, rMc:afwta«^«()>«MM^ - ksfeatjan Ailiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" â- • PBINCIPLEb KOT MEN.' TOL XXIv, SO 12^ Flesh.ertoii, Ont. Tliursday Kebriaary 1 lOOG W. H THURSTON, pRoPKiETOK The Aftermath. After the Christmas sales, whieh «-«r« «xtrauFdiiuu-il; laig« this year, w« find left iu stock a fine line of f(<H>da wliich uv tUiuk t^vuryuuo wiU u<*ucede in <Just the Thing for Wedding Presents. Thes!- arc the chuichest of p<hh1sâ€" uo cheap tra>ih. Come and »«; them auy way. Jilarm flocks Til WLilce ynuiipthe-ndark mornings, and all kiud8 of (Jlitckii ut ull kinds uf pricen. i':uicy Ink Stands, etc., forsalo. W. A. Armstrong : thinVingr over the next move, we would out of sympatliy adviBe the c<iuncillor»eif the respec- tive positions of [.lie furmera lest they becsll- ing oa 4L dnuiit/ui voMr tai thank him fur his RUp|>ort. Wra. Hodsim huflsokiTMKt *o Wm. Hendry for thf* sum «f S5,S«W. G«»r^ Hnd- Hon has trannferre<] his fann, togvther with the \ SOacnaiat the li«»d of Peel street, to Kdward I Havvton for the cosh price of $5000. The ' Hudson brothcni intund leaving for the West in the early sprin;;. (i«oi:ge Wright has [Hir- chnaed the furni owned by his brother, Klija ( Wright, :ind Mr. Kdwai\i Hawton hay sold his former i>roi>erty, the Davidson fHnn, for the foi the smncfiSGIM). William I)«nd has sold h's iarm on the tenth c-iuo-^sion to Wm. Davidson. Wni. is living in the West, but is 1 1>ifcck uu .1 little bui^iness ti'ip. Now, yon im- I plenient agwnts oujjht tojjive n« a quarter for telling yon wheir the croiw dogs are. McFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store MARKDALE, ONXAltflO huiustrial Home Notes (.61; Oil IiinuiU) -^.,^-a,â€" :!-. lotes J Jubn Straiisun uf Holland lownship, nod Miaa Ea'her Purdy of Artmuesia, were ndiiiiited asinnmtcs of th« Hontu uti the 17th and 19i'a iusl. respectively. Tlie former is a native of Goiteiibunr. Sweden, in about 68 years of ai{« and liadly used up with rhe«unatinm. The latter, with the exception uf her fretful cuuuteiiauce, liears a marked iinprovenent ill pesonal ap- {.'earancv since hur arrival here. Mr. and Mn«. 8iiumunds Uh* their depar- ture fnun the Home to reside with friends iaor near Wiiirton, on Thmsday last. Mr. HarneHS wont to Owen Hound on ThurH- (lay last to attend county couuciL He rxturued <>«i Saturday evenin<(. We lire glad to report that Miss Harness is recovering f Join her recent nuddcu illiiess. Mr. Harness delivered a very t.iuehing dis- course fiomll Timothy, 4,7-8. Mr. Kunis t<M.k cdtarKv of the after part of the meeting, which wjvi intensely impressive. It is gratifying to nttethat some of the inuiates related their experience and the spiritual benehts tliey had received and were still receiving fiom these meetings, and it was still uioi-e gratifying to <'beerve nearly a dozen more cxi>ress their desire by rising to their feet on invitation, tu hencefoi th endeavor to lead better lives, by serving Uod. Th-s is certainly eiicouriiffiiig to tne managers, and also to the outside friends who are taking such assiduous and untiring; interest iu the s{>iritual welfare of the inmates of this institution. The singing, though fair, was not of its usual spirited and suul-stirriiig nature, no doubt ouiug to tlie absouee of tux organist an 1 leader. Wo underatand that it is the intention of Messrs. Kuuis and Uaiiioitvi use tlieir united efforts in securing the services of an organisi permanently, even though a small salary should bo nocessory. They also intend to iijc their etfm-ts in orgiuiiiingachoir especially for our meetings. We trust their emirts may !»• crowued with success. Mr liaittes was the generous provider of theurgaiu rortlaw Cerlsn Mr. Ed. S:ir<<eant has relumed home from Toronto whore ho vijited his sister who, wo are sorry to repoit.is very ill. It iH said she cannot pot^sihiy recover. He .ilso visitod his 8K*^d mother,who wiualso (ioorly, hut aho is impnivinK. A very auoceesful teiiipemnce and local option meelii>K was held in the Durham Road school house recently. Another on« iutii h« held there to nii{ht (Tuesday.) riie populstioo of <Hir little town is steadily iiicreksinK. This time Mrs. D. D- McLauchlan has presented her husband with a dauullter. Miss Marie Chialelt paid hor parents a dying visit tn: Saturday et'eiiin^. Mrs. Sarah Turner (formerly Miss Adams) has secured a position in Toronto. Mr. Harvey Wilkerson and little dauf^hter |iaid a vinit tu Mr. Chislutt and friends here 'in Su iday. He also visited our Sunday school. We were ail pleased to see hi TO Itsik so hearty. Mr. Alex. B. Cullinson is laid up with c{i|iii8y. We hope he will soon recover. .Mrs. Neilsoii of Proton is visicin|( her sister, Mrs, John MuDonald, Kimberley On MouJay evening a we'l attended nmeting in 1 ho interest uf Luunl Option was held in llio Rulo 1 house The speakers were Uov*. Dr. Caldwell and L. W. Thoin, who delivered addresses which were able, lu^iLal and above a'l lenipured with wise a«Kler*iiuo, If any had doubts before hen iiiji tiKSJ ({jnt^cme'i 8|.eak 08 to how they .shou'd VO!e, surely they would i{o away re«ol\ od to put thuir cross on the upperspiice of tlieir ballot un Tuesday next. The elect- ors of .\rtenK'Sia never had any ditliculty in chooiiiid; betwoou the bars aud tho boys and we boliuve they wdl aj(aiii be emphat- ic in their decision for barcuimi abulitiu'i and hotel ref^jriu. The eyes of ihq world, as well as au allsoeini; eye, are upon u.s to surt wh.it we will du uu Tuesday next. Mis.s Leila Liiyu a'^tendod tlie niatriuiotiial event at Vaiidcleur la»t week. Miss Annie Jauiiesou has returned to Tonmlo. Mr James Coutts ha* removed with his family to New thitario. A coutiiigeiit of about twenty members of Koyal Templais fixim b'leaherlou fraternized with the council here at its last regidar meet- ing. A very enjoyable aud prohtable time ».:.« spent by visiuu's and visited. The for- tiiOr proved that they bad in their ranks some buddintr chn utionists .iiid lining orators. They seduieil to unjoy the Uiive imnauitoly au>l 11 is •uid that tboy all ifut out of the sloigb at a ceilaiu uurt u( I bo rusU and walked along ad - uiiriuK tliu beauEirul sceouiy. L'ba piuty was chspo. oiied b> Mr. Wm. Ulaytou. Tbo Orauge Hoirooou NVe.lucs'lay avouia; laiit was uou of Ibu niosl su^ooiialul yet bui.i. Mr. J.U. Carson ocoaplid tlie chair suit intro- ducuJ a louutliy aiM vai'Kd program. Mr. U. J. }*eiUar, the fauiuur cooiic singe'' and enter- ti luur gavo a uuuibec <.( songs iu liis iuoiiitabla Ftyle' A1.IU1IH olbor uumOers wore, a iliiut l>y the MlNf.es FUhor, inhtiumauiat niusio by S. and U. I'otlar, .1. McKee and A. Eiittlisn iu | wbicb violins, autohu'p and inoutb orgau wolu ' bruiigbt into luasleil^ requisition. Ml. tV. J, Wbiiu gave a uiiiuburof pboiioriiapb s lautions . Tvo auiuhing <liHloguos weru given. A solo by' Miss Uura I'edlar, eiitillod "Don't sell liini • nutlier di ink,'* was Well reooiveti as wi to aljo two moulboiKaii hoIob by Master Miilou Walker Mishes Ilia biiuinousaixl Tressy McKeuguvoaii exlilbitiou of dub swlugiiig in porfeet Bt>ie. ^bu proceeds auiouuteil U) over $40. Fevvrstaani. Fnmiars here are siuiply playing checkers ttii.. iMir faiiui, and just now while tliey are Mr. John Wriuht uf FKsherton was in town on business last wctjk. ftlessin. Ed Sloan and Chnrlos Graham attended the Torrey, Alexander nieutiiii(a in Toronto lust week. Mr. Walter Siniih who has boon visitiiii: nt his parental homo for some time left oil Monday for Lsudor, .Vtanituba. Mr. V. Oi>tf of Cl.irknburg took char^i of the service in iho Union church huie on Sunday evening last. Mrs. McCalluin sr. of Duncan is the guest uf hor daughter, Mis. J.M. Fawc it. Miss Luiiliia Smith of Turuiito is holi- iduyiiig at her pariintal home here at present. Miss \ViIla Wiight who has been visiting friends here fur some time has returned tu her home in Fleshertoii, Mrs. Charles WickiMis gavs a party in honor of hur nuice, Miss Mae Thompson uf FlcKburtun, ahois her guest at preatMit on Friday evening last. An enjoyable evening was spent by all. Miss Clara Hurd who has beon in the Prairie Province for some liwo has returned to her home here. Miss Blanche Carrutheis of Woduhouse is the guest uf her cousiu, Miss Kate Walter of this place. Tho Kimberley Improvement Society will hold a box soci.il in the near future, procee'<8 uf which will be donated tu the sidewalk fund. The Kimberley foot ball club *'Tii« Shamrocks ' held their unnu'd niootinu at the Traveller's Home uu Saturday la^t for the purpose of electing ulti<:er8 also the transaction uf uther business in coii- neetion w t!i the club. It was •Ijiided to hull H box social in the near future It will bo one of the events of the soasuit su plan to come. The following are the uttiijers for the ensiiini; year : Pics., Hugh S . i;h; Vce Pres , John Liwronce; Cip tain, M.lton Noil; Sec. Treiis., \\ illnrd Gilbert; Audic.>r.s, Jasper Uiliiort and Robert l>a*ioiiC3; Committee, John Lawrence, Milton Xeil, Willard (Jilbert, Will Kear, Hugh Smith, The secretary is now reaiiy tu receive challenges fruin any of the neighboring teams. Mr. Julin Uilluspiu will hare a stone bnaument t-rectod under b'S barn this cuining summer. Mr Luuis Pructor uf Edmonton,. 4,lberta was the guust of his brother, Mr, Guu. Proctor on Snturd.ty last. Miss Viulet McLean of Ruckvale visited fri'iidsin this neighliorhoud lust week. Tho Eont Grey telephone line will eiteml their line fruiu Davisos tu Vando- Ijur. Mrs. Joseph Dixon, uf MaDituba,i.s the gu.'St of her sister .Vlrs. William Scott of this place. .Mr. Robert Kells, of Maple Creek, Sii.sk, w;is the gueat of his sii-ter Mrs. A. K. Myles '*Springbruuk Farm" last week. Price vllie ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE The "January thaw" which set in on the 2Jih has 8lri{',pud tho rouds bare uf souw exco^jt where tho bi^ drifts were. Jl Boot Bargain f 1.75 TO O.OO LADIES BOOTS, Chuice »1.19. One table, 73 pair, Women's Fine Boots, button and lace styles, sixes 2* to 7. This i-( H cleaning up of the buot stock, all aood relishin mskes, tine qualities of doitgola kid vica kid. box calf, etc , regular val jes were »1 75, $8 00, «2 26. »2.60,$2.7o and $3.(W , pair, btock-Takiiig Sale Prtoe, chtiice ar y ji, Special Discount tor Stock-taking Sale Ladies and Gents Fur Costa 20 p.c. discount. Small Fura, such as Boas, Cullara, Caper- iuee. Gauntlets, Cap*, etc. . .25 to 35 i>.c. discounts Men's and Women's Felt boots. . 20 p.o. discount. Men's and boys underwear. .15 to 20 p.c. discount. Ladies' and Misae's underwear 16 ;o 20 p.c, diKSount. Ladle's fancy knit and eiderdown dressing sacques, 20 p.n. discount. Hundreds uf remnants ut 40 to 50 p.o, dis'xiunt. All tiimmed millinery. ..'tO p.c. disc<mnt. Horse blaiiiiu's 20 to 30 p c. discount Goat, Galloway, Indian Biiffiilo and Sas- katchewan robes 20 p.c.discount Sacrifice Prices for Stock-taking Saie 3 women's 4s!rachan fur coals, reeulai- S3o.00 valnes, now $22.00 15 women's Dresa Skirt8,$6.00 and $0 ."lO values, now Jlf.its 28 woman's fancy Dress waists 1.75, 2.0) and 2.50 values, now ng..-. 20 women's fancy Dress waists, 2.50. 3 00 and 3,5V values, now Sl.fiS 6 only child's reefer coats, 2.00 to 3.(t.> values, now _ <)9i;_ 6 only women's silk waists, rog. 3 50, •>"* Bl.'JH 18 prs. ra«n'» Sbucklo felt boots, $2."r» value, now jl 7.» 5 men's suit lenutha, tweeds ind worst- eds, regular 96 00 valno,iiow 82.95 It till' t vvnship council would make some arraii;^eiii -u tu substitute wire fences at two or three places where the rail fences ' at present are the sole cause of drifts, | there would be a vast improvement in the ' winter road between here and the stai ion. j _^ ~ Thetreahetinihe Saugeen cut ahoie; Grey County's BIGGEST aotl CHEAPEST STOEE III the dam where the flour mill flume form e fly was. The saw and chopping iniil are still working hoaevor and tho dam-' sued portion will be repaired promptly. V. Local option meeting was hold in Watson's Hall on thu lOtli. Rev's. Dr. I Caldwell and L. W. Thorn of Fle8liBrt<in j delivered tine addresses and received tJiu ' best of attention. R*v. .1. A. Matliesun ; made an esrneat appeal fur the soliuul 1 sciiulura of Pric^ville, some of whom sre it> danger of ruin by the licensed hsrmoms of the vicinity Several from Fleshertoii wero present, among whom we noticed F. G. Karstedtanti W. H. Bunt. ^Va expect a large majority for the bylaw un the 6tli. The members of Artemesia Agricultural Society failed to hold their annual meeting ut tho time appointed III Jaraary but Sec. McKinnuji h«a arranged with the govern- iiieol tu sppuint the ?â- h Feb. rext for the said meeting. We hope ihu members will attend. A portion of Pricevilu items is held over. â€" Ed. 1 ^ I Tandeieur â-² very pleasing event took place at Ondiard Hill farm, the home of Mr, A. Johnston, last Wedaeadsy erening, when his daughter Sara, one of Vanduleur's moat i-stiinahle youiig ladies, was united in marriage to Mr. C. H. Hare of Oriert- ville. The cereniuny was pe-fomied by ftjv. J. JJ, I. Wilson uf MarktUle, under • floral bell, in the prtsonco uf about one hundred guests. The bride was given away by her father and luuked very sweet in H beautiful creation uf white Point U'Eiprii nub, trimmed with satin ribbon with drop skirt of apuii glass, and carried a boquet of white csrnaiions and luaiden hiir funis. The brides'iiaid. Miss Ida Ooiborn of Eugenia, cousin of tne bride, looked very dainty la* Uua voil*. with white lace yuko and vest. Tl.o grnoiii wa« ably supported by his cuusiii, Mr. Buies, uf Tliornbuiy. After the oereni- oiiy a sumptuous repast was served, six young ladies acting as waitresses, who did tht'ir work iu a very creditable man- ner. The presents were numerous and beautiful. Tho groom's present tu thu bride was » handsoniu guld watch and chain at d to the hrid<-aninid a pearl cres cent. MiM Dawn of Huathcute played thu wtddinu march. Mr. and Mrs. Hare tioktho nioriiiiig train fur Sarn:a and uther puliita to spend their honeymoon. We Wish thoin a p'oasant trip, also txm voyaue on their journey uf life. After their return they will reside at their huuiu near Griersvillo. A very reprosuiiia'ivo meeting was helrl in the church liure un Friday evening in the inteies;s of Lucal Opiioii. R.v. Thoui uf Flesliurtuii addressed the iiieul- iiig, also Mr. P. McCuUough of Markdale and others The argumints were force- ful and convincing. 'A'e hope there will be abundant iroud results. Wo are sorry to report Mr. S. Bonlt-.s sr. u ho broke his leg recently, not doing very well. Mrs. Buwies had I lie iiiisfurlune to fal down auiue steps and was aerurely shaken up, but is aruuiid again. Tho Women's lohiiuit*! held thoir regu- lar inoeliiig on Thuisday afteinoou at Mi'S. Bakers. Quite a number was pres- ent Hiid liiid a vury pleasant lime. Mrs. J.I.tjiHhani and Ms It. Buchanan gave their rep.irtd of the inceiing in Guclph at which they were doleuatoH. A resolution was passed lo send a let'er of Hyni|mlhy to the district secret-sry, Mrs. Clara Alyles on the death of hur falhur. Tho subjects for next meeting aio I'atcbwurk and Training of Chi. dreii. Mrs Baker served unoli which 11 is i.CLdlesa to say w^s thuroiiuhly uiij yed. Next iiiocting will be hold at Mrs. T. B. lands, Mrs. Lilcox friuii ISariro is visiting her siator Mrs, Prdohard. Miss Douglas uf Markdain suburbs apeiit Sunday at her uiiciu's, .Mr. U. Duui;- lis. Mrp. W. Richardson is spending a few weeks with her aiuther. Mis. Buchanan. Thomas J' Jordan, dry goods merchant of Hulstein, has bueti arrested and is ohsi-gtid by Messrs. Gordon, McKay iSi Co , wholesale merchants uf Turunto, with having obtained gouils under false pretences. >lordan was tnken to Owen Sound on Tuesday iiiurniiig of lost week Slid received his preliminary hearing before John Uutberlord, J, P. Mr. Mal- colm, repiusoiituig Messrs. (jor.lun, Mc- Kay <)^ Co., was present and gave evidei.ce charging Jurdsii with furiiiahing a falto statuinoiit Hs to his liimncial standing, on the strength of wliich n lari{d <iuuiitity f gouds were secured. Joiiinii uiis com- luitlud to siahd his trial at thu s.Hhionsof the peace in June. In thu iiiuaiiiime he is out un bail himself in $LOUU and Mr. ' George CalJer, postniu-tor at Uolstuin, j for toW. I Three Bargains In Dress Goods jCot 9fo. / 20 ends Dress OoinIp, com prising plain all-wool serges, plain lustres, fancy tweeds, fancy blacks, fancy lustre, fHiicy silk and wool inixtureH. etc. A big asuortniont of shades, all fashionable. up-t date cloths. Regular values ;i8c. to 06c. a yard. Stock taking Sale Price, choice of lot lit 23 10 ends Dress Cloth*, com- ptising fancy flake tweeils, all-wo'l frieses, all-wool oan- 24 end Dross Goodsoompris- ing several coi'tunie lengths, in all wool costume cloths, (no two alike) fancy tweeds vas cloths, all-wool fancy fancy zehihno cloths, pUids, tufted tweeds, allwool hIaoW satin cloths, serges, fancy cheviot, etc. Many of tho blacka, etc. A big cloths .i2 and 54 inch wid- <nd pure wool textures, ail iip. to-diitc. fashionable gondR. Ile»ular vali.e< 76c to 1 50 .-» .'snl. Stock-taking S.-i'e .irice 48 assortment of shades. Regulsr values 75c to 1.00 s id. S:ock-takiiig Salepric< • your choice at 3t McFARLvAND, STAFFOI^D 6c CC: [STRICTURE CURED YOU CAN PAY WHIN CURED. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. STRICTURE AND KSDHEY DISEASE CURED. *'I bad Btrictnro for elevrn yean, tt finalljr bronebt on Brichi's Diseaao of ilio Kidneys. I had an unconiforiablo bhuuttnK pain iu tha groin and fcc-liiig as though suoii-tbing was in tho urethra. M7 back «as weak and I could r.carcel7 sloop over. Urino was full of sedi* tnent. Had a desire to urinate fruquaiitly Family doctors, fio-callcd ape<ia1ist% patrnt medicines, ctectrio Mils, ailtailod. I was dis- courneed. X had ss^rnt hundreds of dollars in vain. Finatty I coa- Bulied Drs. Kr^iinedy U Keri^an nit the last resort. I had heard a f;reat d-al about thaia and ctncludfd from Iho fart (hpt they had been , ettahh'Khed over aj years t.';at they understood Iheir busini;fts. I ant delffihted whh thereKutls, In rne week I feU boltrr and In a fen weeks wm eatirUy cured. Have gained sixteen pounds in weight." G. B, WRIGHT, Laasioc G. B« Wmout. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. |HA8 YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED ? I BLOOD POISONS are tho most prevalent and most terioni disesut. They ' I MP tu* vary Ufa bwodoTlho -victim and lutlcss ODlirt-ly eradicaiRii from the bystem wilt loauMteriouacomplicationii. Itcn-aro of Mcrniry. It only sup;>reuos (be ftyoiptoou â€" our â- NEW MlvTliOD positively cuics all bli>oddiKeasefi forever. IyOUNC OR MIDDLCi-AOEO, MEN. -Imprudent tell cr later excMsm I IhaveDrokm flown your f^ystem. Yoit f'jcl tno sytnplon.s ^teatiHK ovtx you. UoataUy, 1 phyiically and aciually you aia not tbo man you used to be or sbouSd bo. I^^ET AT^ETES Ar« ;ou a victim ? Have you lost heps? /re you iniendtng J|%B^ttS^CStK loui.-iiry? Has ^our blood been diseased? Have you any IwaakncFs? Our New Method Trcutmonl will cure ycu. What it bA3 dona tor oihcrt it lwilldo(or>-ou. Co.NISULTATION I'RKIl. No mailer whohra irc.iicd ynu. writo for I [.nnlionoM opinion I'r-e of Ch-irfio. ChnrRCcro,->r.oiial)l3. BOOKS FKESâ€" "The Golden I Monitor" (illustrated), on Ditcarca cf Men, Scaled Uook ca "LiiMaaoi oi Women" i'rca I NO NAMES U3S3 WITHOUT WRITTEd CONSEPIT. Bvery* jthins Confldantlal. Question List fcr Homo Tr»atm«nt Fro« Cor. n^3ch;jsra:i Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. "# ^X- .rC,' '^^ 3^: i^i-- 7* ♦^ ^Hf^soT^ -tS K ^m^m^m:s^y^