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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1906, p. 1

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pc :#â- ' yksJ^trtott Jliiiana. '•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIKCIPLEb ^0T MEN.' VOL XXiT, NO 1247 Flestiertoia, 3nt. T!]ui*sday January -4 190G W. H THUfiSTQH, PBoruiETOK I â- I • I M Xmas Approaches Wlii-n thiiiliiiiii 'ivcr your w.iiita for Mm ti'iiiiiij! fistive Sfasou di> n>»t furiifl, tliat »e c;»ri-y ii vfiy Kige Mt'-ck of r.dvi-ltics bui alle for gfis. Tick Galore C'..c';s iu gri-st varietyâ€" Wutcbcs cf many iiiikcH ami »tyWii. ARTEMESIA ELECTION Miiniiiiy litst vnn a banner day for local opti.ui in thin county, it lieiiig c-irried in every iituuiciimUry whore H was vnie.l ou. Tliesn wuiu Oweu SouuJ >inJ Thurnbury «itU Kii|>|A'l. l).!rhy ai.J Osjjrdy tuwiishipo. Tliu {teiglilinrin;: iuwu.-.lii|j u( Soltawa- a<iii>i hIs'i c^iriiod llm measure by a majority of 150 0>ven SnunJ ro'leJ ujj a innjoncy of 404 ii. favor i.f locil o[>ti..ii. In Artemosia the tuiii|jeriince lickot ..was electtd thi-.'U^hout, ihosc who voied a-jaiiiKt ulluwioi; a Vote beii'g uveryone tui'iiud d^jwu. KoUuwiiig is ih^ viilu in thi.i towiishii>: McFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Stores MA-I^KDALE, ONTTALilO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST HTmiE Wedding Rings .\uJ ot'^om. A RplemliJ vafiety to choose from. Lowk over our st-ick. W. A. Armstrong THE FLESHEKTON JCWELER Enseuia T»ioholidiysl.r«>usi'it a l:iri.'<' niuibwr ^ mvi»i'ors from d t |mr s o sn;.»d t'luirCh i toi.nal Eugenia. Mr.iiml Mrs. U Vsoy Ta/li)-, I i lirit: h Co umbia, Wolliii.^toM &I..1UII, trom Saiilt. Slf. JI.ri-.TMis^ .A'toiin Carr.fnmi \Viiiiii[u'y, \'. il! AicoU; Mrainl Mis Eil*ai>l M:iHf.- f om K.lui'.iiM.n; -Inbu Wtlli lus. ;.;..Mlfoi-.l7Mi-»Tona WiUia.tis, T.^-uJit^i .Jiiii tioi!; iSila* ILiniy, Toivtito; K .belt n'alla'o,; iiuJ Sir. Sinn-' sU-vw, from Mirk^l«!e. Mr. Ariliur Walkt-r visited «ltU his la-.lh,-r ut Ci-udil F-.rks. Mis. J. .1.11 Stiiau. ai^l cbi'drfn, uf IV-.v ifse.i.Me vihilmn il.e fonnors uixt'.Kr, :.:••; Gillian.l. Ki:;;ei.:il U. O. L. N<>. HIS, h-M tl-eii' lu.uuiil niuitliij; "'• Di.'«- 0, »beu offio^VM More I'lofii-ii'.TS fi'llovvs;â€" W. M., W. C. )\<!l;ir; D. M , W. Siuqi-^i'i'l 0^!»I'.. 11 \V,bi':; US.. Go>.r«;« Mt!iluiinPiii>?^'«-. It. Talk; Troas , A. CVrurlitrf; l> ofC . O. WiUiaiiis; Lo-., U. \Vil!i:iiiis;Oi)ii ., .i .siionv.M. I, J. A -A i.hauis, J. G. Cu-a.ii, D. WcMulle.., W. (J. Sliij-iic. Sirs. Jaiu-s Loiji ltd visit.^l with hor f-ioi.d Ml*. Jim. llojry Love...f Oey.un, (ho ;iast week. (>ii FriilHV ovtfuii^ liist nil at li^'ioe »a,s liklat ihe'OiHiivo Hall givt-ii by t!io Oiaii'jtuioii. The l.>iiii;ss»Mvd 11 Jin ty Mi|.pfr to which 1:11 did tttv.plc jubtiii*. A l.i-jjtf nuajb"! of iii.iti'd fisciKts wen- pus.'i't. Ail lietlarod it iiiif of tbc ino.-t tni.i^abloiveniius cver.'jKiU in tho iiall Mr. .laiuesCaison prt'ai.'ed and li'Ud Ih. iba r ill a very iiloa-ant uiu'.li r. i»i'eeeb- I •», .1 u>io Rutl io«diii^i wero a Ub;d tf ihd I'rogpiin. Tiiiio flow «i. quickly aiii) 1.11 vreij'oi. Imppy ihatth" w *.- ^uia' ho.i a wcri' if-achca and thu 11;;1.|8 mnied ..If waniril tUtf iioojild t" ;{.> h iUi>;. A 1 i.iio..' True Blue l-iltfe is about t.. be or-'inized III C..111 ootioii with No. 1113 L yalty I" the order swiuHt" bo tha rtdint! "pint ,il Eugenia atid lliB lull, s iif iliis pi uu a!t> never hindmost iu »i y ii<-"'A wo.k >;"'"K on. A very jileasa' t h"iHB ttiilhennj m-«t ^i Mr Saiuutl P.dlar's â-  f •'Sum i..v HiU" >iu <"iu-isiuia8 H.iy. Mr. aul Mis Juliii l\i'Ur imd laiiiily, Mr. and Mia. Win. C. IVdliii- and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lutlur l',s,;ar. Mr L. I' is tliu hii;Uli t-jteoiued travell-t fi^r llio hnii of Cran dall, O.'dley aiUl Co. of Now York ci;y. He bus bieii their ri«!it hand man f.ra areab many years. Wu am proud tn know >'f our Euueiiia 1 .>.vs m ikina tlu:i- ni'tk ill tlie w.iild. VVlu'iuver thrV s^^' •' Ksci-l<iiir" m their m lUo. Mius Sum IVdliir was a'ao plva.^od to â- â- ouie fnmi 'I'onnto to join tli«» fami.y le-unioii May Mr. and Sirs. P.dlir loi..4 be spared til j;icc.t thor loved or.ea and Fpend many lia»(>v C'br.siniases toKOllior. On Dec.aiia very pietty li'-mo wodi.ii>K was h.ld al Uic rcMdeneu ..f Mr.nnd .Mi». Win. Taylor, (f (liie.svire, when then d-ualitT, Ki'tttiicc, and Mr. .Inhn lUi'. i.'O.i.f EojjjeMia, wt-re united in uiarriaKe. Jlev. Mr. Ap^ley»rd lied ll.e bsidal knot. The fair brido looked lowly dressed in treaui i-lrttm with «i(>nth.if whitp roses and brulal veil. Her sister, Miss Edna, was bridi«<niaid. Mr. Robert Laueblaii s<.s .sted the l.appv urooni. The prosoiits w. re numerous and cistly. About one l.ui.divd (iuems woio present to euj.y Ibe „u-pie"U*«»«nt. A number of ih« sr.'onH f I iciids from around Kujieina woi. also present. The congrKtulatioim of a. larRii cirelb of friends is i-xleiided t- the yoUD;^ eouple. May they enjoy a pro8P|-ro..H ioimiey ihr-UKk Ufw and all th.^ i;wd ihis wotld affords be jjranUd to theui. For Reeveâ€" D:v. 1 Muir 4!) B^yd 42 Majority for Muir, 14 Fur Oouncdlor â€", Kidioit 44 MeK-nzieT. R. 48 Mcl.i.u«hre), U. D. M Wbyle .-Me.xaiidtr 40 Carson, John A. 23 Purvia. K.D. 22 Benrd, Mar.ball 46 DLv. 2 U4 110 ll).5 »7 71 74 (12 64 Div. :i 2'* 51 30 10 44 30 25 Div. 4. 47 M 52 4'.» 40 59 38 28 Div 10 65 57 51 .55 67 72 2'J Div. G 35 30 35 30 47 34 25 12 30 D'.v. 7 IM 00 88 IH 91 60 37 61 23 Div. 8 42 33 43 SI 34 19 .26 27 12 Toral vote fur councillors elect â€" Bust 485,McKciiziu 473, McLout'hry 453,Whyte;io6 OSPREY ELECTION R, Div. 1 Div. 2 Div. 3 Div. 4 K. W. Norjiaii 25 82 U3 44 K. N. Kiuurar 77 .Majority for Norman 10" For Comicillom Will L. Taylor 11 .liuni-s (Jin Ion 'M X. K. .MeC.dhiui ao 1). W Cliutjii 1.1 .'. .Hi>eeis 3 Svphei-.M 4 (., â- rvieo SB K. J. J Ulcy 25 The voUion locJ oiitloastood 37!t for, and 273 agaiuBt, SO 40 72 tKi 7D 57 2i ya 33 43 40 lU 4H IU »2 uo I-> 11 45 G4 'A Diy. 5 32 M M 4^ 27 44 19 23 Div. C Total 52-3'.!;) 11â€" 2S8 27-271 3â€"257 3â€" :i40 ]-<-23l> 41-23tl 43_r.« !B_UH> 00- .li>7 SANTA CLAUS Has been on bis auRua-l visit to this store and every depaiX- inent'is now bristling with Christmas novelties. We have to* double the space of our toy department this year, and a.s a" result there are things to be seen here that will make tlio children's eyes sparkle with glee, and recall to fond father.-- and mothers thoughts of their happy Santa Claus days. Cdys! Coys! Coys! Aliui)..ti evi'iy kind known, from the litile 5o articles to the more inslrucLuL- devices and Mechanical T^ys for the amusement of (helar(;er boys. >Lijority fc*, I9J. he Ini'l 'jono to roctivu eiperl treatment. [La 1) >dy was brought up the fo I>wi1i« itsy iml t!ie f liner il to.k placo on Fndiiy. Deve.i.sud w.-.s horn in the county of Don e<,'al, Iidu.d alx'Ut 7o yoars agi>. and ciuno to Canada when a yoiin;^ man He uiarried hii !ife par'imr, who survives iiiin in ibi- tojinship of K'n<i, and after ivsid- .iig there fur sumo time and slun t peruus ill Un.ek aiil Sayuer, Ibi.illy took up Uiid and sell led on tho 2nd con. ȣ Osprry in tliu e.iily .--etl luont of the loiv siiip wWo be bus iiiii^e ivnided. Ho was a .i.eiu'-er iif ilid Sletliodist chnich, a Cousci'vaMvo in an ard.--r.!UniUL;o:nan,b_e.ii^ fjir 0"i'si'leral-le tiuit^ nia.Hier «f .McKbu's lo'igo. f. irth hue. U.-biivesa uu .unity of four duucli eis and ibree sons, nam ly: .Mrs. John. I'arsoiis.tilh line, Art- eiiiesiil, 'Ml". lieo. Oiiidle, I'.oonto, Mioses Lizzi ) an I .\laiy and .lolin, Will- iam iiiid James wli.i are now at boine. Mi.l. .\leLei;u;in is in a frail .satu of health au.l lioi liUHliiiiiU do.iili is a severe shock to lier. .Mr. Wollinnton Rid^jero* li>i8 b«en pio>lr*iteil tlie pnsf two or threo \veelJ» with a form of kid.iey trouble wh-cli ieenis bl"W iu yielding to trwitnient, but we h"i'o bo liny soon be restored to i-vS \:it»:th. . . Mr Gfo. Tliorr.pson has reuKived ti> Cnaiswoitb and the stoie preuiis»-8 hive beon t.ikeii po.« ot by .Mesiis Uol- s on ami St. John. .Miss Lil'i Luvo visited fnonds at Van- dc'eur for a fi-w days list week. Mi. UeibTboiiip-^on is. spending Xmas week with s stirs in Toronto. Mrs. Heinphdl who has beon an invalid fi.r ijtiito a loii'.< ti ne. g-ivn h--r friends a sutpiiiw by beioK abld t-) take a diivo the other day. Mr. and .M;8. l!.o. Coiidle. Toronto, a'teti Jed t!ie luuerul of the la ler's faihji .Mr. .MeLeniiait. A public ineoii. s was he'.d iu Uw scho 1 hou.^e ou Wednesday 13tl. todicuss L eal Opiion. There Wan a lsrf.e a tendance. The cp. ak«is wo e Hev. Mr. Hnrlbiirt, .). I!. VVt-.8, Mr J. A. ftls'edluiid M.-s. Nicholson. The speakers, wh-i delivered able 11'ltlros.sos were l..steiiod to by an ord- eily and appnciaive audienco. Slisa Sta. fold and hor pupils gave •» ent. rtainment in ili.- school houss on Wednesday evening last to a crowdevi hoiLso. Mr! H. D Mehlrum occupi -d t!io chair in bis u>ual alile «nd happy inauner. The piograiii oonsi-ted of choruses by ihe s-.-hool, readings, diill", iocitaMons,m 'lion soiijjs, duets, solos and speeches. .Alio ({vther the e'iterlainii;:,Mit showed good trainiu.: and luuoh enjoyed by ihj audience. MisK Hannah Staff-.i-d, our public scliool teacher, is speiidinj^ her holidays with her brother in Montreal. Ai.nio Janiieson oi Toronto, is spending holidays ai hor houiu here. tho Cejl©5i l>artUw i;i. WiUiam SlcLennan, who his been aiiinK tor nomo 'iu'u. I""*"^ t" rest on Monday of last week at lh« home of his UiuUsr, JI:», Ci/adle, TwtJUlo, whstc A/as'er Rob Tuekar relumed lo C.ll -uiate at Vlwe.i Sound. Mr (J.'o Cualmie, of Mount Forest, vi>iti-d his mother, Mrs ll Tucker, for New Ye^ra. A/r. Geo. Jones and bis aisfers, Aijnes iinil 1 la, have r'-turned fi^m- North Dakobi to their home at Coybm for tho .winter. They punawe to return to DakotA Ui the spring. We aro pliKsed to be able to report that our obliging aMent, Mr H Uolman, has devtdml to retucu and rMume bis \M &itiva at the C t.'& *t»iion hero. Maator Fred an! M-ss Anna Chisleti hive gone to syeod >ie-.v Yeais with Iriendi near .Shelburoe. Nearly ail tlie avialablo ra'epayors iu thii polliii.; division polled iheir votes here Monday and uo mu^t c -iigraulatu iliB pioiile of Aitenioii fortlie mido way ihey supported ihu Loc.l U|itiou candid- ates, â€" wlien they dtciile lu.y -want a ihiii;;, they act m tb-iwgii u.ey inleml to liaveil. No Ciuir- Ut Ariciueiiia. Tho people rule in. this towuah.p. Vtiiidflear [Intended for last week.] The S. S..\nii;vers.iry hild in .Mo.iford R.ia 1 cliuroh ml lOtli was a groat sui;c-.-bS. Tiio tea as usu il vv.ij all t!;at. could be desired, afier which a pr ".(rain was given by the pupils and speuclies weio cil-:ivered ly Ui. CaUl»ell,.VU-. Rubard son and olhei-s friiiu b'lc^iioi ton . and Mr. McLougbry, of M<u-kd.ile. Proceeds amouiiteii 10 5S'53 'iO. Miss iV'yrlle llunir spent a few days last week with lier siater, M. E. Hunt. 0.1 Fiidi-.y att rn )on the pu,.il8 uf the ;,ublicschooi (.le.eiited tlieirieaoher with 111 _g'a*s f. lilt uiali set in a silver froiie. Ml.-..-) liuiii takfcs cliar^e of Rocklyii si-houl nexi and Irwin, of MaikdaU-, will wield the rj.l here. The Si O. T. divisi-ni J^ave a farewell party for Mi s Al. E.Huii', *lio has liuen W. r. this .pi-ir i.r. t)n behalf ot tJio division she wis pro-sontod witli a beauti- ful bru.di, comb and mirror. We aro iori-y to loso a member wiri h is lieeu sutha willin-i worker but our loss .vi.l bo Roeklyii's aa n. Misses Dais, y and Katie Davis aro home tor Ihe ho.idaysfrom Uiui.sion and Oivun bound Cjlli!;;iatt8 r>;spcclively. Sir. Ernest Uucbanan, ot O.ven Sound, is visilin; fi lends here. Mr. E. Unti-hiii.son came from Toronto to upend Chr.sliuas wi'ii his parjnts. Qui;i; 11 nuiiiliei fioin In re attended the noiuMiaiion un Fiiday in Klesherion M1S.S Eltiu Uoujhis. of Epping sohool, and Mr. .Schuyler D.'Uo1a-4 frcmi tho West are visiting at ibo parou'al hoiu--, Mr. R. Doufilas'. Tho .Municipal olecbiou so.^ins to b..' a V â€" y luteiefting topic. Eugenia Presbyterians The Presl yteiiaiiH if Eugci ia held their annual nioetii-g in ti.e thuiehnu Wednesday, ll.e 27' h iiiBt. The Ladies Ad metal 6 30. The niiniml report was pr.wented by Mis, George Gouiby, why after givitu de'ftils of cons.deiablo ex- penditure for ihe year was alleto repoit a baLmce on h-inJ of Joo. 7-4. The elec- tion of i'lii--"er«,was OeXi proc««'d«U «jih aiidresultid as follows, Prea , Mis. R J. HoiMc; Vie« Pros , .VIrs. Bell; Sec, Mrs, JacK Williaiiis; Treaa , Mrs. Oooiye Gouihy. At 7 p. lu- ihe Sabbath sohO'd stHlf met and in tlio absence of the Suyt , Mr. Georno Gordon, who iin laid up from an accident, Mr. R. J. lio|f.! acted as substitute. The leport of the Sald)a!h school w!is ino.iit encouraainji withone exception and that is that the young men with few exceptions do not attend. Tlie reas in as given by Mr. llog« iho bin'-ioiim. He very earnestly and wainily comniondod the parents to vott for local opitiou when an opp>rtuiii'y is given. Ill Kivins tho treasurers reiKitt, after paying for schiNil supbe-i in luding tho brst 3 tti'nuha the year besides (giving to obatcb suhtoines thtiy had m report a bal- KDM uu Inud of ^. 91, The whole slaif Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Every sort of Dolls f .r thn delisjht of the little girls. Bia Dollar LiMle Drdls, kid body Doll.s, rag D-dU, sleeping Dolls, talking Dolls, h.-mdsoimly dressed Dolls, and Do1[b rhat are almost iUihamed of their value â€" they are marke(1> to auU at suilv little pr cp.s. See them and ;;et the piok. ' By buying early you will save a lot of ivori7 on Christ mas Eve. ' â- - Books I Books I Sook$ \ IIiiuil ei!s of Books lor boys and nirls Our oolleetion of books l.<r ClirLs;tni:is embraces nearly evorythini; to l>a had in (lictnre and stoiy boolcn. Books uo- all will hoiniil and I hn illustrations ami quality .if pajier are h^Ker thin you would export .ir tho prices. Huirdreds of Bivuks at 5c., li)c., 15c., 20c and 2.5c. We -.vere fortun,iii.> (liiein the Season) to pick up a number of clearin'^ lines -it leas th-m ha'f leauUr piicws. Sue the oOo. Books for 2.5c., tho 9Cc. Il.ioks for 50c., tho fl.OO BookstfotSttc.ete.,. u-. Shop Early I Shop Ear3y!5hop Earlyl Don't loHve yourbuyiii^ of l^brislmas Presents until the l-iat minute. Yon,-u;Mi"' • got ihrt cboicn aid yon won'i ant the a'tontiioi. Pick, yoiir Clli-istinas K-iioUitM out \wv. We will keep theoi safe'y for yojii until Chrisimas Eye if yoii wish, but sliop early â€" in the forenoon if possible. . .,>« â- â€¢ Cons 0! £:aiidy»!liit$ a^d Cable Delicacies Tor Xm^s Get our p. loot: on Oranoo-i, Leiii.iiis, Cr.iiibernea. Layer lliisin.s, Pii'S. Dales, ^'^us, Candles, etc. New Raisins, no-v currant.!, new Peels, ir>«h Cocoa, fre-sh Choo>ilaiu, fresh Iifinx Sui;ars, fresh Bisjiits, frosb Cakes, cboieo Pickles, choice 01iv«», -((ooU Cheese, i;ood Exti-scs. yood Baking Powders, ch.^icu Salmon, Sardines, Lubntlirs,. Canned Meats, Canned Ve:i-.jtabl«8, etc. ' Shop Early! Shop Earlyl From ni'W until after Chiistiinvs we w;ll uatunlly bo very bu-<y, and we have siiir-jl U" paii.s 10 rry and make your shopping both couifortablo, pleas uir. and profitjiUle, liut we would stron.'ly uri-e all thoso who caji^bo shop as early in thj day as p.issililo. By sboppimj in ihe forenoon yoj will 11 it fWily confer a favor 011 u<, but will »ejui.-o for yoursilies much better service and tlian you possibly cm in the aflur- noou rush. So shop early. McFARLAND, STAFFOr^D dc CO was elected wih the Misses Wiiljajiis as librarian and assist-int. At 8 o'clock the annual nicetin.i of the coni/rej/ation was convintJ. The pastor, L. W. Tboin.was aip >inled to the cliair «nd Mr. Gooige Meldruni as SecietHiy. The Trensmers report was (iiien by Mr. Hog^; and wa.< in all its parts tho most s.ilisfacioiy in ihe bist-iry of thochuich. Seveial con- tiilnitoi-s bad left llio district in the pist year and yet he Wius able to reply tha* every cl liin for expenses in eoniectiou with the church hid hcen fully met. There weie inoiieya due f.^r the past year that Could yt-t bo collert. d. It is also nia'ifying to report money cooiribu- to<l for the schemes of the church is consideiably in a.tiaiioo of fojiuer years. The ret riig nnnaopis were re elooied wih tho addition of R ibt. Campbell and R J.H-o;;g wlio tO' k lb.' ulace of oianai^ers who have left the disiiict. Mr Hogg was leeleeii'd as ireasuter .and Air. t,eoij4e .VielJiiiiii IS ponnvneiif church secetary. Miss Hendors ni, teachftr, was appointed ofiianist and Miss Maniy Hogg aifcassist- am. â€" dm. Bcst-FeMamy. portid by hor sister, .Miss Frances, nn.l tho groiiin by .Mr. Clias. Bi-st Tho bride's oos'unae was a cmam silk blo'.iHo and a blue Assyrian clo h skirt, wh lo the bridemaid wore a of blue voilo. The widding pnsonis were vt-i y numer- ous and exceedingly line. The yonm; Couple will reside on tSeit furui ou tho South line, \rleinei.ia. The Advauc* teadvrs warm congiatulaliona. Winter Goods A pre,tiy hOt«>« wedding waiSelebrHted at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Bl'I- lamy on Wodnesliy of l.-.sif w. ok, * ben their d.iugbter, Cora L. uuiu-d in m irri.age to Mr. Oeori/e Beit, eldi-st son I of CounciMoT R. Best of this lovvmship ill presence of 10t> nn-ny guos-B. Titu ceremony was piiformed by Rev. Dr. ; Caldwell, under i.n arcli of iveriiruens docuiatfd wiih »lii'e and red roses and union jtoks. Mrs Wes Bi-een ptaysd the W«ddtng &farch. The biide, wjio was given ttw*y by he? f..lhur, was w\>- All wintr hiru^ss goods now in stock, i nolutl i ng Siiskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhide robes an<l coats, bells, bl.inkcts, whips, etc., haruci^s of all kinds.- . . . Wm. Moore, FLESHERTOm ONTAPviO ' ! ' M '^ F ^ . » ',* ^ -- ; „;.... .ll- S Lai n uu.^- :

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