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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1906, p. 1

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htxtttn TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PEINCIPLEh NOT MEN." VOL XXIt, so I2d8 Flestierton, Ont. Thursday February leinoe W. H THURSTON, ^^'â- '°'' PKUPKIETOK Th9 Aftermath. •tlKif which â- a.'-re •r. wc BnJ Mt vviucU vev tliink Ait-;r thv C'hristmM s e»tra*)r<1in»rily lar^e tliis y ill ito^ a Sue liucf jp-'kU cvciyoce will coDcc<i<! U Just the Thing for- Wedding Presents. Ttieao are the choichcst of gndsâ€"no chssp tra-h. Cume aiiJ *<-• theui luiysray. 3!3arm eiocfts Ti> w»keTouuptbt--t;u.*rk UHirninir?, and T.inl» <.f Clock." at ali kind.i »{ |jriciu. y\''ttter/nan fountain X. ens, Taiu y Ink Stautbs I'tc-. for sale. W. A. Armstrong vhich sl^ite liu reinaiuod ro the last. Mro. Su'clifTe rttari!t-d home on t'te ni(;ht tram, !f»viu^ instiunli»n3 with Mr. John Bdiiis t<i make all neceHsaiy arr<ii><.'enients aud convey the remains tu her home, s^liou'il hisdoath oocur before she rtiurced Tlieso inslructioiis »ere carried out today (Mont'ay.) Mr. Bliin^* had heec fur many yeai-s an iiit'ntJte friend and nri;:hbor of the deceased and since \.«i caitid lo "the home has been a stntmch frieiid ai:d rec- ulur visiior, nevur f<iilii!u tu coiuo an 1 see him twice a »erk, unices absent fruoi j home, and generally bringiiii; him some allj il^Ic luxury such aa orinii.'s, lt.'mcin3,eto. I .\Ithoujli ex[>ot:ted, Mr li. sermcd to be I der'i'.'y atf.ctkd by his de.ith. Dr. Armstrong and Vaccination t( Industrial Home W {Bij an Inmiite) To the Editor of The JUctince Deir Sir â€" In a recent issue of your paper Dr. Gvu. Atuistroi'g makes soiue siaivuieuts which deserve lii^li commend- itti(m,!t:id which apparently shuw that his . I opiuion is in accord »ith recent utteiancts ••nine "fl'ot nien of unnue.-tii>ned authority i-n <i I medical and mri^ical <|ues:ions. With I tind medical and mri^ical syn.e of his statements, however, th.u I St lea.-t cannot a;»ree. When he says "Everj Ixniy should ha»e Harriet I * rit'ht to suiall-pnx if disired" he evident- • .. I ly teotJi;n zes With oilu-rs of good author- Aiiothar fetmle orphan. Mi*s Hewit of Glenelg *as on FiiJay • ">â-  I ,Jy that it is not such a dread di.-ease as adoploi! into the laru'oand evcriucrvannR I , mg ^,,„lj fjjya uj believi'. Has not family of Mr. and Mrs. Harness. â- "-'-" The Sir Frede.ick Treavcs (whose brilliant |;oor child being of tender age remembers iiot the date or place of her birth. Dor tivin t!ie creed to which she bcl^ni^s. It is well that she has fall, u into the hands of such giwl foRliT iaretts who will take g'Ay\ ciue of her as evidenced Vy the num- erous brothers aud sisters now cared for .»nl ehtlt«rod under their hosp'.tabk'icof- Lincolnshire people are r.otcd for raisma very lar^o families, and to maturity too i but yoar scribe bus immense ci'usolation in llio thojght that he was not a Li icoln- Bbire bL-rn subject named adipted one, we very wide of the mark iu siatiu,! her tender a^e consists of throe score and two •uinmers John Waters the bUnd inmate who was sent here from Owen Sound hospital shortly alter the institution was opened is at present very low and may depart this lite at any hour; ho has. been a heavy lurdon to the insiituti. n and to those who liavo had care of him. ever since ho was b; ought hero. We notice that our superintendent, Mr Harness has been appiimct a J. V. Aitemcsia, which by the way is well sup- plied with J.P.s'. A few more 4;ivo one for each concession operation on our present kino just before coronation is fresh in all our memories) stated that all zymotic diseases are natures bt-ntticent ang>ls sent to save us fiom our own uejjl'Ct of natures li*s. Dr. Uever stated recently that he believed that while v.<ccinalion misiht prevent, (note the word might) th^t a ease of smallpox was less to be dreaded than a case of vaccination; that when one has smallpox he knows what will come tut of him. but when one has vaccination one does n. t know what goes into him, also he states that the disea-se, (>ma!l pox) carefully treated, usually left one ficlin;; well, Iwtter than \s regards the last before. Aud both of these authorities hiuk we are not ^â„¢ *'>*" '"""'g '-^*' strongest advocates of strictest quaraui me aud sanitation. In ihis we all aareo. Aud whcu Dr. Geo. says, "I am uot in fav>T of compulsory vaccination" I say. " Hear, ht-arl" But when he aoks us to comjiare vac- cination results in Germany with those iu Eiigl.ind he must not be surprised it we hnd that m neither country has it afforded the satisfactory protection we would be glad to hnd in it. Ae srant that the Uermans do thinas thoroughly and there- fort- It is not 6> be wondered at that wi^h the strict discipline, constant traiuinir, careful feed ing and housing the German soldier w;»s, man for man. more than a match for his French enemy in ihe Kianco- IVussiau v»-. But even he was not in vulnernable to smallpox though vicvinated or revaccinated with "at least tcu in- sertions in each arm" as ihe l^w ol 1834 renuired for during the period 1870-72 lyini !;. AC m y refer again to German sources o> iiuiUoritative opinion and tind reported I y Ur. Lurnian iu the Eterlin Weekly Ci nic an epidemic of catarrhal jaundice affecting 192 pesrons in one year who had been re- vaccinated with alycerinafed lymph. Or may we refer to tKe 76 children, ont of 79 iu Uugen who developed impetiao contagiosa and spreail it ro 320 after being vaccinated with vac cine prepjirtd with g'ycerine. Dr. \. Siiys human serum ui mixed with blood cannot communicate disease. Mr. Jsn- athiin Hutchinson rt ported to the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society 12 crises I (mostly youuit adu'.ts) successfully vaccinated from a heal'hy lookini infant. In all but 2 indurated chancies devel.iped in thescars He also reported with Drs. Bus- towe, Ballard and Pi of. Humphry on a well known case "It is proved that it is possilile for syphilis to be communicat- ed from a vaccciue vesicle on a syphilitic person, notwithstanding thit the opera- tiim be performed with ths utmost care to avoid the admixture with blood.' (see AUburt's "System of Medicine" Vol. II. p.608.) What betier authority? Dr. Heron Aaisim says, "There is no vaccin- ation matter, however carefully removed fr.'Ui the vesiclei which, on microscopic investigation will not be found to coniain blood corpuscles." This is corroborated by Barthelemy and Husband (Royal Com- misDioa on Vaccination.) "The danzer from vaccination is not in the vaccine, but in the vaccinatt>r. "i What a pity that other vaccinators Wi'uld n<'t make a similar confession on paper! If this could be proved in all cases surely terror would seizj upon scores if the jud^e "let the penalty 6> the crime," amonii them would be the well experien cd specialist on infectious and member of the Medical Heabh Ottice aid who vaccinated theeld-erly Parkdale lady referred to in my first letter and also the late De^n of the College fr^im which I believe Dr. A. graduated, and who wiih glycerinated lymph vaccinated a lit'le hoy I knew and whose life was seriously enilaugered thereby. Many thanks for your valued space. â€" E. K. RlCHAEDSOIf. - Mcparland. Stafford & Go's- Big Store MAI^KD.^LE, OXX.\l<rO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE STOCK-TAKING SALE We Guarantee you Big Bargains in: Ladies, Misses and Childrena Mantles, Reefets aii.l Clsrers. .Mens, Youths and B.jys Overcoats and Pea Jackers. Mens and woniens Fur Coats. Furs of all descriptions. Dies* Goods \liliinery. U-ns and Boys Underwear. A'.miens Misses and Childrena Underwear. ileus and'is Felt Boots,Overshoes anil Rubbers Lailies D'ess Skins. Ladies Fancy Dreis W.ists. Hi-ise Blankets and Robes. Mens and B"iys Top Shins, Sweaters and Cardigans M>;ns and Bovs Cloth Cans. Ht>iiinants: Remnants! R'-mnantsU Gn>cery bargaina â€" see theio. A Big Chance for Men. S8, $9 and 310 SUITS F()RS.">.90. We put on the B«rgnin Table this week .30 MENS TWEED SUITS. Tliey are all honest uood scllin>» [>a'tern--« and styles, made Sy the bcsi Cl"t!iinu manufacturer ia Oa'.ada. Snalc and Double Bre-isr Cnnts in the lot. I' is a clearing up of t he sea-son'* •usiiiess, that is. many of -hem are lonely suits; their mates have all bet-n sold and hey are the only size left of the pattern and quality Then among tlie lot is FIFTEEN D»«ible Brea.«t Sui'S made fmm ihe Heavy Twdl untearatile t*eed indok grey sha<iea. Everybody kr.oWH what this Untearahle Tweed is lik^â€" We have .s<<l<] hundreds ot vards of ic in ihep-v»t few .seasons, and a suit made of this clo'h is a barg-tin at gS.OO, â- ut we got a chauce on a qimntity and there are 15 Suns left that must be sold this imnth. 30 Suits worth $S.00.S9 OD.and 51O.0«),St.«:k Taking S.ile Price, choice Sa.JO.. Vandeleur New Spring Prints. A Chance for the Boys. for iup- would Why not continue tbo wheel until there be oue for i ^j^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^g^j ^.^^-^.^ aiid"20S deaths Irom each side liuel Local option would surely | gniallpox among thes^' thomughly be enforced were such the case. | vaccinated men. In the British Army .. , ^ ^;.„ Va^hi riub of ' vaccination and rovacciuation accord- The U.yal Canadian ^""^l" |'"° "' | ji„g t^ Brigade Surgeon Nash was as Toronto has %. bylaw under consideration p^^j^^, ^., endeavors cu'd mtke it, yet prohibiting any member of the club to ^^ handed lu a lis"; of 3903 cases of indulce in liquor treating under a peuUty I snallpox with 391 dea: lis iu ihe period inoo ),o 1 1 "j,,,, in the Prov- i So much for "thoroughly vaccinated IfeNoryLoyalOiange Lodge m the i-rov i ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ p,,y,^ue and m.der ince W..I.U pa« a 8\m kr b\ aw, w"'" * healthful discipline and care! 'Suppose boon it would be to the oounlry to say ^^ y^mj^jr^ some cities. Take Berlin in nothintt of the honor it w.>uld reflect on â-  1870-2, we find reportc-d 10315 cases and notuing oitui „ . „ „„ „,.,„,„io'lt)3deaihsinre-vaccinated pers. us who the noble Orange Order .v. an "•*"'1'''» , ^.^^ ^ .^.^^^a to be surely protected. (o- other oniai.iaations to follow j ,y^^^^ ^g'wh rate is tut littlo 1 .wer than The day was beautiful and a larse con- 1 ,i,Ht of al! cli.sses of cato< in EngUnu orci!ttion of outside friends assembled at duviog the Utter half "t the Uist century . . c..„ I ... „ft.......,.,n and over two and a half tmus as great aa d\,xr ilivinn service on ounuay atternoon »â- â- ""â- â-  - •!. l i â-  . our ni\ineaerMCT> o ., r, that of a recui.t Engish epi-leinniis it l*st,j>.inily conducted by Mes>rs.Hi.rn.!«» atfcoled Leicester, a t wn which became . and Eunis, the latter taking ch.srgo of the di.sgnsted with the ii.alnlity of strictly «fr..r feUowshio meeiiug. Mr. lUarncss enforced vaccination to p.oteet it from 'Si. fortbesubjeo. ofhis discourse smallpox in 1871 72 and repealed all i.s Bev. 3, 4. Mr. Erskine of Mirkdale ptesih'd at the orgm. The choir which U only |*f''y ' I'ganized at present rend- ered soiuo very good mus;c, "UoUthe Clouds ' was exocptionally well »a"g con iistiiutud cou'puiBory vaccination an J in; m.Hiead lU. St stringeul regulations as to uenera! sanitary conditions of the town and individual houses, St- iciest isolation ofsmahp â- xcasesatid quarantineot honns in which such occurred. The resiliis have tar suipa.>--8jd those â- >( neighb..riiig were scarce. »n etiectivc Bldenng the circuma'antOd that sopram-s |o«-na of UeUer natur-il situation but «h;« Mr. Cook, however, mado put their trust in vaccinafion aud as leader whde Mrs. K.skine's compared with B.rHn the death rate of ,, ,1 i» - • ;helatiei wastwoai.d rthalt timesgreater. alto was e-pj'-iidy noticeable. nir.L>.ans d,.. Bj,ii,r,l, lnsp,«tor of Vacx-ination tenor and .Mr. Kiskiue's supeib b.»ss are (,,r (juee i Viotoria,»taie« in a prize easay, too well known to need com mfi.t here. "MeJical men and paieuts . . .should All did will and attractive and duly Later John Waters, the blind inmate <jii»eH»i' refeiml to above died »b«>ut 1 a.m. SuB' Dr. says "the ht-erilized diV His daughter, Mra. SutcliaTo. near serum from a ontf aani-ot communicate fl.iy. iiisiiauis • . an v disease." If by this he means the Holland Centre, who had been apprised ^^^^^ ^^ ^^,^,y ^^ ^ p^rfecly healihy au- bjr *be Su|>eriutendantnf hit approaching ^„^^ jj, ,„.,y i„, partly correct. But if he •nd atrivtu oa the 4.48 p. m. train S«iur- nit)an& one of tbo choicest forma in whieh 4a*, but found l|«t father unronKiott* iu »»cciiie is marketed, fi*. gtywiuated the simtina was spirited keepm mind that by the actof vaccination ,,a.-u etiect* a enrc. . _ , they aie uot merely imparting apt iteciion ,,aWe for sore nipijli ly appreoiaed. ... but are implanting the seetis of a J. IXm^las. The local option poole here are feelinn very giod over the result of tiio vote on the (l!h. Quite a number from here attended a concert in Kimherley last Wednesiliy evening, assisted with the program and had a very enjoyable outiinj. On Friday evuiiinsj a gooiily number o neighljors met at the homo of Mr. Robert Buchanan, and presented Mr B. with an addresii-nnd Mr». B with a frui» dish. A very pleasant evening was spent. Sir. Buchanan and family leave for thkir lew home near .Mcafetd shortly. We joiu in wishing them prosperity in their future^ homo Mr. W. Hill of the back line has bought Mr. B's farm here. Me.isrs. C. and E Graham of Eugenia visited Mr. W. E. Ilutchin.son on Friday evening. The .Misses Gilbert of Kimlieiley are visiting *i'.h their anc!e, Mr. Wilbam Buchanan. Mi<s Kate Net-ley «nd bfotber, of Rocklyn sp.^nt Suuday with their sister, Mrs. Kl. UoUoy. We are ple.ised to learn that Mrs. M. Baird, who has been sutfering with an abscess iu her hsiul is somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. Ale- X spent Sunday in | Fh'Rher;oii with the former's sister, .Mrs. \ Mi I'K'm, Dr. Caldwell adiniiii.-itered the ancru- 1 inent in the church here on Sunday after- \ noon. The subject of his talk was thy ! Toiy-.\lexander meetings held in Toronto ^ recently. He told several in:idei.t8 of,; wonderful conversions and urnetl his : hearers to pray more vai n-s^ ly for reviv- | als and conversions. Ho .sail Tory and, .\lexaiider were men of much prayer. Wo are sorry to report Mr. S. Bowles, sr.. very low. Fur any disease of the skiu we can rvcom- uieoil Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves t! « iteluug and buvniiiu sensation instantly and This salve is also inval- !««, W.E. KichardsoB. W. NEW SHIPMENT 1>F CRU.MS ENO LISH PRINTS JUST ARRIVED. The hrst shipment of Couh e* Ei glish Prints have arrived and .ire • peiird out in our .Milinery Depiirtmenc. 'Mothers wishing to get sewi-n; done early can make their Selection hefi>re 'he stiH;k gets piek-d thrtmah. Ciuuis Prints aie ack- .11 (fledged to be tlio best made in the world â€" Soft, free from dr>s-<iiisf, (lefec'Iy fist colors, light and dark shades, 32 inch The old pricj 12Jc 50 BOYS SLKDS TO BE GIVEN AWAY THIS MONTH We got Sl-arg* u in a quantity cf Boys Hand Sleighs, hands. -me little sleds, britfhtly jwinted.with iron liound runners. We are t;iitiii; to give a sled away with every ooys suit sold this in.mth. Makes no iiilTerence what iirice you buy. any size from 22 to 32, short pint suits, some marked at SuK-k Takin-i Saio pricea.sorae regular diRct^unt. A sletl aoes free witll each Siiit. See our clothing window. New Lace Curtains The New Lace Curtains are hero, hundreds of pails of them, iin[>orted direct fro.n nvinu.'aci urei-s, hannsome new patterns in Not-tinnhani Swiss ami itriis.sels L^ices.extra I ig v.dues this season, prices run from XIc PARI. AND, . . .D<X;. t.i jyOO per p.- SXAFFOI^D dc CC^ wwijM*m.i. UBrvosss, Diseasesi M®ff^ 0!7S. K. & K. ESTABLISHED S5 YEARS. Consuiiaiton FREE. Qwition Blank for Hofn« TrcstaneAt Mat Mta. H. W. Campaivn of Mnlinur, o e of the pioneer »• died J -in. 23, aited 85 years. Her hus>>and is still living at the tLgiivt 89. In the early days Mr. and Mrs. Campaign walked 56 miUs i order to |et married. A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD 1^9 Guanmioo to Guro SiHoiiiro, VaHcooflo, «_~5r „ OetlUty, BkHHi Poisons, VUaU wmmJinossos, KUnov and ^addor Dls» mmsas, ana AM DIsoasos Fooaltar to Mammad Womattm Ddt*! waste Toar time and monev on ctieap, danrerooa. experimental treatment. r>on't-ttwre»«e at vour own cost Tour satterinsra by iMjiuy experimented on with rem- edies ^ilcl) they claim to u.iTe just iHsc-orered. They five but temporary rel-ef. Bat comet^ttain coti^deiice. We will treat yon cim^cientionslr, honestly and sxillf^lly, aud reeiiiee yon to health In the shortest poAsibte time with the least mcdtciue, die- comfort' anil pT|iense nractical>le. Each case l» treated aa theaynptooie Ladicat*. Our New Method is orifiual and has stood tin test for twenty-ffve jttn. Drs^KENNEDY&KERGAN 148 Shelby street, - DETROIT, MICH,

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