February 8 1906 THE FLESKERTOM ADVANCE ' • i :* stm ^kiimiiiWHii F, T. HILL & CO. Wii^Mi^m 7 ;f!^T?T^^^7*^?7. ^ll'•^'•â- J^i'^ The Final Slash to Clear Up All Odd Lines Before Inventory Day. Tins WEEK we have made the final\slash in prices on all odd lines. The cuts are deep and the cost has not been considered, but we do not wish to make a slock inventory of these lines, and the prices we, have made to speak, so you can- not help being interested as follows: ! BOYD, HICKLING & CO, '1 LADIES MANTLES FOR 08o. 16 Ijadifs jHckeiff, princiiKvlly in black culorB in plnin mill curl cloth. Triio ihey aro not the latest styles but this hit ruprescniH MuiitluM in valuo from $3.50 to8(),60; in order iliat wo nhoulil not c.irry one orur wo make t he priw, your choice f t 98 .MKNS AND BOYS' CAPS, CLEAUISG FOR 12>ic KACH. .Some fifty odd caps, all sizos reprcsoiited. These c^ips arc all (hmsoa.'ion'M styles, but are ndilii and end.s of our licKt sel'in<; linns roDresciitiit!' TiilUL'W 2.j to 50j each. Your choice while thi- lot lusts I2A KERSEY HORSE liLANKETS 98o. 15 (inly K-rsey FfnrH.) Blankets in HlackB, stripes and co'orHâ€" Horse Blankets that are in v.tlue 1.25 and 1.50 lines, your chuicu for 08c HOR.SE BLANKETS FOR $1.35. 17 only Horse Blankets, in Dutch Kersoy.fina Hossian stripes anil duck, with Kersey lining. These fllankuts lire KOI).] viilui' niiiler ordinary conditions. $1.73 to $2.25, tut tliiH lm»( been n mild winter and in order that all should be Stild, your choice for 1.35 S^ MEN'S FUR CAPS i OFF. Wo hiifo a full .'vssortmomt in iho different stylos of Men's Knr Caps, and all sizus are still in stock. If you arc interected in a Fur C»p, this U your oppurtuu- ity. Ueniember ^ off I he price of all lines. BOYS' ODD COATS FOR 1.48. 48 inly Boys Fine Tweed Coats, in plain and f^iicy styles The citls belong to suita that sell frmn $2. 75 lo 4.50, HO whi-n yi>u Ihnik what vhIuh thosu coats represent it will pay you to anticipate your boy's reipiirenienis. Romeniber all sizes 22 to 2t), and iho price your choice for 1.48 €UPS ONLY IN GOLD EDGE SPRIG DECOUATION, 4ac n DOZ. 28 dozi-n only of Cupsâ€" romi'iuhiT no saueori". These cups lire of the popular selling line with yold edj;e"anj clover sprig dicorations, and are regular 75c values. While this small stock lasts the price ta clear, p>-r dozen 48c -FLESHERTON, ONT.- Stock Tjakirtff S/Jo ductions^ We're Stock Takii^t; nowâ€" and lines that we do not want to iiK-ludc in our inventory will be otlereil during January at Special Cleaving Prices. Cloth Skirt.s Cloth Jackets Children's Coats Winter Caps Men's & Boys' Overcoats Men's «& Boy's l\ecters Remnants A Lost of si)Oi t ends of all kinds of fubricsâ€" snilable lengllis for ail kinds of tiifiil purposesâ€" Cottonades, Twcedp, Siik.'?, yiiirliugB, Cottons, Ca.=)liiiiei€S, Fauey I)iess SuiliDgs, Sateens, Piiuts, ttc, etc., etc. 97 PIECE DINNER SET FOR »D.40, REGULAR $0 75 VALUE. 14 Dtily Fancy Decorat'-d Dinner yet*, in blue, o'lvo, brown and Kioy tints, 'SI piicos in nil iitcludi.-ig butier plates This extra value should appeal to you, rour choice for 5.43 mm^ SPECIAL SALE OF QRANITEWARE in our fiiardwarc Department* MARKPALE mmf^ the for the Siiuih. Ho says, "We have belter farms and fanners in Ontario." Mr. Carniichael, our public school principal, has boon off duty for a few lays nith iiiQsmniatiiin of the eyes. We . ,. , . ~, , , «, ,.^ trust that ho may speedily recover from I« puUished every Tliurwluy at 91.00 po.- . . , f. »nnum il paid in advance, *l.Co if not ho imiil Jsucli a painful ailment. All suliscriber payin? $1.00 sliictly in] Mrs. Alex. Whyto, who has boon at sdvance gel the Montr«»l Herald one year Toronto hoHpital for some dsyh and was free as a prrinimii. . ... . , , . • i . i ircatoK for s imo ailsuonr., m said to be KL'ttinx ut>ng nicely. We are ^'ad to Inar that it is not cancer, as sonic at lirst feared. Miss May Ferguson has b<en with her Urandinnther, itiid other trionda in Sliel- burnc for the last two weeks. New J. P's Appointed Followini; is a list of new J. P's sp- P'linted for the tnwnsliips of Artoniesia, Proton, Oi-prey and Eiiphrania : Protonâ€" James Buckley, Alex. Mc- Pherson, Duncai McKenzie, Donald K. .Mo.\rthur, William .1. Fry, .John Abbot, Ssmiiel Eitertnn. Electric Railway. A Mr. Spence, reprusonting the Huron & Ontario electric railway, was in town on ArleineBiaâ€" John Boland,Goo. WmlinK, ' Saturday interviewing Mr. R. J. Sproule, Matthew K. Richardson, Abnibani Van- Difon, John A. ISoyd, William Sliarpe, Jiiini's Williams, Sumuul Pedl.ir »r., Tlimnas Harness, Henry D. Irwin, John .McArthur, Carter C. James, Ro^er Mc- ):ill, Jiinies L. McVIullen. Euphrasia- William Smart, James B. Fuwcett, Joseph W. Patton, John P. Kerr, Charles O. Dea»itt,Sam,iel Kni«ht, Peter Harris, Oeorgu Richardson, Wm. Prin^le, Albert C. F'atorton, John T. Miller. ()*preyâ€" Hugh T. Uoborts, John A. Keriialian, Joseph Kiispp, Chsrlea H. Special ^omnint iPricet EVEBYriiING MARKED CONSPICUOUSLY IN PLAIN FIGURES. Arnott, wr., John Uaiinoii, poar, John DuuKlaas. a director of the company. Tlio Advance had the pleasure of looking over a map of the propusi-d routi^, which includes a lino fr-rm Owen Soun.i by way of Mcaford, Tliornbury, Flisliertnn and Sbelburne to lieeton and Torniito, and another from Kincji'diiio east to Floiherton. The route from here to Tornnto would be the same length as on the existing I'no, but tbo company claim tliey could niako it in an hour lens time. Altogether the com- pany's lines are intended to cover a dis- tanco of 400 miles. The proposition is to W. Oauioy. Danitl'oroet a system capable of usinK either Ferguson, Samuel ,»ieam or electricity, but tho intuniinn is Adam Kin- PrlcovlUc Conlinuod from last week V)<'.\\\\ visitod this vicinity ntjain last week. Jessie McDonald, beloved wife of Mnlcidin McDnnald, south line, Artoni- esia, passed away on (he momina of the 2')tli, aged 04 yoara. Dueoased had boon M) p'lor lienlth for some time, tho ailmont lerminiling in dropsy. Her five snnH. Hector, Malcolm, Dan, John and Alex, .aith her *on-{u-Uw, Jos. Ferris, were l*a111io;^rer» at the funeral on (he 2Cili, to the viltaso oeiMOtorjr, where a daughter was laid to rett anino yaan ago. The I osbaud, five aona and two daughters â€" oaa livoa At homeâ€" «m mourning the tho loas of • dear wife and mother. Rev. W. r. Kuaoh ofliciated at house and ftrava, instead of Rar J. A. Mat(>eBon, who liaa bean unweU fur aotne days. Mr a^ Mrs. A. Oatraoder of the to make it electric, us-ng tho Uarniswonh third rail system which has jiroveM so satiMfaetoiy in ol'ier places. Tho com pany is how gettinj; tli..rou>.'hly organized for business snd Mr, Sponcn s.iys it is (the intonlion to buihl Ihu Owen .Sound to Beotuu siclion this summer. Intentions aomotinie.s miscarry, but let us hnpu it will not bo so in this case. Thaiiiosville council hai ijranted the editor of tho local paper §12 for publish- ing the council minutes in 1905. Who siiys oorporatioiis aie snuUess? Mr. Thos. Taylor received the joyful HOWS on Saturday that his son, 0. W , mid his wife, who wore rejxjrled among tho List ill the wrecked steamship "Val ciicia" off tho western coast of Vancouver Island, wire safe, but particirl.irs are not yet kniiWn how tliey made their escapi', US they were passengers on the illfiited vas?el returning to Nelson, B. C, from VKsiting friends here. Mr. Taylor an! f.tinily spent a couple of anxious days awaiting the arrival of tho message, the iiainoa of his sou and wife being smongnt tboso reported in the daily papers as having gone down wilh the vessel. We rejoice with Mr. Taylor and family in the news nhioh has brought them such groat relief. â€" Standard. A fow years ago Miss Gordon, a well lo do elderly lady of Glencoe, secured as maid a young uirl named Martha Collier from tho Barnnrdo Hume, Toronto. Miss CJurdon and Iho girl became very much attjiclied to each other. About two months ago MissOordon, having recovered her health, decided to give up her maid. They went to tho stalion together, but tbo strain of parting was too gfoat, and Miss Collier returned home with Miss Gordon, A fow days later Miss Gordon regulaily adopted the girl, making her her legal daughter. Two weeks ago Misa Gordon caught a sevoro cold; pneumonia set in and the latter part .-if last week she Uied. Misi Gordon had property estim at«d to be worth about $20,000. So far no will has been found. Unless one i.^ found, Miss Collior,the adopted dsughter will receive the entire estate. i JFrG7~KA RSTEDTl \ G E N E II A L M E n C H A N T S^lesherion^ Ont. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Just srriveil a Isrce >[iiaiiity of Men's and Buys' Cl"thii-g oonipri."e'l of the tinusi (piality of Tttceda and Wi^rsteda, Mou's Suits, S5. 00 to f I6.0C; B'Vs' Suits, ii?1.50 lo 6 oO np:ckwear Just nrrirrd a lartje stock of winter and Bptiug Nuckwear. Prices from 25c to 75 We have oiio of the oewtst and most up-to -diteass-irtment of Ladies Ci.li'irs ill the cjunty. Prices ranging lum 25c to 75 FOOTWEAR We have the sole control of the "James MEANt- Sook" of Boston, beinf; the best (juality of Goodyear Welt, Patent Leather nnd Highly Leather. nnd ; from $4 00 to AH of lh« latest styles. Prices rangin LADIES' FURNISHINGS Just arrived a large assorlinonl o( Skirts all of tho finest quality,1.75 lo Polished 4.25 % 7.60 FISH J 1*> Large Fresh Water Herring and Georgian Bay Salmon Trout Ford's nour Tor Sale. ^ â- "».. » \ FarmTOrSa^. Let 17, con. 11, Osproy. contalninR 100 acre!-. COacveietesreilaiirt iin.ler cnlilyatloii. b*"*"-;^* ROt>(lbii«li:Koo<i bulliUuKS. wull watered »od -ifll lanced, nno inila Irom Fevor«bftm, tor tei ii;«, utc, »r J'ly '", W. G. Dand, Fovorsham. Sbortbortis f or SaU* Heifors and bulla of extra i|uality and brcsd- iiiR. AlMi Cotbwold and Lelcoster shoei). Luiubs iu their scibod. Apply to CUAR. bXAFFOKD Floriierton. â€" --•<-. A honielosa old man named BalKar Smith caniu to the farm of Andrew Slioo- dor on the 8th ooiico-ssinn of Carrick nn Tuesday, and asked for a night's l"ilging. Thia was freoly given, and tho old man retired for tho nigh'. Tho next mi.riiinp tho lixigerdid not comn downstairs, and Mrs. Stroeder went up to hia room, ilierc to find the pour old man dead in bed.â€" Hanover Post. An nwen Sound land ajrndicato hare diapoied of a large sactluu uf Saakatche- waii and Alberta lands (n New York and Ohio fariiiera. who will locate there this spring. There are aUiut 16.000 aettlera aasuretl (or the west throunh thia aource )flt|k Prutnu, hare ratumad after spend- 'alone. in|[ I monlk viMling relativ^in Miohiiian I a,,, County Coan«i) fil) bold ih June |f>d •tM*l\7 TvnneaoM Ur. A. bM no nae ' i«eaiuu ia Mec^ur4, The Crawford tug Company of Wiarton last week made a record never before e'pialled on the Georgian Bay. About 25 tons (>f froiitht haying accumulated thero (or northern points, anil Iho roads being had, the Messrs. Crawford contract- ed to deliver it by boat at Lion't) Head. The IliHlgson was loaded on Thursday and nisde a alart, but the sea Ireing rough about Cape Cioker, the boat returaed. On Friday Captain Crawfoid gathered a gang »t experienced sailors and ntado another start, aucoreding in roiicliing Lion's Head, 35 miles north, in a little over four houra. After unhiadiiig ths freight the boat returned on Sunday with the therinoiueler below lero. and had to brrak her way through four iuchea of ioe tohvrdooki The orvw re^mrt the trip jutt ridting . euounh to he intereatin((. Thit la the first record of natriaating , th« <)«uf^ Qay in rabriMr^r, BoarF^rScrviee* H»vli'(!purcliaB«d from lllehard Allen tbo rotjiiitcrctf Yoiksbire biar, ("roRlbill Jaek, No lUSJt. Tbo Bam» will b« for nervicooii lot uo.M, ion. 4, Arto'uuRU, Terms aud iiMlihrua on ai'i* lestlou. HrnrvBolman. Winter Goods All winter harness goods now iu stock, including Saskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhitle robes ami coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., harness of all kinds. . , . FARM FOR SALE. Lot B3, con,7. Arteinenis; 100 acres more or lens 75 acres rloared, fiA bnf.b. New barn, 4'2x GO, Btoiio btsble. Good frsiiio bouse, 45 rods from 8cliooi,} mile friiin l\>st Otllco,) w\\\<t, from cbiircb. Hpilim on faun, well at bouse. For furtbcr pai'ticulaiB at>vlv to It. W. CLAkK. (Dookvale Millx) FlcsliertOD Farm for5ale. p and if roqnirt'd. poaaeasioii at once, lots r>um' bers HT, 118 A UU, onnreHxion Snd , a W., T.AS I road, ArtemHSla. US acren about bslf a nillo from tho villave of Klusbertoii. Ou said farn? Is atiout 711 acres clHSitd, fenced and uuderOtilV Ivatlon. 19 acres of whicli is in meadow land, and about M aorei plonitUod fur nnxt upriiiKs crop. A oonifurtable Iom dwollin)- wltb frame addition, and I«k barn and stablss. rraine Iinplemint-h(Ni8<>, and a nevur falling sprlug close to tbe dwetllni;. The farm is a splandtd Kraln and icntaiuc farm, and one thai laTkrlabW Blree goo.1 croiie when pr<>f>er)r not In. Appiv io H.J. Sproule, FUsbnton, or Urs. Bobt. Rat ladt«, Pleeherlou Bo«rster$«nHce J.^'?****''*' <^ '• ^ he*. AHemaala rri«a ao. IIMk term •I.OO; aim Torkahlr* hoe. Iw«e Tradc Marks OcaioNt OorvmoHT* As. Aaroee sssaOig a akatali and daaastpilon aiai 9"*^? **t*"*'? mvaetelna IN* wbetber aa i'S'yj*r** ^ '* ** * a" * HM»*bcim oa Psteiiu Idtitincmtricai,