GOING FROM BAB TO WORSE Revolutionary Agents Report Success in South Eussia. GOlN'f! FKOM »A1> 1 WOUSK. LoihIom. Dir. 11.â€" A St. l'.>U>-s- biirg il. 81)81011 to tho Duil.v Mui", sont liy V. ay ni Mydtkuliiit'ii, Siiiul;.;/, Kuys tlinl livo MiiiistiM s, including (.'oiiiil Wiltc ami .M. Duniovo, Min- i.std- of till- liilerior, re(|iirstcil tli'? Czar to accor't tlioir ivslgmitions. llis Maji'Sly rofUKfd. The ro\ i)luiloiiists, it is declared, uill shortly pro'jiniin t heiiischi's thi» octiiiK (Joviriimcnt. Tliuy will d • vido Hiissia r()U>;lily into a (huusank flc'<torul (tistritts. Sleainvhilo < ho flovi rjitn-iil foars lo net with xi^Di', only aiTistiiiK a few leaders and lii>- eratiiig thi ni the iicxt day. '!''>• Strike Coinniittei' eoiitinues its t<"r- rorimn. It renders tlir> life of "Idaek- lof^s" intolerulilo, heating and killing them on the slreots. t.'ossaeks who intervened to-day were put lo lli'jfh'. hy a shower of bomb-cases conta ii- in^: messages slating that loarto.! bondis would follow. The stale of tho army grows worse ilaily. Sixteen thousand nifti of tho garri- Boii at Khurkoir haxe mutinied. The leading eoluuuis of the Manrhuri:i'i army, whirh have just arrived at Moscow, are inulinous and have bec-ii •lisarnied. The whole l'2lh Nav-»l Haltalion has heea hurried lo tron- stadt inider a guard of 4,01)0 troops Some of the IHtli Hattalion of the Hlh Naval Corps hape also been con- veyed to Croustadl. where tlie forts contain 7,000 naval mutineers, dis armed, but doliant. The Ministry <.( Marine has decided to abolish ul'. luival harraeks in St. Peleishurg. 'I'he Ifevolutionary i-.'ommit tec has published an annnunec'ment iliat all are well organized for tho (ast bloody struggle against the Coverrnnenl. \ hundrtMl thousanil of the belter cIus.h of UussI ins have lied abroad in the last ten days. The woi-sl feature »if the situation is the eVer-growing vio- lence of the agrarian outrages. In a despatch sent from SI. IVter?-.- burg Saturday, thu St. Petersburg corrispondeni of tlio Tel. graph says that the telegraph niid postal stril;n really ended mi that day. The oil"- rials reti.rne<l on lerriis didaled bv tho llovernmeiil . The autlioi ii ies are tiglileifing the reins of (Jovermnont. 'i'hc telegraj)li strike "is ended. The St. I'elersburL; e.irres|)ondenl of the Morning I'.ist. in a despatch ilatcd .Saturday, says the t'zar has issued a sigMiliciint order expressiu!; thanks to the Cossack forces for their sell-sacridcing, untiring and loyal .services to himself and the country, not only at the tlii'atro of war, but in upholding oider in the interior of the empire. forlresH in the ('nucasos, who wc;e convicted by a court-nuu tial. Their comrades comniunicaled with tho I'nion of Unions, which notilied the fJoveninient Unit unless tho sentence was wilh-drawn a gi-neral railroad Btiil.e would be called. This threat CXI met I'd the announcement on Kri- oay that the Minister of War refused to ronlirm the sentence. Strikes have begun on the railway belwwn Kursk and Kharkoft and S(!l)astopol and tlio line from Kielli to I'ollava. The inland telegraph line wax opon- cd on Wednesday. A cordon i>f sold- iers with fixed baj oncts held the of- fice. Messages were accopted for only a few towns. It iB iUustrativo of tile Hussion character that a mi- jorit.v of tho mes.sages were felicit.i- tions addressed to bearers of thj Christian naiiio of Catherine. A meeting of jjostnl rniplo.ves, which was arranged for Wednesday afternoon , was prevented by placing two battalions of infantry and two sotnins of Cossacks around the meet- ing |)lnce. Some young relatives of highly- placed tchinovniks 'Governmont em- Iployes) atteniined to distribute let- 1 ters in a fashionable (juarter of the I city. They included youths from the I Imperial Tag. s" School and the I young (laughters of Ihe heads of I (iovernmeiit departments. Tliey worj not molested, but tho elTeet of their ; Work was not appreciable. The city is still without mails. STIIIKK l.K.VDKU AHUV.STKD. A rlespat<li from .St. I'etersbiii l^ Hajs:â€" The C/ar and Count Witte have samtioned a slej> which the re Volulioni-.ts fo.esaw. I'resideiii, Khronstalefl', of the K\eciitive Com- mit too of the workm.iis dclegat.'":. and Several other meinbi rs of the coniinitlee were arrested on SuiidTV afleitiooii al Hie house wh' re th.'V Were meeting. The other nieml.cTS Bi'i) already coimiiunicat ing v\ilh the llailwa.\ men's I'nion fur the puipis' of bringing about a general strike l.'ount Witlo's (leliiilte adoi'tioti o' a repressl\o policy has n|)parentlv onl.v inlensilieil popular synipaiby with till' strikers, who are recoi\iiig added subscriptions to their fiindK. UKFUSlCn TO I'lKF.. A despatch from Warsaw sa.ys: â€" The ferment among the troops is Irt- rreaslng. A hiinilred soldiers of tlaM Kexholni KegiinenI headed a proces- j hloii en Siincloy nioruing singing re- 1 M>lulii)iiary song's. In Murssalto-i| Street Ihilr way was luiireil b.v n ilotachment of ihe (licii-howsKl ll.gi- i ment, the coiiimiander of wliicli orlei- ed his men lo lire. The Kolilii rs ,•«-' fused to do so, ami perinltled the |)rocesKion lo pass. The cmninaii<l-{ ing officer then lied. I â- A rumor is current that the -iVliolo ' garrison of llm Wnisaw citadel bos mutinied. It is impossible lo verify ' the rumor, as Ihe uulhorUlcs refuse admission to the forticss. 'HIOOI'.S HKADV TO IllHi'.. A denpalch frmn St. relersbiirg HOys:â€" A meeting was held hero tin Friday by thu Social Uivolui ionaiy ; imrty. Agents of the party who ar rl\ed front the south, loported that the troops were ready lo rise, and were only awaiting the sIkiuiI from Ht. retersburg. The Nonoo D.n ism, ! A levoliit ionary paper, published de Rpalclies conlirniing these report h, which it received from telegraph oI>- ^ tirulorN, who r<>lused to ghe (hem lo tho n< vernmeiit. These despatches Ktale Ihnt thu port of NovorosslsU, • on the east count of the lihick Sea,! in controUeil by mutinous soliliers, | who are muliilaliiiiig order. Thi-y nre| asking tho woikinen lo join tlu'in. ' Mutinous Irnnpsal Catheriiiodar in ' thu ('auca«u8. linvo seized Hie ar.suii-' nl anil 10,000 rilles. They aro «ll8- trlbiiling the nrnis to the workmen there and nt NoVoroKHliik. .\ similar rising has bcgnii at Sebastniiol. ! The nervousness of the Minislr.v of War is iiidicateil by the aiiniiliiient of (he Sentence of ileatli passed upiei , (hree leailers of the strike of the i ingineora cmpluyvU »u tiM Voutu^ ' rKMI'OHAHY PKACK. 'I'lie Odessa correspondent o( ! Ii" London 'i'lnies tele^iraphs to-night:â€" "Kverythiiig is at a standstill and business is paralyzed for want oi means of coninrinicat ion. The striV.e e|iii)emic is spreading lo the oddest circles, infringing; eviu ui>on thewor'; of chambermaids, scullions and hou.ie porters. .ludgii^ from I bo policy <' the local papers, whicli togeth-r with th(! revolutionnry pamphlets, are the sole pilot of public o|>iiiion. all classes are to be incited to bay P.t the moon. The course of the biireau- crucy was ruled by circulars and tho honest en'leavors of tho l'ro<r' ssives will be tliwurled b.v the circulars aie! pumphlet.s of tho extremists which promise tile imiiossible or urge t M ignorant classes to demand it. HAIT I'OIl SOLDIIOUS. Tho barracks in southern Uussia ore now inundated witli leallcts sign.'d by the War Depurlmeiil of the It'i- voliitiouary I'onimil tee. promising the army, if it ellect a rev,-liition, .i status uiui emoluments opposed lo reason and iinpriiclieuble in any dis- ciplined force. It is probable thu'. tliis exubiianco w ilr defeat its ow i ends, but the circtiluiion of such |)omphlets does not allay thu feais hcio which are exceedingly acute. 1{KKI]0KK.S TO AMKltlCA. Tlio \ icnua corrospondenl of The Times telegraphs on Friday; â€" "The I'ulisii journals stale that 10,000 UiiKsiau refugees are now seeking an usjluiii in I'racuw. The .lewisb (jim - ler is overcrowded and committees are pieiiariig lu forward many of the newcomers lo 1 iii:lan<l and Am- erica. WOAtK.V AS POSTAL Cl.KUKS, A desl'utcli from St. I'otirsourg sa.\s: â€" Tile atlenipl of the aristocr.ils lo aid the tioveriimeiiL in carryia,' on ll.o postal Service in Iho fashio i- abie (|Uurter of the capital continues. A number of titled and oilier high- borii women are assisting under the IcndershJii of the Duchess of Louch- leiibiirg. Her coailjutors iiicliido Unroness Frederics, wil,^ of the well known Minister of tho liu|>erial House; I'rincess Oiirussolf and I'rin- ccss Troubel/.koi. Tliey drive to llio central post oHic*> in pri\ate cui-- liages uiid auloiiior<lleM and a.ssist In H;e sorting of th. mail and oth- r routino wi r'. . The slri'. ors of We !- nesJuy sto|>ped two of ihe autom >- biles, compelled the occupants to alight, and llieu wrecked the cars. One of the drivers aimed a revolver ut the foremost strikers, lie was ;mineiliately disarmed and severely tlirashed. 'Iho Council of Workmen's Delegatia have distributed leallets urging the workers to withdraw their do:) isiis from the savings banks. The e:Tect If lliey comply nin,V bo calculated from the fact that there ale more than .'i.utiO.ooo depositors, while tho cash dej'osits nmount to O4:i.000,- 000 roubles, in addition lo tloposils of securities Ui tile umoilill of '2l'>.- 000,000 roubles. l{K\()l/r I\ MAN'CIIUUIA. A despatch from Harbin, Manchur- ia, via Warsaw, Uussian Poland, snys â€" iMiiDy olhcers are being killed by rol.ellioi-s troops. Itescrve oHi- cers are not permitted to return hiMiie .VII mossages from Manchuria aro ceiisoretl. OFFICF.KS FHKnirKNED. The St. Potersliiirg con esfiondent of The London Daily Mail, in a <le- spatcli sent by way of Kydtkukncn, Knst Prussia, says: â€" "Prominent military commanders everywhere are recpiesting pcrmissiou to resign. The Minister of War him- self (Lii^it .-(Jeiieral Kiidiger) has ask- ed the I'mperor to allow biiii to re- tire. Tho .Minister of the Inierior (M. llurnovo) and others have fol- lowed the example of the Minister of War. Count Witte stands alone, but even ho is losing 'leart." K!M>i K\\IILY WITH \\K. The Dreadful C.riiiio of Jnnies f'.nulirr, ol .Melanclhon. A .^lielbiiriio. Old., despolc-li snys: W edfiesdiiy iiiglit all the ineinbofs of tho family of Jiimes Cfiiiller, lot 10, coiiccs- sidii s. norlh-east of the Tnnnilo and Sydenham road, .Molancthoii Township, were alive mid in their tisiiul heullli; Thiir.sduy tlie only one lefl is a married daiigbbi-, wild lived sovoral lots awny fiviiii Hie lionieslead, Couller having murdereil bis wife, his fin.'ileoM-yoar-ol'.l daiighler, und liis si!ven-your-old .son, iiiid uflerwjirds suicided. " The deed appears to have been com- milled sliorlly after dinner. Coulter had n lund of unls nl Ihe bnrn (inor ready to .start for .Melanetlion .station. What caused tliiii lo cliatiyo liis mind and turn in.'steud to his terrible deed >( blood is. of course, mil known, but il Wiis ill the li:u'ii thai lie comiiienccd his frenzied wurU by killing his son with un ii.xe. He then proceeded lo Hio house, seciir-ed a revolver, and shol bis wiU'. and daughter, ntleiwurds setlint! tire lo Ihe bedding, appatvntlj deterniined lo cover llie truces of his crime before he shol biiiisolf. SAW SMOKK COMING OUT. .\ neighbor pii.s.siiij^ by on Ihe road bad hi.s ultenlioii altracled by Hit smoke, iiiid on I'titeriiig (he house foiiiul Coulter face downwind on the tloor. I-'iirlher inve.sljgalioii brciuglit lo light tin' oilier horrifying delails. A doctor was imme- dintely swiniMondwl from Horning s .Mills, bill cuiiKI do nctliing for any of the unrortimale victims, Coulter and 'lis wife being dead when tlio doctor ar- rived, and tlie boy and girl pussiii^; away willioiit roj^ainiiig consciousness. I'lie deeeiised's lialf-brullier, who lives ill till' same in igliboiliood, when inter- view id. could tliiiiU of no pos.sibln ex- planation for his brother's tcrrihlo act, other than (i po.s.sible worrying »n>l brcioding over Iho recent sale of his fami and llie piircbase of (inotlur proii- erly. lie had wished lo witlidrnw fi'om the bargain made for the purchase if Ihe ollu'i- farm, offering to pay .SlfK) lo liiive llie deal deelared off. (JKN. SAKIIAUOFF SLATN. .â- \ despatch from St. Petersburg nays; â€" CJen. SakharolY, who siieceodjd Ceil. Kouro|>iitkiii a* Minister of Wor, oiiil who recently rosigned, was niurdend at Saratoll, whither tlui liovi>riiiiiont hail sent him to suppress Ihe agrarian riots and pacify tie peiiKantr.v. Hu was staying at tho resldente of the lioVeriior, where a Wdiiian called and asked lo see liin. Shu was admltled, and upon enter- ing tired three shots froiu a revolvir ut the I'X-MiiiiKtor, who was instant- ly killed Tho inurdi'e!;s is a monibi>r of Iho terrorist secliun of tbo ie\ i I- iitloiiislH, one of whose dogmas is Iho abolition of capital punislimen:. Non-oflli ial papers liriiil harrowing detiills ol Ihe iiclioiis of Hen. Saklii- rolt at Saratdlt, including Ihe whip- ping «>f peasnnts, whom lio was sent to pacif.v. 'Phil tidings reachod St Petersburg Wednesday night. Count Wllle charged Llout -(Jen. Uudingor, Minister of War, with the task of breaking the news lo Mndnine Sa'<- liarolT. The eVeat has created a pro- found linprcHKidii in St. Polersbmv, owing to fours that the rovolutloii- "«IN liera will follow the example tliiis let. SIKH' WIFi: AND Mdl'lil'.n, Deed ol l*liarniarist -in l>resliyteri:u) llosplial in Now York. .\ ilespatch from New York says â€" Alfred Frelich, a pharmacist in Iho Presbyleriaii llos|)ilal. shot and in- stantly killeil his wile I''aiinie, and her mother. Mrs. \iinie lloetluiig, in his home in Hrooklyu on 'Phursdav. .Mier the shooling ho pocketed tho revolver, and. stepping over his wife's bixl.v, walked out of Iho house. H' himself up to a policeman h,' 11 the sIriM-t and was locl\ed up refusing to make any stute- I'relicli had met his wife whil.< was employed in the liospiti 1 were married about live 'I'hey have oii" child and Ihe bullets that ended Iho niolh- er-in-law's life came near killing the baby, with whom its graiidiiiotlier vins idaying at the lime. .\ doctor who examined the inisonor at the station house saiil he was sulTering from nervous prostration. gave met after ment she and Ihe.v years ag" i:i.i:('.TIU(".ITY K«)H ITNNKI.? Iteporl Tlial Orniul Trunk lliis I.ei Con- triu'l lit Siiniia. A despatch from Port Huron, Mich., says:â€" It is le.irned tin good authority that the (iraml Trunk has let the colli ract for Ihe ^«|iiipment of the Port lluroii-Sarnla tunnel with electric power for tho operation of trains The contract Involves the building of large power houses in Port Huron and Sarnia. and the total cost is salil to he nearly STOO,- ooo. Tho third rail system and pow- erful electric locon)otiv(>s will be has been ordered to bo road in tho churches throughout Irelaml, warn- ing the youngi'r generation of tho evils of einfgratioii; apiiealing to Iho |ieol>b< not lo be allured by tho on- tlceiiieiils held forth in letters from amiss Iho Atlantic, and i special'.v I'ilHlii'g on Ihe (lani;erR that bes.-t the path of girl umiuranlH. LEADING MARKETS UnKACSTUFFS. Toronlo. Dcceinher 12.â€" Whealâ€" On-' larioâ€" Millers oul.sidc report purchases fiTiin fanners al, 77c, and dealers •quote -No. 2 white al TOc lo 79Kc, at outsidt- points, No. 2 red 78c to 79c, goose and spring 7'ic lo 7i>c. W heatâ€" Manilohaâ€" r-'irmer al SiiJ^o for .\o. 1 norlliern, Sic for No. 2 norttie.rn, ul lake ports. I'lourâ€" Ontarioâ€" The export hid for ".»0 per cent, patents Is $3.10, buyers' bag"; outside, Willi sales for doinoslic use at .S3.5.-. lo .$.3.55. .Manitoba, .$4.50 to .Si.SO for lir.,l jiuteiiLs, $^i.30 to Si.lO for second imlcnt.s, and $1.20 fo W.30 for bakers'. -Millfecd â€" Ontario â€" Branâ€" in cnrlots, Sli.oo lo $t'>, nt oiilsido points: shorl.s arc .$iG 1(1 §17. Mnnilobn bran .*I0.50 I'l SI7..10. sliorU $l«.af) lo $10.50, nt 'roroii- lo and e(|ual points. Oat.s~:)5c lo 35%c oiit.'Jido. nnrley-Flat. 5('c to 5Ic for No. 2, \^c to -JOc for No. 3 oxlia, and 45o to 40c for .No. 3, ut outside points. Hyeâ€" Dull, at 7l)c outside. Buckwheatâ€" Nominal, at 52c outside. I'ca.sâ€" Slendy. "tic lo 77c outside. Oiniâ€" .New Canadian is offtred nt Vic; Chnllnin freiglil.s, i2c bid. .New .Ameri- canâ€"No. 3 veiiow tinner al Sl^^c lo 52J^c at Toronlo. Rolled OaUâ€" S.-1 in bags an .?5.25 in barrels, on trucks here; 25c more for broken lots here and 40c outside. COLiNTIlY prionucE. nutterâ€" HoULs llrm in tone. especioHy for stock, wliich is Irto from lli.' lurnipy taste affecting so imicli of the receipts, ("ivnmery 2;!c to 25c (111 .solids 23e lo 2-ii; Daily lb. rolls, good to clioicc, 21c lo 2"-'e do" medium 2tic to 21c do lulls, good lu choice . . I'M lo 20o do interior 17c to iSc Cheese- (Juotulions aiv uncliangeil al fi%c. lo 13o. liggsâ€" 23c for fresh und 21c for limed. Poultryâ€" Fnt chirkens. 8c to lilc, lliiii 7c lo Sc; fat lien.s, 7c to 8c. thin lie lo So; ducks, lOc lo I Ic. lliiii Oc to Sc; turkeys, 12c to lUc; geese. Oo to 10c. Potatoesâ€" Ontariii. C5c to 75c per bag, on track here and 750 to 85c out of sloi-''"; oaslern stock. 75i; to 80c on track und 9i)0 lo !i5c oul ot sloro. Paled lluyâ€" $S to lo S3..5n for No. I liiiiothy ill car lots un track here; .No.2, !?I3 to S!li..')0. P.alid Strawâ€" SO per ton tor car lots on track here. .MONTIU'.M. MAHKETS. .Moiilreal, Docemlier 12. â€" lirainâ€" Fair business was worked to-day in wheal, ulxiul eight or ten loads being sold for export liy local dealers. Peasâ€" 75c to 7Cc I.o.b. per bushel. Barleyâ€" Manilula. No. 3, ISc; No. i. 4GX.C. Flourâ€" Manilolia spring wheat pa- lenls, Sl.lK) to s:i: strong bakers'. Sl.'.o to .SVGi); winter wheal patents. $i.2ri to Sl.:")0; straight rollers, .§; to .â- 'ii.lii: do ;!i bags, $l.f<5 lo Sl.flJ; extras, St.lij lo $1.75. .Milireed-Manilolia bran, in bags, !i>17; shorts. $iO per Ion; Ontario bran, in bulk. .Sli.50 lo .$1.^; .shorts, .«n; millcl niouille, .S2I lo $21; struighl grain niouille, .$25 lo $27 per Ion. Polled Oai.s-lVr bag, S2..55: cornnical, â- 91. 45 to $1.50 per bag. Hay-No. 1. S8..M) lo $0; No. â- .'. .<«7.50 lo lo .$8; clover, niixid, .$G lo $il.riil. and pure clover,, .$r> per Ion. in car lots. Clhecseâ€" llclail iiuotntions. weslern, I2%c to I2?^c; euslorns, 12>ic lo li%r. l*.i»' • Uullerâ€" Unchanged at 23VJc lo 24c for fancy grades and i'i^ic lo 23,'.jc tor goo. I lo colored. Kgg.s- .Selected stock (luoled 25c and liiiiod 21c per dozen. I'rovislonsâ€" lleavv Canndinn short" cut pork. .Sm lo $20; light .slmrl cut. $l« lo $10; American short cut, Sl'.i; Vnierican cut clear tat back, $!!• to $20; eompouiul lard, ri%c lo 7c; r.anadiali (ilire lard, tic lo ll>:,c; kettle rendered, 12'ie to I2.»i-; hams, tie to 13e. according lo sl/.e; ba- con, lie; fresh killed abattoir (ln>ssed hogs, $9 !o .S0.2J; alive, $G.7.'i; mixed lots, selerts, $7. F.ggs Straight .s'.ock, 20c lo SIC; No. I candlod, 20e. RLFI'Al.O MABKCTS. Riiilalo, N. Y., Dec. 12.â€" Flom^Finn. Wheut-Noiidiinl. Corn- .stronger, but no otfciiiigs. Oatsâ€" Slroiigci'; ,\o. i while, 3i'k-; .No. 2 mixed. :U>.>', liarley- Finiier; Western c.i.l., •50 to 5S<\ P.yi- Chiiel; f:incy, 70c. NFW VOllK MVUKF.r. New York, Dee. 12.- -Spot linn; No. 2 red, sii'.c in elevalor; No. I iiorlheni, Duluth, li5:>ic f.u.b. alloal; No. 1 hard Miuiiloha, luiiiiiiinl, f.u.b. niloul. LIVK S'lMCK .MAKKF.rS. Torunio, Dec. 12.â€" .\ faiily liea'y run ol stuck was olTering at tho I Western .Market tliis iiioriiiiig, but lowing to n guud deniund in luxav; â- I all lines repres.iiti-d trade was fairly I brisk Hiid prkett wore well inaiiituhi- I od. i F.xpiirt Cat tli^â€" Choice are quotid , at $t.2'i to ft. 00, good to nuslium : at S;i 00 U> MtO, others at $11. To to $;i,85, bulls nt *a.riO to $1, and cows lit $2.7.") to $;'.., "lO. Ilutclier Catlliv-Pickod lots $4 to $l.."iO, good to choice fa. 75 to $;i I 1)0, fai: to good $;! 20 t,. $;i.«o, I common $2..'0 to $H, cows $2 to ! to n.To. bulls «1,7.5 lo ^'J 2.'S, ai. i I taniiilrt $1.7.'> to $2. .Ml; Christmas ' cattle, $.1.75 to So. 2.5. j Slocker\ and Feeder.s â€" Sliort-ke<»p j feeders are ipieted at ^;i.(iO to .^^'l, â- good feeders at ?a.40 lo $;l,n3, in«- â- diuiii at f 2.,">0 Id $;».;iO, biills at Sa to $2.75 Hood stockers run oi f'J • ' 80 to |3..">0, row^U to coMiinon at $2 to $2.70. and bulls al $175 to $2,50. Milch Cowsâ€" Quoted steady at $30 to $00 each. ("aives â€" 3c to 6c per lb, and $2 te 510 each. Sheep and I.ainb8 â€" Kxport cwi><k are iiuotod ut $4 to $4,125 per cwt , bucks and culls at $.1 to $.3.50 and lambs 10c to 2.5c per cwt. higher, et $5.2.5 to $5.75. Hogs â€" The market is very firm and a furthir advance of 12Jc per cwt. is noted. Selects are <|UOtcd at $6. 37i and lights and fats at $0.12^. â€" ♦- .S.\MI>LES or GRAIN. Hill be Sent Free ul f'Jtarge on Ap pliealion. A despatch from Ottawa .says:â€" B.l< instruction of tho Hon. Minister ol Agriculture another distribution wi'l be mafle this season of samples uf tlio mo.sl prodiiclive sorts of grain to Canadian farmers for tho improve- ment of seed, 'file Ktock for distri- bution is of the very best and hiS been secured mainly from tho excel- lent crops recently had at the branch Ivxperiinenlul Farms at Indian Head, Sask., and at Hraiidon, Man. Tho distribution this siring will consist of samples ol oats, spring wlieat. barley, Indian corn (lor ensilage only) and potatoes. 'I'lie quantity cl oats to be sent this year will lie 4 lbs., an<l of wheat or barley 5 lbs., suflicient in each case to sow onc- twenlielh of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh :> II s. as heretofore. A quan- tity of each of Uie following varie- ties has been scciire<l for this ilistri- bution: â€" Oats â€" Ilanner. Wio'e-Awake, Abun dance, Tliousand Dollar, Improved LIgowo. (iobliiniler and Wavcrley. Wheat â€" rresuin, I ted Kife, Percy, Stttnle>. , Huron, Laurel and White Fife. liarlo., . â€" Six-rowed â€" Mensury, Odes- sa. .Mai.siicld. Claude and Koyal. T»o-ri>wed. â€" StaiKivvull, InvincibU', Canaiiinii 'I liorpe and Sidney. Indian Corn 'for ensilage). â€" Early sorts, -\iigi-l of .liidnight, l.'ompton s Farly and Longfellow; later varlj- ties. Selected Leumiiig, I'iirly Mast'> don and Uhile Cap Yellow Deal. Potatoesâ€" Caiman No. t, Farly While I'ri/e, Kochester Hose, I n< Ic Sam, .\iiierican Womier, Hovce, Fa - ly .\ndes and I. ate i'liritan. Fvery farmer ma.v apply, b'^t only one sam|)le can be --ent lo each ai>- plicant. hence if an individiuil r >- ccives a sample of oats be cannot al- so receive one of wheat. I arley or potatoes. Lists vi names from one inilividi.al. or u|>l'licatii,ns ti r mo.-o tliuii one sample lor one household cannot be entertained, 'lluse sampl. s wi;l bo sent frc- of charge throu^a tbe mail A))pli< ations should be a<ldres.sed to the nire<tor of I'.Nperlniental Farms, Ottawa, and may l>e sent in an.v; lime tiefore the 1st of March after which the lists will l>o closed. so that all the samples askcil for m'lV be sent in good lime for sowing. Porties writing should luenlion t!i< sort or vaii'ty they would prefer, with a .Second sort „s &n alternativj, and should the availaVle stock ot both thi«e voriotios be exhaust vni, some other good sort wi'l tic sent i«<- stcad. 'Pho.se applying titf hulitot C(u-ii or potatoes will please bear â- ' niind that Iho corn is not availabto for ilisii ibiii ion iiiilil March or .\v>r'i. and that potatoes cannot be niaile<l from here until danger Irom fr,).»t in transit is over. No postage is riHpiired on mail matter ad(lres.se 1 to tho Central Kxpviioiental Farm, OttaVa ItltlTISII !«»« IOH*» rOMINC. • i>h>!<iriaiis of the \lollirrl,ind ^Vil1 IMeet al 'I'uronio in Aiigiisl. .\ despauh from Toronto says -- Th* coming iii>etii.g of the lb ilish Medical Association ut Toronlo ne-\l .August piomisis to be the largest in ils histi ry. 'I'he iiiombers of th« mOdictil profession of tho Itriiish Islo.t arc already lakiiig a lively intciest in the trip. This mi-«'ting will me; u niUcli not only to Ihe medical men of Canada, but to Canada herself. T» thi« medical men. through the inter - change o!' mullein id«'n», not onl/ upon ."^taie niodii inc, lUid pub'ic health, but upon gcnorul iiiedici n and surgical topics. To tie Hoinin- ion. because it will mean Ihai a large number of lb it ichors will h.ivj tlieir e.ves o|ieiied lo the beauties ol our climate, the splendor of ouj country, anil th^' great oppurtuiiiii.« for the investment of capital. ♦ -- l>i; Mil I10J.L OK TIIK SKA. Sdii'o (;reil I'alamitiex 4il llie rasl T«\enlv-livr Veats. A I'ritish tlliie Book just publisheil furnishes some returns as to Iho Io.m of hunu'.n life through wrecks and cosualties to British ships During the 25 years ending .lune. I 1001, !50, 17!> liersoiis thus met with theii deaths, of whom about fi.OOfl I Were passengers. 1 'I'ho return re<-alls some terrlb'* I ralamities at sea. In 1901-2 lh« , steamship Cainarla. of Clasgow, while on a voyage from ("aliugapa- I tam to Kangooii. went down with a ! crew of 82 hn'ids (including ~i\ l.as- I cms) and 1455 native passengers. Tb ! 1805-6 2-17 lives were lost throui{K I tho wreck of the liner Driiminond Caktle, and 277 through the sinkiny of the On Wo, ot l.oniloii, in n col- illslon. In the previous year 1,1 lO .Chinese soldiers were drowned !.v >the sinking ot the Kow Shing. ol London, 3 V il