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Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1905, p. 4

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«> i)ECEMBE» 2Mn05 f II E F L T?. G 11 E E T .N At) V AJv CE ^WWVVWWVW R T.HILL & CO. -^FOR Ti ill A Mammoth Purchase of an English Crockery and China Stock away below market values Selling at 25, 33 1'3 and 50 pen cent. Less tlutn Srieffulan zlrrices. Sal'i l>ee/i this wcele. VVc lia\p just finished placing in stock over one oarloaJ of English Crockery and China in Fancy and S(a|)lt'. line». Ttii§ is part nf thu h:oc1{ of a lariru Enijliah pottery which we succuoiiod in buying away hulow market values. This ia tlie roiiaoii w.) iiro alilo to in iko this cili'jr away Ii-.iIoat th.) r-'/ulur pricos. Ujini^inl"'r â€" All tiist qurtlity Houils andllii:* stason's afiplo and Up-to-date patterns Al' (JKKAT I'lilCE IIEDLCTIONS S^uit and 0«/<3r<) tXJowls 20 doz. Fancy Fruit an I Salad ISuwls, Bellinc at Half I'rice. 300 Fancy Delf Salad or Fruit BowIr. heavy rich enibosbed Colors, beautiful new desij'n-', larfjn ment of colois, rugulur OOc. values. Selliuy f >r. . . .25 ^al^e ^Utes Fancy Caku i'lates at Half IVicO. 12 dozen or 160 Fancy Ciiku Plates in iho heavy, richt nnil)OMsud colorK, largo nHaoitnient of patterns richly stiplcd with g dd, regular selling value .00c, .silli!;^ fur 25 Clips and Saucers 200 dizen Gold Kdge â- iiid Clover Siirin Cups and Saucuis lor 50c. per doz. Jusl Wulf pilcu. 200 dozen best Engli^li Delf Cups and Saucers, with g(dd line and clover leit r'-'corations, best ijUHbty g"(jd», piisiiively cannot be repeated when sold. UeL!- ular price 1.00 |)er doz. Special sale price per dozen 50 c/ca Setts Forty Piece F.iiicy Tea S^'ts seliiii:; for §1 85. 25 Fancy Porcelain Tra Silts, 40 piece** in all, in fancy lloral patli'rns and the followin;.' a.ssi)rtniont of C'd'irw and tim.s, dirk IjIuo, li^iit blucsea groou, brown aud pink, reg. 9150 value, soiling at 185 Elates Tea Plales,Des8ert Platin. Din- ner Plates, 25 ji. c. olf regidar prices. 80 dozen Fancy Decorated Tea Plates in all the leadlnj^ colors, 4 dirt'iTiiil designs and patterns. He^ulitr values 85u. per dozen for na 50 dozen Desert Plates. Hug- ular 1.00 values for pur doz. .78 50 dozen Fancy Decorated din- ner plates, regular 1 25 valu<-s for poi' dozen BS IM FOR TANT Customers will pb'ase remember while w- will only 'bo able to display a part of this largo purchase in the main part of our store, we have op.iied on the second Hat of our stole a new and up-t.i- dale Ciockery Depart nniit where iheso goods are all fully displayed and can be conveniently seen and are so placed for ((Uick soil ni.', BO t)e here early. Can't cmne too quick. As we slid before this oU'er cannot be repeated when sold out. ChambefS Fancy Decorated Cham- bers at one-third less than regular prices, 75 Fancy Chambers in best (juality English Delph, plain gold s'.ipling and fancy liiho- graplied patterns in deep rich . colors Uciiular 70c and 75c. vtt uus sclliiiL ac 4Sc Slid. . . 55 lA/^Hite Delf Cups 20o dozen best quality \Vliii,e Delph Cilps, full siz3, selling without saucers, in p'aiii or wheat pattern. Ktgular value fiOo per doz. Selling ut per dozen, . .38 £<e<ljc*ooxn. Sets Fancy Decorated Bediomn Si'tj* for $1.48 per set, Uegular ?k!.(>0. 30 Fancy Decorated ISedronin Sols in floral patterns and a variety of U'dois, sucJi as blue tiiitji, groe-i tints, liiey tints and pink tints, pieces in all. Regular > die 2.00. Selling at per set , 1.48 84.50 Ucdrooin Set-i in fiint quality Porcelain Delf fort!3.25. 35 tuu-pii'co Hedroinn .Sets in beat ijualiry English Delf, beautiful tinted decorations, gold tintid oral husiii in rose, sweet peas.dainy and P"|'py dccoiatini s HiguUr selling \alue 4 50. Sellmg at per Set. . .."5.25 .Seini-Potcelain Dudmoni Hots in now cream lints, with heavy goM banJ decirati.ins, new design snd shape. Ui'gular Belling value a. 75. Selling at per 10- pieoo set ... 2 85 Fruit; So's^vls 150 Fancy ChinFrmt lliwls, Kegu ar Price Sl.OO selling for (J8e. 150 Fancy China Fruit; l}>wls, in fancy ova) sha|)», turned odues and .Keiillopcd m the daik rich ingrain coloiings, in beautiful tlorai decorations, rt^guL^r valuu fl.OU, soiling for each /.',,!';. ..680. Plates Fancy Uiead plates at ^ of Regular Pilcu. 25 Fancy liicad Plates, iu long oval sh.ipe, fancy cuf, in green, olivo, pnk and lilue tints, heavy gi.ld slip- ling and embroidery, regular SI 2.'), now Belling fur . . Upo Tea Sets 44 piece Enjlish t'ljina Tea Sets l^x $3 65. Ilia I'ea Sets, 44 pieeos, dainty 10 only line llngli^h C'li tloial ilocorationa in pinks, givys, L-reeiis and coinbina- lioii colors. Rigular value 4 75. Selling at per ""â- â€¢^ 3.(ij 44|)ieee Semi Porcelain China Tev Sets for {14.25 ( tine Knglisli Seiiii I'.pnclaiii China Tea S.-ls, enlnely now in style with neat band of gold and clore.l Htripch, in wo.k blue, pea gieen and p nk. U<'giiUr value 5.50. Selling at. per sol 4.26 seo oux* Oijnr&er Sets Sue our sssortment of Diiiiior So'a in Fine Porcelain anil English (;hiiia New decorations and colorings selling at popular prices -5.6i), 7.75, 7,50, 0,75, 13 50, aud 12.60 Id.tiU for 'J7-piece siUs. Sa,l£tdL SoiLATls Fancy Salad 15 iwls for 35e, regular 50c va'ue. Thiuo dozen Fancy Salid Howls, in Semi Porcelain China, with larga r^so decorations, in many eol .rs mlaid with gold, regular 50c value, selling fnr....35o Buttex* Places Fine English China Bu; tor Platis soiling for 75o per d<-zuii. 25 dozen Fancy liutter I'latei, colored decorations, cri'iiped edeos, gold hi;ed, regular value $1.10 per dogt-ii, Boiling for 75o Cream Pitel&ers For 9c. each. 00 only Cream Pitchers in Cream Majolica gold lino decorations, very handy for table use, special each.Oc. f anoy «Ju^s In Many Desiuns and Patterns, Prico<l Losr. Extia value. Paced as follows: each iiOc, 2ac, 30o, 56c,40o and 60 For the cunvenioncu of ishoppers we would ask you to do your shopping as early in tlio day as possible, espuoially for the next three weeks. Shoo early ! Fancy Lamps. Wo are Mhowing a very large range ot Fancy Lamps, populaily priced in a veiy larae variety of siyKs, sel- lii.g as follows; each fl5c, i^l.15, 1,2j, 160, 1.75 »"d 2.00 *mfm MARKPALE mm^^ Paid the One Thousand The Georgian Hay Power Co. paid over to Aitemet'ia township on Fiiduy last the thouaaiid dollars due as per Iheir contract wiih the lownsliip, Mr. O'Donohue and Mr. Keasur were present and ihe latter gehtlenun presented the cheque to Ibo Council. Hoove Itoyd thanked Ihe eoin- pany for ilieir prompt iiayinent which h.nnt on the day it fell due. In connection with tliia deVulopument The Advanct) has been favored with a curst r/ exainiiialioii of the ungiuuur's le- )prtâ€" a most comp'oto thing cover. ng ovury phase of the proposed coiistiuction â€" und fr.iii' this report we learn that the lots! ea'imalud expenditure ou the plant | , will Oaf 248, 181.00. All the properties I dry season, nbuvtt and beto# the falla proper needed J| idne-fool tunnel will be out through % the coim>ai<y have now boea acquired.! '''" ''''^' **'• O'Donohue iufuruu the, This includes everything from Sloan's dam above the falls to Crahaiu's propcity ii; the valley. The main dam will be built at thu old hoop and veneer mill and ai.d will be 42 fott in height and 72 feet long, with a discharge eapiici'y of 200 cubic feet per second. It will be of the Ambcrslim or a typo and luilt of con- crete. The power house iu the valley will a'so be built of concVele and will measure lOU by 60 feet, in which will be iiisuMed 'wo turbine wheels nf the im- |iulse type, capable of developing ICOO horsepower each. The pipe line from dam tu power house will bo made of 64- inch steel tubing, and will he .'iOOO feet in length. Thifti wilt be several largo re- aeivo dams abnve Ihe iiuin dam iu irder to couseive water during the For the pipe line a Advance that It is the purpose of the C'lnpany t.o go ahead with tho cuitini/ of this tunnel during tho pro.sent winterand with the coin|doto develnpiuent early in tliu coining snrinir. As tho wcrk pro- gresses wo wi'l have more to say aboVic it. A Denial. To tho edit ir of Tlio Advanci : Dear Sir- Please allow mo space in your v^uluable paper tu ourreoi' a UUis sialfcinenl made in Mr. Adams' caid to ihu electors. Now, I wish to say to iho ulouiors and others, thai I did not sav to Mr. Adams or to anvonu, that I wi.uld not be in the lield again, either last year, this year, or any other year. lata sur- prised at Mr Adams fur sayini; such a thing. I look him for a man of truth and principle but I find him to be the very rei'erse. Now, as to the letttr he says I sunt him, that statement is a down- right falsehuod. 1 never sent Mr. Adauis a any time or for any purpcss,. •9^ ^MMfai BOYD, HICKLING & CO, ~) â- FLESHERTON, ONT. One_Weel^J]ll_''XiAS" This List Will Help You to Make an Appropriate Selection ii Present.*. Xmas Furs Fill- Cups $ 1 50 to J 8 50 Fm- Rnffa 1 r,() to 12 50 Fni- (lanntlets !! 00 to 5 00 Ciiporiiies 8 50 to 10 .'lO Ciiild-3 Boas 25 to 50 Imitation Gatmllets 50 to 1 50 Fur MuDllcs 27 00 to 45 00 Ftir Coats 17 50 to 45 CO Xmas Gloves Ladies Kid Gloves S 1 00 to § 1 CO Men's Kit) Glovea (SO to 1 50 'tVool Gloves 25 to 50 Children's Mitts 15 to ~ 25 Linens and Novelties Linen Side Board Scarf .. .. $ 25 to $ 1 10 Tray CLtlis Liuen 25 to I 50 Pillow Sliaiua 50 to 1 50 Colored Lnen Covers 50 to '2 25 ]>aina9k Table Napkins 85 to 3 75 Silk L'iftiio or Oigan Drapes. 1 75 to 2 50 Jap Silk Cushion Tops CO to 150 Jap Silk Table Covers 1 50 to 2 50 Drawn VVork Novelties t 15 to 1 50 \it Xmas Handkerchies t and Neckwear v|j Pietuftd riandkeicliiefs . ... 2 for 5c. (K Lace llandkercliiefs • 5c. to '25c. ^ lletn sliicli bilk Iland'cliicf 25 to '?5 Jf> I'uiicy Silk Haiidkei chiefs.. 10 to 1 5-1 J^ Ladies' Silk Waists 2 75 to 8 75 ^ (ieiii's Silk Miiffl.a-s..- 20 to 1 Tf, (P tJenl'ts Silk and Satin Ties. 25 to 5o ?l? Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars... 25 to 75 ?l\ || Fancy Slippers . i yL (Pelt, Carpet and Leather) Jk^ 'il^ Children's 25 to 45 ^ ^ Misses 85 to 50 ^ T: Women's 40 to $1 75 ^ T - Men's 60 to 1 50 ^ •Jit Gup Stoefi of .jSeiv ^-Cmas ^ancy S/iina and cslass' )JL, >& ivane just opened out is the largest and best collection â- Â£ ever shown here. ne want you to ste it/ 4^ f: Prices Range from 5c. to $2.75 % ^ per piece M ^ Berry Setts Epevgnes Opal Novelties Moiiataclre Cups ^ ^ Table Setts Vases WeJgewood ware Cliildiens Mugs ^ DitineV Setts Pioso Uowls Japanese China Painted China 4i* Tea Setts Jardinieres Fancy Cups and Saucers iij Water Setts Placijues Shaving .\1 tigs China Novelties |5 Fancy Fictcbors Porridge Setts Salad Bowls Cake Plates ^^ Bread and Butter Mates ,-^ fuT Fancy Silverware Table Knivea Fancy Table Lam p."!* Jff •i|» Plated Spoon Forks & Knives, (Jawing Setts, Hall and hang'g lamps ^ â- ^\A^v%^s*/^*^ ^«^^^/^l./^t/^a.^^>.-^ M t^-^W ^^;^a:^>^^^^ft; 'j^^ll ^ \ Christmas Treasures ^ All who have not yet puichasfd their Cbnsimas goods should call 4 in this week and see tho display of goods which we have to offer, suit- able for the Clnistmas season. We have a tablo of neckwear aud fancy goods which is worth examining. Let us (luote a few things. HANDKERCHIEFS. 1 GLOVES! GLOVES! Linen handkerchiefs, ladies line em- ( Ladie.s KnitU'd Uiiiuwood Gloves broidered, from 5o. to. . ' 25c. , range in [iriee from 25c. to. . . . 60c. Gentlemen's line:i handkerchiefs, I '^" *""' Cashmere Gloves from 26o. from oc. to 26o. \^'' 60c. Gents' woid glovei 25c. to . . . 40c. Ladica' gauntlei.s, various stylea .and colors, from 75o. to 6.00 Ladies silk haudkercnuf froic I'lc, to- •. . .Xi. ... 7oc, Oeuts'silk handkerchiefs from 10c. •o 75o Scarfs and Mufflers. ' Geiit» scarfs in Ladies Chiffon Collars. < go"od7, h-^.m oOo t'..' Anixtrahne rHnye.from 2oc to 1.00\\Vay's Muffler* fioii variety ; ;•> >in 35o . beautiful 1.25 to.... 75c. QENTS* NFCKWB/VR. In Oents' neckwear we have a choice ranae from 2.5o. t" 66c. *"*"' FUR QAknENTS. Caporiuea, Coats, Ruffs and Stolea at all prices. Oome in and see them • i F. Q. Karstedt, Flfcsherton. > i » > I « •V j ^ •I 1 I 4 ' i < • I « •I* i ' I ^ 'A. •'r

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