..'rr-saa â- F mmm mnfmm •Mmimmmmtmm <! Fmruary 15 1000 THE FLESHEIltO^i ADVANCE tfwwvyvyvuw F, T. HILL & CO. W4^iiii4^\ Bid Inducements to Buyers of Granlteware Prices a Quarter to a fiialf Cess tbati Von Olould Pay* This wcuk we tuako the eclling of nearly all kinds of Graniteware at such big iiiduccmeuts iu price tliat it will pay you to anticipate your requirements for the suasou. ' Pi ices are a quarter to a Laif less than you would jiiy. While we have considerable quantities of each Hue it will pay you to be on hand curly. When sold out pricci cannot be duplicated. 7' ^mwii^mi^ii^'4^.^^mf.^i^^.imm^m^^:;^ >*W 1.A BOYD, HICKLING & CO, "1 3l-Quart Dishpans for 68 cents. Regular value $1 28 50 only 21-i)t granite dishpans, tho most suitable for the pjrpoao of any line on thu market and tlio pricu nlioiU half what yuii huve been pttyini;. Reuieni^er '.il (|uart jMHoitu cIlsIi pans for 6Su. Wash Bowls at Nearly half 25c. W ash BowIm f()r 13o. 75 only uiudiuni sizt-J Waah Dishes the regular 26c bulling line, while the lot lasts 13c. or 2 fur 25 Granite Chamber Palls, regular 1.40 for 90c. 36 only Granite Ulmmber pails, large sizf, while iu ciilor; the most duriililo arlicle on the marker for the purpobB and the reduction is a 9iA0 Ohumber pull for »0c. 40 Cent Teapots for 22c. 50 only Granite Teapots in steel or wood handle, two quarts in size. The regular selling price is 40c., while the lot lasts your choice for 22c. inPORTANT Cnstomcrs will f lease remember that we arc only able to give a partial list of the lines in tlse p^per, but that all the following lines are in stock and solliug at correspondiuijly low prices. Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Tea Kettles, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Bice Boilers, Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans, Water Pails, btove Pots, Bake Pans, Fry Pans, Spiders, Ladles, Bowls, Kiioheu Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Plates. Pitchers, Wash Bowls â€" in fact almost any thing that you could possibly want in graniteware. -FLESHERTON, ONT.- Stock Zja/r/n^ j/je duciions^ We're Stock Taking nowâ€" and lines that we do not want to include in our inventory will be ottered during January at Special Clearing I'riees. ^i fn argratnc; un Cloth Skirts Cloth Jackets Children's Coats Winter (!aps Men's & Boys' Overcoats Men's & Boy's heefers i/iemnants 10 and 12 1-2c. Granite Plates for 5c. 600 Granite plales in B, 9 and 10 inch, .suitalilo for table use or pie plates. In this lino the three hunt selliri; Mzos are presented and the price is les.s th:in half. In order tu make the lot v.o round we limit the ijuaiilily to no more thin 12 plates to each customer, and while the lot lasts the price will be each 61:. Pudding Pans for 19c. Regular Price 35. 150 Granite Puddnij; piins in the deep round shap«, (.'uarunteed lo hold four quarts. Your requirements from this lot for - lOo. 85c. Granite Water Pails for 48. 75 only Granite water pails in the medium size nntliiiig taUei" the place tf (granite for a Wi.ter pail, always clean and Ihe 80c. kind wo are selling for 4Uc. Granite Dinner Pails with Cups, reg. 65c for 33 50 only Grarii:e dinner pails with cup) attached, just the ihiiii! for the iiiun whu is working from home and the price is just halfâ€" 65c dinner pails fur 3^c. Granite Milk Pans 23c, Reg. 45 Oranite Milk pans, 8 (ju^rts in size. For the dairy the granite milk pan can't be beat, Huhstniitiul in wear no rusiiiig and the price is nearly cut in two â€" 4r)c Milk pans for 23c. Preserving or Stew Kettles, the 40c kind for 24 GO only Granite Preserving Kettles, a good useful size the kniil (hat cells regularly for -lOc. while the lot lasts your olioice for 24o. A host of short ends of all kimls of fabrics â€" suitable lengths for all kinds of nsefnl pniposesâ€" Cottonados, Tweeds, Silks, Shirtings, Cottons, Cashmeres, Fancy Dress Suitings, Sateens, Prints, tic, etc., etc. Special Remnant !Pricea EVEEYTfllNa MAUKED CONSPICUOUSLY FIGURES. IN PLAIN mfm MARKPALE mm^ Is puhlished every Thursilay at $1.00 ^H),. miniiin if paid in advnuco, tl.int if not so paid All Hubscrilwr payintt $1.00 strictly in Hdvaiic.! Kct llic Montreal Herald one year free as a preuiiuiii. Artcmesia Ccuncil Artemesia township council mot in the lown hall, FleRhcrlon, on Saturday, Feb 10, IDOC; members all present and ree\c iu the chair. The minutes of January session wore read and conlirmed. The fulloivin^ C'ltninunieations were presented ar.d nail; Bank of Hamilton ro depoails <jn sinking fund account; county treasurer, list ii( lands liable to be sold for arrears uf tales ill 11)00; .los. Sherwood, hill for gravel supplied to pnlhinaster, 82.10; thoelt-rk, uipens^s ro local o|)tion by-law; T. J.Prttou and George Siiell, aocoun's as scrutineers ro votinn on bylaw ()();i. Mniiiciptil World, account for copies of that j..uriial to council; .lolin iiulaiid, 10 error iu his assessment in IflOo; county chirk, account for supplies furnish jd inniitosof IIou-'-o of lli'fogB; W. U Thurston, printing b.dlois and adverlisiim by-law 60a, ?17.U2; Municipal World, a committee to finally audit tbo auditors' report â€" Carried. Whyto-McKenzioâ€" That Jamos Turner paid six dollars for repairing culvert d removing limber from culvert near lot as, 3 S. D. R. -Carried. McKenzie â€" Wliyto â€" That the auditors' report on thoaccnuiilsif li)05n» presented and finally auJited by this council be received and adopted, and 150 copies ba printed for dietrihulioti, and the aud- itors bo pjid ?10 each for their services â€" Caraied. MoKenzioâ€" Whytaâ€" That J. A. Boyd bo paid IfO.OO couiinissiun on Elliott's bridge and $2.00 for commiltee woik done in 1905â€" Carried, Whyloâ€" McLoughrvâ€" That John Bol- and bo refunded $1 08 on account of dilferetice in his as.sesHment notice and tax hill on hit 10, con. 11. lOOoâ€" Carried. MeKeiizieâ€" Wliyto â€" Thai Samuel Ped- lar be paid S2.10 for uravel u.sed on road as certified by overseer, Jos. BlierwooJ â€" Carried. McKenzieâ€" Bestâ€" That the clerk's aeci'unt for services in coniieelion with liy law (1G3. 88 50, be paidâ€" Carried. Meljoiigliry â€" McKeiiKio â€" Tlio account of .'Muiiuipal World for copios of that journal for use of this council, 95.C0, be paid â€" Carried \Vliytoâ€" Bestâ€" That the accoun's for- wari:ed by the county clerk for supplies to the iimiatis of the IIdumi of ItofuHO.ns follows, bo paid: T. Mandi'ts, $1..')0, Mrs. Maiidors, 81 85, If. .Smith, 82111), the latter aiiiouiiMo he doducted from nnuioys account for poll hooks, assessment rolls 'in treasurer's liaiida belonging to Smith's estateâ€" Carried. MjKenzio â€" Whyteâ€" That •L/% «/«>^k%^%^ ^^'^^y«^%/%^«W^/«''% V«^a^/«/%%/^^^^^-V^ V9 el:j, one half i.f the amount to be chargtd lo Glenolg â€" Carried. McLoughryâ€" Whyte-That this council, having carefully considered the petition of J. I. Graham and 31 otheis, a.skini; council to furnish wire to feiico oast side of lot 20, con. 12, do not deem it wise at present to take any action in the matter â€" Carried. Bestâ€" McKenzieâ€" That llio Women's Farmer.s' Institutu be uranled the use of town h:ill for their monthly nieetiii«s, luavided the moetini!Kd.rnot conflict with other business of iho municipalityâ€" Car- liid. McKonzieâ€" Bestâ€" That thia council, bi'lioviiiu th.it section 000 of the Municipal Act iinpoHi'S an unjust responsibility on niutiicipiilities, as it practically makes the ratepayers insurers of nil per.-ons walkiii},' or (.living on the highways, the reeve aiul oUik aro hereby instructed to petition the LegislaiurM to so amend the Munici|ml .\ct as to relievo cwrporations from civic liability for injuries to persons travollini; the pulilio hi^liways, and that a copy of this resolution with thu pelitiiui be for- warded I. IJ. Lucas, M. P. P. for present- ttlion to the Legislatureâ€" Can led. McLout;hiy-- Best -That this council urjie up(Ui tlioRoverniiient of Canada the necessity of at once altering the Canadian tariff on all farm and garden pioduce so that fari»er4 of CiunuU will be able to compete on even terms with those of the United Slates â€" Carried. Council adiourned. i F. G. KARSTEDT GENERAL MERCHANT % OF.STS' FURNISHINGS Just arrived a large quaiiity of Men's and Boys' Clothing comprised of the finest qiia'ity pf Tweeds and Worsteds, Men's Suits,?5.00 to 810.00; lJ"Vs' Suits, ?l.oO to 6,'£0 NECKWEAR Just arrived a lari»e stock of winter and spring Neckwear. Prices from 25o to - 76 We have one of the newest and most up-to-date assortment of Ladies Collars in the county. Prices ranging fiJiu 25c to 75 FOOT WE. \R ^^e have tho sole control of the "James Mkans Suob'' of Boston, Ix'ing ^h" best iiuality of (3oodyear Welt, J'ateiit Leather and Highly I'olished Leather. All of the Utesl styles. Prices raUKini; from 84.00 lo LADIES' FURNISHINGS Just arrived a large assortment of Skirtsnllof the finest qu«lity,1.75 lo 4.25 7.50 FISH Large Fresh Water Herring and Georgian Bay Salmon Trout rord*s Tlour Tor Sale* Mild other stationery; Diiputy Registrar (ieiieral, certili'atc of registration of bir'hs, m.irriHi;i'S and deaths; tho clerk's report en voting ou by law 003; the ftu.lilois' report on accounts of iyi)."i, total loceiptj*, 824,04U.32,total disbursements, ti22,2U7 .52^ balance on hand on Deo. 31, iOO."!, 82,041.80; hy law 004, to permit Goorgian liiy Powor Cnnpany lo flood a portion of Inkerinan si reel, Euifonia, was introduoed and road a tirst tune; Controller W. P Hubbard of Tor- onto asked the council to join in petition '\n^ the govornmoiit to repeil section 000 of the Municipal Act re civic liability of municip.dities; the cleik i>f Tarontorus township HhWed the Council to pass a resolution re tariff on avricultural products; J. I. Graham and others asking fur wire fur cast side of lot 20, con. 12 McKenzieâ€" Mcl.oughryâ€" That by law cot be now read a second timeâ€" Carried. McKanzeâ€" Bestâ€" That council no iiiiocimuiitteo on by law 604â€" Carried 4^ «k%%%^%%^'V'%^«^ u'%^^/%«%^%^ik/%%-«>- v%/%^%«^%^ < w. II. I'hurston's Bccoimt for iidiertisinn local option by law 0C:i,814 42, printing bnllots, £2.00, and prinlui^ small jiux cards, $1.60, lio paid â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Mcl.f>ughry â€" That the account presented by T. J. Paton for illeaed services as scrutineer at |iollin.' division 5 .m local option by luw, lie not liiniteil, lentertained, the same not having been authori/>il by iliis councilâ€" Carried. MoLoiinhryâ€" Whyteâ€" That the a;:couiit of tho Muoi.ipid World for »37.05 for poll bookH, iisu'.ismeiit ndls and other nefiessary sta'ioiiery, be p.iidâ€" Cariied. H„Ht, â€" Whyte -That tho clerk bo p.iid 810 80 for registering births, marriages and tleaths, asoortilied by the Registrai General -(Jarriod. Mel.ouifliry -Whyte â€" That Collector W, L Wriu'ht he refunded 13.40 anlJ. Williams fH.OO, beiiii! anumnta ovnrpnid by thoin on their respoetive rolls of 1905, as shown by report of auditors -Carried. Bent â€" Whytu -Thai Albert Stevens be paid amount of his bill, $8.00, for repair ing culvert and dimaf{e to meadow- Carried. MoLougtiry -McKenzie -That tt. J. A Jamaican Lady Speaks Higly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs, Michael Hart, wife of tho Kupirintend- lilt of Ciut Service at Kint4hton,.)uniaica, West IitdifM iHJunds hhvh that .-^he has for sonicyeai's iiriod CliamOerlaiii st'iju;;!! Kenietly fiir ciiujjIih, croup niid whoepiiiKcuuKh and has f.amd it very ln'iieticial. Nhe has implicit coiifideiice iiilt and would not I'e wit III lilt a bottle of it in her 111 inn-. Sold by W. K. Uichardsou ami \\ . J. Duut'las. McKoniia-MoLoughryâ€" That by law ' Sproulo ho paid 810.00 for iusurnnoB 064 as leased in oommiUe be now read a 'F'^ji'^â„¢ °" '""" ''*" ^ J^^wy. 1»07- tlii d lime, slgnad, sealed and entered in "(vhylo - MoI,<mghry - That R. .O. i(i.« by Jaw bookâ€" Carried. Warling be paid 8'2 00 for for repairing JlcICen»io~Drttâ€" That tho oouuoU bs culvert un towulino Aiteniaaia ana Olen- Priccville The roanlt of the election on the (Itli is like some of the Japanese vio lories â€" oven greater tliuu the most sanguine expcotcd. i'eopio buiidrcds of miles distani aro already turning tlieir eyes towani our village and inuking inqnirios ahoti' properly, witn a view to purcliasiuf^, as tboy consider a local option town i. desirable place to live in. We aro soiry to learn that MissM Riloy is very ill this week, a complioa tion of diseases having set in, i'lio Agrioultiiial Society held u meeting on the 7tli. Tbo attendanci was better than for years past and tin balance on band is perhaps the larg- est of any society in the oounty. Mr. Carinichael opened sohool again last week, but wan unable to coiitinut the work, his eyes being too weak yet. Ilia brother takes the sohool for a few davB. D. T. Hinoka sold four hofd of bt oatUe last vi;oek for f^8&. Comnissioner McCannel ba3 a succos.ful sale lai-t week. The pro- oends tuounted to 81700. He has sold his farm and will reside in Durham. We notice in tho "Gazette Revlew"tlie following resolution passed at tho annual meeting of S. S. No. 10, West Williams, 111 tho vicinity of London Out., where a Pricovillo girl has herome a very popular irachor and receives a salary of 8400. Moved by Mr. Oscar Looinis, seconded l^y J. M, MacKay and resolved that wo Mio ratepayers oi this section de.-iro to express our unbouuded satiifiictiou in our i.aeher, Mips M. McLaehlan. We aro highly gratilied with tho hiijh slaudiiig of our school as shown by the i,iis|ieclor's reports, the perfect order observed duriiiij .ehool hours, the rapid progress made by the scholars, their marked ijood behavior when out of school is alike gralifyini; to parents and all with whom they come iu contact, while her conduct and dop irt- nioiit in general is an inspiration to bettor â- inpiraliotis and letter deeds. That a copy of this resoluiiton bo handed to Miss \1. McLaehlan and copies sent to the t'arkvillo press for publication.â€" S.Nich- olson, Sec. board of trustees. Sbdriborns for Sale, Ili'ifirs ami btilN of e.\trtt qimlitv ami breoVâ„¢ iiilj. ,M»o Cotswolil ami ticicuster sheep. Latu Ijs iu ttteir season. Ai.,.!/ to CHAS. STAFFOUL) FleshertoD. FA Rm'fORSALE. Lot 32, con, 7, Artemesia; ICO acres more 0» less, v."* BcrcHcioaroil,|93 bush. New barn, 4'Jx 50, stone btalilo. (lonil frairo bonso, 4.1 rods from school, J iiillo from Tost onice.J mile from chnrcli. K)ii itin on farui, well at house. For further iiartieiilars apotv to It. W. OtiABK. (Boekv'alo MillsJ Flosherton Bdars for Service '1 horcn bbrod 0. T. ('. hor, Artemosa Tilde no. SU5, terms Jl.OO; slso Y' rkshlre ho:*, terms 75c. T. l.K V UK. lot IK), T. A. 8. Road. Winter Goods Farm Tor sale* 80 acre grain or stock far.n, well fenced, 60 acres cl«;ar, 10 acres liatdwood and 10 swamp. Spring creek 10 rods from baro. Oo-id brick lioiise with furnace. Uoiid frame Urn with stone fmnulalion and part cement stablinj,', also koikI yminK (uchard. South half of lot 21, con. «, Artcmesia. Apply to Fred R. Uuland, Vandeleur p. o. Boar For Seroke> n-vlepviirchased lonii Rlcbard Al?en refUtere I Torksblre boar, Cresthlll Jack, Icai, Tbii ssiiie will be tor servlou on lot no. 40, COD. 4, Art«u«ala, Terms and peJUrea oa spp ioatlan, „ HonrT Holmar. »^o' All winter harness goods now in stock, including Saskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhide robes and coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., harness of all kinds. . . , Wm. Moore, FL^$HERTON ONTARIQ «IHMIHntMIM«MMNM -â€"m^tmmtimMm *F P^