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Flesherton Advance, 21 Dec 1905, p. 1

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yksljtrtmi Jlteana. jTw jr. m "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLE b NOT MEN." Si' . ^' : • I £ VOL XXIy, so I24o Flestiertoii., Ont. Thursday Decernbei 21 lOOfS W. H THURSTON, I^Setok Xmas Approaches When thiiikiii" "ver your w»iit9 for tin ciiiiiiiig fi"8ti»e aea*<iri do irnt forsfft that wo carry ii veiy Kige HO'ck of novelties suinit'le for (jifts. Tick Galore n^eks is great varietyâ€" Watcbes c( niiikeu ami Btyk-s. many Wedding Rings And othen*. frum. A K|>lcndid variety to cboow Louk uyur uur stock. W. A. Armstrong THE FLESHERTON JEWELER K" Industrial Home Notes j p (By an Inmatt) ^ IiiieiiUfd for loot week . Mr. Editorâ€" Should ihese items bo loo late for this week's issue it is liecuusu your scrilie iia.s been pretty severely uodcr tlie weaihei fur some d:>ys pa.<t, anU evun now hia jiBDcil appears t-> be iuadeiiuiite iis task, bowever a sirBiiu-ius iri will be made to [itocecd. Ak the news IS getting scar':;* iho nearer we approach I he festive tettsoii, it is not likely that I slinll be al>le to gather another budget bctore that pcrioo, so we take this oppor- tunity of wishing ya editor, his fiiiuily, hii) tiiaJti'. hiaaubiu;ribeC4 and uot^ suUttvrib- er* a vory lueriy Chriatinas and llio uioat happy and prosperous ne* yoartliey ever experieticeu on tliis terroptrial ball, and we fuiiher truit that that a larue number nun-subscnbei'S will hand in their doUur and add tbeit uiimo to the iiub-cr:piion lihC un<t beip to make their eleail and spicy local uue of lliJ" luadiuij papors in tno county. jlr. Harness f,peut three or four days in llio luijjiKii-.'liood of his o|J in Derby township and returned on -Sal- liT-lay evening. Hariy U. returned to l>weu ijouiid ihesiiiiie uay. Ue had been eiuaged the jirevioua two wofks with a touple of hii euiployers, tlie Messrs. Chiistie, on some )voik In Markdile. iMisa Robinson of the siaif ihoui<hi she Would be able lo spend Xiiiiui at home, Uow she is pretiy sure sne wo.i'i, sorry iiuleed, for Ur. Vor will be unUcf the IKcessiiy of briu^iog his Sallta 'Jl.ijs lu ;>iaikUale. Uur t^on al aud hi«hly cstceinod M L. A.. 1. ii- Lucas Esi{ , IViarKuale. nc^oni paoied by JuJjjo iViduUuiU of Uwen isouiid, w,is a viMtor at the Jtlouiu on Thuiotiay last, and haJ a pleasant and triiiidly chat with your sitriue. Liirii'u numbers »tiil continue b> attund our Sunday services, wh.i:h is eviueiRc tiiiil the interest la uot on the wane. Your scribe dewiris to wish his many fruiids and i.eii«hbor.s in ilieS'.-OMe Sclllu- ineiit and neiKliliouiii; locility, also ihoso at Ceyli^n anU Kiesliertoii, a very pleasant " and enjoyable Xmas aud a happy and prosptious New Yoar. Mr. McCallum of Boi.s evain, Man., *^i»«..>«>prtiiioU ny his biide, Uee M'ssSim luoi.s ol Matki:»le, paid a visit to the Home on I'liuisday. We extuuiji conj^rat- ulatiolis to tlio >ounK couple, » idling ilieni a suiootli, hapi^.y anU pro8pe:ons journey tliiouj^h lite, uiid we iiust they ilid not come to spy out (|U»i ters for a home at any fuiuru period ol their iud existence. EKKenia B rn â€" At Salem, Dec. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pedlar, a son. Mr. Gooii?iJ Gordon met wi'h an acci- dent by falliii:^ olf his sleit4h while hauling wood fnnu the liu»h. Mis. U. Purvis has been very ill for the pist week. Mixs Ma|,'i{ie ,\rrnstrong has retnrned ff»>m viaitinsj friends at Credit Forks. Edgar Johnson of the Bell Telephone Co is visi'.in!; with his mother. Artemesia Cbuncil ArU-mesii toWDship council met on Friday laat to wind up the year's busi- ness. Memliersall present, the reve in the chair. Misute^ of last session read and conlirmed._ The followms; commu- nicationa v^rv read : Manui^er county house of refuK«, re Robert Smith, an iiimats ; .1. C Wright, re unperformed statute labor, 190Gw. Mr. Reesor. on bo- half of the Q««r^:Kn Bay Power Co. McFarland, Stafford & Cos. Big Store ai.A.r?KDy-VLK, ONXAl<IO MissGo'idon of Shell»ur.u,i« Yisiting her | ^'"f^*^ '" '^heipie of 81000, payment duo niece, Micui AUce'Gordon. Don't miss the best entertainment M the season cm rhursdiiy eveniii>;, Dec. 12, in the Presbyterian chuich. ttiiuberi«y Grey Couuty's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE SANTA CLAU5 Mr. Charles Grjhf.m of Guelph is visiting i friends here. j J. E. II ammnnd, who i.i _{ittciidinK model ; sckofll in HamUton, is holidaying at his par- \ eiital lioiue Ueae. f We are nleaaed to learn that Mrs. George ; Proctoi, who ha'! been on the aick list far sotue ' time i« steadily improvisg uu<ler the skilful care of Dr. Siiulti« of Heathcute. Miss \Liry Hiitcluosou is visiting friends in , Heathcote. F. H. Goff of Clarksbui g occupied the pul- ' pit of the Uniou church here ou Sunday even- i be paid S'i • last. und.-r agreement. V. AlcKeiizie-Carsimâ€" That W. McMuI- len be refur.ded 8$ cents on account of an error in »ch')6l debenture rate charged to him. Carried, i Best â€" Carson â€" That Thomas White be paid S5.50 for painting bridge at EJoyd's mill as per contracr- in IWi. Carried. Carsou â€" McKenxieâ€" That the follow- ing accounts be paid : Bell Telephone Co. $1.60, W. A. Arms'ronii preparing stateiueut 310.00,-cash book gCi, e.xpres«; 40c. Carried. McK.eB3ie â€" Best â€" That the following accounts for niavel furnished overseers bo paid: John Haney S2 25, Goo. .Moore $8.80, John Teeter S3 "5. Cairied. Purvis â€" Best â€" That James .\riii.stroni; bein>» sraiutf labor cbarsjel Has been on bis annual Ti.sit to this store and every depart- ment' is now bristling with Chri.^tmas novelties. We have ti> double the space of our boy department this year, and as a result there are things to be seen here that will make the children's eyes sparkle with glee, and recall to fond fathers and mothers thoughts of their happy Santa Claus days. Coys! Coys! Coys! Almost every kind known, from the liftlo .V; articles to the moro instructiro devices and Mechanical Toys for the amusement of (ho larger boys. ngli , Niss Norina McMullcn of Eugenia spent ; (..f^^j dj,, «.„rk • :dso that . Ion lot 32, con. 11. im>5, he having per- D^jlg | Q^Hg j fJ^Uj J „,.,„„„ „.,, „ „ „ C. Wriiilit Sunday with friends here and was Ihc guest of ; , i a- i . ^ , .r . i i. .. .. .r ........I ' Mr and Mrn. 1{. J. Stuart. , '"-• P'"^ .«» '"^,';^â- "f ^ , ^'^"' '-'"^f"""^'! Mr. l^.uis VViikeim of Bulton viaited at "" '•»♦» 1»7 to 190, } &. W , he having Mr. George HutchiiS.h"s last week. pelfoiTUed lhi» same in ditching as curti- We undcrsUud IjJKt Mr. .f. R. Fawcett hi» j tied by Mr. Bast. CaiTied McKeiizieâ€" Carsonâ€" That the foUowinj;. accounts be paid : W. V, Richardson, iiledi'-'ine for iiidiuent on order of Board been appointe(fSi.rtstice of the Peace. The llolineKa Workers si>ciBtv will hold an] .â- ill day meeting in the I'nion church hero iin WeduesUay, Jan. 3. Kvery sort of Dolls fr the deliuht nf the little girls. Bia Dolln, Little D"ll», kid body Dolls, rag Di>ll3, sleepiiii; Dolls, talking Dolls, handsomtdy dre.ssed Dolls, and Dolls that are almost ashamed of fheir value â€" they are marked to sell at such little pr ces. f*o« them and set the pick. By buying early you will save a lat nf worry on ChrLotmas Eve. Markdale Methodist Church Burned The Methodist Church at Markdale was completely destroyed by tiro at 6 o'clock Friday moruaiif, supposed to have oiiginated from the furnace in the liase- mei.t. The cliuich was built tifteen years be pa4^ $S for caiiinu for Uiiiert Scott, an ai;i>, and the anniversary services were to I indijeiit, and icmiiviiii! him ti iho iii- be htild »o -i»ui.<»y last.. R«r. A 8>' J.^ .luMrial nonur: ''(Wfrcd of Health, ijjc ; W.ll. Thurston, balance of printing audi" advertisiiig coniract. ^ *20.70 ;aiid yi^eJnWiers of local iJoanlj of Heath f if^istyyjicBa as follows : M. ' Ri ev S3, Dr. Ortewell !?4, S. W. Slo.n «2, .1 Boydi^2.i, W. J. Bellamy S3. CrriOil. 1 McKenzieâ€" Carson-' Tliat Fred Boland i Books I Books ! Books i Hund"eds of Books for boys and t(ir!s Our oollention of books for Christmai emhraces nearlv everytli'nc; to l>e had m picture and story books. Books mo all well hi>un(l and the illustrations and quality of paper are better than yu wouH expect nf: the prices. Hundreds of Books at 5c.j lOc, liic. ,20c. and 25c. Wo were fortunate (late in t he season) fo pick up a number of clearing lines at less than half rcunlar prices. Seo the 50c. Books for 2.'.c., the i>Cc. Books for .iOc, the 81.00 Books for ()9c.,etc.,eto. of I ho Obristittii Guardia Carsonâ€" Purvis - liood, editor nas lu preach. Too much headway had , Euchm, Wright A; been secured by the Hanies bet'iro they ser i; 8. §14 D8, ' Shop- Early I Shop EarJylShop Early! Thar the account of j Ml Anile le'jal for : be paid. Ca> ried. ' weio noticed and nothing could be done j McRenz e â€" Purvis -That the report towaul savii.g the building or Contents, , of Mr. Bast ouward expenditure now, and all ifforis we:e din cted owatd sav- 1 pri sooted lie received, and th^it he be iiig theonistanding biitlJings. The town paid bM toinirission on ?315 expended, has i;o lire protection whatever. Tlmif31 50 ; also $7 lS,comin'ssii>n on S71.<>0 i .â- Â«.i. .axvi.irhai • «v«* lo.ts wid be about $3,U<X) aud iHsttnrnce i special expenditure m his ward. Caiiied. ^ 'C^])5 0f $Sdn(iy»nUt$ dtlU ^dPiC UCilCaCICS fOP Xilii^'iS , Pon't leave vonrbnying nf Chri,-;tmas Prt'ients until the N«t minute. Yoii don''' (tet the, r>tioicB ai.d yon Won't get the attention. Pick your Christmas Novelties out; now. We will keep them safely for you until Christinas Eve if you wish, but shop ' aarly â€" in the forenoon if possible. ?7,0lJO. Fiiicllay--Hanley An exceedinuly pretty wedding was foletnnized at the home vd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Llanley, 8lh line, .Artemesia, on Wednesday eveninsr, Dec. 0, when th ir eldest daughter, Mary .\iina, waa united in inairiiU4o to Lieut. A. O Fiiidley of Kendal, Got. The cureinonv was coii- ductoil by Uev Mr. Wa.>i» of Eugenia, under an eveii;ieeii arch draped with while silk and white roses, while Findloy ol Coll ngwood played ihe Wed- ding iMafdl. The bride, who was giieii iway by her father, bmkrd handsome in a gown of white t iinatiiu! liilk trimmed with allov'sr sbk lace ami vaiencieniles lacP, wearing a veil of lulle and orange lilossouiN ami carrying a beaniiful shower bouipiet of wl.iie^. Mi.^^s Elliott of Markdale, cousin of the bii le, whoaded as bride.siii.ii(l, wore a pale blue ciepo de â- "' "' and Mr. 1 The gold the j p.'arl Mra. J. I. Oral-ain and Mm. Robert Bn- eh.iD.'Ui attended the Institute meetings at liiielph last >veok, the former !is delegate fvoni thii district luid the latter a dilegata from the Wiinien'a Institute here. We nndei'.staiid they hail a very pleasant triv>. Mr. .1. I. Graham accompanied them. Mrs. Devin at'^tnded the tJranrl Division meeting of the 3- O. T. held inTnonto, Mr. Robert Hiituliiiison, »b.) baa been in B.itish Colmiibi.^, retunied last wtck. He has just recovered from an attack of typhoid fever. Sarah Jiihiison of Miuuio Hill school, is home f<»r the holidays. Miss Florence Hunt of Markdale sjient Sun- d.iy with Miss ItoLmd. Mr. anil Mi-a Ycddel of ^ockly" ap^^t^""' day at Mr. Vriteliard'.', 'the Sunday school .anniversary sorvioea held here on Sunday were fairly well attended, the afteriHKin" nervico e«i)cci»lly, when a number of thu teachers gave short a<UlreRso«, fiiiloived by a very interesting address to the children ti'y tlie |<iutti>r, l>r. Caldwell. Sub- ject : Boer. Mr. Aithur .Johnson returnwl froinOuelph (in .\binday, wiiere ho had been attending the fat stock show, ch no dress irinimed «ith ciiifl' carried a boinpiet of l>ink groom was supported by bis nephew, A. O. Fiiiul.7 of Owen S.iund. gro 'm's pioseut to the brido waa a brooch »iili amethyst seitin.', to bridesmaid a gold brooch with .setiing, to the (iroomsman a Stick pin with diamond selling aud to ih'' a liold bracelet. The youi.g couple Were ihe leci^iouts of rainy valuable and costly presents, i>liowin>2 their popubuity in the â-ºicinity. After ihe ceremony the dejeuner was served, when Mr. J, W. Wadsworlh of Toronto .Juiictioii toas'cd the groom and was as.'ii.^t' d by over _ 100 Kuusis present siuuing " For he's a j-'lly aood fo.low" A very enjoyable evenini; was spent at whi'ih the KotiinBon Bros, of Maxwell furnished the muse, by Mr. W. S. Perkins of Markdale gave a comet selection. The bride's I ravelling suit was of brown with brown velvet hat and white plutms. iVlr. and Mrs l-indley took the 7. 47 irain at FIcshertoii on .vioiiday mo nnig. Doc. 11, and ai rived ho.ou at Kendall the same evening, whore a hearty roL'op'iou May their new l> j Purvisâ€" Best- That the reort of Mr. McKenaiM mi ward iixij>iidilure be re- I oeived and he be paid balnncu of coinmis sion. Ss5.47, a'so one day wnh "rader, $1 50, aod cOiiiuiitteo woik $1. 15,st- I'uivisâ€" T^iat therepoitof .Mr. Carson on ward e.xpi'ndttnre he received and be be paid butauui* of coiuiiiissioii, iilG.80. Cairied .McKei zte~Carsonâ€" That the report j of Mr. Purvis on ward exuundiiure bo j received ai d he ''U paid Ixtiaice of cooij niissiuii ou money so expended, SS, also; 83 for senices on bridge, coll. (i, lot 2U. ; Carried. j liest â€" Carson- That tie reeve bo paid , the fullowin'.j coinmissions : On Soiitli: Line bridge S.Jl>, Baiuion's bridge S-5, I lii'.'s bridge S?, valley road expenditure! $iXW. Cariied. .McKeiizie- Cirsi 111 -That the caretaker of hall be paid S13 for wood for hall and services as caretaker to date. Carried. Pur>is - Bestâ€" rhat the tieorgian Bay; Power Co. be and are hereby granted | perinis.iion for the purpose of lliiir iJnm j f Im J to Hood 'hat part of lukeruiann street io Get imr piiceK on Oranges, Leinon.i, Cranberries, Layer Raisins, Fii'S, Dates, Xuto, Candies, etc. New Rjtisins, now currants, new Peels, frsnh Cocoa, Chocolate, fresh Icing Sugars, fresh Bis:!'iils, fresh Cakes, choico Pickles, choice Olives, good Cheese, Bood Extracts, t'ood Baking Powders, ch'>ico Salmon, Sardines, Ltibst«rs, Canned Meats, Canned Vegetables, etc. Shop Early! Shop Early! From now until af'er Cbrist; wo will naturally bo very busy, and we have s;)nred no pains to try and make your shopping both comfortable, pleasant, and profitable, lint wo wou'd stioiii;iy urue a!l thixe who can, to shop as early in the day as pos,sible. By shopping in the forenoon yo.i will n 't only confer a favor on us, but will .secure for yourselves iiiiicli bettec service and altenlion than you possibly can in the after- noon rush. So shop early. McFAKLvAND, BTAFFOI^O cSc CO Eugenia wbeie s.iid street crosses Beaver' rivei t,-) a heixhl no; exceeding the level j of East street, and that a bylaw bo pre- j pared to be p issi d at next iiieutiiig of j council for tlmiiuipise. Caaicd. I Purvis â€" Bestâ€" 'that Thomas Butler's i re(| to have base line at lots 13.'} to i;*ii, con 3 S. A'., chopped out four rods wide, b« referred to Mr. Carson to report upon. Cariied. Liest â€" Puivisâ€" Tint on account of the in the .lystein of ruiiiiiiig thoj county house of rifuio, and the county, coUticd has requested the a.ssigiiiiient of, Uobert Smith's agreement witli Leslie! Elliott, resolved that this council transfer the agroeinent ai wqueftcd togcihi r » ilh j asshted I •»" moneys and assets on his accouiit in ; who ! the troa.surei 'a hands, less amoanlTi-i full of the tcniiship's expenses on his account ! Cariied. ' ' MoKonzioâ€" Bust-That D.McCortuick, collector Div. 1, having returned his roll, be paid bia sala'y, >2l), and as collectors in divisions 2,3and 4 11 't. having relurmd their r<dl» as reipiired by law, it is resolved that said ci)llecri)i s l)0 and are hereby and col- _^ . , ,, _^ in nianiier .»^d -jtwith 1 bo powers provided by law up to ' Hie 20tb iiist, but uothiiig 111 this resolii- S una men ware eiigjg -d dii/giig a well tioii shall aber or alloct the duty of said on the farm of James Cr«i ;, jr., Arran. collectors to return tbeir rolls i-r in any SV h«in It was 33 feet dee>,whi:e ihe w k- Way atfect or ii.val date tho said collectors' ers were in at broakkf.iit a sp of a'o^ties. Carrie*!, water broke. ur,tillo.lfhe woll,ovoid,..ved Mclv'ii7,ieâ€" Carson -Thar in vicv of at the top,ano keopi run.iijig a contiuous the proximity â-  f sniil'pox to this niuiiio;- stresni. Such a flow of will ivdd WOOO to pality all residentj^of the township ate V»'uo of t'le fftriu, â- ' and use every just niMiiis in their p to prevcui the inception and spread of the disease. Carried. Purvisâ€" C.nrsonâ€" That llio 'hanks of llie members of this Hoard aiB hereby tendered the reeve, J. A. Boyd, Esip, fi)r ih« able and imparnal m.uiner in which ho has discharged ihe onerous duties of the ilHce during the jiii-st year. This resolution was put by Mr. McKeiizio and carried unanimously. Counc.l aJjouinod. awaited theiu. May their new bowe , forever bo of happ.iiesaland fclicitf una, auihocized lo coirmuu the levy K< ideu stream. 1 Ie<»»on of unpaid taxes â- - â- â- " itai urged to e.%ercise SI dibgence and caution A case from Euphrasia tried nt the last non-jury sittings in Owon Sound was that of Clark vs. CUrk. Justice IJritton, who tried the, has now niven jud»;eineiit. The parties are faHier and son and live in the township of Eunhrtsia- The action was brought by thu father to set aside an acreeinenl by which he agieed to give his son, reserving part: o' t he h'Use and earden, and to r^coiv*^ Stl25 a jear for ll e kiipport of hinisul' and his wifo. Matters went on smoothly until the son married, i>nd then trouble b ^an, eulininiiting in hreiikirg up the old man's f .niily. The agroenuiit was attacke I ou the un^und of betU'.; improv- ident and made by the (d"l ill m v: tliout properly understanding it and witlnmt indepondenl advice. The j idgimnl sets aside the aur^ement, urderini.' t e .son to d. liver up po«.seasion of the f^»i and iinp'ei-ieiits by the 1st of April iiCXt, aud to pay S125,occup>t;on ri'ni and thu costs. N. F". Paterson. R. 0. ^if Tncuer and Patorsoo) f -r plaint'ff. and I. B. Lucas, (ol Lucts, Wright «&Mc.Arfle) for doftud ant. Tbe Council of t!ic village of Crcemoro followed th.j lead of Artemesia council aud ignored the petition of 95 ratupnyers asking to have the bylaw submitted, against a counter petition cmitnining t^nly 32 names. .\ writer in the Star says . The Cwir of Russia conM not be a greater autocrat thjin that. The only plea that these members of the council put forth fm- their notion was that prohibitory measures created lawlessness. If this lawlessnesa was on the part of toinperanco men then their arguement wou'd hold good, but if th» linuiir tralilo is responsi- ble for the making of lawh'ss citizens out of law abiding one.i, then iho argument is in favor of looal option, becnu^io th« soon- er that a factory rocoiviug nur boys .rs raw material and turning them out inr, > t'lat of citizens is suppressed the better. If ytm. youf friends or relrfl^s suflTcr with FUs Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, writ? for n trial bottle and vaUmblo trcaii"\e on siicli diseases toTHitLKinia Co.. ijn King Sitcct, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggi'ils sell or can obtain for yoa LEIBIG'SFITCURE

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