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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1906, p. 7

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â- j? ♦♦♦â- â™¦-â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦ » M -H-H-M-t-M- it "*â-  I About the House i CUES FOn THE (^OOK. Griddle cakes are much more easily -end quickly haked if mad-j in one of Uie low round can-shaptxl lin di<hcs f umisli- ; «d witli a good sized spout through j which Ihoy oatf be pouivd instead ot, spooned out. All gridiUo cakes are; nicer if mixed and kept over niaht to let j tlifc fJoiir hmc a chance to swell. In' doing this wuy the whites of ey^s, soda, -or taking powder should be added iii the inornini'. A new llavur in corfei:- may be secured by steaming it instead of toiling.^ â- Choosfc a new tin coffee pot which: should be kept for this purpose. MiX: the coffee with while of egg as usual, using the Tinely-groimd kiiid and pour-) ing boiling water on il. Set it on the lop of tlie tea kettle or in the lop of the ouUido part ot a pudding boiler, and, let it steam f.-om U-ii to twenty miuutes. ' Veal cutlets or slices of cold HieuU to ^ bo wanned over are good dipped in a- " bailer instead of kneadeti. Lso a pint; of sifted Hour, beating it into the yolks ^ of Uo eggs, adding alteniaU'ly with the, flour, four lablcspoonfuls nf olive oil.; Add sail, enough cold water to make it: like a butter batter and the beaten; whites. Parboil the meat lii-st if it has: not already been cocked au.l fry as frit-j ters or in a trying pan j To make cream pastry add an eveni teaspoonful of Ijuking i>owdor to a pint- of sifted flour and add sweet crettni; enough to wet the Hour, leaving the' crust a little stiff. This will make, enough for two pies. If a richer paste L«! wanted .spi-oad with butler wtien roll- ing out. A pretty substitute for the sugar which some people M-atlcr over the top ot a pie l> to take fnuii the oven when nearly done nnd brush il over with what is known ns pastry frosting. First bi-ush it over with the while of an egg beaten light. Sprinkle with granu- lated sugar and a few drops of water and return to the oven a few minutes to set. The oven should tie cc^.l enough so that il will only tinge faintly with brown. Chicken suspected of not being tender should lo put into cold waler to which you have added a teaspoonful of vine- gar. Let the waler just come to a boil, take the chickens out anil stuff and put imiuedialely in the ovrn for roasting. ley. Serve in a hoi vegetable dish or use for decorating meats. Potatoes BakMl in Cream.â€" Removb the skins from boiled potatoes and chop them up when cold. Put them in a saucepan with cream, season with salt and pepper, and cook until done. But- ler a taking diah. lay in the potatoes, sprinkle with brettd<;runibs, pour over platters which have had gravy on them, no matter how fine Ihey may be. As you see. all of my tinware Ls bright, be- cause I keep it so by putting it into the suds while it is still hot and clean.' Those who have in charge the most delicate china wash one piece at a tune in warm, soapy water, end then rinse them well in coM water, letting them some iiidted butter, and brown o\ er the | drain on a tray, and drying with soft surface in the oven. These must Le linen glass cloth to give them a polish. eaten hoi. Ducliess Polatoes.- -Pecl and cut seven Fine dinner plates and dishes are washeil with soda in Ihe water, so as to to eight potatoes in halves. Boil in ! make certain that no finger marks arc waler to cov«r until just done and no | left on them without rinsing in hot m-jro, then drain and put back with â-  water. They are then rinsed in running cover on for about ten minutes until all j water and put on a plate rack without moisture is evaporated. Force through | being dried, fi there is giit on the china a sieve. Ketum to a saucepan, add salt, ; hotter water must be substituted for the soda, which is particularly hard upon gold and sometimes makes it rub oft altogcttier. ♦ ; IUL\L-ni A.ND BE.\nv. Dr. >M]tiams* Pink Pilla. pepper, a little grated nutmeg, three f r four ounces {tabl>->spoons) of Ijuller. and four rgg yolks. Keep hot while b«-'aling vigorously until sm'j«3lh. Put inlo a dish and lay a butteretl papei- on top. Fifteen or twenty niinut<'s after drcdgo. the table with (lour, take a piece of the preparaUon about the size of an egg. and I ..-.„,, , roll it well with paLm of the hand to the l-onae trom Ilich. Med Blood made desired shape. Lav them in a buttered baking dish, dip a brush in beaten egg, and brush over the lop. Set the pan in the oveu unUl they are a good light brown color. Thi.s same preparaiion makes delicious croquettes if dredged in Hour, dipped in egg and bread-crumbs, and fricHl in deep tat. Potatoes Maitre dTloteUâ€" Pare eight cold boiled potatoes lengthwise, cut -n cylinders, and then in thin slices. Put two ounces of butter m a slew pan. add tlie polatoes and halt a pint ot broth by Givej an Opportunity Ceylon Natural GREEN Tea will prove it< superiority over all Japans. Lead packets only. By all grocers. niGilEST AWARD ST. iOc 50c and SCc pet Ok LOL'IS. I9M. rOT.\TO C.tXiKF.r.Y. Note â€" Potatoes shou'.d always ti Nuled m cold Sillied water. Potatoes Chsllcau.â€" Peel potatoes and cut Ihoni the shape ami size of pigcuns' eggs. Plunge lhc:n into told waler, rinse again, nnd put tlieiii on lo boil for a few nionienls only. Braui and put Uiem in a stew pan coiiluining some butter, let them bixiwn in tlii.s. carefully to.ssing them at intervals. When done, pour out all the biiller and pul in a fresh piece, adding a little clu.iiped purs- Biftuty is marc thdn skm deep â€" il Is blood deep. There is no real beauty, no good health without rich, red blood. F.very graceful curve, every sparkle of the eye, every rosy blush, conies from rich, red blood. Dr. Wiiliams' Pink Pills are Uie greatest blood builder and beauty maker in the world. Every dose actually makes new. pure, rich blood. By making new blood Dr. Wil- Uains' Pi.ik PULs sharpen the app«lile. Simmer gently from ien Ui fu'lecn mii;- 1 soothe the worried nerves, regulate the ules on a slow tire, stirring at times, i health. They banish paleness, clear Salt and pepper over and finish willi an i the comple.xioa, bring rosy checks and ou.nce of butter, a little chopped parsley, j sparkling eyes.. They give pl*?nly oi and lemon juw-e. strong Mood for all the delicate fun?- Baked Mashed Potatoes. â€" Prepare lions of womanhood. Miss .Viary Ia:k- some mashed while potatoes, also .soir.e : son, Norraandale. Ont., says: ".or :ip- mashed sweet polcloes. keeping them w-ards of thre^ years I suffero 1 !.-.>.ii both hot. Alternate layers ot each in a • anaemia. I grew so weak I could sca-r^- bakin" dish pulling Ihe sweet potato on ly walk about the house. I had no top Form a design over the top with color in my face, my Ups and yu:-s the tip of a knife, pour melted butler vvere bloodless. 1 suffered from Lead over, and bake in the oven. aches snd dizziness, and fell av.a> in SoulUed Sweet PoUtoes.â€" Out raw ! weight unlil I weiglie.1 only -.i-i ;wuiil-!. swe---t potatoes into lengthwi.5* slices I No tr»>atment gave me the least bo:ict;t "and" Ihixisv them one l>y one into hot i unlil « .t^gan t.he use of Or. \VUIiams' trying tal. They be coivfully ',Pin|«_ j*'}'* _Ji>-*'«lf of _« few vveeks n,'-f watched as they cook quicUly. "' "" " SENSIBLE SUGGESTIONS. A WOJIDERFDL COUNTRY A CLUIFSE OF TUE GRE.VT .NOftTlI- WiST. The Very Fertile Lands Traversed by the New Grand Trunk Pacific. The Department of Uie Interior nl Ottawa has just issued a most inslnjo- live map of the Canadian Northwest. Ttiis map gives at a glance the history â- >t lu»- setllemenl of the country. IL sho.vs Ih.' land as divided into lownsliips an- 1 sections, and from a system of coloring tl c various sections and quarter se**- lions il gives a most coqiprehensive idea of the general trend of eiuigratii'ii and of lauds recently homesteaded, an-.l furnis for which tlie patents have al- ready been issued. This homestead map shows that the line of the new Grand Trunli Pacilic Baii- way now under conslniction on Ihe Mac- ucnald. McMillan conlrHcl from Porlago La Prairie iwrtiiwesl lo Touchwood Hills passes through lands wiiich are tak'ii u^ more completely than along roa Is which have been built for a number ,.1 So much so is Uiis the case that beginning the pills I lvu':iii to grow ! -I ler. and they soon restored nty heo'tli j and while using them I gained foiirl vn 1 ^*^"'^' ... .. ki, .« -o.,, ,« pounds in «^;i|ht. 1 cm. strongly r.i- " -^ n-^^ "^^-^V /'', ""P^ i^A unf;/ iommend Dr. wniiams- Pink PlUs lo '•?'"?^'«?i^ ^'T'.'f f * .1. * ,ha Ph^^ all oale and feeble girls.- k^ y«"'^,^T^' "'"^.T^f-L' ^v,n p Thpn» «n- th.-itsjirvU n! r.n?.» nmo-,!. Sail Hills branch of the I .anadian e.i- mere art lh..iisunu of pal- anac. m. i ^._,.^. ,^j,^^^.^y j„j ^e \orkton or Sheno; which are sUll av»ii»Die for hom*st«hl. girls and wivnien who should follow a l>ox or six boxes fir SJ.50 by writing 'ue new railio«d nears completion and the Dr. WiUi.inis' Medicine Co., Brock- j begins to tap the ville. Ont. SEED TIME ^ experienced farmer has learned that some grains require £ar differ- ent soil than others; some crops need differ- enthandling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right plantinc at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in stunmer about a mis- take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. ^ best time to reme- dy wasting conditions in the human body is be- fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi- dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion shook! be taken imme- diately. There is noth- ing that wUl repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Kmulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi- nary foods absolutely fitiL W*y»IBindyo-j asjmpttftt. B» ttira tl>»t th<» picture in the form ot • tabvl \a on the wrsDpcr of tvftf bottle t>C ){niul:ilua you bay. SCOTTC», BOWNE CHKMISTS Toronto, Ont 50c, ind •â-  ; all «ruf gilt* IWIXKIVS BKWK RKSCtF. He Raced .V<jaiiist Death w ith a Duniiii<| j Fuse. An act of .groat bravery Is rt-cordei in the London Gazette, wliich announces the bestowal of llio .Vlberl medal of 'he I niost Ihe identical second class on F.dwaixl Ni.^hoUs. a mi- i (his section of the Grand Tnmk Pacific centre of this ricti country. No laud in this district will bf at the farthest moi-e Ihfin Ien r liftcen miles awu.v from splendid rail- rond facilities. So good are the pro-- ptcts consi.Jered thai it is impossible lo biiv land here from individual holders a; "anything but the very highest prices. II is interesting to note in Ihs con- neclioi! that the original main hne of till.' C. P. R. was projected through al- territory on which Steamed Vegetables.â€" It is better lo steam green cabbage, caulillower, and the like. A sprinkling of salt should be applied to tlie vigetables before they are j j.-.okson and give D. put into the steamer. piUs a fair trial. Bright ey^s, rosy Uwroughly Pnnsiau Haricots.â€" Melt two ounces I ch.vks and perfect health would so.-.n U"'"n>*slead section lett. of butler in a slewpan. throw m cold ; fallow. When vou hav the pills »<« Holders of land in this section are tor- boiled haricot beans, two teasnoonfuls : that the full n.-xiiie. "Dr. Williams' Pink j lunate. They own property which m of chopped pai-sley, pepper, salt, and a 1 PiUs for Pale People." is prinle.1 on the : itself is as valuable as any m U-.e en- spoonful of lemon juice. Toss over the j wrapper around each box. Sold by | tiiv Northwest and they will h.ive the Ui-e till hot and well mi.xed, then s<rve. 1 nicdicine dealers or I'v mail at 50 cent's ; benelit of a great increase in value a,- In l"ase ot Fire.â€" Flour thri>wn upon i burning oil will instantly e.xtinguisii it,; while water only snrcotls Ihe lJaii:es. Stiff Windows.â€" When windows are dillicull to open or i-ub the cords with soft soap, when Ihey will run siii'Vitldy. To Clean Rugs.â€" Dirty wliito .'ikin nigs can be cleaned with n sponge and napli- tha: but gi-eat cure must bo used, as naphtha is highly intUitmuable. Ilou.sehold Brushes. â€" Household brushes last much longtr it taken care of and washed regularly. llemcmber that they never should lie allowed to rest on the bristles. Valuable Vases.â€" It Ls .-x good plan to partially fill valuable china vasts with sand or to place shot in them, for thus they arc rendered too heavy to be easily upset. Wet I'mbrellas.â€" .\ wet umbrella nevtr should be left open (o dry. as stretching while damp makes the silk liable to split. It should be placctl handle down- ward, and left to drain unifonnly. When Lighting Fires.â€" If a tiro nxiuires blowing to give il a good start, il will K' found tliut Mowing down into the names n^akes it burn up more bright ly and ijuickly than if blown from imder- noath. In the Sick Room.- When it is not ad- visable to open the windows of a sick room, yel neces.sury to change Ihe heavy atmasphere. sprinkle a few s|HX)ntub» of Cologne in a basin, and set tire to it. To Clean Kvcning Dresses. -IJghl- colored evening gloves can be dry c!euiu\l easily at home in a short time. The gloves must be put on the hands, or on wooiten dummy hands, then rubbeil all over with tine Fuller's earth, ami iie.\t with a dry flnnnel, and finally shaken to get rid of the powder. Mi\ a little Fivnch chalk with siftetl bran, and rub the gloves with this after the former pn- cess. To Keep Food Hot.â€" Cover il clo.sely and set in Ihe oven in a pan of hot w aler. This will piwenl il fi-om drying. Ham and Tongue.â€" When gelling low and you wish .still to nnike a presentable g^;n. The Can-i.iian .N'.rtiieni lujul giants were probably necessary also lo open up the northern portion of the country, which was Ihougtit by many lo be loo tar away from everything lo le worlli considering. It is instructive, b.cwever. in tiiis connection, lo find that wheat is grown in quantities by Ih- Hudson Bay Company hundreds ol miles north of Edmonton. .Most ot the desirable land now un- 6»>ll!ed in tiic Northwest is controlled by the great land companies, which are. as a rule, subsidary bran< lies ol the railways and by indt>pendenl con- cerns, the promoters of which early rea- lized the possibihties of lhi<> grand coun- !iy These companies secunxl land from thi» govem.Tient and from the r.iilways at rat.'s which enable them now lo market their holdings uway be- low the current pri'->?s of contiguous farms held by individual owners. .\ greal deal of the best land along that part ol Hk line of the Grand Trunk Pacific now under construction be'ween Portage !.« fTairie and Touchwood lUHs is owned or controlletl by th'> Western Canada S.-ttiers' Mutual Land (\.mpany ot \\ in- nipeg, wtiich Is ui:der th-? managemenl of the Hon. W. IL Montague, former .VLnister of Agriculture of the Domin- ion. Most of their holdings ma.» be purehasett at fair prices, although a gooil deal of their land is out of tlie market at present. In- dividual farmers an^. howe\er. as a rule, just now too enthusiastic over the future of this district to seil at all. .\ Ci mpany of this kind is conversant with l^e location of the quarWr .seirtions Pill,. ,' I homestead privileges on any of Touchwood H'lls behvecn ,„a„.,j.!sanl Hills branch of the "'.ai thr inch. .Ill Pini. Il i cilic RaUwav and the \orktor tie et^moe J;f\ti -^ i brunch. In tact, most of the available j Ing. and by dealing with them the iti- n- Uiiiinnw' ...vMand east of Saskatoon is taken up silteiuUng purchaser may sometimes pick nX It Pvo« r « ' Uior^^^ there is scarcely a up a nuarter seclion in the township -n ncr employed at the Lake \iew Consols Mine. Kalgoorlie. Western Australia. Nicholls was w orking last .\pril on the 1,200 feet level of the mine with two com- panions. They had lit Ihe fuses to a round of charges of dynamite, and were retiring for safely to the lower level, when one of the charges e.\plode\l. The lights were all e.xltnguishtd by the explosion, and Nicholls calU'd out iii the darkness to know it any one were hurt. He groped tiis wHy o\er the di- bris to tlie spot where he heard his com- rade Bentley groaning. The si.x-foot fuses ot Ihe olher four char.gis were buniing at the rate t ninety .seconds a yard, and Nicliol's knew that if he could not ivscue his comrade in less titan three minutes both would bo blown to pieces. IIo dashed up fh<- incline, from Ihe top :< now being conslruclol. The mule of (»ie Canadian Pucillo was changed far- ther south lo the present localio.i, mainly as a result of the efforts of the settlers in the counln- around Winnipeg and Brandon, which wa,s even then thickly pt^pulated, and on account I't ceilain offers of bonuses made by 'he citizens of Winnipeg. This change was probably a wise move at that time, is Ihc ivad umi'iestionably tniverses a »ery rich district, the eastern part of wtiich was Itien more tiiickly settled than that surrounding the more north- srr; survey. The Norlhwes!, however, i.s now ready and waiting for tJie new ntilroad. The tiacl through wliiih thus portion of the line pas-ses is, as stateil alxvve. eoni- plelely taken up and Ls still cccupieii in tr.nnv cases by the original seltlers who which he locali's at small addi» lional e.xpense. It is reported th-tl IMs company has «l.s*» a-cure-i very large tracts of tend through which flu Grand Trtnik PaoiJie will pass between Saskatixm and Edmonton. Ontario people and east.'mers genec sUy do not .seem lo realize tho wcindcr* f'li bill lies of this western cnun- try. .\mencan capitalists and lami ccmpenies are grabbing up west-eni Canadian land in quantities wherever tl is available, and il is apparently th< wide-awake United .>^lates fanner wh« will reap the benefit of the phenomenal development which was assure<l by ihii summer's wnnderful crop, and whicS will bo carried on and enlarged by the hundreils of millions of do* lars which will be spent in Ihe West in railroad cor.sU-ucLion in the few veai-s. of which Itentley's groans came. On Hie nishetl in a quarter of a century ago. top he found his comrade lying under an enormous stone. He had lo roll liie slone away b«Joiv he could move him, but he sacvccdcl in gi'ttmg his coriradc down. Just as he reachetl a piiice of safety the cillur charges e.xploded. Bentley subsonuenlly died of his injuries. believing that the C. P. R. would fol- low Ihe survey a.s first made. Thes..' eojiy seltlers have become prosperous an-i wealthy. Tlv soil tj pirlicularly r;cl and Ihe rainfall nlnmJant. and iiu- Iwrc has lavishly answered their ef- forts. Thi-s part of the Oi-and TruiiK I'acific should be one cf the bc?t p,\v. log on ttic whole system. Large trade t< already there, and the nev/ railroad will develop it enormously. The land northwest of Saskatoon, Nothing is more common in childhood i through which the Cnmd Trunk Pacific than indigestion. Notlung is moix> ^vili pass on Ihe way to Kdmonton. is dangeiMUs to prcnxn- growth, more weak- said to be the licst wheat land in liie ening to the coiislitutioii, or more likclv vcrld, bolter than anywhere else in the , clubbevl ritles kicked lo death, hung upon l.UIUtilUl>D LMtltiESriON. FRENCH CniELTV IN .VKRU'.A. Crave Cbarges .Vyainst th« OOicrr ot th« Expeditioa. The CiOvernor-Oi-neral of French Wos| .Africa has forwarded lo the French Colonial Min:sler a rei->ort containuif the gravest charges against Majot FrercjcaJi. who recently led an expedi- tion from Senegal against the Moors ol Mauritania to punish them for tho mur- der of M. Coppolain. Major Fivrejean, having caiiscd i\ nunibtr of Moorsâ€" men, woitten and childrenâ€" to be seizetl and bnnight be- fore him. sumriioned them to doiKHinc* Mr. Co>>polain's munlercr. The prison- ers, encouraged by their maJ^iliouts, who hat! preached a hoiy war againsl Ihe Fi-eixh. refused to answer. The inhuman order was then given la pul the refractory natives to torture, and thus wrcn>'h a confe.ssion fror.i them 'n their agony. But still they reniaiued mule. The chief of the punitive expedition tiicreupon dclerminoU to strike terror into fhe stubborn trilvsnu-n. By hia order the Senegalese sharpshooter^ seized many of iivir captives and but- chered them btfore the eyes ot tha others. The victims were felled with sh sMee M nTv- lh.n .-^r.T.* n?- X^^^ P''ve the wav to dangerous disease. Northwest. This country is of an en- the branches ot the and u.sevi as and Uv on rdish a ler imMv whh hick i ^^^King is more- easy lo luvp under con- , li'^ly different ch:uacter fn.m the dry largeU for ivvolver practice. ,\nd wliila and liiy on a dish alternatelv with thick , ^^.^^ jj- . j^^_^ ^^^, ^ ownirunching lands to the south traveled 1 Uiis atnx-ious scene was at its Jssglit slices of harvl Iniiled ogg and a morsel of pai-slcy between each roll. DISHWASHING. Upon dishwashing do awny with many pot theories held by housekeeix-i-s. First Tablets will cover Iho whole ground Here is slivng proof. Mrs. G. 0. Irv- ing, Trout Uivok. Que., says: "My baby boy was troubled wilh clironio indigos- [ lion and was a constant sufferer. No- ' thing helpeil him until I Irioil Babv's ! 'â- li-"»» Northern tap.s it still further north. Own Tablets, but promptlv cured i'o'oe homestead land> are still avail- him and he is now as healthv'a Utile *»^'<-' here, but many pivple have bei>n and most radical is Ihe oriler of wash-! lad as you would care to see. I always' tcUowing the suncys of the new road, ing the di.shcs follow oil by a house- ! keep tlie lablets in the house and Ihey j ^ind most of the desirable homestead •; keeper traiiUHi at a cooking scienco j quickly cure ail the troubles of child- '"f already apphed for. It is certain scho<il. Tho usual oi-dor was followed, j hood." Everv mother should keep these ^''•*t <>* soon as construction is well un- w-ith tho glass and the silver, the teacu(>s 1 Tablets on iiaiid. They cuiv all the â-  C-'er way west ot Saskaloon, there will and their '^ t*^' llrst-class homestead land avail- by the Canadian Pa.'ilic between .Moosi> other sharpshooters weiv sbuy inking jaw and Calgary. The territory which :s ! snap.shots witli their cnnuras. row being opened up has rcmainal un- Mitjor Frercjean on his n'titrn actual- StUK\l only through entire lack of rail- Iv boasted ot the lesion li« had taugiil read facilities, although the new Cana- tlie nalive.s. nnd it was thus that the and sauivrs, and then the aslonishod visitor, who wielded the dish lowel, j fouiul that she wa-s being handed net I tinware. I "I never allow my milk buckets, pans, or any of my bright tinware to .go inlo the dish waler after butler dishes or i grt'asy plates have been in it, " said Ihe j housekeeper. "The tin dishes that have 1 been meivly used in preparing the meal, j or I von that have been used for j custards and sauces ami not hurl fho ' dish water it Ihey have been pn-paivd pi-oporly. by rinsing out anything sticky by a little broom and cold water, they , uic much cleaner than the plaUs and minor ailments ol children, prompt administration when trouble comes may .save a precious litllo life. 1 hey .ire guaranteed to contain no opi- ate or harmful drug. You can get Baby's Own Tablets from any druggist or by mail at 2o cents a box by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine I'o.. Bi\x;kville. Ont. "l>id you ever try to ride lh« bicycle, CapUin Baniacles?" "Do you think," roared the old sailor, "that I would ho found aboant a craft that had ita niU- der in trout? " able directly along the rivad, and, in fact, little good land will then Iv ob- tainable III the entire Northwest at any but high prices. The wisdom of the government in so- curing Iho construction of Ihe new vail- way without granting a single acni of land is most evident lo anyone con- versant with conditions in the West. No one doubts for a moment the necessity ot the early grants which were neves- sary to bonus and iiulucc the con.stnic- tior. of the transcontinental road uniler the conditions which pivvaiied when tho Caajdian l?BCiflc Railway wos Govemor-Cifiieral heai-d of the affair and reported il to .M. Clemcnlel, tho Colonial Miiiisler. Major Freivjoiui will Lo brought at onco Ixforo a ivurt-nwrtlal, and this affair will be severely dealt with, as tka. Minister »-ecently issued the most iMii- genl instructions that these atrocities on; the part of tliose in authority must h% pul a slop lo. RF.AD1N*'. THnOLGll S.Vl.T. In San Domingo there is u remarkable, sail mountain, a mats of cfysLiUme sallf ahtiost four miles long, said to conlainj nearly tHUHJCtHW Ions, and lo lie so ilear; Hull nu' print can be readi with ttiruugh a Mock a ttxil thick. ' The coal doesn't make Ih' in»n, but ty. *lho lawsuit makes the attorney.

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