"WT" Febhuary I 1006 THE FLESHERTOIS ADVANCE I •??«• ^'WVWVWVWV F, T. HILL & CO. WmiMi^\ The Final Slash to Clear Up All Odd Lines Before Inventory Day. THIS WEEK wo have made the finaljslash in prices on all odd lines. The cuts are deep and the cost has not been considered, but we do not wish to make a stock inventory of these linos, and tlie prices wu have made to speak, so you can- not help being interested as follows: LADIES MANTLES FOR 98c. lii Ijadirb JacketH, priiicipiklly in binck colors in p!ain kiid curl cloth. True (htiy are not the latest styles but tbiM lot ruprosenis Mantles in value from 93.6U to$(>,50; in urder that we shuuld nut carry one over we make the (irice, your choice fir D8 MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS, CLEARING FOR 12^0 EAVU . Soiiii' fifty odd chjw, nil sizes repreaouteu. These cii}m aiu all tItiH iicasun's stylus, but are odd;! and viids (>f,our bust stil.iiig liu 18 reproituiitiiig values 25 to 3Uo each. Your choice while the lot lasts - 12i KEllSEY HORSE BLANKETS 98c. 10 iiiily Kersfy liars') Blankets in Blacks, stripes snd co'oisâ€" Horse lilnnkets (Imtare in value 1.25 and ].5<J lines, your choice for li8c BOYS' ODD COATS FOR 1.48. 48 niily Boys Fine Twaed Coals, in plain and BtyluH Tlie Oils belong to suits that sell from to 4.50, so wlu'ii you tliiiik what value these represent it will psy yuu to anticipate your re(|iiirunients. Ronieiuber all sizes 22 to 29, and the price your chiiico for 1.48 fancy »1'.75 Coats boy's HORSE BLANKETS FOR $1.35. 17 only Horse Blankets, in Dutch Ker»ey,fine Hessian stripes and duck, with Kersey lining. These BlankeU «re good V8lu« under ordinary conditions, J1.75 to B2.25,but this has been a mild winter «nd in order that all should be sold, your choice for 1.85 MEN'S FUR CAPS J OFF. \rVe hafea full assortmenit in the (lifforent srylos of Men's Fur Caps, and all sizes are still in stock. If y<iu are intort-sted in a Fur Cap, this is your opportun- ity. Remember | off the price of all lines, CUPS ONLY IN GOLD EDGE SPRIG DECORATION, 48c a DO'A. 28 dozpn only of Cupsâ€" rcnienihsr no snucers. These cups are of tho i><>pular selling line with i;old edgeland clover sprig decoration.'), and are rt'gulur 76c values. While this small stock la.its the price to clear, per dozen 48o 97 PIECE DINNER SET FOR e5.40, REGULAR f6 75 VAU.'E. 14 only Fancy Decorated Dinner set», in blue, o'lvc, brown anil yrey tints, 97 pircos in all including butiur plates. This extra valuo should appeal to you, your choice for 0.40 •r- ,-y;- <^*MW SPECIAL SALE OF GRANITEWARE in our lilardware Department* MARK PALE MWW»>^ Enforcing Local Option. A correspondent .sends The .Advance a I from Mr. Suain, at Blackstnck. Mr. |G.%lla-lier was that dsy tintd $100.0(1. A Kuiiiinons was then isHUod for Mr Suain leiiuthy Vo7nuimHcalion7leai"inu' wi"th'"ih'e *V <!"""' '"\ ''" '^"""'i' ""'\, '"^''''"^'♦^JKcd local o. tion question. It is too long ,„ t'vn.Ka drink to Mr. Hill but denied be published entire, and we can only tind *"«I""«.. , ""> ''"; '"»''»â- , "" room for the following; which deals with ''""'',, «"' 00. Blacksiock, the enforcement of the act : ^r. buain keeps hotel, is s local option The faotii are. the.Scott Act was an act ' |'>wn»'"i;- Mr- Gallagher then laid an of the Dominion Parlismcnt and «|K,ut i '"f"''."'''''''" .""'^'^^^ '^*5 '"«'="""''''**'' '"'' the time the paasiiic of the Scott Act |,y |w»»cl> provides a penalty for the person was where I liH various counties of this province I drinking li.^uor in unlicensed preniiaes. )> ..H. ,,asKed took place there wh» h^*'",'" ^"^ Hill who of course »i«d t(. .. Hoiio..«ai.,aKieimrnt b-avveen the Doni-! !;«»'' f"',"y' «•"! h° *"' ''"^'^ 520 00. inim G.ivernnu-nt on the one hand and /| ''"':«'*,»'"â- ' "''l. ?"«'-'''="I>|;<le« as that the Provi,,cHl(iovt.rninenton the other, 1 ^''â- •.^â- ''V''-.'"''V;"'^^''.."""''^ -r 'ai-o as to winch l.ad the ri-bl to control tho ,!:,"."" «^0,J.ind Mr Hill t^O. lotal Sl.O. rxulati ,ttheK..lc of Iquor Biid ih,. U.i-< u:M:„,r.:cf>^cc»uvt. ol one caso rnat I..SU1I.' of l>.eii,es in the Province „f j ""'k plac last July and was dnlyr'-'P'-rt- Ontaiio The government of the late 1 ''^^ '.'1 ^''l r";''""'l â- ''"'*' '''T'''"'" "'"j Sir .loin. A McDor.aKl p^issed a Domii. 1*,"^''^' . ''y.."'". I-ieon.'O Inspector and ion l.ironce Act and appointed oIHcts in i '''" ' " '^'^ M-S'^t"'" "/ thetown of Bow- ma IV of lIu, municipalities t<. issue licen- i '"""^ '""• ^«^' "' « '<^ ''"=« "^ , ''"^^ f"^'." ses under the Dominion act for the sah|«^ these, some p. opie s.-^sett that there is of l»,u..r,aii.l mnny of the licente holders !"" "mchinery for the ei.foice.nent of the look out a Diiinitiioii as wtll as a I'rovin ci.il License. The matter was taken to the courts an 1 was tiiially decided in fat or of I lie Piuvinciul Ooveriinieiit Under theso circuuL-ttaiicei the then Provincial Oovei'iinienl either could not or would not t nf orne a Dominion Act such as the Scott Act WIS. t)n the other band the Local Option Act is now and has been in forc-< in miiiy inunicipilitioa in the ['roviiice of Oiitaii â- and wu have yet to hoiir of the liist municipality in which it in not boin^ enforced. .Ah iirn IS the Loaal Option Act comeH ii.to force ill a niiinieipality it liecoincs part of th'j LiceiiHo Act of the Province if Oiit-iiio and the Klectors of the Pnn- incM (it Ontario I. ad the aisuran-iH of Mr. Whitney (llio now Local iiption law when iiassed. OtiK OF TUAT blVE lil'N'UHEU. belore that nninorntde tidal wave of lasi .laimiiy lint if ho was rolurnod to pover !;c Would enfori the Liijuor License Law. This a^^Ul•llu'e has been iiupleinemed tiy ll.e pieseiii. I'loviiicial secro'iiiy, llcni. Ml'. Ilanniih, and his htibordinatct llir..u.(h'int tlie pro\i:i;,-o. .Inst one case. Mr. Tiioina) Hil', a Those Questions 7*0 the Editor of The Advance Dear Sir,â€" T find that msny of youv readers are verv much dis-spointed at the silence of Mr. Hoeg snd thn Rev Mr. Thoni re the questions asked in your previous issue by Uitepnyer. VVIi^it is the true answer to these inuiortant i(ups- tions and why the silence of ihcso gentle- men? We are left to form our own opin- inions. There is no doubt that Mr. Hogg found it r. uch easier to shout bar room and hnrri'is than to prove any t)f his Provincial Pn iniei) .'stnteineots, hence his silence. So let us roAsoii to'.;ellipr. How can a birrooni affect a Sabbalh School iinlens it lie open- ed on Suodiy. If it was opf:ned then why did not Mr. Hogg dose it or make the proprietor pay severely for tho offenco. If yon can't close tho bar one day in the week under the present law, Imw are you goinsi to close it S'lven days with little or no law (i a 11 buyer at Pontypool on the C. P. U. {at all. Cannot a man addicted to strong I ne day l.k?l.luly not being liuay he agreed 111 drive a coininuical tiavcller frnni Poiitypool via Blaekstock to Buiketonon ihC. P. II. When Mr. 1111 arrived hoiiie he was considerably under the iii- llui lice of liijiior. Mi.s wife, as was iMt- tit'jil, b-c-tinj very indlgi. ant anil deinai.d- el to kii iw where he got the lii|uor. He I. II liur at Ituikeroi., One two cent kiaii.p conveyed tl'.u .iiif irination to the License Iieipuetor for that Riding. That otiieer laid an iiiforin.ilit>u before the Police Mrti;isir ito of the town of l>oniiiaii ville. .V aiiininoiu was i.wued f r the apiieirinee of Mr. (!.iilii.jlier. th.' hotel i<. e| or at Buikiton vill.ioeon the V. P It. ill tl.u township of DHrlingtou, in vr iieli lo<viis!iip tlio local o|>tion act hms in f 00 â- , ati I anuthi!r suninions for Mr. Hill as witiie.ss. Both the accus*'d and t ii) wi'^iie.^) apjieared ou the day named, tir. Hill, thd wlness, .laid that he had Jriiik bo (.reveiited folay it by placing him on the from getting Indian List? Are not voiing men under 21 vears forbid- den in a barroom, and should not men advocating TemerBtine reform show a bet- ter eXlin()K) themselves before nskiiiif for more uriiitfent laws? And .Mr. Tlmnsoh whore is hei No doubt writing another ehaplrr for John. Perhaps he does not know ivhose duties it is to enforce Local ilptioii, or iiorhapH ho is silly enough to think it will not neeil enrorcin'.(. He will no doubt then i>aidon the Ita'epayor if be fhoulil si ito that it is the oiitln r liiii'sof the lD?al leyi.-ilatino and su.'h a» the Hev. Thon nho will enforce tlii' irraiid law, and it is a'so gralif)iiig to note that the head of this t;overniiMMit is not in syinpathy with teniperaiice priiiciiiles.biil fiivi rs license law Ratepayers of .Vrlem- u.iirt.becareful anddo not ask for a law that you are not piep.'.red to keep and to hi l|i <b'nioo I liipior from Mr U. on the day In'her.s to keep it. Think wisely whether he was at In* hotel, iio was asked if he', it is hritler to control the demon whiskey I, ai'. II ir any liituor at »nv other place that bylaw, or let it loose, thereby ninking day. lie replitd, "yes." II* was ««ked lyo^r seaoiid stage worse thin the first. ^Uer*., aJ'l sail he ^ni tjXtiuk uf|wUiskey I â€" R^TI^PAYER. Reply to A. N. Brownridge. Sirâ€" The commodity jou call truth is as defective as a greMl many other thiniis yiiu oiler to the public. The en- mity which you Btem to engender proves more fully tho inaster wliich ^ou serve. I never 8igne<l the anti-{>etiiion or instructed scybody else to sign for nu-.and I defy you or anyoua else to piove to the conlraiy. Father will not deign to reply to such decfptivo stuff as jou utter. Vou say you will fight to a tiiiish. Now, Brownri.lge, you can have tho battle as long and as loud as you I'ke. You seem to hide behind the noblu temperance caiiM! to bide your defects to the public, lilt I think ii will avail you very little. If y' II were to stay at homo Binl niii d youi own buniness 1 think you would have all you could attend to without sticking your noso into other pe- pie's affairs. In regiid to British fair play I will "ive yi u all the fair play you call for. You say faiher is unnmnly, uiitiuilifnl and unieliable which you think proves your nianlinca.s, truthfulness and relis- bility. You Fay your reply is based on facts. Facta aro stubborn things and you have mot one ju.it now ; you misrep- resented your moments, for silence is golden. As for tho Holy Writ, if you know no nnrj about that than yuu do aUiut truth you are to bo pitied. Yuu say father gave reasons for not signing the petition which he doesn't havo to dony more than once to ctmvince the public, the saino in regard to his buys. I am one of the hoys referred to anc. I say your Htalements prove to the public that you are a prevaricator and I am ready to defend this in Kiiy couit. Now, Arthur, come on with your weapons of war and 1 will tiy and a^eomodate you. Yi u talk about briinmg anybody to task! You liaien't brains enouyh lo give yourself a head.iilie. You cont,mptii lo tool of the triad 1 if Bob Ingersol was here he could easily liiid the coniiecting link botwoea the huntan and the biutu, â€" W. KlNNBAR. • â€" â€" â- â€" »»«»>«â€" â€" â€" County Council. I TI:o first session of 0. unly Council for litOO WHS held at the county town last week, when J. M. Thomson was elected Warden. The usual number of commun- icatioiiN (ind aceoiintM weie read. The slandiiig coinmitteos for tho year are: Finance -All the iiieinbeis of the Coun- cil. Mr. .'. W. Froi't Cha'r.imn. Hciada and Hri.lge. â€" Me.ssrx. I'ringlo, Mc- Colnmn, Bell, Ilinwn, McCannell, iShuU-, ScliBiik iMid H. L. Ii'ruat. Cliairiiian, Mr. ahiite. Cuimty Pi<i|)i>rtyâ€" Mesurs. .T. W. FroKt, A Her, rieaton, B.^ll, McArtlnir, J'.ell, I'ateihon and Wistaway. CliairiiiHii, Mr. I'utei'roll. Kilucationâ€" Missis. Ball, Sluito, Me- fJoliimn, Bill, l'rin({lB, Hniwii, .\llim and J. W. I'loat. I'haiiuian, Air. Hell. l'rliitlii(fâ€" Mcwm.n. Paturaon, Soheiik, Weat- a.vay, Hhtite, Ite.ll, I'leaton, K, L. Fro.tt and Mc(\iinel. Chainnaii, Mr MitOaiinel. CiimnsiinicatiiiUH and MflUioriuli'"-Me.'<Hr». J. W. Ki».t, Wentaway, I'.rown, Hall, Ikll, Allan, .Shntonnd McCulinan. Cbairiuan, Mr. Mct'olnian. llniise of Refuge -The Warden andMcseis. Preston and Shute. Chairman, Mr. Prvstoii. Warded's Committeeâ€" Messrs. Allan, Prinitle and MoArthur, m i BOYD, HICKLING & CO, -FLESHERTON, ONT.- Oiock 7jakin£^ i^educt/onSn We're Stock Taking now â€" and lines that we do not want to include in our inventory will be ottered during January at Special Clearing Prices. Cloth Skirts Cloth Jackets Children's Coats Winter Caps Men's & Boys' Overcoats Men'.s & Boy's lieefers i/iemnants A host of sbort ends of all kiii(?3 of fabricsâ€" sniLible Icngtlis for all kinds of useful pnrposesâ€" Cottonados, Tweeds, Silks, fcijiirtings. Cottons, Caslimetes, Faucy Dress BuitiDgs, Sateens, Prints, tic, etc., etc. Special i^omnant iPricea EVERYTHING M.\RKED CONSPICUOUSLY FIGURES. IN PLAIN G. KARSTEDT G E .>f E II A L ME R C H A N T ~ J'lesherion, Oni. J I GENTS' FURNISHINGS Just arrived H large i^uaiiity of Men's snd Boys' Clothing comprised of tho finest quality of Tweeds and Worsteds, Men's Suits, §5.00 to §16.00; Boys' Suits, 91. oO to (J £0 NECKWEAR Just nrrired s l»r((e stock of winter and spring Neckwear. Prices from 25c to 75 We hsvo one of the uewut and most up-to-date Assortment of Ladies CulUrs in the county. Prices ranging ftjni 25c to 75 FOOTWEAR We have tho sole contri 1 of the "Ja.mks MK.iNS Shoe" of Boston, being t^he best ijualiiy of Hoodycar Welt, Patent Leather an I Highly Polished i Leather. All of the latest styles. Pricea ran^iiii; from f4.00 to LADIES' FURNISIllNQS Just arrived a large assortment of Skirts all of the fiuest quality,!. 75 to FISH Large Fresh Water Herring and Georgian B.iy Salmon Trout 4.25 7.50 i Ford*s Tlour Tor $ak. ^ Farm TOr Sak* T<ot IT, con. ll.Osprey, eontalnins 100 acre>, CO acres cluarei) aim under cul;ivstlon, balance Kood banli ; Kooil bullttluKS, well watered and null fenced. On« mile Irom Fuversliani, Fur tirniF, etc., apply to W. O. Dand. Fevursbam. Sbortboi nsj or $ak* Heifers and bulls of extra qiiality snd broed- ini;. AIho fotswold and fiuicuHtor sheep. Laiubs iu tlieir sesbon. Api'ly to CHA8. BT.M'ruKD Flosherlon. BoarForScrvlce. Ilavii'R inircha^^iHl fujin Hirliar*! \\h>\\ the rni.lHtorori Yorksliire b!»a»*» CroflthHI Jnck, No 10'v*\ Tliu uam«*wlll bu fur Koivioc oti tut iio.4U, con. 4, ArtMinufiU, Tciuia ami jutii^ice on apii i^atlui:. Hinry-Ho)niaP. FARM FOR SALFr Lot â- '^, con,7, ArteiueBia; 100 acres more or loHi-. 75 acres ricarod, VA luish. N«w barn, 4'ix fill, stnue btable. Good frame lj<n:i<e, 4.'i rodi* fioni hobooi.i nilo fiom PoKt Olliw.jinilo ficm oUureli. 8piiuK ou taiui, woil at uouau. Ftr further particutain apnW to R. W. OL.\KK. (l'o«kvalo Mills) Flcshertou Farm forSale. For sole aheap and on ea.iy terinn of paynioiit and if requirwd, potiHeesiun at ouoe, lota laiin' burs 117. 118 A U'l, eoecosniou 2iiil , n. W., T.A 8 niftd, Art(oouniii, ItS acrOi) about h.ilf a milo f oiii tbo villaeo of KluHliertoii. Ou miid farm is stiuut 70acii's c'li artd. feiiued an I nndjiciUI;. Ivaiiiiii. IflacioH of nlncb ii< in niealow luii'l, (Old about '2o acve^ plon^lied for nf.xt Rpriegs o-on. .V coin'ortablo lo(j dwdi:lni; with frame addition, and log buru and atablu!<. Priiiee Iui;il<me:it-bou8<', and a eever lulling sininij cliwo to tlio d^TulliuR. 'llio I'sriii U u Hplundid ((I ain and Rrazi ir farm, and one tlmt invariably Kivunyood crops wluui pruperly iiut In. .\p|ilv to K..I. Sproule, Flesbeitou, or Mrs. itobt. Itiit ludijO, Fl'jstiuvtaii Boars for Service 'fhoroughbrod 0. 1. O. hog, Arteuiesla Pride nr.UjS, taroia tl.Mi; also Yorkshire boa, terms 75. T. LKVBB,loHt».T.A8.«o»d. *•**""' Winter Goods All winter harness goods now in st,)ck, including Saskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhide robes and coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., hanioss of all kinds. . . . Tr,<id£ Marks Oesiqms CopvniGHTO &c. Anyone ocnlliig saltMrli nud doscrlniion nini inilekly iMir'Tin.u i-ur iiintiioii fiee T^liellicr as liirciitiiii lipniSatily tmlenlnWe. C, .iniiiuiilr.l. ll.in.i«tiicl.TOiililideiitiid. lliui('.l>i)o»o;i I'aloMs «oiil tun. Olili'st aironir fur poeurhig putciiH. I'litpiii, uiknii thnmjti Miuin * Co. rucelva ipcdiit ii.)(i,:(!, vtii iiout (i»r«(^ |u tlio Scientific mvt\m. A handnomely UlustnUeO. weekly. I.iirrei>l olr- •Illation (.1 any wtenuila JoumaO. â- I'wnis. U a [«"• L?9<i' months, %L Sold by all newtdeelerC * t * ." • * • » •