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Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1905, p. 1

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t ksb£rt0tt Miiatta, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIKCIPLEb ^0T MEN. J» -» '^ ji« VOL XXIv, NO 1241 Fleahertoii, Ont. Tliursday Decenibei 14 lOOo W. H TffllRSTON. FKiETcu Xmas Approach 8S When thinking over your wai.ts for the comiiii; festive season do not fori/et thut ne curry a very Kr^ »t«:k of novelties uuitalile for gitts. Tick Galore Cljckd ia jrtat varitty- -WlLtcllc-S StvlrS. cf many Mrs A E Myles and lialiy Ruth, who have been visiting the fjriuers pHrunia in Mnrkdiilc forsunie t:n;e past, have retur- ed home, Mr Huuh Hammond spent Sunday with friondd in Tliorulury. Wedding Rings And others, from. A sislendid vai-iety to choose Look over ovir nUxk. W. A. Armstrong THE FLESUERTON JEWELER The E.xact Thing for Constipation "AKaeerl*iiipun{atiTe and stomach imr- ificrChftiuberiain's Stnin:ichand Liver Talilets Wem to be tlie «\;vcc thiiiK requioHj, strong ououghfor the nnwt rotmHt, yet mild eunuKh and safe for chiUi-en and without tliat t<!nibifl ifrijjinic so coHlui'in to most iJiuKativcs." miy li. 8. Webster &<Jci., Ud-ira, Ontario, Canada. iV sale by W. K. Richartlsun. Eiiscatu ihe One of the moMt. sucseasful .Scliool eiitert;iinmeiita ever held iii Eu mnia took p'aoo last Friday evening. The hidies providtd and aervml a most chanuing tea, afcui which a yood and leiisjlhy proiranuno followed, coiisistins of choruses by the scliool.also clioir; reoi- tatioua by most of the little people; drd!s .tiid solos. Shortspeoclics were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Thom and R-'v. Mr. Wass, which were much appreciated. One An Open Letter :'.. ;' I'v'frs.busir.ess men anl all otheia wii. .1 1- unestid ir. good Hour. The MarUii ij Roller Mills ia in abetter position n<vi thai! ever lo do a millin<; buHinesB. 'Sly trade increased in the last two years ao much that I was compel- led to (;ive up chopping at the uull.heciee the erecuoii of a modern chopping plant in the old agricuicara* hall in the tOWii of Markdulo. I can use all th» mill maii'i' facturinH my three popular br-md.* of flour, namely, Ford's Pat»;ut,all Manitclia; Morniuif Oh>ry, i Manitoba; Straight, ^ M.mitoba. Last wmter it was very dilKcu't to make tlour at all but 1 will bu able thi.s winter to supply all coinera with I hiv'j a njoiber of IVlcFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store MAF^ICDALE, 0>;TA1<I0 Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE SANTA GLAU5 Ha.s been on his annual visit to this store ami cveiy dopait- ment is now bristlinjr wiih Chri.stmas novelties. We have to (loul)lo the space of our toy department this year, and as a result there arc things to he .seen here that will make the â- en's eves sparkle with i^lee. and recall to fond father.- icxchanue Hour for wheat at and mothers thoughts of their happy Santa Claus days. (dour tit for thokiu-'. Sunday I oust ouiers around Flesherton which I thank very much for the patronage given ,.],;i,J,, me and hope foru coutmuanco of your •-"" !{0o.l will the choppin'i mill in Markdale and you can get Manitoba (luur at wholesale prices ^- in exchau^e for your wheat. If you have not already tried my flour brink! a mist COVS ! COVS ! COVS ! .\!inost every kiinl known, troiu the litole 5c arivcles to the more instnic'ive and lie convinced of wluit 1 say, or if you have not the wheat insist on your dealer , . i « u â-  i m r ^. .. / i i â- _ , giving you Ford's tlour. Ford's Patent <^«^'<^^ ""'' M«'--hanical Toys for the amuseuiant of the larger boys. I)y any biikirs MAXWELL. Mrs. Miller of Singhampton, who was fti:iii5 for some time, was moved t-i the ^residence of her sister, Mrs. 1 tio tly, on ,Mo;iday. DiiC. 4, and paSied (quietly away ..n \Vediies.liy moi u ii.jt. D^'ceased was 42 years of age and leaves two s<in3 and one daughter to irou:n her departure. The funeral took jilaoe on kf'riday lo the Presbyterian ce etery. The bereaved faiuiiy have 1 ainoore sympathy of the soiiiuiun'ty. A tentpeiaoce mei-tio./ wil bo held in the .Metho-Jist church Thursday eveiiinff, Dec. 14. lUv, Mr. Faircloth of Sing- hampton will conduct the inooiion. Mr. Geo. Morijan returned to his home in Owen bound this week Dr. Sh'iw of Singhampton gave our village a call Saturday afternoon. Air. William Clark and family left oil Tuesday raoruiua for Idaho. Mr. Clark's many friends were sorry to see them go but wo wi^h th'-'in every success in their i.ew home. Mr. Will Scult, wW) has been in ill health during tlio past year, ii.takinatho trip with Mr. Clark to Id;iho to see if the ch-inj/e of climate will bo of any l^iieSt t.o his hoalih. If it is not he will to on to California. Tlio Orange supper on Doc. 5 was a grand siucess and an exjcllentjjrogrHm was rendered. Mr. and Mrs. TB. Kich- ardsoii of Fleslierton were praseiit and Jlr. Richardson gave an address which was highly appreciated by all. No Poison in ChamberNsn'r. Cough Remedy From Napier, New Ze.ilai:-!, HonJd: _Tivo yearn ago thel'li-vviiiicy lj»ard of New S<;uth Wall's, Austp.ilia, had an analysin mailooi all the cough inod<ciue«that weie .sold in tlie mar- ket. Out of the entile list they foiiai only one thay doeUnvd was entirely free from all poisiiMs. Tills cxoiption was Chaniberlain's Cuu^h ltemedy,in.ido by theChambi.-lii-.:! Med- itinu Company, Des Moines, Iowa, V.S. jV. The al«eiice of all n:ucotie» m.^ktM) tllio r-;m- edy the safest and best that can be had; and iti» witha feeling of security that any give it to her Utile one*. Chaiulerlain's Coii(fh l>emedy is e-speeiaily recomiiunded by it's makers for for coUKhs, cilds, cruup and wh(k'pii« eougb. This romotiy is for s^la by W E. llichattisou. kiiuborley special feature of the eveiinii was a i („ll Manitoba) can't be beaten •'grandmother dialouue" by si.x lirtlo girls I mill ii, Canada. I supply four and si. X little boys all dre-.sed up lo r-jp- hyith Manitoba flour and it it was not as resent our grandin.ither. This was played I represent it to be I coul.l not h. Id topetfoction by the liltle folks. Another j th^ii tradi",besidea it's consideral 1} clieup- special pliy was a cuuple of piiutoinimes |er. Don't lot the dealers .stuff you with by liee young ladies "Way Down Upon I that old story that the .Vlanitoba mill can the Swauee River" and "Rock of Ages." j ,nake iC better. Mr. Thomas Williamson favored the aud ,o cooviuce you they can't I want you to lencB with a number of choice selections | n-y a sack of Ford's I'alL-nt, then you will on his giauiophono. Mr. Johnathan ' kuow how you hive been fooled into pay Dolls! Dolls !Dc>II$! ICvery sort ..f Dolls I. r rhe deliaht of the little girls. Biu Dol!», Little Dol:^ ki I body Dolls, rag Dolls, sleeping Dolls, talking Dolls, han>I-inmily dresseil D<d!s, and Dolls that are almost ashamed of their value â€" they are marked to sell at such I tell you th.»v can't aiVd "''•lo prices. See them and get the pick. By buying early you will save a lot of 'â- * worry on Chrii>tmHs Eve. Latimer, Supt. for Sunday School, jjuite ably filled the position as chairman. It would qu te easily till a page to des- cribe everytliimj so we will n iw close by sayin.; that aU who failed to attend this entertainment certainly missed something good. Many lliai'ks are extended to tliosj who traiued the little people so well, especially to Mi?s .\iiiiid VVasa. Miss Normi McMullen and Mrs. .Jaku Williams, who worked hard and succeeded. Proceeds amounted to about $25.00 The Mi.sscs Orphus, oi Shelburno, are visiting their uncle uiid aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Uobt. Miliar. MissTeiia Williams )a.spondin){ a while with friends iu Toronto. Mrs. F, T. Carr has gone on a visit to her dauiihter in the ciy. Miss Mag-.iis Fawcett, of Flosherton, spout a weok ai-o S<un J'ly with the Misses .\bhio and Norma .Mc.>Uil!en. Miss Beatrice Walker has none to Cadit j)|irk« on a visit to her brother Ihere. M'^ Wasa, of Flehhertou visited wilh friends here last wjck. ing fancy prices for flour not as good yon can get at home. Morninu Glory is an excellent flour being eqnal parts Ontario and Manitoba for which I give 34 lbs. for CO lbs. wheat. When you bring your grist don't foiget to go lo the chopping mill. Sincerely yours â- lotLV \V, FoKD. Books I Books 1 Books i Hund'iiis of IJiHiks for boys and girls <^ur collection of hooks for Christm' » embraces nnarlv ovorythini! to he had in picture .ind srory hooks. BcKiks are all well bound and >he illustrations and quality of paper are better than you would expe^'t at: tho prices. Hundreds of Hooks at 5c., lOc 15c. ,20o. and 25e. We were fortnnat • (hie in tho season) to pick up a number of clearing lines tt less than half regular prico- Seo the 50c. Books for 2ac., tho 9Cc. Books for oOc, tho 31.00 Books for G9o.,Btc.,etc. Shop Early! Shop Early ! Shop Eirfy! Half-Sick People. The world is full of thcin- Just siik euough lo be lazy and listless: to have no | Don't leave your buying of Christmas PrR<<ents until the hiat minute. Y'M dim''- appetite; to sleep pooily. Quito ofion got ihn choice ar.d yo" won't tf«6 the attention. Pick yonr Chnslinas Jfovolties nut", you're hulli sick yourself. ."^tv.ncos are nov. We will keep them safely for you until Christmas Evo if you wi»h, but shop I he truuble is in the stomach and bowe's. , early â€" in the forenoon if possible. Best prescription is Ur. tliimilion's Pills; they tone up tho uutiro system, strengthen ' the stomach, elevate your s|)irits and make you well in one night. Dr. Ham- j ilion's Pills work wonders wilh people in tii'l mir priixis on tlranirfs, Lenions, t^'ranh.-rrus, Layor Riisiiis. Kivs. Dhio^, Not*, your Condition. Mild in action, effective j Candies, etc. New liaisins, now currants, new Peels, fr<jsh Cocoa, fresh Chocolate, " fresh Iciiiii Sugars, fresh Bis.-mits, fresh Cakes, choice Pickhss, choice Olivos, go. id I Cons of e;andy,11ut$ and Cable Delicacies Tor Xntas Hurrah fi'r tho railroad '. Mr. Chas Stuart spent SunJ.iy with a fritiid ill Flesherton. "Sucoess Oharlix." Rjv. Norton, suoerintendi-.nt of the HouiH Mis.Hiou Board of the B'ptist church, iiccupi-.-d thj pulp t in thb Union church hero on SumUy at'rornoim las'. Jlr. Norton is oo excellent .'vpeaker. Mr. and Mrs. Sintford \Var.l,i.f Wodo- ho;i,<e, w re the <ueits of Mr. and Mrs.J. M. Fa.veett mi Sunday Ust. MiM Uoitiu lo t!aes»r, t'acher of the juui'ir doparlinent of our school is io jylvaford at preseut writing on inuucl school examiuation. Mr. Wilbiiiu Waller, who has boon in the prairie province for some time, has .returned to h;» ho ne here. Miss Abbie McMu'den.of Eu^fnia,jp«>nt Sunday with friends here and w:is tho guest of Mr. and .Mt.s. R. J. Stuart. Altlioug'i a difUcull route to travel «nd at present the tuads are in a tad cndi- liiin our popular mad carrier, Mr. D.ivid Web) , is "Johnny on the spot" evoiy time, Mr. F, J. Weber's now store is nearing completion. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist church will hold a t«« mvetiug on Kew Yea^-'s night. L. O. L. No. l.UJ will Jiold u, Brand conceit in the public hall ijefv 91) (fridny pve'uox. Ji»D, 5th, 190tf, The Thin Han's Danger. He can't resist di.sease germs â€" that's why he is sucli a mark for cnsuniption. Iu thi.s l.iiid of |.leiiiy thinn ss is wiokcd- ness. espe':i.i;ly when ir. is so easily over- come with Ferivzone. This remarkable tissue bnilder makes you fat quickly; it does so by forinina blood that's rich, ni.urisbinj aiidheah.h-L;iving. Ferroaone supplies tho nulrunent needed by worn- out nerves, rapidly coostriicts muscle and f.itty tissue. The form fi'ls out, the cheeks roddci-, proving that weight i< being added. To bo well and sLiy well, use Fern Kone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets iu a box for 50 cents .ir U for $2 50 at all dealers. PoitI:iw and easy to take. Get Dr. liiimiltoa's Pills lo-day, 25c. per box at all dealers iu medicine. fc K B X m â-  â€" â€" • Terrible Murder in Meiancthon. .A terrible murder was coniiuitted in Melaucthon on Thursday last, when Jamoa Coulter, a farmer livuig on the 3id concession of that township, killed his Sun agLd 14, daughter aged 11 and his wife, with an axe, after wh;ch he slio'' himself. The deiails of tho criin.i can be minutely read from signs around the home, Tho boy was in the baru when killed, his head being crushed in. The murderer then went to the houfO and killud wife and daughter as they were washing dishes. Flo then went upstairs, took a pistol from the bureau drawer and shot himself twice. When found a shoit time afterwai-ds i>y neighbors the two chldicn were slilt breathing but died in a little while. Tlie parents were both dead deed was done in f^ 61 of leinporary insanity brought ou by brooding over a business trausaction. Cheese, good Extractji, good Baking Powders, Canned Moats, Canned Vegetables, etc. chidce Salmon, Sardines, Lobsters, Shop Earlyl Shop EarSyl From now until after Christina.s wo will natur.illy be very, ;iuJ we have soared no pains to try and make your shopping both comfortable, pleasiini; and profitable, lull wo would strongly urae all iho'ie who can, to shop as early in tho day as possitiie. I>y shopping in the ft>renooii yo.i will 11 it only confer a favor on us, but will securo for yourselves much better service and attention than you possibly c:in i4i tho after- noon rush. So shop early. McPAKl^ANO. SXAFFOI^D c^ CO Priceville Intended for Inst week. Mr. George Walker, who was accident- ally shot near Beikely, wasa Soli-inlaw i {i is suopuseil th of iVIr. W J. Ja'k.ion of tlii.i neighbor-' liocd. Doce,a.srtd married Miss .lackson about a year ago. The entire communiiy sympathizes with the young widowiii her terribly bereaveiueiit. Miss Mabel Winters who is attending Collingwood Collegiate, un.lerweut an operation lor ao alfeetioii of the throat. Her mother «a.s wilh hi-r a few days, but returned home last Week, leaving lierdanglitor apparently in a fair way t.i recovery. Mr. John Kerr took a trip to Hanover] listwp.ok. Busnoss was his main object. 1 Inspector Campbell (iaid our school his 1 u.siial ofliciil visit lately. His repnt ; regirdiiig the p.-ogress of the pupils is very gratify ioi;, and indicates a season of | Huccessfiil sailing under tha ({uidance nf . Miss Stafford. Mrs, Jackson of Eu/Hiiia, haa been I spending some weeks with friends in this vicinity ; Mr. R. MoMaster's aucdonsaieon Fri- i day of l-wt week attracted a large crowd, 'â- â-  aud on the whole was very successful. ' ~ " • " â-  .ilr. W. J. Jackson, who has been fur Mr. Savage, owner of D.iu considerable time in a poor state of health fastest h.^riiess Kurso in the Uouor !tol!s Report of S S No ti, .Arteinosia, for (he tuontii of November. V-SybilC.d,iuson, Wdlie Fletcher, .laiiet Fletcher. IV â€" Ruby Stone, A'jgio H.arrow, Ver- onica Butler, Brt Whittaker. Sr IIIâ€" Stella Butkr, P Cairns, W MeAi tiiur Jr III - E Whittaker. M Mc.Vrthur, T So;cer, E Fletcher S. IIâ€" T McAithur Jr It â€" W Butler. B Fletcher, Qoaev- ievo Butler, VV Spioer Pt Il-W H.rn.w Pt, Iâ€" 1 B Whittaker, B Storms, Stan Butler, M Spicer. Average attendance, 25 B M Small, Teacher la now somevvluit improved. Mrs. J. A, Thompson wan agreeably surprised by a visit from her brother, Mr. J. Mclntyre of Ureffon. The visitor will spend some mouiha n«re and at the pareutal huuie, MaTn'yro. Patch, the wmlJ, has purcha-seii the mare, 'Nellie Bly," owned by W. Black of Duniain. Themirowis raisod by Mr. McCiinni<!l of Booihvill', near Priceville She was shipped on Monday, Deo. 4, au^ ^oqsuaud to her new owner. The biisinesi men are wishing for more snow 'o make better sleighing and belter tratfb. It is good weather for cutting wood in tho bn»h. Mr. Laingsou of Toronto Junction is the gues" of Kev Roech this week and is assisting Rev, Mr. MoGve in the revival meeting, especially in the singing, being held in the Methodist clinroh last week and this. Tlie meetings have been well altendi-d so far. Re.-. Mr. Mageo preached ia ihe Prosbyterian church the last two Sunday evonings. The Presbyierian Sunday School cnt- ertainment which lakes place Thursday evening promises to be a siiecess. The children have lie«n in tuiinnig for several weeks under the ablo inslructcir.s, Mijses an) J. Mc.\.rrlinr, Vm undersiand thnt Mrs. D. McPhail gone to the hospit.:il iu Toron'o. Mrs. Rolieitson has goim to siien I the winter with lier daughli-rs in Toronto, Maxtor Frank .\uss in who has been WO' king in the old xettlviueut since spring rormned home Fi iday. Mr. .-\lex Wbyio whowns nouiin-iled fur cioinoillor at the ricent convciition held ill Fleslierton is meeting wilh grMst sucess in llisc^l•V'^s. Mrs. Ri'v Roach returned hmno latidy from M iiski'ka where sba was u^ti-nd ng hei s'ster's wedJinjj and visiting h- r m'lher. Priooville LmL'e 140 A. ). U W. will meet LiM Tnesdsy ijfit'i '0 elect .-(K ers for tho eii-niiig ye-ir. Piper .Archio .McDon. iild will bo pre^eot wii'i Ins new bagp.pes tnd a goiaj tiuu- i.s exp;'Cted. Mr- H. Watson has I his stsick of hees by purulnisin'g >hu emiro stock uiitf apparatus tr-ni .Mv.Vussiij ijf patli.iiu. The Wonders of the Body. *** Its meehiiniKm, lise i'elioa'o machinciy, by even a slight cause is so disa" rsngid as to bo practically useless. A henui:che is no trilling matter because tho »t"niaob, kidneys and liver are sii,? to be alf-citd. To cure the cniiso of headaches and j r.-- vent new attacks use Ferrozouc; it aids tho stomach by supplying nourishni:; blood, vitalizes the n.-rvc'« and brain in stantly. Ferro7,oiie br.tces - gives tui!.'- olovates your spill's. No such hialih bringer known. Fifty cen's ]ier box of fifty chocolate coated tablets at all dealers. Hugh Buoliaum, cliiof engineer of ;hn steamer Ira H. Owen, which sank in ihe bjg storm on Lake Superior tast w.-ik, w.ts a native I'fMt and w is 4tJ vrars ol I. Ho was married two yeirt a oi to MiRs Maud Patterson of Cedai'vilk'. They rts'ded in Lletroit. .•V sad affair luipjiened in Amom.tli rooentSy wlion .\'i-l'\>.» Young, a we ' to- do and hijjlily rosjieetod icsiden-. 1: i;n- mitied suicid.- by cutting bisthro.v . If you. your fr'cnds or relatives snUer willj Fits, Epilep«y, St. Vitus', or !• . linij Sicknc^ write fnr a t i.-\\bol'.Ic and vni,:..bla iTcaiise on siichdi'sosviC'' to T:sil l.Kir " Co., 179 King .Sircct, W., Toronto, Ca,..i.' All druggi.-,ls sell oc c.ui obt:>io I- r vou * L'*i â- !â-  - - • •*«ii**C»^ ^' ' nmmtmnr, """

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