale. Atioul three hundred hands are temporarily out ef employment ns a result of the fire. AB.mNTIlK KILLS TIIOISANDS. Fretich Trade I'liions Prlillnn lor Law Prohihilino Its Sale. .\ despatch from Paris says: The trade unions of France, especially of PariSu aided tiy Iho leading members of Ihe I.efl Deputies, are gelling up a iiii- liomil petition for the iiroliibilion of Ihe iiiaiiufaclure nnd sale ol nhsiiiibe. Ihe pelilion will be signed by a large iiiim- iier lit iiroiiiinent rnenibers of the Aca- demy of Medicine. The pelilioners point cut that absinthe kills lens ot lhous;mls 01 people annually. More of It is eoii- sumeil ill France than in llie rest of tiu\ world put togeteher, and it is emisiiig (•|iilepsy luperculosis madness and crime. - • LOOTKD TIIK .MISSIONS. All the Occupnuls but One Englishman Esrapeil. A despatch from Shanghai says; Tlie South China Posts correspondent rt Anioy wires llial a well-armed band of revolutionists looted and deslroyed (he mission jiremises at ("hangpou, near ,\moy. The missionaries escajied, ex- (•eptiiig Rev. Mr. Oldhnin, an l-;nglish Presbyh-rian. who is hiding in Ihe Va- men. The revolutionisU are marcliiiig lovvaril Changehoofoo, Ihe port of AmDy" a largi- cily 36 miles U) the soiitb-vvest ol Ain«u. BlRGLAIt'8 BISINESS BAI>. So lie Broke litio Jail and ltol'/);eil a Prisoner. ,\ New York despalch says : A bur- glar broke into the North Rergcn. N. 1., jail on Simd.iy nighl. held up George Merg, a iiiisoner, and robbed liiin nt $1.05. The (nirglar had forced npen ^ window and climbed inio the c'l. In the morning, when .lailer l-;arlc visileil the cell, Merg made a formal complniiit. lie said he would not slay in jaiT any loiter if soniettiiiig wasn't done by ilie town authorities to prevent burglars from breaking in and robbing the pri- soners. Chief of Police Nolan was ,siiiii- inoncd lo the Town Hall lo hear Merg'.s story. He gut a de.seriplion of tlio bur- glar and ordered his men to search high and low unlil Hiey found him. l.aler in Ihe day l-'raiik .Meade was nslici'Cd into the Town Hall. Ife was lakeii into the basement - where Hie jail is and con- fronted .Merg. Merg said, "ihafs hitn, ' ami Meade admitted it. The (nisoiier tried iaird lo keep his face straight as iiC was formally charged wiili breaking in- to Hie jail and robbing a man in Ids ecll. Ho explained ihal Inisiiiess was dull ill his line ai;(t he liad In i]o .somclhmg. Then he laughed some more and the Recorder held him for the grand jury. CETTING ALONG MCELY. F. H. Clerfliie Says Soo industries are in Prosperous Shape. A despalcli from Toronto says: F. 11. Clergue. of .Siiull .Sle. Marie, in Iho cily on his way to .New York, called on Wednesday :itlornooii al Ihe Parlininenl luitdings. He says Ihe indusirics are exceedingly prosperous and Ihal the nel earnings yearly were now more than twice Hie amount required lo nieel Ihe interest on Hie $10,000.(100 bond issue. The nourishing condition of the works," .said Mr. Clergue, "ii a matter of gralilicalioii to all concerned. The Government will be relieved of its guar- antee of Ihe $2.(HX).000 loan, pari of lh<i amount raised for the reoigoni/.ation (I the coiuiiany, on May I. when llic term of Ihe guarantee ceases under the act. Arraiigenients to Ihat end have rl- ready lieen made by the Canadian Im- provement Company, which conducted the re-organ iz.ition.' The .Mgoniii Central. Mr. Clergue says, will be exlended noi Hi l\v,enty-live iiiiUs this vear to coniiee! wilh Hie C. P, R. The experiments for Ihe Dominion (iov- crnmenl in Ihe eleelrical smelling rj f.res will be earrie<l on for .some time J el since the result has beeit so highly .satisfnclorv llnis far. TIIREW TIIE BABY OLT. Mr. and Mrs. Sihwerdlefler Binn<d lo Death. despahli Iroiu Clenlidr..'. \hin.. savs: Mr. and Mrs.- .Schwerdfeger, living rtoiit ten miles norlh of Glenbore' were lurned to dealli on Thursday iiiglit, and a young Knglishnian atiout eighlwn vears of age niamiged lo gol out with only his shirt on. Mrs. Sehweidfoger, with great presence of mind, threw their (inly child, .about Iwo years of age. ou| I'l the window, and was in Hie act of getiiig out herself, when Hie floor gav<! way and she and her liushand wenl down to their awful dealh. .sieeiiig thai i.olliiiig could be done. Itn' v lumg Kng- litlnnan look Ihe liibv and wrapped il Im a burse lilaiikel. ami placed it in flu horse iiuingei'. while he rode nearly i mile witlioul any clolhing lo Mr, Witf gells. Hie nearest neighbor. The younj fellow was liadly frozen, iillli,.ugh hi: li.mds are burned-. Mr. Wiggell .'lii.vi â- iilo town and look out Coroner Reevi iiml 11 Provincial coiislable, who reiiinv e<! the remains' from the cellar. r*- iLAiilHk.