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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1906, p. 8

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â- ^^ February 8 lOUO THE FLESHERTON ADVANCr t >t>m- The Markets. CanfiiUy Correated Each Week. 0«M 34 to 34 IV«» 76 to 76 Uiiley <» to *^ n'heut 72 to 7'.' Jl,y 6 00 to 6 0<> I'outoes Jier b»j{ 60 to 70 IJjttor IS* »" 1'' E'^iiH fresh IH to IH 'lurkeys H to 14 Du:;k8 10 to 10 0.e8.i 10 to 1" ChiukeiiM 7 t> « OMFowl « to 7 Big reduction on 5uits Overcoats Panis Before Leaving For FEVERSHAM Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for tliem. We tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. Tho beat kind of a teBtlmonlalâ€" "Sold lor over sixty years." MH 'U by J. C. Aycr Oo. . LownU, Mmi . AUO luAnuAloturor* of H. Alexander FLESH ERTON, ONT. FISH Salmon Trout Finnan Haddies. Canned Goods Wu have a large mnoimt of canned goods on i;iii: w'.iic'.i.vj tha following, â€" C'aiiiifd Saliron CiUlUfll TiiIllRtouS Ciiiin«>l IV'iis Canned Corn Canned Lobster, etc., etc. Br; n, Sliorta, Low Griide I''li.ur,Ford'M Patent Mi>rninK<»lo''.v, lloyal Houfcliold. SAllS/a>AEILU. FILLS. HAW ViaOR. â- Wo h;>vo no •ecretj! VT* publUh t^o forTmi>!i of all onr medicines. yers AVer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking up a cola. Portlaw Store We wieh to draw your ftUcntion to the fact that wr' huvft iiurcha-sed ft first clasn outfit of TIN.-iMrrH'S TOOLS and MACIUNKS and are now able to supply the public with all kinds of ^and >^Ata^e Ji inivare and furnace Oriioraiiteod. in({ clue '.v here, Work. Call and SCO ui before jmrchaj- Thk Ili:i.IAIU,E ILliSHERTON G HOC EH - ONT. St. John & Roulston iSchool CMldren's Eyes 'Supply Mr Intellect Business Cards i/r-cuLLOUon * youno iU Ilankur Markdale i)oB RBoeral bankinobnslnosi. Money loaneii a ruasouablu rate Call on us. T0HI8LETT, • I'naimaKtt'r, Covlnn. Commli-Bi nor In H, •'. J .Convevanoer, (lecil«, uioitKiwe, leaKe», wills etc. curofiillv ilrawa up folloctloUB uitt<l>. oliaruua rcasonaMo. Al.-o Kiocutici, flour, toed etc, kept lu stock, Prices rlKlit. RJ 81'BOULB FoiituiMter, FleahortoD oommlaelontr In H. C. . I. , Auctioneer Con »cyaucer, .^ppralaor aud Money IjimxIci UoftI Katatn nml liiFurauce Ane"t- Vvw^h u:art(!a(jo». loasnn an'l wlllu carefully <t raw n up ami valuations luadii on tliovtoH nctici-. luOQoy to loan at lowest rates of hi^ creat t'ol ootloiH attoiiiloil tn with piciop'niss cliaigoH low, Afiont for Ocean Douiiuion Steamebip Company, A call aoliclted. Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in , business if so handicapped? lE.xamination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. ♦ F.WtlLE' *iVO DPTiCJAft ••Canada's Greatest Nursetles" WANT A Local Salesman for FJesherton To »• 11 Hiwli ('li.s.^ Nur«ery .Stock in I'luilH Hiul (Iruaniciit)il, Lni);eHt List of NKW SPKOIALI'IBS over <.(r>'ie(l. Sl'Mtr NOW AT Till? IIEST SKL- LlN(i tilCAS )N. I!i« liiduoi'inuiitH, Lib- eral I'.iy, lliUulHKino Kr.M> Outlii, 'IVrrii . ry U.Mrv.-a. W UM'K KOll TKllMS kiid Oft ul''U'i" »" ' •"â- '"' """ f'"' <""' ALUVII.NL'M I'OCKKl' MICKOSCOI'K (ui»goilii>« 4-1 'ini'"") 'hkI bOc fur our HANUY S.VW, ju.ti (ho tliiiiK for iiiin- iiiiiiK trrCH (cutH lion UH wo'l UH wood.) Stone & Wenington (dVEiiBOO aciikh) Toronto - - Ontario Societies & V W inectB 01. the last Monflay 1 eacu mouth, lu tlu-lr loiiRo room. (Miristooa block. I'Icslieitoii. at 8 p.m. M.W., .A, Harrison ; ItocorriPr, Jaa. Kelstnail ; Kluao- oler, W.J. Ilul.amy, VtBitiuK loctbrct iLVllccI nillNt^K AUTHUU LODOK, No. ICT.AFA I A r.I. iiieotB In tbo Masoiili bail. Mtraint blooli. KioslKU'toii, every Friday on or liolore the lull u'oin. John WilfcUt, W M.; 0. N. llicliur Bon, hrtcrotary. COl'llTKLKSmiUTON, 00\ I, f. P. n eets ii. Cluistoo's lllocl< tho last Krlilavevoi.liiR of .â- ttcli loolitli. Vlsltlui' Fo'-Bters lioailiU- w.lo'iinc. ('. U., I>r. Mir.ay; M C. W. Luuil B Fill. Kiu., II. A. Willrtt. l'ln>t«u p.iy lines to II. ;* . WlKott on or before the last (lay of the preooodlni; month. CflOSF.N FltlKNIIH-I'leslinrtou <"olincn ot KriuiiilH meets In Clayton's ball timt (in.l tlilril WiidiiHBdav of I'hcli mont H p lu I'nv aimisHiniintB to the Kccorihr on or Imforo tro (list I'ayi'f each luontb. Chief I'uumillor. T. liiakeloj;Wecoider, W. H. Ituul, Medical Dit cAiiTnn M C P A H Ont. Vbyslelan. Rursaon, ate OQlci! aud rnsidoncoâ€" Peter at , PlcBlierlon DU A.T. IIOND (irariuate Toronto University. Mem- htii' nf Oiitavio ColloRB oj Physlcilnim and Knr- licjus. Maxwell. On'. duocesHor to IJi. Scott. For thd Advance. Bacon Hog Production. If the tncon trade of Canada ir tocmi tinuelo improve it ii necesMiry that ho;; raiserH adiiere to the cIbhs uf ikiiiiuals meet suited to the Briiiah niaikct. In the production of hnga ol the lard type C'iimda cannot compete successfully wiih the Uniie<l States. A visit to the stuck yards and to western cattle fuetlinn ctntfcN iiffortis an pic evidtnce of thi:<. A lar^e proportion of the cattle are fed on tnapped or shelled corn. Herded with these are hogs that thrive mid fatten 1 n the undigested corn left by the steeiH. These lio({» constituting a by pioduct if cattle fci'diijg uru pioduccJ ut a cost much lowiT than pork c'.tii be raised in Canada. All United States hoRs aie not fed in tins way, but a larue propoition of tbcni bare, at Katft, the advantage of cheap corn, than which there i." no better furd fur producing f»t lio^s of the l.ird type Let the Canadian fat merjio back to the thick, fat type of liot;, as nome think of doirp because they fuel they have a grievance with the jmcUer, and it will not be lonif nntil the tirice of C.uia- diai) bacon will have fidien to a level w :lh the United S'ales product, which is usually froiii lU to l.'i shillings per 11 pounds lower than the quotation for Canadian Wiltuhire sidei. It acquis to be very generally suppo-sed that poik is more cheaply and easily produied from hogs of the thick, short Ain'-ricnn bretda than fiora the three Engli.--h biceda which aio favireJ for biiioii pioduction. V\|iy such a belief should be so (foneral ia difficult to andcr- btand a? icieiitcd testa conducted at vaiiouH (xperiniont stations have .shown that bo(;< of the Yoikshire, Uerkshitcatid Tainwi.jih breeds produce p rk aschiaply as those of the Pdaiid China, Cliester White nr Duroc Jersey breeds. In the iipiiiion of Prof. Day of the O. A. C.,who IS foremost among authoritiea op bacon production, tho lusty, growthv p'g of the bacon type is tho most economical pork maker we have, especially when reared, as bacon bo^s vboold be, largely on such foods 118 roo's, aoilinj; crops and dairy otfal. There is as much difTeronco ot opiniur, regardini; the cost at which lio^s lit for market cnn be pioduced, and there is probably aa much difference between the cost to one f« eder and tbo cost to another M between these opinioni*. Under t;oiieral conditions the prtxluction costs in the neiuhboi hood of tivo djllars per 100 lbs in an average. Iti summer uiidur fivorahlo conditions the cost miy be somewhat lessened but in winter pork can I'.aidly be producid \l the price intii- tioned. As in all i.thi-r line' of pioduc- tion, the coat will vary according lo the cbsinctor of the Bninin's fed and the amount of ititelli^'enco exercised by the feeder. Takini; one year with anolhcr the Canadian farmer on ^ood land who understands crop gn>win<i and ho-; niisii'c can nndoublodly laise ho^s as chouply as the fi-iurea quotoil, and p.-obuMy fur less. He will keep only such sows as prodooe bir-o, lusty litiers of tho li^ht type. He will >;row aiuh ji-isture and soiling crops as c'over, a'f.ilfi«, rnpo, vetcbes, manuols, suiiar beets and coarsu ur.vins as jield iho gmili'Kt niiinli. r • f pounds of lug feed por acre. In other words he will inanago liij operntior.H In such a way that w.ll return him the j{reule»t return in lions pur act u of land, and in so doing will barn In reduce the cost of raising hogs of tliu btst type to a miniuium. Livcs'.ook branch, Dop. Agiicultme. Part II.â€" Wrsley Smith, Frank White, Aniiitf Pedlar. Part I. â€" Harold MoLain, Herb r Belts, Janiea Leech. Average attend- ance 3 J. Ehskw Makduall, Teacher Report of 8. 8. No. G, Artemesia Class v.â€" U. Hairow, J. Fletcher, W. Fbtcher. Clans IV.â€" V. Butler. A Uirnw, J Cain.."!, ti. Whittaker, B. Whittaker. Cms, Iir.-P. Giiri.«, C. P.iters-.n. E. iMiittaker. 8. Butler, F. Pn.ily, W. McArtl.ur, M. Mc.Vrtluir. E. l'l.-tclier. M. IV.yce, T. Spioer, T. McArMiur. Class II. â€" B. Fletcher, \V. Pu !er. B. Ir*in, W. Spicer, 11. Boyce, 0. Ii.z7,iid. Part II. --M. Harrow. Part I.â€" S. Builer, I. B. Wlaitak.-r, B. S'.uS'His, M. Spiti r. IsABBL StKn, Tea.;her. liepoil id Poit Liw School for the inmith of .Iniiuary, lOOO. Sr. IVâ€" lUiy Korr, Alice llola^an, F. Taylor, Cec:| Meldrum. .)r IVâ€" Delia l\dUr, Flo.ssic Siiuiiions, lliiy Pedlar. Sr. Ill - Harry Meldrum, EHiCit C .m- field, .Magyio Sininiuii.s, Urink ii.bmn. Jr. Ill â€" Wilfred McN^.Hy. Frauk Tay- lor, E%ar Jaokaoii, {;.'iir'.:e Fisher, 11â€" Florence Sliiers, Vi.,la Pori^fieM, I'iu Lyons. Lawreiico Lyons. Pi. II- Bertie Shier, Marshall Sher- wood, Lizzie Oibornc, Iva McNally, Sr I-Kiank Shier, Myttlo Warlin", Millie Whyte. No. 2 â€" Annie Fisher. .Ir. iâ€" George Udell, Pons Shier, A. Lyoii». Avenige attendance for th« inoMth. ,3j, Hannah Stakkoki), Teacher. "Worn Out" People Don't neelect the first syin{>' toras. Oftentimes the irritating coiiifb, the in.sip:d cold, the listlea* and linguiJ feeling:, are due to a Tveak stiite of the system. It U a Sliro sign of breakdown . N'jtbiiJ ".Isc will put you rijrlit so quickly and s£fcctivc:y aa " Ps\-chine." L'"you feel "worn out," it is lime for a tonic, a reM tonic. There i3 on^ one rc.-tliy good tcmic. It is "PsYCii:aiE. ' Keep a bottle handy r.evcr be without it. It tones up the sfstem and restores your old timo vitidity. Abk your d.-ugswt aboiit it. ,51 â- sf^ ^>?1^ ;^-5r>^ s ?, g, p » %%' en T. A. fcS-OCUV., Limit*** 179 I'.inz 0*. VV. Tc.-cato, Cs.nada NoticG to Farmers \Ve r •vn Jp OTTKWF.I.Ti Veterinary SurROon ClraiV.iato of Ontario Votarlnary Oolloiie. roaiilunoo â€" S3ooiid door south wsBt on Mary Htroot. This Btroot rnni south Prosbytorlaii (Minrob. Uoiior l!uU» H WANTED! Olio Hundred morn Voung Men aii.l women, who are anibitious and enti-rinixiiig, to ipnilify in the "0. OUT, fiir Ihn m>tny posiiious open to all those who are tlmroiighly imipared to accept them. A «i« inonih«' course in thiacol- egit ini-ans for a yoiini msn of tbo' riiiht kind, an oduo«tloii»l oui.ipinent better than many traces or iinfeasiom in munoy cvruiim [Miwitr. R-d uts nduiiilod at any liiue. CircuUi'sfr.-o. W, J. K-lioit, Priiicijwl. Coi Yongo and A;oxandw SH. WILSON, lllacksmllh irailuato of the Votorlnary Boienoe Assoolatlou. ilusldiiiioe, Durham street, op. pouitu Hoyd,'s bardwara. Legal Li;OAS WBIOHT A MoAKDI.R llarrlsters BuUoltors Ounvuyancers, etc onicoH--Owuu Sound. Ont and MuvkilaleOnl vv II WnmuT, McAnuLE 1 Ii Lucas N Hâ€" Flushorton ofQoo, UllobeU's Hank •very Ratuiday. Dentistry D D p.. C. MURRAY I.. 1). R, ilentnl Biirijno- boijoi'KruiliiKln of Tinonto Hiilvirtn v aud o val Colli-KHof Diiiilal K»r:;>e»H of (Intario. (las HiluiliiMHatiun for teutli extracllou illicoal rusiduiuTo, Tiuoato slrooi, Klosherton II. F. AIlMSTIlf>N(), Ii. P.H.. Honor Oraitti 1111 of Tiiroiit" University and lloval Col Ini-ii of Pental «uiK«ons of Dninrlo. i'nlioslte Mil. llol'MnvB Vbotopiapb Oallniv. Will visit Mskvnll ni'Bt nud third Thuiadsy of oaoh incuts Report of iS. S. No, 0, Arteiuetin, for January, Sr. IVâ€" Mainio Mngoo, Jonnio Carson, Jiiiiie Manoe Sr, Ill-Eihil Trucman. Ooticvieve Walters, Elh Majiee, /aidou Lawler. Jr. Ill -Kiwiii Jaiuioaoii, Ernest Ho| • por, M ncgie Cat «;>n. Sr. 11- Nellie Trueinan, Lyda Truo- man. May Pat sons, Myrtle Parsma. Jr II- Lllliu Lawlur, Myrtle Parlia- tiienl. Sr. Pt. 11â€" Flnrenco Parliamont, Oco. Carson. Sr. Iâ€" Edear Linton, Sadie Pedlar. Jr. Iâ€" Belle Mit«e«, Clarence Waltort." M. P Wilson, Teacher. L In Furniture The l«r;;est ard best sto.k of furiiituie ever allow n iii Klesher- t"n. This without fear of contra- diction. Come and see sume of the nice thiugs in Sideboards Dining Roonr\ Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order lo reduce tho slock. W. H. BUNT. FlestotOQ - Ont. i''e have recently placed in our Mill at The Kloctric Plant, Eugenia, one ol" tho latest im- proved choppers, coDsequent- iy we are now better than ever prepared to ^rind all kinds of grain on the shortest notice and in the very best manner. In onlcr to assure the least possible delay we \«'Oul(l sug- gest that, whenever possible. customers bring their the forenoon. gnsts m ieor^t 'a df^. J Frctl Denclo So pt. Tor Sale* The following property shuu: will be aohl at i in the villa(^' ij Fcvershaui will be aohl at once ILmse ai.d half acre lot, lOnxUfrom never-failing epriiig; also "The Old Store" and four quaitei -acre lofc» in block, two of these lots behig suitable for business Htand. For particulars apply to Mrs. V/, U. C.*luett^ FevcrshauK If you are thinking of buying a line bu^gy, wagon or democrat, it will sun ly pay you to call and invusti^itt? our stock, termc, eti- , before nmkin;^ your |), W'o lniv.( a st'ilf of expert wurkiucn and ca'i i.-uaraiilee timt you will be satisfied I>LOUGK[ â€" _ â€" ALWAYS RE2 CLAIMS ON HAND â€" â€" â€" â€" - AND UEPAIUINO OF ALL KINDS â€" - A. M. Thurston hns now n fine stock of sou>eiiir postal card*. 6c. each, 6 (or i>5i). Report of S.S. 17, Anemesia. IV. class Srâ€" Vera Phillips, Fred Rue- Bill. 0eor«6,Eiit?lish. IV. class .Ir. -Walter Akitt, Sam Simpsin. 111. elassâ€" Ernest Uussell, Ellio Arm- strong, Edgar Betts, II class Sr. â€" Harold Phillipa, Eddie White, Edwin Smith. II, class .Ir, â€" Bertha Morrotv, Sainmie Fisher, Lii» Fiiiher. J^ A. JEARD, - FLESHERTON. D. McXAVISH \a< Buggioi Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, glis. We kiVp a stock on h.ind to chooae froiu. ALSO MOkSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ uunraiitou lir.^t olnss work. keep on band Ploughs and Plough rcjmirt, and also Ma<<soy- ris mid Noxon repairs for, binders, Mowers, nil kinds of hinory, also Binder Twiuo on K)njd. mben in town aivc us a call • /

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