HE iLESllERTON ADVANCE JaNi;ABY 18 1906 THE (of Canada] Rfis opened !i biRuh i.flioR in Fleshor- hm, where a jjci.eral bfinkii;i{ husim-cs will brt tninsiiote-J.. Mniii'y available for J*^itimaic business entcrprise». DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on all points it. Canada snd the United States. IntKri'at allowid on dep-isits of Sl.OO »n(1 iipwurda conipounrled, half yearly. O. I^itcl-aell Agent. IviCiNITY - CHIPS 111 1^ i -- f „ Characteristics of The Past Week tj [; Carefully Culled fur the Cuil<.as. . . J Mr. Will Thiimp»on, late postmaster of Dobhii < >ti, Bruce Co , removed last wt'ek to Toronto, whpr« he has j»on8 iuto pa'tuerahip with Mr. W. Barnhouse, late of Fleslserton. Before ri'an.val Mr.. Thompson was prcriiented wilti an attdross and a >;old lie.iiled cane. The correspond- ent who write.s \\\i the affair snya Mr. Thompson »a» the "best man who ever came to Bruoe." That is nothing sur- prisingâ€" SV. T.isa naiive of Attemesia- .\ reoretanizaii.n of the Flesherton band is now under way. Ou Friday uiyht last Dr. E.G. .Mir.ay was appoiiltud pres- dimt, C. Muiishaw .sooretiry and John Bi'yd treasurer. Wo certainly hope the ttfurt to resuscitate the Land will be suc- cessful, ai:d tlfat the citizens will accord it every encourag.-meut. There is a con- siderable balance on hand of the old band fund, uniforms, etc. It is said only t*o new instruiueuts will have to bo pur- cha-iud. The Lnwal Oran^je District Lodge of Actemesia met in Sargeant's hall, .Mark- dale, on Tuesday, Jar. 9th and elected officers for the year 1906 as follows : District Msisier, K. H. Wright; Deputy Master, J. A Kennedy; Chaiilain, J. G. Carson; Ucc. Sec , Kd Thi^mpson; Fin. Sec, H D. McLoughrcy; Treas., Thos. Elliot; D. of C, Robi. Turvis; Lect., D, McLeod. George Edwards, a farmer living in Glenelg, near Tiaverston, was instantly killed while loading logs in the bush on Friday last. Deceased was alone at the lime and it is not known exactly how the atfuir happened, but it is supposed the horses failed to stop when ordered and puUtd the loR too far, erushint; his head between the log and a stump. Mrs. Ed" waiils died three years ago and one little girl three years old is now left an orphan. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson of Flesherton attended the funeral on Sunday. We give considerable space this week to Mr. Hurlburt's interesting letter from Cuba and have unre of it for next week. These letters will no doubt be read with much pleasure by all our subscribers. It is a seiiaonable time of year to hear about cucuiu!)ers, strawberiies and other garden growths which are produced hero in six months from now. And to think th:(t less than a week would take one from winter to this perpetual summer in the Carribean sea! The Salvation Army claims to bo bring ing out ten thousand immigrants this spring. If they are no better than some who have come under our observation the Salvation Army is not benefitting this ountry to [any appreciable extent. We want no more pauper iuiniij^raiits and the govornmeut should exercise a more strict supervision over those brought in. Per- haps Artemesia council could submit some important evidence if the matter were made a subject of invesii.^ation. Choppinir done every day at all times fcf the day. P. Louck.s, Flesherton. Mrs. John Coutts. of Sunnidale is visit- ing nith friends in this vicinity. Rink open for everybody Saturday oftcrnotin. Admission 6c. J. Fatten. "Five carloads of mixed stock wore shipped from this station un Wednesday cf last week. â- Chopping every Tuesday and Saturday, 5c. per bag Sawing during the winter. Geo. Watson, Proton Station. Mr. Milton Sproule of London, Eng., called im his uncle, Mr. R. J. Sproule, â- on Saturday. Mrs. (Dr.) Sproule of Markdsle accompanied hiiu. Lost â€" beti^een Kimberloy and Flesh- irton, a sable fur stole collar, lined wit), iirown satin. F'iudcr please leave at this t'tlice. "Speight wagon, neatly new, also grain chopper, 10-iuch plate, ao'id orJer, for tale. Apply to J, K, Jauiieson, Eugenia Mr. S. J. Bowler has opened up a first class tailor shop ne.xt door to the Bank. â- Prices reasonable, work first class. About a dozen citizens took advantage of a cheap excursion to attend the Torrey- A'exaiider ineetiugs in Toronto on Tuea- â- day. L'lSt Raquestâ€" All parties indebted to •he undeirsigiied eithir by note or book RCC.nuit are reijues'ed to call and settle on or before the 2(Jth day of January 1900. U. P. Legato. The fourth lin8(.>lcKeoV) L. O. I. will hold its annual t.ameo.iug on Wed- nesday, Jan. 2-4. Good prcuram, good poodies. Admission, 25 and 15 cents. Send for A. M. Thurston's souvenir 4)08tal card catalog, or better still, call in and see liis tino selection of cards. 5c. â- ««c1l, or 6 for £Se. A hookey match will bo played on Flesherton riuk Friday evening of this week between the Durham and Flesherton .clubs. Admission 15c. â- Mr. John Whitten desires us to state that in the applic'itiims for the assessor- ship as presented to the council last week his name should not have appeared, as he was not an applicant at the time. All suUscriptions renewed during this mouth will carry with them the Montreal Herald as a proiniuiii. After that date the price of both papers will to ^1.15, or .$â- â- if a full year is paid ahead. A meeting of the Women's In^littito will be held at the homo of Mrs, W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton, on Tuesd»y,Jan. .30, at 2 p. m. All the ladies are cordial- ly invited. V/o strongly recommend our readers to subscribe for the Farmeis' Advocate and Home Miig.izine, weekly. The best farm p.-xper in Canada. To our suVsoribers, ?1.30 ; new subscribers 81 15, Mr. 0. Stewart lost a valu.able cow in a peeuliar manner last Friday. The animal undertook to drink fn m a curbed spring beside the road in the suburbs. This curbing is partially covered over, and af- ter getting hor head in the victim could not get it out jigain aud drowned with her nose in the water. Flesherton 1 ock.y team played their first match with S'avkrialo team en the rink of iho latter on Thursday night of la-it we -k. The result was , . . , . . . *" . , , '" I were inatle tor holoiii!/ a iiionsfer pionio ad. feat for our team by a score of 7 to 15 j and political demonstration duriou tie but the referee afttr the game said that 6 comini; summer at s inie o nira! piint in of the goals should not have Wtn counted tlie riding, whore Premi.-r W hiiuLy i.nd as they were shot offside. Then why did i "[h^'r prominent men will be nivirudto ^ .u .) mu 1- . .attend, A realuti-.n of condolence to he count them? The line up of tho the widow .-.nd family of the bite Thomas V'lesheiton teatn was as follows: Goa', Kells, who f ir 26 years wiui presidei,' i.f U. Smith; point, B. .Vrmatrong; covtr the associaiion, was unanin ously .idi-pied point. H. S'.aples; rover, W. Livincslon- 1 """ ,'""*-â- ''!.";-• refer^-oces m.ado t.y various r,.- ,1 I.' «...,fK u *u V- „' "Pe'ikersshowingthehighesieeminwhich fo.w rd., E.Bentha.n B. Aberoronibie.C. thola.e pros dent was held. A re«oluiioi. 4\ichard»on. Referee, C. AI^o. I was also pasaeU ezpr^aaing regret at tl « Sunday School Officers The annual meeting of Flesherton Methodist Sabbath sch.iol was held in the church ou Wednesday evening last. It was with much regret that the resig nation of Mr. M. K. Richardson, who has been superintendent for tho past year, was accepted. The following olli- cors wer'3 appointed : Superintendent, W. II. Bunt : assistant superintendent, M. K. Richardson ; secretary, Dr. A E. 4 rm.strong ; as.si8tan!- secretary, C. Bcl- luny ; libiarian, Emerson Bellamy; as- sistant librarian, A. S. Thurston ; Tioas., F. U. Karstedt ; organist. Miss M. \. Thurston ; assistant organist, Mrs. J. Walker. Teachersâ€" B.ble class, Mrs. Jrs. Clintjn, Mrs, W. U. Thurst.m ; other teachers, .Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. \V. A. Armstioiig, Mies F. E. Thurston, Miss Fa«c tt, Miss .M,\y Hate.R, R. Rich- ardson, Miss M. Reid, .Miss Wass, Miss Bellaniy and Mrs. W. Moi.re. The alatenifUt of ihe scln'ol as submitted was dealt with in our report of tho anni- V jrsary. ' enforced retirement of Dr. Soott from the I presidency owinij to illne-ss Mr. S J.McKninht, Jr., a prominent I young farmer and breederof thoroughbred I stf)ck, was elected president, and the fol- I lowing other ofticers were appointed : I Vice President, T. H. Dyre, Th'irnbury; Secretary, W. Turner, Markdale; Treas- urer, W.J. Sh..r!hill, Markdale; Auditors J. Lyons, W. Rutledge, M.irkdale, and the following vice-presidents for the diff- erent mimioli-alrties. Euphrasia, .A.Myles; 0>?I)rHy,Jos Kernaidiaii; Artemesia, John Boyd; Holland, Jas. Walsh; Thomhury, A'ex Smith; Collingwoi.d, Geo. Badger; Protnn, W.GleraisteriDundalk, S.C.Bell.; Markdale, Dr. LG. Campbell; Chatswottli W. M. Breeze. East and Centre Grey Conservatives Tho annual meeting of I he Liberal Con- servative As8.>ciHt.ioii for East and Centre Grey saw held at Markdale on Friday hut. The nttendanci) was l.'irge, rcpresentaiive and most ciifhusiastic. A nntablefeauire of the meelinu was the large number of young men present, Stirriiii; odresaes were uiveii by Dr. T. S. Sproule, M. 1*., I.B. Lucas. M.P.P., and M. K. Richard- son, ex-M P., South Grey, and T.U Dyre barrister, Thornbury. Anangemenls for holdii loth L:nc Osprey ?Mrs. R.ibt. Brown .Ir. and two children of Ijctle Current visited with her si.ster- in-law, ilrs. F. Brackuulinry, the past week. Mis. John McRae nee Miimie Dand, of Cartierry, is visiting hor uncle, Mr. \Vm. DavidBou, of the 12th line. Ldeut. Coulthartl of the S. A. is visiting her fiarent!*, haHng returned hunie to attend the uneral "f Uer sister-in-law, Mrs. Heary Coulthard. Mr. Ji)hn Duncan. of CoUingwood.is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mi"s. .lohn Duncan. Capt. Warren and Lieut Wright held a memorial service in the .â- >. A. liarracks, Kover- sham, for Mrs. Henry Coultbard ou Sunday evening .Fan. 7th. Mr John Duncan »r. met witti a serious accident on Thursday hi^it. while walking iu the yaui he fell on the ice and broke his log. Dr. Bonii was called to set the break and ho is doing as wbU as can be Cipected. Mr. W^ill Hudson has sold his farm to Sir. Wm. Henry for a good round sum and intends moving Wast in the .«i>ring. Born â€" On Jan. 0th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tliorapsou, a non. Mr A.E. AraistroDir, whohasbeen holding Sunday services iu the Holiness Workers Church w going U> rissist Mr. 1'". Dean, at Prim- rose. Mr. .\. Mills will takf charge of the services here for' a £ew Sundaj's. ~ * Mr. Riohard Ottewell lost a valuable colt lately from loCijaw. Address and Presentation On Wednesday, Jan. ii, a number of memliers of the B.iptist Chui-ch, Flesherion, called uimn Mrs. A. Wilson. Miss Hannah Stafford read the accompanying address and Miss Jnssii- Kichardsuu made the prestiitation. A most enjoyable evening was spent. Dear Mrs. Wilson, â€" We have this evening met iu your home for the purpiise of spending a social eveuiu'.; witlj you, and to express our hearty appreciatii-n of your interest and labor in our Sunday School. We know tliatit has many a time cost you considerable self-sacrifice to be present with your class, but y(mr reward will be in the einiseinu.sne8s of fulfilled privileges and in the Master's final words of comineiidatiiin, "Well done thou good and faithful servant ". We hope tliat y<m will be spared for many ycius of service, and that you may see the little ones, whubo hearts you have wen for yourself, seaU d for the .Master's v.se. .â- Vnd now .as a tiingiblo sign of our api)rcci- atioii and Wfll wishes we ask yon to accept this s;hir teapot and cold meat fork, hoping that tlioy may ever be a token of onr gratitude for your devotedness. Signed ou Iwhalf of tiie nhurch â€" Mr?. W. E. Uicliardiiiin, .Mrs.. E,, Whitleii, .Mis. J. P. Ottewell, Mrs. H. Holnian. By=lavv No. 66^ Of tho Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Artenu'sta in tho County of Grey, to prohibit tho sale of liquor iu the said Townsliip. Tht« MiiMJcipal Tounnil of tlwj Corporation of tho Township of Artu.ijcsia hcruby otmota as fnllow« : I Thftfr tho snlo 1)^ retail of BiiirituoiiR, fcruientoil or otlior manufactured fiquors Is rtuii bhttll bo prohibit*»'i in evorv tavorn, iuii or other jilace of uubliu eutertuitiin«int in tho saiil u^uuicipality, ana tho salt) thureof. except by whoh-rBalo, ta ami yhall be prohibitoiJ iu every Bhop or place in tlio «niJ niuiileipaljty, t)thoithaua house of publlo eiitertaiumant. 3. Thut tho votoa ol LJie oloctora of tho saitl Townehipof Arteuice^ia will bo tak^ni on tlii.s Uylaw on Tuesday, tho sixth liiiy of F«bruary. A.D. ItKC, fiom uiuo o'clock in tho forouuon until I\vo o'clock in tin* afternoon of tho sumo day, Ht thefv>Howiu^ plAces, and tho followinii (k'puty rotni'iiiug orHeors arc bt>i-eby appointuJ to tuko tho votoH at tbi; re.-'pect.ivo phieos, viz. ; PoiliiiKSubdivirtton Ni\ t, atthetniiMKo Hull ou lot I'JJ, Coucci;ston 1, N. K. T. <k S. Koiid (Ml nn^o \ alloy), by Win. McLouKhry, tloputy rotuniiriK olUcer. VtdiiuK subtiiviHion No, 3, at tho town hnll, iu tho villa^oof Kl';shei-ton. by C. W. Uullauiy, di-'putv relurniiig oilicur. I'oUiuKaubdlvjsiou Na^, at tho OrauRo hull in the viliaKO of Piot.)u .itatiou, by W.H.Heiud, deputy vtitnrnintj ollict-r. Polling f ubdivisiou No. 4. at tho Oraufte Hal! in the villape of b'lesh.-rton Statioi', by A. GJl- ohi-iKt, d» putv returuinj; oflloer. Pulling Kubdivinion No. a. at Watson's htU, in thoviUnse of Pduevili.', by D. O. McLeau, deitutv returning otlic-u". t'olling subdivision No. fl, at tho KoroBters Uall, near Vandolrjur. by Qeor(io PritcUaid, dopu y veturniuH olliooi*. PoJliirg Hubdivision No. 7, at the Oraujie HaU» in tho villii«oof Kui;o:iia, by Jumos Williams, doputy roluruiuft oflio'^r. IVllitiK^ubilivisiou No. 8, at the f^chool house, Suhool Soctlcn No. B, by JT. W. Nieholsoii, d«'pnty returning oilicor. 3. Tliatontho tweutieth .Uy of .Tanuarv, 1900, the Koiivo shajl attend at the ofticti M the CIo:k iu tho villafie of KTwhert'.in^ at tho hour of one o'cjook p.m., for the ixu'poso of upp' iut- in« ill wiitiuR, biuuod by hiniRclf, two p«rsnii8 to attend at Iho thial s:iuuntnf< up of tho vott.s by tho Cltuk. auii one purson to attend at eaqji poJIiii},' pI<)-*'0 on bohalf of the persons iiitur- t38ti»d in aud denirutis of prunioiin^ th- pussliiK of this L>>law. and n ]iki> ninubiMou behalf or the pciHona inttuo^ttid iu and ttosirous of op-> po^inq t'lo pa.-*8in({ u' thiii Hvlaw. I. iho (it vk of the Baid hlur.ieipal C'^uncll ol tho Township of Ariunio^ia shal atten.) at tho TowuRhip Ifall in tdio VHIajMof I'Mefhcrtoii, at the hour of ten o'clock, on tht 7th day of l''.'hininy, A.D. 1 'JOti, to sum up tho nuiuherof M>t»'b Kivun f r and a;^rtiiist thi.s IJyhiW, ;''. This Ltvlaw shaU come inio ti])uratiun and be of full force aud elTcut oa hn*\ after tho tliRt day of May m-jt m't«i" she pa^i^iuia thoreci, Council Chamber, t;>wni-hip of Artemesia, A. D. I'JU.. "fi % I I % I .;c^>^?s^:?rS^^^^-â- ';^3^-r^">:^^^ A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR '. ". TO ALL .• .• We thank the Public and our fellow citizens in particular for the very liberal patronago they have given us for nearly forty years, but this year has been best of all and we thank ycu all for it. We also beg to thank our fellow citizens for their help at the fire this last week, for their noble exert- ions in confining the tire to the one building, we thank you one and all. W. E. RICHARDSON & 50N DRUGGISTS Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario. fe j^ ' ^^^^d^-^^^b^g^jy - g^ ^'g's^^^ ^ Now that Avinter is on you are needing warm and comfortable footwear the proper thing is to call at CLAYTON'S. W^e have a large stock suitable for the season. .... Men's and Boy'a Heavy and Light Rubbers Ovorsboes â€" All kinds Ladies' and Children's Overstockings Leather Leggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies', ChilJs Boots & Shoes Trunks, Telescopes, Shoo Polish. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES SHOEMAKER, :...., FX-ESHERTON, 05^T. Our stock of Holiday Goods is §practlcany sold out entire and _ we thank our customers for Q their generous buying. r-.MMlB.\MmEM Iteevs Township Clurk NOTICE Tr.lic iiotloo thatthn above is a trim oopv of a i»i opoB^J »ylMw which hin bfoii tultcn hito ooiisiiioifttioii by thu MunioipHl Cuuiicil of tli" Towimhi)! of .Vrtfiiiosin, iii.il which will bo Himll.v iiaasotl by th» said Couiioll In kho uvc.t of tlio waohl, at thu 8ui<l ol^icloi « buiiiK i.htftiiieil theioto, aflor on,.' mouth from 'Iu; pul>!ioiitinii Uiiirecr in Tho Floshsitoii Ativrvnuu newspikiior. tho dale of which publicfttlou wiia Wio llth dnr of Jauumy. A. I). IlKM), una at tho hour, day anj places thuroin n.\ud for taking the votua of tho elMton U>« polls will ba h<li), W. J. BEVl^MT, 'Towosb!^ ClvH Cbe vtry fev9 odd articles HU will h<i sold ^ r$darak$s e? cost ^ MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BE | HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS, g Medical Hall Drug f Store. i R.N.Kinnear&Son MAXWELL Farm TorSale^ f>0 acroB, olay Joaiii iti tawuship of St. Viacont 3i luiltis from Mouford. Good, burn ami shod, Kooil fiftino ImiiHu. fiUl ptouulunK doun, woil Wiitoroil. Rooil hiiniwooil btHli ant] ' intitl orch- Atd. Fur runher pai-iiuulnis apply to Wni. HyoiH. Prop. Mouiora.Ont. B$ar$ for Service Tho. ouRhbrcd 0. I. 0. hog, Artuiiioitin Pi iilo no. m^o, toniin $1.00; alrio YoiUsliire hot!, tuims 73c. T. Lli VfciU, lot WO, T, A S. Hoad. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho pliioo to (;et the host Photos is nt BULMKR'S I'UOTOGU.^PH GALLEUY. / SPECIAL ATTENTION Wo pay Siieclftl .\ttoiiti«iii t<> Copying Rnd liabies' pietuiea, l*i,;turo frum- iiig a specialty. Try us for any kiml of pictures and we will promiH0 8Rtisf>ictior, Wish to thank the gononU p«blio lor4hou- very libeial patioui.ge tlmin.* tho past year and rospoetfuriy solicil a oontiniiauce of the sumo. Wo wi!' bo ever ready to supply you ;Nii,li M tuo Inies wc cany, vi^. DKY GOODS, GHOCERIES, BOOTS and SiIOE.S, RUtSBKas Glassware: Oils, ail kinds tiiat av) good. Patent Mcdicinos, Paints, ia fact everytliing usially can'cd in a general store. Christ mas Goods ou shov/ now. Wishing you all a Merry Chiistmas and a Hu^'py Now I'ear, Yours as ever R. Kinnear & Son Farm SCIas^t^c! To Rent Pot p-MS09Rion March 1st a TO or UHI fwr., farm noar school and P. O..oo,»fortahlo h^ao aii.l dno.l barn nii.l stihllnc »t.o li« « "„,".,; ent, induatrioas farnior with stock »nii i..,..i^ Mr». 8TJI.MEH 1 '^Xl^iyt^^::^^-'^^^^