yksfetrtmi Miiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PRINCIPLE b ^0T MEN. VOL XXIv, NO 12ol Flestierton, Ont. Thursday JaDuary 18 tOOG W. H THURSTON, EDITOJt PBOPKIKTOK i; • Tho Aftermath. After tbo ChrktmM sales, whicB were extniordiiii.d'.y laigo this year, we find left in stock a tine lineuf gimda wUk-h we think everjuuc will coucufie is dust the Thing - for Wedding Presents. TTsi-soare th'> clioicliest of emvlsâ€" no cheap tr.isli. Come mkI we them uii yw.iy. Mlarm i^lozks To .vokeyouupthe-edark uinrrungH, and all kindd of Olock-H »t all kinds of pricut. nafe/»/nn/t Irountain zBens, Fancy luk Standrs etc., forsule. W. A. Armstrong Our Cuban Letter Oo steamer, en routu from 0=ein Beach to U)kv»na, Jan. 3, 1906. Dear AdvanCBâ€" We Uft Htivsiia to jnuniey overland. Taking the electric o:ir8 to tlio termiuusof tho liiiij at Jesus del Monte, i. e., .lesus on the mountaiu, about five miles out of tho city, and fiiidiu)» I hut vve would require to wait two houra for i>tage coach we bef(an to walk hr«k of diy. Uain durinj; the niaht had 111. ; thr; roads luudily. Tho air Wiia .... ... .t:i I pl.asniit aiid wo foun.l the ver.i ii'-h-ost clothin'^ quite sullioioiiC. Ill f.ov yiu require to make but little \ provision agiiiist cold in Cuba. You \ /~, look only lo a()poariince. Clothinij here 'â- ^r'^y is a luxury, nofca necessity. We enjoyed our Walk very nnich until in a maizeofj hull abou"- half way between the two places we loKt our way and fi.uud our frail to end in a foroH; whore some meu hid bet'n takiif^' out In^s. Uoiracing our steeps ovi-r 111 ) prairie or savannah, found soiua ' IVIcFarland, Stafford & Co's- Big Store County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE BIG Industrial Home Notes | (/>y an I/iimiiK) .j toward Santi-igo do los Vesiis, where the fa* a Cuban would say, *o L-overnn.ant has an experin ontal station, I "''''^« «'";=!'* «>"'â- â- « «« «"^ib "''io to «et , .^ , „ ., r I, water to dunk, and by asking for Puerto about twenty five miles from Havana. U,,,,,,^^^^ „„j ^„„^ ,,^,|^_ Que old colored The road out hero is the finest of the man took us out about a mile and put old Hoyal roads of Cuba, <i perfect mac- m '""^k on the trail, and in.-ule signs to .-idamized r..aa winding «(*..S8 an uudulat- I "« *" '"-'-P ;l>«c 'f'"!, and nob turn to . , °., ,, , , , .,: ri<4ht nor left. He aienliooed the Lacuna ing country and beautifully .shaded •â- th j Grande, and by his gestures wo under tiupical treis which overhang tho road. , st-md that we woulu have to pHSs it and Alter walking nbuut fifteen miles we { Ko partly around it. We went on our found a stage going our way so we con- .""^ â- â- >^j<''ci»«. ih.iugh weary and having , r ^ . , lost tw-> or three hours w.inderinn about tmued our journey at eiLse m a four- L,ver some of .he best land, u.o.stlw sav- wbeeied covered wagon t'rawn by a p*ir | an.iah, I ever .saw. It is covered heavily of little mules. We found Mr. .Austin | ""''h grass, and intersected with various paths that lea.l in various directions. JANUARY SALE Sensational Prices on all Winter Gcods Exceptional Values in Every Department Stocks too heavyâ€" must be reduced Big money-saving cfiances during JftnuiH'y You want the goodsâ€" we wtint the money Come prepared to buy â€" it wilt pay you SENSATIONAL PRICES IN WANTLES b- .1 - .£ â€" a^i. -'â€"- '^ .g-.-l^ ^SN V.'autcd â€" For ihe lloitsoxtf Refusje, a trap, vi^ii le or invisible, to catch JL-. Nobody. Miss Mcrriam, of Markdale. hi.s been en'^aged as an aJ.lilional help on the Btalf. .Misa Robinson is spending a uio'iitli's vacation at hoiite. Two more m.'de ininatts were aJ.led to the in.^titntii.n bust week, one of them left this inslitotion iu April la-t and re- tiiri.ed in a worse physical condition than when he h'tt. Ttio ntnor came from Owen boun'A and brought his tiJdlo with biui- &lr. aii.l Mrs. Siininnnds contemplate loivin',' tho U.'iiie this week to rei-ide with fiie.id-iiii or lu'ar Winrton. Wo trust they iii:iy be happy in their new borne. Tho fl.ie weift ler brc'U.;bt a larger nniii- ber of visitors to the home on Thursday hist than is u^ual at this season "f rhtr year. .\ino'iif them w.is Miss Flossie Thui'^'on, of Klesherton, We regret to see that Fleshertin Ims 8^ till hii.-n .sciH-ohcd, but are gla.l to know that it was not worso auJ hope that by prosperous iimfs boater buildings will ru;jl ice the burned ones. Your correspondent begs to express his .jrafitude to th.j brethren of Artemesia L. O. Uislriet Lodge for their kind and much appreciated New Y. ars gift throu«b bro'lier^S J. Ualbert. He also desires to thank Brother U dbert for tho s;ift of a very neat and serviceatie suit of under wear. Truly your g.r he's miny kind fiiei'ds aro not for-jetful of him, and he is ov crwhelme.l wiih cratitude to ihcin for their iiDremuiitting kii.dness. The divi.pi; service on SurvLiy last was well attendd, notwithstanding the lieavy si ow drifts. Mr. Knnis, of Markdiilo, itfieiat. d. Ou L'ridiy afternoon li't, Mr. PowoU, incumbent of Clirist's church, Markdale, bold an iifortnal seivico in tho service room. Ho took no abstract text for ^ seiinon but delivered a iuo:.t forceful dis- course from part of the li.8t.cltap.8t Mark a discouistf very appropriate to old paople. Mr. P. is a young man p iwerful in build, powerful ill voice, plain i:i eloqunnce »ppr.:eiativi.ly drawing tho close atier.tion of bis hcaiers. He made a must favor- able imt.iession on the inmates of this bouse and we trust that he will bo return- ed to Markdale af er ordiuation in Juno next. at the Experimental station and h.ad just | time for an interview and a walk arouiid I I be farm before the arrival of the Wo afterwards found that I rto can aff..rd lo bo liberal. â€" We have had a good seasrm in mantles and tho th^s is the I stock to day is not very heavy, but tho unsurveyed quariiT of the Caimda Cuba : sizes are well assorted; the materials «!%"â- train jCoinpaiy's land and about ten miles i „f the best fjuality. and the majority of from Uuvans going west, which wo took I from Punta (Point) Co'orilo. A number styles tho very latest and most fashion- andcnutinjedour way. Mr. Au.slin is 1 ""^'"'"'"'' '*^'* ""''""^"*'"'-'' **'"' 'â- «nt' able 1005 model. We have planned,to â- in enternri^in.r American wl.on. tbu H"""''*"^ .t","' '''" '•â- '""P""*' <"• »'"'« '^ "•» sell exactly 40 mantl-,;s before ihe 1st day ,»n enterprising American whom the ,,,,,3 Thb^'Co is the ebief crop, though of February, hence these sensational Cuban government employs to nianage sweet potatoes, muii-o'ds, bnnnnas audi prices: the Experimental statjon at Santiago de ! uiany thinss which at first "ppeared to j^ ^ajj^^ jj,,,,,^^ reuular S5 0» 550 mo as weeuH, are cultivated. Ai.out sun ' > * • • Reply- To .br, A.N. JJroU'uridjc : Dear Sir,â€" You must either bo lalioriiig under a dolu.^ion of your iui'<i{ination, or a willing servant of his sa'anio niHJesty, to make sn:'h sta'ements as ymi did, hâ- ^ I novjr I'ld anybody my reason for not signing the pelilion. Ami ag.tiii, you sav that my boys signed the anti peti-.ion, which is anoi her falselioid. I have no objoclioii t.> you or anybody else sup- p.rliiig my opjioneut. whom I consider a t>entU.m>n, bj^ 1 do object to you ui.ik- iiig false statomeuts. You a«y that to- wards tUe last I was not ashuniiil to coinuiit loys-lf. which ii also wrong, fori t(dd the parties who interviewed me that 1 would not pledue myself if I nover ifoi a vote 1 am not ashimed of anyihii.K I have done, but think you oimht to be if you have any regard for tho trulb. You! further s'at.' that the result of the elec- tion proves that people have not much faith in eleventh li<iur conversiofs. Nii- tbev have I, nor in a great miny othor conversions. I am not a m.in to be con- verted at every camp meeting, but would be ill favor of a revival in the near future for thui b«nelit of a few around here, yuuriivlf and clerics) adviser included. " â€" R. IJ. KINNS.1R. los Vegis. The station has been in ex- i.Hteuco about a year and Ii.is a'ready done much to iiuf>rovo tho agricultural and horticultural couiUtions in Cuba. Hero ne saw some tina thoroughbred cattle, hogs and horses. They also have mauy vai'i<:li.:s of fmds and vuget.iblrs growing with varied success. The s'il here is red clay, stiuky when Wet, iUiil heavy, about "be worst kind of siil to work, but not poor in fertiHty. •Vs wo Were hastening to the furu", pMsiit?; through the. narrow, unkept streets of the villaye nn J passing a cabin where half a dozen youths and inaidei:H were gathered one fair Spanish girl (see- ing my kodak) stood out on the ver.-'ndah di.wii we sighted Lacuna Grande or great p<md, but our disappointment may be miilerstood when I te.l you that \i was on our right instead of on our left which meant ihat'we were several miles ^'O far to llie tf.ist. We coniiuiied to follow the Iruil, which now led throUi..h a thin pine f.rest sa thin that you could see f-r luib-s, and «o smoo'h that you couid dnveabOgay anywhere. About dark we came io-n .•<nial! stream, the ouilet o the Laaiine, where we iivt li drink. VV« bad Cro8si«l several streams by takinu ott our .shoes and stockings and iirght have crossed this one but it «â- «.â- » too dark 10 f.iil >w the path »iid wo saw forest aheai', and us the bind •eemi d to be «e'tiiig wet, we went ba.-k about half a mile and starred a file U'ffjer aonio p.din trees, not b.'(;auso .'f cold, but to cheer us and , , , , , . ,. , ; make it more home-like. Wa aathered to have her photo taken. Accordingly , g,„„^ j^^ |„,,,„ le^nes and l.iy .'n them and could Imve slept but for ino-^qii toes, which were so numerous as ti> ei:- gageall our time. Iliave killed hun Ireds of them, aiol yet I line se<-ii thiin quite as bad in Omario. Going almut in search of Liry wood, wo came* up.n newly- ploughed laml.and in Ihe morning we saw, abjut twenty rods from us, a 1 cw palm leaf uhiick, but no one in it. We spei t the iiight witliout the slightest incnven- ioi.ee from t^ie weather. Fortunately it did lot ra'ii. Diyli^jlit came and was wolomed by tis. ' We wUit on'Vcwr- way and iu about -m hour met S"me men i?P)ffii; tcl price, 2.48 I made signs for all to go out on the ;<iiiss of a vacsnt lot, which they did with as much activity and lau'^jhter as any Canadians, and I exposed upon them. These yi ling people are all my friends now, and I cannot help thinking hojv they could he won it only 1 could apeak their language. Fiom Santiaiio de los Vegas we went over the Western Il.iil way to San Chris- tol>al where a number of Anicricnn people are living. The soil here is the same color but m u-e sandy and less stieky, deep and strong. Ii sells at from i'CO and O.Oi) values, January sale choice 15 Ladies Slantl.s, regular 88.00, 0.00 and lO.IX) values, January sale pric!>, choice 3.05 I "2 Ladies m.nmhs, regular SIO.OO, 10 fiO and 11.00 values, January stilu price, choice 90 8 Ladies Mantleir, regular 814 and'15.60 values. January Sale Price, choice 8:00 You know tins store's rep.jrati.in for .VtantfeS. AS their regular price* we challeni.'P any store to show better valiie.i At Che January S.le .seuwitionaal prices they should move out qutjkly Come early and get first choice. A DEEP C'jT.ig^V3C0A.TS We have _oO-"€f?erc6ats >o get rid of Jjr- ing this month. '.Vo know of only on j â- way to move them out quicklyâ€" Bl'r PRICE TE.VIPTATTON. V»e ar^ g'.ina to make you buy. If big valiia* ctnmc w.- should turn every overcoat ^vcr ti pleaa^ customers this month. Nothing the matter wi'h tho coats but the piice. The overcoats we sell aro the very besr fbr style, quality and value money csn buy, b Jt iheii- prices for our .lanuary sale aro very badly damaged. This is the way Ino story goes; id Overcoat3,,a«guUr 5.00, 5..").J n'l .'^g^ values. January sni3 pricB .j^,^'^*^ 14 Overcoats, regular C'lO, ?.t«!^rSc' â- ' 8.00 v.diTCB. January s-ila pi ice '4 25 Overcoats regular ,105^. W.56 ..;' H.OO values Jauoury sale ^i^-o 7'*- 10 Moii'a jErieio Thters, regul*^- G.OO »n1- ue«« January sale price " 4 3s -Men's Pea Jacket'!, R.iy's Reefer:^, Oi^er- _ coats and Clstors all marked at Jau'aary sale prices. ~f4 Ladies Dress Skirts. We have gone through the sti ck of Ladii-s Skirts and put <m tliu bar"a;n, Skirts comprisin;^ Fancy Tweeds, Oxford tirev Hoiuespims, Kino '^ii'ti^M- J grays and navy blues black Cbevi.)t«, black Suges, black Habit tMMhs'r^ iC made and trimmed, fit and~worl(iBaiiship guaranteeil, not more than two or th. in the lot, sizes 38, ,3a, 40, 41 aud 42 lengths, regular values S4.50, §5.00 and January Sale Prico out tu finish the They told us « e 1 f oni Ocean IJeach. To be continued m * ^ Prlcfvillo t.1 $75 per acre by the companies, ai d ' ,"'^"'-'' "''""!â- »'""- "'dock, tired and , ,.,,,, , , bungry, got breakfast and were at homo in tracts of oOO acres and in re, caL be â- "â- "'• had at little dis'ancefrom the railway for $30 or §40 There is a great deal of tobacco all tlirouuh this tonion. Kroni San Christohiil we contmuerl by rail, passiny through a number if Sme vdlages 111 some of which Anieii.jans aro .lovelop- ing, and ihrough th-i capital of Pinar del Uio province, a lowu of several thousand, »od known ly tho same name, to Sau Joan, the terminus of tbo railway at present, iho'juli the work of construction is still g i Si 0:1 and is supp.iseJ tu be completed as far a.s Ounoe, si.x miles from ih.i bind of the Canad.i-Ouba Com- Bargains In Millinery. 50 Ladies and Misses Heady to-we'ir Ha's, all this season's m.ist fashionable shapes, regular values 81.00 to ?3.00 i-aoh, January Sale price, your choice for 30. 20 Hamlsomc Trimmed Ha'-s, no two alike, nin«iuu in price fioin $2 CO to Sli.OO re about 2J miles 1 each, while they last JUST HaLF AVe arrived .it the PUIt'E. Bh.'ick I mentioned. ' FURS. 30 to 30 per cent q|scaM>, Wo have a no.id ranxo ui Eiidioft Fuv Ruffin, Caper nes. Collars,, . Boas. .Miu!» and Gauntlets. Wo pride ouisolvus dm keeping only tho best, and f.ir /valuj (qual'ty or^iisidared^^^we couxt com parisoih. Our Fur^â€" in facjr-all liierehanaisu in this storeâ€" are mariiild ill plain fiam-txs. Fuis on sale during J»nu»j,rt5!b to 30 pot ceil!. Discount. : " • IiitcuJed fur last week People lire all :;ongralulating each otl/et on tbo fine weather. Kow Years day was a little 8ti rniy but the greaesti stoim aud bluster, w.is caused by cerraio. anti-optioiiisis that day, Llruat euthuiiasiu was displayed al the election on Monday. .Mmost eveiy Voter who was aote came to poll ha vote, several coiiimg from Toronto. Aiu-iiigJL&ose we_re hero for hoUJay ^Vrlhur, Toronto ; «_;, dreii. Wallers Falli ; ' Henry WatSyn, Ml>s .Maitha WatSoli, 1-John SIcLood, Tiiunto ; Mi>8 G. iMc one of tho ' Lcod, Vickors ; Miggio MoL.'od, Stjinley W.- are determined to make January of lOotj tho higyi-st io the histxji'y of this bus- iness. Every day will see now lines put out at bartiain price^", bub oeiue as early- a« you can. The first choice is qsually the b6aL "^ p ny, in thirl:een months. At Sau Juan. ^ â€" ^^ wo go; tiio mail 8taL;o f .r Guam". The ! we satv :â- .'Jiftii Mc. outfit consists of A two-wheele.l vehicle i Watson, wii'S'tii id eh called a vilanto, drawn by ti.reo inule^", one of whJeli is in the shalyes â- "'Bui two puding, rmo on each side, latter bein;' ri'ldeii by Ihe tlriver. This i Fernuson, J.iiiiea McLeod, O«0i ^ou d. Will carry three pa.'isenn.irs and a few | Mr. and .Mis. .irii.tt of M; n tob.i are luiiidreds of lu^.'gaae, and is wo!l adapted ' visiitiun tho Utier't au it, Mrs. Al. Ki.'ey. for tho nmiiii, ungradeil trails over! Mi.ss Bradley of Uuiiiaiii is tho guest mouutain, rock and stream. It is thirty of Mi.ss M. Watson for a few ('ays. miles, and we made it ill ab.mt six and a | Mi's, Thomas Kithor, town lino, who half hours. The ro id near Guano pas«d» has bi-en ill poor health, dad suedaiily thiough tho in 'Untains and tho scenery on Fiiday last and v.ms buried on Siinday is ru-ged and pie;iue.s.iue, an 1 tho in the ceiiieteiy hero. Rec. Dr. Oald experience exjiting.. Tho des.^eiit of the well, Fleshoiton, ofticiited at iuuso and mountain way as ym near Guano is grave. The Fislier family were inein- Ireniemlous, and consideriot; that night l>er»of tho Methodist ciurcli. Uev. W F. Koach, the pastor, took tho work on the Fieshertoti circuit for that day. Hugh McDon.iJd, who retired from hia ^â- cm an ajipetite that 1 cannot describe, farm on the south line about a year iiiid that Gnane is twenty or more died at the residen.'e of his brotlicr ago was ujion us long before wo reached our dosliualioii you insy iniajiiio the sliniiihis if this ailveniurous journey. It gives ycm an We ton mile,s froi'i Ocean Beach, or Puerto Col- Alexander on l>ec, 24 and was laid in the orado, the only name by which it. is well cemetery iiere on tho 20ih, Rev. J. a. known. Wo also found that a horse to Malhosoii ofticiating at house and grave, ride Would cost about ?i), so wj|Skeeided to ' Mrs. Kober'son. a widow ludy who walk. Arisiiii; about 5 a. ni.and part^k- went to Toronto <o .10 weeks aao to refide ing ofwjme light refreRhuient we had for the winter, came up on Monday to procured in a store the previotia evening, oast her vote fir Reeve Mnir and the we startej ou our way about 6,30, at local option can didatw. A f. eg'i ware of enthusiasm seeir.ed to sweep over the lemperancw clement when she appeared, and they recognized her courage. The lady voters here all rallied round Mr Muir and tho option candidates, wiiU 0110 or two exceptions. Good for ti)e !â- .dies'/ Tho A.O.U.VT, lotljio installed their oHioers last Monday night. Tho blocked roads prevented ni.iny from canning ont, but r.n eojojvible tiuio was spent. Mr. B,.l>ei t VauBo h;ul a very goal gramo- phone preioiit and gajo a largo aiumbot' of tine selections. v LotlT.oon. II, tFr.r.!y,,coiit..t!.i.,,r «ll6-a>>iv ,90(M:nBs«li.«rml»!nl unitpi- cut »iii:oi>; biihi . Soorl btuh; iioo.l. buiWlnKs, wuTf" V...'»ic,i â- ^, well foncod. On-} nulo trom, tfW . tartus, etc., apply to \ki: inter Portlaw Store Let ns iiilrndtvce ourselves to the public by dniwiug to 'your attentioD oar stock of SBoots & S/i 1 loes We are inaking a special drive in boots and slices tbi.s niontli, and wo iu-e actually selling belotv co?t pvicc iu order to nilucc stock ju aliasetl from the Into proprietor. 1 neaeb.^Jots must be sold as wo aro making looin for other lines. .We also handle a full line of FRESH GliOCERIES. Call and make our acquaiutauoe. Produce taken in exchange. St. John d Roulston. flesherton All win r harac.^^ good.s now- in stock, inclutUng Siiskatche- wan robes .and coats, covviiide rol»es ;ui<l coats, bells, blauki-ts, whips, et^., has'ii^s.s of all kind.s. . . . i. -» ni. moore, CMAR!<> ""5"^P^ â-