i r THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE â- iMMOidtaavv^ jaiMiiki WiiiWNi iTi^; F. T. HILL & CO. "murium J1. A Mammoth Purchase of an English Crockery and China Stock away below market values Selling at 2S, 33 1'3 and 50 per cent. *,* Cess than fftrngutaf XV»/< thia tveek. fieea. Sale begins We hnve just Giiiahcd placinn in stuck over one carlouJ of English Crockory and China ia Fancy and Staple, lines. Thin is part I'l the stock of a larue EnKliah pottery which wo succeeded in buying sway below market valaeR. This id tho roasmi we are alile to make this oflfdr away Iwlow the ret^ular prices. Roinemher â€" All tirat nuality goods and this ofcason'a at.iple and u|)-to-dat« patterm AT GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS S-ruit and Salad Sooiola SO doz. Fancy Fruit and iSalad Bowls, sellini; St Half Price. 300 Fancy Delf Salad or Fruit Biwls, heavy rich embosHud Colors, beautiful new designs, large absort- uiuut of colors, regular 60c. values. Bulling for 26 Sake 9?lates Fancy Cuke Plates at Half Price. 12 dozen or ItSO Fancy Cake Plates in iho heavy, richi t-nilioMsed colors, large aiwnrtmcpt of patterns richly Btipled with gjld, reKular selling value &0c, selliiift fur 25 Gups antl ^aueefs 200 di'Zen Oinld Edge and Clover Sprit; Cups and Saucers for 50c. per doz. Just half price. 200 doz(Mi beat Engliah Delf Cups and Saucers, with gold line and clover le^f decorations, best quality giiodi, positively cannot be repeated when sold. Ket>- ular price l.UO per doz. Special sale price p<'r dozen 50 xTea Setts Forty Piece Fancy Tea Sets sellinjt for $1.85. 25 Fancy Porcelain Tea Sc tt«, 40 pieces in all, in fancy flural pntterna and the followiii<; assortment of colors and tints, dark blue, tight blue.sea Rreeii, brown and pink, reg. 9*2.60 value, selling at 1.85 Elates Tea Plates, Dessert Plates, Din- ner Plates, 25 p. c. oiT regular prices. 80 dozen Faiicy Decorated Tea Plates in all the leading colors, 4 ditferent deMRns and patterns. Roi{ulur valu«s 85c. per doxeu for 68 50 dozen Dettrt Plates. Reg- ular 1.00 values for per doz. .78 60 dozen Fancy Decorated din- ner pUres, regular 1 26 values fur per dozen 88 IM PORT ANT 1 Cuatooicrs will please remember while we will only be able to display a part of this largo purchase in the main part of our store, we have opened on the second flat of our store a new and u|)-tii- dato Crockery Department where ibeso goods are alt fully displayed and can bo conveniently seen and aro imi |<liice<l for quick sell'.nk', so be here early. Can't cume too quick. As we said before this oflfur cannot be repealed when sold out. Chamtena Fancy Decorated Cham- bers «t one-third less than regular prices, 75 Fancy Chambers iu best quality English Dol{>h, plaia gold sUpling and fancy litho- graphed patterns in deep rich colors. Ro^nlar 70c and 75c. val ues selling at 48c and .... 55 IVHite I>elf Cups 20o dozen best quality Whil.e Dulph Cu]*, full siz?, soiling without aauoern, in plain or wheat patiern. R«Kular value 60c per <Xi.ii.. tiellin^ at per dirzun. . .38 £iedx*ooxn. Sets Fancy Decorated Bedroom 8<'tit for 91.48 per set. Regular |12.()0. 30 Fancy Decorated IJedroom Sets in floral patterns and a variety of colors, such as blue tinta, green tints, uiK) tintn and pink tints, 6 pieces in all. Regular \uiue2.00. Selling at jHsr tot 1.48 94.50 Bodroum Sets in fine quality Porcelain Delf for $;t.25. 35 ten-piece Hedroom Sets in beat quality Englis" Delf, tiuautitul tinted decorations, gold tinted ot'a' basin in rose, sweet peas.daiHy and poppy doc(>ratioiis. RrguUr selling value 4.50. SelliOK at per set. . .3.25 Soiui- Porcelain Bedroom S«ts in new cream tints, with heavy gold band decorations, new dufiign and shape. Ui>gular Belling value 8.75. Selling at per 10- piece set 2 85 â- / Tea Seib« 44 itiece Knulish China Tea Sets for (3 65. 10 only fine Knglish China Tea Seta, 44 piecoi, dainty floral decorations in piuk^ gn-ys, vreens and combiua- tion ouliirs. Regular value 4.75. Sellio!! at per *â- •' 3.65 44'piecu Semi Porcelain China Te» Sets for 14.25 Bsetsoi.ly tine English Semi- Porcelain China Tea 8«ts, eiiliruly new in style aith neat band of gold and C'lliired Htripvb, in work blue, pea giern and p^nk. IteguUr valpu6.60< Selling at per set 4.86 see oui? Dinner Sets Si'U uui «»:ii>itiueiit of Dinner Seis in Fine Porcelain and El gliah China New dec'iratioua and colorinvs selling at popular price8-5.6«), 7 7.5, 7,60, 117.5, IC 60, ^nd 12.50 13.50 (or U7-pii'0r in-is. Fx*uit 150 Fancy CbinFnnt Bowls, Regular Prico 81.00 selling for 68c. 150 Fauoy China Fruit B>wls, in fancy oyal shape, turned odxes and Hcallo|>ed in the dark rich ingraiu colorings, in beautiful floral decorations, rt«gulur value f 1.00, selling for each . . .(i3c Bx*ea.cl Plates .. Fancy Bread plates at \ of Regular Price. 2jt Fancy Biead Platen, iu lon>{ <>«al shape, fancy cu*', ill greeu, olive, pink and blue tints, lieavy gold stip- '' ling ancl embroidery, regular 91.25, now Selling for l)5c Salad Boivls Fancy Salad B'lwlsfor 35c, regular 60c valnf. Thrt^ dozen Fancy Salad Bowls, in Semi Porselain Chiua, with large rose decorations, in many colors inlaid with gold, regular OOo value, selling fur 86o Bi;tttex* Plares Fine English China Bmter Plates selling fur 76c per doson. 25 dozen Fancy Butter Plates, colored decorations, cri'uped eduos, gold lined, regular value fl.lO per doZrD, Selling for 76c Cpeaxn ]Pitoliex>s For 9c. each. 60 only Crentn Pitchers in Croani Majolica gold lire docoraiioni, very handy for ti.ble use, special eaoh.Uo. Fancy Ju^s In Many DeaiKOS and Patterns. Pnood Low. Extia value. Priced as follows: each 2lV. 2do, 30c. 35c, 40c and . jq Fancy I^amps. Wo are sh. wing a very hirae raiiae oi Fancy LamiM, populaily priced in a ve.y larue variety of siyles. sel- hig as follows: each 96o. f 1.15, 1 25, 1.50, 1 75 •n^ 3.00 I p.,..u. »»,.«..» ... -,.„,.,.,.. ;-j» y»;;. dor...; .•'Ki;. -;;'.. i~ .h. d., „ ^^^ „p.,^„ | :-3 RAILWAY IKATTERS Aa item of railway news of ooiisirfer- ablu aigniticance lu |(ei>|j|e here appu.treil i,. th<* «(irr«iit. itwqti of. Tli« Ru Itvay News. Il Kill t>u rumeiiibrrrd that some tiineago« deputatton. wont, irouihere tti Oitaaa to assist iu aecuiing^Uiu paanage vf sriiilwaycliartei and iiuli'>i(ly totlieT.L. K. tl P. railway from Ii.gefs.d loOolling- wooJ. The subii'ly was uranted for Nome 70 milt>s and ainc« tlien. no diTinite Htaieniunt rdtanting the buil.iinu uf Ihu Kii* has (Men furlhooiuing until ihp pruSf uoU U. was understood but not stated that the Q. P. R. wai at tho Utck of lht# enterprise. I<o«r. tUttre are slateuients V faot that am coiiaidtireii.M. very cheerng.. il^wa (o lliwM who hu|HMl tuae« iha imu iiuilt tiu'ou^h. The i.uia from the tl^iwi^ Njw*, ro/urtud iq ttU>vo, tu«J» as iollowH! The T., L. E A P. lUiUay was taken over by tho 0. P. R. on Nov. 2.1, and will now be o|>erated in conn.-c- tion with the lines iif Distrlot No. 2 ..f the Uiitnrio division. At.out twenty of the head oAIcibIs of the C. P. R. wer,. in TillsQuhurg ami C. Murphy, dimi .nal stiperinleiidoiit, spent Tuesjiay and VV diiimlay looking over the mad. No cban/u will bo made at present iii oour- ating Die road. A. L. Baker wi|| remain ai the Tiilsonburu station as despiuchet and h(S<l station agent, and will have N. A, Dorland s« assistant, and other anents and trainmen rotaiii t.h«ir puailipns. J.H. Teall, general niananer, has given up conneqfiwH. with iha rnndj though the C. Pi Iti. tlusired to rjB'aiu his services. The uxioueiiin to OollingwooU wiU.be pushed as I'jtpidly lUl {MMMiLln.. Farmer Sale. ,» ! . • '** * .'*"• """' ""'o" l»'«l . w- W., T.4 s roai, Arioui«»l«. US aoroa atKiut bait a mile tioi.1 tlio vtll»«e ot KlMherlo.. on .a'rt r"i * LVr," 'Vo""" '''•?'"' 'â- •"*«' ami uo'lSroilul aud about HO aorea pinutiliarl for naxt •iiilukS !I.Xu'i «^«m ortabl. lu« .Iwalllns wiiU tram, aildltlon, aud log barn and aUblna. Kraiue lini.lura.nt houa. . aiiU a i-ever talliug S|itli>K cloae to lb« .Iwellnij;. rim (arm It a aiiloiidirt Rtaiu ai.,1 KraHoK fmii. and en» (bat lBvarlal.1* giveagpo.! croi>awt)i.„ ,,ro|M>rly puHn. Aiiuiv »o lv.Jhp.oulc »tvsh»itou, or Jars. Bobt. Rut ledgt, riaiUfr.ou Election Qardi. IV tht. aicctora of Artemrtia :â- La lit* and OrotUraa.i: liavtuR baso aoUeilad by a Urika uuiutrar of rata payers â- f Artauiaaia to bsconia a oandldala (or oouuoUlor, I Uiarc for* acUtlVTOHr vote and lufluenoa. ki,.U..M»bUltaBBT.. BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESHERTON, ONT. Three Weeks Till "XMAS" This List Will Help You to Make an Appropriate Selection o f Presents. Xmas Furs Fur Caps J 1 50 to $ 8 50 FnrRiiffs 1 60 to 12 50 FurGanntlets 8 00 to 5 00 Caperiues 8 50 to 16 50 CiiikVa Boa3 25 to 50 Imitation Ganutlets 50 to 1 50 Fur Mantles 27 00 to 45 00 Far Coats 17 50 to 45 00 Xmas Gloves Ladies Kid Gloves | 1 00 to $ 1 60 Men's Kit? Gloves 60 to 1 50 Wool Gloves 25 to fifl Children's Mitts 15 to 25 Linens and Novelties LincD Side Board iScarf .. .. $ 25 to S 1 10 Tray CJIcths Linen 25 to 150 Pillow Sliarus ..- 60 to ' 1 50 Colored Liuen Covers 80 to 2 25 Pamask Table Napkins 85 to 3 75 Silk Piano or Organ Drapes. 1 75 to 2 50 Jap Silk Ciisliiou Tops 60 to 1 50 Jap Silk Table Covers 1 bO to 2 50 Drawn Work Novelties 16 to 1 60 Xmas Handicerchies and Neckwear Pictured Handkerchiefs 2 for 5o. Lace Handkerchiefs 5c. to 25o. lletn stitch Silk Hand'cliief 25 to 75 Ftenoy Bilk Ilaiidkeichicfs.. 10 to 1 50 Ladies' Silk Waists 2 76 to 8 75 Gent's eilk .Muffl.-rs 20 to 1 75 (Jout'ts Silk and Satin Ties. 25 to 5o Ladies' Fancy Silk Colbra... 25 to 7g Fancy Slippers Children's Misses â€" Wotnen's Men's (Felt, Cai-pet and Leather) 26 to J5 86 to 50 40 to $1 75 60 to 1 50 Ou/* StoeA of â- ^etv tXmas ^Tane^ Shina antl Slaas' utare /uat opened out ia the lai^eat antl beat collection eoef ahoufn here. fre want ifou to a*e itl Prices Range from 5c. to $2.75 per piece Berry Setts Epergncs Table Setts Vases Dinner Setts Rose Bowls Tea Botts Jardinieres Water Setts Plaoqiies Fancy Piotchers Porridge Setts Salad Bowls Bread and Butter Tlates Fancy Silverware Table Kuivea Fancy Table Lamps Plated Spoon Forks & Knives, ("arving Setta. Hall and baug'g lamps Opal Novelties Mouaiaclie Ctips Wedgewood ware Childrcns Mugs Japanese China Painted China Fancy Cups and Sancers Shaving iVJ ugs China Novelties Cake Plates il KARSTEDT'S KORNER I il . (» $ GENERAL STORE STOVES! SXOVES! The season is now here when warrcih is a necessity. If your old stove does nut supply a proper degree of heat come and examine our stock of lieaters,coal or wood, aud made by the best luauufaotuters, IN RANGES we have the ReKal. Peninsular, Banner and others, which ure all at the head of the list as bakers, and onr prices will compare favorably with any. Six hole rangoH for $35; steel rant^'CK, 6 hole, 915; base biurnera, with ovens, $20, $29, $85 and $10 according to sise. % S»w« fta4 Axenr-all hindaâ€" best prices. BtQve Co»} alwaye on hand. Carload ofSalt just arrived. J MILLINEBXâ€" BoadyrtQ wear, 20 per oent. off regular prices. 4% %%«%%%%%%%%% %f%%%i^%%«tU(%%.%%%%%^%'V^ : M • >.