f January 4 inoo THE F L E fi H E il r xN A 1) V A K C E S r^^wvwvwwv^ 9: I :5 5? F. T. HILL & CO. FOR fflilTiM A Mammoth Purchase of an English Crockery and China Stock away below market values Sel/ing at 25, 33 /•3 and SO pen cent. Cess than ffiigulun CPficss. Sat^ Cess than this week. Scffi Wo h«\e just fiiii<hc(I pUcina in stock over one carlo:i.l <if Enylish Crockery and Cliin* in Fnncy atul Staple, lines. Thm is part of the «rock nf ii l>ir.;e Eii«li.<li pottery which we su-ccfded in liuving Jiwiiy lieloiv niiirkft vulm-s. This iR tlu! reasiin «â- â- • are «l)lo to ni iko this otfir away hA'iii Ihn rvinhir |)rii:i!s. U>viviii'>(ir â€" All lir^t tpiality giK.ds and this stiison's Hiiplo iind u|)-to-diit« paticrm A'l" OUKaT I'KK-'E KEDUCTIONS 3'1'uit and iialud ^/loio/s 20 doz. Faiipy Fruit nn 1 Sulnd Bowls, Billing at Hiilf I'rice. 300 Fancy Di-lf Salad or Fiuit Iluwls. heavy rich cniliosHHd Colors, lieHutiful new de«i'j;n«, l»rgi Bssoit- incrjt of cohjra, re<>ii'ar oUc. vulues. ijt'lliiig f u*. . . .25 CaAe Elates Fancy Cake Pliites at Half Pi ioo. 12 dozen or 160 Fancy Cako I'latea in Ilia heavy, rich. cndioKseU rojiirs, largo n.ssipi tinepl of patterns richly stipli-d with g )ld, rei;uhir selling value 50c, .si.llioa f..r 25 Cups anrl Oaucers 200 d.zen Gi'ld Edge -md Clover .Sorix Cupj and Siiuoers for OOo. per doz. Just half price. 200 dozen bo't English De!f Cii|i'< and Siiiicer.», with gold line and ulover Imf decorations, hest rjnapty g 'odi", p' si'ively cannot be repeatufi when «mM. lloi;- ular price 1.00 i)er doz. Special sale j^ri* pT dozen ... 50 tJea Si'tts Forty Piece Fancy Tea S.;t« .sellin.; for $1 8.'). 25 Fancy Porcelain Tea Selt.'+, 40 piecc8 in all. in fancy H iral patterns and the fullowin)/ assortment of C'd'irs and tin s, dark blue, liK'it lilue.sea green, lirowti auU pink, ri>g. 9^.50 vatuu, seliiu'^ ut 1 85 S^/ntes Tea I'lates.Desnert Plate*, D"n- ner Plates, 25 p. c. off regtdar |)rices 80 dozen Faiicy Decorated Tea Plates in all (he leading colors, 4 difT.Tenf desinn'i and ))atterns. Jlciiular valiKB 85c. per dozen f-.r 58 50 dozen Deiert Plates. Re)?- u!iir 1.00 values for per doz. .78 50 doz'-n Fancy Decorated din- I'er pl«'eR, regnlar 1 25 values for por dozen tS8 I M PO R TAN T CuKtonicrs will please remember while W'.' will only bo able to display a pait (if this lame puroliane in the main [xirt (if our .store, we have np;-ned on the second flat of our store a new and up-to- diite Crockery Department wherj iheHO (•ood.s are all fully displayed and can 1h) conveniently 8een and are so placed for quick soll.nt;, bo t)e hero enrly. Can't come too (|uick. As v.'esiid before this olfur cannot be lepnalod when «(dd out. ' Chambers Fancy Decorated Cham- bers at one-third less than regular prices, 75 Fancy Ch-mibers in best quality English De'ph, p'aiu go'd s'i[iling and fancy liiho- graplied i);ittcrn< in deep rich colors Regular 70i! and 75c. vil ue.s HoUinr at 48c and. .. .55 lATHite Delf Cups 20o dozen best (piality \Vhit« Del ph Cups, full siz?, f;'lling without taucers, in p'ain or wheat jiaiiern. Pcvular value 50c per doz. Selling at per dozmi,.. 38 £^eclr*oom Sets Fancy Decorated Bedroom Sets for 81 48 per set. Kegular 92.(t0. 30 Fancy Decorated Bedrnom Sets in (l.>rnl patterns and a variety of Colots, such as blue litits, gree-i tints, L'loy tints and pink tints, pieces in bU. Pu-gnlar valutj 2.00. Selling al per tot 1.48 $1 50 Bodrooni Seti in fin(» ipiality Porcelain Delf for 83.25. 15 ton-piecii liedrooni Sets in bent quality Kniilish Delf, beau'iful timed decorations, gohl tinted lual basin in rose, sweet peas.damy and poppy decorati^rs UeguUr selling talue 4 DO. Helium at per set. . .It 25 Sonii-Por'.-elain Pedroom Seisin new cream tintn. wiih heavy jjoM brm.l decorations, new defigii and s!iai)e. U'>giiUr Hulling valuu 8.75. Selling at pur J(l- • • ••• i 85 JFruit Sovrls 150 Fancy ChinFnnt Bowls, Ueguar Prica §1.00 felling for (iSo. 150 Fancy China Fruir Bin Is, in fancy ovs! shape, turni'il odnes and scallope*! mthedaik rich ingrain colorings, in beautiful tioral decurutions, regular value 81 DO, soiling for each C8o. Sr*e£i.d Plates Fancy Bread plates at .', of liegnlar Price. 25 Fancy BieaU Plaies, in long oval shape, fancy cu^, jn green, olive, jenk and Idne lints, heavy gdd si ip- liii'.; and embroidery, regular ?1 25, now selbnu for yf'c piucu set. HTea, Sets ^ ^ ? 44 piece Kipjiish China Tea Sets for $.3 (15. 10 only line Knulish China Tea .Sffji, 44 pieces, d.iinty floral deoorntions in pinks, greys, ureens and combina- tion cidors. Pegular valuo 4 75. Sellin" at iier «'•'♦' ". ...;i.(«i 44 piece Semi Porcelain China Tei Sets for 14.25 fisotsoi.ly tinu Kngllsh SemiPorct'lnin China Tea S.-ts, entirely new in style with neat hand of gold and cdorod stripes, ii> work blue, p.a green and p nk. lingular valuo 6.50. Selling at p.-r set 4.25 see oux* Dinner Sets Sue our agiortment of Dinner Sers in Finu Porcelain and Kiiglish Chinii New decorations and colorinus selling pric<Mâ€" 6.S0, 7 75, 7.50, 0.75, IJ 50, 13.60 for97-piece acts. 'mmmHim Sstlctd Bo^wls Fancy Salad li iwUfor IL'ic, regular 50c va'ufi. Three dozoii lAmey SaUd Bowls, in Semi Porcelain China, with large r ise decoration!', in many col irs iidaid with gold, regular iiOc value, selling f^r. . . .35o Buttei? Plaxes Fine Englisii Cliinn Butter I'lales selling for 75c per (b'Zeii. 25 dozen Fancy Butter Plate', c(jlored decorations, cii'iiped edites, golii lir.ed, regular valuo §1.10 (wr diiz.-n, selling for , 75c r iD Ci?ea,m. Pitol:iiex*s For Oe. each. f)0 only Crenm Pitchers in Cream Majolica gold lii.e decorations, very handy for table use, special eaoh.Uo. I'^a.ney «Ju^s In Many Denit>ns and Patterns, Priced Lovr. E.Xtia value. Pi iced as follows: each 20(\ 25c, 30c, 35c, 40o and 50 at popular and 12.50 Fancy Ija,nxps. Wo are showing a veiy lari;o range (It Fancy lianips, popularly priced in a very lariie variety of siyh-s, sol- ling as f(dlows: each 95c, 81.15, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 nnd g.oo BOYD, HICKLING & GO, -FLESHERTON, ONT. '1 This List Win Help You to Make an if Present.s.- Appropriate Selection Xmas Furs FnrCupg .. 8 1 Fur RnlTs 1 Far Ganiitlets 3 CaperiiiHS 8 Chiidi Ijoas Imitation (iai»nt!ct3 Fur Mantles 27 Fur Coals 17 Xmas Gloves Ijadios Kid Oiovcs Men's KkJ Gloves 'tVool Gloves Ciiildreu's Mitts ... $ 1 .â- )0 to S 8 50 50 to 12 CO on to f^ 00 r>o to IG 50 25 to utX 50 to 1 50 0» to 45 00 50 to 45 00 00 to 8 1 50 CO to 1 50 25 to fiO 15 to 23 25 to 8 1 10 25 to 1 fiO 60 to 1 50 50 to 2 25 85 to 3 75 75 to 2 .VI CO to 1 50 50 to 2 50 15 to 1 50 I.inens and Novelties Liuen Side Board Scarf.. .. $ Tray Clctlis Linen Pillow SIttkrus Goiored L'lieii Covors Paiuask Table Napkins Silk Piano or Oigaii Drapes. 1 Jap Silk Onsliion Tops Jap Silk Table Cover? 1 DrawD Work Novelties Xmas Handkerchies and Neckwear Picturtd Handkerchiefs .... 2 for 5c. Lace Ilaudkerchiefs 5c. to 25c. - Hem stitch Silk Ilandchief 25 to 75 Fancy Silk Handkeichicfs.. 10 to 1 5o Ladies' Silk Waists 2 75 to 8 75 Gem's SiikMiifflrs 20 to 1 75 (Jcnt'ts Silk and Satin Ties. 25 to 5(> Ladies' Fancy Silk Coibrs... 25 to 75 Fancy Slippers (Felt, Carpet and Leather) Children's .'. 25 to -J5 Misses 85 to . 50 Women's 40 to $i 75 Men's 50 to 1 50 Gun Stock of •^eiv iCmas ^ancy China anti i/ZasS' ivnre /ust opened out is the largest and 6est collection even shout n hene. rre tvant you to see it! Prices Range from 5c. to $2.75 per piece Opal Novelties Monataclie Cups WeJgcwood ware Cliildrciis Mngs Japanese China Painted China Fancy Cups and Sancers Shaving .\liig3 Cliina Novelties Cake Plates ;; • 7 • c * r.erry Setts Kpergncs Table Setts Vases Dinner Setts IJose Howls Tea Setts Jardinieres Water Setts Placqnos Fancy Pictcliors Porridge Setts Salad Bowls Bread and Butter Plates Fancy Silverware Table Knivea Fancy Tabic Lamps Plated Spoou Forks & Knives, (Carving Setts, Hall and haiig'g lamps \\ » . _ . _ - - „ _ ,1 For thft conron^onco of shoppera wo woul.1 ask you to do your shopping as oarly in the day as possible, especially -â- • '"r the next tlireu weeks. Shop caily ! MARKDALE WRWfW^ Thomas Kelts Dead. Thomas Kells, one of the best kno.vn residiMits of this lownshij), and an old pioneer, died suddenly at hii home in .'•laikdalo on b'rnlay iiwnning last, Mr. K lis wns liorii in Co. Armagh, Ireland, iolH28, nnd itnniigrated to Canada in )K50, lotaiting at liist in Port Hope and nvo ye'»rs la'or coining to Arloinesia wlipre he t<K)k up a farm \\ miles west of >'aivlelHUr. Mr. Kells was twice mar- r.ed, lliH first wife being a Miss Doan. hy whim he bad six children, viz., Uoboit and W, T. of Maple Creok. Sa>k., Mra. (Kev.) KItot of Toronto, Mrs. Sparling of (ilniielg, nnd Mrs. .limes MoMiillen of Ceylon. Tho 8eci>nd wife was Mias Mar- iana OInaafiird of Calediin, who aurvivoa )ilin. and tn witnin ho was n«irri«d in Jrt«t T»ie family bv thi* union are: Mrs. MoO<tll<im of C%\%Ary, W«»|e« i.f Mapla OrMk, Mm. 8h«ldon of Maple ^Veuk. Mr*. Uamomn nf Ow«n 8«un<l, jut* ^«\\rf of UijMi«n Cit^, B. 0., Mn. J. A. Mylcs of Kimborloy, and Miss K nma at liivne. Mr. Kells was a man of strong character and a pu'dio spirited citizen wliDM.' inlhience was mucli full in the early days- in fact, throughout his whole career ss a resilient of Arlemenia, Not alone wns hi" iiiHiienCB felt within his own township, but extended thnmgh- imt tho c lunty. Mr Kells was an ofhe- lent public servant for in any year<. For 25 years he served in the towndiip coun oil, ten of tlioin in the capacity (.f Deputy Ruevu, and (Oi.scque-itly represented tho township in tlm county council for that ItioKth of linio. Mr. Kells, together with tlio late Win. Lsckoy (who«o (laugh- ter ia now the wife of his son Roherr) w«ro iba first movera nnd were wholly instruinontiil in promoting and carryine through tho (dd narrow (faiiaa niilway from Toronto to Owen Sound. Th«^e two f(entlamen wore aUo iiMtrumental in estaldiahing the Kia' Grey ABncultural Sooiety, and for whioh tboT ontrikutvd Urgcly nf ^vyi mo«ii«, The c|«90M*fl gentleman wr.s President of Eist Grey Conservative Association for 25 years. Ho had accumulated a fair i>bRre of this woild'n g')od(. A oiniplo of years ai;o Mr. Kells moved with his family into Mai kdale, since which tinin ho has been a inomher of the Maikdalo rouneil, and wa.< a CHiididate for fe-electi(ni. The funeral cui Sunday last was under tho auspices of Christ's (Anglican) church, Markdaltf. Mr Kells' death was very sudden, ho havin-j been ill but a few hours. It Was of an apoplectic nature. A gcntlenian who was intimstely ao- quainted with the late Thmnas Ke'U for many years, tays very truthfully th»t ho did more for the welfare of .Vrteinesia townahip than ho ever received credit fur. Tlios. DurnH, a well-known oilisrn of Palinorston, wm killed Monday evening by an rl olrio wire in hia lirery atahle. Ho was hsr.ginit • lantern on the wire whrn he received a *t>.<>ol( wl\ioh (filled hin inatanil*. Christmas Treasures All who have nol yet purchased their Chnstnias <;oods should call in this week and sec the display of goods which we have to offer, soil able for tho Christmas season. We have a table of neckwear and fancy goods which is worth examining. Let ns qnote a few things. I -• HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen handkerchiefs, ladies fiuo em- broidered, from 5c. to. . 25e Oentlomen's linen handkerchiefs, from 5c. I o 26e. Ladies si'k handkorcnief froir He. to 75e. fleiita' silk handkerchiefs from 10c. to 75o GLOVES ! GLOVES! Ladies Knitied RingwoiMl Gloves range in price from 25o. to. . . . 50c. All wool Cashmere Gloves from 25c. t'> &«o. (fonts' wo >l gloves 25c. to ... 40c. liadies' gauntlets, varions"' styles and coloi's, from 75a. to 6.00 Ladies Chiffon Collars. An p.v'ra fine rango,froie 25c to 1.00 Scarfs and Mufflers. ' Oenti scarfs in variety; l>eautifi)l goods, from 60o to 1.25 Way's Muffler.i from 35c. to. . . .75i'. QENTS* NECKWEAR. In Oonra' neokwrar we have a choice ranee from 2.'Vi. to.. C5e. FUROAknENTS, Caperinet, Coats, Tluffa and Stoles at all prices. F. Q. Karstedt, Come in and 8e« the Flesherton , f s^*?^?^^ y»^^^»»^%^r^%%%%y»%%'%^%%%%%^ v«