TiIE FLESllEETON ADVANCE FebrcARY 15 1906 • I * • 14 THB Standard Sijank (of Canada) Has opened a branch iffice in Flfsher- tnn. where a yenerHl bankii.g husii.ess j • ill b.* transiicted.. Money av»ilable tor j leyitiiudte busiueas cnWriirisos. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on bII points it C^inaclaanJthe United Stitea. Inttrfst »Uo»t(l on deposits of 81.00 »nd upwivrus cuiiipiuunl»-d, half yenrly. G, lyiitolaell Agent. W^ !fe^;=^zs^^sy. I VICINITY • CHIPS,, CInMCtcrislIcs of The Past Week. -I i Bl CarSully Cul!i:iUortheCu.kiis. . . jU Mr. Petor Nurris is visiting his suiter, Wrs. Thi nipsuii, Suiilh'.s FnlLs. Mi.ss Maniio Ue.ittie of Orillia ia visit- in; with her mother iu town. Mrs. T. AiWenhei.''. and sou VVilfriJ, of Toronto, visited frieuds in to«u over Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Trimhh and Miss Ethel are in Owen Sound ntienJing the weddinj; uf .MisH 11a Crane to Mr. Edward Fiost. Furliiat â€" B«lireeii Eugenia unJ Mt. Zion, ou Sunday, Jan. 28, an Alaska sable far ruff. Finder please Kave ut this ofli'.'o. Mr. llorbert Strain of Great Falls, Mont., Wart ill town over Sunday. He was on His return trip from a business visit to Ni»w York and Washington. Colt for Sale â€" Finis large heavy drsft rising three, a splendid animal. Apply to Lachlau McArthur, Priceville P.O. We can givo the Toronto Mail to new subscribers, and The Advance, for $1. Go. This also includes iho Montreal Herald to paid in adv.ince suhscribors. McCimiiel & Uunciaian of Proto.l Station aro liandlii;a Ufiyal Hoiifchold and two other of best brand of fl'>ur at very low prices. Bia cut in all lines except groceries. Give th«m a call. Hound Lost â€" A medium sized hound â- s^totted black and white.striip around his neck, any information as to his where- abouts thiuik fully received. John Wti^h'; Flesherton. "^ There appears to be quite at. epidemic of western fever in Osprey this winter. A larfje number of families are broakiiia homes .md answering to the lure of the Co'den west. There will bo a meoiing of the patrons of Victoria Cheese Factory in the Orange Hall at Proton, Fridiiy.Febru.-.iy 10.1906, Ht 2 p .ni. .^ full attendance is toquested. Oao G. Ludlo'V. Mrs, Frank Smith of Flesherton desires to mform the ladies of Flesherton and Matkdalo that she has docidei) to coiu- nience dress-miikini; at the resiJenco of Mr. Geo. Ila'.king, next door west of the Presbyterian church, Mrs. WiUot having given up btisiuoBS. Special arrangements will be made to meet the UJies of Markdale. Th<i.se of our subsciibera who are en- titled to the Montreal Herald, and who are not getting their paper rcj^ularly, if there ate such, will cnufer a favor by notifying this otlico. Our final list for this year was sent in la.st Friday. New subecribors coming in at any time will, 1» jwevor, get both papers. Artemesia Ajirioullural society held their annual ineetins{ at Pricevilla ou the 7th Hist., with a birsie number of mem- bers in attendance. Tho following officers were elected: President, D. McMillan; 1st Vice President, J. Nichol; 2nd Vice President, W. J. Meades; Directors â€" James Paton, .tamos Oliver, David Har- row, John Eckliart, John Fairbnirn, Dui{aU McCormaek, JL L. Mcliityre, Alex. Muir,Herhcrtt Watson. Delegates to convention in Toronto on Feb. 21-22, X>. McMillan and W. J. Meads. Tho ineetiuK was harmonii-us. Miss M. MoAulay of the Nursing at Home mission K<^ve a very interesting talk on Sunday after Sabbnth school to the Mission Band and a largo number of church (>eople who remained to hear it, in the Methodist church. For a young woman Miss Mc.\ulay has conae in con- tact as a (;ood Samaritan with her full •hare of the seamy side of human nature. She spoke for nearly an hour and main- tained the intense interest of her audience •a nbe pourtrayed the depravity and pov - «rtjr with which the Danes had to oun- Mnd. A. Mun.shaw A Son b*ve put a new 'una on ihe station route in opposition to Mr. Trimble. The lirst trip was made on Monday. Jim White is the driver. Mr. Ernest Cheesnian of Stayner relumed home laut week after afnrtiii<rht visit with hr^ aunt, Mxs. Thompson V»'ilsi>n. Biuley for saleâ€" _Fir8t cl'ws for seed, Canada G rowed. Apply to Wm.Cameron Eugenia P. O. ThH person who took the horse blanket from the shed at the Electric Pl.«nt, Eugi'iiia, will brinji it back and avoid truulile, Tli'ise wITo witnessed the lunnr eclipse on Friday morning of last week say the phoiiomeiion was exceedinaly ioterasting, comhig ill a brilliant, frosty, sla^li^ht niglit. Totali'y occurred at 2.47 a. m., when the moon appeared as a big cnppoiy- broDzu ball in the sky, and shed no light It was Well worth setting the aUrm clock to see. A f>ontli,man from Kinibeiley informs The .\dvance that the item referrini» to the Kimberloy mail route in last week's issue was very misleading. He claims that tho fi-lition referred to was signed lirgcly thri.uiih misrepresentaiion and thai not moro tlwn ten ratepayers could be got at the present time to put their names to a like petition providing the mail started an hour later in tba morning, that llio Vand»-li.'ur people are satisfied to a man with the present facilities. This â- jeutluman did not desire his views made publii-, but The Advance wishes to play f.iir and had nn de.sireto injure anybody's prospects in any way. Our information was u'lt from a gi'iitlemaii who was pres- ent at the conference anJ whom we sup- posed was the proper source to go to for information. In this connection also Mr. S. Gilbert wishes us to make it clear that he wai> not present at the conference as a prufesting delegate, but on other business, and ho also affirms that the people of Vandeleur are perfectly satis- tied with tho present mail route. WANTS TO KNOW. Mb. Emtorâ€" What is the matter that our victory for Local Option was not reaported in ilie Daily papers? Is it p >8.sible th^t the press is in thi> hands of the liijuar party or did the wire become paralyzed with free drinks on theGih of February. Sliaiuo on such narrowness 1 Who is the press reporter any*8y ? Let him ever afur hold bis peace. -READER How to Dangers of a Ccid and Avoid Them. Jtiiro fatalities liavo theii orijjiu in or result ft om :i ciiUl th.'vn from any other eau.se. This fact alimesbotiUl make people moro careful as there Ih no clanger whatever from a cold when ic in pnipiTly treated in the bejfinninK. For many years Chamlierlaia's CouRh Reineily has l)i>eurai>^n izfd as the most pn >mpt and effectual nii.'dicinu 111 use for this disease. It acts im iiatuio's plan, loosens the coiieh, relieves the lungs, opens the seen-t ions and aids nature in coiKlition. "5 vV a health V Sold by W. E. Richardson and W" J Douglas. ' Auction Salej At Kiuiberley, nu Monday, Feb. 19th, farm stock, implements, household furn- ture, etc. S.ilo at 1-p.iu.. Geo. Walter proprietor. On lot 6, con, 4, Csprcy, Tuesday, Feb. 20, farm stick, iuiplemenl.^ and household furi:iture, tho property of Mr. tl. F, Heron, who in ijoing west. Sale at 1 p.m. J.J. Kaittina, auctioneer. On lot 15, con, 10, Osprey, Friday, Feb. ;i3, f;»rm utook, implements and household furnituie, tho property of Mr. Geo. Huilsou, who is also going west. Sale at 1 p.m. An auction sals of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. W. Couits, lot 3, con. 8, Osprey, will bo held on Monday, Feb. 2(5 at 1 p. m. J. J. Kaitting, auctioue"!'. A sale of fjirni stock and implements will be held on lol 8, con. 8, Osprey, Wed- nosday.Feb. 21, at I o'clock,the property of Jas.Inksier. J J.Kaitting,auctioneer. Usual ten OS for all abovo. See bills for compluto particulars. â€" ' Wiu Budd of Amaranth died suddenly while chopping' in the bush. He leaves a family of four small children, his wife having died about two years ago. A few weeks ago a little son of John Wellwood, of the 4th line east, Calodon, fell snd broke one of his amis at the elbow. The fracture was set by Or. Jas Henry, and the lad's arm was put in a sling, Ou iVfonday the boy bad the mis- fortune to fall again ou the same ariu, but his injuries this lime are of a most serious charsoter. There are four or five fract- ures of the arm, and it will be • long tiiitb- before the limb will be all right, if indeed it will «rar be ao. Cut this out and take ic to Richardson's o Douglas' druK store and get a frea sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tablets are far superior to pills, being easier to take aud more pleasant in effect. They cnmjct disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. At the Orangevdle assizes in the fall of I'JOl Frank Adnms was sentenced to four- teen years in the pentcntiary for indecent assault committed on a little girl west of Shelburne. Recently Adams was released after serving a little over four years. Squire Pattullo interested himself in be half of the unfortunate young man, who it must be admitted received an excessive sentence and has been sufficiently pun- ished for bis crime. The licensd commissioners fur North Grey recommended the i.ssue of two shop liquor licenses in Owen Sound. At the meeting of the ci uncil on Monday in view of the local option majority, passi-d a resoluti.in, of which the followinij is pait : This council places on record its disap- proval of any liquor licenses whatever being granted within the Municipaiitv ; and that a copy of this resolution be for- warded to the Premier, Provincial Treas- urer and Pruviiicial Secretary. We got the d^this week from a sub- scriber for not chronicling the arrival of a friend of their's to town. By the pipers that played before Moses, what are some people made uf ? Do they think for a moment that we have nothing else to do bur stand in their back yard and watch their exits and entrances. Not by a jug ful. If you have a friend visiting you, and care to have it noted in this paper, the least you can do is to inform us at the otfice aud we will be only too gl-id to publish it. That's what ^n are hero for and not ftir the benefit of our health. â€" Copper Cliff Courier. On tho 1st of September, 1905, the Seed Control Act went into effect. It does not aifect tho sale of seed by one farmer to auother, but seed dealers must exercise some cauticn. Seeds offered for sale muot be free from seeds uf weeds, and must bear the name of the seiler and seed andthe name of seeds of weeds that may bo in It. The act is very strict respecting dover, timothy or alsiko seeds. If it purports to be No. 1 it must bo absolutely free of weed .seeds atid there are heavy penalties for the viol.iiicu of tho Act. Any farmer who wants to ae!l seed U\ a dealer had belter Kuiid a sample to tho OUicial Seed Analyst, Ottawa, and get a certidcate uf its at-alysis. We under- stand that Ihu sample will go through the mails free if marked Seed Sample. £u;;cnia Times at Eugenia have been very dull, but let us hope with spring soon coming work will connneuco and a general stir take place. The Indies of the Presbyterian church held a box social at the residence of Mr. John Eng'ish of Rockvale rucontly. A good time was euj-iyed by all. Proceeds were twelve dollais, Tho ladies of tho Methodist church hold a valentine social 'at the h'>mo of Mrs. Jas. Jamiesoii of Keeuansville. A goodly number was present. As ,ill people love a pretty valentine, many a lads and lassie's fate was decided there that night. Proceeds were about twenty two dollars. Mrs. Stu.irt of Flesherton was lie liuestof her daughter, Mr->. J..\. Williau.s for a few d.iys. Mr, Laurie Munsh.-iw of A'a kdale w. s the guest of his parents at the Eug.-n a hjusu on Sunday. Our sa-.v inill.s aro d;ing very lit; o bu.siness this winter towards tbeirsiunner work, as the price of lumber -got so It w they don't caie to ri.sk too much money in logs. BULL FOR SERVICE Ilavinc purchnscil from Mr, .7ohu Falrbairn of Yeovillo tho well known Shoicticru li-.ill •'Oay Lad," (Imp, 28(158) I offer lliu siime for service at my premiseii, lot 5, cuu. 6, Aiteuiesiit. Terms â€" $1,00 lurgtades, tiisureij, pnto bre,!, |;j6. -THOMAS HUTLEB. '»^|^^i.<PERliir:Cri 0ESIG;<i3 Copyrights &c. AUTOno senilitiK a Aketrh nn<] dRflcrlptlou ms; qnlckly aaeortiiiii u;»r oponnii frctt ntiellier at, liivt^iiljoii ts probnMy pativ.ituhla. Cominnnlon. UnnatttrtcttycwiililGiitiitl. llruidhooktm Pmoiita sent frao. OMeat apeiicy for fji.-ciiniiK paloi'tt. P*toTtL« tukon tbruuati Munn \ Co, rucelve tptctal notice without c barn a. la tbe SdctiUfic JlmerkatL 4 llwi(toom«ty Ul«itTst«fl wMhIr. Ijirre^t ctr> otilnUun cf aiir folonLitlo ]-^«rnw. Tcrum, {3 a year : four moiitae, |L Soul by all nttWAiU^Alitra BUHN I Co "•â€" -"' New Yufl Bcao<ih omiMk at r St.. Wulwuatan l>. •' 3^ ^ s? «,â- ? ^ ^ Now thiit ^vinter is on you are needing warm and comfortable footwear the proper thing is to call at CLAYTON'S. We have a large stock suitable for the season. . . » . -Men's and Boy's Heavy and Light Rubbers Overshoes â€" All kinds Ladies' and Children's Overstockings Leather Leggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies', CbilJs Boots & Slioe3 Trunks, Telescopes, Shoe PoIi:?h. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES SHOEMAKER, 50«Ce»3«<e5«<8?C9»3S8»>;S8»5 CK63?»3» Stationery! An elegant line of tine stationery in boxes â€" good assortment and extra nice ^oods. ^- e/ts. in/cs. Sranei/s, Snvelopeu, Sic. 'Druys, and !Patants, iPerfumery, €ie. medical fiall ^^^^:^'C^^mx^'^^0^<^<^O^m^ Farm Tor sase. ! R. N. Kinnear & Son 50 acres, clay loam i*i towisliip of St. Vincoiit i 3^ iiiiltia f>-uin iMuiifonl. Uo>j<) bat'ii aiut aho<l« m>0() fraiUH house, f<tll poiii^hi':^ doiiu, wull Wttteretl, s^ornl har-iwiX).* bti-^ i UMii -mall orcb* aiii. For fuitber particiihti!) applv to Wui. H.ttrs. Prop. Ueaford, Out, MAXWELL Wisli to tbanlc tiie general publio for their very liberalpatrona(,'e during tbe past year aud respectfully solicit a coiuiimauce of tbe same. We will be ever ready to supply you with ail tho hues we carrv, viz. Farm for Sals. I'.V TliNUKK T.iiders for the purch.i«; of l,.t 30, con. 4 N. | DKY GUOUb, CiKOCERIES. BOOTS and SUOES, RUBBERS 'Glassware; Oils, all kinds that " are D, R., Artemesia townxhip, will be received by the uudersijfiied up to February tM, 1901), This lot contains ono hiiinlicd acres of which ! alwut seventy acres are cl-ared. Tliore is a , jj >t i- r> â- , „.Ma name house .md kitchen o„ the premises. K'Wd, i-atent iMcdlClllOS, PlllutS. JU Tliis lot is situated about six miles from tho fuct evervtliiug usually carr'ed in a villinre of l'"leslu'i-toii viol aUmt ' -â- ' '- Maxwell, t'asy tcriiis .is I hicbust or anv tender not neei'siurilv accep JOH.N Hr.KC-RUrr, Knb'inia. Dated Fob. 3, I'JOli, HURRA For Pretty Homes. .nt 4 miles fr.un general store. 11 payment, liio ° ,,, • . n i i .siurUy accepted. <- laistujaf (jood.s on shor/ now. Wisbinjr you all a Merry Chrislmas and a Happy New Year, Yours as ever R. Kinnear & Son HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos ia at BULMEkS PUOTOGKAPH GALLKliY. In. il.buLi:^d£i,x%ce Wo have just received oiir new wall papers. For bed reonis and living rooms some refresh- ingly bripiht and light cvdorinss are provided, while forliliiariesanddiniin/ lo.nijsthe tiipesiry ami f.ibric treatments are p:u tioiUsrly stylish. We showa lanteraiige of ineiiponsivu paisrs for highcl.assdeeoratiim, iu printed velom-s, two tone tuatiiients, art nonveau designs, silk paiiers, moires, panel decorations, crown elftjcts and gold embossed papers, in aildition to many other styles. Call early and secure yonr choice of paper for I.niKl ro.oiis. Pi ices range from 3c. per roll tip, t'ampli's sent free to any inrson fgrthe aiikim;. t>i(l>i-s for paper-hanging should be ui early to avoid the rush. C. E. TRYON - - - PRICEVILLE Practical Decorator. A local option bylaw has been submit- ted to the people of Bolton, to be roted on Man^h S. SPECIAL ATTENTION Wo pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' piclnics. I'icture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and wo w-.ll promise salisf.Ktioii. WINTER TERM AT THE Owen Souiiil, u6. Bt>»{init Tno^day Jan 3. 1900. Kour oonipleho GoiirAtis of 9tii<Iv, miitod to the neeils of a*l cl&seiut) of \ ouut{ poopls. Tho HusiuuHii Courso for yoimti iiion an 1 women wlio wish a good biimuess training io Kualify thum to do dusIiihsb for tbeinselTOH and otbok'B. This ooumo '\h iiRoful to the bqti* ineee ni m, tho farmer or tho professional man also first claas preparation for young poopU who wish to go intooflice work. Tbn Shorthand Conrfio for yonng people wh*} wiph to become ntonoRrapherfl, reporterti.etc. Thol'elegrapbv Courao for young p«oplo wba winh to become telegraph operatora or to outer railway work. Tho preparatory Course for Ihoaewho we Terv far back In their atndiua. Wo teach reaning, apelting.writlng, arithmetic togruwW np young men and wouaen. Separate rooma for this dopartmeut and SQpar%te desk for eaei^ puplt withplf*Dty of peraooal help, FuU partieulareeeut frd« to any adJreap, G. A.PL&rVUNa riUMCXFAL,