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Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1905, p. 7

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'/ |».«».v. * i <> l>» * V » »" Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps Uso SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupions are the stme as rnsh because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothi-^g. Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List A gift is of litt'e val-ie if it consists of something you have no ii<e fi^r. In exchange lor Sunlight S^np Pniipons you can get something you nf^d and n<!9 every day. SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS I<«v«r BrotbMrs iUiimltad, Toronto. C»Bad* THE BEST WAV TO WINNIPEG. The Great Northern Kailway Coin- pnny is now runniiitj a iiiuKiiJ-'C'!"'- fourteon-hour night train from St. Vaul to Winnipeg. Thi.s new tram, "The Winnipeg Limite<l, ' is one of the very finest in the Northwest. IL is equipQ^d with the newest and be.'t eompartnienl library obser.ation cars luxiirioysly furnisaed and the comiort of the passenger is cater- ed to in every detaii- This train has already made a name for itscU for running right on Linio and conn'W- tions are made at Winnipeg for a"l points in the Canadian Northwi-st Until this service was instituted the trip was of eighteen to twenty hours duration. It is now passible to reach Winnipeg by way of (.J rand Trunlt to Chicago and North Western to St. Paul in practically the same time as by Canadian I'acilic direct. Thm route pos.sebsos the added interest of a day in either Chicago or St. I'aul, with letis time wasted in day travel! tag. 'ITie uniform excellence of the Granil Trunk service to Chicago is too wen known to need any comment and too nuch cannot be said of the elegance of the equipment of the "Northwes- tern Limited" run by the Chicago and Northwestern Railway between Chicago and St. I'aul. These western roacis can give many a pointer to the older ones in the east in looking after the passengers comiort. ALL IN IT. Bt.'iks â€" "If you're worried so mucn . about your debl.s, why don't you join .i 'don't worry club'?" I Jink.sâ€" "[ did, and found that most of i my creditors belonged to the same club!" I No Al';oliol in It. â€" Alcohol or any â-  otl^nr volatile matter whirh wnuiri im- pair strength by uvuporation does not in any Khape enter into the niannfucturo of Dr. Thomas* lOelectrlc Oil. Nor «lo cliiuiitic chant^CH alTt'Ct it. It is as ser- viceable m tlie Arctic Circle as in the j Tori'nl /-cue, perliaps more u.^eiul in the ' hiKiier latitiiilus. wliere man is more I subject tu colUt; from exposure to tnu eieutcut.s. SURPRISED. "Whnl inlerp.slcd me in my tra- vels,'' snid IlenpecU, "wns the mummy of a tjueen I saw in Eiiypt." "Wonderful, eh'?" asked his friend. "'Yes, it's wonderful how lliey could make a woman dry up and slay that way." The flr' Tonic is " FerroWm." It is ple.-imnt in t^tste nnd contains ^u.t the nourish. oumt and atrength-ijii'int quaiitio . that ars Uduil- ed by those whu are nick and weakly. Daughter â€" "Mamma, if I must write to Mr. Itray about his extor- tionate bill, should 1 say, 'Dear Mr Bray'V" Mamma â€" "Certainly, under the circumstances. °' Ju*t a Word of cantion ; Where the skin ia flestmyed by Imnu ur .-.caUis apply Weaver's Cerate imuiediateiy ; the suuuer the better. POOR, BUT II.\PPY. It i.s belter to hear a biiby crying ia the kilchon tliun to hour^ French poodle barking in Ihe purlor. UtAllDINU TIIK KAIStJt. (lie Berlin Police I'rnclicc a Plan el Cimipaijju. Berlin, flonnany, luis made elaborale nrrang.rtioiils lo suppress uny popular demoii.slriition Hint may be contem- platod against the GoveniiTienl. Owing lo the effecls of the Russian rcvolution.iry iiiovenienl upon the .So- CialtsLs of GeririQiiy, the city has bei'n divided into .square sections, by the organization of which the police could put down crfecluully any altciupt by u mob lo march toward "the Emperor's palace iind lln' Gnvprnmciit ofTloes. The- plan of canipajgri is roheiirsed as often as festive occasions atlnict im- iiiciise crowds to the centre of Boiliii. On such occasions Ihn e.vtrnordiniii'y skill of llie police in disposing of the crowds, which they diive, block by block, out inio the suburbs, has been eointiienlnd upon. One side of racli organized .square is left open, and this is always the side facing Ihe subui'bs, so that the crowd may drift in that direction. In the of a popular uprising, the fourth side of each .square would be left •pen or clo.sed, according to the gravity of the situation. If il became necessary to suppress the rising by the most severe measures, the fourlh side of eiich .square coud le closed, so that Ihe rebels within it would be enclosed within inpcnelrable lines ,.f lire and sleel, and could be .shot down or baycncled In the last man. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Kxlcrcmnatiir <ie- ran(^t!S wonn.s and gives rest to ti»o suUeror. It only costs 25 cunts to try It and be convincucf. Husband â€""Don't you think it would :)n OS well to save tile money for a rainy day'.'" Wife â€" "Good gracious, no! I can't go .shopping on a roiny day.'" Dr. Ajinew's Oinlmcnf Cures Pilps. , Ilching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. Comi- i fort in one application. it cures in three to .six nights. It cures all skin diseases in young and old. A remeily beyond compare, and il never fails. '>5 cents. â€" G3 Lawyer: "I rtnlly hope I don't annoy you with all these queslions'.'" Kair Client: "Not at all. I'm used to il. I have a six-yearH)ld son." SufTor no More. â€" Thcro are thousands wlio live miserable lives bviuuse <i' (jcpsiu dulls thi! faciiltlUH and sliadows eAlstunce with tlic clouil of depression. Oilu way to dispel the vniiors that bi- Bet tlie viciints of this diHor<ler is to 'ji'der them a coiii-se of Piirnielee's Vege- table Pills, which ore among the lic^ vegetable pills known, being ens.v to take and are inoHt eltlcacious in ' their action. A trial of them will prove this. "Well, Fritz, yon got birched in school to-dny?" "'i'es, but it didn't hurt." "But you certainly have been crying?" "Oh, I wanted to let the teacher have a liillo pleaauro out of it." Our Honest if that w> have brought n in" oX^ir"^''^*^''"'"'*' "•'' '""'''''â- " '"'^llio''-^ ""Il materials will permit. r . ';-,^5?.'ol'.9.'^. l^ '""' •* "»STJNCT I.NDIVIDLALITY that lifts it above hue COIMPAItl&iON with oilier brands. THY Tin: nEi) label. tiiO Miy.a.;.g ja !H \ Pedlar's 'Oshawa' STEEL SWngles (.ialrani7:ed nrpaiiiteil. Most durable aoUoconomica! «^Tering fr>r Hoofing or Siding 'or R^5larnce«, Houte.s, Harns. (£levuiar5, SXnrrs, Ch ^iciies* Puult y houses* ur b*). etc.' K3t«ar tj Ufcy ajx'X will i<vit l<>iii;ei' than any '>Uier n tvoring. Cheaper than wood shingles or slate. .N<t oxperiuiu'c iieeosHary. A liauiroer and snipi ^rt* tha only to>ls required. It is Rtimi-hardeuevi bigh grade .-ttoel. .\l9o Co> rus«ccd lrr>n. P.ainled or (UlMMn I «*• in .slieets 9ti iucho i long. Ii«a e i and Embossed C«tilintis. V Crim '«d Cooling, ixm \^\^nA of U-i.'nii^, Siditig and Ceilingi in all (;railH> Th^iiijkads of buildiugs thruu{;li tha Uoinini(»n are curerod with -nxr Hlioet Metal Goods, mjkl:iuf; them FME, W/TER AND LIGHTNING PROOF Heiid in yniir onlor for as many «;tiarea i tOxtO fe«tl as you require to c.^Tor your new or old fauildini;. The ve-y best niofluit lor this.cH.mtte. We can -supply Have Tri>ueh. all sixel. LorruEaied tti PUlti Kound, Conductor . iprs, Sli ee* Elbiiws. ^pik^fi. lubes. We iii-e the larf^e^t cuiiceru <if tile Iciud under (he Qrttisb flag. Uitabliahed 18G1. Capital iiiTestod S2.)0.i)0(l.oo. Write Ta Day for CatalOKae No U R and Froa Samplts. MCNTnEAL, QUE. 7«7 CralK 8t- HEAD office ANi W3R(S, O'TAWA, ONT. I TOReNTO OMT. I VANOOUVIR, B.C. 423 Sueux ttt. I 60 Vange St { •» l>*nd*r St. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. 081AWA. ONTARIO, CANADA* He (ndmlringly): "You're not Ihe .sort of girl to give yourself away." ."She (in- .sinunliiigly): "No, but you might ask falhor." To diKcern and dcel Immediately witn causes and overcome them, ratlicV than to battle with cITccLs uftei- tiio diseaso ha.s setiirerl a loil|;iiiciit. la the clilot aim or tlio iriediial man. and llickle'.s Anti-L'oiisiiiiiptivc .Svru|> is the rehiilt of patient stiidy uIoiik this particular line. At the lirst appearance of a rold the Svru|) will l» fouml a clAcient rcMicdy. un esllnn dcvelopi.ient and bjieedily henliiig tlio nlTected parts, bu that the ailment disappears. FAiwiinLY CARE. "So your daughter is having her voice cullivaled?" "Well," an.';wered the perent, "Ihal's the way her mother and the girl put it. But. belwten you and me, I engaged a profQs.sor in tlie hope of getting .1 cured." Kidney Experlnionling. â€" There's no time for experimenting when you've discovered that you .-n'o a vielim of some one Torm or another of liidney disease. Lay hold of the trealment thai tliou.sands liave pinned llieir faith 1,1 and has cured quickly and periiinn- enily. .SouUi American Kidney Cure stands pro-eminent in Ihe world of medicine as ttic kidney sufferer's tru- est friend.â€" 02 Jack: "I siiy. .lim. why aren't you calling on Jones any more?" Jim: "Don't nsk me. Jack. The reason is a parent." ' Young: Men of Canada AND VOUHO VrOMCN TOO (lota Bl'SINKSS .ir SHOKl'HAND eilucaliim. .Siitliini will pay you mi well, and iinHchuol can ,1(1 fo well for y .u ai the old buccessful CANADA BUSINeS.S COLLEGE OF 11.*. .MILTON. iVe can place 200 -f uur gnuiuate^ in rjoOR ilTt'AllO.N.S duriiiK the incinuiie year. Wo aid it Hiii year and ciiii d.. it ;M;:iin. Thin is the .Id leliablo colleco ..( Caniuia. ostablished <« ye^ni. 'IXi veara under present Over iiwu Krailiiatoa iii>ucco.s«ful buoiiiesi life. Try it. Wiite a. K. GALIAOllKB, PRiNCiru., (.'. U. Oullege, llauiilt<iu, Out V M.y. A. liuildliiKii. A lady writes: "1 wa.i enabled to re- move tile corns, root an;I branch, bv the use of llolluwuy'a Corn Cure.'" Otliers who have tried it have the suiiie experience. Waiterâ€" "Two sniisaces for Hen Hicrhubcr." Lamllord â€" "Onl.v Kivo him one; he is already into.\ic;it«' I, and sees ever.v thing double. " Waiter â€" "I've already seen alter that. V.v ordered four." MUCH WISER. It i.s better to buy a cottage for cash than a mansion on the instal- ment plan. HE GAN ATTEND TO HIS WORK NOW MANITOBA MAN Ci:itED BY DODD'B KIUNKY PILLS. He Echoes a Statement Made by Tliou- sands ol the People o( the I'rairics. Giroux, Man., Dec. 18. â€" (Special). â-  â€"Mr. I'hilias >»ormandeau, a well- known resident of this place, is one i of thousands of Mauitobans whn | ha'vc found relief I'roni the pains and aches of Kidney Disease in Dodd s Kidncv Pills. Mr. Normaiideau is always ready to say a good word for the remedy that brought back his health. "Yes, I can tell you Dodd's Kidnev Pills made a cure of me," ho says. "1 had Kidney Disease for thiee ycai's. At times I got so bad I coulu hordl.v attend to my work. 1 took just five boxes of Dodd's Kiduoy Pills and my pains and aches are uU gone and I can worK as well as un.v- body. To anybody who has trouble with their Kidne.vjt. all I ca'u say is 'use Ootids Kiilne^l'ills,' " Dodd's Kidney Pills always cnro sick Kidneys With well Kidiie.vs you can't, have Bright s Disease, DiaLietes, Dropsy, Hhcumatisni, or any of tho e other fuarftil and fatal that ipring from bick KiUnoya. A Cn.xket of Pearls.â€" Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great solace In the dislienrtened dys- peptic if he would hut test their do- lency. They're veritable gems in pnv venting the scaling of stomach di.sorde;'s b.r ojd'ng and stimulating digestion â€" 60 of these health "pearls" in a hoK, and they US cenls. HocommendeJ by mosl eminenl physicians.â€" 04 A HUMAN COMPASS. Little Jackâ€" "What did papa mean b.Y sa.ving that he wus this captain of this ship?" Ma â€" "Oh! that is only his way of sa.^ ing- that he is the head of the house." ^: I.ittlo -Jack â€" "If pa is eaptf^ij, then what are .vou?" Mu â€" -"Well, I suppose I am the pilot." Little Jackâ€" "Oh, yes; and then I I'C the compass ?" Ma â€" "The Why the cou.- pass'.'" Little .Jackâ€" "Wh.v, the cap»iiiD and pilot arc always boxing the com- pass, you know!" QUICK AT SOMF.THINC). A clerk was dischargod. Ho a&ke.l tho reason. "Yon are so awful slow ao-i.Jt everything-," said his employer. "You do mo an injustice," respond- ed tho clerk. "There is one thing that 1 am not .slo'-; about." "I should bo de'ightod to hear .\o'i name it," sneered the proprio- tcr. "Well." anid the clerk slowly, 'no- bcidy can get tired as quick as I can." RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handKOdie liiu^Lrated treatise, iriv- ing full .ICKcriiitioii c â-  J'houiiiuti.'.iii uiid I'uralysiR, with iiibU'ucliuns l(ii- u com- piult home cure, ilesci-ibiiig tiie mo^t bUcci'.iHIiil tientiiient in tlie world rc- coninieiKied by ino Mini.-ilrv unil endors- ed by medical men. iiiis liichlv in- structive book was wriit-n bv "W, U \cn.i. a K>.'i't!oinan who lias "niado n stuily of these ilisea:,c.s. The preface is by e. irradiiato of the University of Wurtzliurif. Send postnl to-ilay and you wHi r.M-",v,. the book free bv re- turnâ€" AddrcfiH, The Vono Druii Co" oj Kinis St, >Vest. Toiunlo ' " "When a ni.nn has a hir'hday," savs n male pliilii.sonher. "he lakes a dav" off When a \v0141nn has one she takes .n couple of years off." No Reaaonable n«n exnectn to cure a iioelert. »d ccilil 111 a day. but time ami Aliens Xunt? IS.ilsam will overc.inii) tbe culd an.l itavo uh iiisuniptiun. Ci.ush will cea.e and lunira bo ki nuund ai a new dollar. iFARMERS!$ i â€" ? 'I'hiH ia the aea-son u( tho yoar wheu you j ^ tiemt to uw) every precaution with your 7 X st^ck. Uv t'»' inB of our 3 -t S O :)K TONIC ^1 2 "111 otho.' re.ueiliei you have the best W J guarantee t^f iie,Llth to your st.'Ci;. M ^ VaiuAOIa Advics Free ^j INe it iiid become your own veterinary ^ ^ MlfKejii. ^ I The VETERIHARV SPECIALTY CO., LImltod O 1 ijB DU.ViMS ST., lOUO.VTO, O.VI\ ^ Bargain List of Farms mailed free. ALF. BROWN, Oept. K, Picton, Ont; Learn Telegraphy Great opportunities in tho U. S. for Canadians as tele^'mph operators. :',0 t< 5il p. c. hi(,'hi'r salaries. Posilinnsfir all graiiilnles. Send for five catnlnfiue. Del. Tel. & Hy. School, Delroit, Mich. CARPET DYEINQ ^^ ftnd l.*:e«Diiu|. Thli tt k apccikltr wiltl thr *^^* BRITISH AMERICAN DYCINQ OQb Mead parlloulKia toyiKi^L kuit wu arv Mltv to iMZ-itlf •oi >S*. Minlreal. "Our minister gave thi; orftnnisl ii (jreal I'lowing up." "Wliul did Ihe uiganisl duâ€" lesiga?" "No, he gave Ihe organ oue." A KccoRnized Uegulatorâ€" To lirlni; tho diyeslivu ortjnns into syninietricnl work- ing IH the 11, in Ol pll.v..,iciitnN wlicn they and a p.itiont. ^uih-rinff irnm stomachic irrejvulurit "s. and for this iiurposu tliev ran prcscnb i iiothinir Ijotter thnn I'ar- niclee s VoRetublu I'iiis. wliich will bo found a pleu^nnl niedirine of surioi^ virtue Ml lirin^ini; the reiriictorv organs Into sulijcction and restoring ihem li normal action, in winch condition onlN cull lliuy perform their duties properly Talk ia cheap, but don't go to a lawyer with this idea. Father (meditating on chnnKca) â€" "Ah, yes, tho this world jiasselh away ! ' â€" "Indeed, it does, pai want a new hat next we on 4 time's ^ ^ j.vp.ANrcsn: sitri.'vils. The lalest olTicial relurns show (hat there are 19;l.2!)<l .<shrinos and 1fl'.),970 Buddhisl templc."< lhi-out.'hout Jn|)an. in adilillon to 1.M2 Chrislinn chiiri'hes and other p'nces (if worship. The Shi-i- lo and Huildhisl priests numher Si.fss and 73. "70 resnccllvcly. while Ihe riilti is'ers of oilier reli(.'ions are |(),(1W in number, including Ml foreign missioir- orics. Dr. .\(|new's Calarrhal Powder.â€" Rev. W. II. Main, paslnr of the Baplist Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives slr.)'ig Ic-.'^timony for and is a firm believer n Dr. .Agnow's Calarrluil I'.iwilcr. lie li.s tried many kinils of rcmedios wilhiiil avail. ".\ft(M- using Dr. Agnew's Calai-- rhal I'owder I was benefiltcd at once.'' ail' his wnrds. II is a wonderful reui- c-dy. 50 cunts.â€" 65 (R*gl*tercd| Tha Strongast and bsjt $2.75 p&iitB made in C Ji n i *i a. h o a V y wsiKtit, dark j;ray mixture. uianuUc- turod from pure Nora Sc ptla wmd. Thia cloth is kept up to tho higher standard uf exoel- loncofor durablHty by the St. Croix WrtoUftn Mills Co:, Ltd., Newport. N. S. Tho^e panUi ara kept by the loaditi); c1>thicM-:4 tif the l>uti)int<>ii. If ynu canut't rtucuro thorn write I HALIFAX a'ld onrli'i^o $2.7.*i with waist and !e^ meuure forsainple pair, which will lie .,. detirored to you ^<^ p .utage paid anj â-  # wh-ire ill Canada, except the Yukon' "Mr. Mno-er spends a great deal of time with vou, Moll.v," said Mi.sts to Miss KrocI s. "Vcs, but that's all he does sjJond." "Look here! 1 found two stones in tho milk-can yostcrdny!" "I'm not surprised, ma'am. Iho water is very low just now in tho pond whore th» cows drink." ^>m^ tp(QDOfs:m ^KlDNEt Siinlifiht 8o»p is better th«n etSor ni«pt, bnt ia beit when uaed in tbe Sanligh: way. Buy Sunlight Soap aud ioUuw direouoLi. im.SII TYf^ES. Three lypes at least are ob.sorvable in llip Soulh of Ireland â€" tirsl Ihe dark Italian Icnking Celt, also fi;,ind in De- von: .soiontliy, Ihe lull, ycllow-hnired Danish type, and, Ihinlly, the aboriginal .\ryaii of the Volga, willi red or auinirn hair and blue or green eyes, who miiy ho found in Cornwall. The darK atpiilinc type of Wales diffi^rs consider- atly from lh:it of Iho Irish, and Ihe Irish Inngunge is nearer akin lo Cornish than lo Welsh. The Iradilionnl Irish- man of carionlurcs is not ofleu seen in Iho South, though Ihis type is nol iin- kiiowM even among Ihe upper rlns.scs. The .soft features and bright eyes of the modest poa.sanl women present many voriclies of lieauly, and the mingled race of Cork and Kerryâ€" fairer, as a rule than Ihal of Ihe far westâ€" is as vigorous n.s nny in Scotland or in York- , shire,â€" 'Blackwood's Magazine' ' The Gffrc's Produced bv Witrh Haze) when ;oaibiiia,l with Menthol a.-^ louud in "The D A I," Menthol I'lader are trulv magical, it bcinj> a ipecitic for rheninati»in and ueuralj^ia. Customer â€" "And is this chair really an null no piece of furniture'.' ' Deal- er â€" ".'Viil.iqiie, inadam? There's no doubt nbiitit that. Why, it wns so worm-eaten when I bought il, that 1 have hnd to have a now buck, n now .seat, and three new legs iiiudo for it!" Cash or Cure K Shiloh's Contumption Cure faili lo cure your Cold or Cough, you get ImcI: all you paid for il,, You are sure of a Cure or theCath. I( it wasn't • sure cure, ifaii ollet would nol be made. Can anything be faiict > If you have a Cold, Cough, or nny diieate o( the Throat, Lungt or Air Panage*. tty 5HILOH J"3 2$c. per kottle. All dealen ||u>mnt>~; it I.SSLE NO. 51- 0», X *^

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