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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1906, p. 7

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m Sunlight Soap p«rion who provci that Sunlight Soap contaiiu any injuriuus chemicals or any fiHTm of aclultaratioD. is equally good with hard or soft water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned w^y. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly YOUF MKJ refunded pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be i>y the de»icr from whom you buy t_ J â-  t I i. I . . Sunlishi So*p if you find uaf washed without the slightest injury. ,^^ f„ „„„^^ L«w«r Broth*** Umltotf, Veronto .^ ALL TWINS IN THIS. Extraordinary Marriage Will be Cele- brated in Paris. An exlrnordinary niaiTiage will take place in f'aris sliortly, when the hviu brothers CharntcaH, botli of whom are painters of repute, will marry the twin sisters Renautl, two beautiful girls who •re only 18 yeai-s of age. The best men ii the doiiblo weddinj; will be another pair of twins, who ure cousins of the Iwin bridegrooms. " Alphonso and Gabriel Charnteau are so absurdly alike that they liave been the viclim.s of ludricous mistakes ull their live.s. Their luothir i.s ii widow, and on this account one of the twins was excused military service. Wishing not to be separated from his brother, he went to live in the town where his twin was qiiiirtered. He wus arrested four times during the first week, and accused of appealing in pub- lic without unifonii. lie had the (great- est ditlicully in convincing the aiillwri- Ijes that he was not the conscript. The brothers are so fond of cncli other that they Iiad rpsolved never to marry. But they both fell in love almost .sim- ultaneously, 'their swcelhcaits were also almost undislinguishable, and mis- takes occun-ed s.3 frequently that earh twin began to dress for the first lime in a different costume. III.S AIM. Die when I may, I want, it said of me by those who know me best ttuit I al- ways plucked a thistle and planted a (lower where I llwuglil a llower would tj.-ow.â€" \braliani Lincoln. HE IS EMPHATIC IN WHAT HE SAYS DOOD'S KIDNEY PUXS CMREO IWUT. BOND OF uniGUT'S DISKASE. His Doctor Who Haid There Was No Uopc lur Ilim, Now Pronounces Him Well ~ He Tells Uis Own Story. Ml. Brydges, Ont., Jan. 29.â€" Special.) â€" Among the many people in this neighborhood who tell of the gi'eat work l>odd's Kidney Pills are doing, none is more eniphatlo than that old and re- spected citizen, Mr. Hubert Bond. "I believe I owe my life to Dodd's Kid- ney Pills," Mr. Bond says. "My allend- ing physician said I wus in the lost stages of Uright's Disease and tliat there was no hope for nie. Then I coniiiienc- ed to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and used i'l all twenty boxes. Now 1 eat well, sleep well, and my doctor says I am well. Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing else cured nie. Do you wonder I am always ready to say a good word lor Dodd's Kidney Pills'/" What will cure Bright's Disease will easily cure any other form of Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will al- ways cure Bright's Discnse. They are Ihe only remedy that will cure Bright's Disease. Be sure and get Dodd's. "V'oung .Skipjack: "Ahâ€" 1 should like » cross that field; do you thinkâ€" uli- thal cow would hurt me?" Fanner: "Did you ever hear of a cow huilin' a calff" A Clear Healthy .Skin.â€" Kniptiona of tlie sUiii and tlio blotches whicli lilciniah bc-auty ar« the result of Impure blood cau.seil bjr unhealthy action of tha liver and kidneys. In correcting this un- beulthy action and restoring the or- gans to their normal conditiun. Parnio- lec's Vci?etable fills will at tho nam* timo clcunao tlie bloud, and the blotch- es and eruptions will disappear without leaving any trace. DRE.SSED UP. Oratory is merely talk with a coat on. frock "I'd rather be dead than suffer again the tortures of in.sonmia, palpilatiun and nervous twitching of my museles in- duced by simple neglect of a litUe indi- gestion." These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who proclaims that her cure by South American Ner- vine when evcrylliiug else had failed was a modern miracle. A few doses gives relief.â€" 92 .SHE KNEW MIM. ".Vlr. Grouch went, to a ma-squcrodo (.he other evening di.sgui.sed as a bear." "Did any one rci-ogni/.o him?" "Only his wife. " Da sat give Mp is 4*«pair, job wIm lalTer. boa obatimUedteflguraaenteofUM skin. Ann ink the tore •pot* with Weaver^ Carat* ud purifjt tk« Moed wHk W*aT*r-« Sjiaps. All dr^giite Put5 Voo en Vour ^eet and keep!i;iia there Tbat'n what " Perrovim" dues (or all tliose re covering fi-<nu waatln;; (liseaae:^. It i.i lh« best lonio ia exiatance. it Htimulatas, auurisbej and builds up the system. Mrs. Homeiioddy: "Home is the dear- est spot on earth, after all." Mr. II.: "Y»»s, wtien you count in the n'ul and llio sennnls' wages." Be There a Will iVlAdoir. FoinLit the Way.â€" The sick man pines lor relief, but he dislikes sending for thu doctor, which means bottlOH oi drufrs never cnn.suined. Me has not the resolution to load his stumach with conipoundH which sineil villainously and tunto worec. Hut if be hiive tho will to rieul'lf with liia ailment, wi.sdom will direct his attention t*) l*armci««'B Vccetablo I'ille, whicti, as a ejiucitic for in'liKestion and dis«)>-d(!rs ui the digestive orfiuis, liavo no i.(|ual. "Don't i^ry!" he iutrcated. Then he per- ceived that her hundkcrchief was edged with the most exquisite lace. "Don't weepl" he said, coriixliiit; himself. Kidney Search Liflhts.â€" Have you backache? Do you feel di' Do your limbs feel heavy? Have you pains in the loins? Have you dizziness? Have you a tired dragging, feeling in the regions of the kidneys?'" Any and oil of these indicate kidney troubles. -South Amerienn Kidney Cure is a liguid kidney specific and works wondi-rful cures in most complicated cases.â€" 94. Don't believe the world owrs you a living. The world owes you n ilhing. U was here first. Those two desirable quallQcal inn^. pleasant to the taste and at the samo time eductual. are to be found in Mo- ther Oravcs' Worm Exterminator. Chil- dren like it. One Thousand Farmers Wanted. We want 1,000 fanners for Western Canada for tlie spring of 1906. The renlcr, Ihe young fanner with very liipiled small capital, and the fanner with a number of sons for whom he Wishes to secure fanns, ore the people who should write us us quickly as they rend this notice. We can settle you in tiii; great wheat-bell of Manitoba or the other Province's of Western Canada, and give you such a chance as wc confident- ly believe has never before been offer- eJ to .settlers in any new country. Our lands are the choicest, and sitn- p.ted in tlie best tried and Ihe best .set- lleil funning and wheat-raising dis- tricts, and our plans arc such as will you by reason of their fairness and helpfulness. A man with a few hiinriicd dollars and with health and energy, by adopting one of them, can ill a very short time be well-to-do. The ordinary settler coining here has to break hi.s land and back.sct it the first year, and therefore does not secure any return from the land until the harvest of Ihe following year is reaped. Undor our plans, the .settler will begin to have an income from the sliirl, and at the .same lime will be going on getting ready his land for cropping. If you in- tend coming to Western Canada to farm, we can Ihu.s put yon in the way of helping yourself from llie first day lliat you arrive here, and thus of being independrnt. Wc one thousand selllers for the spring of IflOfi. Our hinds hove beeii all very rarcful- iy .selected, and wc giinranlce the re- pcrts of our examiners on Ihe same. No person need apply whose habits are not pood, and who is not able to produce first-eln.«!s r^'fci-cnces as to his character and in<''.--try. Ailiir. .s Weslern Canada .Settlers' Mutual f.und Co., 23 Canada Life Build- ing, Winnipeg. THE BEST OF PEOPLE make mistakes unintentionally. But no one fcVU MAM A mtTMOi III lUYINC n*]u. ONLY ONE BEST TFA. BLUE RIBBON. ^'Oshawa" Steel Shingles Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.85 to J5.10 per hundred square feel covering measure. This is the most desirable cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Bams, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSH.AWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest company of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making them FIRE. WATER AND LIOHTNINQ-PROOF We also mnunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAVE TROItJIi Etc. METAI. SHlN<;i.E.9, in imitation of biick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 14R and free samples of "O.SHAWA" Shingles. Wrtte to-day. HaHTReAL, guL Ottawa, oht. toront* snt. LSNiitN. rur, winniko. vamoowm, â- .«. 7*7 Orals (t. 413 Oueaei It. ri Oelboma St M Ounda* St. 70 Umbare St. SMPaariarSt. WHrtK YOUB NBARI8T OmcB. Head Office and Works, . . • Oshsws, Out., Canada RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A hundsoiiio illustrated treatise, (iv* tng full dcacriulion c' if heuiualnnn and ParalyfliH, with instructiuns for a cum- plctL home cure, descrikiing the moMt succesflltil treatment in tho world, re- cunimundeil by the Ministry and endorx- cd b.v medical men. '1 hi» highly in- Ktructivo hook waa written by W. H. Venii. a gentleman who ha.s mads a "I noticed after you left the house this morning you went buck again. Don't you liiiow that's unlucky?" "Well, it would have been a good deal more un- lucky for me if I hadn't gone back. My wife called me," vein*, a gciiLjeniaii wnu na.s mans a eliidy of these ili»ea8e.t. The preface i.s by tt Kradiiat*! of the University of wurt/.burg. S<.>nfl postal to-day and you wiU ri'reive the book free* hy turn.â€" Addreus. Tlie Vciio Drue Co.. King St, >Vcst, Tc'onto and re- 24 Teacherâ€" "Johnny, you may give me u definition of 'hypocrisy.' " .Johnny â€" "It's when a boy says he loves his teach- er!" Bnaligbt Soap !i better tlian otiwr uapi^ tnt ii beet when uied is the Bnnlight way. Bn; Snslicbt Soov oii^ (oUow diiMiigss. "That bass voice is a powerful one, isn't it?" "'Yes; I notice it has a deal of hooi-sc power." Intelligent Troatiaent with AUen'i I.iiag Bal- •ain br|ni|a up the phloxm, itopH the <ti>UKh and pain in the cheet, overoomen ttio^e terrible colde wbich, negleeted, lead to consuraptinn, "You've got a good collection of worUs of liclioii. Sniitlicre'/" "Pretty fair. My wife bought llicm to look for a poetic name for the baby." ".\h! and what did you call her'?" ".Susan!" A Merry Ilenrt Cocs all tlio Day. â€" Hut one cannot have a merry heart If he has a pain in tho hack or a cold with a rackinif cough. To be merry must be well and free from uchen and painH. Dr. Tliomas' Kclectric Oil will relievo all piiino, muscnlar or otherwise, anil fur the hpcedy treatment of colds and GoU|{lts it iB a Hplcndid medicine. PATENTBD MABCR 8TH, 1904. Tbrae Machinesâ€" Tripis Wall, Two Wall, and Camont Briok Maohinos. The faeteet and cheapent in the market, making brick faced with one inch coLured, and stronger concrete. Write for hnuklet. P. blEKl-AMn, StraUerd, Ont. Johnny: "I my folUs would agree upon one thing luid not keep me all Uie time in a worry. ' Toniiiiy: "What have Ihey been doin;^ now'/" Jotiiiny: "Mother won't let 1110 sland on niy head, and dad is all the lime fu.ssing because I wear my shoes out so fast." Dyeing I Gleaning I *or the mr keel MB* vea> wwk to kka "BillTtSM AWERMAN BVIINO ••." Leak i«r xaat la jaar towa, at •â- Ml 4tnet. MMtwI.Twooto, Otuwa, Q««kaa Farm Wanted. We wl4h to secure imme'tiai«ly two good fftrms, In cboic« a^ricultuiat aeoliou. Soil must be firtit olasft, gooil wbeibt land preforml. We want one farm over iOO a4:r«4 and uiie rac^liutn uko. GiT« detcHpti'in and loweat pric*. Possosnion must bo haul fii April. Address MOUTH AMERICAN LAND CO.. Lock Drawer 98U. M}baeapuUi, Mfnn. WANTED. Itheuniatisni â€" WhaCsc (lie ".aiis*-? â€" \\here's the Cure?â€" The iiclive iriiluling cause of this most painful of is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South American Bheuinalic (^urc neutralizes the acid poLson. Relieves in 6 hours and cures in 1 fo 3 days.â€" 90. "How still Ihey art," remarked Mrs. Frobb, apropos of the young couple in the ne.\t room. "Yes," replied Mr. Krobbe, "it reinind.s me of my army days. It was always wondcrfuiiy quiet just previous to an engogcment." We wish at once to secure honeet, reliable men to represent u.i and act as our axeiite in this locality. Mu.ft he willinc to nhnif farm proper- iiea antl make sales to buTers, who we send into this territory. Good saltry and uummission. Address NOBTII AMERICAN IMND CO., Dept. A, Luck Drawer 080, Minueapelis, Minn, RHEUMATISM in any form and cold perspiring feet puratively cured within 30 days, by our newly patented Muuetio Ditcs or money pruuiptiy refuuded. Mailed anywhere $1.1X1. Wote f.<r dodcriptire booklet. Agents wanted. MAU.NKTIC HlltvU- , MAXISM C'UUiC CO., Mbarbrooke, Quebec, Canada BIQ IMONBY TO MbN WITH Ria One beginner made $0.00 first morn- ing. Whole or spare time. The besl 50c .seller, giving 25c profit. Users buy tvery month. Township right worth inure than any general store business. .Act promptly if you want territory, (ioldcn Company, 9 Balhurst .St, London, Ont. \^ OR SALE â€" Best, cheapest and nicest ' located stock farm in the United Stales: has a beautiful water front, and contains 8(K) acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK, Salisbury, .Md. BRITISH COLUMBIA RANCHES AND farms, also irrigated fruitlands, ad- li.iriinp ('ity of Kaniloops. Easy terms. Catalogue on application. Strult h .Nash, K.Tinloops, B.C.. Sudden Dealh't on the Inerease.â€"Peo- plo apparently well and happy to-day, ic-niori'ow are stricken down, and in ninety-nine out of every hundred the lieart is the cause. The king of I eart remedies. Dr. Agncw's Cure for the Heart, is within reach of all. It relieves in 'JO iiiinulos, oiul cures most chronicâ€" 91 .She: "Did papa say anything to you about your being too young?" He: "Yes; but he said when 1 once began to pay your bills I would age rapidly enough." Bioklo'n Anti-Consuinptlvo Syrup ia the lesiilt of expert chemical expcri- â- lenLs, undertaken to discover a pre- ventive of inflammation of the luns.s and conBumption, by destroying the ferms that develop tliche diKca.seH, and II the world with pitable mih)cct» hopelesslv stricken. The U8e of this Syrup w.'* prevent the dli-e consequence of neglect,.ri Colds. A trial, which costs only 25 cents, will convince you that this is correct. Everyone Thieks his own cross Is the heaviest' When conltned to the house with a pain in the •ido for iutitance. but it would be quickly forgut ten if '"rhe D A 1," Menthol Planter was applied, they only cost a (rifle, why nut try them 7 "You used lo tell me I was bird-like,'' complained Ihe fond wife. Tho husband conlifuied to bury his in Ihe paper. "You u.scd to tell me I was bird-like,'' repented the fond wife; "but now you never act. as if you thought so." "You're j still bird-like," growled the husband. "One wouldn't think you thought so, 'o judge by " "Isn't a pariot a bird'/" Mamlllon Livingstone, an ex-iale col- \cc\iax of Ncwiy, was at Belfast sen- fenced lo five years' penal servihidc for misappropriating almost £1,000 of trust money aiKl cniheixling a considerable amount received for rates. After com- mitting the o(f<;nc«8 he absconded to Canad*. FOB BAXK.â€" 10,000 acres in the Yorkton die- Irict of Saskatchewan, in lots of 160 acree or more- Soil ia rich black luain, clay subsoil, surface level and eently rulling. New C.N.R. line building throngh our lauds this year. Hriues will advance MJ, during ieu6. .All lands at from two to eii^ht miles from railroad. Districta well settled. Schools, churches and good roada Prices are low and term^ rn^y to actual settlors. For price li^t, terms and maps, write Tub CopPKit- WM.3R La.ND Ca, (;ulon Bank Bldg., Winnipeg, Canada "Who was it," shouted the suflrugo leadei" â€" "who was it that did the most lo elevate woman'?" h'ar down the aisle a little chap blinked his eyes and drawled: â€" "Why, the man that invented those high Swiss heels." And then the meeting ajourned. When all other corn preparations fni< try Holluwny's Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no Inconvenience iii u.^... It. GRE.4T IRRIGATION PROJECT. A great irrigation project, involving an expenditure of about $25,000,000, has been authorized by the Secretary of Slate for India. The area commanded by Ihe canals is about 6,250 .square miles, although only a small pari of it will be reached for a number of years to come. In this orca it is estimated, about .3,000 square miles will be irrigated. The water will be taken from the Jhclum River, in which there is now unappm* prialed at Ihc site of the headworks a flow of 5,600 lo 7,900 cubic feel per sec- ond. U is believed thai the investment of public funds in these works, great S.S the .sum may be, is well warranted by the economic advantages of the un- dertaking and the reasonable assuraooe ol ample interest payments. IFARMERS! Tbii la the season of the y^tx when you Med tu u»« every preeauttnn witb your \ fkock. By tile a'^e of our 8TOCK TONIG 9 and other remedies you have the best ' â-¼ gnsraotee of health to ynar .«(i>ek. ^ Valuable Advica Freo M Use It and became your own velerioary Y Hr|(eun. V me rerniiHAtT iPteiALTV oo,. Luaitae : X 560 DUNDAS ST.. TOBO.NTO. ONI'. NORTH-WESTERN FARMS ON THE Grand Trunk Paciflc I have twi. -^icllons of land for sale entire or /.i ptu-I. on line ol Grand Trunli paciflc, now' un<ier conslruo- tion j^wesl of Portage i..! Prairie. Plotiffing in the Northwest will be- gin as early as February. You can «ow oals, potatoes and alfalfa on breaking and get big prices from railroad contractors on the spot Then hire out your teams for rail- road grading at $5 per day. You won't gel such a chance for a slarl aniithcr year. Don't waste anj time, as there is practically no other land for sale of equal quality in such a situation on such lermsand al so low a price. Price $10.50 per ocre; six year terms. I. L. R. PAR.SONS, 92 Winchester Street, Toronto, Ont. DISILLUSIONED. Sheâ€" "1 hear you have just got mar- ried. Is it loo lute to congratulate you?" Heâ€" "Oh, much too latcl 1 was mar- ried three weeks ago!" Dear Mother Your Gnk eaee are a nnwUM eare \m Fall aad Wiirta weaditr. Thev will aidioeU. DoroakoowabeiitShiloli'a C e m ii inrti Ba Cnie, ibe Luag Tonic, aail ^AttX it nat done ioi m> many 7 ll i* hmI IB be the eoljr reliable leacdy for aB Smmm of the iir poeugn io cluldroB. ki* abaoiulely htnaloie and pieiuBt •• tike. httgwraMeedtocweetyowmoaey it riWiU, The pioe it 25c per ba«i% Tl>i>iâ€" ejyiUJJheaio*^! 68VB NO.

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