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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1905, p. 8

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^ovkmber23 1905 The Markets. Varefnllr Corrected Earh Wr«k Oato 34 34 Pww 70 to 70 B«rl.>y 45 to 4.-. Butter l» •* IJ "Ki(K8 freth «0 t» »0 Chiikros 7 to 8 Ttoekn 9 to 10 OecM 9 to 10 Hay 600 to 6 00 Potattie* b»(j 60 to 60 Wheat «5 to 65 Turkey* 13 to 13 Old Fowl 6 to 7 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Ram with rina; with stamp "C. k E. WimkI" Btiayed to my prMiuise* about Oct. 20. Owiior please pmve property •and l«ke away. Harry Coultbard, Fer- â- urttham. ^tanaarcl t JOank (ok Canada) Has opened a branch office in Fleshrr- lun. where a ^eiieral bnnkiiii; huniiieiH* will he tninsactod.. Monvy available for )e^itira»te business enterpriKOA. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD on •$X\ poiiibi it Canada and the United States. Interest allowed on deposit* of tl.OO And upwards compounded, half yearly. O, Alltol&ell Agent. \ Question of Spex "Do your eyss tire earfy ? If to, You need aiasMfc Do your ey«« bum ? It SO, You need QlassM. Does the type become blurred in rcsdiac? If «o. You need OlaMes. Do you tufler from frontal bcedadie? If w. aiasses will Help Yott. Do you know if you have perfect eyesight ? If not, we can Inform You. ir WILL CO»T YOU MOTHINO. W, A. Armstponig, ^J-ESHERTON. Local Agents Wanted At once fur "Cauula'a Grpfitct Nurter- i<«" fur (he town of FLESHEIITON and aurrounilmi; country, which will be reser- ved fur the rii;lit innn. START NOW at the lK*t •ellin;( seas'.n. and handio our new sjieuialtios on lit>- eml ternii, Writo for pari ioulars and sond 25c. for our handsome aluuinum pocket micro aoo]M. (a little u'eui) uaeful to : Paru.ers. IM exaniininK »oudi( and ({i^ins; Orchard MtH, in examining trees for InsoctN; Te«clt- iT* Hiid scholarn in studyiiit; Botany, and arerybody in a hundred different way*. Stone & Wellington (<iVEi( 800 ACtica) Toronto • • Ontario Y<>u»f? men and women tbnuld t«k« a eouna <•{ XttxvAWi in (hortkand and typawritiuK at OWEN SOl/iND. ONT. Th»ie U a lar^« dwnuid for younr men •»«>'>ffr*|A«ra, very miieh larmr than the supply. A th'irou^h and |>raotinaI ourH inoladlnir •be fallowing â- >il.jooU:-«h..rthand, Pltman'a •irtfin, ».iuch tyimwritlnK, p-nnianjliip. t\MA.- »»<, letter writing and^n-iral ortioe praoticc. .HtudaiiU admitted at an» tlnir. Kull particu- lara Mft tu any a>idn>M free. Ad4lr«<ia '' C. A. FLKMMINO, Prtn. I J - _, a!a»aBBMi»aii»M,,MM^ HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The i»U.>e to (tet the be«t l>hnlos is ai BULMKR8 PHOTOGRAPH UALLKKY. SPECIAL ATTENTION W« pay Specis! Attention t<i Copying sad rubies' |>ioturwi. Pi.'ture frani- ing s apMtalty. Try ua for any kind of pieturs* %wA ws will pnttniaeialisfaction. Amrs You can depend on Ayer's Half Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Foltov directions and It never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingoftfaetialr.also. Ttiere's great aatisfactioo in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? •• Mv 1>alr ta4e4 antll It waa atent wklt*. It took lut one bottle at Aj»f* Hair Tlcor to iwtore tt <0 lU feraiar Sark. ricli color. T oar lUlr Vtaor eertatalr «ae* what ;imel*lKfur It*â€" â-². M. BoaOAJI, liorklBihMn, H. C SjNabotUa. at for. i. 0. AT«« CO.. lowell. Uxn., Fading Hair V •-vn 8 In Furniture The largest and best slocic of furniti'iu ever ohown in Fli-Kher- t«n. This withont fear of coiitm- diction. Clime and see sume of the nice things in Sideboards Dining RooiT\ Ci\airs Parlor Setts Bed Rooni Setts A spocial reduction juut now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. i L •TO furniture SVeaUi' Business Cards »rCULMJUaH ft YOUNO « Hanker Markdala Jo a (easral baoklna bualneet. Mooay loaneo a reasonable rate CkU ou a*. a J BPROULB Poetmait«r, Flealierton uoiumleilonur In H.C. J., Aaotioneer Con feyaaoer. Appraiser and Money l>eni1«r Real Ketato and Intaranea Agent. Deedt mortgaaee. loaaet aii'l wUU carefully drawn U|i aud valoatlona made ou iliorteHt notice, money to loan at loweet ratea of Intereat. Col aotioiie attoDdO't io with |iromplne«a cbantea low. Agent for Ocean UouiiuloD dtaamahip Company. A call eotielted. Societies 3 ID aaon mnntb. In tliair looge room. Uhrlitoe'a block. Pleanerton. at S p.m. M.W., «;Harriaon ; Uecoriler, Jaa. CeUtsad ; Finan clar, W.J. Hel.amy. VlaitiDR bretbrec tuvited DHlNCt? ABTHUH LOPUK, No. HM.AFA t A U. meeta In the Mtutoalcball. Htraiu'r block, FiaebttrtoD, every Friday na or betort the full ivocn. John Wricbt, W M.; C. N. (•lobar aoo, Bairetary. . COl'ItT FI..K8HKUT0y. DOS, I. (>. F. ir reta In Ctailatoe'a Illock the taat Frldav eventiig of eanh month, VlaltliiR Foreatera haartily wrionmo. (\. R., .t.CornDeld; H.C. W. Uuaklu; Fin. B»«.. H. A. Will. tt. Pleaas pay dnea to H. ^ . Wlllett no or bafora tba last day al tbe prMaidiug montb. CHOgRN KhIRNDSâ€" rieehertoo I'onnel) of rhoeen Prirndi meeta in Clajtnn'aball firat anil third Wednesday oleLCh muuth; H |>. ni Pay »«an«am«nta In the lierordrr on or Iwfnrii tee fli-at I'ayot uanli month. Chief Conuelllor, T. Hlakele>:Ueoorder, W. H. llaut. Medical OR CAUTRB M C P * B Ont. Phvelelan. Rnr«aea, ate OlSra and raatdeocaâ€" Pctar at., Plssharton .„ ___^_- , I - â€" . A I ... Dn A.T. MOND Oraduata Toronto Unlreraltr, Mem- ber nt Ontario ColleRe oj Hhyalelians and Bar- geona. Maxwell. On', riuccesior to Ur. Hoott. J P OTTEWRMi 'I Veterinary Rnrnaon Oradnate of Ontario Valarinary roU«K«. reaidei'ca â€" iuoiid door aoath waat oo Marv atreal. Tbia street raas soDtb Preabvterlan Cliareb. eWII.aoN, Blackrmitb • traduate of tha Ve'arlnary Balanee Aaaoniatlnn. Hetidnnae, Uorham Itroal, op- poalte Itoyd, HlokliLg'a hardware. Legal r UCAS wniOHT * MrARULR L< Harrlatart Bolloitora Uoiiveyaaeera, ate OIBoeaâ€" Owen Round. Ont and Markdala Ont VV II WninHT. UoAhpui I II Lcoae N »â€" Plaahartan einea. MltabaU'a Dank •vary -*»f'irday Dentistry Sydenham str««t. 7lnh«rt«»n . r> C. MUKRAV T.. I>. H, danUI enreeon h Hi'i. <" I'liiaie of Tiironto Uniaeraitv and oral f ''ilN-(|^of DnntAl Snr«rona of Ontario. Haa <dni<i>i«i ration for te«th axtraetinn amco ar riaidnuue, Toronto atreet, Fleaherton D-. !• w, AilMBTIiriVn, r>. O.B..flonor Oradu a'uof T-irniitrt L'iii»«'r«lty ani Royal I'ol I'ganf Peiitalflvireona af (tatario. npweai'e Mr<. Dnl -ittr'a Phnloernph Oailair. Will viall tiaxweil Aral and iliird TIlBtiday af ssah moiiiU e:'Bimett«lng ./ nir Mb, For The Adranco, Local Option (Concluded from last week.) Every officer appointed under thiK Act, every pu'iuunian ur c<inHtable,iir iiiapecti.r hIirU bo deemed to be within the provis- iuna of this Act and when there la uny tidUtion it tliaii bo his duty to svarcli thoroughly into the truth uf such u-<ro- plaint and euter complaint of such viola- tion beforo the proper court wiibou' di^uIoNini; (he name of iheinfuruiant, nud it shall be the duty of tbe crown aitotney to attend the prosecuiinn ot'such caats. Any such ofiicer can drtnand the iiaiue of any person found in I ho violatiu); premis- es. The refufsl of name or adiln-ss in puoibhal'le. Ofticers who are ne^li-ctful of their duty are ur.dor Severn punaliy Any tootis, paper or documents must be given up if u<kfd for on such piemisea. The naoie and iiddreas of the iDfornmnt roust be strictly kopt from disdoaure. WitocssfH, other thin the informant must tentify when summoned so to do Vole for »nd Riipport local option. Tbe Chribtian Chur-;h and insiitutiont imbued with the Hpirit of Christian re'igiou and the Creator coudt^inii and oppose it. Ic is the Kteaiest curse that nations and cburshoscai exptrience. A liquor SL-l'er said, "It's a damnable busanesa.but iibtiie Im money ill it." It lends to make the sellers ol it crui^l and unfeeling and to hurl their vii.tinia to the cold wotid Lii|Uor causes almost all tbe murdura and crimt-s. Li<|Uor sullinit luwrrs tbe stand- ard of the faiiiilius eoKsuing in ibc busi nesi, I'he li({uur journals have Inmenti-d the censure by public aocieiy and fiatemal societies. Local Opti< D is now in 192 municipalities in Ouiaiio. OverGOmore are looking for i: next Januaiy. The 5000 drunkards that annonlly ko down to graves in Canada cry a|;ninNt llie "damn- able business. " Then bOOO reci uits, boys snd i{irls, are wanted yearly to HII their places. We want to L'lo.'-e th<9 liais, n't the hotels, to haro better bouses of accommodation ai.d not ihe smell of liquor to disitu t abstainers or ttnipt the slaves of diiok or entrap pure boyo. The wbi«liey party O|ipose local option becansd they know it is tiScieiit to check their business. Aljstainors live on an averauu about 63 years, diuiikard< alMiut 37, moderate drinkers have their life pro- porlionatuly shortened ns insurance companies show. No drniikaid or liquor seller can rnter the kincdnin of heaven, we want tbom freed from such a fate. Liquor degrades families and |><op'e, we want to lifl them up. When people go to matketfor trade they aeldom go fordrint. Farmers with few t'Xceptiuns dislike the liquor hotel sheds and prefer the tempei- ance hotel and store sheds. Toront" Junction lias improved in wealth and morals I y local option. The liquor tmOic of Canada hnnjs 97.000,000 annually us rereiiuo to tbe government and pockets |3;i,000,0(X). The tiaffic costs Canada $150.UOO.OOO annually, diiectly and indirectly, nearly 840.00 per capitA of population. The liquor Iwrs and dnalers cost Canada the value of all its farms in four years. It causes 0.5% of the crin e itnd more as given by the statemenis of judges and Htateamen, Neepawa has had local option 18 yearp and still carries it. Every {wison who voUs against I'Cal option votes for the Sara and t heir con- sequent misery, crime, (loveity and ihe luiing of dOOU or more fresh lerruits from boyhood and girlhood every ycai. So-ne of your boja mast suffer. The more tars and liquor the more immnrality,dt-Ki'ada tion, povpr'y and liuatility lochunbes The liquor trsCSo deteriorates people pbyaically, morally, mentally, and spirit u illy. â€" Hev. Dr. Caldwell. No Poison in Cliamberlvin'A Cough Remedy From Nnpirr. New Zealand, Herald: Two ve.ira agii llio riiarmiu^y Board of New South VValva, .Vuxtralia, bud un analyaia made ai all the cough medicinea thai wtreaold in the mar- ket. Out .)< the entire lilt they fouud only one that they druland was entirely free fri.ii> alllHiiaona. Thia eiceutinn waaChambertain'a CuuKh Itemody, made by theCliainl>«rlin Med- i.:ine (.'imiijauy, De« Moinea, Iowa, U. S. A. The absence uf all naroutlca makes thb rem- edy the asfcat and beat that can faa bad; and it is with a feeling of aecurity that any innther ran f(ive it to her little one*. Cham- liarlain'a Cou|;h Kcmedy is eapecially recum- manded by it* makers for coughs, o<iida croiiu, snd whn<iping cough. Iliia remedy is for sale by W. E Uichards.m. Citizens Resolve to Fight A largely attended meeting uf roprvs- eulatirik from all parts uf the towiwhip was held in ih« bns»metii uf ho Metho- dist chureh on Monday avcniNK Isat to diBcuns local option uiatlrra. The iue«t> ing had beon utlled aa a Mmiuiitiuo mt«t> log but r< solved itself into a gathitring uf much largor dimensions. The bnMineut was crowded wih ratepayers whoi« tenipurauvo sentiment has been nruuavU by the action of the rrevs and two coun- cillors in refuaini <•> submit a local option bylaw. Thoualliaiing was presided uvcr byMr. M.K. U.ubardaou, and * iarga number of speakeis gave ten-minute luldresses, after which ths fotloirinf rMio. lutiud was subiuittwd and carried unani- uiously : Whereas, the petltloiM el tba tempetaaoa people ut Artcmsaia have ivct bsmi graatsd lor tbeConngil of tlia aaid luwiiahilik am wbsrsas wrllirlicvc the time has ooma Iw lbs Mioptiea of bioal' option in tbe said luwnahiiH aa iiuU- ealed by the uettMona otovarUOratmyara, Klin I red, That the elsetors of Xrtemeaia who favor Incal option meat io oodt«»U4MI in the. Township Hall on Monday, Nov. Vit, at Sl>.ia. for the pufpcae o( atleoting ca ndi d ak as for the enininr â- mnioipat ao mmak to, ud that the oommittrs bow fa viistMes rsprtwaC- ing various organiaatioas i» tba towaMtig^ be autborlasdftu mak* reoswmaadatiaas a* said I c<nventl<m, abo to prapars a ftwgfMa f«r th« M Stomach Catarrh" It is a fatal waste of time to trifle with snuffs, powders, inhalers, or other dangerous nostrums, with the idea of curing Catarrh of the Stomach. Once Catarrh has reached the stomach it can only be eradicated by creating pure, rich blood. Catarrh is a germ disease. The stomach and intestines become nests for myriads of these tiny germs. Local applications have no effect on them. They must be driven out â€" the stomach cleansed, the blood purified, the system toned up. "Psychine" will positively cure the worst form of Stomach Catarrh , by purifyipg the blood, cleansing the stomach, and destroying germ life. Thousands have been cured of the prevalent malady, through this remarkable dis- covery, "Psychine." Druggists recommend it. GREATEST OF AI.I. TONICS (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) ALL DRUOGmTS-ONE DOLLAR-TRIAL FRU DR. T. K 8L0CUII, UmlM, 179 King Street Wes^ Torenio, Ganaila ^- Buddies » magotis If you are thinking of buying n fine buggy, wsi^n or dumouint, it will aun-ly pay you tv> call und investigitte our stock, terms, etc., before makinu your purrhase. We havH H stutf of ox pert workuien and can :{u»nint«e that you will besatislioj pIuOUg:h re:i>a.irs _ _ â€" ALWAYS ON HAND _ _ _ Bioyole - Sundries â€" â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" J. As HEARD, - FLESHERTON. D. XIcTAVISH ini fi[Si[RioN \m& \\m For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure aiM - ' - cutlers, Sleighs. Wo kwp a slock on hand ^^-t-lfdln «8gi We ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSAIITHINQ and Kuar-tntee first cUna work. We keep «>â- > band Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Mnasey- Harria and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, til kinds uf in%:biiiury, also Binder Twine on bitnd. » Olben in town fliv« US a call « Croup Is Deadlyl Tl niMstba stopped nuicklv. KiUhiug •o anre as Nervibno. <>ire it intwrnally, and rub it on obese and throat â€"croup ao<in vaniahua. No dtiolor can writs a more •flicirnt prescription than Poison's Nerviline, wbioli roaches the trouble and • re* quickly. The mvrveloua nowar of Nerviline will suipriaa 50U; it's iho best . household remedy f»r coughs, oolds, sore / chest, craiup. and internal pain ••( everr kind. Large Urttle'S baas been so'd b; daalers for nearly fifty years at 26c. WANTED. A raliabid agent for Fleaherton and stir rouitdinii mtuntry. Oood |iay wa«kl>i •i>:luaiv« territory. Simple eaait or out- fit fraM. Our terms ar« ilie l>pat in ih* buainras. We MB«d a man wf nood char- acter mmI stility during the Fall and winter mouths. OVER aOU ACRK8. The 3h<4eest and uinnt esiensive list n( ateek in Canada, IncliidiuK trui» and ornamental stock, amall fruita, and teed prtetQaa. Vsat sellin« apecialtiea ulTercil for thi first linte. Write for temta new to Tki^ Felbam Murray Co ._ ^"P iT"" want a pleasant phyaictry Cbaoi^. berlain'i iJtcmaeh and Liver Tableti. Thay are easy In tale and produce no |;ripinr or i4b«r unpleaaanl effect. Soldby W. E. Kichardson. Winter Goods iTvTMrt*. Onterle, All winter harness goods now in .stock, including Saskatche- wan robt^s and coats, cowhide robes and coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., harness of all kinds. . . . Wm. Moore, rLESNEHTON ONTARIO

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